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daily newspaper of the year

Wednesday April 10 2024 | | No 74379 SL £2.80 £2.00 to subscribers

(based on a 7 Day Print and Digital Subscription)

Are we dating INSIDE

and the
the same guy?
Charlie Gowans-Eglinton
TIMES2 chemicals
in our food
If you’re angry, put it in writing . . . but be sure to throw it away
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent annoyed volunteers by asking them to level — on a scale of one to six — quick- The study was small, with 50 partici- intention was “to restore the original
write brief opinions about social issues, ly falling to where it had been before the pants, and other scientists will want to purity of the heart”.
Dealing with an irritating boss by such as whether smoking in public experiment. By contrast, those who see the results replicated to show the He believes the findings, published in
writing down exactly why you find should be banned, and telling them held on to the note remained upset. effect is real. the journal Scientific Reports, may help
them annoying may seem a high-risk their efforts were poor. The volunteers “We expected that our method However, Kawai’s team believes the businesspeople who find themselves in
manoeuvre. However, a study suggests were then asked to spell out, in writing, would suppress anger,” said Nobuyuki method echoes a centuries-old Japa- stressful situations. “This technique
that the tactic can ease feelings of anger their negative feelings. Kawai of Nagoya University in Japan, nese tradition known as hakidashisara, could be applied in the moment by
and frustration — as long as you Those who were next told to throw the senior author of the study. “How- in which feelings of anger are set down writing down the source of anger, as if
destroy the paper afterwards. away what they had written seemed to ever, we were amazed that anger was in writing and sealed in a small vessel, taking a memo, and then throwing it
Researchers in Japan deliberately experience a catharsis, with their anger eliminated almost entirely.” which is then destroyed. Kawai said the away,” he said.

NHS review
rejects use
of puberty
‘No good evidence’ for giving transitioning drugs
Eleanor Hayward Health Editor interventions meant people should
James Beal Social Affairs Editor proceed with “extreme caution”.
Lucy Bannerman, Steven Swinford He said: “We’ve seen a sharp rise in
recent years of children, particularly
An entire field of medicine aimed at adolescent girls, questioning their gen-
enabling children to change gender has der. I welcome Dr Cass’s expert review
been “built on shaky foundations”, the which urges treating these children,
chairwoman of an NHS review has who often have complex needs, with
concluded. great care and compassion.
Dr Hilary Cass found that there was “We simply do not know the long-
no good evidence to support the global term impact of medical treatment or
clinical practice of prescribing hor- social transitioning on them, and we
mones to under-18s to halt puberty or should therefore exercise extreme
transition to the opposite sex. caution.
This method of medical interven- “We acted swiftly on Dr Cass’s in- Alan Bates with his partner, Suzanne Sercombe, after telling the public inquiry that the Post Office needed “disbanding”
tions for young people who identify as terim report to make changes in
transgender has become embedded in
clinical guidelines around the world
over the past two decades.
schools and our NHS, providing com-
prehensive guidance for schools and
stopping the routine use of puberty
Bates: Post Office bosses were thugs in suits
Thousands of children have received blockers, and we will continue to ensure
puberty blockers on the NHS since that we take the right steps to protect Tom Witherow Some of Bates’s remarks were made network director. Bates, who was
2011, and referrals to its youth gender young people. The wellbeing and in a letter to Sir Ed Davey, the former sacked from his post office in
identity service have increased 100- health of children must come first.” Alan Bates labelled former Post Office postal affairs minister, in July 2010 after Craig-y-Don, Llandudno, north Wales,
fold in little over a decade. The report contains 32 recommen- executives “little more than thugs in he rejected a meeting with the cam- in 2003, was accused of being “un-
Cass, a former president of the Royal dations for overhauling services. “For suits” and called on the government to paigner, saying the Post Office was manageable”, “struggling with the ac-
College of Paediatrics and Child most young people, a medical pathway sell off the company. operationally independent. counting” and “flouting” instructions
Health, was commissioned by NHS will not be the best way to manage their The campaigner, who gave up work “It is because you have adopted an from his area manager in internal Post
England in 2020 to review services gender-related distress,” Cass said, add- to devote himself to the two-decade arm’s length relationship that you have Office correspondence.
for children with gender dysphoria. ing that children must be seen “as a quest for justice over the Horizon IT allowed a once great institution to be He told the inquiry this was untrue
Her final report has endorsed a whole person and not just through the scandal, said the bosses in charge asset-stripped by little more than thugs
fundamental shift in approach away lens of their gender identity”. through the 2010s were responsible for in suits, and you have enabled them to
from medical intervention towards a She said it was vital that services take a “cover-up”. carry on with impunity regardless of
holistic model that addresses other into account high rates of autism and His comments, part of evidence in a the human misery and suffering they
mental health problems the children mental health problems in children marathon session at the public inquiry inflict,” Bates wrote.
may have. identifying as transgender. into the scandal, came before 15 weeks At the time David Smith, who will
Rishi Sunak welcomed her findings The report concludes the world’s big- of hearings in which former chief exec- give evidence tomorrow, was managing
and said that the lack of knowledge
about the long-term impact of medical
gest review of the contested field of utives, chairmen, cabinet ministers and
top lawyers will give evidence.
director. He was succeeded five months
later by Paula Vennells, the former
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2 S1 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Today’s highlights US congressional leader snubs

Laura Farris, the safeguarding minister
Ehud Barak, the former PM of Israel
Gene Simmons, right, from Kiss talks
Cameron over aid to Ukraine
about the rock band’s new virtual show
Hugh Tomlinson declined to comment when asked if he en, Cameron said the West needed a
3.45pm The broadcaster Adele Roberts on her had refused the foreign secretary’s “plan B” in case Israel pressed ahead
cancer diagnosis and new memoir Alistair Dawber Washington
request for a meeting. The two did meet with an invasion of Rafah.
8.15pm Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom speaks to The foreign secretary was unable to in December during Cameron’s last trip He said: “We have a very clear plan A
Kait Borsay after giving evidence at secure a meeting with the speaker of to the US capital. for how we bring this conflict to an end:
the Post Office inquiry the House of Representatives during a Cameron said last week that while in we have a temporary pause, we turn
trip to Washington this week, it has Washington he would meet Johnson that into a sustainable ceasefire, we see
emerged, as he presses United States and urge him to pass the aid package. Hamas leaders removed from Gaza, we
officials to pass a $60 billion package of Johnson has delayed a vote as he see the terrorist infrastructure taken
military aid for Ukraine. attempts to secure concessions from down ... But if that doesn’t work, we
Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton the White House to placate the Repub- have to think about what is plan B?
met Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in licans who have threatened to oust him What can humanitarian and other
Florida on Monday night before a trip as speaker if he brings the bill to a vote. organisations do to make sure that if
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N to Washington yesterday where he Speaking in Washington, Cameron there is a conflict in Rafah, people can
spoke to Antony Blinken, the secretary said: “We know if we give the Ukraini- achieve safety ... ?”
of state, and members of Congress. ans the support they deserve, they can On Monday, Cameron met Trump
He pressed the members to pass a bill win this war. They can achieve the just who recently provoked alarm about his
NEWS SPORT TIMES2 stuck in the House that would release peace that they deserve.” commitment to the alliance by com-
$60 billion in fresh military aid for He insisted that while the UK and menting that he would not protect Nato
Ukraine. A spending bill with support other allies had stepped up efforts to allies who did not spend more on de-
for Kyiv has stalled for months in supply more arms to Ukraine, “nothing fence if he won the presidency. In an
Congress, where it faces vehement is more important” than releasing the effort to appease his demands, Camer-
opposition from Republican hardliners $60 billion stalled in Congress. He said on said the July Nato summit in Wash-
loyal to Donald Trump. adversaries of the UK and US were ington would focus on bringing all 32
Key to unlocking the aid is Mike watching Nato’s support and would members up to the threshold of spend-
Johnson, the House speaker and a judge “whether we are committed”. ing 2 per cent of GDP on defence.
Trump ally, who has refused to table a “We face a huge threat from an The White House said it was aware in
vote on the bill since it was passed in the aggressive [President] Putin taking advance of the meeting with Trump.
ROOT OF IT ALL LEAP OF FAITH RIDING HIGH Senate in February. Sources in the UK other countries’ territory by force and it Jake Sullivan, US national security ad-
confirmed that Johnson could not find is so important that we stick together.” viser, declined to address if the adminis-
Naturalists rally for The gymnast Max Cowgirl chic is time in his diary to meet. His office During the press briefing with Blink- tration believed the talk was helpful.
the home of the Whitlock on his galloping back to
‘father of ecology’ Olympic inspiration our wardrobes
Japan could be weapons partner to West
378 days since Wall Street Journal
reporter Evan Gershkovich
was detained in Russia
Larisa Brown Defence Editor
Japan could help the United States,
Britain and Australia develop new mili-
tary technology as a “friend” of the
Aukus security pact in a move aimed at
information they are willing to share.
Japan is not part of the Five Eyes
intelligence-sharing network — the
US, Canada, Britain, Australia and New
Zealand — though it co-operates with
many of its members. Japanese diplo-
gaging like-minded partners in the
work of pillar two will only strengthen
this pursuit.”
It is understood the US is keen to pro-
mote Japan’s involvement in pillar two
to show how valued it is as a partner.
countering Chinese expansionism. mats have spoken of their wish to be- Japan, which is already working with
THUNDERER 22 WORLD 26 SPORT 52 Defence ministers from the Aukus come the “sixth” member. the UK on Tempest, a fighter jet due to
LETTERS 24 BUSINESS 31 CROSSWORD 62 nations said they were considering A senior British government source enter service by 2035, has increased de-
LEADING ARTICLES 25 REGISTER 45 TV & RADIO TIMES2 bringing Japan into “pillar two” — part said the idea behind the widening of fence spending amid concern about
of the pact that focuses on developing Aukus pillar two was to show that Japan China’s military assertiveness.
advanced technology such as artificial was firmly on the side of the West and China said it was “gravely con-
Fighting the Post Office: intelligence and hypersonic weapons. not of China, as well as to be in a better cerned” about the prospect of Japan
The Aukus deal, signed in 2021, position to develop the technology to joining the pact. A foreign ministry
Alan Bates at the inquiry commits the UK and US to sharing deter Beijing from seizing Taiwan. spokeswoman said the move “dis-
The nuclear technology with Australia to Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, regards the risk of nuclear prolifera-

Story The campaigner who took on

the Post Office to expose flaws
in its IT systems has appeared
enable it to build its first nuclear-
powered submarines.
It has yet to be decided what project
and Lloyd Austin and Richard Marles
— his US and Australian counterparts
— said they were set on delivering “ad-
tion”. It would “intensify the arms race
in the Indo-Pacific region and disrupt
regional peace and stability”, she said.
Japan could help with, and allies will vanced military capabilities” to their
before the public inquiry into have to agree on how much sensitive own forces. “We are confident that en-
the scandal. Can this crucial
stage of the inquiry take the for children, including banning the use
continued from page 1 continued from page 1
victims a step closer to justice? Review into transgender care of puberty blockers for under-16s. The Post Office inquiry
Available on the Times Radio app or youth gender identity clinic run by the
wherever you get your podcasts trans healthcare, and involved patients, Tavistock and Portman NHS Founda- and that he believed he was sacked
families, academics and doctors. tion Trust has been closed, with care because he was blowing the whistle on
Researchers at the University of York moved to two new NHS services. the faults in the £1 billion Horizon com-
examined all available evidence on how The review also found that debates on puter system.
OFFER to treat children questioning their gen- trans issues had led to fear among doc- Documentary evidence produced
der identity. They concluded there was tors and parents, with some worrying yesterday showed that he had raised
Save up to 30% with a subscription to “wholly inadequate” evidence to about being accused of transphobia. the alarm as early as December 2000,
The Times and The Sunday Times support medical intervention, making
it impossible to know whether it im-
Since the Gender Identity Development
Service opened in 1989, it has seen more
but found “they didn’t like me standing
up to them”. In a letter he told the Post
proves mental or physical health. than 9,000 young people. Office: “I can assure you of my con-
The treatment, or pathway, involves An NHS spokesman said: “NHS tinued and now increased resolve to
THE WEATHER giving children puberty blockers, and England is grateful to Dr Cass for com- bring the real facts of what is going on
then cross-sex hormones from the age prehensive work on this important ... regardless of whether it takes years.”
of 16, and has been adopted globally. review. The NHS has made significant He concluded his evidence by saying
In an opinion piece for the BMJ, Cass progress towards establishing a funda- the Post Office was an “atrocious orga-
6 said evidence-based medicine was built mentally different gender service for nisation” that needed “disbanding” and
around three pillars of integrating the children and young people.” “building up again from the ground
best available research with clinical A 2019 investigation by The Times floor”. He added: “The whole of the
9 25 expertise, and patient preferences. She first exposed concerns about children postal service is a dead duck. It’s beyond
said: “When conducting the review, I being put on experimental treatments saving, and it needs to be sold to some-
found that in gender medicine those at NHS gender clinics. one like Amazon ... otherwise it’s going
pillars are built on shaky foundations.” Helen Joyce, from Sex Matters, a to be a bugbear for the government for
The review found that the use of charity that campaigns for clarity on the years to come.”
14 puberty blockers had “spread at pace” sex in law, said: “Hilary Cass’s report is Vennells has said she is “truly sorry”
around the world, based on a single the nail in the coffin for the so-called for the “devastation caused to the
29 Dutch study that began in 1998. It said ‘gender-affirming’ treatment model. sub-postmasters and their families”,
there was no good evidence puberty The total lack of evidence base is laid and is co-operating with the inquiry
blockers helped, and they may damage bare for everyone to see.” fully. She will give evidence over three
Cloud and rain spreading eastwards, bone health and height. days next month.
heaviest in northwestern areas. The NHS has committed itself to
overhauling its gender identity services
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 S1 3


scouts for a
theme park
in . . . Bedford
Jack Malvern from when it was a brickworks. The Universal Studios’
works were demolished in 1980 when a LA park has rides Worlds apart
When Universal Studios announced demolition crew toppled the final 18 based on films such
that it was building its first theme park chimneys on a site that once had 167. as ET. Bedford, top Bedford V Orlando
in Europe, the people of Bedford were Although the company said it was left, could get a
astonished to learn that their town was too early to announce what attractions movie theme park 185,300 (2021) Population 2.1 million
considered the equivalent of Los Ange- it would include, it said that visitors to built on an old
les and Beijing. other Universal Studios parks found brickworks 10th century First settled 1843
The owners of the brand are now themselves “chased by velociraptors,
seeking Bedford residents’ opinions on fending off an alien attack or Bedford Castle, Oldest castle Cinderella Castle,
how they should build their park in a escaping an indoor tomb”. 12th century Magic Kingdom, 1971
way that “celebrates this area’s vibrant Universal’s other parks
history”. include attractions based Edible Ornamentals Highest rated Universal Islands of
It is not yet clear what vibrant history on Jurassic Park, Jaws, ET, pick-your-own chilli farm tourist attraction Adventure
Universal Studios is hoping to cele- The Fast and the Furious, on Tripadvisor
brate, but among the town’s claims to Transformers and The
fame are its 18th-century lace industry Simpsons. John Bunyan Notable residents Wesley Snipes
and hosting John Bunyan while he The company owns
wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress during his 476 acres and has an limit the heights of buildings 8,000 jobs, rising to 10,000 after 20
imprisonment in Bedford Gaol. option to increase it to 75m, although rides could years, three quarters of which would go
Histories of Bedford tend to linger on to 700 for a site go as high as 115m. to residents of Bedford, Luton and
its destruction. The first record of Bed- that would make it It also said light and Milton Keynes.
fordshire’s existence was when King larger than its 415- sound pollution would be The park would be 40 miles from
Canute “laid waste” to it in 1016. Its acre park in Holly- minimal as each zone Watford, which appeared on tourist
12th-century castle is now a mound wood. would be designed so it maps in 2012 when it opened the
after its destruction at the hands of It said if it does pro- did not interfere with Making of Harry Potter studio tour.
Henry III in 1224. ceed, it will provide the others. “A land at a However, plans have yet to be con-
NBC Universal, which released fur- “emotionally fulfilling Universal theme park firmed. Bedford residents appear to
ther details of the park on Monday, said moments” in “beautifully cannot be an immer- have been stunned by the prospect of a
that if its feasibility study is positive, it designed and landscaped sive experience if the theme park on the outskirts of a town
would like to “design select food and areas”. It promised support music from next door is whose current top ten visitor attrac-
drink facilities and attractions with for local wildlife sites at heard. That is why we design tions, according to Tripadvisor, are led
Bedford’s town history in mind”. former industrial pits, such as our lands and use advanced techno- by a pick-your-own chilli tunnel.
The only idea put forward in the con- Kempston Hardwick Pit, and logy to focus all the sound and light Residents have until May 3 to
sultation document is that buildings to plant thousands of trees. effects inwardly,” a spokesman said. influence the project by filling in a ques-
would incorporate bricks left on the site The company promised to The park would create an expected tionnaire.

TikTok’s copycat photo app aims to stick claws into Instagram

Charlotte Alt their photo posts will be shared on the media companies imitating each after a set time period, usually one day. media platform would be banned un-
new app unless they opt out via a box other’s features after Instagram However, imitation attempts can less its Chinese owner sold it within six
TikTok is taking on Instagram, its underneath the text. launched Reels in 2020 — a TikTok- also end in failure: a similar move by months of the law taking effect.
social media rival — it has revealed that In screenshots shared online, the like tool by which short videos are post- Twitter proved unpopular. Jasmine Enberg, principal social
it is working on a photo-sharing app notification states: “Your photo posts ed online. TikTok said: “As part of our commit- media analyst at Insider Intelligence,
that will provide a “dedicated space” for will be shown on TikTok Notes. TikTok Mike Proulx, a research director at ment to innovating the TikTok experi- told the BBC: “Launching Notes as a
images and text. Notes, a new app for photo posts, is the analysis firm Forrester, told the ence, we’re exploring ways to empower separate app would be a departure in
The app will be called TikTok Notes coming soon! BBC: “The copycat phenomenon runs our community to create and share strategy for TikTok, which has previ-
and will allow users to upload photo “Your existing and future public Tik- rampant across social media plat- their creativity with photos and text in ously incorporated new features direct-
posts, although TikTok said that it had Tok photo posts will be shown on Tik- forms.” a dedicated space for those formats.” ly into the core app, but it makes sense
not finalised the design or confirmed a Tok Notes. If you prefer not to show Such features can pay off, Proulx TikTok has been experiencing a diffi- given the current regulatory and con-
release date. your public TikTok photo posts on Tik- said, giving the example of when Insta- cult time in recent months after the US sumer scrutiny. There are few places
Nonetheless, some users have re- Tok Notes, turn this off now.” gram copied Snapchat by introducing House of Representatives approved left where it doesn’t have a stronghold,
ceived notifications telling them that It is the latest example of social Stories, which are posts that disappear legislation under which the social and photo-sharing is one.”
4 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

News Cass report

Damning verdict on medical

The Cass report, out today, should be the final nail
in the coffin of Gids, the clinic that told thousands
of children they were transgender. James Beal,
Lucy Bannerman and Eleanor Hayward report
In 2009 the NHS’s gender identity nectivity has meant that as well as the
development service (Gids) saw fewer advantages of international peer net-
than 50 children a year. Since then works, they are much more exposed to
demand has increased a hundredfold, worries about global threats.
with more than 5,000 seeking help in The report also focuses on 2014,
2021-22. when female referrals to Gids acceler-
The sudden increase has gone hand ated. Although this is not mentioned,
in hand with the adoption of a model of 2014 was the year that CBBC, for exam-
“gender-affirming” care, which puts ple, broadcast I Am Leo, a video-diary-
children on a life-altering path of hor- style documentary, to an audience of to
mone treatment. Services have been 6 to 12-year-olds, showing the positive
left overwhelmed, with vulnerable personal journey of a child who transi-
young people clamouring for medical tioned from female to male.
interventions to help them change gen- Throughout almost 400 pages, Cass
der — despite a lack of evidence over argues that the gender-related issues of
the long-term effects. young patients should be treated in the
It was against this backdrop that Dr same context as the wider mental
Hilary Cass was commissioned in 2020 health issues facing their entire genera-
to examine the state of NHS services tion. “The striking increase in young
for children identifying as trans. Her people presenting with gender incon-
final report, published today, delivers a gruence/dysphoria needs to be consid-
damning verdict on the medical path ered within the context of poor mental
thousands of children have been sent health and emotional distress among
down. It marks a turning point in years the broader adolescent population,
of bitter debate over how to help this particularly given their high rates of co-
distressed group of young people, con- existing mental health problems and
firming a shift towards a holistic model neurodiversity.” Cass calls for more re-
that takes into account the wider social search into the “complex interplay”
and mental health problems driving the between these issues and a teenager’s
rise in demand. sudden desire to change gender.

gen z and online porn lack of evidence for medical

The Cass report shines a light on the pathway
biggest unanswered question over Rather than affirming
transgender healthcare: why are so children’s gender ident-
many Gen Z women suddenly wanting ity with medical treat-
to change gender? ment, the report calls for
Cass paints an alarming picture of an a holistic approach that
anxious and distressed generation of examines the causes of
digitally savvy young women and girls, their distress. It finds
who not only are more exposed to on- that, despite being incor-
line pornography and the wider prob- porated into medical
lems of the world than any previous guidelines around the
generation but also consume more world, the use of “gen-
social media and have lower self-es- der-affirming” medical
teem and more body hang-ups than treatment such as puber-
their male peers. ty blockers is based on
When Gids opened in 1989, it treated “wholly inadequate” evi-
fewer than 10 people each year, mostly dence. Doctors are cau-
males with a long history of gender tious when adopting new
distress. In 2009 it treated 15 adoles- treatments, but Cass says
cent girls. By 2016 that figure had shot “quite the reverse hap-
up to 1,071. pened in the field of gen-
Cass concludes that such a sudden der care for children”,
spike in such a short time cannot be ex- with thousands of child-
plained alone by greater acceptance of ren put on an unproven
trans identities, which “does not ade- medical pathway.
quately explain” the switch in patient Cass says gender care
profiles from predominantly male to fe- is “an area of remarkably
male. She also says greater investi- weak evidence” and that results of stud-
gation of the “consumption of online ies “are exaggerated or misrepresented The now closed Gids clinic was housed in the Tavistock Centre and treated children for gender dysphoria. The NHS review,
pornography and gender dysphoria is by people on all sides of the debate”. She
needed”, pointing to youngsters’ in- adds: “The reality is that we have no mental health difficulties than the gen- gender distress, the report finds. This ty suppression on psychological or psy-
creasingly early exposure to “frequent- good evidence on the long-term out- eral population. This includes rates of was because gender dysphoria was not chosocial health, it says, and some
ly violent” online material that can comes of interventions to manage gen- depression, anxiety and eating dis- considered to be a mental health young females had a worsening of
have a harmful impact on their self- der-related distress.” orders. Some research studies have condition. problems like depression and anxiety.
esteem and body image. The report finds that treatment on suggested transgender people are three The report finds that, compared with Cass says there is “some concern”
Gen Z is defined as those born the NHS since 2011 has largely been in- to six times more likely to be autistic the general population, young people that puberty blockers may actually
between 1995 and 2009. Rather than formed by two sets of international than the general population, with age referred to gender services had higher change “the trajectory of psychosexual
focusing on the issue of gender in isola- guidelines, drawn up by the Endocrine and educational attainment taken into rates of neglect; physical, sexual or and gender identity development”.
tion, Cass looked at the context in Society and the World Professional account. emotional abuse; parental mental ill- Her report warns that blocking the
which adolescents today, who have Association of Transgender Health- Therefore, the report says that the ness or substance abuse; exposure to chronological age and sex hormones
“grown up with unprecedented online care (WPATH), but that these lack striking increase in young people domestic violence; and loss of a parent released during puberty “could have a
access”, are experiencing such a dispro- scientific rigour. The WPATH has been presenting with gender dysphoria through death or abandonment. range of unintended and as yet un-
portionate crisis over their gender. “highly influential in directing inter- needs to be considered within the con- identified consequences”.
“Generation Z is the generation in national practice, although its guide- text of rising levels of poor mental puberty blockers It describes adolescence as a time of
which the numbers seeking support lines were found by the University of health. The report says there was “no evi- “identity development, sexual develop-
from the NHS around their gender York’s appraisal to lack developmental The increase in gender clinic patients dence” puberty blockers allowed young ment, sexual fluidity and experimenta-
identity have increased, so it is impor- rigour and transparency”, Cass says. “has to some degree paralleled” the de- people “time to think” by delaying the tion”. The report says “blocking” this
tant to have some understanding of The report says the NHS must work terioration in child and adolescent onset of puberty — which was the origi- meant young people had to understand
their experiences and influences,” she to improve the evidence base. mental health, it finds. Mental distress, nal rationale for their use. It finds the identity and sexuality based only on
writes. “In terms of broader context, the report says, can present through vast majority of those who start puber- their discomfort about puberty and an
Generation Z and Generation Alpha mental health physical manifestations, such as eating ty suppression continued on to cross- early sense of their gender. Therefore, it
(those born since 2010) have grown up Mental health issues could be present- disorders or body dysmorphic disor- sex hormones, particularly if they adds, there is “no way of knowing” whe-
through a global recession, concerns ing as gender-related distress. Children ders. Clinicians were often reluctant to started earlier in puberty. ther the normal trajectory of someone’s
about climate change and most recent- and young people referred to specialist explore or address co-occurring mental There was insufficient and inconsist- sexual and gender identity “may be per-
ly the Covid-19 pandemic. Global con- gender services have higher rates of health issues in those presenting with ent evidence about the effects of puber- manently altered”.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 5


path many children sent on their child being socially transitioned

Number of children and young people presenting to the UK NHS Gender Identity Service The recommendations and affirmed in their expressed gender
without their involvement. Draft gov-
Children (male)
Data collection ernment guidance, published in
1,500 Gender identity clinics should offer December, stated that schools should
Children (female) their data to NHS England for not accept all requests for social transi-
Adolescents (male) review, and more research should tion and should involve parents in any
be conducted on the impact of decision that is made.
Adolescents (female) psychosocial intervention — such as Despite this, there has been evidence
1,000 therapy — and the use of of schools ignoring ministers and
masculinising and feminising allowing children to change gender
Source: The CASS Review

hormones, such as testosterone and behind their parents’ backs.

oestrogen. Cass recommended that The report makes clear that “parents
500 the NHS should also consider data should be actively involved in decision
from private clinics. making” unless there are strong
grounds to believe that it may put the
Puberty blockers and hormone child at risk.
treatment It also finds that social debates on
0 Cass recommended research to trans issues led to fear among doctors
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 establish the long-term impact of and parents, with some concerned
puberty blockers, which is expected about being accused of transphobia.
Child and adolescent referrals for Distribution of patient’s age on referral and to start by December. The interim report, from 2022, had
gender dysphoria (UK, GIDS) birth registered gender on referral to GIDS classed social transition as “not a neu-
Apr 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2022 Assessment of other conditions tral act”. The full report explains that it
5,000 Cass said that children arriving at is an “active intervention”, because it
gender identity services should be may have significant effects on a young
Children (less Adolescents screened for conditions such as person’s psychological functioning and
than 12 years) (12 to 17 years)
17 years + autism and other longer-term outcomes.
Female Female 4,000 neurodevelopmental conditions. In a strong warning to schools, the re-
port describes the need for “clinical in-
Male Male Criteria for medical treatment volvement” in the decision-making
Unknown A Unknown B 15-16 When treating children with gender process on social transitioning. It adds:
3,000 dysphoria, only those who have “This is not a role that can be taken by
experienced “long-standing gender staff without appropriate clinical
incongruence” will be able to get training.”
12-14 medical treatment. Even then, this The report concludes that maintain-
2,000 will only be available — with ing flexibility is key among those going
“extreme caution” — for over 16s. down a social transition route and says
11-12 Female a “partial transition”, rather than a full
A holistic approach one, could help.
1,000 Male Before any medical intervention, In decisions about whether to transi-
Cass recommends that children tion prepubescent children, families
10 and under should be offered fertility should be seen “as early as possible by a
counselling and “preservation” by clinical professional”.
0 specialist services. This formed part
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2021 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 500 of a more “holistic” approach to rogue private clinics
-11 -13 -15 -17 -19 -21 -22 Number of patients gender identity services. Cass Long waiting lists for NHS care mean
suggested the creation and distressed children are turning to pri-
Number of referrals by country ... ... and the rise in the UK implementation of a national vate clinics or resorting to “obtaining
framework and infrastructure for unregulated and potentially dangerous
400 000s 2.5 gender-related care. hormone supplies over the internet”,
the report says.
Growing into adulthood Some NHS GPs have then felt “pres-
Sweden Denmark The review advised that follow- surised to prescribe hormones after
Netherlands Canada through services for 17 to 25-year- these have been initiated by private
Australia Belgium 300 olds should be established to providers”, and Cass says this should
Finland Israel ensure a continuity of care and not happen.
Norway 1.5 support when children grow into The report also urges the Depart-
adulthood. ment of Health to consider new legis-
lation to “prevent inappropriate over-
200 Detransitioners seas prescribing”. This is intended to
0.5 The report proposed that NHS tackle a loophole which means that,
England should “ensure there is despite the NHS banning the use of
provision for people considering puberty blockers last month, children
detransition”, while recognising that can still access them from online clinics
0 0 they may not wish to attend such as GenderGP, which is registered
2000 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 19 2009 11 13 15 17 services that assisted in their initial in Singapore.
gender transition.
which featured a model, above left, in its report, will shape NHS services for young people questioning their identity detransitioning
Cass says some of those who have been
Brain maturation may also be “tem- NHS England and Gids”, citing the un- to a wider range of adolescents, it social transition through medical transitions “deeply
porarily or permanently disrupted” by known impact of use over an extended says, including patients with no history The report concludes it was “possible” regret their earlier decisions”. Her re-
the use of puberty blockers, it says. This period. “The detrimental impact to of gender issues before puberty and that social transition, including the port says the NHS should consider a
could have a significant impact on a bone density alone makes this concern- those with neurodiversity and changing of a child’s name and pro- new specialist service for people who
young person’s ability to make “com- ing”, the report adds. complex mental health issues. nouns, may change the trajectory wish to “detransition” and come off
plex risk-laden decisions”, as well as A Dutch study originally suggested Clinical practice, Cass found, of their gender development. It hormone treatments. She says people
possible long-term neuropsychological that puberty blockers might improve appeared to have “deviated” finds “no clear evidence” social who are detransitioning may be reluc-
consequences. psychological wellbeing for a narrow from the parameters originally transitioning in childhood has tant to return to the service they had
The report highlights the “concern” group of children with gender issues. set. any positive or negative mental previously used.
of young people remaining on puberty Following this, the practice “spread at Overall, the report concludes health effects, but that child-
blockers into adulthood — sometimes pace to other countries” and in 2011 the there was a “very narrow ren who socially transi- nhs numbers
into their mid-twenties. This is partly UK trialled the use of puberty blockers indication” for the use of tioned at an earlier age The report recommends that the NHS
because some “wish to continue as non- in an early intervention study. puberty blockers in males were more likely to pro- and Department of Health review cur-
binary” and partly because of ongoing The results were not formally pub- to stop irreversible ceed to medical treat- rent practice of issuing new NHS num-
gender indecision, the report says. lished until 2020, at which time it pubertal changes, while ment. A more cau- bers to people who change gender.
Cass adds: “Puberty suppression was showed there was a lack of any positive other benefits remained tious approach to Cass suggests that handing out new
never intended to continue for extend- measurable outcomes. It also found that unproven. social transition NHS numbers to trans people means
ed periods.” 98 per cent of people had proceeded to It says there were needs to be taken for they risk getting lost in the system —
The report finds young adults who take cross-sex hormones. “clearly lessons to be children than for ad- making it harder to track their health
had been discharged from Gids Despite this, from 2014 puberty learnt by everyone”. olescents, it con- histories and long-term outcomes.
“remained on puberty blockers into blockers moved from a research-only cludes. The review says that this has had
their early to mid twenties”. A review of protocol to being available in routine Dr Hilary Cass, a The review also “implications for safeguarding and
audit data suggested 177 patients were clinical practice. “The rationale for this retired consultant heard concerns clinical management of these children”,
discharged while on puberty blockers. is unclear,” the report says. paediatrician, from “many — for example, the type of screening
Cass says the review “raised this with Puberty blockers were then given compiled the report parents” about that they are offered.
6 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

News Cass report

Debate on
trans rights
‘shut down
by bullying’
Eleanor Hayward Health Editor social media, and where name-calling

Dr Hilary Cass has called for an end to

the “exceptionally toxic” debates on
echoes the worst bullying behaviour.
This must stop.
“Polarisation and stifling of debate do
Key figures in clinic
transgender healthcare after being vili-
fied online while compiling her review.
nothing to help the young people
caught in the middle of a stormy social
at heart of a scandal
In a foreword to her 388-page report, discourse, and in the long run will also
the medical doctor said that navigating hamper the research that is essential to sue evans, nurse and years ago after colleagues
the culture war over trans rights had finding the best way of supporting them psychotherapist raised concerns about
made her task over the past four years to thrive.” Evans was one of the staff Gids. His report, which
significantly harder. Cass was president of the Royal Col- who blew the whistle on went to senior figures in
She said that the “stormy social dis- lege of Paediatrics and Child Health the practices at the the NHS Trust, addressed
course” did little to help young people, from 2012 to 2015 and is a retired paedi- Gender Identity many matters, such as
being let down by a lack of research and atric consultant specialising in neuro- Development Service concerns that children
evidence. disability. She was awarded an OBE in (Gids) at the Tavistock with several problems
Cass revealed that she had faced crit- 2015 for services to child health. and Portman NHS were being put on the
icism from groups on both sides of the The review had vulnerable children Foundation Trust in wrong medical pathway.
debate over trans healthcare and rights and young people “at its heart”, Cass London.
since being appointed by NHS England said, adding: “Yet from the start, the She raised concerns in sonia appleby, social
and NHS Improvement in September review stepped into an arena where 2005 after she became worker and adult
2020 to chair an independent review of there were strong and widely divergent increasingly worried that psychoanalytic
gender identity services for children opinions unsupported by adequate young children were therapist
and young people amid concerns the evidence. being given experimental Appleby won £20,000
services had become overwhelmed. “The surrounding noise and increas- treatment without what from an employment
She said she had tried to remain fo- ingly toxic, ideological and polarised she believed were tribunal after the Gids
cused on her remit while being “buffet- public debate has made the work of the adequate assessments. service attempted to
ed by different issues along the way”. review significantly harder and does Evans, who left Gids in prevent her from carrying
Cass wrote: “Despite the best inten- nothing to serve the children and 2007, later said that the out her safeguarding role.
tions of everyone with a stake in this young people who may already be sub- clinic was willing to offer Staff had approached her
complex issue, the toxicity of the debate ject to significant minority stress.” drugs to children under with concerns about
is exceptional. I have faced criticism for The review also found that social de- 16, and even to those as doctors prescribing
engaging with groups and individuals bates on trans issues had led to fear young as nine or ten. puberty blockers to young
who take a social justice approach and among doctors and parents, with some people. Appleby was
advocate for gender affirmation, and concerned about being accused of dr david bell, responsible for protecting
have equally been criticised for involv- transphobia. It said that many doctors consultant children at risk from
ing groups and individuals who urge “have concerns about their capacity psychiatrist maltreatment.
more caution. and competence to work with this pop- Bell wrote a The tribunal heard
“The knowledge and expertise of ex- ulation and some are fearful of doing so whistleblowing report six evidence that she had
perienced clinicians who have reached given the surrounding social debate”.
different conclusions about the best ap- Cass said that research showed some
proach to care are sometimes dismissed parents were “fearful” of what would affirm their child’s assumed identity or validity of trans identities, challenging some would be pleased with her report,
and invalidated.” happen if they did not consent to their risk being painted as transphobic and/ the right of people to express them- others who wanted urgent access to
Cass added: “There are few other children’s wish to change gender. or unsupportive”. selves, or rolling back on people’s rights hormones and puberty blockers might
areas of healthcare where professionals She said that this could lead to “an ad- Cass insisted that the review was “not to healthcare”. be upset and disappointed.
are so afraid to openly discuss their versarial position between parent and about defining what it meant to be Addressing young people directly in On the standards of care to date, she
views, where people are vilified on child where some parents felt ‘forced’ to trans, nor was it about undermining the her foreword, she recognised that while wrote: “I have been disappointed by the

This militant lobby must be kept at bay to safeguard children

surprising, they are no less sickening. autism, which about 2 per cent of gender ideology, which enables them demonstrates, the consequence of
Sajid Javid Quite simply, ideology replaced the children in the UK are thought to to persist. compliance risks people being forcibly
Comment best interests of children, thousands have. At Gids, a review found that Across political parties, we need to silenced.
of whom have been failed. about 35 per cent had moderate or reassess how effective the At the same time, the natural
At every opportunity, and in each severe autistic traits. commitment is to protecting children political instinct of some, including in

hen I was briefed on department I served in, I tried to Compounding this was the and keeping this militant gender my party, will need to be tempered.
the NHS’s Tavistock advance the cause of child protection. widespread prescription of puberty lobby at bay; otherwise this review The debate always risks descending
Gender Identity In this case, the source of lessons lies blockers. Thankfully that practice in will be wasted. into one where far more heat than
Development Service in both the clinical practice and the NHS is changing, but loopholes Only the courage of whistleblowers light is offered, and one where serious
(Gids) for the first political culture that enabled it to remain. Both private clinics and and activists was able to provide the policy recommendations fall by the
time, I knew this was not just another persist for so long. Unless each is prescriptions ordered from abroad beginning of much-needed wayside in favour of stronger words of
policy area but a child protection resolved, more children will be remain significant problems. In the accountability. Without political condemnation.
problem and huge medical scandal in harmed. case of prescriptions, someone could support, advocates of the system will That is why the NHS process was
the making. In any other setting it is hard to simply order them online to any continue to dominate, as they have in so important. It had the time and
As health and social care secretary imagine a patient meeting a doctor pharmacy in the country. other countries. The same theme of power to recommend meaningful
at the time, I instructed officials to and the patient telling them what The government must close this being afraid to tackle “uncomfortable” change. In a changing society, where
provide all available support to Dr their diagnosis is. Yet the approach of loophole without delay. But this is problems has existed in other areas many more of these challenges will
Hilary Cass. I introduced legislation self-diagnoses was the medical only one area and many more exist. before, to the detriment of children. arise, only substantive processes and
to support her investigation and, pathway adopted at Gids. This Despite the specific data legislation I Whether it is race, sex, gender or firm decisions can deal with these
months later, backed her interim resulted in clinicians not showing brought forward at Dr Cass’s request, other identity characteristics, complex matters.
report’s recommendations. enough interest in other potential parts of the NHS continue to block politicians cannot let a culture of All of us have to navigate such a
She has demonstrated exceptional factors, including trauma, social access and frustrate the express will silence prevail because of political society. But as this report makes clear,
courage throughout. Although the influence, sexual abuse or different of parliament. The common thread sensitivities. As the introduction of never again should that come at the
findings of her report are not conditions. Take the example of between all of these is an extreme the hate crime law in Scotland expense of our children.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 7

raised concerns about the
treatment of an
increasing number of
Force gender service
children being referred to

dr polly carmichael,
to release withheld
former director of
Carmichael left her
position following the
data, Cass tells NHS
closure of the clinic, after
presiding over a service Lucy Bannerman, Eleanor Hayward, it had “not been at all straightforward
that sent young people James Beal trying to get this research off the
into the medical ground” and that it had “absorbed a con-
unknown. Dr Hilary Cass has urged NHS Eng- siderable amount of time and attention”
She was the new Gids land to force its gender clinics to release from the review and delayed its work.
director in 2011 when it crucial missing data after they refused She said the study “follows usual NHS
began the first trial of to co-operate with her independent research practice” and was “only novel
puberty blockers, a type review. because of the sensitivity of the subject”.
of hormone therapy that The landmark report argues it is It was, she said, “hugely disappoint-
halts the development of impossible to understand the true ing that the NHS gender services have
children in an effort to impact of the “affirmative model” of decided not to participate”. She added:
treat gender distress. transgender healthcare without know- “I am frustrated on behalf of the young
The clinic made the ing what has happened to the thou- people and their families that the
drugs more widely sands of patients who have passed opportunity to reduce some of the
available, despite a study through the NHS’s gender identity clin- uncertainties around care options has
showing a lack of any ics for young people. not been taken.”
positive measurable Of the 9,000 young people referred In her review, she said it was “un-
outcomes. to the Gender Identity Development acceptable” that this data should not be
Carmichael is Service (Gids), about 2,000 are be- available. “One of the most problematic
understood to be in line lieved to have been referred for hor- data gaps for the review has been trying
for a payout of at least mone treatment. Little is known about to obtain robust data on the numbers of
£80,000 after leaving their outcomes as they have dis- young people who go on to a hormone
Sue Evans, left, said Gids was willing to offer drugs to children Gids. appeared into adult services. pathway at Gids and what care path-
as young as nine. Sonia Appleby and David Bell, below left and Cass expressed her frustration that ways or interventions are available for
right, were also among those to raise concerns. Aidan Kelly, dr aidan kelly, NHS gender clinics blocked her re- those who do not. This seems unaccept-
far left, wearing jacket, has set up a private gender clinic, consultant clinician quests for long-term data on their able in the digital age.”
while Heather Wood, above, says she plans to do so Kelly is one of several cases. “Despite efforts to encourage the She noted how Gids declined to
clinicians who left roles at participation of the NHS gender clin- respond to the review’s invitation to
Gids to set up a private ics, the necessary co-operation had not participate in an international study on
clinic. Gender Plus, which been forthcoming,” she wrote. transgender healthcare.
operates next door to a She has written toNHS England, ask- She highlighted how allowing a
chicken shop in Hackney, ing it to “direct” its gender clinics to patient who has legally transitioned to
east London, does not release more information on the first also change their NHS number
prescribe puberty cohort of patients to pursue this experi- hampered efforts to track the long-
blockers, but it does mental pathway so gender services can term safety and efficiency of treatment,
provide cross-sex be improved. a practice which she said should be
hormones for people aged Cass had, through her Independent reviewed.
16 and over. Review of Gender Identity Services for Of particular concern, was the case of
Children and Young People, commis- a patient who continued puberty block-
dr heather wood, sioned research tracking the journeys ers until their “early to mid-20s”, Cass
psychologist of young people who were seen by Gids said. “Puberty blockers are intended to
Wood rose up through at the Tavistock and Portman NHS be a short-term intervention and the
the ranks of the Gids Foundation Trust. impact of use over an extended period
satellite clinic in Leeds The research could have outlined of time is unknown, although the detri-
and is also believed to be what difference, if any, the treatment mental impact to bone density alone
among the staff to receive made to the lives of the estimated 9,000 makes this concerning.”
payments as the service young people who moved from Gids in- In 2022 ministers created legislation
closes. In a Facebook post to NHS adult gender dysphoria clinics. to require Gids to hand over crucial
from February she said Cass said it was a “world-leading op- data on patient experiences to the Cass
she was buying a portunity” to add to the evidence base, review and to collect long-term data to
campervan for a road trip which her report makes clear is sorely conduct a follow-up study.
before going into private lacking in the area of gender care. The reforms were drawn up by Sajid
practice. However, six of the seven adult clinics Javid when he was health secretary. He
declined to support the study. In a letter instructed Gids officials to co-operate
to John Stewart, national director for fully with the review.
lack of evidence on the long-term im- um without being able to weigh their any research studies that look at the specialised commissioning in NHS Eng- Writing in The Times today, Javid
pact of taking hormones from an early risks and benefits now and in the long- longer-term outcomes of these inter- land and NHS Improvement, dated last said: “Despite the specific data legis-
age; research has let us all down, most term, and we have to build the evi- ventions so you can help all those com- month, Cass said that despite his “wel- lation I brought forward at Dr Cass’s
importantly you. dence-base with good studies going ing behind you.” comed efforts to obtain co-operation, request, parts of the NHS continue to
“However, we cannot expect you to forward. most of the NHS gender clinics have re- block access and frustrate the express
make life-changing decisions in a vacu- “That is why I am asking you to join fused to take part in research”. Cass said will of parliament.”

