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SECTION A a @ © BJKE-U-MTH ofthe dimension 1 over a field F. afield F. ‘Then show that Lot V bea vootor space Vis jsomorphic toF". , 3 jineat ™4P defin, Let T: RIOR BPA Bima ed by 1s, y= 0 Het ftuy=—u +2, ‘Then find (1). . toner; ‘Test the convergenee of improper integral : b J os a (xa) a If u= zn(2} where ¥= 517435, y= 4r— 958, 2 = 21—3s% then find & and 2. : ro IF the equation ax + 259 * by? + 2gx + 2fy + ¢ = 0, represents two intersecting straight lines, then show that the square of the distance of 4 a the point of intersection from the origin is c(a+d)-(f? +8) ‘ ab -h? If 8; = (@ y, |x + 2y + 2 = 0} and Sp = (&% y, Ix FY —2 O} ere subspaces of R°, then () finda basis of 1 Sp. (ii) determine dim (Sj + Sa). 54342210 (iii) describe S, M Sp and S} + Sz geometrically. Let the function f: R’ IR be defined by ta y)= Et i(x, y) # 0,0) 0, ifx,y)=(0,0) 2 Scanned with CamScanner 0108 Then show that @® Dd, Ro, 1 RO, 0) ana De 0,0) exist: Wee ' ae v GWM ixcomtinsous a gy yy eS MAO “0, 0) (ii) tx, y is not ding “Terentiable at (00 aot 10 2 5 6 where Dy and Do denote ya. riyatives With resP' gatstel respectively. tial der int 7 . the pon! 0) Gi) Find the equation of 4, vane which passes through - e plane cysaeh @ 1, ~1) and is orthogongy yp each of the PANES x-J 3 5 8x + dy-22=0, 5) . 4) Gi) Find the equation of the sphere for which the circle aN , 4 yePs Ty 224200 one aye den 8 isa great circle. Q3. (a), Find the maximum and minimum gistances from the origin to the curve 10 5x2 + Gxy + 5y?— 8 = 0, using Lagrange’s Multiplier method. 6 Let 7: R9-> B® be a linear transformation defined by T(x, y, 2) = (2x, 4x — y, 2x + By 2). Prove that T is invertible and find 15 Tans (, @ Find the coordinates of the vertex, focus and the length of the latus rectum of the principal sections of the paraboloid given by the 2 2 2; eye me equation a be © (ii) Find the nature of the quadric surface given by the equation Y ax? + By? + 322 — 4x + 20y — 6z = 5. Also find its associated characteristics, principal axes and Principal planes. ee at a) 7 Us +E 3 A”) KE-U-MTH Scanned with CamScanner ght lines (a) Prove that the strai8h! % +10 y+ _ 23° ana X~4 45 j ti01 7 intersect and find the equation of hn i containix their point of intersection. maining thom. Also tg ; wo (b) Show that the matrix 7 -6 6 2 04 1-2 6 is dit izable and find @ Spectra) _ 'sdiagonalizabie 1 decomposition of the matrix A. 15 i ume bounded by the ¢yj;, 2 (©) Find the volum Ylinder x? + y2— 4 and planes y+2=4 4 and z= 0. 15 Scanned with CamScanner eee < . g t @ ? _BJKE-U-MTH SECTION B Fy LL fF of Sg: Find the soluti e solution of the Gifferentigl ea” “rential ef dy 2y($) a dx) “9052, cog in | stants appeatin} What will be the definite yay, qrbitrary © Alue of the solution, on coordinate ay. of tf axes » Identify that one solution of, xy" +@—Dy'yag uation f : method ©! solution by 8 ich is of the form cet which is ofthe form e6! ang. 64 aye othe reduction of order. . iform Four bars are joined together to gym q rhombus. The bars a? unifo rm a and each bar is of weight W. 4 jyompus is suspended vertically from + A thom : one of the joints and a spherical hall of weight S is balanced inside the thombus s0 as to keep the system intact If 20 is the angle at a fixed joint in the state of equilibrium, then find the ratio of weight of the rhombus to that of the spherical ball in terms of the radius of the sphere, the length of a bar and the angle ‘©’. In a central orbit, the central force is given as pu%(8 + 2a”u”), If a particle is projected at a distance a with velocity |" in a direction al making an angle tan“! ; with the radius, then show that equation of its path can be written as r= a tan 6. eo and Vx H = ot es > > If V.E =0, V.H =0, VxE a2 that V8 = oF a at? Scanned with CamScanner Q6. (a) (b) (o) Ri $5 \KE-U-MTH Solve the differential equation Y (ay + 2x2y2% de +x (xy —2°y%) dy = 9, Verify that the obtained solution Satisfies the given differentia] equation. A particle slides down the smooth curve, y = a sinh (2) the axis of x a being horizontal and the axis of. Y downwards, starting from rest at the Point where the tangent is inclined at o to the horizon. Show that the particle will leave the curve when it has fallen through a Vertical distance a sec a. (Show that the area bounded by a simple closed C is given by i 3f (xdy —y dx). Hence obtain the area of an ellipse. c (i) Evaluate f (e* dx + 2y dy — dz) by using Stokes’ theorem, where r P isthe curve x?+y?= 92 2-4 A uniform ladder of 10 m length and of 10 kg weight rests with its foot on the rough ground and its upper end against a smooth wall, the inclination to the vertical being o. A force P is applied horizontally to the ladder at a point distant 3m from the foot, so as to make the foot approach the wall. Prove that the force P must execed Plu dtan a), where is the coefficient of friction at the foot. a 4 i ov Find the complete solution of 2dy 4 dy log xsin (log x) +1 = TESS gs) +d 4 10 15 mn x. ) 15 Scanned with CamScanner Zs wer sand wer 3 + x 2 Show that tye, ta vex * ve nd “ors grad u, grad” a a (i) For the curve g; to curvature Biven 4, > 2, « rE torsion at t = 1. ax G that the QB. (a) i) Given that the vecs,, > Bo serotational- ghow ae and & @ oe vector f X g is Solenoiday ‘ 7 2_y)k Gi, Show that the vector? | ay} eG) ¥ (ox? -¥ = (xy + is irrotational and find sealar function ? such that 4 = B+7= (b) ‘Find singular solution of the differential equation 2 dy)" dy 2 tan? B= 0 2(2) 2x9($2) tants +s 50028 - x? tan? B that directly and from its complete primitive. Determine tac-locus. Show iven the envelope of family of curves, which is represented by the gi - equation, is y= +x tan B. i ith i lane ‘An elliptic lamina is completely immersed in water with its P i ine thi 1. Its minor axis is horizontal and is at a depth h. Determine the 7 © vertical centre of pressure. UKE-U-MTH Scanned with CamScanner

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