LS Play

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Narrator: Good evening, everyone.

I want to ask you all a question: What is

more important, your privacy or public interest? Would you be willing to
sacrifice your or someone else's privacy, his personal space, for the greater
good? To help you find the answer, we present to you a small play inspired by
Cobra Post's mission in 2018.

Narrator: Scene 1 – The meeting room at the office of the CEO of Paytm.

Naman: You boys ready? Check your cameras. They should be properly rolling.
We only get one chance.

Shubham: Yes, sir, we are all good.

(Vikram enters the room)

Vikram: Sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen. So what are we dealing with

Ayush: Hello, Mr. Vikram. As you already know, we are from EHW (Extreme
Hindu Wing). Let me introduce our team. I am Ayush. This is Aayansh; he is
Shubham, and he is our leader, Mr. Naman.

Vikram: Enough introductions. Who's your leader again? Mr. Naman, right? So,
Mr. Naman, I want you to be as transparent as possible. What do you want?

Naman: Alright then, Mr. Vikram. We want to promote extremism among

Hindus. We believe in today's world; it is necessary to do this for us and our
beliefs to survive.

Vikram: Consider it done, as soon as your end of the deal is fulfilled.

Aayansh: Done? How can you so easily say that?

Shubham: Yes, Mr. Vikram, how are you going to spread our propaganda? After
all, yours is just a payment company.

Ayush: I am sorry, sir, but we need more details about your ways of working.

Vikram: Forgive me, gentlemen, but I can't give you the details. But I can assure
you that I am a true Hindu. And if you will allow me, I need to be somewhere
else urgently.
(Vikram leaves the room)

Naman: Our work here is done. We should get going.

Narrator: Mission successful! Those brave journalists had done it. Their months
of planning had finally gotten them the proof of the CEO of one of the largest
payment facilitating companies accepting to promote propaganda, which can
never lead to peace. But Shubham got caught up in the dilemma of what is
wrong and what is right. Is there anything as more bad and less bad? With this,
we proceed to Scene 2 – the after-party of the successful mission.

(Shubham is sitting while everyone is enjoying the party.)

Shubham: No, I can't. I can't do this. This is wrong.

(Ayush approaches from behind.)

Ayush: Hey, what are you doing here? Come on, join us. Let's have some fun.
We deserve it after all those endless hours of work.

(Shubham stands up)

Shubham: Ayush, I don't think I can be a part of this.

Ayush: What? What are you talking about?

Shubham: Ayush, I think we are not on the side of angels.

(Aayansh enters)

Aayansh: There are my boys. Come on, let's go out. Everyone is waiting for us.

Shubham: I don't want to go. I don't want to be a part of this.

(Narrator: Scene 3 – the day of truth (Naman and Ayush are present in the room)

Naman: Just this one more step, and the truth will be presented before everyone.
(Aayansh enters the room)

Aayansh: Sir, I cannot find Shubham anywhere.

Naman: What do you mean you can't find him?

Ayush: Yes, he must be in his cabin. Have you checked there?

Aayansh: His cabin, every room in the building, I have checked everywhere, but
he is nowhere to be found.

Naman: Well then, we will be doing this press conference without him.

Aayansh: But we can't.

Naman: What do you mean we can't.

Ayush: Actually, sir, last night after the party, Shubham took all the recorded
proof with him. He said he needed to check some cuts and errors in the footage.

Naman: And you both let him take that. You do realize this is against the rules to
take any type of proof of any mission outside the building.

Aayansh: Yes, sir, we do know that, but we trust Shubham.

Naman: And where has that trust led you? Now we are supposed to present the
proof of the most serious allegation of the decade in the next 15 minutes.

Ayush: Sir, we can postpone the press conference…

(Shubham enters the room)

Aayansh: There you are, where have you been?

Ayush: Do you have the proof with you?

Shubham: Yes, I do.

Naman: Very good, now give that to me.

Shubham: But sir, before I do that, I must first tell you all something. I have
made some changes in the footage.
Aayansh: What do you mean?

Shubham: I have deleted the part that was recorded by my spy camera.

Ayush: What! But why?

Naman: Shubham, this is no time to joke. Give me the pen drive right now.

Shubham: Sir, I am not joking. And here is the pen drive.

Ayush: But why would you do that? After all our hard work.

Aayansh: I could never have even imagined that you would betray us, Shubham.

Naman: Enough! I think the footage recorded by our three cameras will still be
enough to take that Mr. Vikram down. We will discuss this after the press
conference, and Shubham, you are not allowed to leave the premises until we
talk this through.

(Naman, Aayansh, and Ayush leave the room)

Narrator: So, ladies and gentlemen, I ask you again: Is it okay to sacrifice
someone's privacy for the greater good? Or let me reframe the question. Is
Shubham right or wrong in this situation? Don't worry; we are still left with one
more scene to clear your doubts or to get you in doubts. So here it comes, Scene
3 – the confrontation of the good and bad.

(Naman, Ayush, Aayansh enter the room where Shubham was after the press

Shubham: How did it go? Did we succeed?

Ayush: Whoa, whoa, there is no 'we' left. Now you are out of the mission.

Aayansh: We were just lucky that the footage from our spy cameras was

Naman: So now, Shubham, why did you erase the parts recorded by your
camera from the complete footage?
Shubham: Sir, Ayush, Aayansh, first of all, I owe you all an apology for
breaking your trust. But I just could not do it. We are wrong to invade
someone's private space to get any evidence. How can we do something good
by doing something bad?

Ayush: No, Shubham, you have got it all wrong. What we did was nothing
compared to what Mr. Vikram was going to do. We took the mask off that phony

Aayansh: I absolutely agree with Ayush. You know as much as we do how even
a single advertisement on the internet can bend the way we think. And Mr.
Vikram agreed to spread extremism.

Naman: Boys, you are not understanding what Shubham is trying to say. He is
struck by the moral dilemma of wrong and right. Correct me if I am wrong,
Shubham; you think that Mr. Vikram is on the wrong side, but we also followed
him on that side in the chase to uncover his secrets.

Shubham: Yes, sir, exactly. I mean, there is good and there is bad; there cannot
be anything like more bad and more good.

Ayush: Shubham, listen to me; good and bad are not like black and white.
Instead, good and bad are the ends of a wide spectrum.

Aayansh: Yes, and what we did, we did for the betterment of society, so that
people can see for themselves whom they should and whom they shouldn't trust.

Shubham: Whatever you say, guys, but I don't want to be any part of this
mission. That's why I deleted the footage recorded by my camera.

Ayush: But, Shubham…

Naman: Boys, don't blame him, neither should you try to convince him to agree
with your part of the story. Shubham, we respect your decision to not take any
part in this mission, and from now on, you will be assigned missions

Shubham: Thank you, sir.

Narrator: So, there it is. You have it all now. Can you decide and answer now? I
don't think so. As it is already suggested, this is a dilemma. The options you
have make it more difficult to choose. With this, we end our presentation and
leave a thought for you to think over and decide for yourself: Is it moral to
choose the immoral way to do something moral? Thank you.

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