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A Major Project Submitted to the


in partial fulfilment of the Degree of


Submitted by

GODSON T 20201271301116
HARI PRAKASH S 20201271301324
IYAPPAN M 20201271301120
Under the guidance of

Dr. B. Felix Francy, M.Com., Ph.D., SET., M.B.A.,

Assistant Professor of Commerce.

April – 2023
Dr. B. Felix Francy, M.Com., Ph.D., SET., M.B.A.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce,
St. John's College,

This is to certify that the project report entitled "A STUDY ON
NATURAL WONDERS" is a bonofide record of the project work done by
DOSS J Students of the Department of Commerce, St. John's College,
Palayamkottai, under my guidance.
It is also entitled that the above work is an independent and original work
of the candidates and has not previously formed the basis for the award of a
degree, diploma, or similar title.


(Dr. S. Daniel David Annaraj) (Dr. B. Felix Francy)

External Examiner


CHRISTHU DOSS J hereby declare that this subject-relevant project report
BREATHTAKING NATURAL WONDERS" is a record of the project carried
out by us under the guidance of Dr. B. Felix Francy, M.Com., Ph.D., SET.,
M.B.A., on partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of
Commerce programme of the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

We also declare that this project report is an independent and original

work of ours and has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree,
diploma, or similar title.

Name Reg. No Signature

GODSON T 20201271301116
HARI PRAKASH S 20201271301324
IYAPPAN M 20201271301120

We praise and thank the almighty God for showering his blessings upon
me to complete this project on time and without any difficulties.

We express our sincere thanks to Dr. S. Suthakar Isaac, M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Ph.D., Principal, St. John's College, Palayamkottai, for giving us the
opportunity to do this project work.

We pay our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. S. Daniel David Annaraj,

Head of the Department of Commerce, St. John's College, Palayamkottai.

We feel compelled to acknowledge my indebtedness and deep sense of

gratitude to our guide, Dr. B. Felix Francy, Assistant Professor, Department of
Commerce of our college, for his inspiring and scholarly guidance rendered to
us at every stage of our study, right from the selection of the topic to the
completion of this work.

We sincerely thank the respondents to the study. Our hearts are full of
thanks to our parents, family members, friends, and well-wishers for the support
they extended throughout the period of our project work.







12 - 19



FINDINGS, 45 - 46


Table Title Page

No. No.
4.1 Classification of respondents based on their age level. 20
4.2 Classification of respondents based on their Sex. 21
4.3 Classification of respondents based on their Marital Status. 22
4.4 Showing number of respondents from Kanyakumari district. 23
4.5 Showing number of times visited Kanyakumari District. 24
4.6 Showing reasons for visiting Kanyakumari district. 25
4.7 Showing who recommends Kanyakumari district to you as a 26
Tourist destination.
4.8 Showing your satisfaction with the trip to Kanyakumari 27
4.9 Showing the highlights of your trip to Kanyakumari district. 28
4.10 Showing the areas that should be improved in Kanyakumari 29
4.11 Showing the number of people who will recommend 30
Kanyakumari district as a tourist destination to others.
4.12 Showing people whether they try local foods in Kanyakumari 31
4.13 Showing the number of people who participate in 32
Cultural/Religious events during their trip.
4.14 Showing whether any communication problems are faced by 33
them during the visit.
4.15 Showing the number of people who purchased local crafts. 34
4.16 Showing the interest of people in whether they will return to 35
Kanyakumari district in the future.
4.17 Showing the people's experiences of sunrise and sunset at 36
Kanyakumari Beach.
4.18 Showing the number of people who feel safe and secure in 37
Kanyakumari district.
4.19 Showing whether any difficulties or challenges are faced by the 38
people in Kanyakumari district.
4.20 Showing whether people have got a boat experience in 39
Kanyakumari district.
4.21 Showing experience of people at the Thiruparappu Falls. 40
4.22 Showing whether people visited Pilgrimage places in 41
Kanyakumari district.
4.23 Showing the number of people who recommend visiting 42
Kanyakumari district season wise.
4.24 Showing the people's experience of visiting the Vattakottai fort. 43
4.25 Showing the people's experience of cleanliness and hygiene in 44
Kanyakumari district.

Figure Title Page

No. No.
4.1 Classification of respondents based on their age level. 20
4.2 Classification of respondents based on their Sex. 21
4.3 Classification of respondents based on their Marital Status. 22
4.4 Showing number of respondents from Kanyakumari district. 23
4.5 Showing number of times visited Kanyakumari District. 24
4.6 Showing reasons for visiting Kanyakumari district. 25
4.7 Showing who recommends Kanyakumari district to you as a 26
Tourist destination.
4.8 Showing your satisfaction with the trip to Kanyakumari 27
4.9 Showing the highlights of your trip to Kanyakumari district. 28
4.10 Showing the areas that should be improved in Kanyakumari 29
4.11 Showing the number of people who will recommend 30
Kanyakumari district as a tourist destination to others.
4.12 Showing people whether they try local foods in Kanyakumari 31
4.13 Showing the number of people who participate in 32
Cultural/Religious events during their trip.
4.14 Showing whether any communication problems are faced by 33
them during the visit.
4.15 Showing the number of people who purchased local crafts. 34
4.16 Showing the interest of people in whether they will return to 35
Kanyakumari district in the future.
4.17 Showing the people's experiences of sunrise and sunset at 36
Kanyakumari Beach.
4.18 Showing the number of people who feel safe and secure in 37
Kanyakumari district.
4.19 Showing whether any difficulties or challenges are faced by 38
the people in Kanyakumari district.
4.20 Showing whether people have got a boat experience in 39
Kanyakumari district.
4.21 Showing experience of people at the Thiruparappu Falls. 40
4.22 Showing whether people visited Pilgrimage places in 41
Kanyakumari district.
4.23 Showing the number of people who recommend visiting 42
Kanyakumari district season wise.
4.24 Showing the people's experience of visiting the Vattakottai 43
4.25 Showing the people's experience of cleanliness and hygiene 44
in Kanyakumari district.
1.1 Introduction

