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Executive Summary
The report has shed light on the planning power systems requirements of a passenger
aircraft and that can be effectively demonstrated here with supporting evidences and real life
design examples. Some key calculations such as bypass ratio, maximum range of the
design of craft have also explained here that can help to get an idea about the topic. Apart
from that, some power system features and values of the Airbus350 have also been
mentioned here. It can be said that there are multiple activities that needs to be performed
before a successful implementation of aircraft.

Table of Contents

Task 1.......................................................................................................................................4


Task 2.......................................................................................................................................7

Maximum thrust, fuel consumption.......................................................................................7

Task 3.....................................................................................................................................10

Power System Parameter...................................................................................................10

Thrust requirements during take off....................................................................................11

Max range of aircraft and optimal bypass ratio...................................................................11

Optimum bypass ratio.........................................................................................................12

Task 4.....................................................................................................................................12

Ideal cycle of gas turbine engine........................................................................................12

Cycle efficiency of the design.............................................................................................13

Task 5.....................................................................................................................................13

Estimation of CO2 on max aircraft range...........................................................................13




Appendix 1: Ultra-high bypass ratio engines uses.................................................................18


The power system of the modern passenger aircraft can be considered as the key factor for
the performance of the aircraft along with the energy efficiency as well. It can be effective in
meeting the customer expectations as well in terms of travelling range. The power system is
included with different electrical system and components which has the ability for generating
electricity. Primary power generation is normally seen as AC with a single or multiple
transformers Rectifier Unit that can convert to DC voltage. Here in this report, the power
system requirements for a new passenger aircraft is going to be evaluated that is under
planning stage. The engine parameters are going to be tested with good thrust
performances and energy economy. A similar aircraft have also been selected here by
Airbus manufacturers in response to the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Task 1


The Airbus 350 is long range wide body Jet airliner that is developed by the manufactured
Airbus. It can be seen the A350 can fly in an efficient way to any kind of sectors from a short
to ultra long haul routes as well. It is included with cutting-edge aerodynamics that is
effective for smooth ride of passengers. Apart from that, the A350 is included with two Trent
XWB turbofan engines and it can result to a close collaboration of manufacturers such as
Rolls Royce (, 2021). On the other hand, the body of this model is considered the
most distinct feature. The fuselage is designed here for maximizing the speed along with the
better performance. It is designed into a long slender tube where the fuselage features can
be seen in a high fineness ratio for better performance. The fineness ratio mainly indicates
the ratio between the aircraft’s length and width. It has been seen that both the physical and
digital tools are used here by the designers. The XWB engine can be considered as the
most efficient aero engine and that can consume 25% lower fuel as well.
Key specifications

The Boeing 787 dream liners can be compared to this similar aircraft as well which is
included with some key specifications as well. The aircraft is designed by some composite
materials which includes fuselage and wings. According to the following representation some
key specifications of the Boeing 787 can be evaluated.

Figure 1: Materials specifications of Boeing 787
(Source:, 2021)
Technical specifications of Boeing 787 and Airbus 350

Boeing 787 Airbus 350

Passenger of two class max can be 248 Passengers: 300-350

Range: 7,305 nmi (13,530 km) Range: 15000km

Wingspan: 60 m (197 ft) Wingspan: 212 ft 5 in

Engine: GEnx-1B / Trent 1000 Engine: two Trent XWB-97 turbofan

engines, that generates thrust of 97,000lb
during take-off

Materials: 50% composite, along with 10% Materials: It is included with composites,
steel, 20% aluminum, 15% titanium, titanium, and modern aluminum alloys

Table 1: Technical specifications of Boeing 787 and Airbus 350

(Source: Self-Developed)
According to the observation of the different specifications, Airbus 350-XWB can be effective
and can give competition to the Boeing 787. According to the following figure, the design
layout for the A350 series passenger aircraft can be evaluated.

Figure 2: Design layout for A350 aircraft
(Source:, 2021)
It has been also seen that it is included with a one seat cockpit which is built around the
pilot’s line of version as well. It is beneficial for supporting visibility during takeoff and landing
(Heineck et al. 2021, p. 21).
Besides that, some of the other key specifications and benefits can also be identified for the
Airbus A350 passenger aircraft. According to the manufacturers, almost 70% of the airframe
is seen to be made of advanced materials. Balanced temperature throughout the flight, along
with quickest flight including 50% noise footprint reduction is some key areas that can be
identified (, 2021). Apart from that, a forward vision system can also be seen in
the design which is located on the nose landing gear as well. It helps to add a second live
view of the runway when the aircraft is landing. It has been seen that advanced aerospace
technologies have been implemented here for the design such as advanced propulsion
systems. Therefore, it can be said, the application of less weight with less fuel can be
effective for providing a sustainable flight experiences for the passengers. On the other
hand, some of the key performances of the Boeing 787 can be observed from the following
figure here as well;

Figure 3: performance measurements of the Boeing 787
(Source: Rutkowski et al. 2018, p.33)

It can be said that with the application of the multidisciplinary design optimization techniques
the shape of the aircraft can be evaluated in a proper way as well. This can be done
according to the various performance requirements as well (Lawrence et al. 2021, p. 44). On
the other hand, the power system design can be included with the electric generator, gas
turbine along boundary layer ingestion as well.

