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Ff F FIRLKF RNY -PMA, RAMCELA, —PALER RHA, AKLTS HEF OWHRAMALNA SORA, Dore BAKE AME RLAE HM, ARMARY, LEP DARTER A, Reo ER ETL, RAMA MATKHELRARS T-—ANGATA 4. AKRAM Vocabulary Fundamental, HAULS FARE Oh Vocabulary 22000, #8 Ai, AMAL K eh sy HPC Rok, REE A REAR CIARA, MARMARA AMARE ECA, RRL RAGKEAR. FREALT RMA KBE EA RH, Sh AFALRA ESLER, RHUL AF HMR HBL LEERAAHHSLE AH BRBLHF, ARAHPHKABE TT MRKLRE. UP CARBS ABE: LAR ALA, EHEME IRR, LAR IF FRAP IG HO RKS RAE, 2. EPA IGM A HF 00h DSH ALLA RP CM, 3. CRAKS HAH TAM A LARK XW, UiKNB-RE, FFARR, 4, LAD LARA GMA, SAMOMAREEL, LETRA, 5. F-FBM, mR HS HIS RE MERAH, LEE A TH EH eR, HR SM BH OY HE Ne FICE 4438 2048 4 HAL GY, CRBMAM RAG TK, Te MA IAT EME 4H ie], All, AK MBS, RRA MIE, Pa LT BROT, RAR AM AK, Hii iC Bis POA, HA tot, SEMA AMMAR TR Ata Lay, Vocabulary Fundamental 1. AHAAKL MRE 1,300 1, PLS AY HEM RARA SI, RARE RK 2 3,000 14, ALA REAM RS A AR Me Bl ay H i, 2. HoH HS DSH AAAS CME, Bae TR HAM, PLBERURART MOH ELAL,-—MSHSTR AM PRGA, MH. SMA A), LH IAG eS LAD MA X aaik, RAT RRA, 3. -RPALVHD, LEPPRZ, ARMARS WH, S-AGLEAIA, REHAROM, THM FEY WK mR ot PGR, HPA dT SM KIA, 4. AGADA 24K, ENERA-K-K, pMRTA-PAA 38m 3,000 TIAL. wee LESSON LESSON, LESSON, LESSON, LESSON LESSON LESSON, LESSON LESSON LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 LESSON 13, LESSON 140 sesssseeseeee LESSON 15 LESSON 16 - LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 LESSON 21 LESSON 22 LESSON 23) +++ LESSON 24 aR AH BER BS ME Crd aAue wna 114 \GO)LESSON1 1 LESSON 1 Hew OREM HER: 1, When water sit is full of bubbles. (A) boils. (B) freezes 2. Many people resort to the beaches in weather. (A) cold (B) hot 3. Let's all cooperate to get the work done (A) quickly (B) slowly 4. He was because his name was omitted from the list. (A) invited (B) not invited 5. They put the blame for the on the driver of the car. (A) success (B) accident oR FD i t as Gr we #e VE ' Leeann ocecanonanatatatot sevevorereeweetner ~- (8 — BBS} abroad | He lived abroad for many years; he knows [o'bro:d] | several foreign languages. adv. EBS | (hE BIME TFS, LANE. Bl overseas affect[o'fekt] | The small amount of rain last year affected the v. 00 | growth of crops. KRM, HT PHS. 2 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL. attend[s'tend] v. £(#) 80 nt attendance blame[ blerm] n. BR compliment bubble[ 'babl] n. Si cemetery ['semitart] n. Bit @ graveyard commendation [ikomen'derfan ] n. Bi & praise &] blame conflict ("konfiiet] nn. MPR; Bap 5 fight reconciliation cooperate [au'oparert ] vu. Ste n . cooperation adj . cooperative | All children over seven must attend school. EFU LA DBRBES. can affect me now. | ROR T RAHA, RG RH ERLE OR THe . 7 | Children like to make bubbles with soap and water. BT Re ak HE Sk Ha. ; There are many tombs in the cemetery. SE PASS, He was given a commendation for bravery af- ter he saved the little children from the fire AED ATE BE BF VE, BA BB BY Ti SSF RG. Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science. BEVARES BA AHH The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping their classrooms clean. BFNSEMS HE, REE ISBJ LESSON 1 3 curious | I am curious to know what my teacher said to ['kjuartes] | my mother. adj HRY | RAR A, MAIER RT A. inquisitive Exercise 1.1) 38 — FBS) Pe Hi BI 4 A — A, BA 1. The news of his mother’s death him deeply. 2. ______ is a place for burying the dead. 3. He is planning to go next year for his study. 4. He doesn’t 5 - Ifa child is » he is always asking questions. church very often. [#2] 1. affected 2. Cemetery 4. attend 5. curious (BoB) delicious | We had some delicious cakes after dinner. Car'tifas] | Bete Weim az T — He EO BRE adj. RH sweet-tasting direct[di'rekt] | There was nobody to direct the workmen. vu BES | RAAKBLA. adj . 13809 | Which is the most direct way to London? Elconduct, | 3 (0B BBM E267 command indirect 4 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL draw([ dro: vi drag, haul empire ['empaia(r) nH realm. event([1'vent. nS Bl accident, happening fallure[' ferljo(r) nr RE i success file[ fan n AS vA frank{ frenk adj SBBK fi candid, honest Bl deceitful, di he nest ‘generate ({'dgenarert J oP 15 produce, make Draw your chair nearer to the table. FEAST EE FILA — The United States was once a part of the British Empire. SEE REAR Bt. The discovery of America was a great event. BREW (KM, Success came after many failures. RAEB KN RMS ea BK. Please put these letters in the main file. RUE SCBA APS The secretary filed the cards in order. ABAD R HARP He was frank to admit that he hadn" t studied the lesson. UA RKU RAS BR We know that heating water can generate steam. BRAT SEL HE A BT VA FA RT ISO) LESSON1 5 halt[ho:lt] | The soldiers halted for a rest. vo PRB | LTE THE, UKE. Exercise 1.2 JSR ASHE Hs 4 PB, ASA 1. Her graduation from college was a(n) I did not want to miss. 2. What food you have cooked! 3. The picnic was a because it rained. 4. If you want my opinion, I don’t think the plan will suc- ceed. . The company operations during the strike. 5 i [#] 1. event 2. delicious 3. failure 4. frank i 5. halted ponnneenn secmencreonernerd (BREBBS}) orreecncrersneeenoenceees horn[ha:n] | A goat has two horns on its head. 7.) WEL EAR A. individual | A teacher can’t give individual attention if his Cundi'vidjual] | class is large. adj. SBE | MARGE ABR, EMR ARE T HISIE BB BEE. n.4SA | The interests of society are more important person | than the interests of the individual . HAART A Ait EEE. 6 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |69} interval [U'mteval] no. (BY TSDBS ) [SER knot[not] nA liberall' inbaral) adj. 1. Ape AY 2. 79 professional magnificent (meeg'nsfisant] adj ERR grand, splendid n. magnificence mentall' mental] adj EHS Bl physical momentary {'maumentart] adj. SAH) Bi transient everlasting neutral ['njurtral] adj. *PxrH) There is a long interval before he replied. AHR T BK Beat ely LS, The knots of your package must be tied tight- ly. PELE EY BA FL He is liberal in his view on government. HTB PK EY ts FI A HH They want their child to have a liberal educa- tion. MATE ESRF SA 5 The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown. BEM a em Se , Keeping mental health is very important in modern society. Aaa, BRED SECEDE AE He CEH 5 Her feeling of danger was only momentary; it soon passed. OEY CPOE REL ATHY, ARIK T He remained neutral in the argument between his two friends. fb CEPA AA ACY PREP, AEP I IODJ\ESSON1 7 omit[au'mit] | He made many mistakes in spelling by omit- vA, IMIR, | ting letters. mS TE THEBES EAR. Exercise 1.3 aw sap aa 0 — ay al, BASHA: 1. We did not think that you would come here, because your name was_____ from the list. 2. The judge in a court must be ___in a trial 3. Each leaf on the tree is different. 