Perceptions of in Relationship Students Towards Academic Challenges

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Republic of the Philippines

Region X
Department of Education
Division of Bukidnon
Mibando, Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon

Perceptions of In-relationship Students Towards

Academic Challenges


Casimero, Timothea Hilary

De Pedro, Jenuah
Gabayan, John Merick
Gabayan, Rechen Mae
Lupague, Dannica
Manda, Faith
Sab, Lyka Faye
Santiago, Nobrille Lee

April 2023


Title Page 1

List of Tables 2

Acknowledgement 4

Abstract 5

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study 6

Statement of the Problem 7

Objectives of the Study 7

Significance of the Study 8

Scope and Delimitation 10

Definition of Terms 10

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature 12

Chapter III: Methodology

Research Design 19

Research Locale 20

Participants of the Study 22

Date Gathering 22

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Research Findings 23

Data Analysis 35

Chapter V: Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Summary 38

Conclusion 40

Recommendation 42

Bibliography 44

Appendices 45


We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the

participants who took part in this research study. Your willingness to

share your experiences and insights as Grade 11 students at QBCNHS

has been invaluable in providing valuable findings and

recommendations. We would also like to extend our appreciation to

the faculty members and school administration for granting us

permission to conduct this research and for their support throughout

the process. Your cooperation and assistance have been instrumental

in ensuring the smooth execution of this study.

Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge the guidance and

supervision provided by our research advisors. Their expertise,

feedback, and suggestions have greatly contributed to the refinement

of our research methodology and analysis.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our friends

and family for their unwavering support and encouragement

throughout this research endeavor. Your words of encouragement and

understanding have been a source of motivation. Once again, we

extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making this

research possible. Your contributions have been pivotal in deepening

our understanding of the perceptions of in-relationship students

towards academic challenges.



This research study aimed to explore the perceptions of in-

relationship students towards academic challenges. The study focused

on Grade 11 students at QBCNHS and sought to understand how

being in a relationship influenced their perspectives on academic

difficulties and how they navigated through them. The research

employed a qualitative approach, utilizing interviews and surveys to

gather data. The findings revealed a diverse range of perceptions

among in-relationship students. While some students viewed their

relationships as a source of motivation, support, and accountability in

facing academic challenges, others identified potential obstacles such

as distractions or conflicts. The study also identified several strategies

adopted by these students to maintain a healthy balance between

their relationships and academic performance, including effective time

management, open communication, and prioritizing self-care. These

findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the experiences and

perceptions of in-relationship students and can inform educational

institutions, parents, and students themselves in fostering a

supportive environment that promotes academic success while

nurturing healthy relationships.




Background of the Study

An intimate relationship is a special bond between two people

that involves emotional, physical intimacy. This type of relationship

requires a high level of trust, mutual respect, and vulnerability from

both parties. Being in an intimate relationship can have significant

effects on students' academic performance. On the positive side,

having a supportive partner can provide emotional stability and

reduce stress, creating a conducive environment for focused studying

and improved academic outcomes. Additionally, being in a

relationship can serve as a source of motivation, with partners

encouraging each other to excel academically and set goals. Moreover,

the need to balance time between studies and spending quality time

with a partner can enhance students' time management skills,

enabling them to juggle their responsibilities effectively.

The experience of being in an intimate relationship during one's

academic journey is a multifaceted aspect of a student's life that can

significantly impact their academic performance. As students navigate

the complexities of both their personal lives and educational pursuits,

the effects of intimate relationships can be influential. By exploring

these effects, we can gain insights into how students can navigate

their relationships in ways that optimize their academic success and

overall well-being.

However, being in a relationship can also present challenges

that may negatively impact academic performance. Distractions can

arise as students devote excessive time and attention to their partner,

neglecting their studies. Relationship conflicts, breakups, or other

difficulties can introduce significant stressors that hinder

concentration and productivity. Additionally, some students may

become overly dependent on their partners for emotional support and

decision-making, potentially compromising their independence and

personal growth.

It is crucial to note that the effects of intimate relationships on

academic performance can vary widely depending on various factors.

The quality of the relationship, individual personalities,

communication skills, and support systems all play significant roles in

determining whether the impact is positive or negative. Striking a

healthy balance between maintaining a relationship and prioritizing

academic responsibilities is essential for students to thrive both

personally and academically.

To understand the potential impact of intimate relationships on

academic performance, it is important to examine the underlying

causes of any negative effects. For example, if a student is

experiencing relationship problems that cause stress or anxiety, this

can negatively affect their ability to focus on their studies.

Additionally, if a student is spending too much time with their partner

and neglecting their academic responsibilities, this can also have a


negative impact on their grades. Therefore by identifying the root

causes of any negative impact, it will greatly help students to develop

strategies to better manage their relationships and prioritize their

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of an intimate relationship

to students' academic performance of Grade 11 students at Quezon

Bukidnon Comprehensive National High School; Specifically it aims to

answer the following questions:

1. How do intimate relationships impact the academic

performance of Grade 11 students at QBCNHS?

