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Chromosomes are structures that are found within the nucleus of each cell in the body and contain

the genetic material, DNA, that determines the characteristics of the individual. Chromosomes come
in pairs and are made up of two long strands of DNA. Each strand is made up of hundreds of genes
that carry instructions for the structure and functioning of the body. They are also responsible for
determining the individual’s sex, as well as other characteristics such as skin color, hair color, and
eye color.

Chromosomes come in two types: autosomal chromosomes and sex chromosomes. Autosomal
chromosomes are the same in both sexes and make up the bulk of the chromosomes in the body. In
humans, there are 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes, for a total of 44. Sex chromosomes are
those that determine the sex of the individual; in humans, there are two sex chromosomes: X and Y.
Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome. The presence of
a Y chromosome is what determines that an individual will be male.

The structure of a chromosome is complex, but can be simplified into two parts: the centromere and
the arms. The centromere is the center of the chromosome and is responsible for the separation of
the chromosome into two parts when cells divide. The arms are the two parts of the chromosome
that come off the centromere. Each arm is composed of hundreds of genes. During cell division

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