4. There is a(n) of a week between Christmas and New Year's Day. 5. There are probably as many kinds of illnesses as there are kinds of physical illnesses. prec erntninnaiataty t [f#2) 1. omitted 2. neutral « individual ‘ i 4. interval 5. mental ; eee (STIR SR) eee enenne peacock | A peacock can fly only a short distance. Upikok] | 7. RAE KE AES, n KE pioneer | John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel. [ipare'nio(r)] | 81 RCRA STN RS nn. KBE i forerunner pray[prer] | I will pray to God for your safe return. oR | RA LTT HE IR 8 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69} pronounce [pro'nauns] n. pronunciation 2.88 nm. pronouncement race[reis] nil. RE 2. EERE relative ['relativ] nM adj FAH absolute resort[r:'zo:t] vl BE 2. RBA | rub[rab] BER The teacher pronounced each word slowly. MFC — AF AY BAB EA AE ‘The doctor pronounced that the man was dead. KEATS AT There are mainly ‘uhree kinds of races in the world: the white race, the black race and the yellow race. th# LHi+ +H HK: AHA, SAAB Please tell me which horse won the race We TA ve SURAT T He has many relatives in the United States. | eee S Ream, East is a relative term, for example, France is cast of England but west of Italy. HDs EAP ALS AY ie], SP anh, Us EE SS a, AVE BAAATOY . When we were high school students, we ree sorted to the restaurant. | Fei LberPRt, 2H | He always resorted to asking his friends for money. {th Je FACS Be He rubbed his hands together to warm up. {HE ARR FPA BR. ISO\LESSON1 9 shadow| 'fedou] | He walked along in the shadows hoping no one n. BABRRE | would recognize him. El shade | hii #t BARR Abie, BURAAR He situation Pm i ina diffioule situation and I don’t know [isttju'erfan] | what to do. nS | RARE, AMEE AI. dition, case Exercise 1.4 SASS 0G885} Hide Hh BiB 4 A — hid, BA RA: . People of many settled in the United States. . My uncle is my nearest . With the light behind him, his could be seen on the wall. . The doctor is regarded as a(n). in operating human hearts. to God for help. ARwWne . There is nothing we can do now but (WF) 1. races 2. relative 3. shadow 4. pioneer 5. pray crototatetatobctotetetatoteteneneterees (BABS) sore[so:(r)] | His sore leg made walking difficult. adj FERRE) | BEARPETRS Hh AEE IR, a aching, painful His s sister + spread a cloth on, 1 the table. Ait LAE Be A AEE 0 ‘spread{ Espred] | F v. Re: (RB) stomach[ ‘stamok] n.@ It is unwise to swim on a full stomach. ‘OILS BEA FE A SY 10 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69} suitcase ['sjutkers] nF talent['tzlent] n RF throne[éroun] n. Eft transfer ('treensfa(r) ] n JAR [treens'fa:(r) ] v RB usage 'ju:zid3]} nH : “vowel ‘aval n. REFR consonant withdraw [wrd'dro:] ° HE: ee He took two suitcases with him on the trip. AAT EL HT BS FAA. ‘The girl has a talent for music. WEERERWRKA « He was only 15 years old when he came to the throne ABREAEES 15 Ho He “has asked for a transfer to another job. hE BRR, The football player is hoping to transfer to an- other team soon. ERD A AAA Lia REIS BA Machines soon wear out under rough usage. Sara FAO ARV HE The vowels. in the English language are repre- sented by a,e,i,o,u and, sometimes, y. EXPAT FEL a, ei, 0,0 WR, Ait DIE yo He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove. fee ABP EAE. Exercise 1.5 AURA ease, RASH, 1. are more difficult to pronounce than consonants. 2. It is not wise to work on an empty . 3. The general decided to the troops from the present ISB) LESSON 1 11 position. 4. The boy showed a real for painting. 5. This farm has been ____ from father to son for generations. seve reaver neat [f#%)] 1. Vowels 2. stomach 3. withdraw 4. talent } 5. transferred caneeee oo MRE Hl Exercise 1.6 RH —P SES TAA 1. (A) compliment (B) commendation (C) approach (D) praise ____. 2.(A) attend (B) draw (C) haul (D) drag ____ 3. (A) candid (B) curious (C) frank (D) honest ______ 4. (A) interval (B) omit (C) break (D) pause —___ 5. (A) splendid (B) neutral (C) magnificent (D) grand _____ 6. (A) race (B) situation (C) condition (D) case 7.(A) aching (B) painful (C) delicious (D) sore 8. (A) cofiflict (B) event (C) struggle (DD) fight ______ 9. (A) obey (B) command (C) conduct (D) direct _____ 10. (A) happening (B) event (C) incident (D) pioneer (#8) 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.€ 8.B 9.A 10.D 12 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL Exercise 1.7 ih—-?}- SAR PCE EA 1. Ba (A) conflict (B) cooperate __ 2. ## (A) blame (C) stomach ____ 3. Suk BY (A) incurious (B) delicious 4, RE (A) bubble (B) consonant 5. RR (A) neutral (B) relative 1. compliment (A) conflict (C) success AY AAT (C) affect (D) attend (B) responsibility (D) talent (C) dull (D) candid (C) peacock (D) pioneer (C) uncle (D) resort a 1.C 2.A 3.B 4D 5.B Lnnnetetesceetetstatatetteteteteeecetstatatateteteteetetat Exercise 1.8 ii —P-5 BHAA AY EAA A Sal; 2. indifferent (A) delicious (C) curious ___ 3. deceitful (A) dull (C) neutral _____ 4. momentary (A) everlasting (C) liberal —__ 5. withdraw (A) haul (C) advance (B) blame (D) failure (B) dull (D) magnificent (B) grand (D) frank (B) transient (D) important (B) draw (D) cooperate IGO}LESSON 1 13 | (#3)01.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C ; Exercise 1.9 7G REDE PFU) PTR oki Mil 1. Although he was af ____e at. school, he became a successful man later. (KI) 2. He was soc _____s to know what was in the letter that he opened it, even though it was addressed to his sister. (#F #719) 3. Will you be quite f k with me about this matter? (#44 ft) 4. In their school they have ani __ of ten minutes for recess. (i Fr (19 BT] ) 5. The police watched the cafe to which the robber was known to r t. (##) a eweseesecenee weenie wnenatneinttn itn i US) 1. failure 2. curious 3. frank 4. interval t i 5. resort | Laeeotencsenanans e ovseonananansnnoeveonneanenanansnonsestetetet Exercise 1.10 th 7-5) 487 ay BRB A ial. _____1. Steam can generate electricity by turning an electric gen- erator. (A) change (B) produce (C) stop (D) spread 2. He earned high commendation from the people for his bravery. (A) reward (B) pride (C) praise (D) consideration 3. The policeman halted the speeding car to see if the driver was drunk. 14 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [99] (A) stopped (B) found (C) chased (D) caught _____4. [have a sore throat from cold. (A) strong (B) weak (C) clear (D) painful _____5. I will show you the magnificent palace of the king. (A) grand (B) ancient (C) dull (D) colorful ee (ES) 1B 2.C 3.A 4.D S.A i Lecuntetoectnctreterstetsterenennetetotemmetatesseteenintnneseel (GO) LESSON2 15 LESSON 2 Rew Ov RIE 4MER: 1. The rider cursed his horse. (A) great (B) bad 2. An absolute ruler can do just as (A) people tell him (B) he pleases 3. There is usually a ceremony when a new building is ___. (A) opened (B) destroyed 4. The ____ was sent to him by freight . (A) letter (B) box 5. The peak of the roof is the (A) highest (B) lowest i oe Fd i ve Ge we ae at part of the house. (B—B3) absolute | He is a man of absolute honesty. Clacbsalu:t] | hea ti SE AY A. adj 2338) agency | The Ford Company has agencies all over the ['erdgansi] | country. n SAS | HHA MES MHS 16 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL (99) attitude [leetitju:d] nS blank(blepk] adj. SBR) Blempty bulk[ balk] n.d; 88 volume ceremony ('sertimeunt] n. S4L commerce ("koms:s] n. RH adj .commercial trade confuse (kon'fju:z) Ra n.confusion embarrass, puzzle | coppert' 'kopo(r) ] nA He took a sympathetic attitude toward my sit- uation. LAT FRA SC HOTA SE Please write your name in the & blank space at the top of the page. HAE HB FS He ES 2S A vast bulk of coal is still stored in the base- ment. JEP POA HE Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church. ft ATS 2 TA SALERRO AT Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations. HE a FH AY Be SoS Even their own mother sometimes confused the twins, (EJ A AEDs A, AFT AR A HK FHI Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire. i Sa TD wera AR ISO} LESSON 2 17 curse[ks:s} | He cursed the poor waitress who had spilled v.4M3E | soup on him. SES ARE HE Hh ES THe dR Exercise 2.1 \38-- BiG} Ht BiB ny — 4} Mia], HA ERA: . He stood there in a threatening is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. power. 