‘Puberty blockers ways of expressing his

identity instead of
prescribing hormones to
halt his physical
puberty blockers, Jacob
received no follow-up
from the clinic, which
he claimed made no
long battle for change.
“We’ve been advocating
for evidence-based care
and the whistleblowing
people who had already
left children’s services.
“A lot of the Bayswater
families, kids are now
response to doctors who
raised the alarm. He said
yesterday: “Hilary Cass
has put clinical practice
were the biggest development.
He said: “I feel
extremely let down. We
attempt to track his
He added: “It’s awful it
clinicians have been
saying this … and they
were pushed out of their
16, 17, 18, 19,” she said.
“So they wouldn’t be
subject to the findings in
and clinical concerns
back at the heart of
thinking about kids with

regret of my life’ were told they were the

specialists from day one
— there was nowhere
was allowed to go on for
so long. [The affirmative
approach] should have
jobs,” she said.
Although the review
had recommendations
the Cass review. They’re
falling through the
gender dysphoria.
“Where we’ve been
for a while is that
else to go, so I had to put been condemned a long for further support for Others, including Dr political concerns and a
Case studies name), a former Gids my faith in them. But time ago. The whole 17 to 25-year-olds, the Marcus Evans, a political agenda have
patient who spent four my mental health was thing was a mess.” parent said that this age consultant pushed that out. There

he Gender years on puberty always worse after the Parents have also group was still a big psychotherapist who hasn’t been enough
Identity blockers from the age of appointments. fought for years over the concern, adding: “That’s worked at the Tavistock thought about the
Development 12 to 16 before deciding “I never broke as care their children a big issue for us, and and Portman NHS downside of treatment
Service (Gids) to abandon the medical many bones as when I received at Gids. that’s outside [Cass’s] Foundation Trust for and not enough
has now closed, pathway, said the started doing the One woman, who acts remit.” decades, felt “very curiosity about what is
but its impact is still experience was “the injections. I thought as a representative for The parent said that relieved” by the review’s going on with these
being felt by the biggest regret of my life”. puberty would be the Bayswater Support attention now needed to findings. kids.”
thousands of young Jacob, who is now 20, end of the world. But I Group, which helps be on schools, where Evans, whose wife, He continued: “All the
people who went still identifies as a didn’t need injections, I parents of children who children often socially Sue, was one of the first principles of clinical
through the clinic’s transgender male, but needed somebody to question their identity, transition before people to speak up over practice have been
doors (Lucy Bannerman says he wishes that Gids help me [realise] that welcomed the Cass seeking services. concerns about Gids, markedly absent from ...
writes). clinicians had helped puberty wasn’t so scary.” Review findings, but She raised concerns resigned in 2019 in care for gender
Jacob (not his real him to explore other After coming off said it was “day one” in a about those young protest at the Tavistock’s dysphoric kids.”
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 9

Veterans rally to give lonely paratrooper, 69, a fitting farewell
Charlotte Alt, Stuart Higgins came to pay their respects. Bob Craft, of was a care home in Kingston, but not Alan Crutchley, from Shropshire,
the 1st Battalion, the Parachute Regi- much else was known about his life. was the only person there who had
Dozens of strangers said farewell to a ment (1 Para), and the 22nd Special Air Yesterday morning six Para veterans known Purcell. He said: “He was a good
former paratrooper who died alone Service Regiment, who was at the fu- carried Purcell’s coffin, draped in the boxer and I remember fighting with
after posts on social media urged veter- neral, said: “The outpouring of support flag of the Parachute Regiment, past a him in Berlin in 1979.”
ans to attend his funeral. and energy from the veteran communi- guard of honour standing to attention The small chapel was filled with
Only two people had been expected ty has demonstrated the unwavering near the chapel entrance. former members of the Parachute Regi-
to be at the funeral of Lance Corporal brotherhood, comradeship, compas- During the ceremony, the sound of a ment, the Welsh Guards, the Royal
Terence “Paddy” Purcell, from South sion and love that exists among us, C-130 troop carrier aircraft was played. Navy, the armed forces charity SSAFA
Armagh, who died aged 69. However, especially for a fellow veteran like The Last Post was sounded, followed by and the Surbiton and Croydon bran-
after the posts on Twitter/X and Face- Terence Purcell.” Ride of the Valkyries, Pomp and Circum- ches of the Royal British Legion.
book, the chapel at the crematorium in Purcell served with 2 Para and com- stance and the theme tune from A Purcell’s ashes will be scattered at
Kingston upon Thames was filled with Lance Corporal Terence “Paddy” pleted a spell in an anti-tank regiment Bridge Too Far, the 1977 film by Richard Peterlee airfield in Hampshire and on
dozens of former servicemen who Purcell had no known family or friends in Germany in 3 Para. His last residence Attenborough. top of Pen y Fan in the Brecon Beacons.

£54m benefit Suspect held

over mother
gang treated killed while
pushing baby
system ‘like a Mario Ledwith, Ali Mitib
A marketing graduate has been
arrested on suspicion of murdering a
woman while she was pushing her baby

cash machine’ a pram.

Police began a hunt for Habibur
Masum, 25, after Kulsuma Akter, 27,
was stabbed while shopping in Brad-
ford city centre on Saturday afternoon.
The suspect was arrested early
yesterday in Aylesbury, Buckingham-
David Woode Crime Correspondent and jewellery. A video extracted from shire, more than 170 miles away.
Ali’s phone showed him flicking notes Akter had been shopping with a
A Bulgarian organised crime gang around a flat. An unidentified individu- friend in Westgate when she was
fleeced taxpayers out of almost £54 mil- al is seen picking up the money. Ali stabbed. A knife was found near by.
lion in Britain’s biggest-ever benefit soon grows bored and throws the wad Her brother, Hossain, said that the
fraud and laundered the cash to buy of cash on the floor. family was “completely devastated”. He
expensive cars, clothing and jewellery. The criminal enterprise was exposed told Mail Online: “We are not even able
Prosecutors said the gang treated the in May 2021 when the Department for to speak and have been crying all the
benefit system “like a cash machine to Work and Pensions realised names and time since this happened. We had to call
fund their own lavish lifestyles”. addresses were repeating in claims. our mother in Bangladesh to tell her the
Gyunesh Ali, 34, Patritsia Paneva, 26, Police raided Nikolova’s property and news. Can you imagine what this was
Galina Nikolova, 38, Stoyan Stoyanov, discovered £750,000 in cash stuffed in like for us? I can’t believe my sister is
27, and Tsvetka Todorova, 52, filed an suitcases and hidden under beds. Offi- dead. I’m sorry, I can’t speak any more.”
estimated 6,000 fraudulent universal cers seized 900 devices including com- Akter’s cousin, Aftab Miah, said that
puters, mobile phones and Sim cards. she “was a wonderful lady . . . a good,
When Ali escaped to Bulgaria the humble, likeable person, a caring per-
Crown Prosecution Service worked son”. He told the BBC: “She had a good
with international partners to extradite personality, she used to make people
him. Property owned by the gang has laugh.” Miah said his cousin had moved
also been identified in the coun- to the UK with her husband two years
try, prosecutors said. ago. “All we want is justice, nothing
Ali, Paneva, Nikolova, Stoyanov and else,” he added. “Not revenge or any-
Todorova pleaded guilty to a string of thing, just justice for our sister.”
fraud and money-laundering charges Announcing the arrest, Detective
involving creating false universal credit Chief Inspector Stacey Atkinson said:
claims worth £53.9 million. They will be “This is a tragic incident in which a
sentenced at Wood Green crown court mother has lost her life in the most
on May 28. horrific of circumstances.”
Ben Reid, a specialist prosecutor at West Yorkshire police and Greater
the CPS, said: “These convictions mark Manchester police said on Monday that
what has been the largest benefit fraud they had referred themselves to the
Clockwise from prosecution and investigation ever police watchdog in connection with
top left: Patritsia brought to the courts in England and A video found on Akter’s death.
Paneva, Stoyan Wales. This was an industrial-scale Gyunesh Ali’s Court documents show that Masum
Stoyanov, fraud committed by an organised crimi- phone shows him was charged with threatening to kill
Gyunesh Ali, nal network. They carried out a sus- throwing money Akter on November 24 and assaulting
Galina Nikolova tained attack on a system designed to on the floor while her on the previous day. He pleaded not
and Tsvetka support the most vulnerable people in an unknown guilty to the alleged offences, said to
Todorova our society and treated it like a cash ma- woman picks it have taken place in Manchester, at a
chine to fund their own lavish lifestyles.” up. The gang hearing on November 27 at Tameside
credit claims between 2016 and 2021. Reid said that his team worked close- spent the cash magistrates’ court.
They operated from three “benefit ly with the DWP after uncovering a they stole from Masum left Bangladesh in 2022 to
fraud factories” in Wood Green, north “very strong haul of evidence” against the public purse study for a master’s degree in marketing
London. In rented office spaces at the the defendants to bring them to justice. on clothes, at the University of Bedfordshire.
back of corner shops, the gang kept He added: “The CPS is committed to jewellery and Masum, whose Facebook profile
libraries of legitimate identities and tackling fraud and organised crime in cars including states that he is married, moved to
supported their claims with counterfeit all its forms and where there is suffi- this Audi Greater Manchester after graduating
employment contracts, payslips, GP cient evidence, we will not hesitate to where he began to position himself as
notes and forged tenancy agreements. prosecute those who abuse our welfare wrong hands in 2022-23, these convic- with the costs of housing, children and an online influencer. He has 3,800 fol-
For some claims they simply made up system for their own profit.” tions underline our commitment to childcare. It also supports disabled lowers on Facebook, where he
identities and attempted to allocate a The CPS’s proceeds-of-crime team protecting taxpayers’ money. It is only people and carers. describes himself as working for a
different phone number to each claim. has obtained restraining orders against right and fair that we bring those steal- Online applicants must provide bank wedding planning business, and almost
The funds were paid into hundreds of the defendants and will seek to liqui- ing from the public purse to justice.” account details, an email address and a 2,000 on Instagram.
separate bank accounts which, investi- date their assets and return the money Universal credit was launched in working phone number. Claimants During their search for Masum,
gators said, created a “complex finan- to the public purse. April 2013, replacing six other benefits. must also prove their identity and pro- officers raided properties in Burnley,
cial web”. The money was withdrawn in Mel Stride, the work and pensions The monthly payment is means-tested vide information about their housing, Oldham and Chester and arrested a
cash, enabling the gang to splash out on secretary, said: “Building on our success and available to people on low incomes earnings, other benefits and details of man aged 23 on suspicion of aiding an
luxury cars, designer clothing, watches in preventing £18 billion going into the or out of work. It is intended to help any disabilities or health conditions. offender.
10 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Post Office mediation scheme

was just a cover-up, says Bates
Tom Witherow dress. Is that right?” Bates replied: “Yes
... I didn’t set out to spend 20 years doing
The Post Office’s scheme to mediate this. I hadn’t expected to be doing this
with victims of the Horizon scandal was so much by myself, but it got more and
“part of the cover-up”, Alan Bates more complex.”
claimed yesterday. He was thrown out of his post office
The campaigner, who gave evidence in Llandudno, north Wales, after he was
to the Post Office inquiry, said he blamed for a shortfall. A sum of £6,000
believed the company and its bosses had had appeared to go missing weeks after
“no intention” of coming to a fair deci- the Horizon system was installed and
sion when they set up the scheme in correspondence shown to the inquiry
2013. “I expect Post Office discovered proved that he had identified Horizon
things they did not like and did not want as the suspect immediately.
to come out,” he wrote in his witness “The evidence that appeared during
statement. “There definitely was an that day proved beyond any doubt that
element of not wanting to accept fault. the Horizon system cannot be relied
The comments come as Sir Anthony upon to give 100 per cent accurate
Hooper, the former Court of Appeal figures,” he wrote in a letter dated
judge who chaired the scheme, pre- December 2000, adding that “the prob-
pares to give evidence today, alongside lems I am experiencing are being found
Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom, who by others around the country”.
supported postmasters as an MP. His contract was terminated and
The scheme, which collapsed in Bates, 69, and his partner of 33 years,
failure in 2015, accompanied an Suzanne Sercombe, 68, lost their
independent investigation by the investment and life savings.
forensic accountancy firm, Second He found others facing the same
Sight, which started in 2012. Even at the issues and in 2009 the Justice for Sub-
time, Bates believed the efforts to medi- postmasters Alliance met for the first
ate, ultimately overseen by Paula Ven- time in a village hall in Fenny Compton,
nells, the company’s chief executive, Warwickshire. Shortly after, their sto-
were not sincere. ries hit the media and the group have
He wrote to Hooper in mid-2014: been clawing their way to justice ever
“The further the scheme progresses, since. Bates, who became a household
the more entrenched and defensive name after he was played by Toby Jones
Post Office has become, and in an ITV dramatisation of the scandal,
the original concept of actu- led a group of 555 postmasters against
ally seeking the truth has the Post Office at the High Court. In
long since been aban- two damning judgments handed down
doned.” in 2019, Mr Justice Fraser found that the
He said slow disclosure Horizon system was riddled
was one of the greatest frus- with bugs, errors and defects
trations as it meant that and that it could cause
cases “dragged on and on shortfalls to appear in post-
and on”. master accounts.
He also wrote to Vennells The ruling unlocked
in May 2013, the inquiry was compensation for post-
told, to say: “I have little masters and opened the
doubt it is now feasible to show many of door for dozens of vic-
the prosecutions that POL [Post Office Alan Bates wrote to Sir Ed Davey, the Post Office minister in the coalition government, about Horizon tims with convictions to
Limited] have pressed home should take their cases to the
never have taken place.” through the mediation scheme. The woman, agreed to bring investigation of counsel to the in- Court of Appeal. The
Two years later she told MPs that she “Project Sparrow” sub-committee asked sub-postmasters’ cases “within the con- quiry, asked: “You public inquiry is expect-
had seen no evidence of miscarriages of for a memo to be prepared on the role of trol of the Post Office”, widely inter- ceased to work No- ed to report next year.
justice and in 2020 she placed a large the independent investigators from preted as a decision to sack Second vember 2003, and Vennells said she was
portion of the blame for the mediation Second Sight and “options to support Sight. you’ve not returned “truly sorry for the
scheme collapsing on postmasters. them or reduce their role”. Yesterday’s hearing gave an insight to work since because devastation caused to the
Board documents have revealed that Three weeks later the committee, into just how much Bates gave up to you’ve dedicated to sub-postmasters and their
the Post Office planned only £1 million which was attended by Vennells and pursue his case, and eventually those of campaigning account- families” and pledged to
in “token payments” for postmasters Alice Perkins, then Post Office chair- more than 500 others. Jason Beer KC, ability, justice and re- fully support the inquiry.

Twenty years on, the quiet campaigner is still fighting for justice
High Court that formed the general. It had Davey’s name at the rather than another of its seemingly At the end of five hours of
Tom Peck dramatic resolution of the ITV bottom of it, but it read like it had endless villains. evidence, the inquiry chairman, Sir
Political Sketch drama, Mr Bates vs The Post Office. been knocked up by the work The two men did meet in the end. Wyn Williams, could see that hands
And yet here he was, still going, experience kid. A bog standard We would also be shown Davey’s were about to come together in the
still fighting. Still, as it happens, not template affair, explaining why it briefing notes from civil servants, public seats, where Bates’s

lan Bates arrived at the having received a penny of what he would be pointless for them to have which clearly state they have agreed substantial fan club, mainly other
Post Office inquiry like insists be called not compensation a meeting, there’s nothing he can do, to the meeting mainly for postmasters but not all, had come to
Lenin at the Finland but “financial redress”. Specifically, the Post Office is a private company “presentational reasons”. For what witness his latest moment in the
Station. He was the little here he was for the first time, giving (a fact that Bates may not have it’s worth, on this particular subject, sun. Williams had to politely warn
guy once. Now he is one evidence into the Post Office needed to have explained to him), so Bates repeated a view he has them not to applaud. He wouldn’t
of those rarefied people who finds Horizon scandal — a public inquiry please don’t bother asking again. expressed many times before. “I find permit bad behaviour, he said,
the streets cleared before him by a he first called for 14 years ago. The Post Office is indeed a private the officials far more guilty in all of towards other subsequent witnesses
frenzied crowd of backwards The purpose of the occasion was company, but it doesn’t seem this than the politicians,” he said. of whom they might have a “less
walking photographers and TV not to provide Bates with another entirely ridiculous to think that, had It is certainly arguable that favourable opinion”, so applause for
cameramen. public veneration, of which he has the man with ministerial oversight Davey’s woeful explanation, the this one would not be appropriate.
This gentle but quietly ferocious had plenty, though it occasionally of it been a touch more interested in nothing-I-can-do-mate attitude, is at They heeded his advice, and Bates
man, in his suit and tie and khaki felt like one. He had brought with a miscarriage of justice on this kind the heart of the matter. stepped silently down from the de
baseball cap, was a sub-postmaster him fresh evidence, in the form of of jawdropping scale, the righting of “It is because you have adopted an facto stand. By the time he hit the
for only six years, from 1998 to his witness statement, some of it that wrong might not have taken a arm’s length relationship that you streets, the cap was back on. It’s not
2004. He is now into his 20th year of even now retaining the capacity to further decade and a half. If he’d have allowed a once great institution clear whether it had been worn as
fighting for justice, not just for shock. As counsel to the inquiry, taken seriously what Bates had to be asset stripped by little more an attempt to preserve anonymity,
himself but for thousands of other Jason Beer KC, guided him through written to him years ago, that the than thugs in suits,” wrote Bates in as the super famous now so like to
postmasters. That fight for justice his evidence, we would see a letter Post Office were “thugs in suits” — 2010. “You have enabled them to do. It was also a bitterly cold and
was meant to have been won more he received from Sir Ed Davey, now a view now vindicated — it is carry on with impunity regardless of windy day. But he’ll be a hero
than five years ago now, in a Liberal Democrat leader, who was possible that Davey could have been the human misery and suffering everywhere he goes for the rest of
stunning legal victory at London’s then in 2010, the postmaster one of this sad story’s few heroes, they inflict.” his days, whether he likes it or not.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 11

Woman found dead at luxury home after neighbour heard screams
David Woode Crime Correspondent Marble Arch shortly after 8.30am on pitched screams. I recall two — I’m gested that the building had been con- the woman and to identify and arrest
Monday and the woman’s body was dis- very sensitive to sound. They were very verted into flats, some of which have whoever may be responsible for this
Residents in an affluent neighbour- covered in the multimillion-pound unusual. There was no other sound been listed for use on Airbnb. attack.”
hood near Hyde Park in central property. She had been stabbed. other than the screams, then silence Detective Chief Inspector Adam Scotland Yard said it had referred
London heard “high-pitched screams” Her next of kin have not yet been in- after. I was in my room and I thought, Clifton, of the Met’s specialist crime itself to the Independent Office for
hours before a woman’s body was dis- formed. Forensic teams are investiating ‘That’s very strange.’ I’ve always been so command, who is leading the investi- Police Conduct (IOPC) “in relation to
covered in her home. and a post-mortem examination will be paranoid living here, but nothing like gation, said: “I understand this news the contact from the woman’s friends”.
A friend of the victim, who has not held. No arrests have been made. this has ever happened before. Things will be concerning and that local Its directorate of professional stan-
been named, had contacted the police Neighbours spoke yesterday morn- have gotten worse in London recently. women especially may be worried. dards, which is responsible for investi-
twice on Sunday out of concern for her ing of their shock. One woman who It’s becoming dangerous.” “Our inquiries are in the very early gating officers’ conduct, has also been
welfare. The Metropolitan Police said declined to give her name said she was Previously owned by the Ethiopian stages and we are keeping an open informed.
the victim had been graded as a “med- at home when she heard a commotion embassy, the grade II listed house is mind as to the motive. However, I can The IOPC said: “We will assess the
ium-risk” missing person. on Sunday evening. believed to be owned offshore in the assure people that my team are work- referral and decide what further action
Officers went to the house near She said: “I [heard] very, very high- British Virgin Islands. Neighbours sug- ing 24/7 to establish what happened to may be required from us.”

Beach huts were battered

at Hordle, Hampshire, and
a caravan park near
Bracklesham, West Sussex
was inundated. Below, the
River Arun overflowed

captured video of the

freshly painted huts
being swept away from
Castle Beach on
The Met Office issued
six separate yellow
weather warnings from
Monday to this morning.
Winds in southwest
England, including
Cornwall and parts of
Tourists rescued as Devon, could reach
speeds of 60-65mph
along some stretches of
flooding hits coasts the coast, with a “small
chance” of causing

ne person banks. Many had been power cuts and
was taken to hoping to enjoy the damaging buildings.
hospital Easter school holidays In Scotland, as much
and holiday- but areas across as 50-60mm of rain was
makers southern England as expected in some areas
were rescued by the well as western Wales, yesterday, Further rain
coastguard after severe Northern Ireland and was forecast in
flooding from Storm Scotland have been hit western Scotland
Kathleen hit Sussex by heavy rainfall and between 9am and
(Emma Yeomans strong winds. 6pm this morning.
reports). West Sussex Fire and Simon Partridge,
About 200 people, Rescue Service told where possible to allow evacuate people from taken to hospital.” of the Met Office,
including children, as residents in Little- crews to work safely.” the site. A spokesman In Cornwall, said it would fall
well as pets, were taken hampton to stay at home South East Coast said: “We’ve assessed huge waves and on “already
to safety from a holiday if it was safe to do so, or Ambulance Service and triaged a number of high winds washed saturated ground”,
park in Medmerry, West seek higher ground. It confirmed that a people. One person beach huts into the increasing the risk of
Sussex, in dinghies after said: “Avoid the area and “number of resources” showing signs of sea. Stacey Lewin, flooding.
the River Arun burst its remain in your homes were sent to help hypothermia has been from Falmouth,

Alert over ‘zombie’ drug Two charged after human

remains found in a park
linked to 11 British deaths Laurence Sleator
Two people charged with the murder of
hew, 38, also from Croydon. Separately,
Samson also faces three charges of
making indecent images of children.
Poppy Koronka Health Correspondent cause for alarm, as a much wider popu- such as heroin or fentanyl, but it was a woman whose remains were dis- Judge Robert Brown accepted submis-
lation of people who use drugs beyond also detected, in the absence of strong covered in a south London park have sions from Jessica Kang, for the prose-
A “zombie” drug strong enough to heroin users will be exposed to its opioids, mixed with stimulant drugs appeared in court. cution, that the indecent images char-
tranquillise an elephant has become harms. We also know that most people such as cocaine as well as in counterfeit Gemma Watts, 48, of Croydon, and ges were linked to the alleged murder.
widespread in Britain’s illegal drug who buy heroin will not intend to buy codeine and diazepam tablets and even Steve Samson, 44, of Sutton, southeast He sent the charges to the Old Bailey,
market, according to new research. xylazine, and this combination increas- in cannabis vapes. Researchers said the London, appeared at Bromley magis- where the defendants will attend
Britain’s first fatality from the drug, es the risk of overdose. Xylazine was drug was “probably more widespread trates’ court yesterday, charged with tomorrow.
xylazine, was recorded last year, but designated an ‘emerging threat’ to the than these findings indicate”, in part murder and preventing a lawful and The pair appeared via video link from
researchers have identified ten more United States, and this public health because of “limitations in toxicology decent burial. a police station in southeast London
deaths that could be linked to the sub- threat is a growing concern for the UK.” screening protocols” — in other words, Human remains that were discov- and confirmed their details. They will
stance, often known as “tranq”. In total Copeland recommended that the UK because it is not regularly tested for. ered in Rowdown Fields in New be remanded in custody.
they found it in samples from 16 people. make cheap xylazine test strips Nitazenes, a group of synthetic opi- Addington, near Croydon, on April 2 Chief Superintendent Andy Brittain,
Xylazine can cause a dangerously available, teach healthcare providers oids that can be stronger than fentanyl, were identified as those of Sarah May- who leads policing in Croydon, thanked
low heart rate. Those who inject it may about the signs of chronic skin ulcers have been linked to at least 54 deaths in detectives and officers across the
develop deep skin ulcers, which can rot due to its use and ask pathologists to the UK, according to BBC News. Metropolitan Police for their quick and
and ultimately require amputation, test for xylazine during post-mortem A co-author of the study, Adam Hol- thorough work as well as the local com-
leading to its reputation as a “flesh- examinations. land, said: “The emergence of xylazine munity for providing support.
eating zombie drug”. The researchers contacted all toxi- in the UK drug market, as well as the “My sincere condolences are with
The team of researchers, from the cology laboratories in the UK to collate proliferation of potent synthetic sub- Sarah’s family and we will continue to
National Programme on Substance evidence of xylazine in biological stances including nitazenes and benzo- support them as the investigation pro-
Use Mortality (NPSUM) at King’s Col- samples and found the drug present in diazepine analogues, is concerning. As gresses,” he added.
lege London, said the drug, already a blood from 16 people, 11 of whom had . . . drug-related deaths mount, it be- Earlier this week Mayhew’s father,
concern in the US, was a public health died. It was also found in 19 samples of comes more clear our punitive drug David, posted a photo of her on Face-
threat for the UK. Caroline Copeland, seized drugs. laws are not reducing harm. We need to book, and friends commented on their
senior author of the study, said: “We The study, published in the journal expand the range of harm reduction in- likeness and offered condolences. One
now know that xylazine has penetrated Addiction, said that in most cases the terventions . .. including drug checking Steve Samson and Gemma Watts have said: “Beautiful. She’s like her dad, that’s
the UK’s illicit drug market. This is drug was mixed with strong opioids and overdose prevention centres.” both been charged with murder for sure.”
12 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

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Six months in jail for Met snares 24 predators

using anti-terror tactics
assaulting shop staff Ben Ellery Crime Editor
A Metropolitan Police project that uses
anti-terrorism tactics to target the 100
have sex with him and punched her in
the face.
Goncalves continued to target her
while on remand, making 15 calls from
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor Perpetrators of common assault are “Our local shops are the lifeblood of suspects who pose the most risk to prison, but with enhanced manage-
given harsher sentences only if they our communities, and they must be free women has convicted 24 people in the ment within the prison system, staff
Assaulting shop staff is to become a attack an emergency worker or if the to trade without the threat of crime or first six months. were able to put a stop to the harass-
specific offence punishable by up to six assault is racially or religiously aggra- abuse.” The force has collected the names ment when it was reported.
months in prison, under government vated, both of which carry a maximum The measures were welcomed by of 35,000 people who have been Detective Chief Superintendent
proposals. sentence of two years in prison. Under shops, which have said that retail crime accused of violence against women and Angela Craggs, the operational head of
Rishi Sunak also announced £55 mil- the new plans, those found guilty of as- is costing them more than £1 billion a girls in the past year and has ranked V100, said: “We’re relentless and use all
lion of funding for police forces to pur- saulting a shop worker will face a maxi- year and having a big impact on staff. them on the severity of their alleged available tactics to target these danger-
sue shoplifters. Mobile units with facial mum punishment of six months in pris- Dame Sharon White, chairwoman of offences. ous offenders and take them off the
recognition cameras will scan crowded on and an unlimited fine. John Lewis, said: “We’ve long called for Specialists within the force meet streets of London when we can.
areas such as high streets for people Judges will be given the power to violence towards retail workers to be monthly and discuss plans to secure “We’re working with subject-matter
wanted by the police, including fre- impose criminal behaviour orders recognised as a stand-alone offence, so convictions against them or, when experts to give really good tactical op-
quent shoplifters. barring people from visiting certain we welcome this announcement, which there is not enough evidence, civil tions around those cases and lifting
The technology is routinely used in premises. Breaching an order is an sends a clear message that abuse will orders prohibiting them from certain
real time by only two forces at present: offence that carries a maximum never be tolerated. It will help deter acts activities. Angela Craggs,
the Metropolitan and South Wales punishment of five years in jail. Crimi- of aggression.” The idea behind the scheme, called who leads the
police. The mobile units were first de- nal behaviour orders will also be avail- Helen Dickinson, chief executive of V100, is that a small number of suspects Met’s V100 project
ployed in the capital in April last year able to judges for repeat shoplifters. the British Retail Consortium, said: are responsible for a disproportionate
and have since been used 62 times, re- Those convicted of shoplifting or “The voices of the three million people number of the most serious offences
sulting in 152 arrests, equivalent to assaulting a retail worker on three working in retail are finally being against women and girls.
nearly one arrest every two hours. occasions will be forced to wear an elec- heard. The impact of retail violence has On average, the Met said, if the top
Other forces have access to retro- tronic tag as part of any community steadily worsened, with people facing 100 were convicted of the crimes of
spective facial recognition, but the order they are given. racial abuse, sexual harassment, threat- which they were accused, they would them out of the pool, and putting addi-
Home Office hopes that the extra funds That will allow the probation service ening behaviour, physical assault and each be sentenced to 16 years in prison. tional focus on them because we know
will encourage them to use it live. and police to track the most prolific of- threats with weapons, often linked to As well as the 24 convictions so far, that they are the highest offenders.”
An amendment to the criminal jus- fenders and be notified of breaches of a organised crime. Victims are ordinary there have been 60 arrests, 33 people The list is updated each month, with
tice bill going through parliament will banning order. hard-working people — teenagers charged and 23 civil orders. about 15 names added. The names they
make assaulting a retail worker a spe- Announcing the measures last night, taking on their first job, carers looking Scotland Yard released details of replace continue to be monitored. The
cific offence. Sunak said: “Since 2010, violent and for part-time work, parents working an offender named Marcelino Gon- Met said that about four or five names
There has been a surge in attacks on neighbourhood crime in England and around childcare.” calves, 55, from Acton, west London, added each month were women.
shop staff. The Union of Shop, Distribu- Wales has fallen dramatically, showing However, Labour said the govern- who was on the list and was convicted Commander Ben Russell, who works
tive and Allied Workers reported that our plan to keep our streets safe is work- ment had acted too late. Yvette Cooper, last month of rape, assault by beating, on V100, said: “The Met is determined
almost a fifth of staff had been subject- ing. Yet shoplifting and violence and the shadow home secretary, said: assault occasioning actual bodily harm, to stop predators and bring them to jus-
ed to a violent attack last year, up from abuse towards retail workers continues “Labour has been calling for assaults on stalking and controlling or coercive tice. The results show our approach is
8 per cent in 2022. to rise. shop workers to be made a standalone behaviour. working in targeting the most danger-
The change in the law will make it “I am sending a message to those offence for a decade. Why has it taken He came to police attention when a ous suspects.
easier to prosecute and deal with of- criminals — whether they are serious the government so long to act? member of the public saw him assault “We are using innovative, precise
fenders and give the police better data organised criminal gangs, repeat of- “Labour has set out a community po- his ex-partner. The victim then dis- techniques to take dangerous offenders
on such offences, which are recorded fenders or opportunistic thieves — who licing guarantee, with 13,000 more closed the abuse she had faced at the off the streets of London, and we will
and prosecuted as common assault, think they can get away with stealing neighbourhood police and [community hands of Goncalves — who had threat- ensure the most harmful will be
with no reference to the type of offence from these local businesses or abusing support officers] to crack down on ened her at her home, burnt her with a brought to justice.”
or the victim. shop workers: enough is enough. shoplifting and keep the public safe.” cigarette because she did not want to Goncalves will be sentenced in June.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 13

So much for Ferraris, Clarkson wants the Coach and Horses
Will Humphries lager, using spring barley grown Yates, who owns the Old buying the pub. A source told Glouces- Lund-Yates said the idea of Clarkson
Countryside Correspondent on his Diddly Squat farm, New Inn in Bourton and tershire Live that there was great ex- taking over the pub was a “no-brainer”.
12 miles to the east in runs the Bourton Busi- citement among staff at the county He said: “The brewery has a tap room
Jeremy Clarkson became an unlikely Oxfordshire. ness Network, said council last month before a planned and pop-up food outlets every week-
hero after his TV series Clarkson’s Farm Stonegate Pub Part- Clarkson had been visit by Clarkson to discuss possible end. It hasn’t detrimentally affected the
shone a spotlight on the harsh realities ners is advertising for speaking to Stone- highways issues if he were to expand pubs in the village and I think the pub
of the farming industry. a retail partnership gate last year the site. The talks are believed to be in would have its own clientele. It will
Now embattled publicans have wel- tenancy at the pub about the pub but preparation for a planning application. draw it from far and wide. The
comed reports the motoring presenter after years of strug- allegedly walked “There’s stuff swirling around,” a source Cotswolds is big enough to cope with
turned tractor driver is weighing up gling to make a away after finan- said. “He has been in talks . .. but has not another eatery and a well-known
whether to run his own country pub. success of it. cial disagree- got to the stage of a planning applica- name. More often than not people stay-
The grade II listed Coach and Horses, Andrew Lund- ments. tion yet — it’s early days.” ing with us are off to see Diddly Squat.”
on the edge of the Cotswolds village of Reports from in- When approached for comment on The latest data shows that more than
Bourton-on-the-Water, is on the other Rumour has it Jeremy side the local council whether he was thinking of buying the 1,200 pubs closed their doors last year,
side of the Fosse Way from the brewery Clarkson may buy the appear to show Clark- inn, Clarkson said: “I don’t have a clue and pub owners and managers say they
where Clarkson makes his Hawkstone Bourton-on-the-Water inn son is still interested in what I’m doing.” are being strangled by high taxes.

Top lawyer fell to his

tact” with his family, began to display
unusual behaviour and was sending
messages in which he “wasn’t himself”.
At the time of the cruise, Blythe-Tin-
ker was renovating a house in England
that he had bought near to the home of

death on Med cruise

his cousin, Andrew Gilling.
The court was told that he had told
his cousin that he was worried about
having insufficient funds to complete
the project.
The judge heard evidence that
Blythe-Tinker told Gilling that he had
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor The Seven Seas experienced “a suicidal thought”. His
Mariner bills daughter, Sophie, a teacher, told the
A former top lawyer at William Hill, the itself as one of court that her father had seemed con-
bookmakers, died when he plunged the world’s best fused in messages with other family
into the Mediterranean from the balco- cruise ships with members.
ny of a cruise ship cabin. “all suite” cabins. His family initially contacted ship
Nigel Blythe-Tinker, 72, went miss- The body of staff with concerns about their father
ing from the Seven Seas Mariner, the Nigel Blythe- and the ship’s doctor checked on the
world’s first cruise liner to boast “all Tinker has never lawyer. But the doctor reported that
suite, all balcony” cabins. The crew been found Blythe-Tinker had “no suicidal
raised the alarm after he failed to dis- thoughts” and was physically well,
embark at Barcelona. apart from back pain.
The High Court in London was told Because Blythe-Tinker’s body was
yesterday that the former head of legal not found, the case went before the
at William Hill, who was travelling High Court under legal provisions that
alone, had boarded the ship at The judge, Karen Shuman, declared ker. As well as his role at William Hill, vessel that was billed as “one of the allow a missing person to be declared
Marseilles the day before he vanished that Blythe-Tinker died after falling he had a ten-year stint in a senior non- world’s best all-inclusive cruise ships”, presumed dead. That declaration
and that his cabin was found empty feet first into the sea from his cabin executive position at Ladbrokes’ parent with individual balconies attached to under the Presumption of Death Act
with his “clothes folded neatly on the balcony early on July 22 last year. company, GVC Holdings. each cabin. 2013 enables any property, money and
bed”. After learning that Blythe-Tinker The lawyer, who was from Worksop, At the time he vanished, Blythe-Tin- The liner, which carries 700 passen- other possessions of the missing person
was missing, his family were said to Nottinghamshire, had been married ker was in the process of moving back to gers and 445 crew, was en route from to be administered.
have made “desperate attempts” to three times and had two adult daugh- the UK after a period living in Australia. Marseilles to Barcelona when Blythe- It also dissolves the missing person’s
make contact with him. ters, Sophie and Claire Blythe-Tin- The lawyer had been travelling on a Tinker, who had been in “constant con- marriage or civil partnership.

Peter Higgs, physicist who proposed the Higgs boson, dies aged 94
Tom Whipple Science Editor a walk and lunch so as to be uncon- has motivated thousands of scientists, share the credit. Higgs disliked the posely leaving the Swedish committee
tactable on the day of the Nobel prize and his legacy will continue to inspire fame that resulted, which only grew unable to reach him.
Peter Higgs, the Nobel prize-winning announcement, Higgs died peacefully many more for generations to come.” with its eventual discovery in experi- Professor Brian Cox, a particle physi-
physicist whose theories helped to at home, colleagues said. The confirmation of the existence of ments at the Large Hadron Collider at cist and TV presenter from the Univers-
explain the nature of mass, has died at Professor Sir Peter Mathieson, the the Higgs boson in 2012 provided proof Cern. He complained that he would be ity of Manchester, paid tribute to Higgs
his home aged 94. principal and vice-chancellor of the of the Higgs field, which gives other beset by people seeking selfies and that yesterday. “Beyond being a famous
Sixty years after the University of University of Edinburgh, said that his particles mass. This helped complete a if he went to the school of physics at physicist — I think to his embarrass-
Edinburgh scientist proposed the exis- death followed a short illness. “Peter system for understanding the subatomic Edinburgh “a horde of students ... will ment at times — he was always charm-
tence of a field that gives other particles Higgs was a remarkable individual — a world known as the Standard Model. descend on me bearing smartphones”. ing and modest,” Cox said, adding that
mass, 12 years after the particle bearing truly gifted scientist whose vision and The particle had been posited at the The day of the 2013 Nobel prize, thanks to the particle, he had gained a
his name was discovered at the Euro- imagination have enriched our know- same time by other scientists, but it was which most assumed would be awarded form of immortality. “His name will be
pean particle accelerator at Cern and 11 ledge of the world that surrounds us,” Higgs’s name that had been irrevocably for the discovery of the Higgs boson, remembered as long as we do physics.”
years after he purposely headed out for Mathieson said. “His pioneering work attached to it, despite his efforts to Higgs headed to Leith for lunch — pur-
14 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

News Politics

MP honeytrapper
used pictures of
students as a lure
Billy Kenber, Aubrey Allegretti app, by someone posing as “Charlie” or another showing the pair having dinner on
“Abi” who claimed to have met them a Turkish beach. The pictures, which were
MPs who responded to a Westminster previously. still available this week on their Facebook
honeytrap were lured by a scammer using In some cases the targets, almost all of pages, were taken in 2015 when the pair,
photographs showing two students who whom were men in their twenties or who attended the same sixth form, were in
were then in their late teens, The Times thirties, were sent explicit photographs their late teens.
can reveal. and were persuaded to send naked images The analyst contacted police about the
The perpetrator used images nearly a of themselves in return. stolen images and was shocked to discover
decade old of a financial analyst and a law- The profile photographs used by how they had been used, Politico reported.
yer, who have no involvement with poli- “Charlie” and “Abi” on social media were He deleted his LinkedIn and Facebook
tics, to target as many as two dozen MPs, stolen from the Facebook pages of a fin- pages shortly after being contacted by The
political researchers and journalists in ancial analyst working in London and a Times. The female lawyer did not respond
Westminster. lawyer in Birmingham, both 28. to a request for comment.
The victims of the scam were contacted They included one showing the analyst There is no suggestion of any
on WhatsApp or Grindr, a gay dating wearing a Levi’s T-shirt in a bar and connection between either of the pair,
whom The Times is not naming, and those
who were targeted in Westminster. It is
unclear why their photographs were used.
The explicit photos sent to targets were
not images of the analyst or lawyer.
The identity of the honeytrapper, and of
the people pictured in the social media
accounts they used, has been the subject of
much speculation.
They appear to have been operating for
more than a year and have pursued
disparate groups of people involved in
politics, including during last year’s
Labour conference, in the aftermath of the
Mid Bedfordshire by-election and as
recently as last month.
Luke Evans, the MP for Bosworth,
Leicestershire, has revealed he was one of
those contacted. The Times has spoken to
another male Tory MP who said he was
contacted by “Abi” in the past month.
At least three MPs contacted by
“Charlie” received naked pictures and
reciprocated by sending back explicit
images of themselves.
William Wragg was one of them. After
victims suspected he had become involved
with the plot to solicit pictures of
colleagues, The Times approached him One picture used by the Yesterday Wragg stepped down from his
and he confessed to giving “Charlie” the honeytrapper showed two two senior parliamentary positions — as a
phone numbers of some of his colleagues. teenagers having dinner vice-chairman of the 1922 Committee of
Wragg said he was “scared” that the man on a Turkish beach; Tory backbenchers, and as chairman of
“had compromising things on me”. another showed one the public administration select commit-
At least two other Tory MPs also sent teenager in a bar. The tee. He also voluntarily relinquished the
images of themselves to “Charlie”, but are photos date back to 2015 Conservative whip, meaning that he will
not believed to have told party whips. sit as an independent in parliament.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 15


Reeves ‘absolutely
certain’ Rayner did
not avoid paying tax
Aubrey Allegretti The row began with revelations in a
Chief Political Correspondent book by Lord Ashcroft, the former Tory
peer, and was revived at the weekend
Rachel Reeves has said she is “abso- when the Mail on Sunday revealed
lutely certain” that Angela Rayner did Facebook and Twitter posts from 2014 in
not avoid paying capital gains tax on which Rayner described the house
the sale of her former council house. owned by her ex-husband as “home”.
The shadow chancellor said the Alongside another selfie in Lowndes
allegations related to Rayner’s living Lane, she said: “Just got back from work.”
situation were “more than a decade The comments cast doubt on a state-
ago” and Labour’s deputy leader had ment made by Rayner on February 26,
sought legal advice since then. when she said she lived at her Vicarage
“She’s confident and I’m confident Road property. “I owned my own home,
she has paid her tax,” Reeves said yes- lived there, paid the bills there and was
terday. She described Rayner as a “good registered to vote there, prior to selling
friend” and said she had already the house in 2015,” it read.
answered questions about the sale of In interviews, Rayner said Vicarage
her former house. Road, a council house bought with a
Speaking as Labour announced plans Help to Buy discount in 2007, was her
to clamp down on tax avoiders, Reeves “principal residence”. It appears her
was asked on Today on BBC Radio 4 if ex-husband later sold the Lowndes Lane
she was sure Rayner was not one of property with a similar exemption.
them. “I’m absolutely certain of that,” Married couples can nominate one
Reeves said. residence as their primary home, Dan
Rayner has struggled to silence crit- Neidle, a tax expert, said. He added: “A
ics who suggest she may have lied over married couple get one joint main resi-
tax owed on her home on Vicarage dence, and that was clearly Mark Ray-
Road, Stockport, when she sold it for a ner’s property regardless of what she
£48,500 profit. On Sunday, old tweets considered her ‘home’.”
emerged in which Rayner described a Greater Manchester police is review-
property in Lowndes Lane owned by ing a decision not to investigate a
her ex-husband as “home”, rather than complaint that Rayner registered the
the property she now claims was her wrong property on the electoral roll. An
principal residence and where “I lived”. update is expected this week.
Rayner has dismissed the claims as a Labour said on Monday that Rayner
“Tory smear”. But senior Conservatives and her ex-husband had decided to
say it is a “serious ethics scandal” and maintain their existing residences “to
have called on Rayner to publish the tax reflect their family’s circumstances and
advice that she claims proves she did they shared childcare responsibilities”.
nothing wrong. “Angela has always made clear she
Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, also spent time at her husband’s pro-
has accused the Conservatives of using perty when they had children and got
the saga to distract from their own fail- married as he did at hers. They were
ings before the local elections on May 2. both perfectly entitled to do so. The
He said on Monday that it would be house she owned remained her main
Welcome relief British military inappropriate for him to see Rayner’s home.”
personnel took part in the largest legal advice on her tax affairs. Rayner said if any tax had been owed
international aid airdrop into Starmer said only his team had seen “she would have paid it” but that she
Gaza since October 7. It coincided the advice on which Rayner has relied took advice “confirming that no capital
with the end of Ramadan while batting away claims she under- gains tax was payable”, Labour added.
paid up to £1,500 of capital gains tax
when she sold her home in 2015.