Task 2

Maximum thrust, fuel consumption

The maximum thrust can be determined for an aircraft by the following stages,
Thrust can be considered as a force so that the change in the momentum can be carried out
here for the aircraft.

Here, m is the mass flow rates of gases, V exit is the exit velocity of the exhausted gases, and
inlet velocity of air has been denoted by Vinlet
Hence, assuming m = 0.258 g/min
Vexit = 750feet/sec = 228.6 m/s
Vinlet = 100m/s
Therefore, the net thrust that can be developed, F = 0.258(228.6-100) = 33.17 N

Fuel consumption
The fuel consumption can be calculated by measuring some of the key factors such as net
thrust, fuel mass flow rate and many others. The fuel consumption depends upon the max
flight time, so the max flight time can be determined by dividing the fuel load by fuel flow rate
(, 2021). It has been seen that formula for determining the fuel consumption of
the engine is expressed as,
Assuming the corresponding fuel flow rate as 10.5 kg/hr
Brake torque = 201 Nm
Engine is running at the speed of 3000rpm,
Therefore, the brake power can be calculated as = torque * angular speed = 201 * (2π*3000
% 60) = 63171.4 Kw
Therefore, the fuel consumption for the Boeing 787 is,
Fuel flow rate/ brake power = 10.5/63171.4 = 1.66 x 1010 g/kW.h
On the other hand, the longest route of aircraft can be considered here as 13, 950km
according to the current Boeing 787 (, 2021).
Mass flow rate
The mass flow rate can also be determined here and that can be denoted as m,
m= rVA
Here, r is considered as the density of the fluid (here density of fuel)
V is the velocity of the fuel, and A is the cross-sectional area.
Therefore, if r is given as 1.5 gram/meter-cube, and velocity is 10m/s in the cross-section
area of 0.3 meter-square, then the mass flow rate can be, m =4.5g/s
Exit velocities of the main nozzle
According to some reports, the inner wall of the nozzle has some flow obstruction and that
plays a key role in the calculation of exit velocities (Chen and Tang, 2018, p. 44). According
to the following expression, the exit velocities of the main nozzle can be determined.

Nozzle here can be considered as the pressure ratio function, which is denoted by P1/P2.
The nozzle inlet is expressed here as T1 along with the gas constant R.

On the other hand, the bypass flow can be determined from the ratio of the aircraft engine as
well. The amount of airflow can be determined here as well and that can by-passed around
the engine’s core (Giesecke et al. 2018, p. 15).
Bypass flow = MF/MC
Where the mass flow of fan duct is denoted as Mf and Mc is mass flow of core for the Boeing
Assuming MC = 1350kg/s
MF = 720
Hence, bypass flow = 720/1350 = 0.53kg

According to appendix 1, the ultra-high bypass ratio engines can be determined for an over
wing aircraft as well. Besides that, for example, it can be said that the 9:1 bypass ratio can
be expressed as 9 kg of air passes through the duct of bypass in the aircraft for every 1 kg
passing air (Rutkowski et al. 2018, p. 22).
Propulsive efficiency
It can be said the propulsive efficiency is measured for the determination of the propelling of

The simplification form of this equation can be such as;

Where, Va is the velocity of air intake, and Ve is the effective exhaust velocity of the Boeing
Assuming, Va = 25m/s and Ve =9.8m/s2
So, the propulsive efficiency = 2 / (1+9.8/25) = 1.436

Task 3

Power System Parameter

The internal systems of the aircraft are changing rapidly in order to making the aircraft more
advanced and reliable. In current days, more electric applications are getting implemented in
the aircraft for managing different purpose, like air of the cabin, onboard entertainment,
and electromechanical actuation and so on. In order to understand this fact in depth, the
following non propulsive power distribution figures are demonstrated below.