The Kanyakumari district is one of Tamil Nadu’s leading tourist destinations,

mainly because of the rich flora and fauna it sustains and its scenic seacoast
beauty. Tourism is a major industry in Kanyakumari district, a popular tourist
destination located in the southernmost part of India. The district attracts a large
number of tourists every year, both domestic and international, due to its scenic
beauty, cultural heritage, and religious significance. Tourism plays a vital role in
the economic development of the region, providing employment opportunities
and contributing to the local economy.

Tourism management involves planning, developing, and promoting tourism

activities in a sustainable and responsible manner. It requires collaboration
between the government, the tourism industry, and local communities. The
objective of tourism management is to maximize the benefits of tourism while
minimizing the negative impacts on the environment, society, and culture.

However, tourism growth also poses several challenges, including the need
for proper planning, infrastructure development, and sustainability. The Tamil
Nadu Tourism Development Corporation is responsible for tourism management
in Kanyakumari district, but the involvement of various stakeholders such as the
government, local communities, and the tourism industry is also critical.

This study aims to examine the current state of tourism management in

Kanyakumari district, identify the challenges faced by stakeholders, and propose
strategies for sustainable tourism development. The study will use both primary
and secondary research methods, and literature review. The findings of this study
will provide insights into the tourism industry's current state in Kanyakumari
district and the potential for its sustainable growth.

1.2 Tourism - The Concepts

Tourism places an important role in the economic and cultural development

of mankind. Tourism is a composite of activities, services that deliver a travel
experience namely transportation, accommodation, shops, entertainment and
other hospitality services available for individuals or groups that are travelling
away from their homes. It encompasses all providers of services and it is the entire
world industry of travel, hotel, transportation, and all other components including
promotion that serves the needs and wants of travelers. Tourism society of
England defines Tourism as the temporary short term movement of people to
destination outside the places where they normally live and work and their
activities during the stay at each destination. It also includes services like
accommodation, restaurant establishments, cafes, bars and canteens as well as
travel agencies and tour operators.

Tourism today is not only an entertainment activity but it has also been
recognized by the world as an industry. It has a tremendous potential for earning
foreign exchange, employment, increasing tax revenue and promoting business
activities like transport, fruit production, agriculture, crafts, hotel industry,
entertainment and productive services.

Tourism is one of the economic sector in India which has the potential to grow
at a high rate and can ensure consequential development of the infrastructure of
the destinations. It has the potential to stimulate other economic sectors through
its backward and forward like agriculture, horticulture, handicrafts, transport,
construction, etc. The particular significance of tourism industry in India is its
contribution to national integration and preservation of natural as well as cultural
environments and enrichment of the social and cultural lives of people like
preservation of monuments and heritage properties. This sector is also helping the
traditional art forms, crafts and culture.

1.3 Statement of the problem:

Tourism is regarded, for all practical purposes, as a smokeless industry. For

the development of tourism, there should be adequate supporting facilities to
attract and motivate tourists. The sweet experience of the tourists depends, to a
great extent, on the availability and quality of good tourism services. The
provision of supporting services and quality tourism services may lead to the
satisfaction of tourists. There is a need for objective evaluation of the preferences
and awareness of tourists to promote and develop good tourist services. As far as
Kanyakumari district is concerned, its industrial backwardness is more than
compensated by the encouraging uptrend registered by the tourism industry over
the years. Kanyakumari is a beautiful place with a huge variety of tourist centres.
Yet, these tourist centres remain unidentified by a large number of tourists. In this
district, nature themes relate to flora, fauna, parks, scenic beauty, geology, and
marine environmental resources in a modest way. Apart from the cultural themes
including music, dance, fine arts, drama, architecture, handicrafts, and
archaeology, traditional lifestyles are also available here. The most important
problem in the tourism industry is competition and innovation in promotional
strategies. Tourist attractions and facilities are not positively effective. The
following aspects of problems are important to be dealt with: waste disposal,
cleanliness in public places, shortage of tourist guides, lack of employment
opportunities, lack of transportation facilities, and poor accommodation within
the tourist location. This problem has created an unflagging interest in the mind
of the investigator to embark on a study of the tourism industry in Kanyakumari

1.4 Need for the study:

The tourism industry plays an important role in the development of the Indian
economy. It earns more income for the government. Kanyakumari district
occupies a unique place among the tourist centres of India. There are several
places of social, cultural, historical, and religious significance. Tourism in
Kanyakumari district has contributed to the overall growth of the district. Beach,
Sunset Point, Vivekananda Rock, Thiruvalluar Statue, Padmanabhapuram Palace,
Thirparapu Falls, Chitharal Jain Temple, etc. are the main attractive places in
Kanyakumari district. Tourism brings with it a spurt of employment
opportunities, both directly and indirectly, for many people. Its pleasant climate,
rivers, beautiful hills, forests, coconut groves, paddy fields, rubber estates, and
wonderful flower gardens are substantial ecological factors for the growth of
tourism. It connects social, cultural, religious, and economic factors. Hence, there
is a need to focus on all these factors that are related to the tourism industry in
Kanyakumari district. This study made an attempt to analyse the tourism industry
in Kanyakumari district.