Rwanda flights ‘will leave this spring’ SNP leader’s brother-in-law

Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor which will break the business model of
criminal gangs risking lives at sea, and
respond to inquiries last night by The
Times or the charity. The Home Office
charged after man dies in fall
Rishi Sunak has assured the Rwandan the prime minister updated President also refused to comment on possible
president, whom he hosted at a hastily Kagame on the next stages of the legis- talks about the flights. Lizzie Roberts, Laura Paterson She is alleged to have threatened,
arranged meeting in Downing Street lation in parliament”. The Ministry of Defence has previ- intimidated and detained him against
yesterday, that Britain will start deport- He added: “Both leaders looked for- ously resisted attempts to use RAF air- The brother-in-law of Scotland’s first his will with a view to extorting money
ing migrants to the country this spring. ward to flights departing to Rwanda in craft such as the Voyager jet because it minister has been charged with abduc- from him, placing him in a state of fear
Downing Street said the prime min- the spring.” is needed for other purposes such as tion and extortion in a case linked to a and alarm.
ister had updated Kagame, who was in Kagame dodged questions outside air-to-air refuelling. The MoD is under- man who died falling from a window. Souter is alleged to have committed
London on a private visit, on the next No 10 about revelations in The Times stood to be reluctant to become in- Ramsay El-Nakla appeared in court culpable homicide by putting Munro in
stages of the Safety of Rwanda Bill, yesterday that housing earmarked for volved due to the legal repercussions of yesterday in connection with an inci- fear for his safety and causing him to
which declares the country safe for asy- migrants had been sold to private buy- servicemen and women carrying out dent in which Ryan Munro fell from a fall from a second-floor window.
lum seekers. The aim is to address the ers. Suella Braverman, the former government policy likely to attract property in Dundee on January 10. Munro sustained serious head injuries
concerns that in November led the Su- home secretary, said she was “dis- legal action. Police Scotland said the 36-year-old when he fell about 30ft and landed on a
preme Court to rule the deportation appointed” to hear that only a few Leasing the aircraft directly from was seriously injured at a block of flats parked vehicle.
policy unlawful. dozen homes were available for mi- AirTanker could provide a way around and died later in hospital. Stephen Stewart, 50, and Victoria
The legislation will return to the grants on the Bwiza Riverside Estate these difficulties, according to govern- El-Nakla, 36, from Dundee, was McGowan, 41, appeared at the same
Commons on Monday after the Lords where she visited in March last year. ment sources. Airlines have refused to accused of abduction and extortion at court on Thursday charged with
delayed its passage last month by forc- The Home Office is said to be closer sign contracts when the Home Office the private petition hearing at the city’s abduction and extortion. Neither
ing through seven amendments that to finding an airline to operate the tried to line up planes, fearing damage sheriff court yesterday. He made no entered a plea and both were released
would dilute it. flights. The private company AirTanker to their reputations. plea and was released on bail. on bail.
The government is confident of forc- refused to confirm or deny claims that The Home Office tendered a £78 mil- El-Nakla, the brother of Humza Police Scotland said in a statement:
ing the bill through both houses of par- it had been in talks about operating the lion contract for the transport of mi- Yousaf’s wife, Nadia El-Nakla, was the “A 36-year-old man has been arrested
liament by the end of next month. deportations. The company leases 12 grants to Rwanda last year after Privi- fourth person to appear in court in and charged with abduction and
Downing Street said Kagame and aircraft to the RAF, including the Voy- lege Style, a private Spanish charter connection with the case. extortion following an incident where a
Sunak had discussed their wish to start ager passenger jet, and two others to firm that was booked for flights in June Jennifer Souter, 38, appeared at Dun- man fell from a block of flats on
implementing the policy by the end of the airline. 2022, pulled out because of the bad dee sheriff court last Thursday charged Morgan Street, Dundee, on Wednes-
spring, although there was confusion The Freedom from Torture charity publicity. with culpable homicide. She did not en- day January 10. He died a week later
about whether that meant the end of said it had intelligence suggesting that Commercial airlines have pulled out ter a plea and was remanded in custody. in hospital.
May or mid-June. AirTanker was in discussions with the of operating deportation flights for for- Souter appeared briefly in private to “Three others were previously
A spokesman said they had discussed Home Office. eign criminals after numerous inci- face a petition alleging she assaulted arrested and charged following the
the “UK and Rwanda Migration and In June 2022 AirTanker said it had no dents in which passengers staged and abducted Munro at the flat from same incident ... A report will be sub-
Economic Development Partnership, involvement in the policy but refused to protests to prevent take-off. which he fell. mitted to the procurator fiscal.”
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 17


Arts cuts will strip theatre of its stars, says director

David Sanderson Arts Correspondent ACE “destructively” withdrew its entire Hall said it was refreshing working in films such as Blithe Spirit star- two years after an initial fund-
grants to both of his “successful Chicago where “smart, intelligent ring Dame Judi Dench, said he ing cut. His successor, Rox-
One of Britain’s most renowned direct- companies”. Hall — the son of Sir Peter people who had risen to the top in what- felt betrayed by ACE. “I think ana Silbert, left in 2022
ors has delivered a damning assess- Hall, the late founder of the Royal ever field they were in” felt a civic duty what they did to Hamp- when the remaining
ment of the funding system, which he Shakespeare Company (RSC) and di- to support the “cultural ecology of the stead was short-sighted £750,000 subsidy was with-
said had been brutalised over the past rector of the National Theatre — said: city”, allowing for adventurous theatre and very destructive.” drawn.
decade. “I think the arts subsidy [in Britain] has programming. He said the 55-strong The theatre has been Hall said that even
Edward Hall said that because “arts been eroded so badly, and the debate board encouraged him to “think big noted since its founding when it received the
subsidy has been eroded so badly”, about what it is and what it means has and be ambitious”, while acknowledg- 60 years ago for its grant it accounted for
Britain would soon be asking: “Where been removed from the public forum in ing the different “culture” in the US. world premieres and “about 22 per cent of in-
are the great artists to fill our big a really bad way. It has been brutalised Hall is bringing a flavour of Britain to platforms for then-new come but 80 per cent of
institutions?” over the last decade.” Chicago with the opening of a partner- writers such as Harold administrative time”, add-
The stage and screen director, who He added: “I hope in the future we get ship with the RSC, whose new co-artis- Pinter. Hall left in 2019, ing that he was told he
had been at the heart of the system for more funding back into the arts tic director, Tamara Harvey, is bringing should take the cuts as a
decades, criticised Arts Council En- because once it is gone, it is gone and it her inaugural production of Pericles. Edward Hall, who now “compliment because we
gland (ACE) and said he preferred the takes a long time to rebuild it. In not too Hall, who has directed television pro- works in Chicago, with the were so good at the busi-
subsidy-free American theatre world. long a time we will be suddenly be grammes such as Downton Abbey and actress Issy van Randwyck ness of theatre”.
The 57-year-old was speaking to The going, ‘Where are the great artists to fill
Times as he prepared for his first season our big institutions?’”
as the artistic director at Chicago Hall is the latest figure to warn of the
Shakespeare Theatre, where he moved state of the industry. In February, the
to after nearly a decade running the Young Vic’s Kwame Kwei-Armah said
Hampstead Theatre in north London. funding conditions were making it “un-
He said it was “really refreshing” to tenable for artists like me”. The
speak to philanthropists and board National Theatre said that despite
members in pursuit of a $20 million having had arguably its most successful
budget “rather than an arts officer”. year critically and commercially, it
Hall added: “I don’t miss the lack of could not balance the books due to re-
public subsidy here” and said that the duced funding.

TMS | @timesdiary

for some good claret. Maybe it

Brush with a should be prescribed?

new reality well turned out

The 8th Marquess of Anglesey is
auctioning some of the family
The proposal by Lord Sedwill to possessions via Sotheby’s to help
modernise the Foreign and to run his estate. Hopefully, he is
Commonwealth Office (FCO) by keeping hold of the ermine. For
getting rid of all those imperialist the big royal occasion last year, the
paintings has not impressed Denis marquess had to reclaim the
MacShane, Tony Blair’s former family’s Coronation robes from the
Europe minister. MacShane recalls National Trust, which took over
Robin Cook trying this in 1997, their country house in 1976, but as
replacing a grand portrait of a he was getting togged up in the
fighting maharajah behind the Abbey he felt something was not
foreign secretary’s desk with what quite right. It took the Duke of
MacShane calls a “tacky Bolton Wellington to note that he was
Art Gallery painting in a poor trying on the marchioness’s robes.
white frame” by the 1950s kitchen- Fortunately, the 7th Earl of
sink realist John Bratby. “It was
ghastly,” he says. MacShane says
Sedwill, the former cabinet
secretary, owed his promotion to
Caledon had a spare outfit that
Anglesey could borrow to spare
his blushes with the few who
would notice, even if it meant a
Free books of the month
being the only mandarin who temporary reduction in rank. This April, read the award-winningKilling Thatcherby
understood theresamayspeak and
worries where it might end. “They The war photographer Sir Don Rory Carroll andAfter That Nightby bestselling author
could relocate the Foreign Office McCullin and his wife, Catherine, are
to Finchley,” he shudders, “or a hosting a party at the Frontline club Karin Slaughter. This month’s audiobook isFree Your Mind
Thames Water branch office.” this month to celebrate the launch of
a new podcast. Amusingly, the by Laura Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan. It blends popular
One person who may favour an invitation tells guests they can pick
FCO rebrand is Prince Andrew, up a “singed copy” of one of Don’s psychology, sociology, politics and self-help to guide readers
whose recent Netflix appearance books. Or maybe it wasn’t a typo?
reminded a former ambassador of on to how to resist everyday manipulation and influence.
working with him. With trademark smoke signals
charm, the Duke of York told the “He’s selfish, he’s arrogant, he
diplomat he would not be leaving his believes he is the centre of the
cabin on a tour. “My father calls you world. He is a great man.” So said
lot the F***ing Contrary Office,” he Winston Churchill of Charles de
said. “It’s best to do the complete Gaulle. Sinclair McKay, who has
opposite to what you advise.” And written Meeting Churchill, told the
hasn’t it served him well? Oldie literary lunch about their
irascible relationship. In 1941, De
raising a glass Gaulle barged into Downing Street
Ben Elton is unmoved by anti- to air grievances. “Officials outside
drinking campaigns. Noting one could hear the screaming, the
that said even moderate shouting,” McKay said. “And then, Visit
drinking will knock two years after about an hour, it went quiet.”
off your life, the writer says: Staff wondered if the French
“They don’t tell you which leader had killed Churchill. They
two years. It’s the last two, the entered the room, and found
rubbish two, the two you that the pair’s mouths had
spend not recognising been bunged by two huge
your kids and having to cigars. De Gaulle was still
be taken to the toilet.” fuming, but now in a
As far as Elton, right, is different, better sense.
concerned, he’s happy T&Cs apply.
to sacrifice those years patrick kidd
18 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Farmer fined
for polluting
rural river
Will Humphries
Countryside Correspondent
A farmer has had to pay more than
£4,500 for allowing silage effluent six
times more polluting than untreated
human sewage to enter his local river.
Daniel Macey from Underhill Farm,
near Taunton, Somerset, was caught
after a member of the public reported a
terrible smell and colour in the Five-
head river to the Environment Agency.
Taunton magistrates’ court was told
that agency officers went to the scene
and a sample showed the water had a
dissolved oxygen level of below 12 per
cent, whereas an unpolluted water-
course would expect to have levels of
above 70 per cent. The officers traced
the source of the pollution to Underhill
Farm, where they spoke to Macey, who
said he had an issue with a silage
storage unit about four days earlier.
Silage is a type of fodder made from
green foliage crops preserved by fer-
mentation to the point of acidification.
The court was told that analysis of
the effluent showed it was about six
times more polluting than untreated
human sewage. No evidence of pollu-
tion was found upstream of the farm.
Macey, 44, was fined £228. Magis-
trates also ordered him to pay costs of
Golden boy After fathering more than 300 puppies, the last litter produced by nine-year-old retriever Trigger will be trained by the charity Guide Dogs in Leamington Spa £4,502.21 and a victim surcharge of £90.

Congestion rises in capital despite Ulez

Ben Clatworthy the ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) is to reaching Buckinghamshire, Es- be coupled with long-term action. cars made before 2005 and diesel ones
Transport Correspondent improve air quality by spurring people sex, Hertfordshire, Kent and Surrey. “London remains the world’s slowest from before 2015 — must pay a daily
to buy cleaner cars. Previously, the boundaries of the zone city to drive through,” he said. “The £12.50 charge. Motorists spent more
Congestion in London is worse than A year after the scheme began in cen- were the North Circular and South Cir- capital’s fuel consumption and CO2 than £5.3 million during the first week
when the ultra-low emission zone tral London, however, the mayor’s cular roads. emissions inevitably increased at the of the expansion when the number of
began five years ago, undermining the office published a report that said the Last year London was the slowest same time.” charges leapt by almost 300,000.
benefits of the clean air scheme. scheme “had already helped reduce city out of 387 in which to drive a six- Susan Hall, Khan’s Conservative op- Critics said the scheme was being
The daily average congestion level in traffic in the central zone by approxi- mile journey, according to the traffic in- ponent at the mayoral elections next used to make money for Transport for
the capital was 45 per cent last year, up mately 10 per cent”. dex by the geolocation technology month, said: “It’s no surprise London is London, which the mayor had previ-
from 37 per cent in 2019 when Sadiq Experts argue that the rising levels of company TomTom. This pushed up the slowest city in the world under ously said could face bankruptcy
Khan, the mayor of London, intro- congestion, caused in part by the estab- emissions from idling vehicles. Khan.” because of plunging passenger num-
duced the scheme, figures show. lishment of 20mph zones and poor traf- Andy Marchant, a traffic expert at She said that the expansion of 20mph bers during the pandemic.
The congestion level is a measure of fic management, is a significant cause TomTom, said that such programmes, limits and low-traffic neighbourhoods A spokesman for Khan said: “The
the extra travel time a driver experien- of emissions even if more vehicles meet which aimed to curb traffic emissions, amounted to a “war on motorists” evidence shows that Ulez is working,
ces as a percentage of the journey time Ulez standards. were essential for Britain to reach net which “all lead one way: a dead end”. with 95 per cent of vehicles seen driving
in free-flowing traffic conditions. The zone was expanded last summer zero by 2050. Under Ulez restrictions, drivers of on London’s roads now compliant and
Khan has long insisted that the aim of to cover outer London with a boundary But he cautioned that these should non-compliant cars — typically petrol not needing to pay a penny.”
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 19

Billie Eilish to release eco-friendly album using recycled materials
David Sanderson Arts Correspondent widespread use of recycled materials in friendly vinyl versions of albums. Based The Eco-mix Yellow Vinyl, for exam- later they announced a dancefloor that
packaging and tour merchandise as on studies by Keele University, the near ple, will be sold by HMV for £35. Eilish generated electricity would be one of
It would perhaps be the greenest record well as for all eight vinyl editions. She six million vinyl records sold last year in said packaging on physical copies and the methods they would be using.
release of the year — if only so many told Billboard magazine that her label Britain alone would produce 2,700 ton- tour merchandise would be made from Eilish said: “My parents have always
vinyl variants were not going to be sold. had “listened to my concerns and nes of CO2, before transport and pack- recycled materials and non-toxic dyes. kept me well informed and hyper aware
Billie Eilish has unveiled a sustain- helped me find the best way forward aging — the footprint for 560 people. Musicians have increasingly found that every choice we make and every
ability plan for her much-anticipated when releasing music and product into Eilish’s website stated that while the themselves answering tricky questions action we take has an impact some-
third album, Hit Me Hard and Soft the world”, adding: “We are doing standard vinyl disc of Hit Me Hard and about their environmental footprint where or on someone, good or bad, and
which is set to be one of the bestselling everything we can to minimise waste in Soft would be made from recycled black while advocating for actions to mini- that has always stuck with me.”
albums of the year after its release on every aspect of my music.” material the other seven editions would mise climate change impacts. Hit Me Hard and Soft, produced with
May 17. Her environmental efforts come be made from factory off-cuts using a British band Coldplay said in 2019 Eilish’s brother Finneas, 26, was
The 22-year-old American musician amid a resurgence of interest from technique said to give unique colouring they would not tour until they found a described by promoters as the artist’s
said her record label had agreed to the music fans in un-environmentally to each pressing in seven colour ranges. way of being “sustainable”. Two years “most daring body of work to date”.

Not so much Marisa Abela gives Amy plenty

of heart, but Jack O’Connell as
her husband, Blake Fielder-

Rehab in this Civil, lays on the Cockney

geezer shtick too heavily

daughter at a family get-together and

life of Amy boasting about her to passengers in
his black cab. It’s an altogether
cuddlier working-class patriarch than
Winehouse the one Marsan played opposite
Olivia Colman in Tyrannosaur.
The best thing about the movie is
Film Kevin Maher Lesley Manville as Winehouse’s
brassy yet compassionate
grandmother, Cynthia, who looms
Back to Black larger in Winehouse’s life than her
rather quiet mother, Janis (Juliet
15, 122 mins Cowan). Cynthia, a former singer who
HHHII once dated Ronnie Scott, was her
granddaughter’s self-proclaimed style
icon, and her conversations with
You can see why Sam Taylor-Johnson Winehouse have an unforced
was hired to make the first proper sweetness.
Amy Winehouse drama. She has done More problematic is Jack
a musical biopic (the John Lennon O’Connell’s performance as Blake
film Nowhere Boy) and an addiction Fielder-Civil, Winehouse’s future
drama (A Million Little Pieces) so this husband, whose turbulent
would seem to sit in the middle of her relationship with her fuelled so many
directorial Venn diagram. of her best songs. Fielder-Civil, who
It turns out to be closer to Nowhere got off relatively lightly in Kapadia’s
Boy, her first and best film and documentary, is the closest thing to a
another that captures the first blush villain of this piece, introducing
of genius but frames it in tragedy. If Winehouse to drugs and playing
Back to Black also feels a bit callously with her feelings.
lightweight, Taylor- O’Connell is a great actor, with a
Johnson should be magnetic mix of charm and danger
applauded for avoiding that’s well suited to the role. He lays
a queasy obsession played by Marisa Abela, secretly had singing lessons and asked on the Cockney geezer shtick too
with Winehouse’s
illness and early
the English actress best
known — until now — as
if she could have a go herself. That’s a
ballsy move of which Winehouse
Two-for-one cinema heavily, though, as he woos
Winehouse over a pool table at the
death. The early the ambitious City would have approved, and Abela does tickets at Everyman Good Mixer pub in Camden. One
scenes, in which trader Yasmin Kara- as well as you could reasonably hope. insider described the turn as “James
Winehouse Hanani in the BBC Her voice and stage presence are with Dean meets Joe Strummer”; instead
gallivants around series Industry. It’s more than decent, especially in the think more Danny Dyer meets Joe
Camden Town in decent casting: sequences that recreate Winehouse’s Each month Times+ members can Swash.
north London, Abela has sass 2008 performances for the Grammys bring a friend for free at Everyman The ending, of course, is sad. I had
takes her first and savvy in at Riverside Studios in London (she on a Wednesday forgotten that Winehouse’s death
steps in music abundance. She couldn’t attend in person because her came after an extended period of
and juggles male also sings, which visa hadn’t been processed in time — sobriety. Yet, for all its faults, the film
admirers, have a wasn’t part of the classic Amy). Yes, Abela’s Rehab isn’t is more celebratory than tragic.
girlish joie de original plan. in the volcanic class of the woman Asif Kapadia’s Oscar-winning 2015 “I wanted to make something that
vivre that those Taylor-Johnson herself, but what did you expect? documentary Amy, which he believed people would watch and then go
who were close had intended for Would it have been better to have had portrayed him unfairly as straight home and listen to her
to her say is her to lip-sync to her lip-syncing? That may have added domineering and exploitative. Played music,” Taylor-Johnson told The
totally accurate. Winehouse’s vocals, one layer of artifice too many. by Eddie Marsan, he comes out far Sunday Times recently. Mission
Winehouse is but the actress Winehouse’s father, Mitch, loathed better in this film, duetting with his accomplished.

Chelsea fired ‘molested’ groundsman

Jonathan Ames Legal Editor assault and sexual assault” to other Cobham, the Surrey village where the merous occasions” he had been told his events that will remain with myself for
clubs. McKnight was immediately club’s training ground is, there was at boss would give him a poor reference. the rest of my life.”
A groundsman at Chelsea’s Stamford sacked when bosses noticed similarities least one “physical incident” between The tribunal was told that a griev- The tribunal heard that an ano-
Bridge stadium was unfairly sacked in spelling mistakes between his emails McKnight and Griffin. ance meeting at the club found that nymous email was sent 980 times in
after accusing his boss of sexual assault and those sent anonymously. The tribunal said the junior grounds- Griffin had pushed McKnight at the 2022 to other clubs, with a link to a
and sending emails alleging bullying. The tribunal in central London man claimed at some stage during the Christmas event, agreed it was “un- video that allegedly showed Griffin’s
Conor McKnight told an employ- agreed that he was unfairly fired evening that Griffin “threatened to kill” acceptable” behaviour and said that sexual assault and death threats.
ment tribunal that he had been a life- because bosses did not adhere to the him. He accused his boss of saying: “You “appropriate action had been taken”. The judge, Antoine Tinnion, said
long fan of the Premier League club legal requirements of the process. will be leaving here in a body bag,” as Other aspects of his grievance were that while McKnight’s emails had in-
before alleging that Jason Griffin grab- But McKnight will not receive com- well as throwing him against a wall and not upheld, including his allegations of voked “rude, intemperate, and hostile
bed his crotch at a Christmas party and pensation after the panel decided it was squeezing his genitals. sexual assault and a death threat. language”, they did not justify his dis-
threatened to kill him. “certain” the club would still have dis- McKnight took sick leave, citing McKnight filed an appeal, which he missal without a disciplinary hearing.
The groundsman complained about missed him if it had followed proper “stress at work”. He submitted a griev- copied to “a large number” of club re- He said the tribunal was satisfied that
his boss’s behaviour and said he was procedure. ance claiming he had been assaulted, cipients, claiming the club had “done club bosses had not conducted “a fun-
furious that Griffin had kept his job. McKnight worked for the club for sexually assaulted and had received a nothing” about his boss’s behaviour. damentally fair disciplinary process”
After his grievance and appeal were three seasons between 2019 and 2022 death threat. He also claimed that his “I do not want anyone to go through and that the dismissal was unfair. Tinn-
ignored, McKnight was said to have alongside his father, David, also a drink had been spiked. McKnight what I am going through mentally,” he ion said had the club applied a fair pro-
sent a barrage of emails headed “Chel- groundsman. The tribunal heard that at alleged that the same evening, his car said in the email. He added: “It has trau- cedure, the panel was “certain” manag-
sea Football Club scandal — cover up a Christmas event in 2019 at a pub in tyres were deflated and that on “nu- matised me and it will be a series of ers still would have sacked McKnight.
20 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Titchmarsh leads
plea to save father
of ecology’s home
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor this money in these hard times, it is
proposed to purchase the property, to
Seventy years ago conservation leaders restore it as near as possible to what it
appealed for funds to turn the home of was in 1793,” they wrote, adding that it
the man considered to be the father of should be opened to the public. The
ecology into a museum. appeal led to funding from the family of
The house and gardens of Gilbert White were last saved in 1954 after conservationists wrote to The Times, below right Their letter to The Times helped to the explorer Robert Washington Oates.
save Gilbert White’s house and gar- Today’s letter is a deliberate echo of
dens. Now, in a case of history repeating the 1954 original, and several of the
itself, the gardener and broadcaster signatories are descendants of those
Alan Titchmarsh, the Bishop of Win- behind the first letter, including the
chester and the director-general of the Earl of Selborne.
Royal Horticultural Society have asked “The museum is threatened by fac-
for help to stop the museum at White’s tors entirely beyond its control,” they
home from closing in the face of esca- write. “As an independent museum, de-
lating costs. pendent on visitor income, with no
The museum, in the Hampshire vil- public subsidy, its external costs are
lage of Selborne, is home to the book in rising massively.” They add that White
which White recorded the plants, birds is a “hugely important figure” and it
and other species would be a “trage-
that he saw there dy” if the museum
in the 18th had to close.
century. In a sign “White shows
of White’s idio- how everyone can
syncratic nature, be involved in
his own copy of understanding
The Natural His- and protecting the
tory of Selborne natural world. It is
was bound with no accident that a
the hair and new GCSE will
leather of his dog. highlight White as
Today the mus- the father of ecol-
eum dedicated to ogy,” they say.
keeping alive the legacy of the clergy- The museum, which is visited by
man considered by many to be Eng- 5,000 pupils every year to inspire a love
land’s first ecologist is facing severe fi- of natural history, is able to cover its
nancial challenges. Since 2020 the costs when visitor numbers are high in
home’s insurance costs have increased the summer. It is hoped the appeal will
by 55 per cent, energy costs by 113 per raise enough for a £1 million endow-
cent and staffing costs by 29 per cent, in ment, which could generate enough in-
part because of the rise in the minimum terest to make ends meet during quieter
wage. “Like all museums we are experi- periods in winter. “It’s not a begging let-
encing a difficult time,” Judith Bowles, ter. We need to make sure the future is
co-director of the museum, said. secure by having a sustainable endow-
The 1954 appeal came from conser- ment fund,” Bowles said.
vationists including the heads of the Although less well known than
RSPB and Zoological Society of Charles Darwin, White played a key
London. In their letter to The Times role in influencing the author of On the
they asked for £24,500 to preserve the Origin of Species. “He was the first
home known as the Wakes and its person to start writing about nature
27 acres of parkland. and recording nature,” Bowles said.
“If lovers of Gilbert White can find

Nando’s removes painting

‘depicting soldiers as Nazis’
Nando’s has removed a painting in one He said: “I thought it was bang out of
of its branches after an army veteran order. All these lads who go out and die,
said it depicted soldiers in the shape of then they’re depicted like a Nazi. It’s
a swastika and accused the restaurant offensive to see it in public.”
of “branding British armed forces as Nando’s messaged him directly the
Nazis”. next day and has confirmed the paint-
Paul Watson, from Fenham, Newcas- ing has been removed. It said Watson
tle upon Tyne, noticed the painting was the first person to complain about
when he visited the Wallsend branch the artwork, which had been hanging in
on Tyneside. The 58-year-old, whose the restaurant since it opened in 2013.
grandmother was Jewish, said it It said: “We commission the art in
depicted four soldiers facing our restaurants from up-and-

THE CHRIS EVANS outwards from a circle and

pointing guns, creating
a swastika effect.
coming South African art-
ists, the country in which
we were founded, and
BREAKFAST Watson tweeted a
complaint to Nan-
they are all one of a
SHOW do’s the same day.
The former soldier,
who served six
“We recognise
that art is subjective
and our intention is
years, including a never to offend. We
TODAY FROM 6:30AM short tour of North- have removed it and
ern Ireland, said the apologise for any
artwork suggested offence caused.”
the British armed
ASK YOUR SMART SPEAKER TO PLAY VIRGIN RADIO LISTEN ON DAB RADIO forces had acted like The picture was said to
fascists. have had a swastika effect
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 21

I watched in shock as she

fell into the danger zone
Matthew Parris
Page 22
Streeting’s lessons from Nixon and China
Conventional wisdom suggests Labour will find it easier to reform the NHS than the Tories — history suggests otherwise
the NHS. “They know the public backer, ran against him for the only be resisted by “middle-class
Daniel doesn’t trust them with it, so they presidential nomination the lefties”. The second is that in any
Finkelstein daren’t change it. Only Labour can following year. fight the self-interest of doctors and
reform the NHS.” And when Nixon became their desire for control of the NHS,
Streeting’s argument relies on one entangled in the Watergate scandal, mingled with a drive to increase their
of the most popular lessons in politics the right turned on the weakened remuneration, will assert itself.
— the experience of Nixon’s opening leader. The first House Republican The position of the doctors is hard
@dannythefink of a dialogue with China. But it is an to call for his resignation was to guess ideologically, save that they
experience I believe is much Ashbrook. And the president finally will be against whatever the

hould they try to seize misunderstood. Far from Nixon and accepted he would have to go when government of the day is doing, as
Richard Nixon’s aircraft? It China reinforcing Streeting’s point, I Barry Goldwater, the leading they have been since the creation of
might make the problem think they undermine it. And show conservative in the Senate, told him the NHS (which they opposed).
worse. But really, argued just how difficult the path ahead will he no longer had his support. I favour Streeting’s intention to
Gerald Ford’s strategists, be for the Labour man. In the subsequent presidential reform the NHS, including his use of
what could be worse? In 1971 Nixon’s national security campaign, conservatives ran a much the private sector. I think he’s being
It was February 1976 and Ford’s adviser, Henry Kissinger, began a stronger candidate than Ashbrook. admirably bold in his rhetoric, though
team had just learnt that the secret mission to prepare for a Ronald Reagan fought the Nixonian obviously we’ll have to wait to see if
government of communist China had presidential visit to Peking. When Gerald Ford for the nomination and any of it happens. But then I would
invited former President Nixon to Nixon touched down in China’s made Kissinger and the Ford/Nixon think this, because I’m on the centre-
visit (what was then) Peking. And that capital six months later it was hailed foreign policy the focus of his right. What I wonder is whether, on
the plan was for Nixon to arrive in as a massive diplomatic and political attacks. Nixon going to China the centre-left, Sir Keir Starmer
China on the morning of the New coup. And it was widely noted that the first time was so unpopular with really understands what his health
Hampshire primary. It was a contest only the president’s long history as the base that Ford’s team worried spokesman is getting them all into.
in which Ford, Nixon’s successor, a an opponent of communism gave that a repeat would rob their man What they blithely expect to
man inextricably linked to him and him the political space to make the of the nomination. Hence their Wes Streeting has promised a “decade happen — that they can be radical
his foreign policy, was facing a contest opening to China. A Democrat aircraft-seizing talk. of change” as Labour reforms the NHS because Labour is trusted — is not at
that was already tough enough. Ford very narrowly saw off Reagan all what I think will happen. I think
At Ford campaign meetings they
cursed Nixon and talked of a
Doctors will always be in 1976 but the feelings of betrayal
that began with Nixon’s original visit
in the care of) patients on the
15th floor of Charing Cross Hospital.
much of the party and the base will
resist these changes. I think there
conspiracy. Nixon was trying to help
Ford’s conservative opponent,
anti-government — no to China were a major part of what
fuelled the conservative takeover of
These patients were in private beds
within an NHS hospital and
will be a fight with the doctors,
possibly over weekend work and
Ronald Reagan, to steal the
Republican nomination. Or at the
matter who’s in charge the Republican Party.
The use of the “Nixon goes to
opposition to such private beds had
become a cause on the left.
certainly over pay that will rattle
Labour politicians even more than it
very least, push Ford out of the race. would have been accused of China” analogy is therefore wrong. The Labour government was soon has Tory ones, and will send them
In the end, the wild aircraft-seizing indulging their left-wing impulses. His visit doesn’t prove it is easier to embroiled in a major political battle. knocking on the door of No 10.
idea was dropped. But it’s still a story Nobody could think Nixon had any. run against type and defy your base. The health secretary Barbara Castle Wes Streeting may be committing
I’d like Wes Streeting to consider as “Nixon goes to China” became It shows the opposite. That, as was determined to abolish the Starmer to a massive fight that will
he prepares to become Labour health commonly cited as showing that it is Reagan himself once put it to a group private beds and ended up in a use up much political capital. That’s
secretary in a Starmer government. easier for someone from the right to of conservative activists, you gotta massive fight with consultants and fine. I just hope the two of them feel
This week Streeting issued the do something thought left-wing, or “dance with the one that brung ya”. junior doctors, one that intersected secure in each other’s resolve.
latest of a series of statements someone from the left to do Let me accompany this with with negotiating their pay deals. The
promising (a welcome promise to something right-wing. But this another story from around the same prime minister, Harold Wilson,
me) to be bold with the NHS. He ignores what actually happened to time that should also be of interest to eventually had to get his fixer, the
would insist that the NHS worked Nixon, to Kissinger and to Ford. Streeting. In June 1974 a woman lawyer Arnold Goodman, to mediate
around the clock, he would use the Conservative Republicans did not dubbed “Ma” Brookstone, a Cockney and arrange a compromise. red box
private sector to cut waiting lists, he accept that Nixon should be trusted grandma, briefly became famous. The viciousness of this fight shows For the best analysis
would see off vested interests and because of his history. Instead they Brookstone was a shop steward for two things. First, that private
“middle-class lefties”. He promises a felt he had betrayed his past. And the National Union of Public healthcare has always been fought
and commentary on
“decade of change”. them. A right-wing congressman, Employees and her members decided over on the left. It is an immensely the political landscape
The Tories, he says, can’t reform John Ashbrook, previously a Nixon to “black” (in other words not assist controversial issue and it will not


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22 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Banning arms sales to Israel makes no sense

Absence of British exports would not end the war but would alienate key allies pivotal to peace
should be the decisive battle since stopped. And the agitprop battalions, additional protocol 1 of the
Roger it would allow the generals to tired perhaps of Just Stopping Oil, Geneva conventions and are Russian athletes at
Boyes announce that Hamas no longer had
the military framework to pose a
have again been splattering red
paint, this time around Labour Party
therefore a war crime as well as a
violation of humanitarian law. They
Olympic Games is
threat to Israeli citizens. Alongside
the release of the hostages, this is
offices, in support of the Gazan cause.
Their message is simple: take away
are part of the Hamas trap set to
ensnare Israel on October 7.
a victory for Putin
the principal war aim. In order to
reduce civilian casualties a corridor
Israel’s military edge and the result
will be peace.
Now it is also trapping Israel’s
natural western friends. The
Alyson Rudd
would be opened to Khan Yunis to Yet none of these protests engage argument is that democratic Israel

srael’s critics see the country house (among the ruins) those with what Britain is actually selling should be kept to higher standards hat has sport to do
heading into the quagmire that Gazans who fled for the apparent to Israel. Sales amount to about than the terrorist group that is with anything? This
America faced in the Vietnam safety of Rafah. £42 million a year and comprise determined to destroy it. Following would appear to be
War: a blundering, high-tech The big uncertainty would be in 0.9 per cent of Israeli weapons that train of thought, some countries the surprising
army outwitted by plucky the north and the possible activation purchases. They don’t in themselves such as Canada and Spain have attitude of
freedom fighters, a prime minister of Hezbollah, Iran’s Lebanon-based contribute to infringements of suspended arms sales to Israel. But Stuart Andrew, the sports minister,
who is starting to mimic Richard military ally. That, too, might entail international humanitarian law. realpolitik suggests that apart from who has opted to support the
Nixon, and an isolated state trying to sustained fighting. The war may There is technology for military urging care for non-combatants, the participation of Russian and
mask its weakness. In this telling — stutter on but the final curtain on radars, for electronic warfare, for West should also be supplying, rather Belarusian athletes under a neutral
heard not only from restless US this most political of conflicts will aircraft and helicopter components. than blocking, precision weapons to flag at the Olympic Games in Paris.
Democrats — the Gaza war is set to Some of the kit is supplied first to the target those Hamas units hiding It marks a U-turn in government
be never-ending. The conclusion:
turn off the flow of arms and make
None of the protests US for installation into fighter jets
that are then delivered to Israel.
behind civilians.
Britain’s biggest arms customer is
policy, bringing it into line with the
International Olympic Committee,
Binyamin Netanyahu “see reason”.
This is a capital error, what the
engage with what the Other equipment is dual use — that
is, applicable to civilian as well as
Saudi Arabia and remained so even
at the height of its war with the
and follows a tightening of neutrality
rules. This includes a vetting process
Germans call a Hirngespinst, a
chimera. The Gaza war is not
UK is actually selling military machines.
The US is Israel’s chief supplier
Houthis of Yemen. If Israel is to
be made the target of an embargo,
that would bar any participant who
has publicly offered support to the
interminable. But neither is it on the surely fall only when the US (almost 70 per cent), Germany then sales to Saudi Arabia would war in Ukraine.
brink of resolution, a crisis just presidential election has been comes second (almost 30 per cent). have to be limited too. Yet if there But sport has a great deal to do
waiting for a turning point in the fought and won. Both countries are rightly committed is to be a lasting peace in the with politics and power, especially
form of an international weapons The open question at this point is to defending the survival of the state Middle East after the Gaza war when it comes to the Olympic
embargo against Israel. how a British arms embargo could of Israel. As is Britain, in the is over, Saudi Arabia will be Games. Leaders bask in the
The war, six months in, is probably influence the course of the conflict or knowledge that several countries in needed to help anchor it. superiority of competitors that
halfway through. The planned and its final outcome. The answer: it the region have been committed to The policy dilemmas are complex. represent just about everything they
loudly broadcast Israeli offensive on makes no sense at all. Four former its destruction. Hamas chose the It’s not only about how to help a hold dear. If you produce an
Rafah is inevitable since the Supreme Court judges, joined by timing of its atrocities last year to friendly power beat away a challenge Olympic champion, you must be in
calculation is that four Hamas 600 members of the legal profession, derail a process of restoring from a terrorist group backed by a charge of a clever and admirable
brigades — the last of the original 24 have been arguing for a halt to arms diplomatic relations with its Arab ruthless near-nuclear power. It’s also sports programme and your winners
— are stationed there, that the sales because they claim that it could neighbours. It was plainly helped about how to achieve a Middle East must be motivated by nationalism
remaining core of the Hamas make Britain complicit in genocide. along the way by Iran. at peace with itself rather than being and self-sacrifice.
leadership lurks underneath the city The former head of MI6, Sir Alex It is Hamas that initiated a war of poisoned for generations. In that The history of the Olympic Games
and that smuggling routes from Younger, says that Britain’s arms sales human shields, not only by taking context, arms embargos against is a history of politics. In 1906 Peter
Egypt have to be blocked to prevent could be used as leverage on Israel to hostages but also by siting its Israel look like a bit of cosmetic O’Connor smuggled an Irish flag
the re-arming of Hamas. Many of make its war-fighting more launchpads in or close to places virtue-signalling. The best way to into the stadium in Athens so that
the October 7 hostages are also compassionate. Civil servants are protected by humanitarian law. help the Palestinians is to banish when he won gold he could protest
believed to be there. This, then, threatening a walkout unless sales are Human shields are forbidden by Hamas from the political spectrum. at being labelled a competitor for
Great Britain. In 1968 there was the
Black Power protest. In 1980 the
United States led a widespread
Matthew Parris Notebook boycott of the games in Moscow in
protest at the Soviet Union’s invasion
speed. She could have fallen either inventor too and explained to him at the naive old fogey come in from of Afghanistan.
I watched in way: under the iron wheel of the
approaching tram or just clear of it.
my design for a parasol that doesn’t
buckle or blow over in gusts of wind.
the sticks. “You bet we do,” she said
and pointed down an aisle. There,
The idea that making Russian and
Belarusian athletes wear neutral

shock as she The driver braked hard and

immediately but could not stop short
of her.
He listened carefully and in silence,
then asked whether I’d patented
the idea. I replied that I hadn’t.
on the wall, was an array of about
60 types, all set up so one could see
at a glance how they’d look in situ. I
uniforms dupes anyone is laughable.
They will look just as they looked
before the invasion of Ukraine and, if

fell into the Mercifully, she fell clear. The tram

came to a halt a couple of yards past
where she fell. People rushed to help
“Then you can’t be a proper inventor
or you wouldn’t have told me about
it,” he said.
immediately spotted one that would
be right, bought it, and drove home;
the whole exercise taking less time
they are adept at what they do, they
will gain widespread recognition.
It is impossible to sever the
danger zone her up and she was shaken but
unhurt. The woman remounted and
cycled off in one piece. Had she
Strike a light
e need an outside light and
than my hour-plus hunched over a
laptop screen and resulting in an
assured right choice. Online
connection between a competitor
and their nationality.
Indeed, so used are we now to the

ave you ever seen anyone fallen the other way, she would have I undertook to search shopping can waste time. “non-aligned” competitor, it barely
nearly killed? I did been in two pieces. online: an efficient way to raises an eyebrow. The Candidates
recently, in broad daylight save time, I thought, rather Exit from planet X tournament is at present determining
on a city street. It’s a Inventor’s blow than driving to hardware stores ve left Twitter/X. “Big deal,” you which players will challenge for the
danger I know has been
flagged up by cyclists ever since the
tram was invented. And of course it I
was looking forward to
meeting Sir James Dyson,
the inventor of the bagless
on spec. Online, on various
traders’ websites, there were
thousands of lamps. After more
I’ may say, “who cares?” Nobody,
and that’s the point. It was not
adding to my life or anybody else’s. I
World Chess Championship.
Ian Nepomniachtchi has no
country next to his name but
can be avoided by prudent cycling, vacuum cleaner and much else, to than an hour of scrutinising joined Twitter because I thought it everyone glued to their screens
and sensible cyclists do avoid it. But record a programme for my specifications, looking at would widen my vista, open me up to knows he is Russian. When the
still it came as a shock to see a Great Lives series. Dyson — pictures and trying to more diverse opinion and tennis player Aryna Sabalenka won
woman almost killed by overlooking straight-talking, pleasant visualise sizes, I was information, and keep me in touch. the Australian Open earlier this year,
a hazard that had previously struck and to-the-point — had struggling to But experience has not shown this. I no one needed her national flag on
me as more theoretical than real. chosen the life of remember what I fast decided against tweeting much the scoreboard to remember that she
She was pedalling perfectly Sir Frank Whittle, who had seen at the myself because the impulse is is from Belarus.
sedately across a set of tramlines that invented the turbojet beginning, but finally immediate but the consequence You can try all you like to dilute the
ran at an angle to her direction of engine: a machine that compiled a shortlist. permanent. And I found I was imagery but Russian and Belarusian
travel. She must have turned her today powers your At the top was a reading others either for the few athletes will be recognisably
handlebars slightly (as you do on a every flight by lamp that appeared to minutes’ advance notice of news representing their nations in Paris
bike to maintain balance) so that her passenger jet. be in stock at a B&Q that one hardly needs, or to confirm and simply should not be there. You
front wheel was momentarily aligned Whittle’s son was with store just outside my own opinions, or get myself can be sure President Putin will take
with the narrow iron trench that is a us too, and I found our Buxton so I set out: a steamed up about the opinions of enormous satisfaction from the fact
tramline. The wheel must have recording fascinating — 20-minute drive. others. I would rarely quit the site that they are. Indeed, he might even
slotted itself into the trench, but equally my chat with “Do you stock all- happier or better informed than conclude that so vital is it for his
throwing her off balance. I saw Sir James afterwards. weather outside lights?” I when I’d accessed it. impressive sportsmen and women to
her fall. Shyly, I told the great asked the friendly woman So let the Twitter storm rage: I’ve be in Paris that not even an invasion
A tram was approaching at some man that I was an at the counter. She smiled left that planet. can stop them from being there.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 23


