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Hướng dẫn giải: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương || Độc quyền và duy nhất tại:

Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; 50 câu trắc nghiệm

Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương

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Ví dụ: Đề thi này có mã TS2022.1, em gõ TS2022.1 vào thanh tìm kiếm để xem lời giải nhanh nhất

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
The pain of a migraine headache can virtually disable a person who suffers from it. Millions and
millions of people suffer from migraines, although many of them do not migraine is different from a
regular headache. A migraine is not at all the same as a headache, and it seems to have a very physical
One symptom of a migraine is a precursor, which is a visual aura before an attack. Yet only about a
third of patients actually experience that, and it is, therefore, not a requirement in the diagnosis. Other
symptoms include increased pain when a person moves, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.
Scientists now believe that migraines are caused, not by abnormal blood vessels as previously believed,
but instead by a unique electrical disorder of brain cells. Physicians used to treat migraines with medicine
to constrict blood vessels because of the belief that dilated blood vessels were the cause. The new research
has been enhanced by imaging devices that allow scientists to watch patients’ brains during an attack. The
results show that sufferers have abnormally excitable neurons, or brain nerve cells. Prior to the attack, the
neurons suddenly fire off electrical pulses at the back of the brain, which ripple like waves on a lake after
a stone hits the water. They ripple across the top and then the back of the brain, ultimately affecting the
brain stem where the pain centers are located. The pain then generates possibly from the brain stem itself
or from blood vessels inflamed by the rapidly changing blood flow, or perhaps from both.
Scientists have experimented by applying a powerful magnet to stimulate the neurons and discovered
that some people's brains react differently than others'. When stimulation was applied to the brains of
people who had suffered migraines, they saw the initial aura, and some actually suffered migraines. When
the same stimulation was applied to the brains of people who had never suffered migraines, they realized
no effect and the neurons showed no change.
Scientists and doctors continue to work on the research in an attempt to find the perfect treatment. It is
considered important to treat migraines because it is believed that prolonged untreated attacks could cause
physical changes in the brain leading to chronic pain.
Question 1. The author implies that a migraine _____.
A. is just a strong headache
B. can be treated with regular aspirin
C. is caused by the same things that cause a headache
D. has a specific scientific cause, unlike a headache
Question 2. The word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to _____.
A. pain B. person C. migraine D. suffering

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Hướng dẫn giải: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương || Độc quyền và duy nhất tại:

Question 3. The prior treatment for migraines included medicine that _____.
A. eliminated stress B. tightened blood vessels
C. eliminated the aura D. eliminated any pain.
Question 4. Scientists have recently learned more about the cause of migraines from _____.
A. using imaging devices that allow one to watch the neurons
B. asking patients to describe the symptoms
C. giving patients aspirin and watching for results
D. taking blood tests
Question 5. Scientists have caused neurons to react by applying _____.
A. a magnetic field B. imaging C. drugs D. electric charges
Question 6. The best title for this passage would be what?
A. New Evidence of How Migraines Are Formed
B. New Treatments for Migraines
C. How Migraines and Headaches are Different
D. Imaging As a Means of Studying Migraine
Question 7. Researchers believe that long-term migraine sufferers _____.
A. can suffer physical changes in the brain and be in chronic pain
B. are susceptible to illness
C. can take a migraine medicine and avoid problems in the future
D. are not following instructions about their environment

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning
to the sentence given in each of the following questions.
Question 8. My boss doesn't mind what time I start or finish work.
A. My boss does not tell me what time I should start or finish work.
B. It makes no difference to my boss what time I start or finish work.
C. My boss and I are of one mind about what time I start or finish work.
D. I do not tell my boss what time I start or finish work because he has a lot in his mind.
Question 9. They are always talking about it but does nothing.
A. I order that they not talk anything about it.
B. I warns them not to talk anything about it.
C. I would rather they did something about it instead of just talking about it.
D. I would rather they had done something about it instead of just talking about it.
Question 10. They expect that recent changes will bring about an overall improvement in the quality of
the country's education.
A. Recent changes are expected to lead to an overall improvement in the quality of the country's
B. The quality of the country's education was expected to be the consequence of recent changes.
C. It is expected that recent changes are caused by an overall improvement in the quality of the
country's education.
D. It was expected that recent changes would result in an overall improvement in the quality of
the country's education.