1.5 Scope of the study:

The study relates to the tourism industry and the tourists who are visiting
Kanyakumari. It covers all the components of tourism industry namely locale,
accommodation, transport and other infrastructural facilities and it cover the
growth of tourism industry in Kanyakumari.

1.6 Objectives of the study:
1. To assess the potential of natural resources in Kanyakumari, to promote
tourism as an industry.
2. To examine the barriers and threats to tourism industry.
3. The growth of domestic tourists visiting Kanyakumari district, and
4. The preference and experience of tourist attractions in Kanyakumari
5. To offer findings and suggestion of the tourism in Kanyakumari district.

1.7 Limitations of the study:

1. The study's duration is only 3 months, so data on people's perception and
behaviour are only being gathered during the non seasonal time.
2. The reliability of the data depends upon the information furnished by the
3. The people's perception may change in accordance with time.
4. The sample taken only from 50 persons, so it may not be accurate.
5. The sample is taken on non seasonal time, so the actual tourist perceptions
is not gathered.

1.8 Methodology:
1.8.1 Sources of Data and Period of Data.
The sources of data are based on both primary data and secondary data.
➢ Primary Data:
Information obtained from the original source through
research is called Primary Data. They offer much greater accuracy and reliability.
The data was collected from 50 persons, those who were visited the Kanyakumari
district through the structured questionnaire and interview.

➢ Secondary Data:
It means data that are already available, i.e., it refers
to the data that have already been collected and analysed by any other person.
The data was collected from the sources of websites, books, journals, magazines,
articles, etc. Period of three months (February–April) for which the statistical
results have been collected and to which the data refer.
1.8.2 Sample selection and it's justification.
Stratified random sampling accurately reflects the population being
studied because researchers are stratifying the entire population before applying
random sampling methods. In short, it ensures each subgroup within the
population receives proper representation within the sample. Due to time
constraints, we used stratified sampling, and the majority of target respondents
were students.

1.8.3 Analytical tools used in the study.

Percentage analysis used in this study.
It refers to a special kind of ratio. Percentage is used in making
comparison between two or more series of data; Percentages are used to
determine relationship between the series if data finding the relative differences
becomes easier through percentage. It is expressed as,
Percentage (%) = No. Of Respondents / Total No. of Respondents *100

1.9 Chapter scheme:

I. The first chapter deals with introduction and design of the study.
II. The second chapter deals with Review of Literature
III. The Third chapter deals with the Profile of the study.
IV. The fourth chapter deals with Analysis and Interpretation of the data and
V. The fifth chapter deals with summary of findings, suggestions, conclusion,
and scope for further study.
2.1 Introduction
A review of related literature is one of the first steps in the research process.
It consists of a summary of research findings carried out on the same directly and
indirectly related topics. This review provides insight to the researchers regarding
what is already known and what remains to be tested regarding research.

A review of the related literature provides the researchers with new frontiers
of knowledge and serves as a source of inspiration. It deepens the insight of the
researchers to the extent that the design of the study could become more
appropriate and purposeful.

01. Xavier Font (2009) analysed the ethical reasons for tourist destinations
to follow market-led or supply-oriented strategies when developing tourism as an
economic option. Economic, Environmental and Social issues will be used to
exemplify the consequences of either pure strategy. The article argues that there
is a need to take into account the public sector, the private sector, non-profit
organizations and the residents in order to design sustainable tourism strategies.

02. Yang Wang and Geoffrey Wall (2007) assessed the social impacts of a
tourism-caused displacement case at a destination where tourism is being
promoted as a regional development strategy and planned in a top-down fashion.
Deficiencies in implementation and compensation resulting from the
administrative arrangements are pointed out and planning-oriented
recommendations are offered to help to mitigate the pain of indigenous
populations in future tourism development and related dislocation projects.

03. Sacratees, J., and Paramasivan, G.P. (2008) found that the share of
India in the global tourism has improved slightly to more than 0.5 percent. The
growth in visitor exports‘ of spending international tourist in likely to be the

fastest in India at 14.3 percent per annum over the next decade. Though ranked
low in the tourist arrivals, India has something to cheer about. The ranks 21st in
terms of foreign exchange earnings from tourism. The country has received an
amount of $8.9 billion in 2009. It is revealed that the fee from the year 2003 was
under estimated being in the rank of 26 per cent to 36 per cent. Moreover, the
extent of under estimation was increasing over the years.

04. According to Robinson (2009), the attractions of tourism are, to a very

large extent, geographical in their character. Location and accessibility (whether
a place has a coastal or inland position and the ease with which a given place can
be reached) are important.

05. Mc Cannel (2012) believes that all tourism is a cultural experience.

Cultural heritage plays a major part in the tourism industry worldwide and the
importance of cultural heritage to the tourism industry has increased as tourist
search for postmodern tourist experiences, subsequently increasing the demand
for cultural attractions.

06. Robinson, H. (2006) has pointed out that tourism industry is affected by
seasonality. Seasonality means that tourism plant is frequently used for only a
limited part of the year and this clearly is uneconomic.