Buy prints or signed copies of Times cartoons from our Print Gallery at or call 020 7711 7826

This Rayner pile-on risks petty class war

Cheap, personalised squabbling surrounding the pursuit of Labour’s deputy leader is the last thing the country needs
mother was bipolar and illiterate and Rayner has never appeared obsessed incurred by the sale of shares in his country needs right now. Labour’s
Alice would buy Immac hair removal with making money. She likes a company YouGov (although it worst suggestions are the ones
Thomson cream thinking it was toothpaste. venom cocktail and an iced eventually cost him his job). that appear to be class-motivated,
Angela left school with no doughnut, a sparkly pair of shoes Meanwhile, the billionaire Ashcroft’s such as charging VAT on private
qualifications and was a single mum and AirPods Pros but she has few family may have come from schools and eliminating hunting.
at 16. But the former care worker other luxuries except for splashing “Burnley, where we used torn-up Instead, both parties need to
owned her council semi by the age out on a breast enhancement newspaper as toilet paper”, but he focus on policies rather than
@alicettimes of 27 before becoming an MP. “because my boobs looked like two lives mainly in Belize and is a personalities in the run-up to the
Margaret Thatcher surely would boiled eggs in socks”. sometime non-dom. general election. Yesterday the

he Tories should recognise have been pleased. If I was advising her, I would Rayner has often been the first to Future Governance Forum
in Angela Rayner a Now, she is being accused of suggest that if she really has done goad the “Tory scum”, as she is now think tank pressed Labour
Thatcherite success story. having fraudulently benefited from nothing wrong, as she insists, she not allowed to call them, when they to offer a clearer sense of its
The 5ft 10in redhead in the the sale of her property a decade could give £1,500 to a children’s appear to have transgressed over defining mission. It’s not enough
Dr Martens is the poster ago by failing to pay capital gains charity so that she can feel she’s for Rayner to say, “I’m not a Blairite,
girl for one of their most successful
policies, the Right to Buy scheme.
tax of about £1,500. In his biography
of her, Red Queen?, the Tory
won morally while moving on. Or,
if she now thinks that she might
Resurrecting Sure Start I’m not a Corbynite, I’m not a
Brownite” without saying what
The deputy Labour leader bought
her own council house and has
peer Michael Ashcroft accuses
Rayner of claiming that the house
have been poorly advised, she pays
the money due on a second home —
centres would be a she would want Labour to do
in power.
bettered herself by selling it. In a
small way she became a capitalist,
she owned was her principal
residence, while actually residing in
although, as the tax expert
Dan Neidle says, a good accountant
more positive policy For a start, she could champion
the resurrection of Sure Start
although not a “landlady with a could whittle that down to £1. their finances, and that may have centres, abandoned by the Tories
property portfolio”, she is quick to
stress. She made improvements,
It looks like one rule Unlike Boris Johnson, she doesn’t
have rich friends who could help
been a mistake too. But the Tories are
in danger of stoking up class warfare
during the austerity years, that
provided help for disadvantaged
added “soft furnishings” and is
“punching above my gene pool”,
for the super-rich and to bail her out but it would be
money well spent to preserve
and making the Labour front bench
more vitriolic. Rachel Reeves, the
parents. It was the New Labour
policy that most benefited Rayner
she once told me, going to the
opera at Glyndebourne, standing in
their clever accounting her integrity.
There are many who will say it’s
shadow chancellor, came to Rayner’s
defence yesterday while announcing
when she was a struggling teenage
mum. Having never been shown any
at prime minister’s questions and her now ex-husband’s home. not relevant whether she owed that Labour was cracking down love as a child, she said it was only
bossing it. It does seem unlikely that they £1,500 or £5 million, it’s the principle harder on non-doms. Even if her when she went to one of their
Here is a woman who had a lived apart while married. It’s hard that matters. But it does also look colleagues are unsure about what nurseries that she “learnt to hug
dysfunctional, impoverished to know. But her life has always like one rule for the super-rich with their deputy leader may have done, my son”. Research out this week
childhood but could become the seemed a bit shambolic. She has had their clever accounting and another and Sir Keir Starmer has been careful shows children who lived near a
second most-powerful politician in a full-on career at Westminster, a for the less well-off. to say that he hasn’t himself read her Sure Start scheme performed up to
the country. Despite that, having blended family, a child with special The Tories must know they are lawyers’ advice, they are incensed three grades better at GCSE.
interviewed her myriad times, there needs and no domestic help. Being being hypocritical. Their former that she is being hounded by wealthy Voters need great transformational
is still a vulnerability about Rayner. chaotic is not an excuse, but I can chancellor and party chairman Tories, many of whom have avoided policies like Right to Buy and
Raised on a Stockport council see how she possibly flitted between Nadhim Zahawi forgot to pay paying much tax at all. Sure Start rather than this petty,
estate, her father was abusive, her the two places, only a mile apart. capital gains tax worth £3.7 million Class warfare isn’t what the personalised squabbling.
24 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Call for modernisation of the Foreign Office Museum in peril

Sir, On May 18, 1954, you were kind
Sir, One of the points made in the Sir, Our report argued for Margaret Thatcher, who was wont to enough to print a letter appealing for
former senior diplomats’ pamphlet is transformation in UK foreign policy. describe the Foreign Office as “the funds to purchase Gilbert White’s
true for anyone planning the foreign In response, Melanie Phillips writes of department for the defence of house and gardens in Selborne and
policy of a future British government: “self-loathing mandarins” talking foreigners”, while regarding individual create a museum, describing him as
the UK would maximise its global Britain down with “mandatory members she knew as “wonderful”. the “Father of English Natural
impact if one ministry looked after all self-flagellation” (“Mandarins fail to Her record shows what our diplomats History”. Some of the signatories to
aspects of overseas policy (“Get rid of understand their country”, Apr 9). and armed services can achieve when this letter are descendants of those
Gibraltar deal fears colonial-era art, Foreign Office told”, Given her view that “universities have given strong political leadership. who signed that letter. We are writing
Apr 9). More attention has focused on become places where open minds go Lord Butler of Brockwell today because the future of Gilbert
Sir, You report that Lord Cameron of their argument that the FO is “elitist” to die”, I assume she also disapproves Head of the civil service 1988-98 White’s house is again in question.
Chipping Norton is considering and needs shaking up, including a of my present job. Between us, the The museum is threatened by factors
ceding control of Gibraltar’s airport new name. I distinguish between authors have served Britain for more Sir, What a pity that the authors of entirely beyond its control. As an
(“UK and Spain inch closer to deal on “elite” (good) and “elitist” (bad). than 75 years. We love our country the latest essay on “reform” of the independent museum, dependent on
Gibraltar”, Apr 9). Our foreign Surely the UK wants its best people and want it to be as effective in the Foreign Office should have come up visitor income, with no public subsidy,
secretary should not give up the (its elite) to represent it? And it is a world as possible, including on climate, with such an absurdly woke torrent of its external costs are rising massively.
airport lightly. If the Spanish century since the FO took an elitist, poverty and conflict, which Phillips verbiage, with no bearing whatever Independent museums nationwide
government wants an airport it could entitled view of what constituted the dismisses as peripheral wokery. on the real challenges facing our post- face the same challenges. Many —
simply build one on the large plain best. Changing names implies a wish This is not about abolishing the Brexit diplomacy. The appropriate including Gilbert White’s House &
that extends up to Gaucin. It should to break with our past, but we do Foreign Office but making it great comparator for us is not Australia or Gardens — could close.
be noted, however, that Spain has a better when we understand — and again: what our diplomats do, not Canada but France. White is a hugely important figure,
record of building regional airports own — our history. The Foreign what we call the building they do it in. Lord Renwick of Clifton both nationally and internationally,
that are not much needed by the local Office can be reinvented for the 21st Policy, not paintings. If culture war is Former British ambassador to the US the man who taught us how “to live in
economy: Castellón, funded by EU century: it can represent a country the price for debate, bring it on. But harmony with nature” as Sir David
money, lay dormant for the best part whose overseas effort is more Britain’s future security, prosperity Sir, Instead of ditching colonial Attenborough puts it. White shows
of a decade. A change in control of prioritised, more humble and more and positive potential in the world are paintings, portraits of British officials how everyone can be involved in
the airport would inhibit our resupply centred on partnerships. But we will much more important than that. should be replaced with paintings of understanding and protecting the
of Gibraltar in the event of a not achieve that by trying to draw a Tom Fletcher the important institutions they natural world. It is no accident that a
deterioration in relations, deny the line under our past; for starters, the Principal, Hertford College, Oxford established abroad. These could new GCSE will highlight White as the
RAF a valuable staging post, and also people we deal with overseas would include the Calcutta High Court father of ecology. It would be a
gift the Spaniards control of inbound not let us get away with the attempt. Sir, Melanie Phillips’s denunciation of (1862), Barbados parliament (1870) tragedy if the place that inspired him
tourism — a significant contributor to Lord McDonald of Salford the authors of the pamphlet about the and Colombo Museum (1877). and led to his great work The Natural
the economy of Gibraltar. Permanent under-secretary, Foreign Foreign Office, and by extension of its RP Fernando History of Selborne (1789) had to close.
Paul Smiddy and Commonwealth Office 2015-20 present members, reminds me of Epsom, Surrey Lord Selborne; Clare Matterson,
Woodbridge, Suffolk director-general, Royal Horticultural
Society; Rupert Tyler, chairman,
system but his contention that National Gardens Scheme and The
Exchange benefits Reform of the NHS “everyone should be able to have Power of attorney Garden Museum; Alan Titchmarsh,
timely access to healthcare but not president, Hampshire Gardens Trust;
Sir, I agree with Nick Megoran (letter, Sir I am not sure if Wes Streeting is have to worry about the bill” seems Sir, Stephanie Calman’s suggestion the Right Rev Philip Mounstephen,
Apr 9; news, Apr 8) about the correct in identifying “middle-class an aspiration too far. While users of (letter, Apr 8) of having a joint bank Bishop of Winchester
short-sightedness of the government’s lefties” as those who seek to prevent healthcare services may not have to account with an elderly parent rather
decision to leave the Erasmus+ him from using private hospitals to worry about post-treatment costs, than power of attorney, while
programme. My disappointment is
based on the success of the vocational
reduce waiting lists, but I applaud his
intention to take them on (“ ‘Middle-
they will certainly have to contribute
through better advance funding
apparently simplifying matters, could
have severe disadvantages. The
Sunak’s Sambas
element of this programme, which class lefties’ won’t hold me back, says mechanisms. He may consider the transfer to joint ownership would be a Sir, Your report “Sunak’s Samba step
enabled young people, many from Streeting”, Apr 9). That vocal group difference in waiting times between gift for inheritance tax purposes. puts ‘shoe of the moment’ back in its
disadvantaged backgrounds, to spend insist all services must be provided by the NHS and private healthcare to be Income arising thereafter would be box” (Apr 8) took me back to 1979,
from three to 12 weeks working in direct employees of the NHS. Do they “a disgrace” but those going private divided and the parties liable to when I returned to teaching. Among
their chosen area of employment with not appreciate that a large proportion have paid twice (once to the NHS income tax on their share. One should the subjects on my timetable was PE,
partners across all EU member states. of NHS services are already provided through tax and national insurance be aware of unintended consequences. which I’d never taught. I bought a pair
The experience hugely improved by private enterprise? Medicines, contributions and again to their Simon Pym Williamson of Sambas especially for the job: they
participants’ self-confidence, language drugs, operating equipment (scalpels, insurer), whereas many NHS users Former president, Institute of didn’t do anything for my PE teaching
abilities and transferable skills, lights, gases, etc) and prostheses are all have paid very little or nothing. Financial Planning; Broadway, Worcs skills but at least I looked cool (or so I
enabling them to gain employment provided by private industry. Perhaps Stuart Southall thought). To stop buying these trainers
both in Britain and on the Continent. they are referring only to staff? One of East Horsley, Surrey because of Rishi Sunak would be to
Carolyn Booth-Jones
Transnational manager, Leeds City
the largest contributory sectors of the
NHS, GPs, are not employees of the Sir, It is not “inexcusable” that NHS
Glorious signing rate street cred over comfort. They
were practical and comfortable: I wore
College 1993-2014; Beverley, E Yorks NHS but are private contractors. The operating theatres lie empty in the Sir, Olwen Davis (letter, Apr 9) is right them intermittently for over 20 years.
critical element in Mr Streeting’s evening and at weekends, it is to mourn the passing of the autograph Gill Moss
objective is that, whoever provides the inevitable (“Sacred Cow”, leading book. Aged 12 I persuaded my mother Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs
Parental larks service, it is free to the patient, ie the
cost is borne by the taxpayer. All
article, Apr 9). There are too few staff
to safely man the service during the
to get Cardiff City’s promotion-
winning team of 1976 to sign my
Sir, Hannah Skelley’s article “Help!
Mum bought an iPhone at 65 — now
strength to Mr Streeting’s elbow.
John Evans
week, so how will any government
find the additional trained staff to
match-day programme. One of those
autographs was of Peter Sayer, who
Horrible haitches
she’s hooked” (Times2, Apr 8; letter, Wingerworth, Derbyshire provide a full weekend service? This went on to score a spectacular goal Sir, It was satisfying to see
Apr 9) reminded me of my favourite is political magical thinking. that knocked Spurs out of the FA Cup. mispronunciation given the treatment
tweet of the month in Sathnam Sir, Wes Streeting is right to question Dr Bob Bury Rob Skinner it deserves (“Humbled Rajan vows to
Sanghera’s Notebook column “Larks the shortcomings in our health Leeds Chalfont St Giles, Bucks drop those haitches”, Apr 9). Alas,
with Larkin” (Jun 6, 2022): “They Amol Rajan’s “haitch” is the tip of the
phone you up, your mum and dad. iceberg. The proliferation of elongated
They do not mean to, but they do.” Kapotsinsky to seven years; and five was the first essential of a Socialist “ayes” and “thees” has reached
Jane Pilgrim DEATH FOR others, including two women, to five regime; therefore as a Socialist he epidemic proportions. For example:
Teddington, Middx years’ imprisonment. was unable to regard the present “Thee prime minister is chairing ay
RUSSIAN The Soviet Press declares that M Communist regime as an acceptable meeting.” The two most common
Poincare’s appeal, in the name of the form of government. words in the English language have
Letters to the Editor must be exclusive PROFESSORS French Government and members of The charges against the accused been stretched hopelessly out of
to The Times and may be edited. Please French universities, on behalf of the included holding views in favour of shape, initially by reporters and
include a full address and daytime Russian professors, is an example of the abolition of the Communist newscasters hoping for a nano-second
telephone number. from the times april 10, 1924 arrogant intervention in the internal dictatorship, military espionage on to think ahead. Now everyone is
affairs of Russia. behalf of Poland, and carrying on piling in: Rajan leads the charge, with
From our correspondent in Riga. The prisoners sentenced to death secret communications with Gary Lineker his twin striker.
Corrections and The result of the trial of members of may appeal for a reprieve within 48 Russian emigres abroad. All of the Tony Francis
clarifications the intelligentsia before the hours. The whole trial has been the accused indignantly denied the Ex-BBC presenter, Hawridge, Bucks
Revolutionary Tribunal at Kieff on usual Bolshevist travesty of justice. charge of espionage. The Vasilenko
March 20 was announced today. The prisoners committed their brothers and M Tchebakoff
The Times takes
Sentence of death was passed on
three men and one woman — M
greatest crime at the trial itself by
calmly and fearlessly declaring
admitted that they had formed an
organisation for discussing political
Squeezed for space
about editorial Tchebakoff (a former Prosecutor of themselves convinced adherents of questions, editing a review, and Sir, Further to your report “Bigger
content seriously. We are committed to the Kieff Court of Justice), M democracy, civil freedom, and informing a “Centre of Action” cars leave us less room to manoeuvre”
abiding by the Independent Press Yakovieff, and M Yenidevsky, and representative government. abroad as to conditions in Russia. (Apr 9), rather than disrupting the
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules Mme Vinogradova. M Constantin Vasilenko, who is an The organisation, incidentally, had economics of car parks by increasing
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of Professor Nikolai Vasilenko, his old member of the Social Democratic helped women and children to the width of spaces by 20cm, would a
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or brother, M Constantin Vasilenko, M Party, embarrassed the Court by escape from the country. waist reduction by a similar amount
clarifications should be sent by email to Tchelgansky, Professor Smirnoff, declaring that according to Marx, mean that people could still exit the or by post to and M Tolpyga were each sentenced Engels, and other Socialist thinkers, car using the existing layout?
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge to ten years’ imprisonment; Anna freedom of speech and of the Press Tim Chacksfield
Street, London SE1 9GF Sandhurst, Kent
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 25

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: The Financial Conduct Authority
publishes a survey on personal finances,
finding that 7.4 million people were
struggling with bills in January.

Nature notes
The march of the
American skunk
cabbage (Lysichiton
Prescription for Disaster
americanus) seems
unstoppable. A A review of the NHS gender identity service has exposed the recklessness and
native of swamps
and wet woodlands incompetence of those who administered life-changing drugs to troubled children
in the US Pacific Northwest, American
skunk cabbage was introduced to Britain in Common sense so often trumps the supposed in- The review is a damning indictment of clini- majority. Instead, youngsters were prescribed pu-
1901 as an ornamental plant for ponds and sight of experts. It is common sense that children cians and others, including some parents, who al- berty blockers, which were intended to slow down
bog gardens. By 1947, it had established itself who feel an overwhelming compulsion to physi- lowed a developing obsession with gender to ob- sexual development and give patients a breathing
in the wilds of Surrey. From the home cally change their gender must be exceedingly scure the actual problems of many of the children space in which to consider their true wishes and
counties, the plant has spread through the rare, and it is common sense that youngsters must involved. Problems like autism and adverse expe- options. But these powerful drugs may impede
rest of the country. With highly mobile not be allowed to diagnose themselves as such riences in childhood — more common in those re- brain maturation, weaken bones, stunt growth,
seeds that travel via water, bird or mammal, because they are likely to be prey to conditions and ferred to Gids — were ignored in favour of the and cause depression and anxiety. In some
it quickly colonises suitable habitat, such as pressures that could cloud their judgment. And, of newly-fashionable diagnosis of gender dysphoria. patients these effects may turn out to be perman-
stream banks, pond edges or wet woodland. course, it is common sense that radical and irre- No one involved appeared to notice that this ent. Yet despite being no longer prescribed by the
Its large, leathery leaves allow it to versible medical treatments should never be un- affliction, which if genuine should have been rea- NHS, puberty blockers are still available online
outcompete other species, by casting shade dertaken unless the case for them is beyond ques- sonably constant in the rate of presentation, bal- and in private clinics. This trade must be banned as
over them. The tiny flowers grow on a tion. The problem in regard to transgenderism is looned over time. Gids was established in 1989 and a matter of urgency.
central spike, screened by beautiful yellow that ideology has long since replaced common at that time saw fewer than ten children in a year. The recklessness with which this policy was
“lantern-like” hoods. jonathan tulloch sense as a guide. That ideology, which has invaded Only a small proportion were referred for hor- pursued verges on the criminal. Some victims are
public life, is so aggressive and so intimidating that mone treatment. It saw fewer than 50 in 2009 and now trying to reverse the damage. In a survey of
parents, doctors, politicians and civil servants in 2021-22 referrals reached 5,000. How did a rare 237 “detransitioners”, 70 per cent said their “gen-
Birthdays today have become blind to its dangers and absurdities. condition become more common? Boys, once the der dysphoria” turned out to be due to other issues.
This is how, over a decade, vulnerable children majority of patients, were replaced by girls. Why? Writing in this newspaper, Sajid Javid, the former
Stig Abell, pictured, in this country were betrayed on an epic scale, fed And why was autism so much more prevalent in health secretary, argues that for too long “extreme
broadcaster, Times puberty-blocking drugs that in many cases were that cohort? No one joined the dots. gender ideology” trumped the interests of child-
Radio, and author, Death followed by radical procedures. This institutional- It should have been obvious that this explosion ren. The trans lobby has distorted public life in
in a Lonely Place, editor ised abuse was based on the flimsiest scientific evi- in cases was due to societal shift and misdiagnosis Britain, from the hounding of women who affirm
and publisher of the dence and became established practice in the of various forms of mental distress rather than a the immutability of biological sex to the torturous
Times Literary health service. In her review of the NHS Gender discrete condition. But the NHS continued to rely pronoun etiquette of Whitehall. These excesses
Supplement (2016-20), Identity Development Service (Gids) at the Tavis- on sloppy research to justify life-changing treat- may be greeted with mere bemusement by future
44; Prof Sir John Baker tock Clinic, now released in full, Dr Hilary Cass ment. Treatment, moreover, that should have generations. For those who suffered at the hands
KC, legal historian, 80; Gordon Buchanan, lays bare a scandal measured in ruined lives. been allowed only when those children attained of Gids, the emotions will be much stronger.
wildlife film-maker and presenter, Snow
Dogs: Into the Wild (2022), 52; Ed Byrne,
comedian, Mock the Week (2006-22), 52;
Nicky Campbell, BBC radio and TV
presenter, 63; Sophie Ellis-Bextor, singer-
songwriter, Wanderlust (2014), 45; Lesley
Pacific Alliance
Garrett, soprano, A North Country Lass
(2012), 69; Anoushka Healy, executive vice- Japan is adopting a more muscular posture to maintain peace and counter China
president and chief strategy officer, News
Corp, 52; Rosemary Hill, writer, Time’s In his state visit to Washington, the first by a suring that Japan does much more to guard secret southern sea lanes to the outside world blocked,
Witness: History in the Age of Romanticism Japanese prime minister since 2015, Fumio Kishi- information and protect sensitive data. Already but also to other nearby countries. China’s region-
(2021), 67; Tim Hollingsworth, chief da will impress on President Biden his country’s Mr Kishida’s government has announced that it is al neighbours are increasingly angered by its claim
executive, Sport England, British Paralympic readiness to join the United States in seeking to to create a 20,000-strong cyber-security force and to hegemony over all of the South China Sea and
Association (2011-18), 57; Gloria Hunniford, contain Chinese expansionist aims in Asia and de- introduce legislation to assure the US that classi- its physical attempts to consolidate its expansion-
radio and TV presenter, panellist on Loose ter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. He will therefore fied information would not be compromised. ism with military installations on reefs and artifi-
Women since 2003, 84; Debora Kayembe, give eager endorsement to proposals that Japan The underlying and unspoken aim seems to be cial islands. None is more worried than the Philip-
human rights campaigner, rector of the should be closely associated with the new trilateral that the Aukus treaty should not be seen just as a pines. It is no coincidence that President Marcos
University of Edinburgh (2021-Mar 2024), Aukus defence treaty, which binds America, Brit- western attempt to deter Beijing’s aggression but will join Mr Kishida and President Biden in a joint
49; David Moorcroft, middle and long- ain and Australia in providing Australia with nu- should include a significant Asian nation in guar- summit to underline their mutual interests.
distance runner, chief executive, UK clear submarines. Joining the three western allies anteeing Asian security. It could be seen as the Mr Kishida’s government is suffering a slump in
Athletics (1997-2007), 71; Peter Morgan, in reinforcing security in East Asia is of enormous prototype of a regional security treaty, along the opinion polls at the moment, due largely to eco-
screenwriter, The Crown (2016-23), 61; Craig strategic importance for Japan — the biggest up- lines of Nato in the West, to contain China. nomic headwinds. A clear foreign policy gain and
Overton, cricketer, Somerset CCC and grade in Tokyo’s relations with America since the That is indeed how China sees it. Unsurprising- a symbolic strengthening of Japan’s ties with the
England (2017-22), and twin brother Jamie, signing of their mutual defence treaty in 1960. ly, it has denounced Aukus and the proposal to US and the West in general would boost his
Surrey CCC and England (2022), 30; Dame It is premature to speak already of “Jaukus”. bring in Japan, saying it was “gravely concerned” authority and popularity. It was perhaps prema-
Carol Robinson, chemist, president, Royal What the three western partners propose is that about a plan that was “stoking bloc confrontation”. ture for Rahm Emanuel, the US ambassador to
Society of Chemistry (2018-20), the first Japan become an associate partner in what is The inclusion of Japan is particularly neuralgic for Japan and former chief of staff to President Ob-
female professor of chemistry at Oxford and called “pillar two” of the 2021 pact. This focuses on Beijing, which believes its former enemy has never ama, to announce that a deal with Aukus had been
Cambridge universities, 68; Paul Theroux, sharing advanced technology, ranging from artifi- accepted responsibility or properly atoned for its done. But given the rapid rise in Japanese defence
writer, Burma Sahib (2024), 83; Sir Rodney cial intelligence and quantum computing to un- atrocities in China before and during the Second spending, worries over North Korea and the con-
Walker, sports administrator, chairman, dersea capabilities and hypersonic weapons. The World War. sequent transformation of Japan’s once pacifist
London Marathon Charitable Trust, 81; aim is to engage Japan’s resources, especially its The need to deter China from invading Taiwan constitution, Tokyo will do its best to join its allies
William Sackville, Earl De La Warr, advanced technological industrial base, while en- is vital not only to Japan, which would find its in giving meaningful support to deterring China.
stockbroker and dairy farmer, 76; Robin
Southwell, chairman, Aeralis (light jet
manufacturer), chief executive, Airbus
Group UK (2005-14), 64; Benedetto Vigna,
chief executive, Ferrari, 55; Errollyn Wallen,
composer, Mighty River (2017), 66.
Hang Up
On this day
There are clear and proven benefits to removing smartphones from schools
The Times has reported on a school in Kent that bringing phones to school inconveniences parents the weather, and even flirting. They have been
In 1912 RMS Titanic departed Southampton has adopted an ingenious solution for keeping and incentivises the illicit smuggling in of devices, given their childhood back.
for the French port of Cherbourg, its first small screens not only out of the classroom but out which are then sneaked out in playgrounds. Far Luddism helps nobody. School children today
stop on the voyage to New York. At least of the playground, too. At the John Wallis Aca- better to have them accounted for and disabled. learn alongside the internet, and must, so as to be
1,500 people lost their lives on April 15 when demy, each pupil, each morning, places their de- Four months on, the John Wallis Academy’s ex- prepared for later life. Yet it is also true that smart-
the ship sank after colliding with an iceberg. vice into a lockable pouch from which it cannot be periment is a clear success. Pupils can no longer phones rank among the most addictive of man-
removed until they leave. The system, first devel- turn to their phones in classrooms, meaning they kind’s creations, and the young are particularly
oped to stop phone-obsessed audiences from work as intended rather than googling answers. vulnerable to their depredations. Many adults,
The last word ruining concerts, is already widely used both in Truancy rates have dropped. “I can’t go and watch likewise, may have all but forgotten how it used to
American schools and in private schools in the Netflix in the toilets,” one pupil explains. Outside feel to spend whole hours without the distraction
“A stumble may prevent a fall.” Thomas United Kingdom. It costs about £25 per person. lessons, during breaks, staff have witnessed activi- of notifications. Perhaps some offices could follow
Fuller, English writer and physician, Other solutions may be available, but the con- ties all but forgotten in many modern-day play- this bold school’s example and get lockable pouch-
Gnomologia (1732) cept is a clear success. Merely banning pupils from grounds, such as children playing tag, and noticing es of their own. You may even want one at home.
26 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

China and Russia
cement alliance
‘against tyranny’
Sergey Lavrov,
China centre, and
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor President Xi at
China has agreed to strengthen its talks in Beijing.
strategic partnership with Russia, pre- The Russian
senting a united “dual opposition” to foreign minister
the West, which it accused of “Cold War and China’s
thinking” and bullying. leader gave their
At a meeting in Beijing, Sergey strongest show
Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, of friendship yet
and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi,
promised mutual support in one of their
strongest shows of friendship since being caught off guard. China’s long- visit to Beijing, warned Chinese offi-
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine established policy is to insist on the cials of “consequences” for supporting
in 2022. inviolability of domestic sovereignty, a the Russian armed forces. The implicit
Their meeting came as Fumio means of deflecting criticism of its sup- threat of secondary sanctions against
Kishida, the Japanese prime minister, pression of independence movements Chinese companies selling to Russia
travelled to the US for a summit with in Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tai- has clearly been identified by Lavrov as
President Biden, and marked a further wan. It is difficult to reconcile this with a possible focus for deeper solidarity.
hardening of the great power blocs as approval of Putin’s decision to invade a Biden and Kishida are about to dis-
they face off in Europe and the Pacific. sovereign country recognised by China. cuss the possibility of Japanese mem-
“Beijing and Moscow will continue to After the war began, China refused to bership of Aukus, an agreement
strengthen strategic co-operation on condemn or sanction Russia but between Australia, Britain and the US
the world stage and provide each other stopped short of expressing outright to provide nuclear submarines to the
with strong support,” Wang said, ac- support for Moscow and called for Royal Australian Navy. China regards
cording to Russian state media. “China peace. Whatever qualms Xi may have this as the seeds of an “Asian Nato” —
and Russia must take a clear-cut stand had then have clearly been soothed by an effort to contain its ambitions as a
on the side of historical progress, on the the progress of the war, which has dis- regional power. Lavrov hinted at the
side of fairness and justice: oppose all tracted Nato countries, drained them of creation of a new organisation to
acts of hegemony, tyranny and military resources and left Putin in a counter it and spoke approvingly of a
bullying; oppose Cold War thinking position of needy supplication. slogan proposed by Wang — “dual op-
and separatist provocations; and ac- Sanctioned by many western coun- position to dual deterrence”. Dual de-
tively push for the construction of a tries, Moscow is increasingly turning to terrence is the long-standing US policy
common future for all humankind.” China, putting Beijing in a position to on the self-ruling island of Taiwan: it
Lavrov said Russia was “comprehen- set its own terms. Trade between Russia discourages moves towards independ-
sively grateful to our Chinese friends and China increased by more than a ence but also opposes Chinese threats
for this support”. quarter last year to a record $240 bil- to invade.
The warmth of the meeting seems to lion, and Chinese exports to Russia “Yesterday Minister Wang Yi in-
quell any lingering doubts about Chi- went up by 47 per cent. vented this formula of ‘dual opposition
nese support for Russia. A few weeks China denies supplying weapons to to dual deterrence’,” Lavrov said. “And
before Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Russia, but its trade in other goods re- our leaders, President Putin and
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met in lieves the pressure of sanctions. “China Chinese leader Xi Jinping, have repeat-
Beijing and declared a friendship with continues to provide materials to edly underscored the resolve on the
“no limits”. It is not clear, however, if the support Russia’s defence industrial part of Russia and China to counter at-
Russian president shared with his Chi- base,” Antony Blinken, the US secre- tempts at putting brakes on efforts to
nese counterpart his plans for Ukraine. tary of state, said last week. build a multipolar world order or the
When the invasion came three weeks Janet Yellen, the US Treasury secre- long overdue processes of democratis-
later, Beijing gave the appearance of tary, who returned on Monday from a ation and justice.” Life’s a playground Students in traditional clothing at Khalsa College in Amritsar,

Why London is off the menu for Italy’s army of young waiters
Italy taurant diners with an oversized pepper qualify automatically to work in the UK mum salary in sectors such as banking rants struggling to stay open without
grinder. because of Brexit. La Repubblica said will continue to arrive. enough staff. With 120,000 roles
Tom Kington Rome
“A young Italian with initiative, the the latest rule change was definitively But even before the latest increase in already unfilled in the UK hospitality
Matthew Dathan Home Affairs Editor
will to work and curiosity could once putting an end to a chapter in the Ital- the minimum salary, the need to find a sector, the fate of an industry that relies
Italy is mourning the demise of the say ‘I’ll go to London’ — a fantastic city ian involvement in London, which company willing to pay the administra- on foreign workers to do 15 per cent of
London-based Italian waiter as thou- for the young which practically invent- dated back to the founding of the city in tive costs of obtaining a work visa put jobs is about to get worse.
sands of young people who once head- ed music, fashion and style,” the com- AD43 by the Romans and the 14th- off many from hiring Italian waiters Recent research has shown that
ed to the British capital to work in mentator Antonio Polito wrote in century presence of bankers from Lom- and lower-paid workers, said Francesco more than 90 per cent of the 8,500 mi-
restaurants are blocked by stringent Corriere della Sera. bardy in what is now Lombard Street. Ragni, the head of the Italian expat grants recruited in the sector last year
post-Brexit rules. The minimum-salary rule will not After the Second World War Italians website Londra Italia. would not qualify under the new
“Goodbye London” said the Italian keep out only waiters, reported Il Mes- introduced café culture to Soho by “It was already complicated — I don’t £38,700 threshold.
daily La Repubblica yesterday after a saggero, which interviewed Alessandra opening the Bar Italia on Frith Street think many waiters were coming over “Since coming out of Covid, the hos-
new British regulation raised the mini- Solinas, 32, an Italian who took a before restaurateurs acquainted the with that visa. More likely it was chefs pitality sector has had labour shortages
mum salary for work visas for EU citi- masters in marketing in the UK but British with pizza, parma ham and and pizza makers, who are hard to find of between 8 and 12 per cent,” said Kate
zens from £26,200 to £38,700. cannot find a starting salary of £38,700. chianti bottles wrapped in raffia. in the UK,” he said. Nicholls, chief executive of UKHospi-
That was deemed enough to exclude “I am crying when I think about it. London is today home to up to London’s problem, however, is not tality, which represents companies in
the army of young Italians who for That masters cost me £22,000 — I 500,000 Italians, which would make it only a shortage of expert pizzaioli but the sector. “The successive tightening
decades have travelled to London in invested a lot in this country and now Italy’s seventh-largest city by popula- also of waiters, meaning the real vic- of the skilled-worker visa means that
search of adventure, English lessons it’s throwing me out,” she said. tion, and highly qualified Italians who tims of the new salary rule are not just the route from Europe to fill those
and the chance to hover over res- Italians have already lost the right to are offered more than the new mini- young Italians but the London restau- skilled jobs has all but been eliminated.”
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 27

Eco campaigners win Crowning moment:

human rights court battle Miss France contest gets
over climate change its very own museum
Page 28 Page 29

Putin: I’m like Jesus

on a divine mission
against satanic West
Russia role in upholding the country’s tradi-
tions mirrors the deification of the Tsar
George Grylls
before the February Revolution of 1917.
President Putin has compared himself At the meeting last week Putin insist-
to Jesus Christ as he quoted the Bible to ed he did not want to share a solely
explain his divine mission to school Christian message and referenced the
Russia’s youth in “traditional” values. four “traditional religions” of Russia:
The Russian leader has often por- Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and
trayed himself as a stalwart defender of Judaism. But in a country where 70 per
Christianity against the “satanic” West. cent of Russians identify themselves as
But in a revealing insight into how Orthodox, Christianity has enjoyed a
Putin sees his role, he spoke in overtly privileged role and has been co-opted
religious terms about the need to shape into justifying the war in Ukraine.
the worldview of young people. Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Rus-
Appearing via video link to celebrate sian Orthodox Church, has said that
the opening of children’s centres near Russian troops who die in Ukraine are
Moscow, Putin began quoting from the absolved of sin, in effect anointing the
Bible. He has ordered the establish- war as a holy crusade.
ment of youth centres across the coun- In the run-up to Orthodox Easter on
try in a move redolent of the Soviet-era May 5, the Moscow patriarchate, which
camps where children were indoctri- is closely aligned to Putin, has heaped
nated in Communist party values. further blessings on what it describes as
From the age of six, primary schoolchil- a struggle for “national liberation in ...
dren in the Soviet Union could join the southwestern Russia”. At a meeting in
Little Octobrists, before advancing to Moscow at the end of last month the
the Young Pioneers when aged nine patriarchate officially called the special
and progressing to the Komsomol at 14. military operation a “svyashchennaya
Under Putin, the strict atheism of the voyna” or holy war.
Soviet Union has been replaced by a The patriarchate also identified the
muscular form of Orthodox Christian- continuing decline of the Russian pop-
ity that is often used to spread state- ulation as one of the gravest dangers
approved messages. facing the nation. Putin has declared
Putin compared his mission of pro- 2024 the Year of the Family, encourag-
tecting the Russian youth from the ing Russians to have more children by
creeping influence of the West to Jesus offering subsidised mortgages and im-
Christ having recruited the fishermen proved maternity leave, and telling
Peter and Andrew to spread the word of women they must have at least two
God. babies to “preserve our ethnic group”.
“Do you remember how Jesus came At the same time LGBT groups were
to Galilee and saw the fishermen beside banned as extremist organisations.
the Sea of Galilee?” he asked a meeting Putin’s attempts to shape the values
of Russian officials. “One was catching and worldviews of Russia’s youth
fish, another was fixing his net. And He appears to be working, polling suggests.
said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will Although independent polling in
make you fishers of men, fishers of Russia is difficult, a survey by the Chi-
human souls.’ They became his evan- cago Council on Global Affairs and the
gelists, his students. Levada Centre, a Russian independent
“This was very important at a time polling organisation, of those aged 18 to
when world religions were developing 34 found that young Russians were
... but it is no less current now, when we overwhelmingly patriotic.
must defend our traditional values, our They were also found to be apathetic
culture, our traditions and our history. about engaging in democracy, with
This is very important for the future of only 30 per cent having voted in an
the country.” election in the past two years. In total
The return of religion to Russian 82 per cent said they were very proud or
India, have fun balancing on a swing at a fair before the Vaisakhi festival, which celebrates the founding of the Sikh faith politics and Putin’s apparently sacred somewhat proud of being Russian.

Scholz tiptoes on to TikTok to find his satchel is a bigger star

Germany has a long way to go before he challen- mise, he is being called on to cap the before the camera pans to the chancel-
ges Lame for the crown of the world’s price of doner kebabs. lor behind his desk.
David Crossland Berlin
most watched TikTok star. Special security precautions had Another zooms in on the satchel as it
Khaby Lame is a Senegalese-born The move illustrates how Berlin has been taken to prevent eavesdropping, travels on planes and in cars to press
Italian influencer who genially gesticu- overcome its misgivings about a pres- Scholz’s officials said. Devices without conferences accompanied by Scholz.
lates his way through videos on TikTok. ence on the platform and launched the access to internal government data are “Sometimes separated, but always to-
“If u wanna laugh u r in the right place,” channel @teambundeskanzler before being used to operate the channel. gether at heart,” reads the caption.
the 23-year-old informs his followers, the European election in June. It also The German government had Scholz and his satchels have history,
all 161.4 million of them. wants to challenge the dominance of ruled out a TikTok presence his bag becoming the closest thing the
Olaf Scholz is the chancellor of Ger- the hard-right Alternative for Ger- for Scholz until recently but TikTok mocked Scholz’s chancellor has to a trademark. Last
many, an inscrutable technocrat with a many (AfD) among German political said it changed its mind office as “dull”. His satchel year two German museums were re-
reputation for unflashy competence. If parties on TikTok. because it wanted to made several appearances ported to be competing to display his
the 65-year-old’s new followers on Tik- Steffen Hebestreit, Scholz’s spokes- provide users with reli- old satchel, which for 40 years he
Tok are expecting laughs, however, man, said the channel would give in- able and relevant infor- prove to be the black carried around containing briefing
they r in the wrong place. sights into Scholz’s work and govern- mation in the fight leather satchel Scholz notes, reading glasses and, often, a
The latest in a growing number of ment policy, and space for comments, against foreign mani- carries around. His first book. “It’s practical. You can fit a lot in
world leaders, including presidents Bid- questions and suggestions. pulation and disinfor- video gives more time to it,” Scholz once said.
en and Macron, courting younger votes Those suggestions have been coming mation. “It’s a bit of an ex- the satchel’s two polished The new TikTok account, however,
on the Chinese-owned site, Scholz, in thick and fast. In addition to de- periment,” Hebestreit said. silver buckles than Scholz, suggests he has replaced the old bag
with 36,000 followers and counting, mands that he break his no-dance pro- The star of the show may showing it reclining on a sofa with a younger model.
28 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Band faces the music for complaining president’s speech was too long
Uganda ary celebration of Amama Mbabazi, the insulted the president,” sources at the hold on to power since 1986. The group, ing it would further squash free speech
former prime minister, and his wife, party said. Eight members of the group, who use costumes in their shows, de- and cripple electronic commerce.
Jane Flanagan Africa Correspondent
Jacqueline, on Saturday night was no including its manager, were taken to scribe themselves as “talented youths Penalties range from custodial sen-
Lengthy speeches at golden wedding exception. But by 11pm, the paid enter- the central police station in the capital, with an objective of achieving educa- tences of up to ten years to steep cash
anniversaries are no rarity, but not tainment had had enough. Kampala, where they were held over- tion and a better future through the use fines. Last year Museveni signed anti-
many couples will have an autocratic “We are tired, leave the microphone,” night before being charged with insult- of their talents in performing arts”. homosexuality laws, considered some
leader boring their guests for hours members of Crane Performers mut- ing the president. Museveni, 79, who leads a population of the world’s strongest, with penalties
with traditional folklore. tered between themselves, or words to Most of the members of the band, with an average age of 16 while being of up to life in prison and capital punish-
During his nearly four decades in that effect, perhaps not realising their named after Uganda’s national bird, the one of Africa’s oldest leaders, has dem- ment in “aggravated” cases. In the face
power, the speeches of President Muse- own microphones were still live. crested crane, have never known any onstrated a growing intolerance of crit- of international criticism, Museveni
veni of Uganda have become longer “Immediately, security rounded up other leader but Museveni who has icism. Recent legislation curbed what praised MPs for passing the bill and re-
and longer. His tribute at the annivers- Crane Performers as suspects who had used violence and election-rigging to he called hate speech, with critics say- jecting “pressure from the imperialists”.

