DRRR Reviewer

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1. It is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the
damaging effect of a hazards.
a. Exposure
b Displaced
c. Scarcity
d. Vulnerability

2. What refers to the ability to manage challenges, quickly recovering, growing, improving, withstand and bounce
back from deficits events?
a. Scarcity
b. Vulnerability
c. Resiliency
d. Exposure

3.Which of the following is NOT included in Disaster Risk trigram?

a. Hazard
b. Exposure
c. Vulnerability
d. None of the above

4. What will be the appropriate measures to reduce the level of vulnerability?

a. Keeping people and property distant as possible from hazards
b. Keeping people and property closer as possible to hazards
c. Both a and b
d. Having protest against the government

5. From this point of view natural disaster can be defined as a natural event that causes perturbation to the
functioning of the economic System, with a significant negative impact on assets, production factors, output,
employment and consumption
a. Economic Perspective
b. Psychological Perspective
c. Environmental Perspective
d. Physical Perspective

6. Based on the research adults ages _____ are more distressed after disasters
a. 20-40
b. 35-55
c. 25-45
d. 40-60

7. The following are factors affecting vulnerability EXCEPT?

a. Population Density
b. Socio-economic factors
c. Building Codes
d. none of the above

8. It is a source of danger and something that may cause injury or harm.

a. Disaster
b. Risk
c. Hazard
d. phenomenon
9. What can disasters bring to humans?
a. devastation
b. excitement
c. fame
d. power

10. COVID 19 has caused millions of diseased people and thousands of deaths all over the world. How are you going
to name the damaging event?
a. disaster
b. hazard
c. politicking
d. terrorism

11. What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

a. Congenital condition
b. Neonatal condition
c. Pre-existing condition
d. Psychological condition

12 What particular disaster effect that causes a group of people forced to leave their homes?
a. displaced population
b. emotional aftershock
c. food scarcity
d. health risk

13. The aftermath of natural disasters affects the food supplies. Thousands of people around the world are hungry
because of destroyed crops and loss of agricultural supplies Which of the following best describe the effects of
a. Food Scarcity
b. Health Risk
c. Displacement of population
d. Emotional aftershock

14. The aftermath effects of disaster can be even more devasting if not properly manage.
a. False
b. True
c. Maybe
d. Both a and b

15. Unwillingness to assume their roles and responsibilities in governing disaster is an indication of _______.
a. Climate change
b. Weak governance
c. poverty and inequality
d. environmental degradation

16. Which among the groups suffer more adverse effects when an earthquake causing disaster occurs?
a. men and women
b. children and women
c. old persons and women
d. old persons and children
17. Which of the following is NOT a contributor to the worst outcomes when a disaster happened?
a. displacement
b. can handle stress
c. death of someone close
d. massive loss of property

18. The following are the effects of disasters EXCEPT__________.

a. can destroy health infrastructure
b. can cause an unexpected number of of deaths
c. can have adverse effects on the environment
d. can cause the ability of every specie to reproduce

19. Which of the following is NOT an example of man-caused hazard?

a. munity
b. genocide
c. earthquake
d. bombs or explosion

20. What is the average number of typhoons that strikes Philippines every year?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

21. Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 is also known as ______?
a. RA 8749
b. RA 9003
c. RA 9275
d. RA 10121

22. The main source of family income in the Philippines is forming and fishing, however there are some Scherman
and farmers that engage dynamite and kaingin. As result in can caused depletion from our natural resources or
_______ vulnerability?
a. Social
b. Environmental
c. Political
d. Physics

23. Which of following is the process or condition, often development-related, that influence the level of disaster risk
by increasing levels of exposure and vulnerability or reducing capacity?
a. Risk factor
b. natural hazard
c. Disaster Risk
d. Man-made hazard

24. Why should people need to plan and be ready for the possible consequences of a disaster?
a. So that people would show their own capabilities
b. So that people could set an example to others
c. So that people would reduce the potential effects of disasters
d. So that people could be vulnerable
25. Which of the following category is NOT part of man-made hazard?
a. terrorism/violence
b. complex humanitarian emergencies
c. technological/ industrial
d. preventive and precautionary measures

26. It refers to the changes that can be attributed "directly or indirectly to human activity altering the composition of
the global atmosphere and additionally to the natural climate variability observed over comparable periods of time?
a. deforestation
b. climate change
c. globalized economic development
d. carbon footprint

27. It involves the identification and mapping of the elements at risk and the assessment of people, animals and
plants that may be affected?
a. exposure
b. vulnerability
c. disaster risk
d. risk management

28. From hit point of view, disaster is defined as a phenomenon that can cause damage to physical elements such as
buildings, frastructures, including people and their properties
a. Economic Perspective
b. Physical Perspective
c. Environmental Perspective
d. Social

29. This perspective is mediated by a range of factors including social conditions (such as age, gender, wealth,
ethnicity) and cultural sittings language, beliefs, tradition and customs
a. Socio-economic Perspective
b. Economic Perspective
c. Socio-cultural Perspective
d. Physical

30. Which of the following does not belong to Socio-Cultural Impact of Natural Disaster?
a. Displacement of Population
b. Ethnics conflicts
c. Loss of cultural identity
d. Disturbance of biodiversity

32. Which of the following is NOT a contributor to the worst outcomes when a disaster happened?
a. Displacement
b. Can handle stress
c. Death of someone close
d. Massive loss of property

33. This type of hazard arise through the interaction of natural processes and human activities.
a Man-made Hazard
b. Natural Hazard
c. Quasi Hazard
d. Atmospheric Hazard
34. Which of the following does NOT
belong to atmospheric hazard combined elements?
a. Thunderstorm
b. Tornadoes
c. Typhoon
d. Excess rainfall

35. What refers to the perceptible shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from the sudden release of energy in
the earth's crust that creates seismic waves.
a. Volcanic Eruption
b. Earthquake
c. Tsunami
d. Storm surge

36. A process that transforms the behavior of a body of sediment from solid to liquid?
a. Liquefaction
b. Tsunami
c. Ground shaking
d. Ground rapture

37. A value that tells the reader the amount of seismic energy released by an earthquake, or it is the amount of
energy released from the ground of an earthquake.
a. Intensity
b. Seismic Wave
c. Magnitude
d. Liquefaction

38. It is the point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake
a. Epicenter
b. Hypocenter
c. Focus
d. Distraction

39. What is the term used for the strength of an earthquake that effects on the Earth surface, humans, and buildings
at different areas locations in the area of epicenter.
a. Intensity
b. Magnitude
c. Frequency
d. Ritcher Scale

40. Who among the following groups of people are more likely to live in hazard-exposed areas and are less able to
invest in risk-reducing measures?
a. middle class
b. politicians
c. young professionals
d. impoverished people

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