2. What are the common challenges faced by Grade 11 students

at QBCNHS when balancing their intimate relationships and

academic responsibilities?

3. What strategies can Grade 11 students at QBCNHS adopt to

maintain a healthy balance between their intimate

relationships and academic performance?

Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this research was to Explore Intimate

Relationship & Academic Performance of Grade 11 Students at

QBCNHS. Specifically, the study focused on students who were

engaged in a romantic relationship during the academic year 2022-


2023, with data collected during the 2nd semester of the A.Y. 2023-


1. To examine the influence of intimate relationships on the

academic performance of Grade 11 students at QBCNHS

2. To identify the typical difficulties encountered by Grade 11

students at QBCNHS in managing their intimate

relationships while maintaining their academic


3. To explore and propose effective strategies that Grade 11

students at QBCNHS can implement in order to establish

and maintain a harmonious balance between their intimate

relationships and academic performance.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to find out the effects of intimate

relationships on academic performance on Grade 11 students in

Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive National High School. This will be

beneficial to:

Students. The primary beneficiaries of this study are the

students themselves. Understanding how intimate relationships can

impact their academic performance will empower them to make

informed decisions and develop strategies to maintain a healthy

balance between their personal lives and academic commitments.

They can gain insights into effective time management,


communication skills, and emotional well-being, leading to improved

academic outcomes and overall well-being.

Educators and Counselors. Educators and school counselors

play a critical role in supporting students' academic and personal

development. By understanding the impact of intimate relationships

on academic performance, educators and counselors can provide

targeted guidance, resources, and support to students. They can offer

advice on effective time management, stress management, and

communication skills, ultimately helping students maintain a healthy

balance and achieve their academic goals.

Parents and Guardians. Parents and guardians of students can

benefit from this study by gaining insights into the potential effects of

intimate relationships on their children's academic performance.

Understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by such

relationships can help parents provide appropriate guidance and

support. They can engage in open and constructive conversations with

their children, ensuring that they prioritize their education while

nurturing their personal relationships.

Future Research. The findings of this study can serve as a

foundation for further research in the field of intimate relationships

and academic performance. Researchers can explore specific aspects

of relationships, such as the role of social media, cultural factors, or

gender dynamics, to deepen the understanding of their impact on

students' academic outcomes. The study can inspire future


investigations and contribute to the development of more

comprehensive theories and frameworks.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will be limited to Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive

National High School Grade 11 students who are currently in intimate

relationships or have been in one within the current year. The

research will only focus on the effects of intimate relationships on

academic performance, and will not delve into other factors that may

affect academic success, such as family background, financial status,

or mental health issues. The study will be conducted in QBCNHS

institution, and the results may not be applicable to other schools or

institutions. Finally, the research will be conducted using self-

reported data from participants, and as such, there may be limitations

to the accuracy and validity of the data collected. The duration of the

study will start from April 2023 until June 2023.

Definition of Terms

Intimate relationship. A special bond between two people that involves

emotional, physical intimacy. This type of relationship requires a high

level of trust, mutual respect, and vulnerability from both parties


Academic Performance. the level of achievement, competence, and

success exhibited by a student in their academic endeavors. It

encompasses various aspects, including grades or marks attained in

examinations, class participation, completion of assignments and

projects, overall understanding and mastery of subject matter, and

the ability to apply knowledge and skills effectively.




In this study, the interaction between independent variables is

discussed. One example is a romantic relationship, which requires

time, motivation, and anxiety. These three factors were investigated to

find out if there were any connections between romantic relationships

and people's academic performance and their effects. The researchers

attempt to analyze previous studies on the topic of this research in the

chapter's last portion.

Alma & Fretzy (2011), stated that during adolescence, teens

become interested and involved in dating because of the desire to

belong with others. As a result, it is clear that over time, romantic

relationships gain in importance. Adolescents crave to have an

intimate romantic relationship to which love is given and received

without restriction. It is according to the need to belong theory by

which individuals have the determination to connect with others in

enduring, close relationships. Furthermore, the theory states that

humans “share” the same need to be a part or connected with other

individuals, and claims that all individuals may live life better if they

are connected.

According to Aristotle, humans are “social animals” which made

them long to form an intimate relationship in which love can be given

and received freely which the psychologists called “the need to belong”

(Myers, 2010). Research conducted by Campbell & Oliver (1994) found

benefits in having a romantic relationship such as “companionship,

feeling of happiness or elation, exclusivity, feeling loved or loving

another, intimacy, self-growth and self-understanding, and more

positive self- esteem”. These benefits found in a romantic relationship

were said to be the cause of motivation of the students in pursuing

their studies. An article of Barber & Eccles (as cited in Luqman, 2009)

talked about the importance of romantic relationships to adolescent

development and its “long lasting” effects on self-confidence. It

affirmed that romantic relationships teach moral values on romance,

“intimate relationships and sexuality”. In addition to this, healthy

romantic relationships could possibly benefit a student's education

(Phelps, 2007).