07. Douglas (2015) has opined that natural resources including climate are
very good tourism assets. It is also stated that even though no conventional
method is available for its measurement, logical techniques can be applied in the

08. R.B.L. Garg (2016) in his study on the ills of Indian tourism confronted
with certain very serious problems. Among the major problems listed down,
growing insecurity to the lives of tourists occupies a place of predominant
significance. In the course of his discussion on this point Garg makes an allusion
to scare among tourists about rail travel. The incidents such as the looting of
foreign tourists that occurred in a train near Agra are still fresh in their memory.
Then he goes on to deal with problems such as poor hygiene and sanitation in
hotels and restaurants, unscrupulous shop keepers, foreign exchange racketeers,
dishonest tax collectors and sneers of religious fundamentalists and fanatics.

09. Prakash Adnur (2009) has studied precisely the issues and problems
involved in promoting tourism in an integrated manner. He has brought out the
general potential and also discussed the measures to be adopted to reach the
optimum travels in this intricate area with promising rewards. This work could
be rated as a path breaking one in the sense that a number of dimensions of the
tourism industry were examined from the demand side also.

10. Bhatia, A.K.(2014) in his book , “Tourism development : Principles and

Practices” has carried out the study exploring some important concepts in
tourism, what makes tourism possible and how tourism is an important factor in
the prosperity of any nation and the early history and development of tourism;
tourism psychology and motivation for travel, cultural tourism and social tourism;
how tourism is planned , organized, developed and promoted ; tourism research
and benefits; international tourism organization, accommodation an travel agents.
The study reveals that 54 percent of the tourists enjoyed their stay because of the
“beautiful creations of man buildings, temples and churches”.

11. Vivek Sharma (2006) makes a study about the socio economic
importance of tourism. Notably, tourism has come to be accepted as a catalyst to
economic development and as a potent tool for social integration and foreign
exchange earner. The author stresses that economic importance of tourism can be
studied in relation to its contribution to increase the income, foreign exchange
earnings, employment, return on investment and conservation of resources.

12. Murphy, Peter E. (2006) points out that tourism is more profitable for
both the industry and community. Business can develop better profit margins and
more competitive prices if their committed capital investment is used over a
longer period. Communities can benefit from larger sales tax and longer
employment periods.

13. Vivek Sharma (2016) adds one more dimension to this analysis. In his
opinion, apart from the advantages of better interaction with the people of other
countries, tourism is beneficial as foreign tourists spend about 30 percent of their
money on shopping. The tourist traffic gives a boost to production of handicraft
products of Small and Village industries and has its spin of effects on all village
industries. These ideas have been upheld also by K. Shiva Shankar Bhat.

14. V.K Gupta (2008) has produced a good work with details of places with
tourists attraction and facilities in India in a region wise pattern. He has given
useful ups to tourists and hotel services. The leading merits of a number of places
in India have been listed by this author. He provided useful suggestion also to
tourists in his work.

15. Water and Somerset (2006) described that tourism appears to be

becoming an acceptable term to singularly describe the activity of people taking

trips away from home and the industry which has developed in response to this

16. Sinha S.L.N., (2016) in his article “Tourism Industry Needs Revamp”
estimates that tourism industry needs revamping. The steps taken to so far include
creation of new tourist destinations, simplification of visa procedures, promote
adventure tourism, creation of separate cadre of immigration officials and
liberalization of air charters guidelines.

17. Suhita Chopra (2017) in his book, “Tourism and development in India”
has emphasized economic, social, physical, and cultural impact on tourism in
Khajuraho. The study show that tourism has opened new employment
opportunities in Khajuraho. He has discussed the tourist characteristics,
particularly their spending patterns; identified the needs of the different groups of
tourists and examined tourist profile as it relates to destination impacts.

18. Hunt, J.D., and Layne, D., (2008) noted, the temporary movement of
people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the
activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities
created to cater to their needs.

19. Ameen A.M. (2006) points out that the economic gains of tourism include
the direct as well as indirect effect of expenditure on tourism. Tourism generates
foreign exchange for the host countries and it has emerged as the largest single
item in the world’s foreign trade. Tourism provides employment on a large scale.
The ratio of employment to capital in this industry is amazingly high.

Area of the Profile in Kanyakumari district.

3.1 Introduction:

Kanyakumari is a beautiful coastal town located at the southernmost tip of

India, where the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea converge.
Formerly known as Cape Comorin, Kanyakumari is a popular tourist destination
for its breathtaking natural beauty, cultural significance, and historical landmarks.

One of the main attractions of Kanyakumari is the Vivekananda Rock

Memorial, a magnificent monument built in honour of the great Indian
philosopher and spiritual leader Swami Vivekananda. The memorial is situated
on a small island, accessible only by boat, and offers a stunning panoramic view
of the surrounding sea and the mainland.

Another popular attraction is the Kanyakumari Temple, which is dedicated to

the goddess Kanyakumari, an incarnation of the Hindu goddess Parvati. The
temple is located on the seashore and is known for its unique architecture and
stunning sunset and sunrise views.

Kanyakumari is also home to some of the most beautiful beaches in India,

including Kanyakumari Beach, Sanguthurai Beach, and Muttom Beach. These
beaches are perfect for relaxing, sunbathing, and enjoying the scenic beauty of
the sea.

Apart from these, Kanyakumari also boasts many other interesting landmarks
and tourist spots, such as the Thiruvalluvar Statue, Suchindram Temple,
Padmanabhapuram Palace, and the Gandhi Memorial. With its rich cultural
heritage, scenic beauty, and historical significance, Kanyakumari is a must-visit
destination for travellers visiting South India.