Eco activists
win human
rights fight
over climate
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor
A group of 2,000 women have won a
climate change case against Switzer-
land at the European Court of Human
Rights, in a ruling hailed as “monumen-
tal” by experts.
The court agreed with the Klima-
Seniorinnen, or Senior Women for
Climate Protection, that the Swiss gov-
ernment’s failures on tackling carbon
emissions had breached the author-
ities’ duty to protect citizens from the
“serious adverse effects” of a rapidly
warming world.
It is the first time the court has ruled
on climate change. But while the Swiss
campaigners were successful, climate
cases brought by young Portuguese
people were rejected.
Joana Setzer, an expert on environ-
mental litigation around the world and
an associate professor at the London
School of Economics, said the ruling
was a landmark. “The significance of
the victory in the KlimaSeniorinnen
case is monumental,” she said.
Climate campaigners have turned to
the courts in the last decade to push
governments to act faster on reining in
the emissions causing global warming.
Last week Shell was in an appeals court
Spanish steps Lilla Harvey and the Australian Ballet in rehearsals for Johan Inger’s dance version of Bizet’s Carmen at Sydney Opera House, which opens today in the Netherlands fighting a lower
court’s 2021 ruling that it must improve
its carbon targets.

US parents jailed for failing

In the KlimaSeniorinnen case, the
campaigners won under article 8 of the
European Convention on Human
Rights, which the court found covers
governments’ duty to protect people
from the impact of climate change.

to stop son’s school shooting The court ruled that Switzerland had
“critical gaps” in its plans for cutting
national greenhouse gas emissions and
noted that the country had failed to
meet previous emissions goals. “The
Swiss authorities had not acted in time
United States They were each given ten to 15 years in convinced the jury that the Crumbleys and in an appropriate way to devise and
prison, matching the term sought by were negligent. The state argued that implement the relevant legislation,” the
Andrea Blanco New York
the state. Prosecutors had argued that the parents knew Ethan’s mental health court said in its judgment.
The parents of a teenager who killed the parents showed a “chilling lack of was spiralling out of control but did not “The first ruling by an international
four classmates in a Michigan school remorse”. take steps to help him. human rights court on the inadequacy
shooting have been sentenced to at Jennifer, 46, was the first of the pair to In a text that Ethan sent to a friend of states’ climate action leaves no
least a decade in prison for failing to stand trial, in February, and her defence months before the shooting, he wrote: doubt: the climate crisis is a human
stop him. team had asked the judge to sentence “… I hear people talking to me, and see rights crisis,” said Joie Chowdhury,
In the first prosecution of its kind, her to house arrest. Her lawyer, Shan- someone in the distance … I actually senior attorney at the Centre for Inter-
Jennifer and James Crumbley were non Smith, told the court that she asked my dad to take me to the doctor national Environmental Law, a non-
held criminally responsible for the would be willing to have Jennifer to stay James and yesterday, but he just gave me some pills profit group. Greta Thunberg joined
crimes of 15-year-old Ethan at Oxford at her property to serve the sentence. Jennifer Crumbley and told me to suck it up … My mom the KlimaSeniorinnen campaigners in
High School in November 2021. A lawyer for James, 47, who stood in court. Their son, laughed when I told her.” celebrating at the court in Strasbourg.
Four pupils — Madisyn Baldwin and trial in March, argued that the two and Ethan, is serving An excerpt from his journal read: “I However, the court dismissed a case
Justin Shilling, both 17, Tate Myre, 16, a half years his client had spent in jail life in jail without have zero help for my mental problems brought against Portugal and other
and Hana St Juliana, 14 — were killed. was a sufficient punishment. Ethan parole and it’s causing me to shoot up the … countries for inadequate action on cli-
Six pupils and a teacher were injured. entered a guilty plea as an adult in school.” The couple were called to the mate change. It said the case was inad-
Juries found that the Crumbleys had December and is serving life in prison school on the day of the shooting after missible, partly because the group —
ignored their son’s pleas for mental without the possibility of parole. through tears. The mother of Justin a teacher spotted Ethan drawing a gun. comprising campaigners aged 11 to 24
health help and had bought him the The mother of Madisyn Baldwin Shilling condemned the Crumbleys for They were advised to take him home, — had not brought their case to a court
gun he used to kill his classmates. spoke at the sentencing hearing and de- not “cherishing or even wanting your but did not. They did not mention that in Portugal first. “We didn’t break the
The couple, now estranged, had sep- nounced the couple as “failed parents”. son”. “But I cherished and wanted his father had bought a 9mm semi-au- wall but we’ve made a huge crack,” said
arate trials but appeared in court yes- “You’ve shown no remorse or respect mine,” she added. tomatic handgun for Ethan, nor did Catarina dos Santos Mota, one of the
terday for a joint sentencing hearing. to our family,” Nicole Beausoliel said In their respective trials, prosecutors they check his backpack. Portuguese applicants.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 29


moment for
Miss France,
the museum
France viewers are very young, and the winner
is chosen partly by members of the
David Chazan
public. The contestants represent
It’s a big year for traditional beauty the different parts of France, so it’s
standards: the Design Museum an- also about regional rivalries, a bit
nounced an exhibition on Barbie, and like supporting your local foot-
now France has devoted a museum to ball team.”
the Miss France beauty pageant. The contestants wear a
The competition is regarded as a sash indicating the region
national institution and has remained they come from. “French
one of the most popular annual events people love arguing about
on French television, despite accusa- which part of the country
tions of sexism stretching back decades. has the best food, the best
The Miss France museum will open wine, the best beer, and
in an elegant belle époque villa in the Miss France is an opportu-
Riviera resort of St-Raphaël next year. nity to express regional
Once the holiday retreat of Lord pride and support their
Rendel, a British industrialist and Lib- local contestant,” Gilbert
eral politician, the 19th-century villa is said. “It’s good-natured,
now owned by the town of St-Raphaël. but television viewers get
The local authority has spent €1.5 mil- involved and pretty pas-
lion on refurbishment, and entrance sionate about it.”
will cost €5 to €7, according to Frédéric The contest has also
Masquelier, the mayor. prompted conversa-
The exhibition will include more tions about race as its
than 100 costumes worn by contest- winners become in- Eve Gilles, above, is Miss France 2024. Diana Leyre won in 2022; Raymonde Allain in the 1920s
ants, winners’ crowns, shoes, paintings, creasingly diverse,
photographs and footage of highlights with the first black of the the first Miss France with a “gamine” took more than 200 hours to make,
from the pageant. Miss France contest- short hairstyle, instead of the usual long would “showcase French know-how
Frédéric Gilbert, president of the crowned in ants is tresses, provoked an outcry on social and fashion”.
Miss France Society, rejected sugges- 1993. different media last year. After her victory in Last year the jury, which accounts for
tions that a beauty contest was not a fit In the UK and now,” he December, Eve Gilles, 20, said she was half the votes to choose the winner, was
subject for a museum. “Miss France has many other Euro- said. “Former not just a haircut. made up exclusively of women for the
existed for more than a century, and pean countries the popu- Miss Frances are ac- “I am human: inevitably criticism af- third time since 2019. The remaining
there is a real history to recount,” he larity of beauty contests has tresses, TV presenters, even fects and hurts me. My body is the way votes are cast by members of the public
said. “We are always one of the two plummeted. Even Miss World is no doctors. it is. Whether I like it or not, that’s how who phone in.
most popular programmes on televi- longer shown on a main British chan- “It’s not a reality show where I am. If people don’t like it, they don’t The victory of Gilles was controver-
sion, reaching an audience of seven to nel. Feminist groups have long argued people are fighting all the time. It like me, and that’s it,” she told the sial not only because of her short hair
nine million each year. That is compa- that Miss France should be scrapped has values and it is about respect.” French broadcaster TF1. but also because she was placed first by
rable to a football match when the because it reflects outdated attitudes, Most contestants are students or Miss France was first held in 1920 the jury but third in the public vote, be-
national team is playing. but Gilbert argued that it had survived graduates, and they must be good and, according to Gilbert, still repre- hind contestants representing French
“It unites the generations, as families by adapting. “Miss France has always public speakers. They still parade in sents “the elegance and the charisma” Guiana, an overseas region on the coast
watch it together and discuss who been under attack, even back in the swimwear, however, and are judged of the French woman. He said that ex- of South America, and Guadeloupe, a
should win,” Gilbert added. “A lot of 1970s and 1980s, but the profile mainly on their looks. The choice of hibiting the costumes, some of which département in the Caribbean.

A rosé future as red wine grape growers resort to making whites

David Chazan Paris “I’ve made our first blanc de noirs,” tastes and patterns of consumption.” sufficient demand for the new types of “These are slightly tannic, well-
said Pierre Cazeneuve of Chatêau Other Bordeaux producers embrac- Bordeaux wine, given the variety of structured wines with depth and com-
It is not quite as miraculous as turning Paloumey, which normally produces ing the trend include Château Carme- whites already produced in the Loire, plexity, which makes them interesting,”
water into wine, but Bordeaux’s Haut-Médoc, a claret. “It’s a blend of nère and the Meyre vineyards. In the Burgundy and other French regions. Gwilherm de Cerval, a wine critic and
vintners have mastered a less ambitious 65 per cent cabernet sauvignon and Loire Valley, the Amirault family pro- Some experts, however, think the Bor- former sommelier, said. “Champagne
challenge: turning red wine grapes into 35 per cent merlot grapes from our 2023 duces a blanc de noirs from cabernet deaux whites will attract drinkers with producers do this with pinot noir. I don’t
white wine. harvest. We’re responding to changing franc grapes. Critics doubt there will be their different aromas and flavours. see why other regions shouldn’t.”
It is the region’s latest response to The claret industry has been in
plummeting demand for the robust, crisis since the pandemic, with
tannic clarets for which it is famous.
Rising summer temperatures and a
Clutching at straws is not the answer Bordeaux’s winemakers producing
more red wine than they can sell.
preference for lighter food are boosting Many have been ripping up their
demand for white and rosé wines. The white wine out of the prove to be a short-term What is a mystery to vines or handing over unsold wine
trend is prompting claret producers to Jane MacQuitty region’s red grapes. “success of curiosity”, discerning wine drinkers to be distilled into industrial
break with tradition by using grape Comment So far this Bordeaux rather than a long-term and commentators is alcohol for use in cosmetics or
varieties such as cabernet sauvignon blanc de noirs movement, source of sales. why Bordeaux’s wine medicine in return for govern-
and merlot to make whites instead of usually made with However, he did feel producers don’t spend ment compensation. Last year
reds. The grape skins and seeds are dis- Beleaguered Bordeaux herbaceous, tannic that Bordeaux’s blancs de more time and effort on the French government said it
carded before the juice is fermented to merchants and proprietors cabernet sauvignon noirs would be much more sprucing up and would set aside €200 million
make white wines. For red wines the are clutching at straws to grapes, has met with palatable than Argentina’s expanding the region’s to fund the destruction of sur-
skins and seeds are left with the juice try to drum up trade for limited enthusiasm. bitter, coarse white promising champagne- plus wine.
during fermentation. their increasingly One leading Bordeaux malbecs. method crémant de “The demand for Bordeaux
White wines made with red wine unfashionable bottles. château owner involved in The blanc de noirs Bordeaux sparkling reds is mainly at the bottom
grapes are known as “blancs de noirs” The latest wheeze, this marketing exercise, scheme follows the bizarre wines, or making a and the top of the market,” de
— whites from black grapes. The adopted by as many as 12 who does not want to be Bordelais attempt to better fist of their Cerval said. “Where Bordeaux
method is new to Bordeaux but has château owners, is to named, felt the blanc de produce zero-alcohol rosés, both popular is struggling is with mid-range
been used for centuries in Champagne. make a more modish noirs campaign would château-bottled claret. wine styles. wines costing €20 to €30.”
30 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

A Donald Trump silhouette
Trump ad eclipses the sun in a
campaign video released
leaves solar on his Truth Social
platform on Sunday
eclipse in Republican candidate
the shade then eclipses the sun,
and the words “We will

tanley Kubrick’s save America and make
epic 2001: A it great again” appear. A
Space Odyssey compilation of American
was lauded for its faces follows before the
special effects ad fades out to chants of
and memorable music, “USA, USA”.
but the latest homage to In 2017 a viral image
the 1968 film might have showed Trump watching
the director turning in an eclipse from a White
his grave (Seren Hughes House balcony without
writes). protective eyewear. On
Donald Trump has Monday, President
posted a campaign video Biden shared a video of
set to the film’s theme himself in protective
tune, Strauss’s Also eyewear on the same
Sprach Zarathustra, balcony.
with special effects that His voiceover said:
seem almost comically “Folks, enjoy the eclipse,
amateurish. Starting but play it safe — don’t
with footage of people be silly.”
viewing Monday’s solar Hillary Clinton was
eclipse, the ad states: more direct, resharing a
“The most important post from 2020 saying:
moment in human “Please do not take
history is taking place in medical advice from a
2024.” A stylised man who looked directly
silhouette of the at a solar eclipse.”


£2,509* Books written off for entire

generation in banning spree
per person
readers save
£150 with code
TIMES150 on
any Exodus
United States Clayton County, said a state law
Shelved authors passed in 2022 imposing a fine of up
Will Pavia New York
The number of titles targeted for to $2,000 or up to a year in prison for
Two years after Maia Kobabe pub- censorship in the US surged in 2023 giving “explicit sexual material” to
lished a graphic novel called Gender 4,240
students had caused him to reconsid-
Queer, about an adolescent journey 4,000 er keeping the graphic novel.
of self-discovery, the author received “There’s a depiction of a rape scene,
word that protests had broken out at 3,000 a handmaid being forced into a
a public meeting in northern Virginia 2,000 sexual act,” he told the Associated
where officials decided to remove it Press. “It’s literally one panel of the
Portugal: Walking & Wine from school libraries.
It was later reinstated, but the row
in Fairfax County was only the begin-

graphic novel, but we felt it was in vio-
lation of the law in Missouri.”
Similar bills have been proposed in
PREMIUM ADVENTURE ning of a story in which Gender
2000 05 10 15 20
more than a dozen states, making
Source: American Library Association
Queer was at the centre of fights over librarians, long protected from legal
Departures | April 2024 to October 2025 children’s books that have erupted in action, targets for prosecution.
Maia Kobabe,
school board meetings, statehouses whose Gender Moms For Liberty, an influential
and courts all over the US. Queer has drawn group in conservative circles, has
Take a deep-dive into the premier Price Includes For the third year in a row Kobabe’s protests, as has been at the forefront of efforts to
graphic novel was the most frequent challenge some books. According to
wine region of Portugal, the Return flights from London target of efforts to remove books
an edition of The
its website, the group reviews books
Unesco-listed Douro Valley Handmaid’s Tale
from libraries, schools and universi- for “objectionable content, including
All breakfasts, two ties last year, according to a report by profanity, nudity and sexual content”
ortugal has been making wine for

P centuries, with some estimates placing the

first planting of vines as far back as 2000
BCE. The Basto and Douro regions are perhaps
lunches, three dinners and
three wine tastings
All premium
the American Library Association.
The organisation said the number of
books targeted rose from 2,571 in
2022 to 4,240 last year.
lish writer Juno Dawson. Nearly half
the challenged books deal with gen-
der, sexuality and race but others
were targeted “simply because they
so that parents “can make informed
A report by the Heritage Founda-
tion titled Project 2025, which aims to
the best known and offer rich landscapes and Most of these “challenges” sought touch on sex”, Caldwell-Stone said. offer a blueprint for a second Donald
fascinating history to discerning visitors. Tipping for all hotel staff, to remove several titles from collec- The Bluest Eye, by the Nobel laure- Trump presidency, argues that books
local staff and drivers tions, many “using lists of titles draft- ate Toni Morrison, was sixth on the that propagate “transgender ideolo-
Led by one of our expert guides, Lina Ferreira
or Ana Carla Moura Parente da Costa, immerse Named tour leader, chosen ed by organised pressure groups list. The same concerns apparently gy and sexualisation of children”
yourself in atmospheric Porto and indulge in a for their expertise seeking to empty library shelves of all drove education officials in Clayton, have no claim to First Amendment
voyage of taste and discovery through the books they deem inappropriate for Missouri, to remove an illustrated protections. “The people who pro-
All transport and listed young readers”, Deborah Caldwell- edition of Margaret Atwood’s dysto- duce and distribute it should be im-
verdant Douro Valley, where port wines are activities Stone, director of the association’s pian novel The Handmaid’s Tale. prisoned,” it says. “Educators and
produced. Venture into the region known as office for intellectual freedom, wrote. Tom Bober, head of the Missouri public librarians who purvey it
Terras de Basto, home of Portugal’s young Group arrival and Kobabe recommends Gender Association of School Librarians and should be classed as registered sex of-
wine, vinho verde, and stay in handpicked departure transfers
available Queer for readers in high school co-ordinator of district libraries for fenders.”
hotels including properties in the heart of the and above but added, in an article But some groups champion-
Douro Valley, which have exceptional views. in The Washington Post in 2021, ing free-speech protections for
The perfect combination of leisurely walks and that “the truth is, the readers I pri- writers have also been accused
authentic cultural visits provide a memorable marily wrote it for were my own of seeking to stop the circulation
introduction to this lush, captivating country, parents and extended family. of books by conservative auth-
once a dominant trading power in the world. When I was first coming out as ors. In 2021 the American Book-
CALL TODAY ON nonbinary, I kept getting respons- sellers Association issued an
*Prices listed are based on two sharing a twin/double room. Single supple ment on
es along the lines of, ‘We love you, apology after including Abigail
request. Additional dates may be available, please call for details. Of fer subject to
availability and prices may fl uctuate. Prices are correct at time of publ
ication, and subject
0808 304 2770 we support you, but we have no Shrier’s Irreversible Damage in a
to confirmation at time of booking. This offer is not combinable with any other offers, idea what you are talking about.’ ” list of titles for shops to stock
including Loyalty Discounts. Operated by and subject to the booking ditions
con of Exodus ex-premiumportugal
Travels, ABTA Y0751, ATOL 25825, a company wholly independen t of News UK. ^Quote Second on the list was All Boys amid complaints that it promot-
TIMES150 to be eligible for the £150pp discount, not included in the priceove. ab
QUOTE TIMES150^ Aren’t Blue, a collection of auto- ed transphobia. In a post on
Our Trusted
biographical essays by the jour- social media, Shrier complained
Partner nalist George M Johnson and of being targeted by “the book-
then This Book Is Gay, by the Eng- banning left”.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 31

world markets (Change on the day) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,934.79 (+8.68) 38,883.67 (-9.13) $2,347.14 (+17.45) $ $89.35 (-0.74) $ $1.2672 (+0.0020) $ €1.1674 (+0.0015) ¤
8,500 42,500 2,400 120 1.400 1.300
8,000 40,000 2,200 100 1.300 1.200
7,500 37,500 2,000 80 1.200 1.100
7,000 35,000 1,800 60 1.100 1.000
Mar 8 15 22 Apr 2 9 Mar 11 18 25 Apr 2 9 Mar 11 18 2 Apr 2 9 Mar 11 18 25 Apr 2 9 Mar 11 16 25 Apr 2 9 Mar 11 16 25 Apr 2 9

Next and Frasers Group target collapsed Ted Baker business

Isabella Fish Retail Editor fashion brand’s retail and ecommerce shops when it fell into administration, Next and Frasers, which owns Flan- fallout from the exit of Ray Kelvin, 68,
business in Britain and Europe, was as well as a website and department nels, Sports Direct and House of Fraser, its founder, who stepped down in 2019
Retail groups led by two of the sector’s placed into administration last month. store concessions. The administrators have become two of the most prolific amid allegations of “forced hugging”.
biggest hitters have expressed an PDS Group, the designer, supplier have said that 11 UK shops will close by buyers of distressed retail businesses in He strongly denied the claims.
interest in purchasing Ted Baker’s and wholesaler operator for Ted Baker April 19, resulting in the loss of about recent years. Next is already the licens- In 2022 the retailer, which was listed
stricken European retail business. in Britain and on the Continent, and 120 jobs. ing partner for Ted Baker children’s at the time, was bought for £211 million
Frasers Group, headed by Mike Ash- OSL, the operating partner for the However, sources said that some wear, lingerie and nightwear. by Authentic Brands, the American
ley, and Next, led by Lord Wolfson of retailer’s operations in North America, shops could be saved under a deal with Next has invested in Sealskinz, an group that owns Forever 21 and Ree-
Aspley Guise, have contacted adminis- were not affected by the decision to Frasers or Next, both of which are outdoor clothing brand majority- bok. Under the agreement, Ted Baker
trators at Teneo Advisory to explore a appoint administrators. understood to want to keep some of owned by Ray Kelvin, the founder and became a privately owned company.
sale of all or parts of the collapsed busi- Ted Baker employed about 975 them. It is understood that they have former chief executive of Ted Baker. Next and Frasers Group were
ness. No Ordinary Designer Label, the people and ran 46 British and European less than six weeks to submit a bid. The group has been struggling since the contacted for comment.

HSBC quits
to cut losses
Bank agrees sale to escape ‘earnings volatility’
Ben Martin Banking Editor profits in the final quarter of 2023, an
outsized hit for a business that is small
HSBC is braced for a billion-dollar hit in the context of the wider group.
after striking a deal to sell its business in Noel Quinn, HSBC’s chief executive,
Argentina and quit the hyperinflation- said: “HSBC Argentina is largely a
riven country. domestically focused business, with
The FTSE 100 bank said that Grupo limited connectivity to the rest of our
Financiero Galicia, based in Buenos international network. Furthermore,
Aires, had agreed to buy the division, given its size, it also generates substan-
which boasts more than 100 branches tial earnings volatility for the group
and has about 3,100 employees, for when its results are translated into US
$550 million. dollars. Galicia is better placed to invest
The deal with Argentina’s fifth in and grow the business.”
largest bank is likely to result in HSBC HSBC shares closed up ¼p at 644¾p. Face to face The King was presented with the first banknotes to feature his portrait by Andrew Bailey, governor of the
suffering a $1 billion pre-tax loss in its The sale is the latest in a series of dis- Bank of England, and Sarah John, the Bank’s chief cashier, at Buckingham Palace. The notes will go into circulation in June
first-quarter results this month, posals agreed by Quinn, 62, as he seeks
although this could change and will be to streamline HSBC and tilt the lender
known only once the sale has been further towards Asia, where the bank
finalised, which is expected within the
next 12 months.
It also will lead to the Asia-focused
has its roots. The London-based lender
was founded 159 years ago in Hong
Kong, which remains its single biggest
Lynch loses right to Darktrace board seat
lender taking about $4.9 billion in his- market, and has extensive operations Richard Fletcher Business Editor Invoke’s appointed representative, to connected shareholders: Sushovan
torical foreign exchange reserve losses across China and Asia more broadly, the company’s board. “Mike Lynch’s Hussain, Peter Menell and Vanessa Co-
that have built up over a period of years where it makes most of its money. Mike Lynch, the business tycoon facing trial in the US creates unhelpful head- lomar, alongside Lynch and his wife
and increased by $1.8 billion last year Quinn has allocated further capital fraud charges in the United States, has line risk for Darktrace, which we view Angela Bacares. Combined, the group
alone, owing to the recent sharp deval- to Asia since taking charge of HSBC in lost the right to appoint a director to the as unwarranted, so any move to dis- owned a 21 per cent stake.
uation of the Argentinian peso against 2019 to harness the tailwinds of fast board of Darktrace, ending his formal tance Darktrace from these headlines is Shares in Darktrace, which uses ma-
the US dollar. While these currency economic growth in the region. This relationship with the FTSE 250 techno- a positive in our eyes,” one institutional chine learning to detect cyberattacks,
translation losses have been reflected has involved selling non-core business- logy group and removing a drag on its investor argued at the time. “We do not have underperformed despite a num-
already in HSBC’s capital position, they es elsewhere, including the bank’s retail share price. believe granting a board seat to Invoke ber of profit upgrades. They fell 6¼p, or
lay bare the scale of the volatility that operations in France and the United The right to appoint a non-executive is conducive to helping Darktrace to de- 1.4 per cent, to close at 434½p.
the bank has faced in Argentina. States and its Canadian division. director was granted to three Darktrace velop and mature as a global business.” Lynch is facing 16 felony charges of
The populist Javier Milei was elected Efforts to streamline the group also investors holding more than 10 per cent Invoke had been expected to put for- fraud and conspiracy in the US. His
as the country’s president last year and have helped Quinn to counter criticism of the share capital at the time of the ward another representative to fill the trial, which began last month, is expect-
he has devalued the peso by more than that HSBC has faced from Ping An, the flotation in 2021, including Invoke seat in Jacob’s place, but an analysis of ed to run until late May or June. The
50 per cent as part of a package of Chinese insurer that is its biggest share- Capital, the investment fund founded the Darktrace shareholder register re- prosecution claims that Lynch oversaw
measures intended to quell an econ- holder. It emerged two years ago that by Lynch, 58. veals that the Invoke holding has fallen a “multi-year, multi-layered fraud” that
omic crisis. Inflation in Argentina has Ping An wanted Quinn to split the bank In December, Darktrace investors below the 10 per cent level. led Hewlett-Packard to pay $11 billion
soared in recent years, with the annual in two by spinning off its Asia business, pushed back against Lynch’s continued The Invoke holding was made up of 11 for Autonomy, his software company.
rate hitting 276.2 per cent in February. an idea that the bank’s board vehe- involvement in the business, with individual shareholders at the time of Lynch denies the claims.
The slump in the peso erased mently opposed. 56 per cent of shareholders voting the flotation, although the vast major- Darktrace and a spokesman for
$548 million from HSBC’s pre-tax against the election of Patrick Jacob, ity of the holdings were held by five Lynch refused to comment.
32 V2 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Need to know
Alan Bates labelled former Post
Office executives as “little
more than thugs in suits” as he
HSBC is shedding Banking on sell-offs

called on the government to sell

the company. The campaigner for
subpostmasters, who gave up work
to fight for justice over two
decades, told a public inquiry that
bosses during the 2010s had
no tears about exit
from Argentina
conducted a “cover-up”.
HSBC is braced for a billion-

2 dollar hit after a deal to sell its

business in Argentina. Grupo
Financiero Galicia has agreed to
buy the division, which has more
than 100 branches, for Ben Martin Banking Editor $1 billion loss on the sale. Quinn said
$550 million. HSBC is likely to that “given its size”, the Argentinian
take a $1 billion pre-tax loss in the Twenty-two years ago HSBC’s opera- unit “generates substantial earnings
first quarter as a result tions sprawled to such an extent that volatility for the group when its re-
it could credibly claim in its adver- sults are translated into US dollars”.
Two retail groups have tising to be “the world’s local While many City analysts

3 expressed an interest in
purchasing Ted Baker’s
stricken European retail business.
bank”. Those days are long gone.
Yesterday the lender unveiled
a plan to offload its business in
welcomed the deal and agreed
with the rationale, those at Keefe
Bruyette & Woods, a broker, said
Frasers Group, headed by Mike Argentina, the latest in a string that “it does feel somewhat dis-
Ashley, and Next, led by Lord of deals under Noel Quinn, its appointing that, as a global
Wolfson of Aspley Guise, have boss, that have fully or partially business, HSBC is unwilling to
contacted administrators. withdrawn it from countries look through idiosyncratic
including Canada, New Zealand, volatilities”. Share price
Mike Lynch, the business Greece, France and Oman, as Yet the gaze of Quinn, who took

4 tycoon facing fraud charges

in the United States, has lost
the right to appoint a director to
well as from mass-market retail
banking in the United States.
The aim has been to boost HSBC’s
charge of the lender in 2019, and
other senior bosses is elsewhere.
Founded in Hong Kong in 1865, the
the board of Darktrace, ending his once-flagging stock market returns by now London-based bank continues to
formal relationship with the refocusing the lender even further on make most of its money in Asia and
FTSE 250 technology group and Asia, which was where the bank was pivoting the group even further
removing a drag on its share price. founded. Yet it also has meant a paring towards the fast-growing economies of Feb 18, 2020
back of HSBC’s formerly lofty global HSBC has been negatively affected by this region is central to Quinn’s Noel Quinn sets out
ambitions. the economic turmoil that has gripped strategy. plan to accelerate
The gap in stock market Under Quinn, 62, there has been a In February 2020, he set out a three-

Argentina, with the new populist
HSBC’s pivot to Asia
valuations between European focus on HSBC’s role as a bridge for Javier Milei president devaluing the year cost-cutting plan to free up
and American oil companies money and trade flows between the peso by more than 50 per cent $100 billion of risk-weighted assets to
is “a major issue” that makes them East, particularly China, and the West. be reinvested in higher-returning
more likely to consider switching The mainly inward-facing nature of its results that far outstripped the unit’s businesses in Asia and the Middle East.
listings to New York, a former boss set-up in Argentina, where HSBC has relevance to the wider group. This initiative accelerated a reshaping
of Shell has said. Ben van Beurden operated since 1997 and where it serves HSBC took City analysts by surprise of the group that had been under way
cited deeper pools of capital in the about a million customers through in February when it revealed that ever since 2011, when Stuart Gulliver, 2020
US and “more positive” attitudes more than 100 branches, contribute hyperinflation in Argentina and the one of Quinn’s predecessors as chief
towards conventional energy. little to this. sharp devaluation of the peso had executive, took charge of the bank.
“HSBC Argentina is largely a domes- knocked $548 million from its fourth- It was under Gulliver that HSBC on Ping An, the Chinese insurer that is
A lithium miner listed on tically focused business, with limited quarter pre-tax profits last year. This began to retreat from its pre-financial HSBC’s biggest shareholder. It

6 London’s junior stock market

has suspended its chief
executive on suspicion of using
connectivity to the rest of our inter-
national network,” Quinn said as
HSBC announced the sale of the unit to
tarnished the lender’s annual profits,
which reached a record $30.3 billion in
2023 but were lower than investors and
crisis global ambitions. The lender
began to phase out “the world’s largest
bank” slogan in 2012 and withdrew
emerged in 2022 that Ping An wanted
HSBC to break itself up by spinning off
its Asian division into a separate com-
nine million shares in the Grupo Financiero Galicia, Argentina’s analysts had expected. from a slew of Latin American busi- pany listed in Hong Kong. The insurer
company as collateral for a fifth biggest bank, for $550 million. Selling the business in Argentina will nesses. The asset disposals pursued by believed that HSBC’s share price was
personal loan. CleanTech Lithium This has been compounded by the result in HSBC recognising about Quinn have further streamlined the being dragged down by rising political
is investigating Aldo Boitano. economic turmoil gripping the South $4.9 billion in historical foreign curren- group and have helped to assuage tensions between China and the West
American country, which has meant cy translation reserve losses associated festering shareholder frustrations and that splitting the group in two
Boeing has missed analysts’ HSBC’s Argentinian operations have with the unit that have built up over about HSBC’s stock market returns. would unlock value for investors.

7 targets for production and has

fallen further behind Airbus,
its European rival, amid its
delivered a hit to the British bank’s time, as well as the bank booking a Investors’ unrest has centred mainly While Quinn and the HSBC board

continuing problems with the 737

Max. The US aerospace group
delivered only 29 commercial Shell’s ex-boss warns of switch to US BP on track
aircraft in March.
Revenue at Times Media, the
Emma Powell with international rivals did not
narrow. Sawan, 49, who was appointed
for strong
8 publisher of The Times and
The Sunday Times, rose to
£386 million in 2023, up from
The gap between stock market valua-
tions for European and American oil
companies is “a major issue” that makes
to the top job at the start of last year, is
in the middle of what he has described
as a “sprint” to improve performance by
first quarter
£373 million, as the group added it more likely that they will consider simplifying the business and reducing
58,000 digital subscribers. Pre-tax switching their listings to New York, the operating costs. Emma Powell
profit slipped to £60.9 million from former boss of Shell has said. “If we work through the sprint and
£73.2 million. Ben van Beurden, who ran Shell until we are doing what we are doing and we BP expects a “strong” first-quarter per-
2022, told the FT Commodities Global still don’t see that the gap is closing, we formance from its trading business that
The chief executive of Summit in Switzerland that deeper have to look at all options,” Sawan said buys and sells oil, alongside an

9 AstraZeneca is “massively
underpaid” and merits an
increase on last year’s £16.9 million
pools of capital in the United States and
“more positive” attitudes towards con-
ventional energy companies made list-
in an interview with Bloomberg.
Shell would require the consent of in-
vestors holding more than 75 per cent of
improved upstream production of oil,
gas and low-carbon energy.
The FTSE 100 group said in advance
package, one of the ing in Europe less attractive. its shares to switch its primary listing. of its first-quarter results, which will be
pharmaceuticals group’s largest Oil groups with listings in New York When a move to New York was con- released in May, that “the oil trading re-
shareholders said. Rajiv Jain, the also were lifted by higher valuations sidered in 2022, the board did not think sult is expected to be strong following a
chief investment officer of GQG throughout the Wall Street markets, he it would clear the 75 per cent sharehold- weak result in the fourth quarter”.
Partners, was speaking before the said. “All these factors conspire against The US was “more positive” towards er approval rate required, given that However, it noted that oil and gas
FTSE 100 company’s annual the people listed in Europe,” he said, energy groups, Ben van Beurden said more than 40 per cent of Shell’s share- prices had fallen during the first three
shareholder meeting. adding that Shell was “massively holders are based in the UK and months of this year, which would have
undervalued”. options,” he said. “We thought that Europe. “So we didn’t think it was the an adverse effect of between $300 mil-

10 The Barclay family’s Very

Group has been dealt a
fresh blow with the
departure of its chief executive.
The exit of Lionel Desclée, 44, a
Van Beurden, 65, said that Shell’s
board had considered switching the
group’s primary listing away from
Europe at the time of the relocation of
its global headquarters from the Hague
going to the UK was the most logical
next step. Was it going to be the end
game? You always have to reconsider
what other options are there.”
His warning came a day after Wael
battle to go into,” Sawan said.
Shell is valued at a discount to
American peers such as Chevron and
ExxonMobil, with its shares trading at
eight times forward earnings, lower
lion and $600 million for its oil produc-
tion and operations business and
between $200 million and $400 million
for the gas and low-carbon operations.
The price of Brent crude, the inter-
former Walmart boss, after 19 in the Netherlands to London in 2022, Sawan, the company’s present boss, re- than a multiple of 12 for the latter two national benchmark, averaged $83.16 a
months comes soon after the but a listing in New York had been iterated that he was open to moving companies. barrel in the first quarter, down from
chairman stepped down. viewed as “a bridge too far”. Shell’s primary listing away from Shares in Shell rose by 14½p, or 0.5 per $84.34 in the final three months of last
“Of course we looked at all sorts of London if the valuation gap compared cent, to £28.28½ last night. year. However, oil prices have risen in
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 V2 33


Attack on tax fraud

could be dodgy
business commentary Patrick Hosking

ire more tax inspectors.
Prosecute more Argentine tangle
suspected tax cheats.
Earmark special funds ne of the great episodes of
to go after super-
dodgers such as Bernie Ecclestone,
for the deterrent value, and make
O value destruction began
when Sir John Bond decided
to get out his chequebook more
the HM Revenue & Customs than 25 years ago. The former
process for answering queries and HSBC chief notoriously flushed
filing tax returns easier, to reduce away $15 billion on Household
honest mistakes. The plan from International, the American sub-
Rachel Reeves, shadow chancellor, prime lender. Another disaster was
to bag an extra £5 billion a year in Crédit Commercial de France,
tax revenues may be politically bought for $6.6 billion, with the bulk
palatable, but will it work? of it sold 21 years later for a token €1.
Politicians at election time have But it was Bond’s buying spree in
always seized on improving tax Latin America that may have been
compliance as a way of relatively even more costly for shareholders.
painlessly boosting Treasury coffers He snapped up banks all over the
Nov 30, 2022 Apr 9, 2023 without nasties such as tax rate continent, including Banco Roberts
Agrees $10.1 billion sale of Agrees deal to sell rises. But enforcement is expensive in Argentina for $600 million and
its Canadian operations to Argentina business
800p and time-consuming, while the Bital in Mexico for $1.1 billion.
May 26, 2021 Royal Bank of Canada accounting trade is ever creative The rebadged Bital was at the
HSBC announces sale of
700 and energetic in outwitting the centre of HSBC’s darkest hour,
its US mass market retail HMRC gamekeepers. when it was used by the El Chapo
banking operations 600 The arguments are persuasive, drug cartel to launder cash. The
nevertheless. Every extra £1 spent gangsters were so confident of
500 on compliance boosts revenues by HSBC’s complicity in the criminality
Jun 13, 2023 £9, according to figures from that they had their cash boxes
Announces wind 400 HMRC. Reeves wants to spend designed to fit the tellers’ windows.
down of its wealth £555 million hiring an extra 5,000 The episode cost the bank $1.9
Mar 14, 2022 Nov 16, 2022
Jun 18, 2021 and personal 300 inspectors. Every £1 spent on billion in fines and a long spell of
Strikes deal to Reaches deal to exit
Unveils disposal banking business investment in technology and detention under a deferred
offload its Greek its Oman business
of its French retail in New Zealand 200 systems boosts revenues by £2, prosecution agreement with
retail bank according to National Audit Office authorities in the United States.
banking arm
100 estimates. Again, simple reforms Now the old Banco Roberts is
such as improving phone lines and being dumped for less than was paid
0 streamlining the process of tax for it, plus a $1 billion writedown on
2021 2022 2023 2024 returns should more than pay for top. HSBC had to write off
Source: FactSet themselves. $1.1 billion from the Argentina
It has always been a curious operation in 2002 after a previous
opposed the idea, some of the lender’s special dividend, worth approximately Armenia and Mauritius, as well as from skewing of priorities that while economic convulsion in that
numerous Hong Kong-based retail $4 billion, that Quinn has said HSBC Russia after Moscow’s invasion of HMRC loses an estimated nine country, but decided to stay on for
investors backed the proposal and aims to pay after the $10.1 billion sale of Ukraine. There has long been times as much to tax fraud as the more. No one at HSBC is prepared
forced a vote on it at the bank’s annual its Canadian business to Royal Bank of speculation, too, that HSBC will sell its Department for Work and Pensions to say how much the entire foray
meeting last year. Although the rebels Canada. The FTSE 100 lender is Mexican business, although Quinn loses to benefit fraud (£20 billion has cost, but it won’t be pretty.
lost the vote after failing to secure expected to confirm this bumper insisted yesterday that the bank was plays £2.2 billion), it employs far Reputations are made and lost on
support for a break-up from HSBC’s payout alongside its first-quarter re- “committed” to the country. fewer people to go after the rule big, bold, strategic acquisitions.
wider shareholder base, the affair has sults on April 30. Analysts at JP Morgan, the power- benders. There are caveats, Bond’s favourite Chinese proverb is
galvanised Quinn, who in 2022 pledged The global retreat by HSBC is also house American investment bank, said: however: while there may be some more apt than ever: “Today you are
to bolster capital returns by the bank to expected to continue in the coming “We continue to expect HSBC to exit easy, low-hanging fruit for Reeves’ a cockerel, tomorrow you are a
mollify unhappy investors. months. The group is in the midst of more sub-scale markets within its proposed new army of tax gatherers, feather duster.”
This includes a 21 cents-a-share withdrawing from operations in global footprint.” the law of diminishing returns will
set in. The Revenue has already
been stepping up the pace: its tax Making ends meet
recent weeks amid supply concerns and investigations yielded a record £39
fears of an escalation in the political Lithium miner suspends chief billion last year, up by 22 per cent, f it is the state of people’s
turmoil in the Middle East, and have
breached the $90 mark for the first time
since October. amid share transfer inquiry
according to research from UHY
Hacker Young, the accounting firm.
Reeves made much of the fact
I finances that wins or loses
elections, then Rishi Sunak can
derive a tiny bit of comfort from the
During the final quarter of last year, that the tax gap, the difference latest Financial Lives snapshot from
BP joined its oil major rivals in report- Emma Powell he transferred to the custodian account between what is owed and what is the Financial Conduct Authority.
ing profits that were comfortably ahead had equated to a stake of 6.5 per cent. collected, widened by £5 billion to According to the survey, the number
of market expectations, despite oil and A lithium miner listed on London’s “The granting of security and sub- £36 billion last year. However, as a of adults who say they’re struggling
gas prices receding from the highs re- junior stock market has suspended its sequent transfers of ordinary shares are percentage of total theoretical tax to pay bills is down by 3.5 million to
corded in the immediate aftermath of chief executive after he was found to considered notifiable events which liabilities, it was flat and has been 7.4 million in the past year.
the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Profits have used his shares in the company should have been notified by Mr Boi- on a downward path for the past 20 Whether that is because recent
last year declined to $13.8 billion, from a effectively as collateral for a personal tano to the company at the relevant years, dropping from 7.5 per cent to real-terms wage increases are
record $27.7 billion in 2022. loan without informing the board. time,” the company said. Boitano there- 4.8 per cent. That probably has starting to feed through or because
The encouraging first quarter will CleanTech Lithium said it had fore has been suspended from his role, more to do with the dwindling of people have grown more
provide an early boost for Murray Au- launched an investigation into Aldo pending the company’s investigation. the cash economy than the accustomed to scrimping is not
chincloss, who was appointed perma- Boitano after it found he had trans- Steve Kesler, the executive chairman, persistence of tax inspectors, but it clear, but fewer are now classifying
nently to the top job at BP in January, as ferred his nine million shares in the will take up the responsibilities of chief suggests further progress may be themselves as in serious financial
he seeks to rebuild investors’ confi- business to a custodian account as executive in the interim. more difficult. strife. The study also shoots down
dence after the abrupt resignation of security for a loan agreement he had CleanTech Lithium owns four pro- There’s another awkward number the notion that large numbers of
Bernard Looney last year. entered into with a third-party finan- jects in Chile that are at the exploration in the tax gap stats. The biggest workers have opted out of pension
Auchincloss, 53, has committed to cial institution in August. The transfer and feasibility study stage and where it dodgers are not the people the saving because of the cost of living
the same strategic direction pursued by of shares took place through a series of is seeking to mine lithium, a mineral nation loves to demonise — large crisis. The FCA puts the proportion
Looney, under whom he was finance transactions between September 8 and used in batteries for electric vehicles multinationals or rich individuals. stopping or reducing pension
chief, which includes a greater embrace February 6. and energy storage. The company is Nor are they criminals, whose share contributions in the past 12 months
of greener forms of energy than other The custodian account is controlled not yet generating revenue and made a of the tax-dodging pot has fallen at only 3 per cent.
leading oil and gas companies. The by the lender, but Boitano, 57, is unable pre-tax loss of £3.3 million during the from 13 per cent to 11 per cent over One other myth is emphatically
move has drawn criticism from Blue- to ascertain whether the shares have first half of the last financial year, an the past five years. They are small exploded by the survey: it’s not
bell Capital, the activist investor that been transferred to another nominee increase from £1.2 million over the firms, which now account for 56 per mortgage payers who are suffering
previously was behind campaigns account in the name of the lender or same period the year before. It listed its cent of all tax underpayment, up the most in this era of higher
against Glencore, the commodities whether his beneficial interest in the shares on Aim, the junior stock market, from 40 per cent five years ago. borrowing costs, it is renters.
group, and Danone, the foods company. company has been sold to a third party. in March 2021. Reeves, if she gets to No 11 and dons
The shares rose 6¾p, or 1.3 per cent, He is unable, therefore, to disclose his Shares in CleanTech Lithium were her tax-collecting bovver boots, will
to close at 516½p. present beneficial holding of shares to down by 3½p, or 23.7 per cent, at 11¼p at need to tread carefully. Alistair Osborne is away
the company. The nine million shares the close.
34 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


737 Max turmoil blows hole in Boeing production

Robert Lea Industrial Editor tomers in the same month last year. It turer announcing the departure of Dave mainly assembled at the company’s
left total deliveries for the first quarter Calhoun as its chief executive. The air- factory at Broughton in north Wales.
Boeing has missed analysts’ targets for of the year at 83, of which 66 were the craft type began flying commercially in Rolls-Royce Derby is the exclusive
production and has fallen further be- 737 Max, lower than already down- 2017. It had two fatal crashes in 2018 and manufacturer of engines for the Airbus
hind Airbus amid its continuing prob- wardly revised estimates. In the first 2019, killing 346 people. All 737 Max A350.
lems with the 737 Max. quarter of 2023 it delivered 130 aircraft. aircraft were grounded until late 2020. The 737 Max crisis has put Boeing in
The American group delivered only It leaves Boeing trailing Airbus, its This year a panel covering a redun- such a spin that before his departure
29 commercial aircraft in March. They European rival, which said it had deliv- dant emergency exit on an Air Alaska Calhoun, 66, withdrew forecasts for the
comprised twenty-four of the narrow- ered 142 jets in the first quarter. 787 Max blew off in mid-flight, causing company this year. “While we often use
body, short-haul 737 Max and five twin- The Airbus A320 family is a direct injuries but no fatalities. The aircraft this time of year to share or update our
aisle, long-haul 787 Dreamliners. competitor to the Boeing 737 Max — type was grounded again to allow financial and operational objectives,
Regulatory constraints and produc- easyJet flies the former, Ryanair the global fleet checks by the Federal Avia- now is not the time for that,” the former
tion difficulties had meant that Boeing latter — while the Airbus A350 is the tion Administration, the American chief executive said, while reporting a
was always going to produce signifi- European group’s equivalent to the regulator, into production, quality and full-year $2.2 billion loss for 2023, after
cantly fewer 737 Max jets in March. In Boeing 787. The 737 Max programme safety issues at the manufacturer. a $5 billion deficit in 2022.
the event, the number delivered is less has long been in crisis, culminating last Boeing recorded 66 deliveries of the The FAA has put a temporary cap on Analysts believe the shortfall in first-
than half the 64 that went out to cus- month in the Seattle-based manufac- 737 Max in the first quarter of 2024 Boeing of producing a maximum of 38 quarter deliveries could mean that the
aircraft a month. The knock-on effect Boeing Commercial Airplanes division
has been felt by big customers such as reports a 30 per cent drop in revenues
Ryanair, which has trimmed its profit for the three months to $4.7 billion.
forecasts because of delays in delivery. The FAA said yesterday that it was
Airbus said it had delivered 63 air- investigating a Boeing whistleblower’s
craft in March, taking its first-quarter claims that the company had dismissed
total to 142. Of that, 128 were narrow- safety and quality concerns in the pro-
bodied jets, 116 of which were the A320 duction of its 787 and 777 jets.
family, with the rest in the smaller A220 By late afternoon in New York
model. It also delivered 14 long-haul Boeing shares were down by $4.25, or
aircraft. 2.4 per cent, at $177.31, continuing a fall
The wings for Airbus aircraft are of almost 30 per cent this year.

