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Application of Journalism in Developed Era

Appearance of the smartphone have changed spread system of information in the world
wide. But, lot of people have not been educated with knowledge of journalism manners in
spread their information. Credibility of information become hard to be filtered by partly people.
To prevent hoax spread expansively, media literacy have to educated to all people even for

Familiarization of media literacy towards receiver information can add insight in reception
information. Literally, media literacy according Tyner (1998: 17 as cited in Livingstone) is
stenography based on cultural goals to choose good source particularly from personal fulfilment,
economic development, and individual moral fortitude. In addition, there are four scope of
ability which cover ability of a person to access, analyze, evaluate, and create various kind of
message (Livingstone, 2003). This ability can assist people to choose and sort the information
containing various kind of meaning. It is also enhance people awareness in the importance of
spread fact information and it can decrease public misunderstanding which may be cause of
occurrence public conspiracy. In addition, media literacy can support people in this post-truth era
to prefer fact then fake information. In post-truth era, lot of people are prioritizing how
information is read and seen appropriate with fact from various ideology of observer information
(Suharyanto 2019). So, approach of insight regarding media literacy can be made as pillar of truth
in to obtain the reference of actual information responsibly.

Perception regarding insight of media literacy should be disseminated ranging from adults to

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