1 2 3. He_____ when a car almost hit him. 4. Long ago some rulers had 5 . If you try to learn too many things at the same time you may get [f#%] 1. attitude 2. Copper 3. cursed 4. absolute 5. confused (BoB) delight[d:'lat.] | Moving pictures give great delight to millions n SEAR; MYR | of people. Flpleasure | BERR TMU ATH AM. disappear | The little boy disappeared around the corner. (idise'pro(r) ] | ABN AKER AR vu R drift[ drift] n. v. MUR | the tide. AE BEA TU BL INE 2 18 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |@O! employ[im' pio) va evidence ['evidans] n. TER adj . evident ('feekatts] nl. RED 2. (KFS) SRA financial (far'neenfal] adj BFE n finance freight[trert] n. i cargo ~ generous ['dgenaros] adj . RAD n. generosity handy{ ‘heendt} adj. RAH Fl convenient faculty That big factory employs many workers. MARAIS MAT HELA. When the police arrived, he had already de- stroyed all the evidence . BEAM, MOST AER. John has the faculty to learn languages easily. NOARRY A SHEA. That will be discussed in the next faculty meeting. IG At F—-KMMRA SM LITE. solve financial problems. CERO aE BE 5 TH, os 1 Re Ew Fd a. This aircraft company deals with freight only; it has no travel service. ERMEA A] ABA KE, ILA BEARS. It was very generous of them to share their meal with their poor neighbors. (ATRL Sea AEA SERA, AE HE, There were handy shelves near the kitchen sink. RRM KADLA EARS. (6B) LESSON 2 19 Exercise2.2 SAS BS MH — Tid WA SA: 1. He was very in his treatment of the captives. . He has a great for arithmetic. center in Europe. 2 3. The city of London is a great 4 . The steel manufacturing company most of the young men in town. 5. This must be carefully handled when loading. (9%) 1. generous 2. faculty 3. financial 4. employs 5. freight Loeeanatonoes higectatonotencten snotovotovatatotot (B=) I have never seen such a horrible car accident. FAR ALLL Oe BY HS EH horrible[ 'horabl ] adj . THH8S n. horror industrious | An industrious student usually has good {in'dastries} aa. men grades. Oa FEMA AHR. intimate Although my brother knew many , people, ‘he ['intrmot] adj. RBH n intimacy had few intimate friends. BRRRBUUTS A, CREO RAED. adv . intimately A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. QUILMES E. knowledge {'noliaz] n. TRI 20 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |G} liberty['Ibetr] a n majesty ['meedgistr]} n. greatness, dignity mention ['menfan] ve monument ['monjumant ] n ED nickname ['ntknerm] 1 BS onion['anjen] n FR fee a, Bit 2) — oe RT AAS. They fought to defend their liberty against the invaders. AEA te LL Te HITS A Ho They were inspired by the majesty of the snow-covered mountains. BATT ARE LL BK AY EPP AUP AE AR Do not mention the terrible accident before the little children. team, FEE TNE ATH The ruins of the ‘castle is an ancient monu- ment, which the government pays money to preserve. Ii G21) BE SH AE oy (009 28-.), BORE TE ER REE 0 He got the nickname “Fatty” because he was very fat. Onion has a very strong smell and taste. HRA BRAUER Exercise 2.3 = 5) kh BGG 4 1 — i A AL 1. He is a(n) student and deserves good grades. 2. The of the Niagara Falls attracts a number of visitors. 3. I heard many young. stories from my grandfather when I was 4. She opened the cage and gave the bird its 5. He has a good \OO|LESSON 2 21 of French history. ; (S) 1. industrious 2. majesty 3. horrible 7 ' 4. liberty 5. knowledge } eR ULC,» ees peak[ pik) n WIR & summit foot pit[ pit] nh hole preach[ pri:t/] vu. fee proof[ pru:f} nT The mountain peak is covered with snow all year round. Uy AEE eS Water collected in the pit left when the old trees were uprooted. CMDR RDO PHS BK, Many people went to church to hear him preach . WEASEL BL We must wait for ‘better proof before we © be- lieve. v.prove | HEARTH ALAR, BASE DEE. ragl reg] | She wiped ‘her boots with a rag. nA adj. ragged ‘Fe A Be 22 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL (68) release[ri'lis} ER old After he was released from prison, he came home directly. ft RE tt Bt wl aR To [ris:ponse'bilat: } n. RE adj responsible sense of responsibility . KES 13 YT, VRABS HER. “rudelrurd] it is rude to stare at people or to point with a AFLRED impolite adj finger. ARAL TEA, WRAL BI. scorn{skoin] | V n. Be vA BR | We feel scorn for a traitor. responsibility | Now that you are 2B, you “should have more | TRANS HM The lake is too shallow for swimming. ASIA EL, FOF IK shallowl eelou] adj Exercise 2.4 ASAD RBS} Fai HH HEI 4 4 — PS SAS 1. Do you have any that you weren't there at 9 o’clock last night? . The nurse will be from duty at 7 o'clock. « Most pupils feel for those who cheat in the exam. . He______ that God would soon destroy the evil world. . Don’t be so to your teacher. \f#%] 1. proof 2. released 3. scorn 4. preached : 5. rude i } weweneecernerenenes (MARRS) soul( soul] n. RB B spirit sprinkle ['sprmgk1] vB | stoop[stup] v. SB . bend sum[sam] n.d. BH 2. BR ['torkatrv] adj. SH | throughout Coruu:'aut] adv, SEB ih prep. 2B transport [treens'po:t] 0 eR n . transportation, body talkative IGOJLESSON2 23 They were praying for the souls of the dead. WATE EH 1 RTE 0 He sprinkled sand along the icy path. (i ARK AMD He stooped to pick up the paper. ft OT HO AK. He paid the sum of $ 10 for a new bag. (HDL 10 SEEM TERE T ASAE The sum of 2 and 3 is 5. 23 2AAS. No man likes talkative woman. LHAARKAMN KA. The woodwork in the house was rotten throughout . SOTA BY AS A il a HG To His name is famous throughout the world. SF AB AE fH Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills. NEVAEH BMI. 24 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL (08) utter['ata(r)] | He was gone before she could utter a word. uv E | HRA TOT, HE To n.utterance adj. 5828 | She is an utter stranger to me. EBicomplete NRRL, Ree THEA voyage(' iyonds] The voyage from England to India used. to take n AFF | six months. navigation | 225 )\ 38 HAUT HATE, BEFE ZS ARTA wither['wido(r)] | The grass withered in the sun. v BE | REM AT. _Bifade | Exercise 2.5 SK S0 E985) Pik hi Bik 49 — Bid, A: . Many people believe in the immortality of the . The flowers in the cold. . We ashes on the icy sidewalk this morning. . The goods were by rail and ship. 1 2 3. She ___ her head to get into the car. 4 5 f (8#2] 1. soul 2. wither(ed) 3. stooped ¢ 4. sprinkled 5. transported : } WR Exercise 2.6 kth 75 SR AA Xe a 1. a great faculty for music (A) member (B) capability (C) audience (D) knowledge poe (#4) 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B ; Exercise 2. 1. 