Case Study Answer

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One) For your exam, you could write about the following aspects of a wired LAN

setup used for file sharing:

 Network Structure and Topology: The structure of a wired LAN for file sharing typically involves a
series of interconnected devices such as computers, switches, and routers. Common topologies for
such a network include star, bus, and ring. The star topology is widely used due to its advantages in
performance and fault tolerance.

 Impactful Network Parameters:

o Bandwidth: The maximum rate of data transfer across a given path. Higher bandwidth allows
more data to be transferred simultaneously, improving file-sharing speeds1.

o Latency: The delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer.
Lower latency results in quicker responsiveness2.

o Throughput: The actual rate at which data is successfully transferred. It can be affected by the
network’s hardware, software, and overall traffic2.

o Error Rate: The number of corrupted bits expressed as a percentage or fraction of the total
sent. A lower error rate means fewer retransmissions and better performance3.

o Topology: The physical and logical layout of the network. It affects the network’s scalability
and how data is routed and managed2.

When analyzing a LAN setup, consider how these parameters can be optimized to enhance file sharing
capabilities. For instance, using switches instead of hubs can reduce network congestion and improve
throughput. Implementing Quality of Service (QoS) can prioritize file-sharing traffic over less critical data to
ensure high performance.

Certainly! Here are some additional points to consider when analyzing the performance of a wired LAN setup
for file sharing:

 Resource Sharing: LANs enable the sharing of resources like printers, scanners, and network-attached
storage (NAS) devices, which can streamline workflows and save costs1.

 Security and Control: Proper configuration and security protocols in a LAN can safeguard sensitive
information and manage device access effectively1.

 Network Congestion: The presence of many devices and heavy traffic can lead to congestion, affecting
the network’s performance. Using switches can help mitigate this issue2.

 Quality of Service (QoS): Implementing QoS can prioritize file-sharing traffic, ensuring that critical data
is transferred efficiently2.

 Structured Cabling: A well-organized cabling infrastructure can reduce maintenance costs and
improve network reliability and performance3.

 Switches and Switch Ports: High-quality switches and sufficient ports are essential for handling traffic
and preventing bottlenecks3.

 Internet of Things (IoT): The increasing number of IoT devices can impact network performance,
requiring careful planning and management3.
These points can help you provide a comprehensive analysis of a wired LAN setup in your exam. Remember to
explain how each factor contributes to the overall performance and efficiency of the network. Good luck with
your exam! 🍀


Certainly! Here are some simplified points to help you remember the challenges faced by Cable TV
operators using Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) for Dish services:

1. Signal Loss: Signals can weaken over distances, affecting TV quality.

2. Cable Damage: Physical damage to cables can disrupt service.
3. Blurry Channels: Signal blurring can occur due to light traveling at different speeds.
4. Interference: Mixing of light signals can mess with channel clarity.
5. Connection Issues: Bad connections or splices can lead to signal loss.
6. Equipment Malfunctions: Broken transmitters or receivers can cause outages.
7. Overload: Too many users or high demand can slow down the service.
8. External Noise: Nearby electromagnetic sources can interfere with the signal..

These methods can make it easier to recall the information when you need it. Good luck with your
studies! 📚

Here are some additional simplified points to remember about the challenges faced by Cable TV

1. Regulatory Changes: New regulations can disrupt existing pricing and packages, affecting
profits and customer satisfaction1.
2. Technology Shifts: The rise of streaming services requires cable operators to adapt to new
technologies and consumer preferences2.
3. Infrastructure Upgrades: Keeping up with the latest technology often means costly upgrades
to infrastructure3.
4. Customer Retention: With more options available, retaining customers becomes a challenge
as they might switch to competitors offering better services or prices2.
5. Service Diversification: Operators need to diversify services to include internet and phone to
stay competitive3.
6. Content Costs: The price of acquiring content can be high, impacting the overall profitability 2.
7. Network Security: Protecting the network from cyber threats is crucial to ensure customer
trust and service reliability3.
8. Market Competition: Intense competition from both traditional and new media companies can
lead to price wars and margin compression2.

Remembering these points can help you understand the broader context of the challenges in the Cable
TV industry. For long-term retention, try to connect each point with a real-world example or scenario
that resonates with you. This can make the information more relatable and easier to recall.

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