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CRIME: t Dfr g Chasactestics of erm 3. Hossifitation of Crime . Clawificalis y+ Cleswifirabion of offences unc EPC - pr Dfre: t Cross fone: Com iso baad for which Is purizhrrant of the offender at tre instance of Stat oo Papper: Com ican international act oY omisttow of defence ovexunt and penaliced by in wolattor ov misde meanour tthe stale od & yenov 4elons a Habbury : untawfuk offence ee Pe Come a2 ow public ond the preparatory of Bat act it lab & ligat punicimint p-chasasbevstio of Cre" y External Conrequana.: i) Aer A ctw) iil) plans vem OF Guilty wind. iy Profibilid act y) Punishment - Uw Pe Nae ps n) Cenc unde fee = i . in) Offre under local ovspecial | Vy Besides HL ounrether chamitica bow bites of Oinus bam 7 ~ >) be - politcal, enmennt , 4odal t petserllancouy 1» baad > traditional Gunes Like tee yobbauy + gacoity, ia wa gsoon- ° i”) politcal otfne that ane mrottverled polukeally or 6 rd in violation of cretion Laur rout beh . or norms ME ONE for pol Edans oh COWL of Hhtiy politteal ackvities - it) Ecomorsc, > whik Gllar crinuard othe offence auch as tox evabor - Aranggbing v foreign exchange _ ete w Seiad whickane Commvtted wider Soial Jegeslation euch as child raarsig® Restraint Ae coi Legh ts atk gowns prokibiten Act, Sot Prokibition AC - y) bis lento Girt vndor tocol. | Speciod Act lhe food. odultera ctor ek last , OvMg? Ack , Co Protection Ack - Parertion Pf Nareotte + pypcktnt! Be Subfctanee Ack thos us 3 pllothey yea Prevention of ern fcohion of offers vrcss bn Glotichica) Bot, 1 Offences agente perso a. Offenas 2 spat propety a. Offents ‘hosting? Hoisrisee - 6ffenes oecbig pinch Crsrieh ordi) 4 B. Offers ogaivst public fi wile qe poee trorg | boffins ogelnat Siok - F Offenas y. leptin te public Berar Lehat 4 Gime *~ aa , dno Colle guad. term, we Oe codhina, Toe ¢ vad offence in fC ox cim- gmajor ingredionli of Came - tT. Betue non faced veut past mer 06 ren Wo ack fan ach unk thts Coup lech with go o Nubia Cimun sire ena Nothing is an Offence Orbos uci bt low preenke - 3. Nulla poor Nothang eo f the Penne cxbesr. dgr ults-yoof Tre: . lL ts parish An ack forusion whic by aur ts om offence - Str Wr: mutehment prot unttl ngodents of Cum” AY Jay t Detention - Mow infertton 3 punishable oy e Motive - # is not velevant to Cee gy that We OAe CF te Su, “ re, fet Tn Cirminelo be is doing thaty* Mans Rea Pacenten be : * pfe examne ol) eviding, x witness, the SFR ® gnte other poy before sentencing cage of _ Core 0 Cytinlioir a: Preparation 3. ABempt 4 Acomplis lumen « Ciminoler Ofn of creme” i M Tappan. An intentional act ov omusrice tn violafion of Cotrmeradl law, Committed. pithout ahupanes sae Wheaton Veanettoncl by Lees th ov mus demour . cvirninolegy Afr: Crmunr +logia > Stienct » Bpiso sh4] bycuime cols Yenponet Afus :- Profs Es Suthevlamd - father of Criminetogy Cxtminelog yy ox Tes Body of brow bckge vegordus Ome ose Soual phoremrenor: gt includes within iG Scope af the process of are daws, of Brea ke laws f of veactng dowerols brea hing i Daa Justin VR: keiohne Tye, Ceminaoleg y ts for Tax Community of eae an Einachnonsledget legis laturer of the world . chescifvencte Need. fov Criminology + fy Guus of Come & pbaerles Pychologicad ingusy te poser 3 Gndivect Lrpact on Socio econonic| Soto Steak yp Eee Sutivdonal 3 prnoplse- p Crowth of Gime ie OS Different inca of Comes Like vat children, women ,tte... This cay, fov ony of Giminalogy . My g: © ty iva. ny va leal forme of a person, Cui mt a fo perron '~ hows if causes O persone to Commit o Cxme 3: Thdivoct Empact on Social Economic [Socio post Financial preuscle _ Corniphan & Wy & pence i i+ Soutolp, be prgrenive in fie : i) Criminal edirvoleg pnd Ramon behavcour vo hich ‘ Carts Orme - i) penalegy Different ere ot of —_ Advanemant th cot rnin bea nae pre om Los toe ‘ n Redtval 1 nas rr Cuifecal cite ~ Yausm, cemsh , rows vay Up ° 7 = iEtonomic, bolo casei Tay . = Paychiadte, PAE fel Historical posspective of Crime _[cviminology.: Lact co ddevent Thaowy jena 1) Lode of Hamuvabr (1400 BC) os Sin: fy renee They Crnnides Cer tadis Mongs Lextadconis - pavel Sever Lawof revyengeyt for aw eye - Oreltal pven a fetter Slapa Son @) Dratehian Coda in Phers Ch 29 BC Classic Greele pect vetaleaticr Ly Meret > Gwridered tote -— (Bay - ac wegietle, Cangas Ls - na - - m aCe ates SO this, = childen - involuntwrcy tprivals dil you , Mdeot/ ivr arne th vel pene cid) vempted fo pele Rogen fy Hasa a5 * a detercnt for nae eel tha purdchmer [q* fav adultery, ae “oats ued Pershore cca le cong irl wp os Le Hamurale ~ Bugernit - devnoqrape tot > death penalty © lel be, ny bte 3) Rowan table of laws” figs Be tuge P, Ol etaawat ore aatablis hres i x Prowdure for win - peaalty a 27 inveler public Law - pega A * Pablic. law Clommon Code) tanecpiion ea da death peradty ) Mosaic Code of Joy LEOY Geshe). First 5 bool of Bu books = hele as SE classifi Rate, crim AV acuckntee mac RE Ly Combination) Ly He wrote & olel dt ne : ee 5) how of tach — pewalty _ caltte Lowse — fime eae bs Eh ig co Crermowny Coa + half te King Hare He five amount ell be tenuebcdated bythe rooms of pun wealth bile catiles, roves ef tee Jer will Be ge fualf te berg d halt fe state Here tasters will be hamged iw fea. Gourd > wa ome mol Coming for naif ue guvowt ving. Heng (tan) 4 es 4 Dharma ile 3 paren ot Siri thee shut Paranag venumberd heard — histoy, ‘ Prose Poca eo , order Ancient Pndia (rove BC - tooo AD) Concept ‘ Drm . tl T 6- Hindu. wenii} Tn tonty peviot , we follows be Providur guidebenr bs induvidaal Ethiord . Brherron) x BeRscong Medivel pad _( Mabou fi Rg Bi Bui os Diypsr —tucteal Fy Natal PY CRetalialver) Chleod m4 ote penis : oe Us cone Non cult es lis fern reong ener ale Before 40 ETO afdvim perod than will be Giter vhs calwes Keng fe hehe im Suche Way: Aft. uae words bike Vekbed, | Mok. prod. we d to Moff l Grunt Exemplary e blood propa means me oad whatever you uve “pete vena costa fofer, that Shoulol bk gn or Pree monty « Fn Modem Trctio. ! Pre~Tvdepenad Charters Act 1833 ona, period Tredion Low Commissio Dppointvrent Lgislation > cxminal Protcuzol Colt 1261 Pndion Penal (rolr 18b0 Protian futdence Ack 1848 - Prisoners och Neale ¢ Aww Ack aga eM NPs Ad, Jy Act _pocso Act fae Act independence Ligis lalten >> Pretection of women at wor kp ae og wy) Prat re uy . —ohtessed "Cay of Cen” ' ~ Committed by Crtrminade by within Bus Criminal patusre inbuilt with thium 5 Lembrese > Bub Yrs yar olisproved by ol Cabu Seber | typed yeah teh’ f Rewerr (ron bev "hs emphemited pes thed “tye ett 1b 6 hg ol, fonda td pronf of evden es) J \ pv gorefele Lasse Low bros > Ve ons eer uk dower 1 2 Born Crutminals © Frame Criminals 3. Guminal by passou ~ 7 Occasional triminal . . fabiiual buiminal - A? er eX? bipolar disorder . | Criminal bom bt Puminal + herve t mar Physteo! Aeoturt ‘ o) Slant forehead b) wrloba 3d 2 ow . oly Slatiinea Rose © tall) fh Seanty, heard. sihive Shook eo ie er aD) Wry he vy super obybried fh \ 4 e My] vbybrhed } san, by caxusstee Inniawes Jabiewer of . hay, TY amtovuce sensitivity i ‘ ¢ 4) Jacl of ia ; Benet fre wes re aamay he daw above hina pf ¢ 1 ppovsons So tue persons ane dkely to Commet such Cayares hes ws olisproved by Cronin posed ty Ciring Me geutel “Wier ty Ito Connee tive, bik phystert appearance of he cwlpabiley dong f Ane pease ( 5 Enoteo Feri i Ce Gn —<—<——Totimal a> brvog vap cent a: amnthropolegiea? > meant physieal feature 4. Socal 5. Crabsinl Trade — Soul phuroncenove furor (ral bam) 1 Anothn gourd phctesopher 5) Coa togray hte Sufvoo! - q nico Frown as Creograyr ical sehool /ecolomd