2. OO) LESSON 2 25 . clear evidence (A) proof (B) knowledge (C) situation (D) agency - a bulk of freight (A) weight (B) surprise (C) failure (D) cargo . a handy little box (A) relative (B) heavy (C) convenient (D) cheap . a horrible accident (A) dangerous (B) ghastly (C) sore (D) big . the majesty of the mountains (A) grandeur (B) faculty (C) monument (D) honor . the peak of a mountain (A) foot (B) summit (C) height (D) horn - rude remarks (A) loud (B) impolite (C) direct (D) candid . to sprinkle water on the road (A) scatter (B) draw — (C) drink (D) gather . large sum of money (A) spending (B) peak = (C) amount = (D) resort 6.A 7.B 8.B 9A 10.C i 7 RE — +S ATP CR A ial. 4 (A) pour (B) halt (C) scorn (D) sprinkle ES 26 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |8) (A) rub (B) utter (C) wither (D) resort 3. RY (A) commerce (B) industry (C) finance (D) freight 4. iE (A) release (B) curse (C) blame —(D) pray 5. & (A) utter (B) mention (C) preach (D) affect [oot enn nnnen enn enneeneeeees emmy i (#5) 1.D 2.C 3.4 4.B 5.C€ i Lenanencrtonctctonee seas sowsenocnnorencnoemanneed Exercise2.8 tii TPS RHAIM NR AB Bi; 1. vanish (A) disappear (B) spread (C) appear (D) attend ____ 2. generous (A) liberal (B) mean (C) special (D) common ___— 3. industrious (A) handy (B) diligent (C) lazy (D) agricultural 4. release (A) hold (B) work (C) withdraw (D) draw —__— 5. rude (A) frank (B) low (C) peak (D) polite 6. scorn (A) contempt (B) wet [SO] LESSON 2 27 (C) cooperation (D) respect _____ 7. shallow (A) delightful (B) shade (C) deep (D) delicious —__— 8. soul (A) straight (B) body (C) haul (D) grand 9. absolute (A) relative (B) present (C) intimate (D) diligent 10. delight (A) pleasure (B) sorrow (C) horror (D) scorn prtrentneneseereeneeateeattetetneatatetatetetatatetat tat (WS) 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D | 6D 7.C 8B %A 10.B vensesneeststotate Exercise 2.9 3G 8ED HA FOU) HiT GRAY Mil 1. Itisr € to say you don’t like hot food, when she spends so long preparing it. (7S4L 42 ) 2. He seemed to s n women and never married. (#2) e when he gets drunk. (218 (#5) 4. His a______e toward school changed from dislike to great enthu- siasm. (45 /£) 5. He is a member of the college f y. (BURA) eo precweeneee i [RE] 1. rude 2. scorn 3. talkative 4. attitude 5. faculty j 3. He becomes very t 28 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [68] Exercise 2.10 7k HRW —T ial 1. We need a great (A) empire (B) pit (C) bubble (D) bulk 2. To his great he passed the examination easily. (A) delight (B) despair (C) faculty (D) convenience 3. There was not enough to prove him guilty of crime. (A) faculty (B) evidence (C) conflict — (D) police 4. Though he didn’t have much money to give, he. was very of coal for this coming winter. with his money. (A) curious — (B) magnificent (C) generous (D) neutral 5. They built a (A) monument (B) cemetery (C) freight (D) majesty in memory of Abraham Lincoln. (#S)1.D 2A 3.B 4.0 S.A weereeeereetieatatn Exercise 2.11 PSHM BHAI Hid SE, BLA EA 1. horrible The little girl has a 2. intimate The ____ with which the two friends talked of snakes and spiders. showed how fond they were of each other. 3. confuse If you write more clearly, you will prevent the of your readers. 4. utter His crazy disappointed everyone around him. 5. proof In order to the servant’s honesty, she left a bag containing money on the table. nett vt at ett tay { $ (WF) 1. horror 2. intimacy 3. confusion } 4. utterance 5. prove Soccnsnstotstetctotenutetatetsetonetotetensrennanonneototunsaeonttenen ety etetet et: i i } ISB] LESSON 3 29 LESSON 3 Re we Ovi HRN ER: 1. My feet were damp from walking home in the (A) sun (B) rain 2. When he learned that he had the test, he felt relieved . (A) passed (B) failed 3. He could not resist the attraction of a(n) girl. (A) pretty (B) ugly 4. The woman showed mercy to the hungry beggar and gave him (A) no food (B) some food 5. are tame animals. (A) Cows and hens (B) Tigers and lions oe FS Ws wr We We aT (8-8) academic | The academic year begins when school opens [,eeko'demik] | in September. adj PBA) | FERN E RIA TERT hi. 9) scholastic ahead[e'hed] | Tom was a quick walker, so he soon got ahead adv. iL; FER | of the others. WAM ERATE, LAAN A (te ae oS ABT 30 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69} attraction [a'treekfan] ne v.attract blaze[ blerz} n KB flame challenge ('tfeetmag]} vo BRR commit[ka'mit v1. 385 fi 2. SHE n. commitment congress ['koygres]} n. ERLE parliament, assembly correction [ka'rekfan] n. OE v. correct damp[ demp] adj. WEB) wet, moist He cannot resist the attraction of the sea in hot weather. ERM RAE, (HAE HER. I put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a blaze. FRE BARE X HR RR HH IIB I challenged him to a game of tennis. RMA LS RE, A man who steals commits a crime. HGH ATE He committed himself to the doctor’s care. HG A RA EE, In some countries, the congress is composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives. AMR WIE MK A ch SW eA AW A AR ihe Teachers usually make corrections in red ink. ESAS HE FB LK HEAT ALL If you sleep between damp sheets, you will probably catch cold. UR Py FE TY Be, BRAY A OO) LESSON 3 31 demand | This sort of work demands great patience. [di'ma:nd) | XPIPEERANE LD. RE Exercise 3.1 SBS) ie HIE — TP, BA 1. Our school the neighboring school’s team to a game of football last week. 2. In the U.S.A., the ______ is the law-making body, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. 3. If you fall into a river your clothes will be wet; if you walk in the rain for a short time they will be 4. History and French are subjects; typewriting and book- keeping are commercial subjects. 5. Columbus was of his time in his belief that the world was round. (f#%] 1. challenged 2. Congress 3. damp 4. academic 5. ahead ($=) disappoint | I was disappointed when I heard you couldn't Lidisa'pomt] } come to the party. v BRE | ARGKAAERSMRSH, BARA, n. disappointment drown[draun] | The fisherman almost got drowned when his v.F83E | boat was overturned. 4 HK AY A BY, fth LP BE I 32 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |99} encourage | The teacher’s praise encouraged the students {in'karidg] | to study hard. Bah | ENT AN PRR E E . __Binspire evident It is now evident that if I don’t study hard, I ['evidant] | will fail the course. adj AASEAY | SUE ALAA We, MORAN 1, BOX — Bh n. evidence EK fable['ferbl] | He read stories to the children from an old n. B&B | book of fables. AIA RBIS We build houses on firm ground. 5 PUTER EL RT frequent | Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this coast. ['friskwone] | 3X LAY MAEM A SER HY RL adj. AH n. frequency genius[ ‘dgi:nias] | Important discoveries and inventions are usual- n.&A# | ly made by men of genius. EE SANS AER RAH ATA. harbor{' pocbo(1)] | | The shi ship is in the ‘harbor of ‘New York. ne | ABAD PE TEAL PS howl[haul] | The dogs were howling at the stranger. vv MOM | ATE AB BE A fl yell, shout GB] LESSON 3 33 Exercise 3.2 SBA PUGH BGs 4 — TA, BASRA 1. He jumped into the river and saved the ___ man. 2. It is not a(n). but a real story. 3. The cheers of their school-mates___ the players to try to win the game for the school. 