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Hướng dẫn giải: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương || Độc quyền và duy nhất tại:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that it OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the questions.
Question 11. We asked readers who rush from work to the kitchen to share their quick, family friendly
recipes and time-saving techniques.
A. highly-respected B. short-lived C. economical D. time-consuming
Question 12. The result of the mock test brought home to me that my knowledge didn't come up to
standard and had to try my best to pass the coming entrance exam.
A. was up-to-date B. wasn't better than necessary
C. was standardized D. was good enough

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following sentences.
Question 13. A. resort B. desert C. position D. pleasure
Question 14. A. coughed B. wicked C. knocked D. helped

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 15. Dad was always out, Mum was often poorly, and I had to look after the rest of the kids.
A. broke B. ill C. short of money D. well
Question 16. Car owners who live by the sea are well aware of the havoc that salt water causes to a car's
A. care B. maintenance C. destruction D. service

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 17. Higher cigarette prices do not seem to discourage people _____.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. from smoking D. against smoking
Question 18. There will not be any redundancies in the _____ future.
A. foreseeable B. known C. foreseen D. predictable
Question 19. _____ Flight 307, as was arranged for him in the itinerary, he would have arrived in time
for the luncheon
A. Did he take B. Should he take C. If he had taken D. If he took
Question 20. _____ one of the greatest pianists, Martha Argerich won the International Chopin Piano
Competition at the age of 24 and is now arguably the greatest living pianist who can sell out concerts in
A. Considered B . Is considered C. Considering D. Considers
Question 21. She _____ him to translate the document into French because she herself cannot speak
A.couldn't have helped B. shouldn't have helped
C. needn't have helped D. mustn't have helped
Question 22. _____ is leave a note for Mum to tell her we won't be back till late.
A. That we will do B. We will do C. What being done by us D. What we will do
Question 23. I don't think she thought very hard before deciding to leave her job, _____?
A. didn't she B.don't I C. do D. did she

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Hướng dẫn giải: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương || Độc quyền và duy nhất tại:

Question 24. Archie doesn't even _____ an effort to help out around the house.
A. solve B. address C. do D. make
Question 25. Carter was saying all the right things, but his smile was _____, and I knew I couldn't trust
A.unreal B. fake C. artificial D. false
Question 26. Modernization and _____ have contributed to later marriages, for example, as have
improvements in educational and employment opportunities for women.
A. industrialization B. industry C. industrialized D. industrial
Question 27. I ran _____ some old love letters while I was clearing out a cupboard.
A. into B. on C. off D. across
Question 28. Late 20th-century criticisms of urban _____ led to new interest in the efficiencies of urban
A. management B. sprawl C. respect D. running
Question 29. My request that everyone _____ seated was ignored.
A. remains B. be remained C. must remain D. remain
Question 30. Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like waving a red rag in front of _____.
A. a buffalo B. a horse C. a pig D. a bull
Question 31. Not until his father threatened to punish him _____ the truth.
A. had the boy told B. that the boy told C. did the boy tell D. the boy told

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following sentences.
Question 32. This house was famous for its huge marble staircases. It was completed in 1856
A. This house, which was completed in 1856, was famous for its huge marble staircases.
B. This house that was completed in 1856 was famous for its huge marble staircases.
C. This house which was completed in 1856 was famous for its huge marble staircases.
D. This house was famous for its huge marble staircases which was completed in 1856.
Question 33. All are eligible for the contest. There is no discrimination of race and sex.
A. All are eligible for the contest despite the discrimination of race and sex.
B. All are eligible for the contest, when it comes to race and sex.
C. All are eligible for the contest, regardless of race and sex.
D. All are eligible for the contest due to the discrimination of race and sex.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Ouestion 34. It was his behaviour yesterday that she doesn't answer his phone now.
A. doesn't answer B. his behaviour C. that D. now
Question 35. Karen's sister works at the New York Ballet and she's managed to get us some
complementary tickets.
A. and B. complementary tickets C. works at D. to get
Question 36. She has been promoted five years ago therefore, her request for a raise is definitely worth
A. has been promoted B. reviewing C. therefore D. request for

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Hướng dẫn giải: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương || Độc quyền và duy nhất tại:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 37. A. courageous B. institute C. character D. internet
Question 38. A. cancer B. treatment C. disease D. tissue

