7144soh cw2 Assignment Brief in Template Sept 2021

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Faculty of Health & Life Sciences

Assignment Brief

Module Title: Developing you as a Assignment 2

Healthcare Leader Number
Module Code: 7144SOH Assignment 100% Coursework
Title comprising:

CW2 – 15 of 20
available credits

Release Date: Module Leader Jennifer Barnes-Hill

Submission CW2- 2500-word PDP–
Date: 7144SOH

8th December 2021

Submission Submission through Turnitin
Time and on Aula only by 18:00
CW2 – 2500-word PDP

Module Summary
The module offers each student the opportunity to reflect on their own qualities as an
emergent leader and/or manager, and to consider how to develop themselves to
successfully lead their future practice. The overall aim of the module is to develop leaders
with the confidence and skills to become a competent and reflective leader.

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Assessment Information- This module will be assessed via two assessments: CW1
Individual presentation and CW2 PDP (Personal development plan).

Coursework 2 – Personal Development Plan (PDP) (2500 words) covering LO 3 - 4

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

3. Critically analyse the theories of leadership, evaluating the characteristics of a

modern healthcare leader.

4. Critically evaluate the complexity of leadership and teamwork in the global healthcare

Assessment Task
Achievement of the intended module learning outcomes are assessed using a PDP
intended for the assessment of Learning Outcomes 3 and 4.

The summative assessment for this module requires students to submit a Personal
Development Plan (PDP), that will contribute to the Global Healthcare Management
Portfolio and forms the basis of their learning across the course, including practical
application through the professional experience modules for students enrolled onto the MSc
with Professional Experience. This coursework component then becomes formative, along
with other coursework components from modules across the course in completing the
summative coursework for the Global Healthcare Management Portfolio module 7144SOH.

Coursework 2: is a 2500-word PDP to address learning outcome three and four. All
learning outcomes must be achieved to obtain a pass grade. This assessment accounts for
15 credits of your overall 20 credits for this module’s mark.

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Your task is to complete a written individual PDP which meets both learning outcomes. We
suggest you choose the outlined approach to PDP below using SMART objectives:

How to write your S-M-A-R-T objectives:

S – Specific

When setting a goal, be specific about what you want to accomplish. Think about this as
an achievable statement for your goal:

∙ Who – Consider who needs to be involved to achieve the goal (this is particularly
important when you’re working on a personal skills/project whilst developing yourself as
future healthcare leaders).

∙ What – Think about exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

∙ When – You’ll get more specific about this question under the “time-bound” section of
defining S.M.A.R.T. goals, but you should at least set a time frame.

∙ Where – This question may not always apply, especially if you’re setting personal goals,
but if there’s a location or relevant event, identify it here.

∙ Which – Determine any related obstacles/challenges or requirements. This question can

be beneficial in deciding if your goal is realistic.

∙ Why – What is the reason for the goal and how this links with your future ambitions of
healthcare leadership and management?

M – Measurable

How will you measure the success or what metrics are you going to use to determine if
you meet the goal? This makes a goal more tangible because it provides a way to
measure progress. If it’s a project that’s going to take a few months to complete, then set
some milestones by considering specific tasks to accomplish. Milestones are a series of
steps along the way that when added up will result in the completion of your main goal.

∙ As the “M” in SMART states, there should be a source of information to measure or

determine whether a goal has been achieved.

∙ Sometimes measurement is difficult, and leaders and managers will need to work
together to identify the most relevant and feasible data sources and collection methods.

∙ Data collection efforts needed to measure a goal can be included in that goal’s action

∙ Measurement methods can be both quantitative (productivity results, etc.) and qualitative
(testimonials, appraisals, surveys, etc.).
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A- Achievable

This focuses on how important a goal is to you and what you can do to make it attainable
and may require developing new skills and changing attitudes. The goal is meant to inspire

∙ how to accomplish the goal,

∙ if you have the tools/skills needed,

∙ if not, consider what it would take to attain them.

R – Relevant

Relevance refers to focusing on something that makes sense with the broader goals.

T – Time-Bound

Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks realistic timing, chances are you’re not going to
succeed. Providing a target date for deliverables is imperative. Ask specific questions
about the goal deadline and what can be accomplished within that timeframe. For
example, if the goal will take three months to complete, it’s useful to define what should be
achieved half-way through the process.