4. He was very when I said he had to stay at home on Sun- day. 5. The little girl's joy was ______ when she saw the present her fa- ther had bought for her. (#] 1. drowning 2. fable 3. encouraged 4. disappointed 5. evident Lacanatnerototenenstononoreretatenen (SRE BBEY) were nnnenrnn infamous | Nobody likes him because he is an infamous ['infemes] | liar adj. BZRBH | RAAB KI, AWE RT § notorious introduce | The chairman introduced the speaker to the (umtra'dju:s] | audience. vB | EPA RAT. n. introduction adj . introductory labor['lerba(r)] | The majority of men earn their living by manu- n. 97h | al labor. adj . laborious | KH) WARE HDR 5 mercy['ms:st morall ‘moral ‘painfull peinful 34 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69] lid( id. nt cover majority ({mo'dgorati n. KBR n. SB adj .merciful adj TELE n. morality nod| nod vu RK operate ['opereit. vm n operation. adj EH Do not open the lid of the stove. AREA TEP ah The majority of people prefer peace to war. KERN ABBA, PARR He showed mercy to his enemies and let them live {WHERE T BA, ib th 18 BF . The teacher felt a moral responsibility for the student's crime. ESTATE STEIN RE, RA AE SLAF HES The president nodded and everyone sat down around the table ERCATH STARR HAT SE. The machine operates day and night. Hla PA EH Pe a He had a painful cut on his thumb. {iH LA fio, Ae. Exercise 3.3 \Sh= ABS} Hit ih Ri 4 — PA, ASH 1. 2. 3. votes. He tried to _ a sewing machine. Tobacco was into Europe from America. To win an election, a candidate must receive the of the [OB] LESSON 3 35 4. Land, and capital are the three principal factors of produc- tion. 5, They showed little to their enemies. osteo neweratatcentateoreenttvinenta nena nena (§#%] 1. operate 2. introduced 3. majority 4. labor 5. mercy owceresneereermrontensemncatneanes (BE ARG} sereenceescreewtetctenaeetaeetatet Pearl[ps:l] | The natural pearl is much more expensive n . 3$%R | than a cultured one. RRR MAAN BARES. Pitch{ ptf] | Every child likes to pitch stones into a lake. 01. AR | STARTER A TAP, 2. #854L | We pitched our tent under the tree. BATE SLE. Precious | Time is precious ; do not waste it on worthless ['prefes] | deeds. adj. RRH | HAAERN, MUO UR REA ANTAL. A . Property | The police found some stolen property hidden {'propatr] | in the thief’s house. n OO | SRE ih BE eRe mE RD 3 possessions rage[reid3] | He flew into a rage when he found they had n . t84% | gone without him. Blangry, fury | 4 fb RATE ANE TO BURT, A HS 36 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |68} relieve ri'li:v] | The medicine will soon relieve your headache. iL. BR | IRZGAR TR SR HK PE n.welief 2. BBD | We were relieved to hear that you had arrived safely. FRAME REM, HBA To restless | He couldn’t sit still; he was very restless. [irestlis] | fh 762 HMB MRAZ. adj. REY rug[rag] | There were several small rugs in the living n HBB | room. carpet | S/F BALERS scout[skaut] | The scouts went out during the night. n GRR | PRAT. shamel feim] | She felt shame at having been so thoughtless. a MMR | se aS A eA ER B humiliation bold Exercise 3.4 S\ ASU 5) Pik th Hs 4 Pi], BLA A: 1. In his at being scolded, he broke the teacher’s vase. 2. The child blushed with when he was caught stealing can- dy. 3. She was presented a beautiful necklace of on her birthday. 4. The city is growing and in the center is becoming more valuable. 5. The sick child passed a night. LESSON 3 37 3 [MBS] 1. rage 2. shame 3. pearl 4. property i 5. restless i eect eototetotet stato stotototatotetototonotetetstatanonetonaed (BELEBSS) eee neers errors sketch[sket{] | He gave me a sketch of his plans for the expe- n. BR ;0GH | dition. fet BARRA HT RNA FE sound[saund] | He has a sound body; he is in healthy ‘condi- adj BEATA | tion. HH TED AY STA HB RAPE BE n.}8% | They heard the sound of the train whistle. {tO A 2 BT spylspar] | The spy reported the development of : a new nn. GR (AD | weapon. SURAT BK 35 HY BE EAB v.{A% | His job was to spy on the enemy. Abi TIE ORB. storage A cold storage is used to keep eggs and meat U'stoxrid3) | from spoiling. n Re RRER AAD LEAR summon ‘They were summoned to the bed-side ‘of ‘their ['samean] | dying father. v. fet ‘ATT 4 BB SH BY GD 0 tamel term) It is not difficult to ride a tame horse. adj WH) | — DCD It AHE. v. SNAB | He tamed the lions for the circus. ft RR TN HF 38 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL (69) thrust[@rast] | Jack thrust his hands into his pockets. vA ASEM TERRE trap[ trep] | The police : seta ‘trap to catch ‘the escaped pris- n . RABE | oner. © snare BRR FR OF aR HIG. vaccinate | He was vaccinated against several diseases at ['veeksmert ] | one time. v BPRS fei latasaiabamalganiaiiad wagel weids] | His wage is $30 a week. 1 | HOCH 30 IE, witness The boy witnessed 1 the accident. Uwitnis] | a BAF ART Oba, v. BB n. WEA | He made the remark in the presence of several witnesses . ELA wii Exercise 3.5 M38 B85} 4306 Hy Hei 4 A — PA, BA A . They were asking for a increase of $5 a week. . She made a of the landscape in pencil before painting it. - His furniture is in while he finds a new house. . The birds are so that they eat from our hands. + Twas against typhus last month. 1 2 3 4 5 i [8%] 1. wage 2. sketch 3. storage 4. tame i 5. vaccinated (SO) LESSON 3 39 MRE Exercise 3.6 RAS ILE PAA; ___ 1. (A) wet (B) curious (C) moist (D) damp 2. (A) sum (B) wage (C) salary (D) pay ____.. 3. (A) require (B) demand (C) claim — (D) desire ____ 4. (A) sketch (B) bulk (C) outline (D) plan _____. 5. (A) dishonor (B) shame (C) shade (D) humiliation ___ 6. (A) firm (B) hard (C) solid (D) damp ______ 7. (A) notorious (B) infamous (C) horrible (D) disreputable _____ 8. (A) rage (B) fury (C) anger ~—(D) scorn 9. (A) common (B) unusual (C) numerous (D) frequent 10. (A) evident (B) absolute (C) clear (D) obvious (#S]1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6D 7.C 8D 9C 10.8 awwnnoercenneed fan Exercise 3.7 i —P SAAT POC BAO A. 1 (A) rude (B) generous (C) tame (D) fame 2. (A) vanish (B) spy (C) howl (D) nod 3. HE (A) wage — (B) voyage (C) pitch (D) rage 40 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [99} 4. Rs Hk (A) commit (B) relieve (C) release (D) scorn 5. (A) wage (B) drown (C) vaccinate (D) trap : ne , URS) 1C 2D 3.D 4A 5B | Exercise 3.8 tH -?-S RR iH AY BA; 1. evident (A) firm (B) ambiguous (C) excellent (D) plain 2. demand (A) direct (B) command (C) request (D) grant 3. encourage (A) disappoint (B) relieve (C) affect (D) wither —___4. frequent (A) shallow (B) evident (C) rude (D) rare _____5. shame (A) charm (B) rug (C) boldness (D) challenge (#3) 1.B 2D 3.A 4D 5.C | ete Exercise 3.9 SGMEPE FAAP ARH Bia; s of the accident. (iE A) . Tsaw him t t the tent pole into the ground. (44) 1 2 3. Aspirin will r e your headache. (42) 4. Children usually like to read old f es. (HA) - He is the only w 5. Einstein was a mathematical and physical g LESSON 3 41 s. (RA) i (M4) 1. witness 2. thrust 3. relieve 4. fables ; } 5. genius Exercise 3.10 Peii 7-5) PRR BY ae A) 1. We could see the blaze of a cheerful fire through the window. (A) pitch (B) rage (C) fury (D) flames . My parents will be disappointed if I failed the examina- tion again. (A) despaired (B) disappeared (C) vanished (D) released « They put meat in the trap to attract the lion. (A) mg (B) rag (C) sare (D) freight The church bells summon people to worship. (A) call (B) commit (C) pray (D) attract . The dog seemed restless as if he sensed some danger. (A) shallow (B) uneasy (C) generous (D) painful . Your friendship is most precious to me. (A) firm (B) evident (C) rude (D) valuable . We heard a wolf howl near the house. (A) disappear (B) yell (C) drown (D) thrust . He refused to join the army, believing that he had no moral right to kill. (A) ethical (B) normal (C) sound (D) bold . The car is my property; you can't use it without my per- mission. 