Times Media revenues and

digital subscribers on rise
Richard Fletcher Business Editor number of digital subscribers had risen
to 575,000 at the end of 2023.
Revenue at Times Media, the publisher “Strong subscription growth has
of The Times and The Sunday Times, been achieved outside of the UK and
rose to £386 million in 2023, up from international growth is expected to
£373 million, as the group added 58,000 continue to be an important area of
digital-only subscribers. focus,” the directors said.
Pre-tax profit slipped to £60.9 million Separate accounts filed by News
in the 12 months to July 2, down from Group Newspapers, publisher of The
£73.2 million the year before. Sun, show that pre-tax losses narrowed
“The Times and Sunday Times re- to £65.8 million in the year to July 2,
main committed to showcasing their from £127 million the year before. News
journalism and unique storytelling Group Newspapers is a subsidiary of
capabilities to new audiences in new, News Corp.
compelling formats across a range of The loss included £51.6 million of
platforms,” the company’s directors costs related to continuing legal claims
stated. “as a result of voicemail interception al-
The number of digital-only subscrib- legations”. The costs are indemnified by
ers increased by 58,000 to 558,000 over Fox Corporation under a deal struck
the year. Digital-only subscribers at the when Fox was split from News Corp.
end of the financial year accounted for News UK Broadcasting, the owner of
83 per cent of the group’s 673,000 sub- Talk TV, reported a pre-tax loss of
scribers. £53.7 million for the 12 months to July 2,
News Corp, the ultimate parent com- up from a £34.1 million loss the year
pany of Times Media, revealed in its before, as the group increased pro-
most recent Nasdaq filing that the gramming after its launch in April 2022.

AstraZeneca boss ‘massively

underpaid’ on £17m a year
Alex Ralph holders vote against the policy. Soriot,
64, has been credited with overseeing
The chief executive of AstraZeneca is the transformation of the Cambridge-
“massively underpaid” and merits an based company into one of the most
increase on last year’s £16.9 million valuable groups on the London Stock
package, one of the pharmaceuticals Exchange through the revival of its
group’s largest shareholders has said. drugs pipeline and portfolio.
Speaking before the FTSE 100 com- AstraZeneca’s new three-year remu-
pany’s annual shareholder meeting to- neration policy includes proposals to
morrow, where investors will vote on a increase the annual potential maxi-
contentious new executive pay policy, mum long-term performance share
Rajiv Jain, the chief investment officer award to up to 850 per cent of Soriot’s
of GQG Partners, a top-20 shareholder salary, which means he potentially
based in Florida, told the Financial could earn about £18.5 million this year.
Times that Sir Pascal Soriot was It compares with the maximum of
deserving of the increase, “given Astra- 650 per cent under the company’s
Zeneca’s impressive turnaround since existing policy, which was passed in
he joined more than a decade ago”. 2021, despite almost 40 per cent of
Jain, 56, added: “I’d argue he should voting shareholders opposing it at that
be paid more, not less.” year’s annual meeting.
The Times reported last month that AstraZeneca has said the new pay
plans to raise Soriot’s potential pay had policy “reflects the need to be com-
been labelled “unprecedented in the petitive in the global market for talent,
FTSE”, with two influential proxy and our compensation is structured to
advisers recommending that share- reward performance”.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 35

Comment Business

David Smith Katie Prescott

Fancy C-3PO doing the
A slowing jobs market will be good chores, or something
news for the Bank of England a little more robotic?

There’s quite a lot things are going the Bank’s way. Next last, with the labour market slowing obots demonstrating their early example was Eric, a robot built
going on. Figures at week should bring a continuation of and moving out of a period of capabilities proliferate at in England in 1928 that looks a bit
the end of this week inflation’s recent rapid fall, on its way extraordinary and unexpected post- technology conferences. like The Tin Man from The Wizard
will determine down to the 2 per cent official target pandemic tightness. The government On a recent visit to the of Oz. Recreated for the Science
whether the later this spring. Not many people may have a different view, though, in Mobile World Congress in Museum in 2016, he could stand,
government, in need of succour expected that a few months ago. this election year. At first glance, it is Barcelona, one handed me a bow, give a four-minute speech and
before May’s local elections, will be There are indications, too, that the hard to square the “turning a corner” morning coffee. Its crane-like arm answer up to 60 questions.
able to claim that the economy has labour market is turning. This has economic story with weak ended with a pincer that deftly A recent report from Goldman
turned a corner. been the biggest worry for the Bank, employment and rising redundancies. carried a cup to a machine to fill Sachs, the Wall Street investment
If, as economists expect, Friday’s and the biggest puzzle. Senior Bank Even strong pay growth, supporting with liquid, then passed it, spill-free, bank, said the market for humanoid
monthly gross domestic product officials and monetary policy rising pre-election real incomes, is to my hand. robots would reach $38 billion by
figures show a tiny 0.1 per cent rise in committee members (some have both viewed differently in Westminster While this was going on in one 2035, as they helped with everything
February (after one of 0.2 per cent in roles) have been surprised by the jobs than in Threadneedle Street. corner, a set of crane arms from folding washing to handling
January), ministers may be able to get market’s resilience in the face of There is an explanation that you performed keyhole surgery on a hazardous waste.
away with it. If there is no increase at higher interest rates and a stagnant can put together about the labour fake patient in another. Meanwhile, While they are certainly striking
all, then, like generations of farmers economy. These are not the market, which is that it responds with a 5ft-high rectangle with a to look at, not everyone believes the
and shop owners, they may have to circumstances in which you would a lag to changing economic wraparound screen glided about the hype. Look more closely at the
resort to blaming the weather. expect the unemployment rate to be conditions and that the slowdown conference centre, offering demonstrations, robotics experts
Also on Friday, the Bank of below 4 per cent. picked up by the REC survey is a information to lost delegates, say, and there is a very long way to
England will announce its response to That may now be changing. The lagged response to the stagnant making reassuringly robotic beeps go before humanoids can approach
Ben Bernanke’s review into its latest report from the Recruitment economy of 2023. That may be true, as it did so. None of these robots the capabilities of a human, and
forecasting methods and the way its and Employment Confederation but the REC survey also pointed to looked like people. Yet the push for they question whether the human
predictions are communicated. I (REC), published this week, suggested continuing uncertainty about the those that do, referred to as form is the most useful.
doubt they are waiting with bated a rapid jobs market cooling. The economic outlook as far as employers Engineered Arts in Falmouth has
breath at the Dog & Duck for the survey, sponsored by KPMG and are concerned. Jon Holt, chief ‘Why be human been building humanoid robots
outcome, or, for that matter, for the based on responses from about 400 executive and senior partner of since 2004. Far from replacing
GDP figures, but you never know. employment and recruitment KPMG, noted that “persistent when you can be human labour, these incredibly
I, for one, will be sad if the review consultancies, pointed to a fifth economic uncertainty has led to realistic bots are popular for
means the end of the Bank’s famous successive month of falling demand many business leaders delaying major superhuman? Why entertainment, such as in theme
fan charts. These set out its for labour, rising redundancies, the investment decisions” and that the have two arms when parks. Will Jackson, 59, chief
predictions in visual form and have biggest fall in temporary staff billings picture from the survey was of executive, says humanoids work best
drawn merriment over the years since the Covid downturn of 2020 “ongoing weak demand in the labour you can have eight?’ when they are interacting with
because of the wide range of possible and a deceleration in pay growth, market”. people. Form, he argues, should
outcomes. Thus the fan charts in the with starting salaries rising at their Neil Carberry, chief executive of the always follow function, so he can see
Bank’s February Monetary Policy slowest rate for three years. REC, said that “economic growth has “humanoids”, is increasing. Think C- uses in healthcare, in care homes
Report said that growth in three years’ On the face of it, this is meat and been sidelined for too long” and that 3PO from Star Wars. and in hospitality. For all other
time could range from a high of drink for the Bank. Tie it to recent the economy would be in “a holding One company in pursuit of this is automated tasks, he queries: “Why
nearly 6 per cent to a low of -2 per predictions from XpertHR, the pattern” until interest rates started to Figure, in Silicon Valley, which is be human when you can be
cent, while inflation could be specialist consultancy, that pay come down and employers had a building human-like robots powered superhuman? Why have two arms
anything from -1 per cent to 5 per settlements will average 4 per cent clearer view about its direction. by artificial intelligence. It raised when you can have eight?”
cent. this year, after 6 per cent last, and it This is the dilemma. Many $675 million this year from OpenAI, James Matthews, 41, chief
In giving talks over the many years seems that the Bank’s pay worries businesses, and certainly the the developer of ChatGPT, and executive of Ocado Technology,
that the Bank has been using the fan could be fast evaporating. This government, would love the Bank to Nvidia, among others, valuing it at agrees that it comes down to the
charts, my little joke has been that month’s big rise in the minimum be cutting interest rates soon $2.6 billion. What are these robots problem you are trying to solve.
they are a great way of presenting wage/national living wage may make (although some older voters, enjoying for? Figure’s heady vision is to help Ocado’s bespoke robotics
forecasts because you can never be the deceleration in pay growth the higher interest rates on their solve the labour shortage and warehouses are dedicated to
entirely wrong. It’s not a great joke, bumpier than it need be, but it looks savings, might demur). But, as replace dangerous jobs with machines that do specific jobs, such
but now I may need a new one. to be happening. discussed by my colleague Mehreen technology. The argument goes that as a hand that can both pick up a
The Bernanke review has It may be some time before Khan, the Bank and other central the world is designed for the human peach without bruising it and grasp
been a bit of a the official figures catch banks are reluctant to be rushed. And form, so robots would be best a heavy wine bottle.
humiliation for the up with surveys such as there is no silver bullet here. designed that way too. Yann LeCun, 63, chief AI scientist
Bank. It would not these, and others, Monetary policy, like the labour Agility Robotics, a developer at Meta and a global leader in the
have happened had such as the CBI’s market, operates with a lag. backed by Amazon, is building field, explained: “How is it that we
its forecasts over latest quarterly The Bank wants to be certain this robots that move like a person to fit don’t have domestic robots that can
the past three view of financial bout of inflation is dead and buried. “a world made for people”. Elon do all the chores? It’s not because we
years not gone so services, which The warning from Musk, the owner of Tesla, has also don’t know how to build those

wrong. There is suggests that the labour market is been working to build a human-like robots; it’s because we don’t know
evidence, recruitment that it may badly robot named Optimus. The tycoon how to make them smart enough.”
though, that in activity in that damage the patient predicted in January that there Rather than having two arms, two
other respects sector remains in the process. could be a billion of them walking legs and a head, the brain will be the
quite strong. But the Earth within the next 20 years. key to creating human-like robots.
Ben Bernanke’s the Bank will be David Smith is Economics Editor of There has long been a fascination
review has hit the happy that the spell The Sunday Times with humanoids and a desire to Katie Prescott is Technology Business
Bank’s reputation appears to be broken at create robots in our likeness. An Editor of The Times


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36 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Revolving door taking a CVS hit by

spin again at Very Group without a
head of IT
Isabella Fish Retail Editor Universal Stores. It offers “buy now, pay group companies … and accounts were

Helen Cahill later” finance on its ranges of clothing, filed on time and with an unmodified he London-
home and beauty products and is a key audit opinion”. It said it would appoint a listed
The Barclay family’s Very Group has pillar of the Barclays’ remaining new auditor in due course. veterinary
been dealt a fresh blow with the depar- corporate assets. The Liverpool-based company re- services
ture of its chief executive after less than Desclée’s appointment as group chief ported profit before tax of £4.6 million company hit
two years in the role. executive had reunited him with Van in the year to July 1, down 92 per cent on by a cyberattack has
Lionel Desclée, 44, a former Walmart den Berghe, a fellow Belgian. They had the year before, which it attributed to a been without a head of
boss who joined Very in September worked together at both Walmart and “heightened cost of funding”. The busi- cybersecurity amid a
2022, was stepping down to “pursue Ahold Delhaize, a Dutch food retailer. ness’s financing costs have risen by churn in its senior IT
new opportunities”, the company said. At the time, the Barclay family was said 43.5 per cent amid the increases in the and technology roles
His exit comes two months after that to have been gearing up for an expected Bank of England’s base interest rate. (Alex Ralph writes).
of Dirk Van den Berghe, 60, who left stock market float that would have Very Group’s debt is comprised of CVS Group revealed
two years into his tenure as chairman, valued the business at £2 billion. bonds, credit facilities and securitised on Monday that it had
and a month after Deloitte resigned as Van den Berghe announced his loans totalling over £2 billion. The recently detected and
the company’s auditor. departure in February this year. group has bonds worth £575 million, responded to an
Very’s leadership upheaval comes as Nadhim Zahawi, 56, the former revolving credit facilities of £150 mil- incident that it
the Barclay family retreat from a range chancellor, was reported to have been lion and has agreed a new debt funding believes will disrupt its
of operations within their debt-laden among the candidates to replace him. package with Carlyle, the American operations in Britain
business empire. They are set to lose Deloitte said it was resigning as private equity firm, and International for weeks.
control of their media assets with the auditor last month, ending an 11-year Media Investments, the Abu Dhabi- The incident has
expected auction of The Daily Tele- relationship, after encountering based group, worth £125 million. been reported to the
graph, The Sunday Telegraph and The “difficulties with respect to the availa- IMI was brought into Very Group’s Information
Spectator and in February they sold bility of and access to appropriate and debt structure as part of a separate deal Commissioner’s Office
Yodel, the parcel delivery company. relevant information”. designed to help the Abu Dhabi inves- and is being
Desclée is to be succeeded by Robbie The fashion and home retailer’s tor to gain control of the Telegraph investigated by third-
Feather, 56, who is being promoted structure is complex and is spread titles. The Telegraph transaction has party consultants.
from the role of retail managing across a web of various businesses been blocked by ministers, leaving IMI CVS has been
director, having joined Very in 2021. whose ultimate parent is based off- in control of debt tied to both the media advertising for a new among 16 key risk likely”. It stated that
Feather formerly was the chief execu- shore. Deloitte said some of these group and the Barclay family’s separate head of cybersecurity, factors to the company potential hypothetical
tive of Fenwick, the department stores businesses were “either not audited by commercial operations. having had two in its last annual consequences could
chain, and before that worked in the same audit firm or are unaudited”. Aidan Barclay, 68, Very’s acting employees in the job report, issued to include a loss of client
various roles for Sainsbury’s Argos. While it said that it had resolved the chairman, praised Desclée for his in less than three shareholders in data resulting in
Very is an online retailer formed by difficulties, “we have concluded that we “strong, customer-focused leadership”. years since the role November, deemed reputational damage.
the Barclays after their acquisitions of wish to resign as auditors”. At the time, He added that Feather was the “perfect was created in 2021. “possible” on a scale Under “mitigating
the Littlewoods catalogue business and Very said that “all the necessary infor- person to lead the next stage of the Very A breach was listed of “remote” to “very factors”, it stated that
the home shopping division of Great mation was provided by those other Group’s development”.


Kike Oniwinde
Agoro, founder of A WORKING

BYP NETWORK 5am My daughter wakes up looking for

breakfast. Then we go back to sleep.

7.30am Wake up for the second time.

Round-the-clock connectivity is crucial for
9am Drop my daughter at nursery
a barrier-smashing platform that matches (two days a week) and head to work.
career opportunities to unseen talent 9.30am Emails.

rowing up in east London, Kike

10.30am Calls with potential clients.
Oniwinde Agoro was something
of a rising star. Having done very 11.30am Admin/internal work.
well academically, she became
an athlete, throwing javelin for Great Britain 12.30pm Reviews with two clients.
while attracting bursaries, scholarships
and internships along the way. “It was a 2pm Lunch.
wonderful time, but I’d do an internship
at an investment bank and realise I was 3pm Team member meetings x2.
the only one who looked like me,” she says.
“I started to think the world of work wasn’t 4pm Workshop.
for me and that sports was all I could do.”
When she did a scholarship at the 5pm BYP x client event, for example
University of Florida, she met successful commit to BYP Network full-time. can see which events and content “BYP x Colt: Build success by bringing
people from all sorts of backgrounds and More than 1,500 corporate clients people are interested in,” Agoro says. your true self to work”.
wondered why they weren’t visible in the – including Sainsbury’s and BCG – have “We’ve been a seven-figure revenue-
media. “When I came back to the UK, I saw collaborated with BYP Network, from generating company for three years 6pm Go to gym.
we had a problem with the narrative around posting jobs and training their employees now and are a profit-for-purpose
the Black community,” she says. “But there on the Black experience to sponsoring company as we believe it’s not 8pm Family time.
are Black professionals doing amazing its Leadership Conference. Last summer charitable to hire Black talent.”
things and just not given a platform.” BYP launched an AI-enabled platform,
And so the idea for BYP Network aptly named Javelin, which matches
was born. “If we come together, we people to tailored job opportunities,
For more: search ‘BT’s got your back’
can help each other to climb the ladder, mentorship, events and content. That round-the-clock and reliable supporting entrepreneurs, it’s second to
and companies can see that the talent Technology plays a central role, connection is essential for BYP Network. none. Get in touch to hear how BT can
exists,” she says. Starting with leadership providing AI-powered insights for the BT’s fixed and mobile networks provide support you to achieve your ambitions.
conferences for Black professionals, companies finding talent, for job seekers solid foundations to build on for
BYP Network quickly became a platform and for BYP Network itself. “Having our businesses of all sizes.
for companies to access top talent. own platform gives us direct access to BT already connects more than a
When BYP won £40,000 across three GDPR-compliant data. Companies can million companies and public sector
different pitching competitions, Agoro see who has been matched to their jobs, organisations, and when it comes to
decided to quit her job in fintech and whether someone applies or not, and we
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 37

experienced head of
cybersecurity to lead
our organisation’s
but increased security
had meant that “some
systems are not
Robust outlook for
efforts in safeguarding working as efficiently
our digital assets and
ensuring compliance
with industry
as previously”. It said
operations outside the
UK were unaffected,
student housing
standards”. as were the group’s
A spokeswoman for ecommerce systems. Tom Saunders
CVS said the vacancy The cyberattack has
had been open for “a come at a difficult The largest owner of student accom-
matter of weeks and time for CVS, with its modation in Britain expects to achieve
we’ve been covering shares having slumped full occupancy for the coming acad-
this with internal and amid a separate emic year, with rental growth of at least
external support. We market investigation 6 per cent.
have made an by the Competition In a trading update, Unite said it had
appointment to the and Markets sold 86 per cent of its rooms for the
post and the successful Authority. academic year starting in September,
candidate will start CVS is one of the slightly below the record rate of 90 per
shortly.” biggest veterinary cent reported at this time last year.
The cyberattack practice businesses in It added that demand from foreign
prompted CVS to shut Britain and is one of students was robust despite recent
a “small number” of the largest companies changes to UK visa rules targeting the
its vet practices for a on Aim, the London dependants of people studying for post-
“short time” and to Stock Exchange’s graduate qualifications. It said foreign
direct clients to other junior market. It students accounted for 13 per cent of its The biggest owner of accommodation
local practices. CVS operates about 500 reservations this year, compared with for students expects full occupancy
has said it believes practices in the UK, 15 per cent in 2023.
that any client data the Netherlands, the Unite is building university abolish multiple dwellings relief in its
was stored on a Republic of Ireland residential blocks nationwide. It has spring budget. The law had meant that
separate, cloud-based and Australia. It also received full planning approval for a when buying two or more houses
server “which was not operates laboratories 500-bed project in Bristol, located close valued at £250,000 or less, stamp duty
impacted as a result of providing diagnostic to the new Bristol University Temple would not apply. Unite’s other fund, its
this incident”. The services to CVS and Quarter Enterprise Campus, and London Student Accommodation Joint
company took its IT third parties, pet expects approval for a 925-bed site in Venture, also was affected by the tax
systems temporarily cremation and clinical Stratford, east London, shortly. In a code changes, but this was more than
offline to contain the waste disposal and joint venture with Newcastle Uni- offset by rental growth of 1.3 per cent,
it employed a head of the position is CVS is one “threat of malicious Animed Direct, an versity, it has submitted a planning prompting its value to increase by 0.8
cybersecurity understood to have of the activity”. online retail business. application to demolish the Castle per cent to £1.93 billion.
alongside third-party been vacant since biggest Its IT services to Shares in CVS, Leazes accommodation block and to The company said it was in the
advisers “where December. veterinary practices and business which have nearly replace it with a 2,000-bed facility. advanced stages of selling a £180 mil-
appropriate to ensure A recently closed practice functions had been halved over the past The value of Unite’s largest fund, its lion portfolio, of which Unite’s share
we maintain high job advertisement businesses securely restored year, closed down a UK Student Accommodation Fund, fell would be £75 million, which it hopes to
standards of sought a “highly in Britain across the majority of further 16p, or 1.7 per by 0.5 per cent on a like-for-like basis to complete in the second quarter.
protection”. However, skilled and its estate, CVS said, cent, at 926p. £2.98 billion during the quarter owing Shares in Unite fell by 12½p, or 1.3 per
mainly to the government’s decision to cent, to 937p.

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the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 39

Klarna, whose chief

New staff are making executive is Sebastian

Siemiatkowski, has cut
customer service roles
way for AI at Klarna ChatGPT, and as a
result tests its latest

larna intends growth ambitions and models and how the
to grow its previously it would technology works in the
business by have meant growing the sensitive world of
deploying organisation a lot faster finance. Although it is
generative as well. But now we looking at other
artificial intelligence don’t need to do it.” generative AI
instead of hiring new This year Klarna said businesses, OpenAI’s
staff (Katie Prescott its virtual assistant tool models were said by
writes). had replaced 700 of Elwin to be “hard to
The “buy now, pay 3,000 customer service beat”. The business does
later” credit business jobs, which would save not yet use generative AI
believes that it will the business $40 million as part of its credit
continue to expand its a year. Government checks, because of fears
operations and revenue departments in about the technology’s
despite a hiring freeze Westminster and a reliability. There have
that was announced in leading airline have been warnings over AI
December, because AI been among those reinforcing stereotypes
is making work more approaching Klarna to or and seeing misleading
efficient. find out how it is patterns.
“Outside of deploying the Elon Musk, the Tesla
engineering, we’ve technology. boss who co-founded
slowed down hiring Elwin said Klarna was OpenAI in 2015, said last
across the board, not anticipating more might shift a little bit. careful and mindful customer support customer satisfaction year that the rapid
because AI allows us to job cuts, but added that And if someone leaves there. Many things just waiting time has has remained the same. advance of AI
create efficiencies,” it was changing its the company, we need can be automated, can dropped from 3min to Klarna, led by its co- technology would
Martin Elwin, the attitude to hiring. “As to think is it really be simplified, without 7sec and the average founder Sebastian “eliminate” the need for
financial technology we are putting these AI necessary to replace having to invest a lot of time to resolve a Siemiatkowski, 42, was jobs entirely, with
group’s head of AI, said. solutions in place, what them immediately? We engineering hours.” problem has gone from an early partner of people working only for
“We still have high is actually needed can be a little bit more At Klarna the average 11min to 3min, while OpenAI, the creator of “personal satisfaction”.

Software provider says ‘yes’ to

American private equity offer
Helen Cahill depressed valuations of London- became clearer, Peel Hunt has found.
quoted stocks, while public compa- Its research showed that 77 per cent
Gresham Technologies has become nies are looking to buy up rivals amid of all new offers in the first quarter
the latest London-listed company to an improvement in Britain’s econo- had come from listed bidders seeking
be targeted by an American bidder. mic outlook. strategic acquisitions. Barratt Devel-
The software provider has recom- Gresham’s directors said they faced opments was one of the first big
mended that its investors accept a “uncertainties and risks” to the buyers this year when it announced a
£147 million, 163¾p-per-share bid delivery of their strategy and that £2.5 billion bid for Redrow, a rival
from STG Partners, a Californian many of these were outside of the housebuilder, in February.
private equity firm, which represents board’s control. Investors were said to The broker’s analysis also found
a near-27 per cent premium to have been held back by a lack of that fewer investors were dissenting
Gresham’s previous closing share liquidity in the London stock market, against takeovers in shareholder
price and comes alongside an interim with an average of only 107,615 shares votes compared with 2020. In re-
dividend of ¾p per share. changing hands each day. search that looked at how many deals
Shares in Gresham jumped by “This low level of liquidity can were rejected by more than 10 per
almost a quarter, or 31½p, to 160½p make it challenging for Gresham cent of investors, it found that share-
last night. shareholders to monetise their hold- holders had dissented in 18 per cent of
Gresham builds data management ings in the market should they so deal votes in 2020 but had pushed
and compliance software for clients wish,” the company said. back in only 13 per cent of votes in the
including easyJet, M&G Investments Kestrel Partners, the largest share- first quarter of 2024.
and Santander. The company, which holder with a stake of 24 per cent, has The report said: “Depressed UK
has about 270 customers in 30 coun- backed the deal, alongside other in- plc share prices have led to an
tries, has invested $35 million to vestors with a combined holding of increased dislocation between trad-
create its Clareti platform, which 45 per cent. ing and fundamental valuation. To
provides financial reconciliation Listed companies became more close the gap, higher premiums are
services to companies. active in the mergers and acquisitions often needed for target boards to
The deal comes as private equity market in the first three months of recommend an offer and for share-
players take advantage of the the year as the path for the economy holders to be convinced to accept it.”

Meta’s AI guru shoots down Musk forecast

Katie Prescott the development of AI was being con-
Technology Business Editor strained by a chip shortage and the
availability of electricity.
Elon Musk is wrong to say that artifi- LeCun asserted that the history of
cial intelligence will overtake human AI “is a succession of people being
intelligence next year, according to overly optimistic and then realising
one of the world’s leading AI that what they’re trying to do is more
scientists. difficult than they thought”.
Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scien- At the same event Sir Nick Clegg,
tist and one of the so-called godfa- the former deputy prime minister
thers of the technology, said that Sir Nick Clegg and Yann LeCun spoke who is now Meta’s president of global
while artificial general intelligence about AI at a Meta event in London affairs, played down the impact of AI
was achievable, it could take decades technology on forthcoming elec-
to arrive. certainly not next year as our friend tions, which many have feared. “Of
Speaking at an event at its London Elon has said,” he said. the major elections which have taken
headquarters to showcase Meta’s AI Musk, chief executive of Tesla, had place already this year … so far what’s
strategy, LeCun, 63, reflected that sci- said that artificial intelligence would been very striking is how little these
entists were still lacking significant be smarter than the smartest human tools have been used on a systemic
advances that would be required to as early as next year. In an interview basis to really try to subvert or disrupt
reach animal intelligence. “AGI is on his platform X Spaces, Musk said the election system,” Clegg, 57, said.
40 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Business Markets
Lauren Almeida Tempus news in brief
Buy, sell or hold: today’s best share tips
Sabadell has TSB plan
There is no pressure for Sabadell
to sell its TSB British unit and the

Green shoots will need time to grow Spanish lender is focused on

improving its profitability, Josep
Oliu, chairman of the bank, said
before today’s annual general
meeting for Sabadell shareholders
bp earnings from these “transition in Alicante. “TSB has the
Energy boost growth engines” from $1 billion in potential to continue growing its
Market cap free cash flow
Share price BP's forward free cash flow yield
2023 to $3 billion to $4 billion in profits over the coming two or
£85bn Forward yield 12.1% 600p compared with American and 2025 and to $10 billion to $12 billion three years and there are no
in 2030. other plans regarding TSB,” Oliu

P seems to be back in high European peers The shares offer a dividend yield of said. TSB reported a 30 per cent
spirits. Shares in the oil 500 BP 4.3 per cent and payouts look well rise in pre-tax profits to
major perked up after a 12.1% covered by a forecast free cashflow £237 million and made a
preview of its first quarter Repsol yield of 12.1 per cent, well ahead of its £29 million provision for
suggested that its upstream 400
10.9% peers in Europe and America. This restructuring within the bank.
production of oil and gas, as well as resilient cashflow, combined with an
of low-carbon energy, would be Shell improved balance sheet (net debt fell
300 10.5% Tasty to close 20 sites
higher than in the previous period. from $21.4 billion to $20.9 billion last
Not that this is the only reason to Equinor year, its lowest in a decade) should The company behind Wildwood
be cheerful. The appointment of 7.7% support cash returns to restaurants plans to close a
Murray Auchincloss as the Eni shareholders. A focus on generating number of venues in a
company’s permanent chief 7.6% high returns on investments in restructuring. Tasty, which also
Source: FactSet

executive in January has helped to 100 Chevron renewables, combined with chunky runs sites under the Dim T
restore confidence after the shock 7.5% cash returns to shareholders via brand, said it intended to shut
departure last year of Bernard ExxonMobil buybacks and dividends, have helped about 20 lossmaking restaurants
Looney. Brent crude oil prices have 0 6.6% to renew confidence in BP, with the after a “challenging” start to the
risen above previous expectations of 2020 21 22 23 24 shares rising by 10 per cent in the year. It said its performance
$83 per barrel for this year to about year to date. A rising oil price is “continues to be inhibited” by
$90, which the market thinks should Ukraine. The plan to reduce its oil likely to support the stock further in underperforming sites. It also will
feed into earnings upgrades and will ADVICE Hold and gas output has provoked a mixed the coming weeks, if not longer. enter into a £750,000 loan
help to improve margins throughout WHY Shares are trading at reception, with some investors BP’s stock remains, however, at a agreement with Will Roseff, the
the sector. And BP has allocated arguing that the plan will shrink its discount to its American peers, Bet365 shareholder, to fund the
$3.5 billion for share buybacks in the deep discount relative to core business while promoting which have committed themselves to restructuring.
first half of 2024 and aims to have history and US peers, but diversification into sectors with the long-term future of oil. Its shares
repurchased at least $14 billion by investors need more evidence lower targeted returns. trade at a forward enterprise value to PureTech brainwave
the end of 2025, redistributing at In its defence, BP has focused its pre-tax earnings multiple of 3.7,
least 80 per cent of its surplus of strategy progress clean energy business on growing compared with ExxonMobil’s 6.7 and PureTech Health, the FTSE 250
cashflow back to shareholders. areas such as biofuels and electric Chevron’s 6.1, despite its competitive biotechnology group, has spun off
Yet BP’s shares remain among the vehicle charging. The latter looks cash generation. a new firm, Seaport Therapeutics,
cheapest in the sector. It trades at a more sustainable cashflows. particularly promising, with the This does make the shares look and raised $100 million in a series
forward price-to-earnings ratio of However, it has rowed back on some business growing in the United relatively decent value, but it reflects A financing from investors.
only 8, compared with an average of of its green targets. In February it cut States via the $1.3 billion acquisition a great deal of uncertainty about Seaport will focus on developing
10. Investors are nervous about the its target for reducing fossil fuel of TravelCenters of America, the how BP’s new strategy will play out. neuropsychiatric medicines
company’s strategy. BP is an oil production to 25 per cent by 2030 truck stop operator, last year, which Cash returns are alluring, but long- created at PureTech. Seaport’s
major turning itself into an energy compared with 2019 levels, from a is expected to add $800 million a term investors should wait for investors, ARCH Venture
company, gradually investing in 2020 goal of 40 per cent, partly as an year in earnings before interest, tax evidence that BP’s “transition Partners, Sofinnova Investments
renewable areas to help to reduce its acknowledgement of the sharp rise and other charges by 2025. The engines” can deliver the growth that and Third Rock Ventures, initially
carbon emissions and to develop in commodity prices amid the war in company aims to increase pre-tax Auchincloss has promised. backed Karuna Therapeutics, a
PureTech company recently
acquired by Bristol Myers Squibb
city of london inv trust FTSE 100. It has underperformed the All are London-listed, but about two investor favourite now trades at a for $14 billion.
leading share index over the past five thirds of the revenue generated by 2.8 per cent discount, despite
Share discount Dividend yield years, but still delivered a respectable the companies in the portfolio come historically trading at a small Brits burdened by bills
to NAV 2.8% 5% total return of 22 per cent. Over 15 from overseas, so there is some premium. Net gearing stood at 7 per
years it has outperformed, returning diversification baked in. cent as of the end of February, at the More than seven million Britons
ity of London Investment 284 per cent since 2009, compared With so many holdings, the trust’s lower end of a historic range were estimated to be struggling

C Trust has increased its

shareholder payouts for 57
years in a row. Only two other trusts,
with a 228 per cent rise in the
The £2 billion portfolio is large,
performance is unlikely to knock the
lights out — it made a net asset
value return of 4.5 per cent in its
between 6 per cent and 11 per cent,
which seems reasonable. With a
recently reduced management fee of
with bills and credit repayments
in January, according to the
Financial Conduct Authority.
Bankers Investment Trust and made up of 82 holdings. Most of this 2023 financial year, compared with a 0.3 per cent, the trust seems a Renters, single adults with
Alliance Trust, have such an is concentrated in Britain, but there total return of 7.9 per cent in the reliable pick for steady income. children, ethnic minorities and
impressive record. is some exposure to Europe, the FTSE All-Share. The trust said at the those in the northeast of England
City’s official objective is to United States and Hong Kong. Its time that although this was were most likely to be affected,
provide long-term growth in income single largest holding is in BAE disappointing, the portfolio was ADVICE Buy research shows. An estimated
and capital. So far, so good. The Systems, which makes up 4.5 per managed for the long term and the WHY Pays reliable dividend, 7.4 million adults felt heavily
trust has a dividend yield of just cent of the portfolio, followed by net asset value total return had burdened with bills at the start of
under 5 per cent, compared with an Relx, the analytics business, at exceeded the index over three, five trading at a modest discount the year — an improvement on
average 3.8 per cent yield in the 4.2 per cent and Shell at 3.9 per cent. and ten years. This long-time the 10.9 million people who felt
that way in January 2023.

Major indices London Financial Futures Commodities

© 2021 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved.

The Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing Prices information contained
herein is proprietary to Tradeweb; may not be copied or
re-distributed; is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely; and does not constitute
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from the use of this information.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 41

Markets Business

BAE Systems in crossfire

as wary investors retreat
Jessica Newman Market report

erospace and defence
companies have enjoyed a banking and finance
barnstorming rise in the
past couple of years,
hardly surprising given
that war, be it Russia’s invasion of
Orchard considers Aim exit
Ukraine or the conflict between Israel
he “continued full review of the

and Hamas, has continued to
dominate the headlines. One of the and escalating benefits of continuing
main beneficiaries has been BAE costs of listing” to maintain our
Systems, shares of which have more have prompted admission on Aim
than doubled in value since Russia Orchard Funding should be
invaded its neighbour in February Group to consider an undertaken.”
2022, hitting a peak of £13.69 last exit from London’s Orchard’s profit
month. junior stock market before tax fell by
Yesterday, however, investors (Helen Cahill writes). 13.6 per cent to
thought it timely to lock in their The Aim-listed £1.08 million in the six
profits at Britain’s biggest defence finance business months to January 31,
company. Indeed, the builder of the warned that its share Orchard said that its although it said this
nation’s nuclear submarine fleet and price was standing at listing on Aim was would have increased
squadrons of fighter jets was swept up a “material discount” affecting earnings by 18.7 per cent to
to its net asset value £1.48 million had it
looking to provide debt trades from about of £17.75 million. escalating costs of not been for an
L’Occitane financing to fund his
2,700 sites in 90
countries. It has more
Wall Street report Orchard said it also
was considering a
listing having a
significant impact on
external fraud that it
said had prompted a
sees beauty The $5.5 billion than 8,500 employees. Indices were mixed ahead of today’s share buyback to our earnings, the poor possible loss of
French luxury retailer It was listed in Hong inflation data and the earnings return capital to trading of our stock, £398,000 and was
in buyout halted trading in its Kong in 2010 on the season that starts on Friday. The investors. Ravi the lack of liquidity of “unlikely to occur in
Hong Kong-listed hope that its growth Dow Jones industrial average shed Takhar, 59, its chief the stock and the the future”.
he owner of shares yesterday before prospects in the Far 9.13 points, or 0.02 per cent, to executive, said: “As a inability of the Its shares closed up

T L’Occitane is said
to be planning to
take the cosmetics
an expected stock
market announcement.
L’Occitane and
East would secure a
better rating than it
would get in Europe. It
38,883.67. The S&P 500 rose 7.52
points, or 0.1 per cent, to 5,209.91.
result of the
continued and
company to raise new
capital, we believe a
33.8 per cent, or 5½p,
at 21½p last night.

company private again, Blackstone declined to was one of the first

months after shelving a comment. western companies to in a sell-off of aerospace and defence specialist, shed 21½p, or by 15p, or 1.8 per cent, to a two-year
previous attempt It was not clear what sell its primary shares stocks after analysts said valuations in 3.2 per cent, to 649½p. high of 839p after the fund manager
(Simon Freeman price Geiger was there at the time. the sector potentially were getting a Despite a commodities push reported full-year results ahead of
writes). preparing to offer, Geiger is an Austrian bit stretched. providing a positive start to the what the market had been expecting.
Reinold Geiger, 76, although Bloomberg, billionaire who led “We would be cautious on session, the downward pressure from Investors also moved into John Wood
who controls almost which first reported L’Occitane for 25 years European defence stock valuations as BAE and Rolls caused the FTSE 100 Group, the engineering consultancy,
three quarters of its the latest potential before he stepped we approach 2025,” Victor Allard, an to fall 8.68 points, or 0.1 per cent, to on advice from Investec as the bank
shares, is understood takeover, said he was down in 2021. He is analyst at Goldman Sachs, said, 7,934.79. The more UK-focused FTSE praised the engineering consultancy’s
to be in advanced talks considering a 20 per now an executive adding that the valuations presented 250 gave up 91.23 points, or 0.5 per cost-cutting plans. Its shares closed
with investors and cent premium to the director and chairman “more downside than upside risk”. cent, to 19,76336. up 3¼p, or 2.4 per cent, at 134¼p.
lenders about a buyout. undisturbed share of the group. The Allard also thinks that growth in Investors were more confident For investors wanting to take a
Blackstone, the price of HK$26. company’s shares stood European military budgets is likely to snapping up commodity-focused punt on the beauty industry, there
American alternative L’Occitane, which at HK$29.50 at decelerate from next year. stocks as metals prices were was Warpaint London. The Aim-
asset manager, is was founded in 1976, Monday’s market close. BAE was the biggest loser among strengthened by hopes of a worldwide listed cosmetics group reported
London’s biggest companies, falling manufacturing rebound. It gave a lift record sales of about £23.5 million in
60½p, or 4.5 per cent, to £12.77. Its to Antofagasta, up 54p, or 2.4 per the first quarter, sending its shares up
The day’s biggest movers peers Chemring and QinetiQ cent, to £22.69; Anglo American, 52½p, or 14 per cent, to 427½p.
dropped 18p, or 5 per cent, to 342½p which rose 36½p, or 1.7 per cent, to It was a brutal day for Surface
and by 13½p, or 3.8 per cent, to 349p, £21.91½; and Glencore, which finished Transforms, however, which declined
respectively, while Babcock 6¼p, or 1.3 per cent, ahead at 473p. by 3½p, or 37.8 per cent, to finish at a
International retreated 13p, or 2.5 per However, Fresnillo took the top spot new low of 5¾p. The company, which
cent, to 500½p. And there were more: on the FTSE 100 risers’ board, makes carbon brakes for cars, said it
shares in Rolls-Royce, the jet engine jumping 22p, or 4 per cent, to 578p as had generated revenues of £3 million
maker and the FTSE 100’s best- gold prices hit a record high for an in the first quarter, lower than its
performing share of 2023, slid by 17p, eighth consecutive session. target, and warned that high levels of
or 3.9 per cent, to 412¼p, while One of the biggest movers in the scrap had absorbed a “sizable amount
Melrose Industries, the aerospace mid-cap index was JTC, which rose of working capital and cash”.