3.2 Tourist Places

1. Padmanabapuram Palace:

Padmanabhapuram Palace is an ancient palace located in the town of

Padmanabhapuram in the Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, India. It was the
residence of the rulers of the Travancore kingdom, who ruled the region between
the 17th and 20th centuries.
The palace is known for its beautiful architecture, intricate carvings, and
unique features such as the use of natural lighting and ventilation. The palace
complex includes several buildings, courtyards, and gardens, and is spread over
an area of around six acres.
2. Thiruparappu Water Falls:

Thiruparappu Water Falls is a popular tourist attraction located in the

Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, India. It is situated about 35 km from the
town of Kanyakumari and is easily accessible by road.

The waterfall is formed by the Kodayar River, which flows through the
Western Ghats and cascades down from a height of around 50 feet. The waterfall
is surrounded by lush greenery and offers a picturesque view, making it a popular
destination for nature lovers and photographers.
Visitors can enjoy a refreshing dip in the pool formed by the waterfall,
which is believed to have medicinal properties and is said to be good for the skin.
The area around the waterfall also has several walking trails and picnic spots,
making it an ideal location for a day trip with family and friends.
3. Thiruvalluvar Statue:

Thiruvalluvar Statue is a popular landmark located in Kanyakumari, Tamil

Nadu, India. The statue is dedicated to Thiruvalluvar, a Tamil poet and
philosopher who is believed to have lived between the 1st and 4th century AD.
The statue stands at a height of 133 feet and is located on a small island
near the confluence of the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal.
It is made of stone and depicts Thiruvalluvar holding a copy of his famous work,
the Thirukkural, in one hand and a palm-leaf manuscript in the other.
The statue is designed in such a way that it appears to rise out of the sea,
and the pedestal on which it stands is in the shape of a lotus, symbolizing
enlightenment. The statue is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a well-
maintained park, offering a picturesque view of the sea and the surrounding hills.

4. Vivekanandar rock memorial:

Vivekananda Rock Memorial is a famous tourist attraction located in

Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. The memorial is built on a small island that is
located about 500 meters off the mainland, and can be reached by ferry.
The memorial is dedicated to Swami Vivekananda, a famous Indian
philosopher and spiritual leader who is believed to have attained enlightenment
on the rock. The rock is considered to be a sacred spot by many, and is believed
to have been visited by several other spiritual leaders over the centuries.
Visitors can also visit the meditation hall, which is located below the
memorial and offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere for meditation and
5. Mahatma Gandhi Mandap at Kanniyakumari:

Mahatma Gandhi Mandap is a memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, the
Father of the Nation, located in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. The mandap is
built on the spot where the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi were kept before they were
immersed in the sea.
The mandap is designed in the form of an Oriyan temple and is built on a
raised platform overlooking the sea. It consists of a central dome that is supported
by four pillars, and houses a statue of Mahatma Gandhi.
Visitors can also enjoy a panoramic view of the sea from the mandap, which
is particularly spectacular during sunrise and sunset.
6. Mathoor Hanging Bridge:

The Mathoor Hanging Bridge is a popular tourist attraction located in the

town of Mathoor, near Kanyakumari, in Tamil Nadu, India. The bridge is built
across the beautiful Mathoor Lake, which is surrounded by hills and lush

The Mathoor Hanging Bridge is a suspension bridge, which means that it is

supported by cables that are anchored to towers on either side of the bridge. The
bridge is 154 metres long and 2 metres wide, and it offers a stunning view of
Mathoor Lake and the surrounding landscape.

7. Chittar Dam:

Chittar Dam is a beautiful reservoir located in the district of Kanyakumari,

in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The dam is built on the Chittar River, which
originates in the Western Ghats and flows through Tamil Nadu and Kerala before
joining the Arabian Sea.

The Chittar Dam is a popular tourist destination known for its picturesque
surroundings and tranquil atmosphere. The dam is surrounded by lush green hills
and forests, which make it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure

8. Kumari Amman Temple :

The Kumari Amman Temple, also known as the Kanyakumari Temple, is a

famous Hindu temple located in the town of Kanyakumari, at the southernmost

tip of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu. The temple is dedicated to the Hindu
goddess Kanyakumari, who is considered to be an incarnation of the goddess

The temple is situated on the seashore and is known for its unique
architecture and stunning views of the sea. It is believed that the temple was built
by the Pandya kings in the 8th century AD. The temple was renovated and
expanded by various rulers over the centuries, and it is now a major pilgrimage
destination for devotees of the goddess Kanyakumari.

9. Kanyakumari beach:

Kanyakumari Beach is a beautiful beach located in the town of

Kanyakumari, at the southernmost tip of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu. The
beach is a popular tourist destination, known for its serene and peaceful
atmosphere, stunning views, and beautiful sunsets.

The beach is situated at the confluence of the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean,
and the Bay of Bengal, which makes it a unique location. It is one of the few
places in the world where you can see both the sunrise and the sunset from the
same spot.

The beach also has several food stalls and shops selling souvenirs, making
it a perfect place to spend an evening with friends and family.

10. Tsunami Memorial Park:

The Tsunami Memorial Park is a memorial and park located in the town of
Kanyakumari, in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The park was established to
commemorate the victims of the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami that struck the
coast of South India in December 2004, claiming the lives of over 8,000 people.