v School - Proponents 3 Adetphe Quetelet Am Gneny Ciage - 1380) L Hesous 5 Crime Carescel ey tonglret value of Sote demerit chawes Lage, prbigcon inlet group » Cenqraphoy» Juvenile dleting weit , propose Catone a) Seislagivad Schocl /Potconal School * ~ Surterlarel, Williom, Haeloy, Wetter Packhss : Differential Nosociatt on th0v' 2 Sowah iene tear 3+ Multifactor’ qfeo FF i bared on mobility of thn person Learning, exith om Sek ef ppl whan whey ‘aaa eget ap poche ho Th Society iS rot ow eggs mann. So, Taal he Conami ls Crime 3 YH treladis mansy doctors like ideategy vebigcon furtadon about Seaety 1 ford, se yokeel Camas Horne te Coemreit Cadre Crime Card our to mobilety, qaltural Conflict, vehigcor emg idelogy Dunas 9 Maat Braelr (1869) 4 Punishment should be a My tah tb account hes Sousl eas of perpetrator. ¥ No 2heessive puatthoaunt x Eomore depression istht atason- ¥ Te ane exposed fre ingoncy Ornmes | om eb tira! aN Pevson x Depends oper pe why ; \ ; ; Thatta + Brohegeeal inkoitanck ¥ exposure te J) | ®) Evtuwdeal Ne a qiatue { c) Pobrteal Contac i) } wv i plage r frse ; > tafhsabout froin colds > op hh Guill x He sas Carme was a Rsease as tell as gin 7 general my favored — motes * He ay Bue tetty “6 renal Vy hey bree cells nating in tought to Rens 2 A bartsm - Cornetrorel Ly Ancestor > Pambrose “Rem of Pewiame I Levedateony of Thane trimepeels CAimenels ! hove ormenals Qotnainotdg Conn Tr oe CO sy FET atbdete dpe wett preqele Tien ong et 8» Sommdy yle A tilionn Sheldon ft lewd ast Siete teallenaay at \ tiie * dewmdous latte es fatha aboul vy famotedy Anon as helalen Serpent | map Vv OTs theory Gta tis kd Ghigo ve ef is f ‘ p I ny teas faiv poditeal qf Greval behaviour will have te kind of physical appearance Shelelon Sonate 3 4ypes Encters S \ ; Enatemorphs ke tumenphs — murener ph } Lamp 1 L L Jaunp . yeune’ cen mesg = Pr RG them perton bocay vw athle induvictae’ ehh oat weftective {Strong 0 porns affordable semsitir ty, pes mrobetees Clee - nef: out) (fatty let of yruescles? C Were: fe ctfes Reroremsbicls fer wtablisboment ef Central Vigilare Com. Rott pay 5 = — dablishoent of CBE Dmandiment of Prevention of Comephere Act 1488 parcler stay eldnt able ph the at dlotne wheter ibis aéght [ory a But pans} pis logenes Shales Rapetiess crrey) Cent be mright wk ? bd tabled latte feast feats whee meas Wao Comm FLT AS OO RAIA aA NY accordaner. Thay Couldnt abl to unclevetancd | aurrvorenel fags »TAey act like Antunal ‘ v aw tnuntal defutn 7% 8 Hachfeel a cant Trane Delusion tat a> which tok means Suck pero prountes ane flack, undless Fandeng re. 3 MW Nawghtan's Care - - “deals with acctiow 8y Heise the dehendant thought that ke rasa) ketleal by the pruideal Robert pl. So he deatded to Lill Meme Bak be killed the Seertan, at not tae prestdent Tn Count, be Saicl fat Secret looks Lifer prevalent, sot festa fem So the (owit herd tcpritte octet: 2) at He ttm: of Commission of Cie - potty was labouring under lefect of YQ . 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Le holes -s See 86 of TPe L whe aoernt undartard Ls iniosteation ym ackon Lt thoutel be Q- Nay core os Involundeouy + afoveect 4e Umar leh by Intenceation, fers eveatit oa) reels ofiffors, intel a a. Chromos mee ‘er ackov «be ahs oe eae onde pal > XY 2 y tty Studeed & Joma 2° ufo oat ae fee & ' jchrormes pacnca «A Jacob C11 608) 293 pairs of Chrowesomtpretent in or ef maa - oe esmosena, wn human body - yndvorne al re ee in thal ent greg pearte™ mor ver Lt sn uty an tewr * xy nein miller — Rte cane oy Kxtes Kline feller Syndren pooblim in lemgungee Lerming mental vetaligt ows fend ef Suppressive bthovig, '® Sedty centric. Society reoking “Diffewdial 9 -Anomule apf belly © Grany ae “ny Adina, |v Scull "sion theory 6 fomaly 4 Rebigion 8 ducati SE gommit, foctov uw Bongors theory > Chewedityst environs, — Pie Oe 4 factors — ivefhuncy gyeat wert fo beg la: Capatalist System é cwminal . acsodotion ng. Mass Mecka ' Peopls whe are associatecl volt diff. kinds of peyl car of different culture, became o (aiminal Beeaure o a4 get that sul brolied from checage School of Criminaay (14089 3 factors kor ably “fovedy Tel it ’ ry on ne we rae Piqua rmatilly ey th 4, Esta stl division in cullural,, plow, y chicago s bbl ! Aaltid =» * penpl’s action ant ea Stronghy inf by yoy of thin Seual nedations hip » physio 4 emivornumtal yoter haw freix yehioval thanapy af we wamt to be ape thinay Com be dow evendwougle ib & weeny mal ei geny ic Gove \ tf we ome make arf oe he we au lobelliny a pevee they, o pears on isa munduren > by tic, wie ore ve rae been fo label binwdf aro oxcraival 5 Tf we Ot in a ry , thay inkbuuncs anntiar gore? member fo become a (riminal . iL be } b Abeokan Lamiby eS Binet oney ena oho wales a child to bea fimind + By Poli gory raarnings » deal pode peatilebeen 3 Thhiteaoy oy overlitonasy, bith lends 4& pewer- ob be o Cimind. : Blo- A perme voit. peting does a Cume eget a perso orth een. te Howdcty + Soviety > pewow to buone & Crimtnad - ia. Ret whe are in te Gopaselict postition Se oahen st heny hoes does oom. Count esit become unnotiact because of pel petnd palieg ane exploil vt but become unknown - Thi oom eeplellcg git bet Chey wohich leads 4o excenemic doumjall . 2. Differential association '~, — Tren it strc Differential arocialion + ye oT Crimi N Edwin Sutherland — 9@3 - 19c0) fi ; . : | Corrminrt fe how'oter Suggarted t- bry pled he tel ho... 1 Ctrinal behewiow: ae learned - f ©. cxmrval behaviow harmed by interaction! talon, 3: Prineap Le pert occur with nitrdabe Pecenal gr . ape Cxninal bebaviowr lroorningy includes techni 6} Comet vey Otme, Speetfee divecitor, motivy duves vaHonalisation dt apitude - : low ths 5. . Motives ddvves Learned from tego Sula! mn Ss fowoura ble hunfavourabl. henvscave crderac ting vite b. DIF} Association way im Pregus. ordeal L Priority > by Som prrver worl do om ‘ 5 Prom hzlve ha to fe usher tas G4, be cho © Political untic t- Bethe Mv the . ) Mob vacuum theory 2) Stat Aisfrnctiow then 3) state SH tony ) Stob vaca ; cha valers of the Country aa pet acti] as per yotional senses. Based on tei own atk f pubs, ney ane suing ob hey? ove het devon} by pobich aepitaten me to bebo against th qv oistal disfunction! Aw apprep mab ponis hnwreel was hol premade dette offenders. er every Olfender ans appropriated porshed . witR Suck kend of dis functioning of The Stalk nof fo folloro Cegislayiwus . a. Stat: excess The mailers ane behaven y in excess tf leer, ovey exercise TReiy Power | fon ppl voill ogitat + ey Mente Unt-3 . Lkite Colla Cxrenalityi- thy pdt: Br Blur color Crimunalty-In!T2O Te meine Person eee blu Color a el becaure thet work tr pine will be haveng no Perkin Trin trodstonal cutme - ath to Compt Common Ceme which is robanwtcal - nee vib en = Coy seplisticateal ppt wwrhs do Cvtime in Souety Whe ig unidertifeect ley Sowety - erve net zowwiray romans pr tener Theatr Lifes gust fe eave reore Rrkenas Ie Gece comet Wwhrl owe not Seo dent by Fog any by pofesionals oo mole ot esepleit ese bockaroune of Comncting ty ew SOLE OE offers fo violates Th ots on tonmel durchivg SN Te ich, are Unbonowne ry Veh Colle: © Coviove ality became weltnus act ots i {ot ad tery r Savers Sa mt whit collar tr on Cre ti by person of Status ‘het doy nck but fy grad n Clhassifretvow sf WCC: 1 Econorm't offences ogetnat te Ro Ta oI Ca leitytadces sath mie. an evadton Polsifyatien x 2) Sous economic Of forces Tox evatrom, econer—& offences + govablangy » Smuggihing pete- Premnteon Of Cormp dew Ache M9 ve appticabl for q" officals ¥ et fe prvals ppt:

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