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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________



Monday, 30th March Subject Number M073/1

Time Allowed 2 hours 30 min

08:00 – 10:30 am



(110 marks)


1. This paper contains 10 pages. Question Tick if Do not

Please check. Number Answered write in
2. This paper has five questions. columns
3. There are two sections, A and B 1
4. Section A comprises three questions and 2
candidates must answer all the questions
5. Sections B comprises two questions and
candidates must answer one question only 4

6. Write your Number on top of each page. 5

7. In the table provided on this page, tick

against the question number you have

Turn over

SECTION A (85 marks)

Page 1 of 10
Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
Answer all questions

1 Study the 1: 50000 Map of Mulanje extract sheet number 1535D3 and answer
the questions that follow.

a. (i) Give the six figure grid reference for the confluence of Thuchila river and
Nambiti river
__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(ii) Identify the geographical feature found on grid reference 772489

__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

b. (i) Identify the drainage pattern displayed by the Thuchira river on the Map.

_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Measure the length of the boundary of Mulanje Mountain Forest on the
map. Give your answer to the nearest kilometer.

___________________________________________________________ (3marks)

c. (i) In which direction is Thuchira river flowing?

(1 mark)

(ii) Calculate the area under Mulanje Nkanda on the map?

(6 marks)

d. (i) Find the contour interval on the map?

__________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Measure the bearing of Nalijeri village (7447) from Nagome village (7751)

(3 marks)

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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
e. (i) Is Kada village (7145) visible from Nolo village (7345)

___________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Give reason for the answer in 1. e.i. above

_________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

f. Explain any one reason for the presence of few settlements south of northing 45?

_____________________________________________________ (2 marks)

g. Draw a cross section along northing 46 between easting 70 and 78 on the graph
paper provided. On the cross section, indicate S147 road and Nalitete River. (Take
1 cm to represent 50 ft for the vertical scale)

(11 marks)

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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
2. (a) Figure 1 below is an instrument used to measure an element of weather. Use
it to answer the questions that follow.

Figure 1

(i) Identify the instrument

________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) What is the height of part labelled X?


(1 mark)

(iii) Why is it important for the instrument to extend such a height above the

(2 marks)

(iv) Name the parts labelled A and C?

A. _________________________________________________(1 mark)
B. _________________________________________________ (1 mark

b. With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe the occurrence of convection

(4 marks)

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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________

___________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)

c. State any two similarities that exist amongst the types of rainfall?

(2 marks)

d. Figure 2 illustrates circulation of winds on the earth’s surface in the Southern

hemisphere. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

Figure 2

i. Complete the wind circulation in the diagram? (3 marks)

ii. Name the winds associated with circulation in regions A, B and C

A. _______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

B. _______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

C. ________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iii. Explain why there is a high pressure belt on 30˚ latitude which is close to the

(2 marks)

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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
iv. Define the term ‘air mass.’

(2 marks)

3. a. i. Give any two examples of oceanic plates?

(2 marks)

ii. Explain any two causes of plate tectonics

(4 marks)

b. i. State any two characteristics of young fold mountains

(2 marks)

ii. Give any two examples of young fold mountains in the Northern Hemisphere?
__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

c. i. Mention three types of sedimentary rocks?

__________________________________________________________ (3 marks)

ii. Explain any two economic importance of rocks?

(4 marks)
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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
d. i. Describe the following volcanic features
A. Dyke
__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
B. Laccolith: ___________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
ii. Explain any two constructive effects of volcanism?
(4 marks)
SECTION B (25 marks)
Answer only one question in this section
4. a. Figure 3 is a map of the World showing local winds. Use it to answer
questions (i), (ii) and (iii)

Figure 3
i. Name local winds B and D
__________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
ii. State any two characteristics of:
Wind A
____________________________________________________ (2 marks)
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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
Wind C
(2 marks)
iii. Explain any two effects of wind D on local weather
(4 marks)
b. i. Mention any two seasons that Malawi experiences
(2 marks)
ii. Explain briefly why there is slight variation of seasons along the equatorial low
(2 marks)
c. i. Define the term ‘Climate change’
(1 mark)
ii. State any two natural causes of climate change
(2 marks)
iii. Explain any two adaptation measures taken to reduce the impacts of climate
(4 marks)
d. Explain how the following cause desertification:
1. Industrialisation
(2 marks)
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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
2. Mining
(2 marks)
5. a. i. What is the difference between cyclones and anticyclones?
(2 marks)
ii. What name is given to the tropical cyclones found in the following areas?
1. Australia_____________________________________________ (1 mark)

2. Asia __________________________________________________ (1 mark)

3. Indian Ocean (Madagascar) _______________________________ (1 mark)

b. i. With the aid of a diagram of a Hydrological cycle, show the following:
1. any three processes
2. any three features

(7 marks)
ii. State any two ways of maintaining the hydrological cycle?
(2 marks)

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Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________________ 4 ________
c. Figure 4 is a graph showing climatic data of a station X in Northern Hemisphere.

Figure 4
i. Identify the type of climate shown by the graph?
(1 mark)
ii. Describe any two characteristics of the climate shown by the graph?
(4 marks)
iii. Explain any two characteristics of the vegetation commonly found in the
climate shown by the graph?
(4 marks)
iv. State any two challenges posed by the climate represented by the graph?
(2 marks)

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