According to Luqman (2009), teenage relationships are crucial

because they help adolescents develop the potential to form

committed relationships. Furthermore, Pelt (2004) noted that those

relationships aid in the development of personality. She also stated

that it is a method of knowing one's distinguishing characteristics,

choosing the perfect life partner while being opposite sex.

Furthermore, researchers hypothesized that a romantic relationship is

necessary for the development of adolescents in several aspects such

as "family relationship transformation, close relationships with peers,

sexuality, and career planning" Furman (2002).


"Quality personal relationships that provide stability, trust, and

caring, such as romantic relationships, can increase learners' sense of

belonging, self-respect, and self-esteem," write Lucas and Curpuz

(2007). Acceptance and a positive learning environment" (p. 16) can

improve academic success. The desirable features of external stimuli,

whether grades, money, affection, food, or sex, account for a person's

motivation, according to the theory of incentive approach to


Furthermore, scholars proposed that romantic relationships

play a significant effect on adolescents' academic achievement.

According to Vgotsky's theory, social contact is critical to an

individual's cognitive development and cannot be understood without

considering the social and cultural context. Furthermore, Vygotsky's

concepts of "cognitive development" have had a significant impact on

psychology and education today (Lucas & Corpuz, 2007). According to

theorists, romantic relationships play a significant effect in adolescent

academic performance. On the other hand, parents, peers, and

partners cooperate, collaborate, and enrich the learning experience

(Lucas &Corpuz, 2007). Adolescents who are more knowledgeable can

boost their partner's cognitive growth in this way.

In another way, romantic relationships give more negative

effects on the academic performance of adolescents. Connolly &

Johnson (cited in Weichold & Barber, 2008) said that even though

romantic relationships play an important role in the development of


adolescent, most romantic relationships in the adolescence stage last

for only 6 months to 1 year. This situation implies frequent break-ups

which cause anxiety among adolescents. Monroe et. al (as cited in

Furman, 2002) affirmed that breakups are mostly the cause of

depression among adolescents. Furman (2002) also states that

adolescents are mostly prone to problems in adjustment when they

get involved in romantic relationships at an early stage of their

adolescent life. Crissey (2006) then added that having a romantic

affair especially when you are just a student would not just give a

"source of stress" but also a disturbance. Having a romantic

relationship is really disturbing because a student will deal with

managing time between the school and the romantic side that

somehow leads to giving academic work a lesser priority.

Stress is a continuous feeling of worry about a person's

profession or personal life that keeps one from relaxing. According to

Campbell, who was mentioned by Crissey (2006), stress is an

unhealthy state or impact that might lead to several issues. For

instance, students who are involved in a romantic relationship will

experience more stress than those who are not since they are devoting

more time to their relationship than to their academic obligations and

related difficulties.

The report of Namaganda (2009) states that "developing feelings

of love, two weeks before exams can lead to lack of concentration

during the time a learner should be revising and thus failure" (para.6).

Accordingly, GastoneByamugisha (as cited in Namaganda, 2010), a

psychologist and lecturer at Kyambogo University, said that heart-

break is not the only reason for student's failure in exams.

Additionally, Furman, Brown, and Feiring (1999) wrote in their

book "The Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence"

that having a romantic relationship at a young age is linked to higher

rates of drug use, minor delinquency, psychological or behavioral

issues, as well as lower levels of academic achievement than those

who wait until later in adolescence or do not currently have a

romantic relationship.

Pham (n.d.) looked into the connections between Loyola

University students who were between the ages of 18 and 24 and their

academic success in college. It was proposed that involvement and

dating would lower grade point average. Age, gender, class rank,

relationship status, and levels were among the factors, along with the

respondents' academic standing. The data prevented the null

hypothesis from being rejected. It implies that having romantic

relationships and dating have no discernible impact on college

students' academic performance. As a result, Pham's study and

Luqman's (2009) investigation produced the same conclusion.

In a comparable way, Toreon (2011) examined how romantic

relationships affected the academic performance of students pursuing

teacher education at Bohol Island State University. For each level of

the study's descriptive survey, convenience sampling was used. The


study's factors included the students' grade, level of intensity, level of

romantic involvement, and self-esteem. Results show that romantic

relationships have a considerable impact on academic success.

Additionally, participation and intensity showed a strong correlation

with the students' academic performance. Furthermore, it was

discovered that students in love relationships for longer than two

years perform better academically than those who had been in them

for three to six months. Based on the amount of years spent attached

to each relationship, it has been observed that persons with high

levels of self-esteem experience passionate love more frequently.

On the other side, Quatman, Sampson, Robinson, and Watson

examined the association between academic success in grades 8, 9,

and 10 at Santa Clara University in California. (2001). The study's

findings indicated that more frequent dating would be associated with

lower academic achievement because most romantic encounters were

associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms and lower levels

of motivation for academic pursuits. The younger population is the

main focus of this investigation. The more mature age group may not

have the same outcomes.