42 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69) (A) faculty (B) possession (C) resort (D) responsibility 10. The doctor said that the patient’s heart was sound . (A) healthy (B) curious (C) candid (1D) neutral i 1D 2A 3.C 4A 5.B ' 6D 7B 8A 9B 100A ; ISBILESSON4 43 LESSON 4 Re Ue Own HEH BR: 1. Just before sunset the peasant stopped working in the (A) factory . (B) field 2. Let’s now and resume working at 2 o'clock. (A) stop (B) start 3. The little girl was frightened by the (A) horrible (B) beautiful 4. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. (A) happy (B) pale 5. Your hair is so tangled that it looked as if dog. (A) it has not been combed for a week (B) it has been combed every day poneenene see of Fd bows wp we we at LSeerenenerers ose, atotstatetetatctonetstetenet| ve (BE — BR SY) weescweseersorreonteesoenaearneatont accentuate | The dark frame accentuates the brightness of (eek'sentfueit] | the picture. vv PRA | AE Me aim[eim] | He aimed at the lion, fired, and killed it- ABH | MME DET, IPG, REIT HT. 44 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL |[69) ns BAR audience ('o:djans] 1 AR bless[ bles] ov RE damn, curse bundle[ 'bandl} n. Qi Oe characteristic [ikeerakta'ristik] n SE v. characterize communicate [ka'mju:ntkert ] vel. RE 2. feiK n. communication connect [ko'nekt] v ER nm. connection The hunter took aim at the lion. WERT IT. The audience were very excited by the show. WAR AAA MT AE AE I BF 0 They brought the children to church and the priest blessed them. ANF AC, BO HHT RA We sent her a large bundle of presents on her birthday. 22 (1146 fab Ae A TSS 22 th — KL ALH What are the characteristics that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese? RAHA AAA HER A? We can now communicate with people in Eu- rope and America by telephone. FUREY DASE Te 5 CENA JR Radio, television and newspaper quickly com- municate news to all parts of the world. OSCE ATL FELL AVL AMT FR AG HSH 4 Bt Fo The two towns are connected by a railway. SAP TH Bh ei BE ISO\LESSON 4 45 correspond | Janet and Bob corresponded for many years be- [ikoris'pond] | fore they met. v1. MS | Swe MITEL TT LAE 2. #78 | The house exactly corresponds with my needs. n. correspondence | XP FEHAS RH HE. darken['dakon] | The sky quickly darkened after sunset. vu. SR | ABS, RARER. Exercise 4.1 \S8— #85) Pie ty GG 4 A — a, BAA 1. The priest the bread and wine in preparation for the cere- mony. 2. His face was with anger when he heard the bad news. 3. A popular television program may have a(n) of several mil- lion people. 4. A useful of the cat is its ability to catch and kill mice. 5. His expenses do not to his income. [f#%] 1. blessed 2. darkened 3. audience 4. characteristic 5. correspond (#83) deny[di'nar] | Their employer denied them an increase of in- v. TBM | come. n.denial | Hh (18) 2A 4E 48 th 1 N. 46 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL discharge Cars'tfa:d3] vol. HR 2. SRR Bl dismi: dull[ dal] adj. $85 blunt sharp endeavor [m'deva(r) ] nD Bleffort v. BA excellence ['eksalons] n RH adj . excellent fade[ fed] ve wither " fist{ fist ] n. BE Factory chimneys discharge smoke into the at- mosphere and make it dirty. LY yl Ee A, ERA TIS The servant was discharged for being dishon- est. SX Ab AF Si Se Ti AEE The blade of this knife is so dull that it will not cut a radish. SET ABE, AEE bo He made an endeavor to save the drowning girl. {33 FESR KK The sick man did not endeavor to get better. DBI AI BH GE CTE, teacher praised him for the excellence of his report. ARES ES AAS Hs HER TT PR BE A | The flowers in the garden faded at the end of summer. Hebd AY HE te HS. He raised ‘his fist and threatened t to ‘hit me. {AEE Hk RM BIT R IGO\LESSON 4 47 frighten | She was frightened to look down from the top ('trastan] | of the tall building. 8 | Se AR DE PA n. fright ghost[goust] | They claim that the ghost of the murdered n. 988% | man appears every night. apparition | {1°17 BRB A 2 5 5 Be Ee a HH hardship | Hunger, cold and sickness were among the U'ha:djip] | hardships of pioneer life. ao HAR | LAR RE 2S A Be a AB EH Te AH ME A: — 2 Bl comfort Fe Exercise 4.2 ASB. BSP eA SO — aA, RAZ: 1. The old man’s hearing has become ,» and you must speak loudly to him. 2. The Yellow River its water into the Yellow Sea. 3. Everything is clear; how can we the truth of his state- ment? 4. All memories of her childhood had from her mind. . Thunder and lightning most children and many adults. ras 1. dull 2. discharges 3. deny 4. faded 5. frighten ~ (B= HB) seen huge[ hju:d3] | Samson was a man of huge physical strength. adj. BAH | SHETHRRAHA. 48 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [68] inferior [in'frarra(r) adj. BARAT invent! in'vent] | v RA n.invention lighten [Naitan vo RR male[meil n. BE female merit['merit n. ttl worth mortall Im tal] adj .1. Raphy 2ARH n. mortality "opportunity Ciope'tjumet:] n We — Sa FET RRRIKIT His grades are inferior to mine this semester. EY Le BRAT A. Alexander Graham Bel invented the telephone in 1876. USGA HS IEE TURF 1876 EAA TALI A candle lightened the darkness of the great hall. Boys ‘and men are males; ‘girls and women are females. HEARN BIN: BME BK. Each child will get a mark according to the merit of his work. STAPLES He ‘received a mortal wound soon after the battle began. BEAT RRA, (RSE T Sth 65 15. It’s beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life. (ETE A BAER AEE Yo I am glad to have this opportunity of speaking to you. BURMA TRIALS, [SB] LESSON 4 49 palace[ 'peelis] | His home is a palace compared with our poor n. BR | little house. feaARNTR INET Hie, THETA « peasant | Many peasants were needed to help the farmer ['pezant] | with the harvest. n RRIRA | RRAGBES RAR ACI 6 8 Exercise 4.3 = MS PEN GRMN —+ Bi ASA: 1. They are building a new for their king. 2. For most birds the is bigger and more brightly colored than the female. 3. Ihave had no____ to give him your message, because I have not seen him. 4. Edison didn’t many useful things for money. 5. Whales and elephants are animals. prensa i (#3) 1. palace 2. male 3. opportunity 4. invent : i 5. huge i Cron snenonans (HOSS) pity['pitr] | I gave the beggar some money, feeling pity for n. #48 | him. adj. pitiful | RUBY, 4 T h-# preface[ 'prefis] ‘What did the writer say in the preface of the n. FFE | book? PER ERK BADE BRT HA? 50 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [@9} Proportion (prov' po:fan] n. EE BY range[ reind3] nH religious [rt'lidgas] adj RBH n. religion resume (ri'zjum] vv RE n. resumption ruin['ro(u:)m] 1 BH destruction vB destroy, spoil scrape[skreip] v. HH sharpLfap] adj. S75 adv. 512 Bexactly cope, extent The proportion of sunny days to rainy days last month was four to one. EA HARARE BEE 4 He 10 The power of nature is outside the range of human understanding. FB RRA TRL A 2S RA ET Religious services are held here every Sunday. 