The park also has a large monument in the shape of a wave, which is
engraved with the names of the victims who lost their lives in the tragedy. The
monument also has a wall of remembrance, where visitors can pay their respects
to the victims and offer prayers.

The Tsunami Memorial Park is not only a place of remembrance but also a
symbol of hope and resilience. It serves as a reminder of the strength and courage
of the people who survived the tragedy and rebuilt their lives from the ruins.

Table 4.1 Classification of respondents based on their age level.

Age No. Of Respondents Percentage

18 – 25 38 76
26 – 32 05 10
33 – 39 04 08
40 and above 03 06
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.1 Classification of respondents based on their age level.




18 – 25 26 – 32 33 – 39 40 and above

The above data shows that 76% of the respondents are in the age
group between 18 and 25, and 6% of the respondents are in the age group of 40.
It signifies that the majority of the respondents belong to the age group between
18 and 25.

Table 4.2 Classification of respondents based on their Sex.

Sex No. Of Respondents Percentage

Male 23 46
Female 27 54
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.2 Classification of respondents based on their Sex.


Male Female


The above data shows that 54% of the respondents are female and
46% are male. It signifies that the majority of the respondents are female.

Table 4.3 Classification of respondents based on their Marital Status.

Marital Status No. Of Respondents Percentage

Married 08 16
Unmarried 42 84
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.3 Classification of respondents based on their Marital Status.



Married Unmarried


The above data shows that 84% of the respondents are unmarried
and 16% are married. It signifies that the majority of the respondents are

Table 4.4 Showing number of respondents from Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Resident 12 24
Tourist 38 76
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.4 Showing number of respondents from Kanyakumari district.



Resident Tourist


The above figure illustrates that 38 respondents, or 76%, are

tourists. The remaining 24% of respondents are residents of Kanyakumari district.
It signifies that the majority of the respondents are tourists.

Table 4.5 Showing number of times visited Kanyakumari District.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

1 Time 18 36
2 Times 10 20
3 Times 09 18
More than 3 Times 13 26
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.5 Showing number of times visited Kanyakumari District.



1 Time 2 Times 3 Times More than 3 Times


The above-mentioned statistic shows that the majority of

respondents, i.e., 36% of the respondents, have visited Kanyakumari district for
1 time, and 18% of the respondents have visited 3 times as the lowest percentage.
It signifies that the majority of respondents are first-time visitors.

Table 4.6 Showing reasons for visiting Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Religious Pilgrimage 05 10
Historical sites and Monuments 06 12
Beaches, Water sports & Nature 30 60
Medical – Ayurvedic Varma 01 02
Others 08 16
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.6 Showing reasons for visiting Kanyakumari district.

16% 10%
2% 12%


Religious Pilgrimage Historical sites and Monuments

Beaches, Water sports & Nature Medical - Ayurvedic Varma


The above figure illustrates that 60% of respondents visited for

beaches, water sports, and nature purposes, and 2% for medical purposes. It
signifies that the majority of the respondents visited for the natural scenery.

Table 4.7 Showing who recommends Kanyakumari district to you as a
tourist destination.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Friends & Family 41 82
Online search & Social Media 02 04
Travel Agencies 02 04
Magazines 01 02
Others 04 08
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.7 Showing who recommends Kanyakumari district to you as a
tourist destination.



Friends & Family Online search & Social Media

Travel Agencies Magazines


It clearly shows that 82% of respondents got recommendations

from their friends and family and 2% from magazines. It signifies that the
majority of respondents got recommendations from friends and family.

Table 4.8 Showing your satisfaction with the trip to Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Satisfied 25 50
Dissatisfied 06 12
Average 10 20
Excellent 09 18
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.8 Showing your satisfaction with the trip to Kanyakumari district.




Satisfied Dissatisfied Average Excellent


The above data shows that 50% of the respondents are satisfied
with the trip to Kanyakumari district, and 12% of the respondents are not satisfied
with the trip to Kanyakumari district. It signifies that the majority of the
respondents are satisfied with their trip.

Table 4.9 Showing the highlights of your trip to Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Places you visited 28 56
Food and Dining Experience 13 26
Accommodation 02 04
People and Culture 03 06
Transport 04 08
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.9 Showing the highlights of your trip to Kanyakumari district.



Places you visited Food and Dining Experience

Accommodation People and Culture


It clearly shows that 56% of the respondents are happy with the
place they visited, and 4% of the respondents like the accommodation facilities
available there. It clearly shows that the majority of the respondents liked their
overall trip.

Table 4.10 Showing the areas that should be improved in Kanyakumari

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Infrastructure 12 24
Public Transportation 10 20
Safety and Security 04 08
Hygiene and Cleanliness 15 30
Others 09 18
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.10 Showing the areas that should be improved in Kanyakumari


30% 20%


Infrastructure Public Transportation Safety and Security

Hygiene and Cleanliness Others


The data shows that 30% of people suggest improving hygiene

and cleanliness, and 8% suggest improving the safety and security of the place. It
signifies that the majority of the respondents are not satisfied with the cleanliness.

Table 4.11 Showing the number of people who will recommend
Kanyakumari district as a tourist destination to others.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 46 92
No 04 08
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.11 Showing the number of people who will recommend
Kanyakumari district as a tourist destination to others.



