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Chapter 5


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Chapter outline
5.1 Overview
5.2 Initial Screening
5.3 Employment Interviews
5.4 Post-interview Screening
5.5 Pre-employment test
5.6 Reaching Selection Decision

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5.1 Overview
• Selection – The process of choosing individuals
who are qualified to fill existing or protected
job openings

• These decisions impact the organization’s

competiveness, and every aspect of the job
applicant’s life.

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5.1 Overview
• Organizations make sure the selection decisions
promote the best interests of the company and
are fair to all parties involved.
• Selection process should be developed in the
support of job description and job specification.

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5.1 Overview
• The Goal of Selection: Maximize “Hits”.

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5.1 Overview
• Job Analysis: identify the competencies employees
need for success
• Selection methods measure applicants’ KSAOs against
required competencies
• Complete and clear JS help differentiate between
qualified and unqualified applicants and reduce
interviewer’s biases and prejudices.
• Applicants whose KSAOs are well matched perform
better and are more satisfied

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5.1 Overview
• Steps in the selection process and their
sequence vary with organizations and jobs.
• Organizations gather information in several
• Résumés • Applications
• Interviews • Tests
• Medical examination • Background and other

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5.1 Overview
• Steps in the selection process

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5.1 Overview
• Reliability
• The extent to which an interview, test, or other
selection procedures result in consistent information
about a candidate.
• Ex: a reliable test of intelligence should generate consistent
results if the same person takes the test several times.
• “Are you measuring something accurately?”

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5.2 Initial Screening
• Initial screening methods
• Before conducting interview applicants, it is
important to screen out people who aren’t qualified
for the job in order to save time and money.
• Cover letters and résumés
• Application forms
• Internet checks
• Phone and video screening
• Video résumés

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5.2 Initial Screening
• Application/Résumé Assessment Grid
conducting interview applicants, it is important
to screen out people who aren’t qualified for
the job in order to save time and money.
• Cover letters and résumés
• Application forms
• Internet checks
• Phone and video screening
• Video résumés

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5.3 Employment Interviews
• Firms use interviews because:
• They are practical when there are few applicants.
• They serve purposes such as public relations.
• Interviewers trust their judgments when making
decisions about which candidates to choose.

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5.3 Employment Interviews

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5.3 Employment Interviews
• Employment interview type
• Nondirective interview – The applicant determines
the course of the discussion; the interviewer does
not influence the remarks

• Structured interview – standardized questions having

an established set of answers

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5.3 Employment Interviews
• Employment interview type
• Situational interview – a hypothetical incident is
given and an applicant responds

• Behavioral description interview (BDI) – an applicant

is asked questions about what was done in a

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5.3 Employment Interviews

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5.3 Employment Interviews
• Employment interview type
• Sequential interview –a candidate is interviewed by
multiple people

• Panel interview –a board of interviewers questions

and observes a candidate

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5.3 Employment Interviews
• Employment interview methods
• Face to face interview
• Video interviews
• Computer-administered (Automated) interviews

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5.4 Post-interview Screening
• After a candidate has been interviewed and appears
to be a good potential new hire, information about
the person’s previous employment as well as other
information provided by the applicant is investigated.

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5.4 Post-interview Screening
• Reference checks
• Organizations check the references of employees in a
several ways.
• Prior to checking a candidate’s references, the
candidate must complete forms permitting
information to be solicited from former employers
and other reference sources.

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5.4 Post-interview Screening
• Background checks
• Social security verification
• Past employment
• Education and certification
• License verification
• Driving-record check
• Credit check
• Military record check
• Criminal record check

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5.5 Pre-employment test
• Preemployment test – An objective and
standardized test used to gauge a person’s
knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
characteristics (KSAOs) relative to other

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5.5 Pre-employment test
• Type of tests
• Job Knowledge Tests
• Job knowledge tests: achievement tests designed to
measure understanding or knowledge about a job.

• Work Sample Tests

• Work (or job) sample tests require performance of tasks
that are required on the job.
• Attempt to simulate the job in a pre-hiring context to
observe how the applicant performs in the simulated job.

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5.5 Pre-employment test
• Type of tests
• Cognitive Ability Tests
• Cognitive ability tests measure mental capabilities such as
general intelligence, verbal fluency, numerical ability, and
reasoning ability.

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5.5 Pre-employment test
• Type of tests
• Physical Ability Tests
• For some jobs, such as firefighters and police officers,
employers need to assess a person’s physical abilities.
• Muscular tension, muscular power, muscular endurance,
cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, and
• Less important with the use of automation and modern

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5.5 Pre-employment test
• Type of tests
• Personality and Interest Inventories
• Personality tests have been found to be good predictors of
applicants’ motivation, such as their leadership efforts and
propensity to adhere to rules.
• Big Five Personality test
• EI test

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5.5 Pre-employment test
• Type of tests
• Medical Examinations
• The law prohibits a medical examination being administered
to an applicant before he or she has been made a
conditional employment offer and agreed to undergo it.

• Drug Tests
• A candidate can refuse to take a drug test, but that is
tantamount to turning down the job.

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• There are various approaches you can use to
weigh all of the information about the
candidates so as to make a final decision.

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Summarizing Information about Applicants
• Summary forms and checklists can be used to ensure
that all of the pertinent information about applicants
has been included.
• Evaluating candidates should focus on what the
applicant can do and will do.

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Summarizing Information about Applicants
• Candidate Evaluation Form

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Summarizing Information about Applicants

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Decision-Making Strategy
• The strategy used to make personnel decisions for
one type of job will differ from those used to make
decisions for other types of job.

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Decision-Making Strategy
• Clinical Approach
• review of the data on the applicants and then, on the basis
of their understanding of the job make a decision.

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Decision-Making Strategy
• Statistical Approach
• identifying and weighting the most valid predictors, using
• Compensatory model –a high score in one area can make up for a
low score in another area
• Multiple cutoff model – achievement of some minimum level of
proficiency on all selection dimensions
• Multiple hurdle model –only applicants with the highest scores go

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5.6 Reaching Selection Decision
• Final decision
• Managers make the final decision about hiring,
communicates it to HR, who notifies the candidate.
• HR confirms job details, work arrangements, hours, wages,
and a decision deadline.
• For internal candidates, the hiring manager contacts
the candidates personally
• Organizations should notify candidates who are not
chosen for the position.

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