An example of creating a SMART Goal

Medium Goal: I want to improve my overall academic performance

∙ Specific: I received low marks on my ability to use PowerPoint at my last

performance/course work submission.

Review: Improving my skills requires that I learn how to use PowerPoint efficiently
and practice using it by creating various presentations. I’d like to be more proficient
using PowerPoint in time for my next review in six months.

∙ Measurable: By the time of my next review, I should be able to create

presentations that incorporate proper in-text citations, references, credible
academic sources, bullet points and other media in a couple of hours.

∙ Achievable: Improving my PowerPoint skills is instrumental in moving forward in

my academic life at the university and my professional career in terms of receiving a
better performance review. I can set time aside every week to watch PowerPoint
tutorials and even enrol in an online class that can teach me new skills on how to
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create and deliver an effective presentation. I can also ask colleagues and my
tutors for PowerPoint tips.

∙ Relevant: Working with PowerPoint is currently 25% of my education. As I

progress with my Masters, I’ll need to spend 50% of my time creating PowerPoint

∙ Time-Bound: In six months, I should be proficient in PowerPoint ensuring it only

occupies 25% of my workload instead of the nearly 40% of the time it occupies now.

Please use the box under each SMART goal using citations to provide supporting
narrative, with paraphrasing to support your SMART goal, addressing the two learning

Please find below the template for the PDP:

Introduction (200 words):

Short term goal (700 words):

S– M- measurable A-attainable R- relevant T- time bound


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Medium Term Goal (700 words):

S– M- measurable A-attainable R- relevant T- time bound


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Longer Term Goal (700 words):

S– M- measurable A-attainable R- relevant T- time bound


Conclusion (200 words):

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Please note: Your work should stand up to academic rigour, include supporting references
from credible sources and include a reference list in the Coventry APA style at the end of
your Word document.

Submission guidance for CW2

It is important that your assignment is written and presented in a professional manner. The
following requirements must be adhered in the format of assignments:

1. Your limit does allow for +/- 10% words in length. The limit includes words used in text
but excludes the front cover and references list. Therefore, your work should be 2250-
2750 words. If you are under this word count it is highly likely that you will fail the
assignment as it would be difficult to complete both learning outcomes in a small word
count. If you go over this word count markers will stop marking when they reach 2750
words. Again, if both learning outcomes have not been achieved within this word
count you will fail the assignment. Please consider if you have repeated yourself, you
can write and paraphrase more succinctly and if you have conveyed key messages to
the reader within your word count.
2. The front cover page - see appendix 1 for the template, this can be copied and pasted
into the front of your word document. This will show up as highlighted in your Turnitin
similarity score report, please ignore this.
3. The type of font should be Arial and the font size for the body of the text 12 point.
4. One and a half (1.5) line spacing must be used.
5. All pages should be numbered consecutively, in the footer on the right.
6. Your student number should be in the footer on the left.

Further support can be found in the assessment section of Aula and the assessment
guidance PowerPoint. If required, using available university equipment can be booked from

Upload your Word document on the Turnitin submission link by 8th December 2021 at 18:00

The structure and coherence of the PDP should be professional, clear, and easy to follow.

Below is a checklist of what should be included within your submission

Front sheet with word count indicated (excluding references) Yes/ No

Introductory paragraph including citations
Sufficient academic theory included and accurately referenced Yes/ No
2250-2750 words within the PDP Yes/ No
Use Arial font size 12 Yes/ No
Proof read for errors, paraphrasing and sentence structure Yes/ No
Address learning outcome three and four Yes/ No
1.5 line spacing Yes/ No
A conclusion paragraph summarising your key message, including Yes/ No
references and excluding new information
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Accurate reference list in alphabetical order on the last silde(s) using the Yes/ No
Coventry APA style https://libguides.coventry.ac.uk/apa
Student number on the left footer Yes/ No
Use the appropriate academic literature to reflect on your values and Yes/ No
qualities employing a range of sources such as e-books, journal articles,
reports from the past 5-10 years. Do not quote or cite websites such as
Wikipedia, the dictionary and Mind Tools. Do not reference Future Learn or
class tutor notes. Read, critique and present your work paraphrasing from
the original source
Please entitle the saved document as ‘CW2 PDP 7144SOH xyour student Yes/ No
numberx’ e.g. CW2 PDP 7144SOH 36294856 (do not save as a PDF)

Additional tips for completing your PDP/ Additional guidance:

Crafting S.M.A.R.T. Goals for your PDP are to help you identify if what you want to
achieve is realistic and determine a deadline. When writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals use concise
language but include relevant information/academic literature to support the arguments
you are making.

