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Continental System is the name of the economic warfare, which Napoleon started against
England in 1806. According to Napoleon “England was a nation of Shopkeepers.” If her trade
with the European continent is stopped, her industries will be ruined and she will have to
make peace with France. The Continental System can also be described as a battle between
Land power and Sea power by 1806, Napoleon had become the dominant power in Europe.
England had become the Master of the seas. Historians Grant & Temperlay have called the
Continental System as “The battle between the Elephant and the Whale.”


Napoleon's Continental System had several key features, which were implemented through a
series of decrees and policies. Here are the main features of the Continental System:

1. Blockade of British ports: Napoleon initiated a blockade of British ports, aiming to

prevent British ships from engaging in international trade. This measure was intended to
undermine Britain's maritime and economic power.

2. Prohibition of British goods: The Continental System included a ban on the importation
of British goods into continental Europe. Napoleon aimed to weaken the British economy by
cutting off its markets and reducing demand for its products on the continent.

3. Trade restrictions and decrees: Napoleon issued several decrees, most notably the Berlin
Decree (1806) and the Milan Decree (1807), which outlined the rules and penalties associated
with the Continental System such as every European who considers Napolean as a friend
should boycott trade with England, Any English man found in any European country should
be arrested, no person in Europe should send any letter or parcel to any person in England.
These decrees imposed strict regulations on trade and outlined the consequences for those
who violated the blockade.

4. Coalition of European nations: Napoleon sought to build a coalition of European nations

that would collectively enforce the trade restrictions against Britain. Countries under French
influence was pressured to join the Continental System, forming a united front against British

5. Penalties for non-compliance: The decrees issued as part of the Continental System
imposed severe penalties on countries and neutral ships that violated the blockade. Ships
trading with Britain or complying with British trade regulations could be seized and

1. Economic consequences: The Continental System had significant economic

repercussions. While it aimed to hurt the British economy, it also caused economic
difficulties for the countries that adhered to the system. Smuggling became a common
practice as merchants sought to bypass the restrictions and continue trading with British

2. Challenges and unintended consequences: The effectiveness of the Continental System

was undermined by various challenges, including the reluctance of some countries to fully
comply and widespread smuggling. The system did not achieve its ultimate goal of crippling
the British economy.

3. Tensions with neutral nations: The implementation of the Continental System led to
tensions with neutral nations, particularly the United States. British impressment and the
French blockade contributed to the outbreak of the War of 1812 between the United States
and Britain.


Napoleon's Continental System ultimately failed for several interconnected reasons:

1. It was an impossible scheme and Napoleon could not pursue the European countries to boycott
trades with England.

2. England was all-powerful on the seas and successfully stopped all foreign trade of Napoleon and
his friends.

3. The countries of Europe were dependent for many articles of daily necessity like sugar, coffee, tea
on foreign countries. With the stoppage of foreign trade, there was a famine of these things in Europe.
Especially Russian people experienced great difficulty and Czar of Russia started trade with England
in Dec 1810. This resulted in Napoleon’s attack on Russia in 1812.

Thus, the Continental System of Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the main causes of his downfall.

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