CLASS TEST (Chapter 3 and 4)

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Chapter 4 : ATTITUDE

Q1. Define stress. [1]

Q2. Starting a new job is a type of ……………………………………. Stressor. [1]

Q3. The state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion is termed as ………………………………….. . [2]

Q4. Who gave the GAS model? Name the stages of GAS model. [4]

Q5. Who gave the theory of cognitive appraisal? [1]

Q6. a) A man was diagnosed with a serious illness.

b) Due to the occurrence of an earthquake, the communication services of the area were suspended.

Identify the causes of stress in the given situations. [2]

Q7. Give an example of a dispositional cause of stress. [1]

Q8. Discuss how stress can affect performance. [1]

Q9. Name the different types of relaxation techniques. [5]

Q10. Name the steps of the eightfold path of yoga. [4]

Q11. Name any four ways of promoting positive health and well-being. [2]

Q12. a) An employee cannot scream at his boss, but he may later yell at another colleague at work.

b) A mother may not express that she’s hungry but may ask her child if he is hungry or not?

c) A man who failed to book the tickets on time may later say that he actually wasn’t interested in the trip.

Identify the ineffective strategies of stress used in the given situations. [3]

Q13. Define Attitude. Discuss any one way of altering attitudes. [1]

Q14. What are the four causes of prejudice? [2]

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