2.on Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-Inspired

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2019 Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC)

On Cluster Head Selection in Monkey-inspired

Optimization based Routing Protocol for WSNs
Tina Gui, Feng Wang, Christopher Ma and Dawn E. Wilkins
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677, USA
Email: {tgui, cma}@go.olemiss.edu; {fwang, dwilkins}@cs.olemiss.edu

Abstract—Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have arisen as monkeys are less dominant but more energetic. In this context,
one of the hottest and most promising research areas nowadays, the swarm intelligence in monkeys have been well studied,
where one most critical research challenge is to extend the yielding a series of most newly developed algorithms in
network lifetime, as in most cases sensor nodes can hardly be
replaced with new batteries or recharged regularly. As a result, the family of optimizations inspired by animals and insects,
WSNs are often divided into clusters to reduce communication where some of the famous family members include Particle
cost and energy consumption for packet routing, and the selection Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO),
of cluster head can thus have great impacts on the overall Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Termite Colony Optimization
network lifetime citeyang2018researchṘecently, monkey-inspired (TCO), and Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO). As shown
optimization (MO), as one of the latest members to the Swarm
Intelligence (SI) family, has claimed its dedication to design in Figure 1, the attracted research efforts in Swarm Intelligence
smart, cost efficient yet simple and deployable clustering routing field have exploded exponentially.
protocols for WSNs. In this paper, we conduct a detailed
investigation on cluster head selection for such MO based routing
protocols. We then propose an effective cluster head selection
scheme based on the state-of-the-art Spider Monkey Optimization
formulation, named SMOCH, and apply a greedy selection
process between existing node positions and newly generated
positions. Our experiment results show that our cluster-head
selection scheme can observably increase node lifetime to a larger
number of rounds and also decrease the energy consumption for
Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Networks, Swarm Intelligence,
Monkey-Inspired Optimization, Routing Protocol
Fig. 1. Number of publications related to swarm intelligence [3].
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have arisen as one of the In the literature, Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) is a
hottest and most promising research areas nowadays, where new meta-heuristic algorithm that falls in the discipline of
one of the most critical research issues is to extend the Swarm Intelligence. This is a collection of social behaviors
network lifetime, as in most cases sensor nodes can hardly be of spider monkeys that coordinate using self-organization
replaced with new batteries or recharged regularly. As a result, and decentralized control. This technique has demonstrated
WSNs are often divided into clusters to reduce communication the desirable properties of robustness, interpretability,
cost and energy consumption for packet routing, and the effectiveness and scalability [4]. Spider monkey optimization
selection of cluster head can thus have great impacts on the has been widely used in various applications such as
overall network lifetime [1]-[2]. Recently, monkey-inspired electric power systems [5], numerical optimization [6], image
optimization (MO) has been introduced as one of the latest segmentation [7], and big data [8]. It recently has also claimed
members to the Swarm Intelligence (SI) family. At present, its dedication to design smart, cost efficient yet simple and
scientists have discovered over 260 species that fit the deployable clustering routing protocols for WSNs [9].
definition of monkey. A new finding designates that many In this paper, we conduct a detailed investigation on cluster
aspects of the human brain that control thought processes head selection for such MO based routing protocols. In
are similar to those of monkeys. In ethology, a fission-fusion general, a good cluster head candidate should be a sensor
society represents a group of animals change over time, where node that has the maximum number of neighboring nodes, the
they split in small groups (fission) during the day and sleep shortest distance to the base station and the highest residual
together (fusion) at night. Spider monkeys are a good example energy. Yet in practice, it is usually hard to simultaneously
of this fission-fusion society. Typically, the female monkey achieve all these requirements due to the involved optimization
has higher rank than the males and acts like a leader. Male complexity. To this end, we propose an effective cluster

978-1-5386-9223-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 126

2019 Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC)