A qualitative study by Stefan (2006) on the effect of romantic

relationships on high school girls' academic performance only

considers western culture. The study's findings demonstrated that

there is in fact "social pressure" on teenage girls to date. She also

learned that girls engage in this type of dating arrangement solely


"because of some influences from peers, magazines, televisions, etc."

as a result of societal pressure. Some people may think a girl is

strange if she does not date, possibly because there is not anything

like Maria Clara's in modern western society, which refers to those

who are a little bit conscious about dating and having romantic

relationships. The majority of people, she claimed, would anticipate

that girls would already be in a romantic relationship by the time they

reached adolescence. She continued by saying that dating is typically

seen as the starting point for love partnerships. After conducting her

research, she came to the conclusion that dating and romantic

relationships can have both "positive" and "negative" effects on a

person's academic performance. The positive effects of dating on

academic performance only apply to girls who are able to manage their

time effectively and wisely, and who do not take dating seriously. On

the other hand, it is detrimental because it will only serve as a




The research procedure is described in this chapter. It includes

information about the approach utilized to conduct this research as

well as a justification for using that strategy. It also outlines the

various steps of the data collection procedure as well as the data

analysis process.

Research Design

The case study approach was utilized in the study because it is

well suited to effectively and adequately answering the research

questions. The case study method is effective because it allows for in-

depth evaluation of the phenomenon using multiple types of data

acquired through interviews. In addition, the case study was utilized

because the study's goal is to describe and explain rather than

anticipate. Furthermore, the case study enables for empirical

investigation of phenomena in a real-life setting.

Research Locale

This research will be conducted at Quezon Bukidnon

Comprehensive National High School. This place was selected for

knowing the effects of an intimate relationship to students’ academic

performance. A personal interview survey will be used in data


Figure 1: QBCNHS

Figure 2: Municipality of Quezon, Bukidnon


Participants of the Study

This study will use a purposive sampling method in selecting

the participants. The participants in this study will be 10 male and 10

female who are currently in an intimate relationship or have been in

one within the past year, studies at Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive

National High School.

Data Gathering

The primary data collection approach for the study was survey

questionnaires. Interviews were performed using the questions from

the interview guide (appendix). Participants, on the other hand, were

given the freedom to speak freely about their experiences. Since the

study was focused on a specific group, the researchers will utilize the

selective sampling approach to choose the respondents. (Students

involved in romantic relationships). Grade 11 QBCNHS students who

are involved in a relationship will become the respondents of the

study. The researchers limited the participants 10 students as the

respondents of the study.

In order to answer specific sub-problems in our study, survey

questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents. The survey

questionnaires will consist of a broad range of questions aimed at

gauging the students’ involvement in romantic relationship and its

adverse effects on their academic achievement.



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data gathered by the researchers. In

order to answer the main problem of the study of the exploration of

Intimate Relationship & Academic Performance of Grade 11 Students

at QBCNHS, the data gathered were presented in textual form consists

of personal opinions and survey responses. And are analyzed and

interpreted according to the sub-problems of the study.

Research Findings

In this section of the chapter, a summary of the findings is

presented, and the data obtained from survey questionnaires

completed by the respondents regarding the investigation of the

relationship between Intimate Relationship and Academic

Performance of Grade 11 Students at QBCNHS is examined. The data

collected were carefully extracted and analyzed to align with the

research objectives.

Table 1: Have you noticed any changes in your academic performance

since starting a romantic relationship? If so, what are they?
R1 Yes, I am more inspired on engaging into academic


R2 No

R3 Yes, I am more motivated in my academic performance

R4 There’s no changes

R5 No

R6 No, walay nag bag o. same rajapun akong mga grades ug gi

maintain sab nako ma okay ang akong performance sa pag


R7 Wala, kay makatabang siya sa akoa in times of difficulties

in doing my academic task, ga study mi together in our

vacant time.

R8 No

R9 Yes, there were changes in my academic performance nga

since nag start a relationship because maka inspire pajud

mo study hard pa gyud.

R10 Yes, mas naganahan ko mo skwela kay siya gyud ang usa

sa akong motivation

Interpretation of the table in question 1

The researchers found out that half of the students are more

motivated in school because of being in an intimate relationship, while

the other half remains neutral. For some students, having a romantic

partner can be a source of motivation and inspiration, leading to

increased focus and dedication in their academic endeavors. This

motivation may arise from the desire to impress their partner, achieve

shared goals, or find emotional support.


Table 2: Do you find it difficult to balance the demands of your

relationship and your academic responsibilities?
R1 No, not really

R2 No

R3 No

R4 Walay difficult sa pagbalance sa dihang sa among relasyon,

as long as magkasinabtanay mo sa usag-usa walay


R5 No, because I balance my time and we both know that we

need to prioritize our responsibilities. Let’s just say we both

understand our priorities.

R6 No, kay we balance our relationship and studies ug always

mi magsinabtanay

R7 No, because we haven’t encounter any difficulties while

being in a relationship together with our academic


R8 No

R9 Wala mi duha naglisud sa among relationship ug academic

responsibilities kay we both man nga nakasabot nga nay

iya iyang priorities

R10 Sometimes, kay if busy kaayo ko sa akong mga

requirements kay dili kaayo nako siya ma tagad


Interpretation of the table for question 2

Based on the finding that all of the students do not find it

difficult to balance their relationship and academic responsibilities, it

can be inferred that these students have developed effective strategies

or possess a natural ability to manage their commitments

successfully. They may have strong organizational skills, excellent

time management abilities, and effective communication with their

partners, allowing them to navigate the demands of both their

relationship and academics without significant difficulty.

