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De La Salle University

Computer Technology Department


Members: Dylan Lee B. Akia Group No.:

Jan. 16, 2024

Laboratory Hands-On 1 – Computing Systems


Different type of computers has different purposes. The most common computers in use is the desktop
PC, which can be used for various tasks like editing documents, creating presentations, or playing
games. Servers, on the other hand, are computers that can handle numerous transactions. Web servers
or database servers are often used by an enterprise for e-commerce, or for tasks like completing point-of-
sales transactions. Specialize systems like embedded systems, or system-on-a-chip (SOC) have “limited”
power, but are commonly used in smartphones, smart appliances, or automobile engines.

In this laboratory session, we will compare the performance of a Server and a Raspberry Pi. The same
programs will be executed on both computer systems to observe their differences and capabilities.


Part 1 – PC Server
1. Download and install PuTTY in your local machine. PuTTY can be downloaded here.

2. Use PuTTY to remotely connect to the Server. Use the following configuration:

Host Name

Port No. 21122

Connection Type SSH

3. A new window might appear asking about the server’s host key. If this happens, just click the “Yes”

4. When the connection goes through, you should see a window like the screen shown below. Then
login with the username and password assigned to your group. Note that the cursor does not move
while the password is being typed in.

Record the username and password below.

Username lbycmsys18user01

Password uhmesVTG

5. On the Server prompt, type the command cat /proc/cpuinfo. Examine the output and then fill
in the information below.

CPU Model Name QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+

CPU BogoMIPS 4788.74

Total number of CPU cores 2

6. What does the command cat /proc/cpuinfo do?

It displays information about the CPU.

7. What are BogoMIPS? How can it be used to evaluate the processing capability of the CPU?
It is a crude measurement of CPU speed made by the Linux kernel when it boots to calibrate an
internal busy-loop. It is a value that can be used to verify whether the processor in question is in
the proper range of similar processors.

8. What is/are the difference/s between MIPS and BogoMIPS? Explain your answer.
MIPS is a legitimate measure of a processor's performance, indicating the actual number of instructions it can execute per second.
BogoMIPS, on the other hand, is a less precise and somewhat playful metric that originated in the Linux kernel for a specific
purpose during system initialization. It's important to use MIPS for serious performance evaluations, while BogoMIPS is more of a
historical artifact with limited practical use beyond its original context.

9. On the Server prompt, type the command /home/files/pi.exe. This program will print the first
800 digits of Pi. How much time does it take to finish the execution of the program?

0.000000 seconds

10. On the Server prompt, type the command /home/files/prime.exe. This program will print the
first 10000 prime numbers. How much time does it take to finish the execution of the program?

2.000000 seconds

11. Logout from the Server by typing the command exit. This will close the PuTTY window.

Part 2 – Raspberry Pi
12. Since there is no access to a Raspberry Pi board, please go watch the video Lab 1 – Rpi.mp4
(embedded in the assignment page of the lab manual). The video may be paused while answering
the questions below.

13. Task #1 executes the command cat /proc/cpuinfo on the Raspberry Pi. Examine the output
and then fill in the information below.

CPU Model Name ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v71)

CPU BogoMIPS 38.40

Total number of CPU cores 4

14. Is there a difference between the BogoMIPs of the Server and the Raspberry Pi? How can the
difference help in evaluating the CPU of each machine?
The BogoMIPS of the server is theoretically faster according to the BogoMIPS value. However, BogoMIPS is not a reliable
indicator of real-world performance. For a more accurate comparison of processor performance, it's better to look at
benchmarks and specifications that provide a more comprehensive assessment of various factors influencing speed
and efficiency.

15. Task #2 executes the command ./pi.exe. This program will print the first 800 digits of Pi. How much
time does it take to finish the execution of the program?

0.000000 seconds

16. Task #2 executes the command ./prime.exe. This program will print the first 10000 prime numbers.
How much time does it take to finish the execution of the program?

24.000000 seconds

17. Comparing the execution times of the Server and the Raspberry Pi in performing computations, what
can you conclude from the results?

In performing computations the execution time of the Server is faster than that of
the Raspberry Pi.

18. Record the output of Tasks #4 to #7.

Read room temperature 35.34

Read room humidity 51.70

Display temperature on LED matrix (last reading) 36.94

Display text on LED matrix Hello LBYCMSY!

19. Based on Tasks #4 to #6, what can you say about the Raspberry Pi? What are sensors? How does
the Raspberry Pi read data from the sensors? (Hint: research “Raspberry Pi SenseHat”)

The Raspberry Pi can interface with sensors through its GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins. These pins allow
the Raspberry Pi to send or receive digital signals, making it possible to connect sensors directly to the board.

20. Based on Task #7, how was the Raspberry Pi able to interface with the LED matrix?

The LED matrix on the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT is controlled using the Sense HAT library, which provides a convenient
Python interface to interact with the various sensors and the 8x8 RGB LED matrix on the board.

21. What are the differences and similarities between a Server and a Raspberry Pi? Enumerate at least
three (3) differences and three (3) similarities.
1. Speed Similarities:
2. Size - Raspberry Pi has a compact form factor and is much smaller in size. 1. Processor Architecture
3.Raspberry Pi has limited expandability options. 2. Networking Capabilities
3. Operating System Flexibility

22. In what situations, scenarios, or applications will you use a Server? In what situations, scenarios, or
applications will you use a Raspberry Pi? Enumerate at least two (2) for each. Be specific in your
Server: Raspberry Pi:
1. Large-scale enterprises w/ substantial computational needs. 1. Educational settings for teaching programming and
2. Web hosting companies and cloud service providers serving electronics.
websites, web applications, and various online services. 2. Used to build home automation systems.

1. What are the different computing systems in the lab activity? How does the computing systems
differ from each other?
Server and Raspberry Pi. Servers are designed for high-perfomance computing and handling complex tasks.
Raspberry Pi, while versatile, is more lightweight and suitable for educational purposes, DIY projects, and simple
computing tasks. Servers are also typically accessed remotely using terminal emulators like PuTTY over a network.
Raspberry Pi can be accessed directly through its terminal, either locally or remotely, depending on the setup.

2. What is the role of architecture in computing systems?

The role of architecture in computing systems is to provide a framework for designing, organizing, and implementing
both hardware and software components to meet specific objectives such as performance, reliability, security, and

3. Write down your conclusion for this laboratory activity. (Answers should be between 5 - 10 sentences
In summary, the lab activity provided insights into the performance of the two systems. The differences between a
traditional server accessed via PuTTY and a Raspberry Pi. The server, designed for high-performance computing,
demonstrated superior processing power. Meanwhile the Raspberry Pi, with its compact form factor, showcased
versatility in smaller-scale projects. This hands-on experience emphasized the diverse applications and roles these
systems play, contributing to a deeper understanding of computing technologies and architectures.

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