Yes No


It clearly shows the majority of people, i.e., 92% of the

respondents are willing to recommend Kanyakumari to others as a tourist
destination, and 8% are willing to recommend this place. It signifies that the
majority of the respondents are willing to recommend Kanyakumari as a tourist

Table 4.12 Showing people whether they try local foods in Kanyakumari

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 42 84
No 08 16
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.12 Showing people whether they try local foods in Kanyakumari



Yes No


The above statistics show that 84% of the respondents tried local
food during the trip, and 16% had not tried local food. It clearly shows that the
majority of the respondents have tried the local food of Kanyakumari.

Table 4.13 Showing the number of people who participate in
Cultural/Religious events during their trip.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 13 26
No 37 74
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4. 13 Showing the number of people who participate in
Cultural/Religious events during their trip.



Yes No


It clearly shows that 74% of the respondents have not participated

in the cultural or religious events on the trip, and the balance (26%) have
participated in events. It signifies that the majority of the respondents did not
participate in the events during the trip.

Table 4.14 Showing whether any communication problems are faced by
them during the visit.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 10 20
No 40 80
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.14 Showing whether any communication problems are faced by
them during the visit.



Yes No


According to the respondents' information, 80% of them did not

face any communication problems, and only 20% faced problems in
communications. It signifies that the majority of the respondents did not face any
communication problems during their visit.

Table 4.15 Showing the number of people who purchased local crafts.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 37 74
No 13 26
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.15 Showing the number of people who purchased local crafts.



Yes No


It shows that 74% of the respondents have purchased local crafts

from the Kanyakumari district, and the balance of 26% have not. It signifies that
the majority of the respondents have purchased local crafts.

Table 4.16 Showing the interest of people in whether they will return to
Kanyakumari district in the future.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 42 84
Yes 08 16
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.16 Showing the interest of people in whether they will return to
Kanyakumari district in the future.



Yes No


The majority of 84% of the respondents share their willingness to

return to Kanyakumari district in the future, and the balance of 16% are not
willing to return. It signifies that the majority of the respondents are willing to
return in the future.

Table 4.17 Showing the people's experiences of sunrise and sunset at
Kanyakumari Beach.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Normal 03 06
Nice View 28 56
Magnificent Scenery 19 38
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.17 Showing the people's experiences of sunrise and sunset at
Kanyakumari Beach.




Normal Nice View Magnificent Scenery


It clearly shows that more than half of the respondents, i.e., 56%
of the respondents, rated sunrise and sunset as a nice view, and 6% rated them as
a normal view. It signifies that the majority of the respondents like the sunrise
and sunset.

Table 4.18 Showing the number of people who feel safe and secure in
Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 41 82
No 09 18
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.18 Showing the number of people who feel safe and secure in
Kanyakumari district.



Yes No


The above data shows that 82% of the respondents felt safe and
secure during their visit, whereas 18% did not feel safe and secure. It signifies
that the majority of the respondents felt safe and secure during their visit.

Table 4.19 Showing whether any difficulties or challenges are faced by the
people in Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 15 30
No 35 70
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.19 Showing whether any difficulties or challenges are faced by the
people in Kanyakumari district.



Yes No


It clearly shows that 70% of the respondents did not face any
difficulties or challenges during their visit to Kanyakumari district, whereas the
balance (30%) faced difficulties and challenges during their visit to Kanyakumari
district. It signifies that the majority of the respondents did not face any
difficulties during their survey.

Table 4.20 Showing whether people have got a boat experience in
Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 36 72
No 14 28
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.20 Showing whether people have got a boat experience in
Kanyakumari district.



Yes No


The above data shows that 72% of the respondents have gone on
a boat ride during their visit to Kanyakumari district, and the balance (28%) have
not gone on a boat ride during their visit. It signifies that the majority of the
respondents have gone on the boat ride.

Table 4.21 Showing experience of people at the Thiruparappu Falls.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 13 26
Satisfied 19 38
Neutral 15 30
Poor 01 02
Very poor 02 04
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.21 Showing experience of people at the Thiruparappu Falls.





Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Poor Very poor


Most of the people, i.e., 38% of the respondents, are satisfied with
the thiruparappu falls, whereas 2% feel poor regarding their visit. It signifies that
the majority of the respondents are satisfied with their visit.

Table 4.22 Showing whether people visited Pilgrimage places in
Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Yes 31 62
No 19 38
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.22 Showing whether people visited Pilgrimage places in
Kanyakumari district.



Yes No


Most of the people have visited the pilgrimage places in

Kanyakumari district, i.e., 62%, and the balance (38%) have not visited the
pilgrimage places. It signifies that the majority of the respondents have visited
pilgrimage places.

Table 4.23 Showing the number of people who recommend visiting
Kanyakumari district season wise.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Summer 13 26
Winter 17 34
Spring 15 30
Rainy 05 10
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.23 Showing the number of people who recommend visiting
Kanyakumari district season wise.




Summer Winter Spring Rainy


Most people recommend visiting Kanyakumari district in the

winter season, i.e., 34%, and the next highest is in the spring season, at 30%. The
balance is 26% in the summer and 10% in the rainy season.

Table 4.24 Showing the people's experience of visiting the Vattakottai fort.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 07 14
Satisfied 34 68
Neutral 07 14
Poor 01 02
Very poor 01 02
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.24 Showing the people's experience of visiting the Vattakottai fort.



Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Poor Very poor


Clearly, 68% of the respondents were satisfied with their visit to

Vattakottai Fort. 14% of people are highly satisfied or neutral in their satisfaction
level while visiting the Vattakottai fort. And the balance of 4% is equally divided
between poor and very poor satisfaction levels.

Table 4.25 Showing the people's experience of cleanliness and hygiene in
Kanyakumari district.