Table 3: How much time and energy do you typically devote to your
relationship, and do you think this has an impact on your academic
R1 If I am not busy on school, I devote most of my time

bonding with her and it helps me to recharge my energy

from exhaustion

R2 10/10, mag hatag gyud mig time para sa usat-usa every


R3 No

R4 Communicate and update each other and also dapat

kabalo ka mo balance sa imong time sa relasyon ug pag

eskwela nimo

R5 8/10, yes

R6 Ga communicate mi always, gahatag ug time sa usat- usa

ug walay epekto ang pag hatag ug much time sa akong


relationship sa akong pag skwela

R7 Time and effort, normal lang just like before when I didn’t

have a relationship

R8 50/50, I always balance my time

R9 Ang pag hatag ug time and energy sa relationship kay

balance lang pud sa paghatag pud nakog time sa akong

pag skwela

R10 8/10, my academic responsibilities always goes first

Interpretation for the table in question 3

Most of the students devote a significant amount of time and

effort to their relationships, yet their academic performance remains

unaffected, it can be inferred that these students have developed a

healthy balance between their personal and academic lives. They

demonstrate the ability to manage their time effectively, prioritize their

commitments, and maintain a high level of focus and dedication to

their studies.

Table 4: What are some specific challenges that you have faced in
trying to maintain a healthy relationship while also staying on top of
your studies?
R1 Times when we have an argument

works that I vent it out on him accidentally

R2 If mag away mi maabot gyud sa punto nga hapit magbulag

kay unahon gyud nako akong studies

R3 Sigeg ka bilar

R4 Updating, because sometimes I can’t update because I’m


R5 Well, since in our relationship, through patience and

humbleness. Despite fights in relationship, it didn’t make

my studies deteriorate

R6 Ang specific challenges nga e faced para ma maintain ang

healthy relationship kay always lang gyud mo mag

communicate sa inyong feelings ug mag sinabtanay lang

ang tanan

R7 Well since in our relationship is built through patience and

humbleness. Despite all the fights, I didn’t let my studies


R8 Time management

R9 Ga bilar ko if mag away mi then ma okay rapud mi if

magkasinabtanay nami

R10 When I’m tired from doing all my school works that I vent it

out on him accidentally

Interpretation for the table in question 4

The major challenge students have experienced in maintaining a

relationship are arguments and misunderstandings, it can be

concluded that conflicts and miscommunication are common

obstacles in romantic relationships among students. These challenges

can arise due to differences in communication styles, expectations, or

personal values, leading to disagreements and misunderstandings.


The high-pressure environment of academic life, coupled with the

emotional complexities of relationships, may contribute to increased

tensions and conflicts.

Table 5: Have you ever felt distracted or focused during classes or

while studying because of your relationship? If so, can you describe
the circumstances?
R1 No, not at all

R2 No, dili man gud siya mag sinamok sa ako so focused ko

ug dili pud ko madistract sa iyaha

R3 Wala kay masinabtanon man akong uyab

R5 No

R6 No, wala ko nakabati ug distractions during class or

studying kay we both man sad gyud nga nay iya- iyang

responsibilities sa among pag-eskwela mas ginahimo namo

duha ang mga responsibilities sa among pag-skwela, gina

balance rapud namo

R7 No, kay both man mi aware nga naa mi iya-iya nga klase

nya ga mag update rami

R8 Sometimes when I sleep late

R9 Wala kay I balance man nako akong pag skwela ug


R10 No, I don’t usually use my phone during class hours

Interpretation for the table of question 5


The majority of students do not get distracted by their romantic

partners during class hours, as they tend to maintain focus on their

academic responsibilities. However, a minority of students do

experience distractions due to their romantic relationships. This

finding suggests that for most students, they are able to prioritize

their education and remain attentive in class, separating their

personal and academic lives effectively. These students likely have

developed self-discipline, time management skills, and the ability to

set boundaries, allowing them to maintain their concentration on their


Table 6: Have you ever had to make sacrifices in your relationship

because of academic responsibilities? How did you handle this?
R1 Yes, there are times that I need to choose between my

academic and my girlfriend but the important thing must

come first. I know my partner will understand the

sacrifices in our relationship

R2 Yes, need lang gyud ug time management

R3 Yes, naningkamot nga mangitag pamaagi

R4 No

R5 Yes, as a goal oriented person. I prioritize both my

relationship and my education

R6 No kay wala pako ka experience

R7 No

R8 Yes, by giving each other space to focus on their academics

R9 Yes, panagsa daghan kog buhatonon pero ma handle


raman imong relationship if mag communicate mo bisag

naa kay ginabuhat

R10 No, both of us understands that education should always

be our priority

Interpretation for the table of the question 6

The majority of students have had to make sacrifices in their

relationships due to academic responsibilities. These sacrifices may

involve allocating less time for romantic activities, reducing the

frequency of communication, or limiting social interactions with their

partners. These students prioritize their academic commitments and

recognize the importance of dedicating sufficient time and energy to

their studies.