head selection scheme (SMOCH) based on the state-of-the- communication in WSNs are aggregation, distribution,
art Spider Monkey Optimization formulation, and apply a and broadcast [13].
greedy selection process between existing node position and 5) Failure Detection: the communication among sensor
newly generated position. In SMOCH, local data fusions and nodes can be affected by battery life, location, weather
minimum energy transmissions are performed to send data condition, obstacles, antenna and etc [14].
from the clusters to the base station with the optimal routes, 6) Memory Requirements: Given limited on board memory,
which further ensures more nodes can stay alive and reduces the routing algorithms developed require minimal
energy dissipation. processing overhead in order to have an efficient
As comparing different routing protocols in WSNs can be execution of functionalities [15].
a challenging task. We also strive to propose generalized 7) Energy Efficiency: Due to limited battery life on
performance metrics for evaluating MO based routing sensor nodes, the power usage effectiveness is a
protocols with different cluster head selection schemes, realize critical challenge in WSNs to support longer network
potential synergies, , where our evaluation show that SMOCH operational time [15].
scheme can observably increase node lifetime to a larger 8) Robustness: Each sensor node needs to be constructed as
number of rounds and also decrease the energy consumption robust as possible in case of battery life shortening. The
for communications. Based on the results, we also identify robustness can be improved through the use of multi-
possible issues for future investigation and improvement. channel and multi-radio [16].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The existing
weakness and strengths of the SI based routing protocols III. MO- BASED ROUTING P ROTOCOLS
are addressed in Section II. In Section III, we provide a A. Rhesus Macaque Optimization (RMO) based Protocol
brief discussion on the related work in terms of cluster head
Sandeep et al. [17] introduced an embeded bio-inspired
selection techniques for WSNs and present our SMOCH
scheme into the LEACH routing protocol [18] for clustered
scheme therein. Section IV describes the simulation model
sensor networks. Rhesus macaque is one of the well-known
and presents binarytree the experimental results of SMOCH
of Old World Monkeys. In contrast to the traditional routing
and the comparison with other MO based protocols. Finally,
protocols, Rhesus Macaque Optimization algorithm is adopted
we conclude the paper and discuss about future directions in
at the set up phase by reducing the overall energy consumed
Section V.
in the cluster head selection step. The authors proposed three
key attributes taken into account for the design of the protocol
to improve network lifetime which are summarized as follows:
Saleem et al. [10] proposed a general list of essential factors 1) Election of cluster head (CH) is based on the residual
for wireless sensor network routing protocols like scalability, energy of the sensor nodes. Similar social behavior is
self-organization, memory requirements, sensor localization, observed in monkey cubs, where the female monkey is
fault tolerance, energy efficiency and security. Due to the always selected as group leader according to her fitness
large amount of sensor nodes, unstable energy sources and fertility.
and unpredict operating environment, these facts present 2) In monkey groups, the leader is surrounded by 80% of
unique challenges on the architecutral design and application the members. If the group size increases, it will split into
development of WSNs. Particularly, major concerns in smaller groups and choose new subgroup leaders. This
routing protocols developed by monkey-inspired optimization behavior is also applied to reducing energy consumption
are robustness, reachability, scalability, simplicity, coverage, in sensor networks. The newly elected cluster heads
routing strategies, flexibility and quality of service. In this facilitate good communication within its member nodes
section, a detailed explanation on some of these factors is and transfer data packets to other active cluster heads.
provided as below: 3) If the group leader passes away, the second highest
1) Scalability: it is a challenging problem in WSNs – ranked female monkey will replace her; and this process
large amount of sensor nodes are expected to be of inheritance will last until there are not enough
heterogeneously deployed with long transmission path members in the group. Similarly, the cluster head
[10]. without any sensor nodes attached to it is considered a
2) Self Organization: monkey inspired protocols must be redundant cluster head. It loses its designation and will
flexible to unpredict variations, in static and dynamic be adopted by the nearest cluster.
manners [11]. The process of eliminating cluster heads and re-attaching to
3) Multipath Routing: adopting multiple path strategy can a new group mimics the social behavior of a male monkey, as
extend network lifetime. It can be considered as a shown in Fig. 2. The process of breaking a sensor cluster is
backup when the initial path fail [12]. illustrated in Fig. 3. The RMO algorithm adopts similar cluster
4) Localized Interaction: full locality awareness, restrition head selection strategy as used in the LEACH protocol. The
of interactions to neighboring sensor nodes, is cluster head can be selected stochastically, which is shown as
a main charactertic of self-organization. Types of follows:

2019 Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC)

Algorithm 1 cluster head selection for RMO based routing dissipation in WSNs. Fig. 4 shows an illustration of how
protocol [17] SMOCH works, where it updates the position of individuals
Set-up Phase based on their fitness scores to increase the convergence
1: Construction of sensor network performance and exploitation capability. In this way a better-
2: Run the LEACH model once positioned node can have a higher chance to be chosen as
3: Find redundant cluster heads cluster head. SMOCH extends the ability of the original Spider
4: Attach redundant cluster heads to the nearest cluster Monkey Optimization algorithm and LEACH by nominating
Steady State the cluster heads with better location in order to improve
5: Randomly choose nodes for communication overall network performance in terms of less dead nodes and
energy consumption. The procedure of position update process
in SMOCH algorithm is shown as below:

Algorithm 2 cluster head selection for SMO based routing

Initialize population with n spider monkeys SM, k random
cluster centers and cluster head probability CHprob
1: while max number of iteration is not reached do
2: for each SM do
3: Calculate Euclidean distance of SM with all cluster
Fig. 2. RMO: Cluster Head Redundant and Re-attach Process [17] centroids
4: Assign SM to the cluster that has the nearest centrism
5: end for
6: Calculate the fitness and CHprob
7: if U (0, 1) < CHprob then
8: Update the cluster centroids based on local best
9: end if
10: end while

Fig. 3. RMO: The Process of Breaking the Clusters [17]

B. Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) base Protocol and

Spider monkey optimization (SMO) is a relative new
addition to the family of swarm intelligence algorithms by
Fig. 4. SMO: The Process of New Cluster Heads Election
structuring the social foraging behavior of spider monkeys. In
our previous research [9], we aimed to study the mechanism
of SMO in the routing optimization of WSNs, formulating IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
a mathematical model of the behavior patterns on which the
Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO-C) approach is adapted A. Evaluation Environment
and sending information from the clusters to the base station
through the optimal route. Additionally, our methodology In our evaluation environment, we simulated each monkey
based on the Spider Monkey’s behavioral structure has inspired optimization technique with MATLAB by randomly
improved the traditional routing protocols in terms of less distributing all sensor nodes in an area of 100m * 100m.
energy consumption and better service quality of the network. The base station, which acts like a gateway between sensor
In this paper, we present an effective cluster head selection nodes and the end user, is placed in a permanent location in
scheme (SMOCH) combining with our previous SMO-C the sensing area. Experimental parameters are summarized in
protocol to maximize network lifetime and minimize energy TABLE I

2019 Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC)


Parameter Symbol Value

Number of nodes n 100
Number of iterations r 500, 1000
Base station (x, y) (150, 50)
Distance threshold d (Ef s /Eamp )m
Percentage of cluster heads P 20%
Transmitter electronics Etx 50 nJ/bit Fig. 5. Average Remained Energy of RMO and SMOCH (Einit = 0.1J/node
Receiver electronics Erx 50 nJ/bit for 100 nodes after 500 and 1000 rounds).
Transmit Amplifier type 1 Ef s 10 pJ/bit/m2
Transmit Amplifier type 2 Eamp 0.0013 pJ/bit/m2
Data aggregation energy Eda 5 nJ/bit
Initial energy Einit (0.1, 0.5, 1.0) J/node

B. Results and Discussions

In LEACH approach, the cluster heads are unevenly

distributed and RMO is mainly designed based on LEACH Fig. 6. Average Remained Energy of RMO and SMOCH (Einit = 0.5J/node
for 100 nodes after 500 and 1000 rounds).
strategy. In some sensing areas, the nodes are positioned
at a great distance from the cluster heads and cannot be
replaced or recharged regularly. To improve the full network
performance such situations have been considered in SMOCH,
where the sensor nodes elevate themselves as cluster heads
according to the state-of-the-art Spider Monkey Optimization
formulation. The associated cluster heads are located within
the structured local clusters with best fitness scores. SMOCH
is a decentralized, self-organizing and interpretable clustering
protocol. Moreover, SMOCH performs local data fusion and
minimum energy transmission, further enhancing more alive Fig. 7. Average Remained Energy of RMO and SMOCH (Einit = 1.0J/node
nodes and reducing energy dissipation [9]. for 100 nodes after 500 and 1000 rounds).
Figures 5-7 indicate the average remained energy of each
node in SMOCH is greater than RMO in each round. It
1) Easy to design and interpret: it is a non-parameteric
also can be inferred from Figures 8-10 that the duration of
optimization algorithm which means no manual
most sensor nodes is prolonged in the proposed SMOCH
parameter setting required [20].
and it has the lowest number of dead nodes in the long
2) Capability in multi-path model: swarms are divided into
run. The sensor nodes can last longer when given limited
multiple groups; all groups exchange information and
initial energy and extend the overall network lifetime. During
intelligence to optimize the routing solutions [21].
the cluster head selection step, we achieve better results
3) Self-organization behavior: all swarms act at the same
compared with Rhesus Macaque Optimization (RMO). Our
time and there is no central coordinator [4].
simulation outcomes show that with improved cluster-head
locations, we can observably decrease the energy consumption
for communication and increase the network lifetime in a V. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE D IRECTIONS
larger number of rounds. Contrasting with the other clustering Wireless sensor networks have broad impacts in many
protocols, SMOCH and RMO protocols focus on decreasing applications, such as battlefield surveillance, security,
the energy consumed at the set-up phase not the steady phase. healthcare, natural disaster and environmental monitoring.
The experimental results show that the proposed SMOCH The development of cost efficient, reliable and easily
approach is self-organized, scalable and can be easily adapted deployable sensor networks is challenging. In this work, we
in the wireless sensor networks. discussed generalized performance metrics for comparing
The monkey-inspired optimization algorithms require less the MO based routing protocols with different cluster head
computation time than conventional algorithms [19]. Our selection schemes, realized potential synergies, and identified
proposed SMOCH approach improves the exploration and possible issues for future investigation and improvement.
exploitation capabilities of the search space. We believe the Our experimental results show that with better cluster-head
SMO based routing protocol will provide better performance locations, our proposed SMOCH can observably increase
due to the following reasons: the nodes’ lifetime in a larger number of rounds and

2019 Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC)

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