45) A BEM REA. We resumed our journey after a short rest. RL AA a BRAT TR AT Proper care protects our property from ruin. 34H RAM RP RTH EY RARE, She poured water all over my painting and ru- ined it. ith HK BER PELE LE ASK T 0 The boy scraped the mud from his shoes. MARAE LHS. She cut the meat with a sharp knife. ANIA. The meeting starts at two o’clock sharp ;don’t be late. SDA MBIT bets BEEBE, [OBJLESSON 4 51 skill[sku] | The teacher managed her pupils with wonder- no. RAR GERE | ful skill. BLE A AEE Exercise 4.4 Sno a NH — SABHA: . Too much smoking and drinking will your health. . Mix water and orange juice in the of three to one. . After two weeks’ vacation, he his work. . The policeman felt for the lost and crying child. Akwne . Everyone within the of his voice heard the remark and laughed. (#2) 1. ruin 2. proportion 3. resumed 4. pity 5. range sustes chet enstototenanatotetonetencnetonaton (BAB) sour[ 'sava(r) ] adj Bat) Some people don’t like lemon juices it tastes sour HAAR BRR, AE EH. square|stoweots)) | A square , has four. “equal sides and four 90- n. TEAK | degree angles. La 4 oeam 4490 Rafe stout[stavt] He was too stout to ‘it into his old clothes. adj HERESY | tk AHE, BCFA PIB AR. fat slender 52 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69] superintendent {isjuparm'tendont n ES tanglel ‘eengl | 0 ME Blentangle © thumb{ eam! n BE treaty[ 'trist: n RD © agreement vanish[ 'veenif. v BR Bidisappear warfare ['wosfea(r) n RS witty[ 'witi isentangle adj. BH He is the superintendent of this school. fh FEI TF EN 6 I don’t like to sew with thread that tangles easily RABID AT A Bat He accidentally hit his thumb with the ham- mer. fh / Uy ERE T THE. last sum- The peace treaty was signed in Paris mer AWERAFEPRREER EH. Their fear vanished when the storm ended. RATA, HATTA PEA A To Civilians as well as soldiers take part in modern warfare. BRRS PE, FRALA-HRSK. A witty person makes witty remarks. PLEAD ATG PLE. Exercise 4.5 SR TLABS Hi Hh Hi 4 — Pi, BLA A 1. The thief ran into the crowd and 2. That trade was signed by five countries. 3. Most green grapes or apples taste ISBJLESSON 4 53 4. Your glove has a hole in the 5. The of our school is responsible for our education. (#4) 1. vanished 2. treaty 3. sour 4. thumb 5. superintendent MRE Hw Exercise 4.6 Ri —7*-S RAT BUR BE ial , 1. a bunch of flowers (A) field (B) sum (C) bundle (D) file 2. major characteristics of the animal (A) features (B) realms (C) knots (D) testimonies 3. to deny one’s offer (A) preach (B) reject. (C) curse (D) accept 4. a dull color (A) keen (B) ghastly (C) horrible (D) dim 5. to make every endeavor (A) effort (B) evidence (C) incident (D) skill 6. the faded flowers (A) rubbed (B) vanished (C) uttered (D) withered 7. a limited range of ideas (A) charm —_(B) scope (C) snare (D) aim 8. to devise a machine (A) bend (B) hire (C) invent (D) repair 9. a certificate of merit 54 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL (A) worth (B) ceremony (C) summit (D) commerce 10. a peace treaty (A) testimony (B) agreement (C) trade (D) peasant Exercise 4.7 Sui —7S 5 ATP CR A 09 Ss 1. AR (A) deny (B) frighten (C) vanish (D) discharge 2. BK (A) bunch (B) fist (C) thumb — (D) finger ___3. Berri (A) keen (B) sharp (C) mortal (D) huge __4. BERK (A) ruin (B) despair (C) cemetery (D) curse ___5. HY (A) excellence (B) superintendent (C) faculty (D) palace wovererererene wena re were ee renew eenaeweeeenneeeeee ata : : | US) 1.D 2.B 3.C 4A 5.B t Exercise 4.8 #tH—*+ 5H RAE CHR A Bi 1. sharp (A) huge (B) shallow (C) blunt (D) lazy . IGO}LESSON 4 55 ——__.2. slender (A) stout (B) dull (C) tame (D) flimsy ____3. vanish (A) draw (B) appear (C) wither (D) deny —___4. bless (A) confuse (B) stoop (C) sprinkle (D) damn ___ 5. comfort (A) peak (B) trap (C) suffering (D) mercy (@S)1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C Exercise 4.9 SCHEDEL FOV) HFK Bei Mil eat the theater. (XLS) d with an English boy? (iif) . Hise ____r to persuade her to go with him failed. (7) . When he returns, he will r___e his previous job. (A&E) - You'd better use a ruler todrawas____e. (EWE) . There was a large a « Would you like to c UR wne [f#%] 1. audience 2. correspond 3. endeavor 4. resume 5. square r Exercise 4.10 ei —“h 5a) RR aay EN AR HE AY Me 1. She became stout as she grew older. (A) tall (B) fat (C) stiff (D) rude 2. We scraped the old paint from the furniture. (A) rubbed (B) resumed (C) rejected (D) released 3. He won a huge sum of money in the horse-race game. 56 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [99} (A) generous (B) enormous (C) grand (D) splendid 4. Her white dress accentuated the redness of her sunburned arms. (A) lightened (B) affirmed (C) encouraged (D) emphasized 5. Most foods are not good to eat when they have gone sour. (A) sore (B) rotten (C) bitter (D) acid — 1B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D Nemoreorens Exercise 4.11 ¥5 0 RIC PHA ial Fe Bey 18 4 OY Tel HE, BA EA 1. invent Necessity is the mother of 2. deny The minister asked the newspaper to print a of the true story. 3. correspond The library bought all the Victoria and her daughters. between Queen 4. communicate Radio and television are important means of 5. mortal If this disease spreads in the country, the doctors fear that there’ll be a high . 2. denial 4. communication 5. mortality . invention 3. correspondence OO] LESSONS5 57 LESSON 5 RSW Ok HAE 4: 1. The blind man things clearly. (A) cannot see (B) can see 2. There are some deposits at the of the bottle. (A) top (B) bottom 3. The President is burdened with for decisions which may affect the whole country. (A) responsibility (B) happiness 4. His mother a box and disclosed what was in it. (A) opened (B) hid 5. He has a humble job with very wages. (A) high (B) low i on ED i as we we wt vit renee (8-8) accept[ek'sept] | She asked me to go to the party and I accepted v.43 | her invitation. Bh receive | MPH ARSE, MOAR HES T eh, alarm[a'la:m] | Small earthquakes are so common here that n 34H | people don’t feel much alarm at them. Bifear | BA RAE hah, Be AAT ESF A RB REM 58 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [68] author['s:60(r) J nS blind[ bland] adj . FER burden['bs:dan] v. PAB n. KiB charitable ['tfeeratabl] adj #09 n. charity companion [kom'peenjon]} n. PIPE colleague conquer ['konke(r)] vu. weAR, 5A costume ['kostju:m ] ns ABR fldress Do you know who the author of this novel is? ‘SRD ALIAS BLY PP HE ? The deaf and the blind deserve sympathy and help. | BERIT SAG BILE The mule was burdened with heavy loads. TRF HH BH, She had too heavy a burden and became sick. WHA, AMET. He was a charitable man who used his wealth for the poor and sick man. eA PE BEA, FD BG Ut eB A Xo John traveled around the world with me as my companion . MRA BIER. Scientists are seeking ways to conquer cancer. PERERA EU BC MAE The professor was in academic costume when 1 saw him yesterday. RUE RB BAA, (IE KAR