Table 7: Do you think that your relationship has affected your ability
to socialize with other classmates or engage in extracurricular
activities? If so can you explain why?
R1 Not at all, I do engage in different extracurricular activities

even before and being into a relationship doesn’t affect my

ability in this aspect

R2 No

R3 Yes, kay usahay maoy cause sa away

R4 No

R5 No, it’s okay to socialize because that’s normal as a student

R6 Yes naa jud syay effect nga maki-socialize sa uban tao

R7 Wala as long as if ma curious siya kinsa na imong kauban,


iingon lang nimo sa iya kung kinsa na nga tao

R8 No, because I socialize frequently and she’s used to it

R9 No, wala jud ni affect sa akoa

R10 No, we trust each other very much. Trust is the foundation

in a healthy relationship

Interpretation for the table of question 7

Majority of students in a relationship have not experienced a

negative impact on their ability to socialize with others. These

students have successfully maintained a healthy balance between

their romantic relationship and their social life. They are able to spend

time with their friends, engage in social activities, and maintain a

strong network outside of their relationship. However, a minority of

students have experienced challenges in socializing due to their

partner's jealousy. These students may face restrictions, conflicts, or

possessive behavior from their romantic partners, which limits their

ability to freely interact with others.

Table 8: How do you think you could improve your ability to balance
your academic responsibilities and your relationship, if at all?
R1 It is just time management

R2 Time management lang gyud ta

R3 Bahinon ang oras. pero syempre unahon ang study ayha

ang uyab

R4 By time management

R5 You can improve this by setting a schedule for work and

academic responsibilities, so that you can have time with

your partner

R6 Ang akong way lang para ma balance ang akong

relationship ug academic kay always lang communicate mo

tas tinabangay lang sa school if naa moy wala na sabtan

R7 You can balance it by time management kay kung dili ka

kabalo mo balance sa imong time kay naa gyuy negative

effect ana sa inyong relasyon or pagskwela

R8 By improving your time management and be more


R9 Time management

R10 Time management and know your responsibilities

Interpretation for the table of question 8

All of the students agree that effective time management is the

key solution in balancing their academic responsibilities and their

romantic relationships. These students recognize the importance of

allocating dedicated time for both aspects of their lives and have

implemented strategies to prioritize and manage their time effectively.

They understand that establishing a schedule, setting clear

boundaries, and practicing discipline are essential in achieving a

harmonious balance between their academic commitments and their

relationship needs.

Table 9: Do you have any advice for other students who are struggling
to maintain a balance between their relationship and academic goals?
R1 If the relationship gives you growth and helps you to

achieve your goals, then go for it. Be inspired with that

intimate feeling to be more encourage in engaging to

different academic task

R2 Yes, always

R3 Dapat magkasinabot mo, sinabtanay ug dapat ayha mo

sulod sa relationship, make sure matured naka ug kabalo

ka sa time management

R4 Unahon jud dapat ang pagskwela ayha relationship

R5 If you enter into a relationship, be ready to face conflicts.

Do not forsake your studies

R6 Ang ako lang ma advice sa mga students nga ga struggle sa

pag maintain sa ilang relationship ug academic goals kay

always lang gyud mo mag communicate sa inyong feelings

ug paminawon ang both side tas mag tinabangay lang mo

sa inyong academic goals

R7 Always lang mo pagsinabtanay ug hatag mo ug freedom

nga dili magpalabig restrict tas ayaw pasasgdi imong pag


woman is worth sacrificing your education for

R8 Understand each other especially when it comes to

academic performance

R9 Para sa ako, sinabtanay lang ug always paminawon ninyo


ang usat-usa

R10 If the relationship gives you a hard time then end it. Focus

on you and your future because no man or woman is worth

sacrificing your education for

Data Analysis

The data collected in this study explores the ways in which

students manage their academic status while being in a relationship.

The primary strategy reported by the participants was the utilization

of time management skills. This suggests that students recognize the

importance of allocating their time effectively between their studies

and their romantic relationship. By carefully organizing their

schedules, these individuals aimed to strike a balance between their

academic responsibilities and their personal life.

However, it was observed that one of the challenges faced by

students in intimate relationships was the occurrence of arguments or

conflicts. These disagreements often led to distractions and potentially

impacted the participants' academic performance. It is important to

note that while relationships can be a source of support and

motivation, they can also present challenges that may hinder

academic progress.

In the positive side, many participants mentioned that being in

a relationship with a motivating partner had a beneficial impact on


their academic journey. Having a partner who provided support,

encouragement, and assistance with academic tasks served as a

source of motivation. This finding aligns with previous research

indicating that social support can have a positive influence on

students' academic performance.

The results suggest that maintaining a healthy balance between

academic pursuits and a romantic relationship is crucial for students.