Response No. Of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 05 10
Satisfied 26 52
Neutral 14 28
Poor 03 06
Very poor 02 04
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Figure 4.25 Showing the people's experience of cleanliness and hygiene in
Kanyakumari district.

6% 4% 10%



Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Poor Very poor


More than half of the respondents, i.e., 52%, are satisfied with
the cleanliness and hygiene in Kanyakumari district, whereas 28% are neutral,
10% are highly satisfied, 6% are poor, and 4% are very poor.

5.1 Findings
● The age group 18 – 25 accounts for around 76% of all questionnaire
respondents, with the remaining groups accounting for 24%.

● The study has 23 male and 27 female respondents based on gender.

● 84% of the respondents are unmarried, and the rest, 16%, are only married.

● 76% of the respondents are tourists, and the balance 24% of respondents
are residents of Kanyakumari district.

● 36% of the respondents are first-time visitors, whereas 64% of visitors have
visited more than once.

● More than half of the respondents, i.e., 60% of the people, visited for natural

● 82% of the respondents visited Kanyakumari District due to

recommendations from their family and friends.

● Only 12% of the people are not satisfied with their visit.

● Almost 92% of people are recommending this place to others.

● 84% of people have tried local foods.

● Communication is not a major problem because only one-fifth of the

respondents faced problems.

● More than 80% of the people are interested in visiting again.

● A maximum of 94% of people recommend seeing the sunrise and sunset.

● More than 60% of people are recommended to visit during the winter and
spring seasons.

5.2 Suggestion

● Most of the respondents are not happy with the cleanliness of the place, the
infrastructure facilities, or the public transportation offered. So the government
needs to take proper action to solve the problems.

● Only 20% of the people didn't feel safe and secure during their visit. As a
result, the police must provide adequate protection.

● 30% of the respondents faced difficulties or challenges during the visit, so

the proper guide needs to be increased.

● Around 10% of the people aren't happy with the hospitality available. So
the hospitality needs to be improved.

5.3 Conclusion

From the overall study the investigator finds and analyzed there are more
employment opportunities in particular district at the same time the economy of
Kanyakumari is higher than any other districts in Tamil Nadu. There are more
foreign and domestic tourists are visiting. The service provided by the tour
operators and travel agencies in this district is not satisfactory. The government
should take necessary action to regulate the travel and tour operators. Tourism
will generate more foreign exchange if the government takes to improve the
tourist destinations. Kanyakumari also famous for handicrafts like sea shells and
allied products etc and their economy, standard of living, per capita income in
increasing only because of tourism.. In this district Female are getting more
employment opportunities.


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sacrifice some of your valuable time to fill in the questionnaire, it would help in
the completion of our study. We assure that the data collected will be kept
confidential and will only be used for academic purpose.

01. Name:

02. Age:
a) 18 – 25
b) 26 – 32
c) 33 – 39
d) 40 and above

03. Gender
a) Male
b) Female

04. Marital Status

a) Married
b) Unmarried

05. Are You Resident of Kanyakumari district or a Tourist?

a) Resident
b) Tourist
06. How many Times you have Visited Kanyakumari District?
a) 1 Time
b) 2 Times
c) 3 Times
d) More than 3 Times

07. Main the Reasons for your visit in Kanyakumari district?

a) Religious Pilgrimage
b) Historical sites and Monuments
c) Beaches, Water sports & Nature
d) Medical - Ayurvedic, Varma
e) Others

08. Who recommends to you Kanyakumari district as a Tourist destination?

a) Friends & Family
b) Online search & Social Media
c) Travel Agencies
d) Magazines
e) Others

09. How satisfied were you with your trip to Kanyakumari district?
a) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) Average
d) Excellent
10. What were the highlights of your trip to Kanyakumari district?
a) Places you visited
b) Food and Dining Experience
c) Accommodation
d) People and Culture
e) Transport

11. What were the areas that could be improved in Kanyakumari district?
a) Infrastructure
b) Public Transportation
c) Safety and Security
d) Hygiene and Cleanliness
e) Others

12. Would you recommend Kanyakumari district to others as a tourist

a) Yes
b) No

13. Did you try any local foods in Kanyakumari district?

a) Yes
b) No

14. Did you participate in any cultural or religious events during your trip?
a) Yes
b) No
15. Did you faced any communication Problems during the visit?
a) Yes
b) No

16. Did you purchase any local crafts?

a) Yes
b) No

17. Would you consider returning to Kanyakumari District in Future?

a) Yes
b) No

18. How was your Experiences in Sunrise and Sunset in Kanyakumari Beach?
a) Normal
b) Nice View
c) Magnificent Scenery

19. Did you feel safe and secure during you stay in Kanyakumari district?
a) Yes
b) No
20. Did you face any Difficulties or Challenges during your visit in Kanyakumari
a) Yes
b) No

21. Did you Travelling Boat Experiences in Kanyakumari District?

a) Yes
b) No

22. How was your Experiences in Thiruparappu Falls?

a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Poor
e) Very poor

23. Did you visiting the Pilgrimage places in Kanyakumari district?

a) Yes
b) No

24. Which Season would you recommend for visiting Kanyakumari district?
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Spring
d) Rainy
25. How was your Experiences in visiting the Vattakottai Fort?
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Poor
e) Very poor

26. How was your Opinion about the cleanliness and Hygiene in Kanyakumari
a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Poor
e) Very poor

27. What Suggestion would you give to improve the Tourism facilities in
Kanyakumari district?

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