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 39. Daniel and Anthony are discussing the causes of air pollution.
Daniel: “I think urbanization has led to air pollution.”
Anthony: “__________.”
A. Can I help you? B. I don't think so. I can't agree with you more
C. I can't agree with you more. D. Absolutely. I am not with you there.
Question 40. It's time for Patricia and Sandra go to school.
Patricia: “Do you think it is about to rain?”
Sandra: “__________.”
A. It's hopeless. B. I hope not. C. I don't hope. D. I don't hope so.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
The elephants left the shatle crossed an open piece of grass between bushes, and came towards the mud-
pool where my truck was parked. One by one they arrived on the shore, but, just as they seemed to be
about to bathe in the inviting muddy liquid, they became aware of the silent truck with its tell-tale smell
of man. The leading elephant merely spread her ears and cautiously backed away taking the young
elephants with her.
A smaller mother elephant continued to stand next to the pool, however, swinging her long trunk and
swaying her dead from side to side always keeping an eye on the truck. The baby elephant behind her
held up his head, waving his trunk to sample the suspicious smell in the wind. The mother elephant seemed
to be uncertain about whether to come on and investigate the truck or to back away with the other. Finally,
she made up her mind and slowly advanced on the truck. Her ears were half out, and her trunk moved
inquiringly towards the vehicle and then back under her stomach in a rhythmic swing.
I was fascinated by this close approach. Never before had I been able to see the hairiness around the
jaw, nor smell the warm scent of elephant, which now reached me in concentrated waves. The mother
elephant's steps were slow but determine, and brought her to within a couple of metres of me.
She gave the impression of being intensely curious about this metal object with had appeared in her
world and behaved as if it were itself an animal. I wondered how far she would accept the situation and,
if after all the centuries of men killing elephant, she would ever allow me to approach her on foot. To be
able to move freely among the elephants without their minding was an exciting thought, but I certainly
did not expect it would ever be possible.
Question 41. It had been the elephants' intention to _____.
A. Avoid the mud B. Feed on the grass
C. Swim in the pool D. Lie in the sunshine
Question 42. The presence of the writer and his vehicle _____.
A. Made the adult elephants curious B. Frightened all the elephants away
C. Was not noticed by the elephants D. Made the leading elephant suspicious

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Hướng dẫn giải: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương || Độc quyền và duy nhất tại:

Question 43. How did the smaller mother elephant react the truck?
A. After some hesitation she moved away with the other elephants.
B. She kept her baby away from it.
C. She showed more curiosity than the other elephants.
D. She rushed up to it excitedly.
Question 44. While he watched the mother elephant approaching, the author _____.
A. was worried that the elephants were too close B. was impressed by the elephant’s size
C. found the smell very unpleasant D. saw details he had not noticed before
Question 45. The author did not expect he would ever be able to _____.
A. walk about freely near the elephants B. touch the elephants
C. drive his truck close to the elephants D. shoot the elephants

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose to the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Design is everywhere. It's what attracted you to the last car or piece of furniture you bought and it's
what _____ (46) _____ online banking possible. It means that London taxis are easier to get in and out of
and that Stella McCartney is a _____(47) _____ name. Design is driving whole business cultures forward
as well as making sure that it's easier to find your way around places such as hospitals and airports. The
single word 'design' encompasses an awful lot, and that's why the search for a single definition leads to
lengthy debate to say the least.
There are broad definitions and specific ones - both have _____ (48) _____. Either they're too general
to be meaningful or they exclude too much. One definition, suggested by designer Richard Seymour, is
'making things better for people'. It emphasizes that design activity is mostly concerned with human
behavior and quality of life. But nurses or road sweepers could be justified in saying that they, too, 'make
things better for people'. Meanwhile, an alternative definition that _____ (49) _____ on products or 3D
realizations of ideas doesn't include the work of graphic designers, service designers and many other
disciplines. There may be no absolute definition of design _____ (50) _____ will please everyone, but
attempting to find one does help us to pin down the unique set of skills that designers bring to the world.
Question 46. A. caused B. made C. allowed D. helped
Question 47. A. proper B. family C. band D. household
Question 48. A. ruins B. advantages C. rights D. drawbacks
Question 49. A. indicates B. focuses C. deals D. refers
Question 50. A. what B. who C. that D. where

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