Effective time management can help students allocate sufficient time

to both areas of their lives. Additionally, it is essential for individuals

in relationships to develop effective communication and conflict

resolution skills to minimize the negative impact of disagreements on

their academic endeavors.

This study highlights the significance of time management skills

in maintaining a healthy balance between academic commitments and

intimate relationships. While conflicts within relationships can

present challenges, having a motivating partner can positively

influence students' academic journeys. The findings underscore the

importance of effective communication and conflict resolution

strategies for students in relationships. By understanding these

dynamics, educational institutions and individuals can develop

strategies and interventions to support students in achieving

academic success while navigating romantic relationships.


Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

The purpose of this research was to examine how being in a

romantic relationship affects the academic performance of Grade 11

STEM at QBCNHS. To achieve this objective, data was collected by

administering survey questionnaires to a sample of students who are

in a romantic relationship during the academic year 2022-2023.



1. Based on the findings from Grade 11 students at QBCNHS,

intimate relationships have a diverse impact on their academic

performance. While some students reported that being in a

relationship positively influences their academic performance by

providing motivation, emotional support, and a sense of

accountability, others mentioned that intimate relationships can

sometimes present challenges such as distractions or conflicts

that can hinder their academic focus. Overall, the impact of

intimate relationships on academic performance among Grade

11 students at QBCNHS is contingent on individual

circumstances and the ability to effectively balance relationship

commitments with academic responsibilities. Developing

effective communication, time management, and boundary-


setting skills can help students maintain a healthy integration

of their relationships and academic pursuits.

2. Several common challenges were identified when balancing

intimate relationships and academic responsibilities. The most

prevalent challenges reported by the students include time

management, conflicting priorities, and emotional strain. Many

students expressed difficulties in effectively allocating time

between their relationship and their academic commitments,

often feeling overwhelmed by the demands of both. Conflicting

priorities were a common issue, as students struggled to juggle

the expectations and responsibilities associated with

maintaining a healthy relationship while meeting academic

expectations. Additionally, the emotional strain of managing

relationship dynamics and academic stress simultaneously was

frequently mentioned. Some students reported experiencing

heightened levels of stress and anxiety, especially during

periods of conflict or when facing time constraints. These

challenges highlight the need for students to develop effective

strategies for time management, communication, and self-care

to maintain a healthy balance between their relationships and

academic responsibilities.

3. Grade 11 students at QBCNHS can adopt several strategies to

maintain a healthy balance between their intimate relationships

and academic performance. Firstly, effective time management

is crucial. Students should prioritize and schedule their

academic tasks, relationship commitments, and personal

activities to ensure a balanced approach. Open and honest

communication with their partners is key, as it helps in setting

realistic expectations, addressing concerns, and finding

mutually beneficial solutions. Developing strong organizational

skills, such as creating to-do lists and utilizing study planners,

can enhance productivity and reduce stress. Additionally,

practicing self-care, such as prioritizing sleep, engaging in

regular physical activity, and seeking support when needed, is

essential for maintaining overall well-being. By implementing

these strategies, Grade 11 students can navigate the

complexities of balancing relationships and academics while

promoting their personal growth and success.


In conclusion, the impact of intimate relationships on the

academic performance of Grade 11 students at QBCNHS is

multifaceted. While some students benefit from the motivation and

support provided by their relationships, others face challenges in

maintaining academic focus due to distractions or conflicts. It is


important for students to develop strong communication, time

management, and boundary-setting skills to successfully balance

their relationship commitments with their academic responsibilities.

By cultivating these skills, students can create a healthy integration of

their personal lives and academics, allowing them to thrive both in

their relationships and in their academic pursuits.

Grade 11 students at QBCNHS face common challenges when

balancing intimate relationships and academic responsibilities. These

challenges primarily revolve around time management, conflicting

priorities, and emotional strain. Students often struggle to allocate

time effectively and manage the expectations of both their

relationships and academics. The emotional toll of managing these

aspects concurrently can lead to heightened stress and anxiety. To

address these challenges, students should focus on developing

strategies for effective time management, open communication, and

self-care. By doing so, they can work towards maintaining a healthy

balance between their relationships and academic responsibilities,

promoting their overall well-being and success.

Grade 11 students at QBCNHS can employ various strategies to

maintain a healthy balance between their intimate relationships and

academic performance. Effective time management, open

communication, and strong organizational skills are vital in

prioritizing and managing their commitments. Additionally, practicing

self-care plays a significant role in maintaining overall well-being. By


incorporating these strategies into their daily lives, students can

navigate the challenges of balancing relationships and academics

more effectively, promoting their personal growth and achieving

success in both areas.


To address the perceptions of in-relationship students towards

academic challenges, several recommendations can be made. Firstly,

fostering a supportive relationship environment is essential. In-

relationship students should strive to create an atmosphere where

open communication, empathy, and understanding are encouraged.

By fostering this supportive environment, students can feel more

comfortable discussing their academic challenges with their partners,

seeking advice, and finding solutions together.