Gold/Precious Money rates % Dollar rates Exchange rates

Because of a technical issue, the gold fix
prices are from Monday.

Sterling spot and forward rates

Other Sterling

European money
deposits %

Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
42 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Business Equity prices

Dividend yields Please note dividend yields are 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
supplied by Morningstar. The yield is the sum of a High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

company’s trailing 12-month dividend payments divided

v v
by the last day’s closing share price.
v v
12-month high and low High/low prices for UK
equities are based on closing prices. Investment trust
high and low prices are based on intra-day figures. v

v v
12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E
Automobiles & parts v

Banking & finance v v

v v

v v
v v v
v v
v v

v Consumer goods

v v
v v v

v v

v v

v v

Investment companies v
12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 12 month Price Yld Dis(-) v
High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm




v Health
v v

v v
v v v



v v

v v

Engineering v
Construction & v


v v
v v

v v

v v
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 43

Equity prices Business

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

v v

v v v v

v v v v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v v
v v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v

v v v v v v

v v v

Industrials v v Real estate

v Professional & v

support services Retailing v

v v
v v

v v

v v v
v v

v v
v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
v v

v v

Natural resources v
v v
v v
v v
Leisure v
v v

v Transport
v v

v v v

v v
v v v
v v

v v
v v
Technology v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v

v v

v Utilities
v v
v v v
v v

v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v v
v v v v

v u
Media v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
Data as shown is
v v for information
v v v purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
44 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Professor Peter Higgs

Theoretical physicist who won the Nobel prize for his work on the mass of subatomic particles
The way in which matter acquires mass, ful were seen to produce the tell-tale
what we perceive as weight, was a prob- signature of the Higgs. With their dis-
lem that had long baffled scientists. covery, the Higgs mechanism was con-
They figured that the answer to this firmed and the great edifice of quantum
question would unlock many of the se- mechanics, known as the Standard
crets of how the universe was formed. Model, was completed. On July 4 Peter
Peter Higgs, an unworldly and donnish Higgs, now an elderly man with a shock
academic, was reading some new re- of white hair, large thick spectacles and
search papers on July 16, 1964, when he two hearing aids, pulled out a handker-
had his eureka moment. chief and wiped away a tear as he sat in
“I looked at one, realised what it the Cern lecture hall listening to how
meant, and then jumped up and shout- the particle had been located and the
ed out loud, ‘Oh shit!’ ” he recalled in an theory that he had developed half a
interview in 2008. He spent the week- century earlier had been proven.
end walking through the hills outside Few doubted that in November 2013
Edinburgh like a latterday Word- the Nobel prize committee would hon-
sworth: “When I came back to work on our Higgs with its annual award in
Monday, I sat down and wrote a new physics, which he shared with Englert,
paper as fast as I could.” the surviving author of the main rival
In layman’s terms, Higgs’s theory paper. But the man himself was anxious
suggested that all space is permeated by Higgs in the 1960s. Below, with the Belgian physicist François Englert, left, to avoid the fuss. On the day of the an-
a “field” that interacts with the particles who shared the 2013 Nobel, and Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the director-general of Cern nouncement he intended to disappear
within it, giving them mass. One analo- into the western Highlands, but his son
gy is to imagine a room with people they in turn respected his generosity. “I one prove it. Even into the 21st century pointed out that he had not started the
milling round. A celebrity (the particle) have no resentment with respect to doubters and detractors continued to car for several months and the battery
enters and people cluster around — Higgs,” Brout once said. “He has been snipe from the sidelines, including Ste- was likely to be flat. Instead, Higgs left
suddenly the celebrity particle has more than fair.” phen Hawking, who once had a $100 his apartment in Edinburgh early, as al-
mass. Higgs developed the idea that Higgs’s theory gained traction during bet with an American academic that ways without a mobile phone, and
particles had no mass when the uni- the late 1960s as other physicists devel- the Higgs boson would never be found. headed to the dockside suburb of Leith
verse began, but acquired mass a frac- oped the idea. In 1972 Benjamin Lee, a Hawking lived to see his wallet light- for lunch. Later in the day he bumped
tion of a second afterwards when they physicist at Fermilab, a laboratory spe- ened. into a former neighbour who congratu-
entered a theoretical field. Higgs pro- cialising in high-energy particle phys- Interest in the theory fluctuated over lated him on the award. “What award?”
posed that this field, now known as the ics near Chicago, began referring to the the years. It was taken up by the Cern
“Higgs field”, permeates space, giving “Higgs boson” and the name stuck. laboratory in Switzerland and in the For decades his theory
mass to all elementary particles that in- Meanwhile, Steven Weinberg, another 1980s hope rested on Cern’s Large Elec-
teract with it. American physicist, referred to the tron-Positron Collider, which acceler- stood unchallenged; nor
Higgs needed no laboratory or ex- Higgs mechanism, Higgs field and ated particles in opposite directions
pensive equipment, only a sharpened Higgs boson in a scientific paper. The around a 17-mile diameter ring before could anyone prove it
pencil and a notebook. His first paper terms soon became widespread, if still smashing them into each other. It
on the subject was quickly published by only theoretical. proved unsuccessful and the collider was Higgs’s mischievous reply.
the journal Physics Letters, based at the The Higgs boson soon became was eventually dismantled. Scientists at Peter Ware Higgs was born in El-
European Organisation for Nuclear known as the “God particle”, a term that Cern then used the same tunnel to swick, Newcastle upon Tyne, in 1929,
Research, known as Cern, in Switzer- rankled somewhat with its theoriser, a build a £3 billion Large Hadron Collid- the son of Thomas Higgs, a BBC sound
land. Yet it was largely ignored by scien- professed atheist. Typically, Higgs er, the most powerful “particle smash- engineer. His father’s work took the
tists. A second, in which he described a would refuse to discuss the subject with er”, to test Higgs’s ideas. When it began family around the country which, com-
theoretical model (now known as the believers, saying that they were already operating on September 10, 2008, bined with Peter’s asthma, meant that
Higgs mechanism), was rejected by the confused. “If they believe that story Higgs expressed cautious optimism. “I he was home-schooled for a time. The
about creation in seven days, are they shall open a bottle of something,” he family moved to Bristol, but when his
The term ‘God particle’ being intelligent?” he mused. The term said when asked what he might do if the father was transferred to Bedford, Peter
came about from a book by Leon Led- Higgs boson was found. “It will be and his Scottish mother, Gertrude (née
somewhat rankled with erman entitled The God Particle: If the champagne — whisky takes a little Coghill), remained in the West Coun-
Universe is the Answer, What is the more time to drink.” try, where he was a pupil at Cotham
its theoriser, an atheist Question? (though Lederman later said In 2012 the elusive particle was final- Grammar School, the alma mater of Higgs in 2007: for the theory that gave
he had originally intended to call it the ly detected by the Cern researchers. Paul Dirac, known as the founding
same editors as being of “no obvious “goddam particle”). Out of the hundreds of trillions of pro- father of quantum mechanics. Higgs Great Exhibition from a century
relevance to physics”. He said: “I was in- For several decades Higgs’s theory tons collided in the tunnels beneath the became enthused by Dirac’s work and earlier.
dignant, but I also thought I was right.” stood unchallenged, but nor could any- French-Swiss border, a small hand- later spoke of the wonder of “under- Even as a student Higgs could be ob-
Undeterred, Higgs added a further par- standing the world”. Yet he almost lost tuse. As president of the scientific Max-
agraph to the paper “to spice it up”, em- interest in physics after seeing the dev- well Society at King’s he gave a speech in
phasising his theory about a missing astation caused by the allies’ bombing May 1950 on the theme “How can scien-
boson, and submitted it instead to the of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “These tists be sure the observations they make
journal Physical Review. There it at- were obviously things I didn’t want to are real?”. According to the notes of the
tracted the attention of some of the fin- be involved in,” said Higgs, a devout meeting, his talk “aroused considerable
est minds in the field. pacifist. controversy”. He conducted research at
Elsewhere, other physicists were ar- At 17 he moved to City of University College London and Imperi-
riving at a similar conclusion, albeit London School, where he devel- al College, and in 1957 was appointed
they were working in teams and Higgs oped a passion for mathematics. lecturer in mathematics at UCL.
was working alone. On the day that Oxford and Cambridge were of He was also attracting a reputation
Higgs submitted his first paper, another little interest. “These places for being shy, even something of a loner.
proposing a near-identical theory, by were all very well for the child- A former colleague at King’s recalled
François Englert and Robert Brout of ren of the idle rich,” he recalled. that whenever they went on a driving
the Free University of Brussels, ap- “But if you were serious about holiday around Europe he would have
peared in a different journal. Soon university, you went some- to sort Higgs out with a girlfriend. “It
afterwards Tom Kibble (Imperial where else.” Instead he read never worked out romantically,” re-
College London), Carl Hagen (Ro- physics at King’s College called the friend. “He was never as ro-
chester University, US) and Ger- London, staying on to com- mantically successful as the rest of us.”
ald Guralnik (Brown Univers- plete a master’s and, in 1954, Higgs had first set eyes on Edinburgh
ity, US) chimed in with a simi- his PhD in molecular phys- in 1949, when he and another friend ar-
lar idea. Over the years ics. It was funded by a research rived in the city for a hitch-hiking holi-
Higgs would go out of his fellowship provided by the day in the western Highlands. The city’s
way to ensure that his fel- Royal Commission for the third international festival was in full
low researchers were Exhibition of 1851, set up swing and he was thrilled by the excite-
suitably credited, and with the proceeds of the ment and vibrancy of the Scottish capi-
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 45

Higgs in 2013 with Professor Stephen Hawking, who once had a $100 bet that
the Higgs boson would never be found. Hawking lived to see his wallet lightened

his experiences of racism in the South stuck to his principles, no matter how
put him off any idea of an Ivy League unfashionable. When the CND began
career in that country. Instead he opposing nuclear power as well as nu-
elected to remain at Edinburgh, being clear weapons, he resigned; when
appointed reader in 1970 and professor Greenpeace opposed genetically modi-
of theoretical physics in 1980. fied crops, he again quit. Awarded the
Although in later years he was fêted Wolf prize in 2004 (jointly with Brout
by the University of Edinburgh, theirs and Englert), he refused to visit Jeru-
had often been an uneasy relationship. salem to collect it in person because of
After his original work theorising the his opposition to Israeli treatment of
boson, Higgs published very little. He Palestinians. Almost every other signif-
had regular disputes with his superiors, icant scientific prize also came his way,
campaigned against the university’s including the Royal Society’s Copley
shareholdings in South African compa- medal, the world’s oldest scientific hon-
nies, took part in trade union activities our. In 2017 the 1851 Commission,
with the Association of University which had funded his original research
Teachers and agitated for greater staff 65 years earlier, awarded him its medal.
involvement in the running of the phys- Higgs remained admirably distrust-
ics department. For more than 20 years ing of the establishment in all its forms.
he was not even on speaking terms with He turned down a knighthood in 1999
the university’s principal, whom he had because of his belief that the honours
failed to convince of the validity of the system is “used for political purposes by
1960s’ student protests. the government in power” and only ac-
Higgs retired in 1996 and for many cepted a Companion of Honour
years kept his distance from his former because he believed, mistakenly, that it
department. “Today, I wouldn’t get an was the personal gift of the Queen.
academic job,” he mused. “I don’t think Later he would joke that the post-nomi-
I would be regarded as productive nal letters CH meant he was “honorary
enough.” Indeed, his published papers Swiss”.
him his eminence, the physicist needed no laboratory or expensive equipment, only a sharpened pencil and a notebook can be counted on two hands, com- He grew to dislike the publicity that
pared with the several per year that are came with the discovery of the boson
tal. In 1955 he spent a year as a senior in 1963 and had two sons, Chris, a com- Over time he and Jody rekindled their expected of academics nowadays. “I and winning the Nobel prize. “My life
research fellow at the city’s Tait Insti- puter scientist, and Johnny, a jazz musi- friendship and would attend classical was an embarrassment to the depart- has been ruined by people recognising
tute of Mathematical Physics, but it was cian. However, Higgs’s fame soon put a concerts together. Jody died in 2008 ment when they did research assess- me on the street and wanting a selfie,”
not until 1960 that he was offered a per- strain on their marriage. “One time I and Higgs, who was also an art lover ment exercises,” he said. “A message grumbled the sprightly man who pre-
manent position at the city’s university backed out of a family holiday ... I got on and a keen hill walker, is survived by would go round the department, ferred to be as elusive as his boson. In a
as lecturer in mathematical physics. a plane and went to a conference,” their sons. ‘Please give a list of your recent publica- rare Times interview in 2017, he added:
Arriving in the autumn of that year he said. From time to time Higgs suffered tions.’ And I would send back a state- “I hardly dare to go to the school of
he was soon set his first mathematical The couple divorced in 1972 and moments of self-doubt. In March 1966, ment, ‘None’.” He liked to say that the physics because a horde of students
challenge. Nicholas Kemmer, the nu- thereafter his domestic arrangements while driving along the east coast of only reason he was kept on was because from the Far East will descend on me
clear physicist, had arranged a Nato- remained frozen in time. Friends joked of the distant prospect that he might bearing smartphones. It’s made partic-
funded conference at the nearby New- that his fifth-floor flat in the New Town ‘My life has been ruined win a Nobel prize and the university ularly difficult by the fact that a portrait
battle Abbey. Higgs was given responsi- area of Edinburgh was a “bubble in the would then bask in the reflected glory. of me hangs on the stairway — they
bility for the domestic arrangements, space-time continuum”. He eschewed a by people recognising He felt sorry for younger academics. “I know what to look for.”
including the provision of wine. De- television, avoided the computer, only think anybody who wanted to pursue Higgs would later describe his work
spite his best efforts, the number of bot- had an email address (checked by a col- me on the street’ the kind of interests I pursued would in 1964 as “the climax of my career”,
tles set aside for dinner never quite tal- league) because it was a university re- need to do it a bit surreptitiously as a adding that it was almost the end of it,
lied with the number of empties after- quirement, and listened to music on America with his wife and their six- spare time activity.” “because I didn’t do much of interest
wards. Apparently some of the vinyl records. One of his sons bought month-old son, he suffered a panic Later there was talk of a Peter Higgs afterwards”. As for the Higgs boson it-
delegates, among them two future him a mobile phone for his 80th birth- attack and had to stop the car. He had building in the university’s physics de- self, he saw very little use for it, other
Nobel prizewinners, were hiding bot- day, but he rarely turned it on and never been en route to present his theory at partment, but this morphed into a than understanding the origins of the
tles in a grandfather clock, which were gave out the number. Princeton University, where Albert Higgs Centre for Innovation, which universe. “It’s very difficult for me to
then used to lubricate their late-night Meanwhile, the pursuit of profes- Einstein, who had been dead only a displeased this shy and modest man. imagine anybody doing anything use-
discussions. sional goals that had helped to ruin his decade, had developed much of his “In spite of my never having any real ful with that particle,” he told Tom
While in London, Higgs had become personal life now sent his research work. He survived that gruelling or- connection with it, they put my name Whipple in The Times. “I don’t see any
an activist in the Campaign for Nuclear career into limbo. “After the break-up deal, followed by another at Harvard on it and my name shouldn’t be on it,” future for it at all.”
Disarmament (CND). It was at one of of my marriage, I think I just lost touch where the physicists in the audience he grumbled before it opened in 2018.
their meetings in Edinburgh that he with the things I should have been had been instructed to “tear him to Around friends, close colleagues and Professor Peter Higgs CH FRS, theoretical
met Jody Williamson, an idealistic learning about just to follow my own shreds”. He was in the US on sabbatical those he knew well, Higgs was invari- physicist, was born on May 29, 1929. He
American linguist. They were married work,” he said. “I couldn’t keep up.” at the University of North Carolina, but ably warm, funny and engaging. He died on April 8, 2024, aged 94
46 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Births, Marriages and Deaths Lives remembered

BYWATER Murray Lloyd died peacefully
Michael Tanner performance fully engaged him Lord Hoyle
on 4th April in the Isle of Wight, aged 85.
The simple way to Much-loved husband of Pamela, father of (such as Longborough Festival
Nick, Jane, Giles and Tom, grandfather of David Opera’s Tristan in 2017, con- Nicholas
place your Birth, Amelia, Sam, Ben, Hannah, Evie and Wilf. Woodhead ducted by Anthony Negus and Bennett JP,
Private family funeral. Thanksgiving service
Marriage or Death in Odiham to be announced. writes: directed by Carmen Jakobi, or vice chair-
announcement in Michael Furtwängler’s 1944 Bruckner 8 man, Asso-
ILLIS Nicky (née Pattison) on 29th March
Tanner in Vienna, about which we cor- ciation of
the Register. Available 2024, aged 53, much-loved wife of Seb and
wonderful mother to Luke and Eliza died (obituary, responded) his enthusiasm was Former
24 hours a day. Go to: peacefully at home. Taken far too soon. April 6) was boundless. Members of KEAVENEY Benn (born Peter Bernard) not easily Parliament,
died peacefully on 29th March 2024, aged pleased. In Professor Nicholas Marston writes: Un-
or you can email 67. Benn, CEO, Emeritus Mind
one of his opera reviews he writes: Michael Tanner’s phe- like some left-wing Labour
Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing & Hounslow, died in his sleep after a short illness. quoted a Susan Sontag essay in nomenal record collection, re- MPs, Doug Hoyle (obituary,
Funeral at St Marylebone Crematorium,
East End Road, London N2 0RZ, 12pm
which she wrote: “The depth ferred to by Chris Ramsey April 8) was a genial man who
Thursday 11 April 2024. Flowers to A and grandeur of feeling of (Lives Remembered, April 8), happily chatted to colleagues in
HE THAT handleth a matter wisely shall France, 45 Lamb’s Conduit Street WC1N which Wagner is capable is functioned as a lending library other parties in the Commons. I
find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, 3NH. Donations to;
happy is he. Médecins sans Frontières, RIP. combined in his greatest work to undergraduate and graduate was delighted to renew our ac-
Proverbs 16.20 (AV) with an extraordinary delicacy members of Corpus Christi Col- quaintance when, as chief exec-
Bible verses are provided by the on 3rd April 2024 to Siobhan and ORR-EWING in the depiction of emotion. It is lege. This was an enormous utive of the Association for
Bible Society Daniel, a daughter, Aurelia May Sadie
Ann (née Terry) this delicacy that may finally boon to those of us reading Consultancy and Engineering,
Finley, sister to Ruari.
1931 - 2024 convince us that we are indeed music, as neither the university he joined our parliamentary
Births Died peacefully at home on Easter
in the presence of that rarest of nor the city had anything group for those with an interest
Forthcoming Marriages Saturday, 30th March 2024. Beloved
CARBONI on 27th March 2024 to Liberty
(née Marchant) and Julius, a daughter, MR O. J. MIDDLEDITCH
wife of the late Hamish Orr-Ewing. A achievements in art, the rein- remotely of the kind. Michael in construction and engineer-
Cecilia Taylor. AND MISS L. E. CLOWES
private service and cremation will be
held in memory of Ann. No flowers
vention of sublimity.” To which was “at home” 6.45-7pm on ing. As a peer Doug regular at-
The engagement is announced between please. Donations if desired to the Tanner added, with a character- Monday evenings, and one tended functions organised by
Oliver, younger son of Mr Matthew
Middleditch, of Burnham Overy Staithe,
Dingle Tree Planting Project c/o Hillier istic sting in the tail: “For a per- never came away disappointed. the association of former MPs
Funeral Service, Kingshill House, Kent
Legal Notices Norfolk, and Mrs Penelope Middleditch, of Road, Swindon SN1 4NH. Inquiries formance of any of Wagner’s It was wise, however, to be and was delighted when his son
Catfield, Norfolk, and Lucy, daughter of Mr 01793 522797. mature works, either we feel we punctual in returning loans: I Lindsay became our patron
George and Lady Rose Clowes, of Ham,
Invitation to submit an Wiltshire. are in the presence of sublimity well remember him confronting after his election as Speaker.
Expression of Interest for the ROBINSON Crispin Charles 22.12.1959-
or the whole thing is a frustrat- one of my contemporaries in
"Construction of Breakwater and CAPTAIN I. A. WEALE SCOTS
ing waste of time, as almost all New Court and demanding,
Complementary Works for
Puerto Exterior"
The engagement is announced between
6.4.2024. Scholar, consummate teacher,
generous tutor and very dear friend. performances are.” with Hagen-like menace: “Her @
Ivo, son of Lt Col and Mrs Adrian Weale, of Liberatus a dolore. Requiescat in pace.
San Antonio, Chile London W8, and Venetia, daughter of Mr
On the other hand, when a den Ring!”
Within the framework of the port and Mrs David Hudd, also of London W8. YOUNG Elizabeth Eileen (née Giblett) died
development policy promoted by the peacefully on 5th April 2024, aged 93. A
State of Chile, Empresa Portuaria San unique and invincible spirit.
Antonio invites specialized companies
to express their interest in
participating in the construction of the AND MISS E. S. G. WARDE-ALDAM Thanksgiving Services
"Breakwater and Complementary The engagement is announced between
Works of Puerto Exterior" George, middle son of Andrew Townsend DAME ANN LESLIE

Readers’ Lives
Description of the project: and Margaret Nairne of Faringdon, A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of
"Puerto Exterior" will be in the Oxfordshire, and Grace, daughter of Jamie Dame Ann Leslie will be held at St Bride’s
southern area of the San Antonio Port and Amynta Warde-Aldam of Healey, Church, Fleet Street, on Thursday 23rd May
precinct, located in the City of San Northumberland. 2024 at 11.30am. Please indicate if you
Antonio, Valparaíso Region, intend to come, via this link: https://
approximately 100 km from the city of Deaths
Santiago. thanksgiving-for-the-life-of-dame-ann-leslie-
In compliance with the regulations in BAKER Molly (née Slater) died peacefully tickets-865381488327. No tickets will be
force in the country, Empresa Portuaria on 19th February 2024, aged 90. Much- issued.
San Antonio will develop the basic loved wife of Clive, mother of John, Nigel
infrastructure -breakwater and and Sarah and loving grandmother. Funeral
complementary works- of "Puerto held at Croydon Crematorium, 3rd April.
Exterior" and, subsequently, will Donations to British Heart Foundation
tender the construction and operation, welcome.
through the granting of
port concessions to private parties, of BOSWELL John Robert Douglas died Politics with no boring bits
each of the four port terminals peacefully on 2nd April 2024, husband of
contemplated in the project.
The transfer capacity of "Puerto
Exterior" will be 6 million TEUs per
year, once all its phases have
Therese and father of Mark, Simon, Hamish
and the late Nicolas, and much-loved
grandfather of Harry, Alex, Jay, Keiki and
Blake. Funeral at St Michael’s Church,
Listen to Matt Chorley on
Times Radio, Monday to
Friday at 10am
discount for
been completed. Gittisham, noon on Wednesday 24th April.
Description of the breakwater and subscribers
complementary works: BOYLE Jennifer Catherine (Jenni) died on
The works to be considered in the 27th March 2024, aged 74, after a sudden
expression of interest include the illness. Dearly beloved wife of Michael and
construction of a breakwater of mother of Emma. Funeral at the Church of
approximately 4 kilometers in length, the Ascension, Burghclere RG20 9JW on
dredging around the future dock, filling Wednesday 17th April at 1pm. Inquiries to
of platforms and complementary works West Berks FD, 44 London Road Newbury
such as roads and railroad access to RG14 1LA Tel, 01635 43355.
the terminals.
Companies expressing interest: BRIDGEMAN John H. O. At home,
Interested parties may be national and Boreland, on 2 April 2024, aged 85. Much-
foreign companies, with proven loved husband, father and grandfather.
experience in the development of large Funeral at Holy Trinity, Lockerbie, noon on
port works and/or marine dredging, Tuesday 16th April 2024.
being able to demonstrate
such experience individually or as part
of a consortium.
Communication and deadline:
Companies interested in having more
detailed information on this invitation received by His Majesty.
and that have accreditable experience, Court Circular The Princess Royal, on behalf of
should contact Empresa Portuaria San
Antonio through the following The King, held an Investiture at
email: Windsor Castle this morning.
Expressions of interest, together with
the background of the relevant St James’s Palace
experience indicated, must be 9th April, 2024
submitted until May 31st, 2024. The Princess Royal, accompanied by
Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this
CR-2024-000455 afternoon opened Tideway’s Chelsea
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE Quay, Chelsea Embankment, London
BUSINESS AND PROPERTY SW3, and was received by General Sir
COMPANIES COURT (ChD) Buckingham Palace Adrian Bradshaw (Deputy Lieutenant
BEFORE INSOLVENCY AND 9th April, 2024 of Greater London).
COMPANIES COURT JUDGE Mr Andrew Bailey (Governor of the Her Royal Highness, Master, the
BURTON Bank of England) was received by Corporation of Trinity House,
DATED 26 MARCH 2024 The King this morning. accompanied by Admiral Laurence,
IN THE MATTER OF IMETA Ms Angela Macro was received by this evening attended the Seventieth
TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED The King upon her appointment as Anniversary of Re-Hallowing Service
AND IN THE MATTER OF THE British High Commissioner to Papua at St Olave’s Church, 8 Hart Street,
New Guinea.
Order of the High Court of Justice
Chancery Division dated 26 March 2024
Ms Joanne McPhail was received
by The King upon her appointment
London EC3, followed by a Reception
at Trinity House, Trinity Square,
London EC3.
Executive who changed
confirming the reduction of the share
capital of the above-named company
from £836.02 to £832.02 by cancelling
as British High Commissioner to the
Gabonese Republic.
Dr Alastair McPhail was also
Kensington Palace
9th April, 2024
fortunes in the car trade
and extinguishing all of the issued
ordinary B shares of £0.01 each in the received by His Majesty. The Duke of Gloucester, Royal
Mr Alastair Long was received in Patron, Peace and Prosperity Trust, JAMES TYRRELL, WHO DIED AGED 60, APPEARED IN THE TIMES ON AUGUST 27, 2022
capital of the company and the
Statement of Capital approved by the audience by The King and kissed this morning received Mr Rajai
Court were registered by the Registrar hands upon his appointment as His Khouri (Chairman).
of Companies on 4 April 2024. Majesty’s Ambassador to the His Royal Highness, Patron, the
Commemorate the life of a friend or relative in
Dated: 8 April 2024 Readers’ Lives, a service in contracted tributes
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Kingdom of Bahrain. Worshipful Company of
Governor’s House Mrs Long was also received by His Pattenmakers, this afternoon received
5 Laurence Pountney Hill Majesty. Mr Patrick Tyrrell upon relinquishing
London Mrs Alison Thorpe was received by his appointment as Master and Mr
EC4R 0BR The King upon her appointment as Keith Bottomley upon assuming the Call 020 7782 5583 or email
Ref. 3013364.000001/JSM British High Commissioner-designate appointment.
Solicitors for the above-named
company to the Republic of Rwanda. Ms Claire Hobson (Clerk) was
Mr Reuben Thorpe was also present.
Eid Mubarak to you
and your family


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the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 51

Today Cloud and rain spreading eastwards, heaviest in northwestern areas. Max 15C (59F), min 3C (37F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Drier and warm for a 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 21 7
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder time in southern Britain, Slight 11
*=previous day **=data not available otherwise turning fresher Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* and staying unsettled 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
8 16
6 R 17.4 5.0
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Some sunny intervals at times over
Aberporth 8 B 11.2 0.7
Ireland, Scotland and northwestern At 17:00 on Tuesday there were 7
Anglesey 10 B 6.0 0.8 England, otherwise it will be cloudy 188 flood alerts and 43 warnings in 7
Aviemore 5 R 18.2 4.7 with showery rain. Overcast in Wales England, 29 flood alerts and three
and western England. Dry elsewhere.

Barnstaple ** ** 3.4 ** 32 C F n March 23 a British
warnings in Wales and 12 flood alerts Aberdeen
Bedford 8 C 1.4 ** Max 19C, min 7C 35 95
and six warnings in Scotland. couple, Mike and Helen
Belfast 9 R 8.4 0.3
For further information and updates 30 86
Birmingham 7 R 8.2 **
in England visit flood-warning- 25 77 Beech, were on their
Bournemouth 10 C 3.2 0.7 14 NORTH yacht in the Bahamas
Bridlington 12 C 2.8 **, for Wales 20 68 and SEA 15 59 when the mast was
Bristol 11 C 3.2 0.3
for Scotland 9
Camborne 10 PC 3.0 0.6
16 Edinburgh
10 50
struck by lightning. The couple saw
Cardiff 10 C 6.2 0.0 31 Glasgow 5 41
Edinburgh 7 R 13.4 4.0
0 32
a flash of white and blue light before
Eskdalemuir 7 R 18.8 **
8 24 -5 23 an “almighty bang” that blew all the
Glasgow 9 C 19.4 5.2
-10 14 onboard navigation equipment,
Hereford 9 C 4.6 ** Londonderry
Herstmonceux 9 R 3.6 3.4 ATLANTIC
-15 5 although the couple were
Ipswich 8 C 1.2 3.1
Newcastle unharmed.
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 9 C 45.4 0.1
Friday Belfast Yachts are especially vulnerable to
Isle of Wight 11 C 1.2 ** 10
Jersey 11 C 4.0 1.8 Warm and dry over southern Britain 13 9 lightning strikes, with a mast
with sunny spells. Blustery and rather
Keswick 7 R 33.8 ** cloudy with showery rain in Scotland,
York standing up high above the water
Kinloss 7 R 14.0 8.4 Ireland and northern England. like a lightning conductor. Typically,
Leeds 5 R 13.6 ** Max 19C, min 3C
Lerwick 7 R 7.6 6.9 Manchester Hull
anything close to the mast when
Leuchars 7 R 16.0 3.6 Liverpoo
Liverpool 10 lightning strikes can be destroyed,
Lincoln 11 R 5.0 2.0 Galway IRISH 21
such as wind instruments, television
Liverpool 8 C 20.4 ** 13 SEA Sheffield
London 9 R 3.0 1.4 Dublin
13 antennas, radar, lights and anything
Lyneham 9 C 4.4 0.0 electronic inside the boat. Lightning
Manchester 8 R 13.2 1.0
Margate 9 C 1.2 6.2
17 14
Nottingham can also punch holes through the
Milford Haven 10 PC 14.6 ** 19
fibreglass hull of a yacht.
Newcastle 7 R 33.0 ** 30 10 In July 2009 a bolt of lightning
Nottingham 8 C 6.0 0.5 Birmingham
Orkney 7 R 14.6 10.2 17
Cambridge struck a yacht in Loch Ness after it
Oxford 9 R 2.8 ** 11 had nearly completed a round-the-
Swansea Oxford 14
Plymouth 11 R 2.4 ** world voyage. The Norwegian family
Portland 10 PC 0.0 ** Cardiff
Scilly, St Mary’s 11 PC 3.6 **
Saturday Channel Islands CELTIC 13 on board heard a huge bang and saw
Shoreham 9 R 3.6 2.4 Mostly cloudy with outbreaks of
SEA Bristol London a lot of smoke coming out from
rain over Scotland, Ireland, northern
Shrewsbury 8 R 8.0 0.0 13
Snowdonia 7 C 41.0 **
England and western Wales. Dry
elsewhere with sunny spells. Southampton
inside the boat, while a teenager at
11 the wheel of the vessel had a lucky
Southend 10 C 0.8 1.8 Max 17C, min -1C eter
South Uist 9 PC 0.2 ** 19 Plymouth Brighton escape when his wellington boots
Stornoway 9 C 0.2 8.8
Tiree 10 C 1.2 **
were burnt on the outside. The mast
Whitehaven 6 R 38.8 1.1 10
11 was destroyed, and three holes were
Wick 7 R 19.8 ** 29 punched through the boat and
Yeovilton 11 C 0.8 0.0
cracked the walls of a cabin.
17 General situation: Dry with sunny increasing to bring showery rain during N Isles: The risk of an isolated shower, Other boats have suffered worse
The world spells in eastern Britain at first, the afternoon. Light increasing to otherwise it will be a dry day with incidents. In June 2022 lightning hit
All readings local midday yesterday
otherwise cloud will increase with rain moderate or fresh southwesterly wind. sunny spells. Moderate to fresh a fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico
Alicante 22 S Madeira 19 PC 17 spreading eastwards. Maximum 14C (57F), minimum westerly wind, turning southerly later.
Amsterdam 12 B Madrid 12 S
some 100 miles off the coast of
SW Eng, N Ireland, Republic of Ireland, 9C (48F). Maximum 8C (46F), minimum 7C (45F).
Athens 22 S Malaga 19 S Wales, IoM: Overcast and misty with Cen S Eng, E Eng, Midlands, Channel Is: Cen N Eng, NW Eng, NE Eng, Scotland, Florida. The outrigger on the side of
Auckland 22 PC Mallorca 18 PC
outbreaks of rain spreading eastwards, Dry with sunny spells and some mist Lake District: Dry with some sunshine the boat exploded into splinters and
Bahrain 29 S Malta 21 PC Sunday
Bangkok 35 PC Melbourne 13 SH Mainly dry with some sunny spells in
heavy at times. Moderate to fresh patches at first, then cloud increasing at first but cloud soon increasing to caught fire, the engine and electrics
Barbados 30 PC Mexico City 27 S England and Wales, but thicker cloud south or southwesterly wind, strong to bring outbreaks of rain from the bring an overcast rest of the day with packed up and one passenger was
will bring the risk of a few showers at near the coast. Maximum 15C (59F), west. Some fog patches developing outbreaks of rain, heavy at times.
Barcelona 15 PC Miami 27 B
times. Cloud increasing over Scotland minimum 8C (46F). in the afternoon. Moderate to fresh Moderate to fresh southerly wind,
knocked unconscious. He recovered
Beijing 14 S Milan 17 C
Beirut 22 B Mombasa 32 B
and Ireland bringing rain or sleet.
E Anglia, SE Eng, London: Dry with southerly wind. Maximum 12C (54F), strong near the coast. Maximum after a few minutes, and everyone
Max 13C, min -1C
Belgrade 26 S Montreal 15 PC sunny spells in the morning but cloud minimum 9C (48F). 13C (55F), minimum 3C (37F). else on board was uninjured.
Berlin 26 S Moscow 16 PC The crew had already decided to
Bermuda 17 SH Mumbai 33 **
Bordeaux 14 PC Munich 19 S
8 Tides Noon today head to shore because conditions
Brussels 12 PC Nairobi 25 B Tidal predictions. LOW 1008 HIGH were growing stormy with high
22 S 24 S Heights in metres 1032 HIGH
Bucharest Naples
992 winds, 6ft waves and relentless
Budapest 25 S New Orleans 23 R Today Ht Ht 1024
Buenos Aires 23 B New York 17 B 13 Aberdeen 03:05 4.4 15:14 4.6 1016
LOW lightning. The coastguard was
Cairo 23 B Nice 16 B Avonmouth 09:14 14.4 21:33 14.1 1000 alerted by a distress signal from the
Calcutta 34 ** Nicosia 18 T Belfast --:-- -- 13:02 3.7 boat’s radio beacon and a helicopter
Canberra 8 SH Oslo 7 DU 13 09:05 13.2 21:21 13.0
Cape Town 18 R Paris 12 B 07:47 5.8 20:08 5.6
was dispatched and airlifted
Chicago 19 S Perth 25 S
Dover --:-- -- 13:04 6.9 everyone to safety. The odds of a
Copenhagen 18 PC Prague 22 S 992 boat being struck by lightning in the
Monday Dublin 00:12 4.5 12:29 4.8 984
Corfu 24 S Reykjavik 2 SN
Delhi 35 ** Riga 21 S Blustery and feeling fresher with Falmouth 07:09 5.5 19:29 5.3 1016 LOW 1008 US are about one in 1,000, but in
sunny spells and scattering of Greenock 02:13 3.4 14:33 3.7
Dubai 31 S Rio de Janeiro 29 S
showers, heavy in places with some
HIGH Cold front Florida lightning is so frequent that
Dublin 10 SH Riyadh 26 C Harwich 01:17 4.2 13:47 4.2 1016
Faro 19 S Rome 23 S
sleet, snow or hail.
Holyhead --:-- -- 12:10 6.1 1032 Warm front the chances of lightning damage to
Max 11C, min -3C 1024 1024
Florence 24 S San Francisco 19 S Hull 08:12 7.7 20:21 8.2 HIGH Occluded front boats are about four times higher.
Frankfurt 12 PC Santiago 24 S Leith 04:19 5.8 16:32 6.0 Trough
Geneva 9 B São Paulo 26 S Liverpool --:-- -- 13:01 10.0
9 London Bridge
03:31 7.5 15:58 7.3
11:26 2.5 23:30 2.8
Synoptic situation Highs and lows
24hrs to 5pm yesterday
Hours of darkness
Aberdeen 20:37-05:38
Speak directly to one
Hong Kong 25 PC Singapore 33 B An area of low pressure in
Honolulu 28 PC St Petersburg 15 S
Milford Haven
08:08 7.6 20:27 7.4
--:-- -- 13:11 10.2 the Atlantic will push a warm Warmest: Gosport,
Hampshire, 13.5C
20:27-05:47 of our forecasters on
Istanbul 16 S Stockholm 16 S
Newhaven --:-- -- 13:07 7.0 front and blustery winds across Coldest: Cairngorm, -2.8C Cardiff 20:31-05:54
Tel Aviv
Newquay 06:58 7.5 19:17 7.3 most of the British Isles,
bringing increasing amounts
Wettest: Ronaldsway,
Isle of Man, 45.4mm
Exeter 20:31-05:56 09065 777675
Oban 07:37 4.3 19:44 4.0 Sunniest: Kirkwall, 10.2hrs* Glasgow 20:43-05:50
Kuala Lumpur 35 PC Tenerife 24 PC and outbreaks of rain moving
** ** 19 SH 11 Penzance 06:31 5.9 18:51 5.7 Liverpool 20:33-05:50 8am to 5pm daily (calls are charged
Kyiv Tokyo eastwards, heaviest over high London
22 PC 8 R Portsmouth 01:00 4.9 13:13 4.8 Sun and moon 20:19-05:42 at £1.55 plus network extras)
Lanzarote Vancouver ground. A complex set of fronts For Greenwich Manchester 20:30-05:46
Las Palmas 23 PC Venice 20 PC Shoreham --:-- -- 13:18 6.6 Sun rises: 06.13
The Times weather page Southampton 00:31 4.8 12:46 4.7
will move over Britain and Newcastle 20:31-05:41
Lima 21 PC Vienna 23 S Sun sets: 19.48
08:17 10.2 20:34 10.0
Ireland overnight bringing low Moon rises: 06.45 Norwich 20:15-05:34
Lisbon 17 S Warsaw 26 S is provided by Swansea
cloud and some showery rain or Moon sets: 22.46 Penzance 20:38-06:05
Los Angeles 19 PC Washington 22 B Tees 05:30 5.7 17:37 5.9
Luxor 29 S Zurich 8 R
fog in many areas. First quarter: April 15 Sheffield 20:27-05:44
Weymouth 08:57 2.4 21:18 2.3

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52 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Woods is not Full Masters tee-times

United States unless stated

* denotes amateur
All times BST

kidding when First round: 1pm — second round:

4.06pm Erik van Rooyen (SA),
Jake Knapp.
1.12-4.18 José Maria Olazábal (Sp),
Taylor Moore, *Santiago de la

he says ‘I can Fuente (Mex).

