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- Temperature Titration
- Thermal Decomposition
- Organic Salt Analysis

- Wash pipette and burette with the solution. Wash flasks with distilled water
- Two best titres within 0.1 cm3 are enough
- Record temperature up to 1 d.p
- Record burette readings up to 2 d.p
- Error in temperature reading: 0.1/2 = 0.5 (*2)
- Error in burette reading: 0.1/2 = 0.05 (*2)
- All apparatus readings are to be noted in d.p & all calculated values are recorded in s.f (3-4 s.f)
- Error/Reading *100
- Can ask for moles or for enthalpy change
- To reduce error, larger range of values require as uncertainty is less in more values
- If any reagent is taken in excess then it doesn't matter whether you measure its volume by measuring
cylinder or by burette pipette
- If enthalpy change asked: q=mcT (where T is change in temperature). If more than one solution given
and mass isn’t mentioned, add masses of each solution. Convert the answer from “J” to “kJ” and divide
by moles of limiting regent. (If endothermic reaction enthalpy change is positive/if exothermic reaction
enthalpy change is negative)
- Avoid writing parallax error for improvements
- Improvements:
 Heat loss; insulating cup/lid
 Temperature inaccurately measured; use thermometer with smallest scale division
 Use pippete for measuring limiting regents for improved accuracy; avoid using measuring cylinder
 Use larger quantities for less percentage error
 Stir vigorously to record highest possible temperature reading
 Use a large beaker to carry out the experiment rather than a plastic cup for a larger volume
- Improvements for Enthalpy change:
 Cover the plastic cup with lid to minimize heat loss by convention
 Place the cup in a beaker; air in beaker acts as a good insulator
 Use multiple cups to thicken plastic cup
 Apparatus unstable If plastic cup is used for measuring enthalpy change (burns/chemical spills) so
supported in beaker
- For Graphs:
 Read the instructions completely before making the graph
 More than 50% of the graph must be used
 The axes should be labelled properly including the units
 Scale must be specified
 Extrapolate if needed

 Check out for the anamolous points

- Thermal decomposition and water of crystallization
- Magnesium carbonate
- Make sure they have asked you for the “mass” not weight
- Mass is measured in “grams”
- All readings to be recorded in 2 d.p for mass
- Mention “before heat” & “after heat” in the table
- Lid is put while heating so that solid is not removed during heating
- Dont put lid for carbonate as only carbon dioxide is released
- May ask water loss mass or carbon dioxide mass
- Use the same balance to measure masses throughout the experiment; blow out any solid if on it
- Make sure to read instructions about heating; with lid on/off, for how many minutes
- Make sure if low or strong heating is required
- Ensure flame is directly below the crucible while heating
- Make sure to let the crucible cool for 5-7 minutes before re-weighing or else the balance might
get disturbed
- Do not cool using water or wet tissues
- Cool with lid on in order to avoid moisture absorption as it will increase the mass
- If asked why mass readings are too different before and after: some of the solid has blown off
- Modification: Heat until constant mass
- The change in mass is so small thus the calculated value of X remains the same
- Calculation of moles asked (usually)
- Water of crystallization: You would be asked to heat a hydrated salt until all the water evaporates and
then calculate the mass of water that has evaporated. To prevent decomposition of salt, heat it gently,
otherwise salt would decompose, and gases formed will escape resulting in greater loss in mass
- If gas collected during thermal decomposition:
 If gas is collected over water by thermal decomposition of a solid, remove the delivery tube to avoid
sucking back of water
 Use a fume cupboard while dealing with harmful gases
 Ensure apparatus is airtight to avoid gas leakage
 Some amount of the gay may dissolve if its soluble
- Improvements:
 Make sure electronic balance is clean
 Ensure the balance has no zero error
 Use the same balance every time
 Heat until constant mass

- Identify 2 cations
- Methanoic acid
- If cation not mentioned in notes: either H+ or NH4+

- Do check for ammonium ion (using sodium hydroxide)
- If adding metal gives off gas: Hydrogen gas (pop sound test)
- If adding a compound (e.g. any powder) gives off gas: CO2 gas (limewater test) and liquid contains H+
- If asked to add NaOH and then heat: Ammonia gas is given off (red litmus paper test)
- O2 gas given off; the solution is Hydrogen Peroxide (reignites splinter test). Hydrogen Peroxide is an
oxidizing agent
- To differentiate between Nitrogen containing ions:
 Add Aluminium + NaOH + heat: if gas given off turns red litmus paper blue its Ammonia
 If no gas produced: either NO3- or NO2-
 Add KMnO4: if decolorizes it’s the “-ite” ion (larger numbers are “-ate”; smaller numbers are “-ite”
- To confirm sulfur ion presence: add Barium; white ppt confirms
 Add KMnO4 to confirm either/or
- Always mention test of gases whenever gas produced
- Starch can be used to confirm presence of Iodine. It gives blue black colour with iodine. Often it is
added after adding any oxidizing agent to KI; KI oxidizes iodide ions to I2
- Al3+ ion test with NaOH: The ppt formed is very soluble and disappears very quickly and may go
unnoticeable. Use tiny quantity of NaOH at first i.e. 3-4 drops, and a small white ppt will form floating on
top, which would dissolve very quickly if very small amount of NaOH is added
- When solid is heated gently:
 Colourless/Coloured liquid forms
 Solid dissolves/melts
 Solid may change colour on heating/on cooling
 Condensation can be observed (water droplets can be seen)
- If solid produces brown gas on strong heating: NO3- ions present
- Adding dilute acid to solid produces brown gas: NO2- ions present


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