UOL SE LHR FYP Phase II Poster Template 2

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Final Year Project (FYP)
Department of Software Engineering, University of Lahore, Pakistan

Abstract Methods and Materials Discussion

Sentiment analysis is such a research area which 1 Tools Opinion Mining involves building a system to make
understands and extracts the opinion from the given • HTML • CSS • Bootstrap. use of reviews posted by the users and
review and the analysis process includes natural opinions that are expressed in blogs and forums as
• JavaScript
language processing (NLP), computational linguistics, comments and reviews.
text analytics and classifying the polarity of the • Python
Our project objectives are as follow
opinion. Opinion mining or sentiment classification 1: Our main goal is defining the sentiment analysis of
involves developing a system that uses reviews 2 Techniques (Languages) reviews of different products.
posted by users and opinions expressed on blogs and • NUMPY 2:Other aim is to filter out different category for
forums as comments and reviews about a product. • PANDAS example searching for books should display
• Scikit Learn their format, as in paper pack or hardcover, author
The basic target to build a system-based Sentiment name, book series, language, and other
• Matplotlib
analysis is to accurately extract people's opinions facets related to books.
from a large number of unstructured review texts • Flask
3: Increasing the number of loyal customers
and classifying them into sentiment classes, i.e., 4:Increasing sales
positive, negative, or neutral. Sometimes “highly 3 Libraries Figure 1:User Main page . Figure 2. Label in 24pt Calibri.
positive” and “highly negative” are also considered. • VS CODE Conclusions
• Jupyter Notebook
for example the one with high rate of review and The project covered a wide range of things from
• Mongo DB documentation to development to testing. Before we
with high price will show at the top of the rest of
product Results begin this project, we had not had much experience
The NLP with artificial intelligence capability and text analytics are used to determine whether the sentiment in python and website development. This project
Introduction helped us in learning many new things about
of the opinion is positive, negative and neutral. Sentiment analysis for product reviews, also known as text
As of now Sentiment analysis is a process of programming and development procedures used in
orientation analysis or opinion mining, refers to the process of automatically analyzing the subjective
extracting and understanding the sentiments defined python and web development. During the process,
in the text document.
commentary text with the customer’s emotional color and deriving the customer’s emotional tendency. we discovered numerous libraries to work with and
The NLP with artificial intelligence capability and text learned how to properly integrate them into our
analytics are used to determine whether the With the proposed system, higher accuracy can be achieved. The present system reach out to the good system.
sentiment of the opinion is positive, negative and position but they don’t have the prediction system that to cope with customer reviews. With the proposed system, higher accuracy can be
neutral. Sentiment analysis for product reviews, also So we overcome this issue in our project by using NLP technique the sentiment analyzer to predict the reviews achieved. The present system reach out to the good
known as text orientation analysis or opinion mining, rather it be Positive or Negative position but they don’t have the prediction system
refers to the process of automatically analyzing the that to cope with customer reviews.
subjective commentary text with the customer’s So we overcome this issue in our project by using NLP
Here are some key results.
emotional color and deriving the customer’s technique the sentiment analyzer to predict the
emotional tendency. reviews rather it be Positive or Negative.
Analyzing the sentiment tendency of consumer Chart 1. Positive and Negative reviews count Figure 2. Reviews Analysis.
evaluation can not only provide a reference for other Future Directions
consumers but also help businesses on e-commerce While completing our Final Year Project (FYP) on
platforms to improve service quality and consumer developing an e-commerce website, we have
satisfaction. E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an identified several potential areas for future
accepted and used business paradigm enhancement and improvement
E commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, Here are some key areas where we believe
ecommerce or e-commerce, refers to the buying and our website could be enhanced in the future:
selling of products or services over electronic systems 1:Personalization and Recommendation
such as the Internet and other computer networks. Engine
Basically, e-commerce encompasses any product or 2:Enhanced Mobile App
service that is sold over the internet. 3:Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

Group Members Information References Acknowledgements

Adnan Khan My gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the possibility to nlp/#:~:text=NLP%20algorithms%20are%20typically%20based,and%20making%20a%20statistical%20inference. complete this project. Special thanks are due to my beloved parents and the
Muhammad Tanveer honorable supervisor Mr. Junaid Abdullah whose help, stimulating suggestions and
encouragement helped us in all time
of fabrication process and completion of the project. .

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