Initial Goal (Write the goal you have in mind):


1. Specific (What do you want to accomplish? Who needs to be included? When do you
want to do this? Why is this a goal?)


2. Measurable (How can you measure progress and know if you’ve successfully met your
__________ _____________________________________________________________

3. Achievable (Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain
them? What is the motivation for this goal? Is the amount of effort required on par with
what the goal will achieve?):

4. Relevant (Why am I setting this goal now? Is it aligned with overall objectives?):

5. Time-bound (What’s the deadline and is it realistic?):


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● You will have an introductory paragraph explaining what you are doing, how and why
you are addressing the learning outcomes 3 and 4 related to the importance of these
SMART objectives within your PDP.

● You will have a conclusion which is a paragraph including citations which

summarises your key messages and does not introduce new information.

● Consider the materials you have reviewed and activities you have completed in
Future Learn.

● Ensure to paraphrase, do not cut and paste or copy text from sources, ensure to put
the information in your own words and support with citations, add a reference list on
the last slide

● You can submit in advance of the deadline to check your similarity score, ensure you
have paraphrased and not plagiarised. If your reference list, the learning outcomes,
title or other common information is highlighted, please ignore this

● Read widely including the suggested references on Future Learn and the
recommended reading under 'module essentials' then 'talis list' and other materials
on Locate.

● Supporting everything you say with credible sources which back up your comments
will enable you to gain higher marks.

● Read widely, paraphrase and add citations.

● Make sure your key messages are included in your PDP and that these show your
knowledge, understanding, application and critical thinking
● Ensure you have the deadline in your diary.

Please note:
Staff endeavour to answer your comments on Aula community or emails within 48 hours on
working days eg. if you email Friday night it is likely we won’t pick it up until Tuesday.

If you have any IT issues, please contact 24-hour IT support via phone or email, teaching
staff cannot assist with such issues. Turnitin issues should be directed to Aula help using
the ? (Question mark) on the bottom left of Aula.

If you require an extension eg. you have been very unwell, please complete the extension
form under module essentials, assessment at the bottom and email this to HLS registry
along with a photo or scanned copy of your evidence eg. a hospital letter then they will
inform you if you are allowed a two-week extension.

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We highly recommend that you submit your draft work to Turnitin as soon as possible to
check the similarity score so you are comfortable using the system and then submit the final
copy before 6pm on the submission day.

We do not read draft work or have one to one appointment available. The assignment
guidance documents, and videos of the small group tutorials are under module essentials
then assessment tab. Please attend tutorials and live sessions to ask questions about the

Examples of the literature base

• Textbooks
• Journal articles
• NICE and other guidelines
• Government reports
• NHS / Department of Health or other nation’s reports
• Remember your references can be from any country as long as the article is written in
• Use the Locate tool to search and cite electronic rigorous and credible academic
• Remember to include citations on your slides and a reference list on the last slide
Please refer to the Marking Scheme below for information on how your work is assessed
and graded.

How to submit your assessment

Your assessment must be submitted using Turnitin on Aula by 18.00 on date of
submission. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through
the module web.

● Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through
Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work. Should
you submit work on time but fail the assignment with a grade of 0-35%, you will be
offered a resit opportunity, the resit mark will be capped at 40% pass mark. Resit
information will be made available by the Module Leader via the course web.
● All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason
(see below) will be given a mark of zero.
● Short deferrals (extensions) of up to two calendar weeks can only be given for genuine
"force majeure" and medical reasons, not for bad planning of your time. Please note
that theft, loss, or failure to keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The short
deferral must be applied for on or before the submission date. You can apply for a
short deferral by submitting an Examination/ Coursework Deferral Application Form.
Application Forms along with the supporting evidence should go to the relevant
Student Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may apply for a
long deferral.
● Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.

● Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved
plagiarism checking websites.
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● To accommodate any last-minute technical difficulties or changes to personal
circumstances, the University will automatically accept any submissions made up to 24
hours after the deadline without penalty. There is no need to complete an extension
request form if you submit within this timeframe.
● You may submit draft assessments up to the deadline to receive an originality report
from Turnitin to review your similarity score and check you have paraphrased and not
plagiarised; however, the most recent submission will be accepted as final once the
deadline has passed.

As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when
writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s
writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work.
Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without
acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using
paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference
the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get
this right. If you are unsure, please visit www.coventry.ac.uk/caw.

Aula includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to
recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work
of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of
plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU
Coventry APA style (on Aula) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating
being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing,
your Academic Personal Tutor or a member of the course team.

Return of Marked Work

You can expect to have marked work returned to you within three weeks of the submission
date. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been
internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally
agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review.
The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events
happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events
should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an
extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a
deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period
following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event
beyond your control at https://share.coventry.ac.uk/students/Registry/Pages/Deferrals-and-

Front sheet:

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MSc Global Healthcare Management 7144SOH– Developing you as a Healthcare

Coursework Number: 2

Module Leader: Jennifer Barnes- Hill

Student Number:
Word count:

Date of Submission:

The work contained within this document has been submitted by the student in
partial fulfilment of the requirement of their course and award

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Marking documents:

Feedback summary








Please note, your grade is provisional until after the exam board.

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HLS Faculty Postgraduate Assessment Marking Criteria for Written Assignments


Excellent The student addresses the The entire work is clearly A clear and convincing Demonstrates creativity
72, 75, 78 question fully, including structured, addresses the line of critical and and some originality in
82, 85, 88 excellent summaries, topic authoritatively, is evaluative argument is the selection and
90, 95, 100 critical analysis, synthesis based on extensive and demonstrated throughout. presentation of
and evaluation. At the critically informed A degree of originality evidence. Provides
higher end the assignment background reading, and and insight should also thorough critical
may demonstrate is also succinct. be present, supported by analysis of seminal
originality and creativity. evidence of wider work, and an informed
reading, some of which knowledge of theoretical
goes beyond the positions. All evidence
recommended reading. cited is correctly
referenced in
the text as well as in the

Very Good The question is addressed The evidence is A clear and convincing The evidence selected
62, 65, 68 authoritatively, with presented clearly in line of argument is is of high quality, and
evidence of additional relation to the question presented, and it is fully goes beyond the
reading and an emphasis set. There is a sound supported by a critical recommended reading.
on analysis, synthesis and structure which clearly evaluation of sources. It is presented in a well
evaluation. links sections, and Some evidence of organised way, and
ensures arguments are originality and insight most claims are
fully articulated and may be present supported by relevant
supported. supported by evidence of evidence that has
wide reading been critically

[Type here]
Good For the most part the A good structure but There is demonstration Some relevant
52, 55, 58 question is addressed. relationships between of the ability to provide evidence is presented
There is evidence of an some statements and some clear and which is generally well
understanding of most of sections may not always structured arguments, organised and there is
the issues and the relevant be fully articulated. but there is little evidence of some
literature, though there Some sections are evidence of originality. critical appraisal. For
may be some omissions. descriptive rather than Evidence of reading the most part accurate
Evidence of some evaluative. from appropriate referencing of the text
analysis, synthesis and sources with some and reference list.
evaluation. critical evaluation.
Pass Some aspects of the Structure lacks Some arguments are Some evidence is
42, 45, 48 question are addressed. A coherence, relationships produced, but there is included but this is
limited amount of relevant between statements and limited critical analysis limited. Omissions and
material is included, sections are not always or reference to an errors in referencing
though is sometimes articulated. The majority appropriate range of are evident.
poorly presented. Limited of work is descriptive sources.
evidence of analysis, rather than evaluative.
synthesis and evaluation

FAIL Fails to answer the Poor structure. There Little convincing or Minimal reference is
35, 30, 25, question or to address are few clear links supported argument is made to relevant and
20,10, 0 the topic appropriately between statements or presented, supportive evidence,
and is not presented at sections, and the demonstrated a limited with little indication of
PG level. assignment is understanding of the wider reading.
descriptive. topic. Poor referencing.

[Type here]

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