Bi throw, hurl fh RAR, HOT SIT L ISBJLESSON5 59 dash[deJ] | In a moment of anger he dashed the glass a- v. $238 | gainst the door. Exercise 5.1 \3— apt — a, SABHA we wn = - The guides at the museum were dressed in Chinese . The design of the new car was not . Tom helped the man across the road. . A person who lives or travels with you as a friend and helper is - The Romans much of the ancient world. by the public. your FS) 1. conquered 2. costumes 3. accepted 4. blind 5. companion (B=) deposit | There is often a deposit of sand and mud at the [di'pozit] | mouth of a river. n ED | MORAY ME. vv. f&8#¢ | He deposited quite a lot of money in the bank. (OIE 2 BE ET disclose The lifting of the ¢ curtain disclosed a beautiful [dis'klouz] | painting. v. BY | THA, Ree, i reveal n. disclosure 60 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [@9| dumb[ dam ] adj ERED mute endure in'djua(r) J v BR n.endurance exception (ik'sepfan] n. BSP adj . exceptional extreme Liks'trim] adj BREH n extremity : flame[ fle] n KB : glancel glans] n. BAS ve hardware Uha:dwea(r) ] n. BST The class remained dumb when the teacher asked a difficult question. 24S TT — HEEL, SSL Be quiet! I can’t endure that | noise any longer. Se BR SAT ABMARE T e You all must take the examination; I can make no exception . MILA ES IMAI, RA IEA BI. The extreme penalty of the law is punishment by death. EEA BA SCA. The whole village was in flames when we got there. 4 TEAR Bat, ETN FRAT Xi He looked over the newspapers with a hasty glance . th) BHATIA, I glanced out of the window to see if the rain had stopped. RMT Rh, AMES CAS TQ He bought a hammer and other hardware at the store. {WTEMBR TE SORT iA He STA. IGO}LESSONS 61 humble[‘hambl] | The vastness of the universe makes a person adj.1. BH | feel humble. FHNTOEA CBASB), 2. {SBHHY | Lincoln was born in a humble log cabin. SATE POMS Exercise 5.2, WMA Pie BGG SN — Ti, HA SA 1. You must answer all the questions without 2. Hellen Keller learned to speak; she was blind and deaf but not . There are rich of gold in those hills. . The of the burning candle was yellow. . Locks, nails, screws, knives and tools are [FF] 1. exception 2. dumb 3. deposits 4. flame 5. hardware were BW (B=B) ~~ influence | His influence made me a better man. ['influans] | (hiv RRA — PH A n BATH adj. influential v.H609 | Don’t let me influence your decision. ffect | ABLE PRR MH AEN Be aE investigate | The police investigated the cause of a railway [in'vestigert] | accident. v WE | SRBAAE RAHA. n. investigation 62 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL lack[lek] nr ARE shortage, want lightning [Nartnin] nA mammal ['mzemal] n WAFL motion ['maufan] n. TYE movement normal [ 'no:mal] adj. EMH & regular abnormal oppose[o'pouz] vB resist Bi] agree palm{ paz] n PR peck pek] ue K The plants died for lack of water. HIE feok Lightning is usually followed by thunder. TEN Z ik AB A whale is not a fish, but a mammal. BAM, MMA BD. Avoid unnecessary motion of your hand while you are writing. BUR FAY, HER ARE EBA HE 6 The normal temperature of the human body is about 36.5 degrees Centigrade. ARIE WE 36.5 HERE. I am very much opposed to your going abroad. RRA RH fe Bo She put a coin in the palm of the begger’s hand. Mei TREE SE. The bird pecked a hole in the tree. BASE ERT TH. ISBJLESSON5 63 Exercise 5.3 28 = 75} Pie Ra 4 A SRA: 1. A(n) . Detectives crimes to find out who did them. . In the backyard I saw many hens at the corn, , it is not at rest. feeds its young with milk from the breast. . Ifa thing is in AR wn building a new highway because of cost. . Many people (#2) 1. mammal 2. investigate 3. pecking 4. motion 5. oppose(d) (HUBS) Planet['picenit] | The earth is one of the planets that move n. TE around the sun. HR ARIER MTEC preparation We are getting things together in preparation for the trip. RTNCHE AR HS A BRAT HE (iprepa'rerfan] n.28 Prepare rest for a while. 2 1 th BY KE 2 JLo [pro'pauzal ] n. BX The rapid development of Singapore surprised all other countries. PIMA HE A, CET AH RF rapid['reeprd] adj. RH) "proposal | He has made a proposal that she should take a Ei fast, swift 64 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL remarkable | She is remarkable for her sweet temper. Cri'mazkobl ] | PS i Alay HEA TT Hh ok adj. HABY retain[r:'tein] | She retains a clear memory of her schooldays. vo. PRE | WMC he EAT rust[rast] | The unpainted metal tools were covered with n $B | ruse. KLIN ST AAT scratch[skraet{] | The man scratched a match on the wall. ov SSM | BBA CES EET HR ACR n ME | He has a deep scratch on his face. ‘ib FE a HRT AY HT shavel jerv] | Do you shave yourself or go to the barber's? 2 BAS | HTL, TT? slant[sla:nt] | The slant of the roof is too steep to climb. nS | A RABE, FORE. slope Exercise 5.4 \ 5300S) "Pik ah Hid 40 — TP Bid, HA SHA 1. Man’s landing on the moon is the most event in all human history. 2. The champion has his championship title longer than any- one else. 3. Plans for selling the new products are now in 4, The ____on your hand will soon be well. 5. Please rub the off the old helmet. [SB)LESSONS 65 { (##] 1. remarkable 2. retained 3. preparation ‘ i 4. scratch 5. rust Leetenston sow[sou vA squirrel ('skwiral 7 BR strain[strem vB supreme [sjo'prism adj. BAH tapltep v.28 n BE thunder ['@anda(r) n.TB tremble ['trembl v. Bit BRIT iL 6 The farmer sowed the field with wheat. MBAR RAB Ne AE HB The squirrels were very busy gathering nuts for the winter. HARLEM HAREM He strained every muscle to lift the heavy rock. kf 8 2 RAE ARK TH 0 He showed supreme courage in {AD BR ae Pe TA He tapped me on the shoulder. Le Hot water flowed from the tap. We had a lot of thunder this s summer. SEERAETE. She trembled when she heard the bad news. HOTEL IR I t, BUSI T tee, 66 VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTAL [69} vaporl 'verpo(r)] | Strange vapors rose from the dark lake. ni SEEM eI ste warrior The warriors couldn't defeat their enemies ['worta(r)] | only with their spears. nthe | ARG AA RA Fl soldier woe[ wou] | Sickness and poverty are common woes. nF | RAMEE LAR. J distress | Exercise 5.5 SEAS Pik HIG 4H — i, A 1. The President is the commander of the armed forces. 2. After the lightning came the 3. The farmer will the wheat next week. 4. The children with fear when they saw the accident. Ss. can easily climb trees. ! {f#%] 1. supreme 2. thunder 3. sow | } 4. trembled S. Squirrels nannenenanl HREM Exercise 5.6 RH—T SHS tA: 1. (A) soldier (B) peasant (C) warrior (D) fighter 2. (A) lack (B) shortage (C) want (D) ruin 3. (A) grief (B) flame (C) woe 4. (A) shake (C) rub 5. (A) rapid (C) swift 6. (A) subjugate (C) vanish 7. (A) reject (C) oppose 8. (A) endure (C) stand 9. (A) keep (C) retain _____.10. (A) close (C) reveal (OO) LESSON5 67 (D) distress (B) scratch (D) scrape (B) slender (D) quick (B) conquer (D) vanquish (B) object (D) defeat (B) endeavor (D) bear (B) hold (D) resume (B) show (D) disclose Exercise 5.7 RH —T-S MATT OCS RA a; 1. RA (A) dull (B) dumb 2. NG (A) flame (B) fame 3. ALS (C) dim (D) damp (C) shame (D) tame (A) plant (B) squirrel (C) fable | (D) mammal ___4. BA (A) nod (B) tap 5. BR (C) tangle (D) rub

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