Figure 4: Change in non-propulsive power in conventional aircraft

(Source:, 2021)

Figure 5: Change in non-propulsive power in more-electric aircraft

(Source:, 2021)

Thrust requirements during take off

Assuming the flight speed, V = 130kmph during take off

Lift co-efficient, L = 637238
Weight, W = 787
Flying altitude = 12192 m
Drag coefficient, D = 0.52
Hence, the thrust requirement, TR = W/(L/D)
= 787/(637238/0.52) = 9644352.03
Hence, in this process, the thrust requirements for A350 can also be evaluated and that can
provide a brief idea regarding this as well (, 2021).

Max range of aircraft and optimal bypass ratio

It can be said that the maximum distance that can be covered by an aircraft is equal to the
ground speed times the maximum time t max. This is generally called the maximum range of
the aircraft R. The range can be here determined by the identification of the cross country
ground speed and multiplication of the maximum time in the air (Belchihina et al. 2021, p.
570). It has been seen that the Boeing 777-200LR is the world's longest-range airliner with a
range of 9395 nmi. The level flight can be determined as TA = TR. It denotes the minimum
weight of fuel in every unit distance. According to the formula, as TA=TR, so the range of the
aircraft can be maximum when N (fuel) per meter is minimum. It has been seen that for the
steady flight, TR is equal to the distance D. However, on another way, the range R can be
expressed as follows;

Hence, assuming the wingspan as 53 ft, wing area 320ft square, gross weight of 19815 lb,
capacity of fuel as 1200 gal, parasite drag coefficient CD = 0.03, and e= 0.81,

R = 1*1200/(53/0.3) log 318/19815 = 1218km

Hence, an estimated idea can be generated from here and that shows the range of the
aircraft can be over 1200km.

The cruise speed for the 787 can be seen as 900km/h that can burn 600 litres/100km.
According to some studies, it can be seen that Boeing 787 burns almost 5500 litres of fuel
per hour (, 2021).

Optimum bypass ratio

It has been also seen that the amount of fuel used per thrust is called the specific fuel
consumption. It can also be seen that if the bypass ratio increase then the overall efficiency
of the engine is seemed to increase as well. Some specific factors can also be seen here as
well, the fuel to air ratio, net thrust and specific thrust relationship can also be evaluated here
(Giesecke et al. 2018, p. 55). The lower fuel consumption for the Boeing 787 can be
effectively gained for the Bypass. The Bypass ratio can be calculated as per the following

Bypass ratio = mass of flow rate/bypass stream

So, assuming mass of flow rate as 125 m/s and bypass stream as 0.53

The optimum bypass ratio for the Boeing 787 can be such as = 125/0.53 = 235.8

Task 4

Ideal cycle of gas turbine engine

It can be said that that based on the design and proposed operating parameters, a simple
Brayton cycle can be effective. Apart from that, the term here can also be effectively used for
the description of the complete internal combustion engine as well. Most of the gas turbines
are seen to be operated on the open cycle where the air is generally taken from the
atmosphere. According to the specifications of the Brayton cycle, the air is seen to be
compressed at 15 degrees C within an atmospheric pressure. It has been also seen that this
is effective in absorbing heat from the fuel at constant pressure (Yang and Ordonez, 2019, p.
470). The gas turbine cycle can be evaluated based on the different compression as well
such as isentropic compression, constant pressure with heat. According to the following
expression the ideal cycle for the Boeing 787 engine can be determined.

Cycle efficiency of the design

The cycle efficiency for the design can be determined based on the isentropic efficiency
values along with the total efficiency from the engine as well (Baxter et al. 2018, p.301). The
ratio of the actual power output and the isentropic power output can be effectively seen here
as well that can help in managing some key aspects as well. The total efficiency can be
calculated here as follows;

Task 5

Estimation of CO2 on max aircraft range

The CO2 emission can be calculated by the multiplication of the emission factor of 3.157
kgCO2/kgFuel (, 2021). On the other hand, it needs to be focused that the CO2
generally avoiding including the multiplier for the additional climate impacts in order to the
emission at a specific attitude. It has been seen that CO2 emission per hour of flight can be
as 1/4 tonne. According to some report, 285 g CO2 /passenger/km for a plane can be seen.


The report has evaluated some key evaluations of aircraft design and its different power
system parameters as well. The values of the parameters are also presented in the tabular
form that can help to understand the key aspects as well. Moreover, the Airbus350 aircraft
has been selected here for the analysis and that is under the planning stage as well. The

range of the aircraft along with the bypass ratio calculation has been determined here in this
report with random values so that a brief understanding and concept can be generated here.
The efficiency of the process cycle has also been seen here that can help to determine the
effectiveness of the design as well. Different design specification has also been seen here
as well and that has provided a brief concept that can be effective here for this group project.
The electric power system along with the working abilities of engines are also classified here
that can enhance knowledge in this area.

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Appendix 1: Ultra-high bypass ratio engines uses

(Source: Lytvynet al. 2019)


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