Secondly, prioritizing open communication is key. In-

relationship students should make a conscious effort to communicate

their academic goals, schedules, and expectations with their partners.

This includes discussing their study routines, upcoming exams or

deadlines, and any specific challenges they may be facing. By openly

communicating about their academic commitments, students can

ensure that their partners are aware of their responsibilities and can

offer the necessary support and understanding.


Furthermore, it is important for in-relationship students to

maintain a healthy work-life balance. They should recognize the

importance of allocating sufficient time for both their academic

pursuits and their relationship. This may involve setting boundaries,

establishing designated study times, and effectively managing their

time to accommodate both their academic responsibilities and quality

time with their partners.

Lastly, seeking external support and resources can be

beneficial. In-relationship students can explore resources such as

academic counseling, study groups, or tutoring services to enhance

their academic performance. Additionally, they can encourage each

other to pursue individual growth and support each other's academic



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A. Letter requesting permission to conduct the study

Quezon Bukidnon ComprehensiveNational

High School
Mibando, Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon


June 5, 2023

Dear Ma’am/ Sir,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are writing to
seek your consent for conducting practical research as part of my academic pursuits. We
assure you that we will strictly adhere to ethical standards and ensure the confidentiality
of any sensitive information or data obtained during the research. Furthermore, we will
take full responsibility for any costs incurred during the research process and will not
hold your institution liable for any unforeseen circumstances. We will assure you that
our presence will be respectful and non-disruptive, adhering to all privacy guidelines.
We are flexible to accommodate you and your student's schedule if needed.

Thank you for considering our request. Your cooperation will be invaluable in
enabling us to conduct this practical research. We are confident that your support will
contribute significantly to the success of our project.

Yours sincerely,

Casimero, Timothea Hilary

De Pedro, Jenuah
Gabayan, John Merick
Gabayan, Rechen Mae
Lupague, Dannica
Manda, Faith
Sab, Lyka Faye
Santiago, Nobrille Lee

B. Questionnaires

The Effects of an Intimate Relationship to Students' Academic

Performance of Grade 11 Students at Quezon Bukidnon
Comprehensive National High School

Name (Optional): Grade and Section:

Sex: Male Female: Age:

Direction: Answer the following truthfully. There is no right or wrong

answers. Your answers will completely be confidential.

1. Have you noticed any changes in your academic performance since

starting a romantic relationship? If so, what are they?

2. Do you find it difficult to balance the demands of your relationship

and your academic responsibilities? If so, can you explain why?

3. How much time and energy do you typically devote to your

relationship, and do you think this has an impact on your
academic performance?

4. What are some specific challenges that you have faced in trying to
maintain a healthy relationship while also staying on top of your

5. Have you ever felt distracted or unfocused during class or while

studying because of your relationship? If so, can you describe the

6. Do you think that your partner's academic performance or study

habits have influenced your own, either positively or negatively? If
so, can you provide an example?

7. Have you ever had to make sacrifices in your relationship because

of academic responsibilities? How did you handle this?

8. Do you think that your relationship has affected your ability to

socialize with other classmates or engage in extracurricular
activities? If so, can you explain why?

9. How do you think you could improve your ability to balance your
academic responsibilities and your relationship, if at all?

10. Do you have any advice for other students who are struggling to
maintain a balance between their relationship and their academic

C. Biodata

Timothea Hilary Casimero

Email ID:

Mobile No.: 09913719249
Date of Birth: October 14, 2005
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English
Father: Joseph Bryan A. Sermonia
Mother: Irve N. Casimero
Jeanuah Ordeniza De Pedro

Email ID:

Mobile No.: 09362117005
Date of Birth : January 8, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: CAMACOP
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English
Father: De Pedro Moises Obsangga
Mother: De Pedro Evelyn Ordeniza

John Merick J. Gabayan

Email ID:

Mobile No.: 09050772945
Date of Birth : December 16, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English
Father: Rolly D. Gabayan

Mother: Marry Joy J. Gabayan

Rechen Mae C. Gabayan

Email ID:

Mobile No.: 09652717718
Date of Birth: October 16,2005
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Tagalog, English, and Cebuano
Father: Ronaldo Gabayan
Mother: Mishelle Gabayan

Dannica Alvhi Joy R. Lupague

Email ID:

Mobile No. 09292336709
Date of Birth : May 18, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English
Father: Lupague, Marlon F.
Mother: Lupague, Ferlina E.

Faith Sultan Manda

Email ID:
Mobile No.: 09758869846
Date of Birth: January 7, 2006
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: CAMACOP
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English

Father: Edwin Impil Manda

Mother: Melchora Sultan Manda

Lyka Faye Sab

Email ID:

Mobile No.: 09079458580
Date of Birth : April 5, 2005
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English
Father: Wilmer A. Sab
Mother: Teresita R. Jumao-as

Nobrille Lee Santiago

Email ID:

Mobile No.: 09914544355
Date of Birth : November 11, 2005
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: JW
Marital Status: Unmarried
Languages Known: Cebuano, Tagalog and English
Father: Salvador Santiago
Mother: Elda Santiago

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