1.24-4.30 Danny Willett (Eng),
Austin Eckroat, Stephan Jäger (Ger).
1.36-4.42 Charl Schwartzel (SA),
Luke List, *Christo Lamprecht (SA).

get one more’ 1.48-4.54 Gary Woodland, Thorbjorn

Olsen (Den), Bryson DeChambeau.
2pm-5.12 Zach Johnson, Corey
Conners (Can), *Jasper Stubbs (Aus).
2.12-5.24 Sergio García (Sp), Chris
Yet Woods himself isn’t having it. It is Kirk, Ryan Fox (NZ).
Owen Slot not that he hasn’t changed; his compet- 2.24-5.36 Lucas Glover, An Byeong-
itive spirit is simmering rather than hun (S Kor), Harris English.
boiling over. There is some grace in his 2.36-5.48 Phil Mickelson, Sepp
ageing. He will, for instance, happily sit Straka (Austria), Tony Finau.
Chief Sports back and discuss his Augusta history. At 2.48-6pm Nick Taylor (Can), Joaquin
Writer, Augusta one point yesterday he described the Niemann (Chile), Russell Henley.
arc of his first Green Jacket and “hug-
ging my dad” to his fifth, when he 3.06-6.12 Patrick Cantlay, Lee
In front of a heaving press room hugged his son, as “a full circle”. Min-woo (Aus), Rickie Fowler.
yesterday Tiger Woods attempted to Yet he doesn’t believe that circle is 3.18-6.24 Hideki Matsuyama (Japan),
persuade us that he is not a Masters necessarily complete, because the only Will Zalatoris, Justin Thomas.
museum piece. We packed out the place answer that really mattered here was 3.30-6.36 Jon Rahm (Sp),
to hear him say it, though, and he may when he was asked what he believed he Matt Fitzpatrick (Eng), Nick Dunlap.
be a 100-1 shot, but still we turn up in could achieve this week and his answer 3.42-6.48 Scottie Scheffler, Rory
numbers that no one else can draw. No, was: “If everything comes together, I McIlroy (N Ire), Xander Schauffele.
I’m not a relic, he says. Yes, I can still think I can get one more.” 3.54-7pm Wyndham Clark,
win this thing. When the answer was greeted by a Viktor Hovland (Nor), Cameron
Of course, we scoff under our breath, telling silence, he followed up with Smith (Aus).
but there can be no one who leaves the heavy eye contact and: “Do I need to 4.06-1pm Lee Hodges, Adrian
room without having some doubt sown describe that any more than that, or are Meronk (Pol), Grayson Murray.
within. This is Tiger Woods; this is not we good?” 4.18-1.12 Camilo Villegas (Col), Denny
a usual human being. What would that require? Most McCarthy, Cameron Davis (Aus).
Yet there is a tug-of-war over the obviously it would need him to over-
modern perception of Woods. To come the pain. “I hurt every day,” he 4.30-1.24 Mike Weir (Can), Ryo
Hisatsune (Japan), *Neal Shipley.
almost every observer, his story now is said. “I ache every day.”
his fight with his own fitness, not the His right ankle is now fused so, he 4.42-1.36 Vijay Singh (Fiji), Kim
battle to win. He said this year that he says, “the back, the knee, other parts of Si-woo (S Kor), Emiliano Grillo (Arg).
hoped to play one tournament a the body have to take the load of it”. He 4.45-1.48 Fred Couples, Adam
month, yet this is a man who has is OK on the flat of the tee box, but, he Hadwin (Can), *Stewart Hagestad.
completed only a single round on the says: “Once we start the hole, it’s a bit of 5.12-2pm Justin Rose (Eng),
PGA Tour all year. If he beats the cut in a challenge.” Then there is the chal- Eric Cole, Peter Malnati.
the Masters this week, that will be for lenge of 72 holes. He hasn’t completed 5.24-2.12 Akshay Bhatia, James
the 24th consecutive time, which would the full walk in a major for 24 months. Tyree Poston, Shane Lowry (Ire).
be a record; wouldn’t that be achieve- Therefore, as he says, he requires 5.36-2.24 Bubba Watson, Nicolai
ment enough? everything to come together. “Some Hojgaard (Den), Adam Schenk.
One guy in his press conference days,” he says, “I just feel really good, 5.48-2.36 Patrick Reed, Im Sung-jae
asked him a question about what he and other days, not so much.” So he has Woods, 48, said that his body “hurt every day” – but he still believes in his ability (S Kor), Kurt Kitayama.
thought about being a “ceremonial” to respond accordingly. “It’s a daily
6pm-2.48 Keegan Bradley, Matthieu
golfer. Yes, he used the word “ceremoni- adaptation.” start early tomorrow and later on has got to. We know he has been
Pavon (Fr), Tyrrell Hatton (Eng).
al” and then asked if Woods, 48, had Clearly he has timed everything in Friday; that would have given him more working to mend his body; we know he
thought about being one of the Thurs- his rehabilitation to give himself a time to rest in between. A late struggle has been eking out every moment to 6.12-3.06 Adam Scott (Aus),
day morning starters — those epic chance of withstanding the physical on a wet afternoon tomorrow will renew his game, but we don’t know how Sam Burns, Cameron Young.
grandees who take a single drive on the challenge at the Masters, but he needs clearly be a test. successful this has been. 6.24-3.18 Tiger Woods, Jason Day
1st and then hobble off for a Horlicks. other elements to come together. Put all that together and then throw Of one thing we are sure: this is no (Aus), Max Homa.
“No, no,” Woods said. Not too impa- “I prefer it warm and humid and hot,” in that he hasn’t been able to compete way to prepare for a major, but we also 6.36-3.30 Brian Harman,
tiently, mind. he says. Last year it was cold and wet properly yet this year and there is only know this is Woods and this is now the Brooks Koepka, Tom Kim (S Kor).
Yet even the grandees are talking and that was the end of him. This year one thing that can persuade you that he only way he can do it. 6.48-3.42 Jordan Spieth, Ludvig
past tense. Jack Nicklaus hailed his it will at least be warm; that will help. has any chance of getting one more. And we also know, for sure, that Aberg (Swe), Sahith Theegala.
future on the Seniors Tour. “He’d be The rain that is expected for the first And that is the Tiger thing. he would not be coming out tomorrow 7pm-3.54 Dustin Johnson, Collin
able to get in a cart,” he said, “and he’ll round will not. Neither will his draw In the confines of his Florida home if he didn’t think there was still Morikawa, Tommy Fleetwood (Eng).
absolutely kill everybody.” help him. He would have preferred to we don’t know where the rehab project a chance.

McIlroy grouped with Scheffler in latest crack at career grand slam

The Masters professional. Tiger Woods plays with McIlroy had been at the course for ment. “He’s been around the game long sion that is Augusta’s answer to a press
Rick Broadbent Augusta Jason Day and Max Homa, while one of only half an hour when he was ushered enough to know that I at least have the tent. Rahm was one of those and he
the most intriguing trios comprises into the plush media theatre at Augusta potential to do it,” he said. “I know I’ve countered criticism of his preparations
Rory McIlroy will get to play with the Ludvig Aberg, Jordan Spieth and Sahith National and raced through one of the got the potential too. It’s not as if I ha- on the LIV Golf circuit.
red-hot favourite Scottie Scheffler for Theegala. briefest press conferences of his Masters ven’t been a pretty good player for the Nick Faldo had alleged the competi-
the first two rounds of the Masters. McIlroy had not even arrived at career. He answered eight questions, last couple of decades.” tion did not provide the necessary in-
Scheffler, the world No 1, won the Augusta National yesterday when compared with the 28 faced by Woods, Woods had said there was “no ques- tensity and that “resort courses” were
Green Jacket in 2022 and is the man to Woods was stating that it was inevitable but explained why he had chosen to get tion” McIlroy would win the Masters not the breeding ground of champions,
beat again at Augusta National after six that the world No 2 would win a Green to the course a day later than his rivals. and complete the career grand slam at but Rahm said: “The competition’s still
consecutive top-ten finishes on the Jacket. McIlroy’s deliberately late en- “I came up here last week to play two some point. “Rory’s too talented, too there. They’re smaller fields but you
PGA Tour, including wins at the Players trance to this year’s Masters was part of practice rounds, so I feel like I’ve already good,” he said. “He’ll get it done. The tal- have to beat some of the best players in
Championship and Arnold Palmer his plan to erase distractions and silence got most of my prep work done,” he said. ent he has, the way he plays the game the world and you still have to play at
Invitational. Xander Schauffele com- the noise, so he was quick to disagree “It’s about going out there and being and the way the golf course fits his eyes the same level you play on the PGA
pletes the marquee trio. with the 15-times major winner. relaxed and being in the right frame of — it’s just a matter of time. Rory will be Tour to win those events.”
The defending champion Jon Rahm “It’s flattering and it’s nice to hear, in mind. The more I can do that, the more a great Masters champion one day and His fellow LIV man, Bryson De-
is grouped with England’s Matt Fitz- my opinion, the best player to ever play I’ll be able to execute on the golf course.” it could be this week.” Chambeau, added an unusual reason
patrick and Nick Dunlap, who became the game say something like that,” he The urge to remain out of the lime- Yesterday was media day at the Mas- for leaving. “I think my mom would
the youngest amateur to win on the said. “Does it mean it’s going to happen? light until the golf starts did not mean he ters, when a raft of players rolled into have probably smacked me for not
PGA Tour in January before turning Obviously not.” was not grateful for Woods’s assess- the theatre in a sort of antebellum man- taking the deal,” he said.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 V2 53

One squad, eight flights – quarter-final. The next day the Saints Heathrow on a direct flight in Draper misses chance to the door had opened this week when
beat Munster to earn the right to host business class. Four other players and the incumbent, Cameron Norrie, lost
White’s fury at cup chaos the South African side at Franklin’s management are going via Frankfurt. close gap on British No 1 his opening match on the French
Rugby union Jake White has criticised Gardens on Saturday night. SA Rugby said last night that the rest Tennis Jack Draper missed out on an Riviera. But a 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (7-2) defeat
the South African Rugby Union for But the players have not been able of the touring party of four opportunity to edge closer to the by Hurkacz means the wait goes on.
the chaos of his Vodacom Bulls squad to travel to the game together, with management and players, travelled British No 1 spot with a three-set Draper played well and battled
needing to travel to England on eight White expressing his anger at the via Zurich to Birmingham, or Doha defeat by Hubert Hurkacz, the world hard from 5-3 down in the deciding
different flights for their Champions governing body for not holding and Dubai to London. They will have No 8, in the first round of the Monte set, moving to within a game of
Cup quarter-final with Northampton flights, in the hope that Munster to take the same routes home. Carlo Masters (Stuart Fraser writes). victory at 6-5 up. Hurkacz, 27, who
Saints (Will Kelleher writes). would beat Northampton to give the White, the club’s director of rugby, The 22-year-old, who is ranked had won the Estoril Open only
The Bulls beat Lyon 59-19 on Bulls a home tie. said: “If you are talking about a No 39 in the world, admitted recently 48 hours beforehand, showed his
Saturday in Pretoria to book their Twenty-four starting Bulls players competition where you want to be the that becoming the best player in the experience and produced a dominant
place in their first Champions Cup have travelled from Johannesburg to best in the world, that doesn’t add up.” country was a goal this season and finish to deny his younger opponent.

3.30 Handicap Hurdle (£4,093: 2m 1f) (16)

Kempton Park
Rob Wright
8.30 Handicap (£3,140: 1m 4f) (13)

3.10 Novice Stakes (£7,668: 6f) (6)

5.30 Novice Stakes 4.25 Handicap (£3,716: 6f) (8)
(2-Y-O: £3,672: 5f) (8 runners)

3.40 Handicap
(3-Y-O: £2,983: 1m 1f 104yd) (9)
4.00 Handicap Chase (£4,489: 2m 1f) (11)
5.00 Handicap (£3,716: 1m 4f) (9)
Lingfield Park
6.00 Novice Stakes (£3,780: 1m) (10) Rob Wright

4.10 Handicap (3-Y-O: £2,983: 1m 4f) (8)

1.52 Handicap (3-Y-O: £2,983: 1m) (7)

Market Rasen 4.35 Open NH Flat Race

Rob Wright (Div I: £2,178: 2m 1f) (11)

6.30 Handicap (£6,281: 1m) (12)

2.22 Handicap (£2,983: 7f) (14)
1.57 Maiden Hurdle (£4,084: 2m 5f) (15) 4.45 Handicap (£2,983: 1m 1f) (11)

5.10 Open NH Flat Race

(Div II: £2,178: 2m 1f) (10)

7.00 Handicap (3-Y-O: £6,281: 7f) (5) 5.20 Handicap (Div I: £2,983: 6f) (12)
2.52 Handicap (3-Y-O: £2,983: 5f) (6)
2.30 Handicap Hurdle (£4,093: 2m 5f) (13)

Rob Wright
7.30 Handicap (3-Y-O: £6,281: 1m 3f) (6)
3.22 Maiden Stakes (£5,670: 1m 2f) (11)

2.05 Handicap (£2,983: 5f) (10) 5.50 Handicap (Div II: £2,983: 6f) (11)

3.00 Handicap Chase (£7,922: 2m 3f) (7)

8.00 Handicap (£6,281: 2m) (6)

3.52 Handicap (£4,972: 7f) (10)

2.40 Maiden Stakes (2-Y-O: £3,402: 5f) (6)

Yesterday’s racing results

4.00 (2m 53yd hdle) 1, Ask Me Another 7-4 fav); 2, Arabie (9-2); 3, Dukes Of Haather 13 ran. NR: Majeski Man. Sh hd, 6 l. P T 7.30 (7f 14yd) 1, Joe Gargery (S A Gray, 33-1);
Hereford (C Price, 11-4); 2, Rockola (6-4 fav); 3, Crystal (5-2). 7 ran. l, 3 l. Alice Haynes. Midgley. Southwell 2, General Assembly (17-2); 3, Gressington
Glance (15-2). 8 ran. 7l, 2 l. R L Llewellyn. 2.45 (1m 4f 8yd) 1, Clansman (B Garritty, 3-1); 4.45 (7f) 1, Sea The Dream (Connor Beasley, Going: standard (30-100 fav). 11 ran. NR: I Predict A Riot, King
Going: soft (heavy in places)
4.30 (2m 53yd hdle) 1, Our Dylan (Ben 2, Ebony Maw (9-1); 3, Dark Jedi (13-2). 7 ran. 7-2); 2, Asteverdi (7-1); 3, Catton Lady (5-1). 5.30 (4f 214yd) 1, Leodis Dream (D Nolan, 9-1); Of Codes. Nk, 1 l. K A Ryan.
2.30 (2m 8yd ch) 1, Trapista (Jonjo O’Neill Jr,
Godfrey, 4-1); 2, Tour Ovalie (13-8 fav); 3, NR: A Gift Of Love, Bearaway, Lawmaker. 7l, 1l. 9 ran. 1l, 1 l. E Bethell. 2, Masterclass (7-4 fav); 3, Birkenhead (9-2). 8.00 (7f 14yd) 1, Bellarchi (Brandon Wilkie,
15-2); 2, Pep Talking (9-4 fav); 3, Famoso (11-4).
Mambo Beat (6-1). 7 ran. 2 l, 11l. K Woollacott. L Bailey. 6 ran. 1 l, l. P T Midgley. 11-1); 2, Zainabb (4-1); 3, Royal Elysian (9-2).
8 ran. 7l, l. Jonjo O’Neill. 5.15 (7f 218yd) 1, Hostelry (Joanna Mason, 9-
5.00 (2m 5f 163yd hdle) 1, El Granjero (Stan 1); 2, Lunario (16-1); 3, Love Your Work (17-2). 12 6.00 (1m 6f 21yd) 1, Cool Party (J Fanning, 7 ran. l, 3 l. Grant Tuer.
3.00 (2m 3f 147yd hdle) 1, Shillanavogy 3.15 (6f) 1, Burj Malinka (P Mathers, 7-2);
Sheppard, 4-9 fav); 2, Cabhfuilfungi (7-1); 3, 2-1); 2, Robusto (4-1); 3, Isle Of Sark (6-4 fav).
(James Bowen, 4-1); 2, Ionity (25-1); 2, Stormy Pearl (8-1); 3, Jack Of Clubs (12-1). ran. NR: Knight Of Magic. 4 l, l. Mrs R Carr. 8.30 (2m 102yd) 1, Socialist Agenda (Rossa
Petty Cash (14-1). 5 ran. NR: Kapamazov, River 6 ran. 2l, l. C Johnston.
3, Whynotnowroy (11-2). 10 ran. NR: Another 13 ran. l, 1 l. Adrian Nicholls. 5.45 (7f) 1, Highfield Viking (Jason Hart, 8-1); Ryan, 13-8 fav); 2, Easy Equation (7-4);
Of Joy. 6l, 3 l. C Boultbee-Brooks.
Lord, Buck Of Maine, Ceejaybe. 6l, 1 l. 2, Buckshaw Village (66-1); 3, Russco (4-1). 6.30 (1m 3f 23yd) 1, Bearwith (Cam Hardie, 3, Foinix (5-1). 7 ran. NR: Three Dons. 3l, 3 l.
W Greatrex. Placepot: £18.40. Quadpot: £3.60. 3.45 (6f) 1, Nights Over Egypt (Jason Watson, 5-1); 2, Percy Willis (12-1); 3, Iron Lion (13-2).
11-1); 2, Yazaman (15-2); 3, Wreck It Ryley (12-1). 14 ran. NR: Sluzewiec, Willow Baby. l, 5l. L Morgan.
3.30 (2m 4f 194yd ch) 1, Village Master Thirsk J & S Quinn. 8 ran. Nk, 1 l. H Bethell.
13 ran. l, sh hd. R Menzies. Jackpot: Not won. Pool of £5,548.14 carried
(James Bowen, 5-1); 2, Jack Doyen (3-1 fav); 7.00 (1m 13yd) 1, Great Blasket (K Shoemark, forward to Kempton today.
3, Supasunrise (18-5). 7 ran. 1 l, ns. Going: heavy 4.15 (5f) 1, Glory Fighter (Mark Winn, 11-1); Placepot: £299.90. 5-1); 2, Wadacre Grace (14-1); 3, Sycamore
W Greatrex. 2.15 (5f) 1, Atherstone Warrior (K T O’Neill, 2, Illusionist (11-4 fav); 3, Thunder Star (12-1). Quadpot: £44.60. (20-1). 14 ran. 1 l, l. Dr R Newland & J Insole. Placepot: £616.60. Quadpot: £105.50.
54 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Sport Gymnastics

‘I’m retiring after

the Olympics
– but I’m as
as ever’
Max Whitlock tells Alyson Rudd that he almost quit
after Tokyo Games – until his five-year-old daughter
inspired him to make final bid for fourth gold medal

he arena will fall silent as only on the pommel but also the hoping I can get some personal best right message to Willow, it is better to
Max Whitlock attempts to parallel bars and probably the high scores.” try than not try.
make history at this bar as part of the men’s team event. If it is people within the world of “Tokyo was a Covid Olympics and
summer’s Olympics, around “I have nothing to lose but all to gymnastics, then surely they should no one was there, but I now have the
the point at which Willow, gain,” he says. “I want to show people have known better? “It’s people who opportunity to go to the closest we’re
his five-year old-daughter, is highly what it’s like to build up to a fourth should know better, there’s no doubt going to get to a home Games and
likely to call out “Daddy” and give Olympic Games. I’ve been written off, about that,” Whitlock says, albeit hopefully we can get everyone [in the
him a thumbs-up for his last I’ve been doubted my whole journey. without a trace of anger. family] out there, including Willow, to
competitive spin on the pommel. I want to show people I might be 31 I have interviewed him regularly come and watch.
Whitlock is announcing today that years old, eight years over peak, but since he burst on to the scene in “It’s an amazing experience for
he will retire from gymnastics in I’m as motivated as I’ve ever been and London 12 years ago when, along everyone, not just the athletes.
August at the conclusion of the men’s I’m excited for the challenge.” with that bronze in the pommel, he There’s Centre Parcs and Disneyland
apparatus finals in Paris. It is a sport Written off? Whitlock has done was part of the men’s team who [in Paris] so I’m sure they’ll have an
that has been at the centre of his life more than anyone to put Britain in secured a podium finish, a first in amazing holiday at the same time.
and brought him three Olympic gold the frame when it comes to 100 years. In all that time he has They probably won’t want to come
medals — two in the pommel at Rio gymnastics. His rivalry with Louis never once complained about lack of and watch the competition!”
2016 and Tokyo 2021 and one for the Smith was one of the most tense and support or understanding and has Still, given that he has announced
floor exercise in Rio. emotional within any team in any always tried to see the best in people his retirement in advance of the
Having also claimed bronze at event at the 2016 Rio Games. Smith and circumstances. Games, there will be an added layer
London 2012 in the pommel, the was in tears receiving his silver medal “In the grand scheme of things it of pressure. Commentators will tell
31-year-old will be attempting to for the pommel while Whitlock took [the fact there are doubters] just viewers this is the very last time they
become the first gymnast to win a gold. So who, exactly, has been motivates me more,” he says. “I’ve will see Whitlock and so, surely, he
medal on the same piece of apparatus learnt the more you do, the more has to bow out on a high?
at four consecutive Games. you are making an impact, making him a highly unusual snap decision to “I’m encouraged hearing you say
That Whitlock is leaving the sport
is not a shock given he is, on paper,
eight years past his peak, but it is
significant that he is going public well
before the Games begin.
“I don’t think anybody truly knows
when is the right time to announce,”
he says. “But for me what feels good is

I’ve been written off,
I’ve been doubted
my whole journey. I’m
excited for the challenge
waves, you have to be thick-skinned
and use things that could go against
you to progress.
“At the start, people said I would
never compete on the world stage.
Before London 2012, by the team
selector I was told 2012 was not my
cycle. I made London 2012, [only] to
retire after he had won gold in Tokyo,
but the idea of one day having to
explain to his daughter that he had
suffered a fear of failure helped him
to re-engage with a discipline that
had begun to take its toll.
“A massive factor was that if I had
retired after Tokyo, that would have
that,” he says with a smile. “I’m eager
for it to come round. Usually
competitions come around too
quickly but this time I am eager
because of the openness and honesty.
“That layer of fear of failure post-
Tokyo has completely gone. I feel
excited. I’d love to finish on a high,
that I’ve been asked the question be told by a British judge that I felt like quitting and that just feels of course, but I am also not someone
constantly since 2016. ‘When are you writing him off his entire career? wouldn’t medal on the pommel. awful to me,” he says. “Willow says, who feels he has to finish on a high.
finishing? When are you retiring? If I “I don’t want to name and shame, “It’s been constant. At times it’s ‘We’re Whitlocks and we don’t quit.’ ” It forces the mindset that I can give
were you, I would stop now.’ but it’s people within the gymnastics been hard. It’s been a long time but This is something his daughter may it everything I’ve got because it’s
“I thought I was done after Tokyo world,” he says. “It kind of hit me, it’s I’m doing something that I love and well shout out in Paris given it is a my last. I don’t hang my hat on
and now I’m back. Now I’m in a really almost a shame for someone to say want to create the biggest impact I phrase she uses a good deal and was thinking you are remembered for
clear headspace. I want to get it out that to me. The way it was said, like, can after my career.” her mantra when she learnt how to the last thing you do. I just want to
there so it’s off my shoulders, if I’m ‘Why? Why are you carrying on?’ But back to the role of young cartwheel. push boundaries.”
really honest. It feels a nice thing to The naivety of that is crazy. Willow. In fact, Whitlock’s daughter “The message I’m getting from Is there a chance he will win gold
be able to answer the question people “It’s so easy to judge people on a will have every right to steal the Willow is that she is proud, and that and then think; “Oh, I can carry on
constantly ask me.” surface level. You don’t know how limelight in Paris briefly because she just spurs me on,” Whitlock says. “It after all?” How would he handle that?
This month Whitlock will compete they are feeling. I’m still going has had a significant part to play in would eat me up inside for years and Whitlock laughs at length as he
at the European Championships in because I feel I can achieve more. I’m her father’s determination to make years if I quit because I was scared of pictures the scenario. “Usually, when
Rimini as a final preparation — not pushing boundaries every day and history. Whitlock made what was for moving forwards. I am sending the I make a decision, I make a decision,”
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 55

PHOTO BY MARC ASPLAND Britain’s most decorated
Gold Silver Bronze
Lack of England
recognition for
Jason Kenny Cycling; medals won
from 2008 to 20
7 2 9
Bradley Wiggins Cycling; 2000-16
5 1 2 8
Chris Hoy Cycling; 2000-12
6 1
Laura Kenny Cycling: 2012-20
5 1

Northeast now
Steve Redgrave Rowing; 1984-00
5 1
Charlotte Dujardin Equestrian; 2012-20
3 1 2 6
6 looks baffling
Max Whitlock Gymnastics; 2012-20 Glamorgan batsman before his second-innings 14 not out at
3 3 6 Lord’s he was equal with Brian Lara’s

Ben Ainslie Sailing; 1996-12

has beaten my record world record of 501 not out over his
previous two innings).
4 1 5 twice, says Steve James Having assumed the captaincy and
moved up to No 3 in the order he was
Jack Beresford Rowing; 1920-36
3 2 5
– so why has he never determined to return to his lofty
standards, perhaps even with greater
Adam Peaty Swimming; 2016-20
got a national call-up? confidence in some shots previously
3 2 5 kept in the locker (there were a

feel Graham Gooch’s pain. The number of reverse-sweeps at Lord’s)
Mo Farah Athletics; 2012-16 great man from Ilford may have and what a start he has made.
4 4 seen his mammoth, longstanding Some may want to denigrate
Matthew Pinsent Rowing; 1992-04 record score for Lord’s of 333 not Northeast’s achievement and point to
4 4 out surpassed by Sam Northeast a Division Two encounter on a flat
on Saturday, but there were other pitch at Lord’s, as well as the use of
Paulo Radmilovic casualties, including none other than the less responsive Kookaburra ball,
Water polo /swimming; 1908-20 Sir Jack Hobbs, who previously held but batting records are rarely set on
4 4 the highest score against Middlesex at green mambas, and to make scores of
Lord’s of 316 not out, and, er, me. 410 and 335 clearly requires
Max Whitlock’s major OK, it wasn’t even a record that I something rather special in both mind
lost, or anything to do with Lord’s, and method. He is undoubtedly a
medal record where, yes, I never scored a first-class batsman of the very highest class.
century — caught on the boundary in But why has Northeast, a man of
Gold Silver Bronze a run chase off John Emburey for 94 Kent who joined Hampshire to pursue
was as close as I came. For me his international aspirations before
Olympics 0 Saturday was just another step down a revitalising a stalling career at
3 3 slippery slope, relegated to fourth on Glamorgan, never played for England?
World 0 the list of top scores by Glamorgan That is a question being asked as
Championships 3 5 batsmen. That’s twice now that fervently now as it was two years ago
dastardly chap Northeast has gone after that stunning innings at
European 1
past my score of 309 not out. Leicester. He is certainly very unlucky,
4 3
Two years ago I was top of the pile, a schoolboy prodigy whose first-class
Commonwealth king of the (Cardiff) castle. Then average has now gone back up above
Games 4 4 2 came a game against Leicestershire at 40, the usual benchmark for any
Grace Road in which Northeast county batsman wanting to knock on
zero,” he says. “If I don’t feel made an astonishing 410 not out, the international door. The word is
productive outside of training then I obliterating my record, and then, just that he was very close to touring
am lacking, I feel low. The business to rub it in, at the end of the same Pakistan two years ago, and there are
fuels my training. My days are filled. 2022 season David Lloyd made 313 not undoubtedly inferior players who have
And I can jump with both feet into out against Derbyshire in Cardiff. been capped (probably guilty, your
the business. It’s a proud feeling. Third place and consigned to a honour), but timing is everything, and
“I’m not going into schools trying footnote in the history books. Northeast was simply unfortunate
to create the next Olympic champion. Now this: a monumental 335 not that England have possessed so many
I didn’t start the sport wanting to be out from Northeast, and not even a high-class middle-order Test batsmen
an Olympic champion — it was fun. place for me on the Glamorgan — think Joe Root, Ian Bell, Kevin
“I want to show what real podium any more. My reaction after Pietersen et al — during his career.
gymnastics is. Teachers are scared of we have got all that fun out of the Every county has its own stories of
real gymnastics. Only a small few feel way? Absolute delight, actually. supposed selectorial prejudice. At
confident. Teachers think if you teach For I should declare a small interest Glamorgan Don Shepherd’s beyond-
a forward roll the kids will hurt their here. I did a bit of work with belief haul of 2,218 first-class wickets
necks. So we simplify the process. We Northeast this winter, feeding the at 21 each never merited a cap.
know our stuff. If you start with bowling machine for him and offering Northeast has produced numbers
gymnastics you get a head start, a the odd observation, but that make his lack of international
foundation that will help with other I am not trying to recognition just as baffling, despite
subjects and any other sport.” claim one iota of remaining close to his former Kent
Whitlock’s edge over his younger credit for his team-mate Rob Key, who just
rivals in Paris could be that he achievement. Rather, happens to be managing director
understands how to handle the big the reason for of England men’s cricket, while his
moments in the most demanding mentioning this is to tutor for the MA in leadership
of disciplines. be able to reveal his in sport he is taking is the
“The highest pressure moments insatiable desire for former national selector Ed
Whitlock celebrates pommel gold in I’ve been in, I’ve performed better practice and Smith.
Tokyo, above, and in Rio, right. His than the less pressured improvement, even For now Northeast will be
aim as a child, left, was to have fun, environments,” he says. “We’re in a at the age of 34. more concerned about what
he didn’t have Olympic ambitions sport where you don’t get three It is quite remarkable. to do when Marnus
attempts and you take your best one. He simply loves batting, Labuschagne, doubtless
he says. “I stick to them. It feels It doesn’t take an hour so you can whether in the nets or out wanting to bat at No 3, arrives
good, it feels right. The result is redeem yourself. We’re in a sport in the middle. Most of our at Glamorgan next month.
irrelevant.” where it’s very individual, with one afternoon sessions Kiran Carlson is rightly
Over the past three years that shot which lasts just over a minute. lasted at least two batting at No 4 because he has
he has been contemplating life That’s why the sense of relief when hours after he had international ambitions too, so
post-retirement, he has found you finish a near-perfect routine already practised which of Northeast and
“a massive passion” outside of is crazy.” with the rest of the Labuschagne drops to No 5?
training, having formed his But perhaps not as crazy as squad in the morning. Didn’t another Australian,
own company. Max Whitlock those who chose to doubt his Last season did not go Nathan Lyon, say he did not
Gymnastics goes into schools ability. For Whitlock, to perform as well as he might have want to
to equip primary school well in Paris would be proof that liked, even if he ended it with take Tom
teachers to teach the sport and he gymnasts can have longevity if 166 not out (which meant that Hartley’s
wants the business to go nationwide they listen only to more positive spot at
eventually. “I’ve seen athletes retire voices — including pep talks from a Northeast’s 335 not out proved he Lanca-
and feel like they are starting from five-year-old. is a batsman of the highest class shire?
56 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


ürgen Klopp didn’t quite go the full
Fergie. Sir Alex Ferguson always thought
there was an entire league trying harder
Favourable sanctions
against his Manchester United team,
while Klopp restricted it to only two keep Everton afloat
clubs that had it in for Liverpool.

Everton and Manchester United, specifically. cynic would say the independent
The latter as part of a conflict between the cities commission had a quick look at the
dating back to the construction of the league table, alighted on a number that
Manchester Ship Canal, which opened months wouldn’t guarantee Everton’s relegation, and
before the first match between Liverpool and gave them that as a punishment. It was a ten-
what was then Newton Heath. And Everton? point deduction back in November, at a time
Well, it’s a derby. Klopp thinks Liverpool have when they were on a good run. Everton had
got it harder because they have to meet Everton won four and drawn one of their previous seven
at Goodison Park on April 24. And Everton, as league games at the time they were plunged
poor as they might be, always raise their game into the bottom three. It was a draconian
for Liverpool. Yet given that Everton have won reaction but one that the form book suggested
once, in all competitions, in their previous 29 Everton could ride. Before it was implemented
Merseyside derbies, we may have to take his Everton were 14th and two points outside the
word for that. top half of the table. Plus, they had 26 games to
This means more? No, it doesn’t. Liverpool haul themselves clear.
play two noisy, robust derbies in a season. And Then, the form dried up. By the time Everton’s
impassioned affairs they are. Yet in this appeal was heard, the deduction had left them
campaign, Arsenal will play 12. London derbies only a single point above 18th-placed Luton
are no different to those on Merseyside or in Town, with four defeats and five draws in their
Manchester — there are just more of them. previous nine matches, 12 games to go and a real
And there is no equivalent of one win in 29 for chance of relegation. Getting four points back
Arsenal’s capital opponents. Tottenham Hotspur propelled them up the table to 15th. Handy.
have won three of their past eight meetings with Now their latest penalty, of two points, means
Arsenal; Chelsea four in 13, with two draws; West they drop only one place, to 16th. There may be
Ham United have beaten Arsenal twice — one a greater financial wrong, apparently, but the
league, one cup — this season; Fulham have commission ran out of time to rule on it. Also
taken four points in six from them; Crystal handy. That won’t now happen until next
Palace need only to wind back to 2022 for a 3-0 summer when, if guilty, Everton may start on
win at home, and to 2019 for a 3-2 win away; minus points, but with 38 games to turn that
even Brentford can claim a 2-0 win on the around. Even handier.
opening day of the 2021-22 season, the first It is almost as if nobody wants to deliver a
league meeting of the clubs since 1947. ruling that would doom Everton, so instead they
“For people up here, when they have worked keep them just afloat, head above water, to
all week, watching Newcastle is like people down All the London clubs, not only Spurs, would take great delight in denying Arsenal the league title preserve the illusion that relegation is being
south going to the theatre,” Kevin Keegan said decided on the field of play. The Premier League

Martin Samuel
on his return to St James’ Park in 2008. Yet that may not appreciate how bad this is for the
isn’t right. The south isn’t all opera and opening credibility of the competition — after all, it
nights. Looking at the average gates in the wanted Everton to have 15-17 points deducted,
Premier League this season, if the seven London which would have almost certainly relegated
clubs played at home on the same day it would them — but it appears the independents have
put 290,000 people in football stadiums. And cottoned on. No one wants that on their hands.
that’s not including three clubs in the bottom
half of the Championship, averaging a total of
52,015 — or Charlton Athletic getting 13,510
while 16th in League One.
The reason many remain sceptical about
Two derbies or a 6 The government’s changed stance on
Russian participation at the Olympics seems
less to do with events in Moscow and more to

dozen? It’s tougher

Arsenal’s title potential is because their run-in do with Israel. Undoubtedly, there will be calls
brings matches against Chelsea and for Israeli athletes to be barred from
Tottenham, two teams that are plainly competing over the war in Gaza. The British
inferior. Tottenham trail them by 11 government will not support this and will then
points, Chelsea by 27, so what is it be accused of hypocrisy over its opposition to
about these matches that makes Russian and Belarusian involvement.
them difficult? The local factor.
Even London clubs that have no
great historic rivalry with Arsenal,
such as Fulham, will take
enormous delight in
beating them. Indeed, if
for Arsenal, Jürgen By getting behind the IOC decision to allow
participation under a neutral flag, the
government stays ahead of the story. It’s basic
realpolitik, something Russians understand.

Arsenal do come up The voice of sport

short this season, it is
likely to be a series of
O’Neil offside error
disappointments in Klopp may feel such pressure 6 Kobbie Mainoo scored an excellent goal t is to be hoped that Gary O’Neil, the Wolves
London derbies that keeps United honest — certainly against Liverpool on Sunday. He didn’t, head coach, is granted his conversation about
deny them. Arsenal Ferguson was not averse to however, have an excellent game. He got Saturday’s disallowed goal with referees’ chief
have failed to win only similar tricks — but it really better as it went on, as did Manchester United, Howard Webb. And that, before O’Neil has his
nine league matches, isn’t necessary. but in the first half at least he was all at sea. turn to speak, Webb asks him a straightforward
five of which were Every year we go through Mainoo seemed lost defending the corner question: “Gary, without using the words
against London teams. this charade of speculating that from which Liverpool scored their first goal, obstruct, disrupt, interfere, block or synonyms,
Defeats by West Ham opponents will go soft to gift-wrap and United’s midfield was too often exposed by can you explain why your player, Tawanda
and Fulham, draws with the title to old friends, or deny old poor positioning, caught out high up the field. Chirewa, was standing where he was?”
Fulham, Tottenham and enemies, and it never happens. This doesn’t diminish Mainoo’s potential. He is Because O’Neil can’t. Chirewa wasn’t the
Chelsea. And will Fulham There is always integrity in the prime candidate to be Declan Rice’s target for the ball played into the box, nor was
supporters delight in that 90 minutes. Think of partner for England this summer — as he making any attempt to play that ball or to get
denying Arsenal a title? the last day in 1994-95 when advocated in this column — but he’s 18, it’s a involved in the action that followed. He was just
Of course. Blackburn Rovers, managed complex role and he will need coaching. there to obstruct, disrupt, interfere with or block
London football is by Kenny Dalglish, needed to The worry is that good players have a habit the movement of the West Ham goalkeeper,
full of irrational grudges win at Anfield to secure the of emerging and disappearing at Manchester Lukasz Fabianski. He could have moved into an
and resentments, and title and deny Manchester United of late. Who would have imagined onside position as the ball was crossed, so that
proximities that people United. Speculation was rife Marcus Rashford would struggle, given the when Max Kilman headed it into the net, his
do not realise. West that Liverpool would just wave impact he made in his first season? Mainoo position would have been legal. He chose not to.
Ham’s London Stadium through a favourite son. Final needs more direction than he was clearly And that’s why he was offside.
and Arsenal’s Emirates score: Liverpool 2 Blackburn 1. Had receiving against Liverpool. The goal, as fine
are separated by a mile the West Ham goalkeeper, Ludek as it was, masked a troubling first 45 minutes
more than the two Miklosko, not played the game of — for him and his coaches. 6 Staff at the Office for National Statistics
Manchester clubs. Yet his life to deny Manchester United intend to strike after being ordered into the
those outside the city victory at Upton Park, Liverpool office two days a week. They’ve been working
think that Arsenal’s would have delivered the title to inside the stadium when these two meet is from home since lockdown but wish to keep
only rivals reside in their hated rivals. unmistakable. It does not mean, however, that that option. This is an unforeseen consequence
north London. No one is denying the edge when Arsenal visit, United will throw it away. It once football is regulated by government: civil
Plus, Klopp knows between the two teams and the certainly does not mean that Mikel Arteta gets it servants, now running the game, downing
English football by now. sets of fans. The boardrooms at easy in the coming weeks. Next up for Arsenal, tools over terms and conditions. They do know
His implication that Liverpool and Manchester United Aston Villa at home. Leaving aside the matter of the sport plays across weekends, for instance,
Arsenal will find Old are thick as thieves — Super Champions League qualification, does anyone and that the process of constant financial
Trafford more hospitable League plotters and venture think that Unai Emery and his goalkeeper, assessment can’t be paused if a ballot by the
when they visit next capitalists all, with the Emiliano Martínez, may have a point to prove? Public and Commercial Services Union calls
month should be exception of Ineos’s 25 per Think back to December 9 (Villa 1 Arsenal 0) everyone out? Or maybe the government
taken with salt. centers — but the animosity for the answer to that. hasn’t thought this through.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 57

Football Sport

Premier League is envy of the world –

government must not put that at risk
Premier League
chief executive

Last year the government announced

that it would not create a new regulator
for AI — a technology that experts be-
lieve will change almost everything
about the way we live. It stated that “by
rushing to legislate . . . we would risk
placing undue burdens on business-
es” and highlighted the desire to “es-
tablish the UK as an AI superpower”.
However, the government has
decided that we will become the first
country to introduce a regulator for
football, an industry in which the UK is
already a “superpower” and a genuine
world leader.
The Football Governance Bill, pub-
lished last month, will establish strict
banking-style regulation for more
than 100 football clubs, with rules gov-
erning liquidity, debt, overall expendi-
ture, ownership and fan relationships.
It will give the regulator unprece-
dented power over the sport, including
the right to determine how much
money is distributed to lower-league
teams by Premier League clubs. This is
an arrangement that, under a voluntary Casemiro tests Caoimhin Kelleher in the 2-2 draw between Manchester United and Liverpool on Sunday, one of the headline fixtures in the Premier League calendar
system, already provides the most
generous funding in world football. the regulator to determine how the investors, who often see club ownership intervening in the carefully calibrated our clubs understand the value of good
As chief executive of the Premier game is run. as a passion project as well as a distribution of revenues and upsetting governance, the importance of the
League, my overriding concern is We are asking MPs and peers to pro- business. While the sport is buoyant competitive balance, it would be doing pyramid, and can be trusted to continue
that the bill would reduce our competi- tect the game, including the Premier today, it would be so easy to misstep and exactly that. to support all levels of the game.
tiveness and weaken the incredible League, which not only helps sustain drive our world-leading investment Premier League clubs irretrievably Finally, it is a risk to rush through
appeal of the English game. the football pyramid for the benefit of elsewhere. lost £2 billion during Covid. Despite complex legislation at the end of a
Our competition is the most watched fans but also contributes £4 billion in It is a risk to bring politics and lobby- this, our clubs didn’t just honour their parliament, especially when there is a
and commercially successful football annual tax revenues and creates ing into football, especially when there existing pledge to give away record danger of it unbalancing our national
league in the world. Thanks to that 90,000 jobs across the country. The are also genuine concerns regarding amounts to the lower leagues, they sport. The past tells us that rushed legis-
success, Premier League clubs are able unintended consequences of regula- how truly independent the regulator went further and committed that no lation is usually bad legislation. Parlia-
to give away £1.6 billion every three tion generate significant risks. will be. Already, before it has even EFL club would go out of business due mentarians need time to scrutinise this
years — 16 per cent of our total reve- It is a risk that regulation will arrived, the promise of regulatory to the pandemic. unprecedented plan and I hope they
nues — to the wider game, helping to undermine the Premier League’s global intervention in football finances has The Fan-Led Review of Football will be as determined as I am to ensure
make it the envy of the world. This spe- success, thereby wounding the goose changed incentives for a new voluntary Governance published in November that no harm is done to English football.
cial aspirational structure made it poss- that provides English football’s golden arrangement to be struck. We have 2021, which gave rise to this present bill, Fundamentally, we all need to remem-
ible for Brighton & Hove Albion this egg. spent the past year in discussions with identified some areas where the game ber that the people who will suffer the
season to become the 21st club in the It is a risk to regulate an indus- the EFL about an even more generous could improve — and the Premier most, if this goes wrong, are the very
Premier League era to rise through the try that has worked so hard to lead the financial settlement. But these talks League responded by reforming our fans whose interests the legislation
EFL and play in European competition. world, especially when none of its com- have only served to highlight how own governance structures. This aims to protect.
The government may now look to petitors are subject to the same regula- destabilising intervention could be. included creating a Fan Engagement We will continue to work
push the bill through against a tight tion. Those competitors are relishing The EFL has indicated it would Standard, including fan advisory with everyone to support the govern-
deadline before the general election. the prospect of the Premier League happily accept a generous new deal boards at every Premier League club; a ment’s intention, of making football
The apparent rush comes despite sig- being uniquely constrained. Empires from the Premier League but would new owners’ charter; strengthening more sustainable while not harming
nificantly improved levels of stability rise and fall — and while I am confident also immediately use the new regulator financial controls; the introduction of the world-leading Premier League.
and resilience in football, with club in- about the league’s immediate future, it to seek even more money for its clubs, new rules to stop the threat of clubs Sensible, light-touch regulation, collab-
solvencies throughout the pyramid at would be a mistake to be complacent including the Sky Bet Championship, joining breakaway competitions; an orating with the leagues, could be made
their lowest levels for 30 years. about our place as the world’s most which is already the sixth-richest enhanced owners’ and directors’ test; to work. However, the question is: once
There are already suggestions that popular league. league in Europe, with many very and appointing a diverse group of inde- politics enter the game, can anyone
the bill could be amended by those It is a risk to introduce uncertainty wealthy club owners of its own. pendent non-executive directors to the guarantee this is what we will get? And
seeking a more interventionist ap- and red tape into an industry that relies The government claims its regulator Premier League board. if they cannot, are we sure we should
proach, with even stronger powers for heavily on a relatively small pool of would not interfere on the pitch, but by Our track record demonstrates that take the risk?

Paris triathlon could become a duathlon if Seine is too polluted

Olympics silvers in Tokyo three years ago and contingency plans were in place, includ- swimming events that are due to take beginning of the Games, we can wait for
Matt Lawton were also part of a British team who won ing delaying the event, should there be a place in the Seine on August 8 and 9. better conditions. So we are confident
Chief Sports Correspondent mixed-relay gold. Yee and Beth Potter risk to the health of athletes. However, Asked about the potential threat of E. that it will be possible to use the Seine.”
won last year’s test events in Paris. he also said the rules of triathlon’s inter- coli bacteria, Estanguet said: “We are He then stressed that there was no
The triathlon at this summer’s Paris But Tony Estanguet, president of the national federation would allow for the working hard on it; you know it’s one of alternative location. “We can change
Olympics could become a duathlon — Paris 2024 organising committee, has event to be reduced to cycling and run- the bigger challenges. the date and postpone from one day to
without the swimming leg — if adverse warned that heavy rain could lead to ning, should it be deemed necessary. “When we decided to have this three days until it’s OK,” he said.
weather conditions affect the quality of dangerous levels of pollution despite an The individual races are due to take competition in the Seine we knew it will “There is a final decision where we
the Seine’s water. effort to improve the quality of the place on July 30 and 31 with the mixed be a big challenge but there is a big could not swim — it’s part of the rules of
Since 2012 British athletes have dom- water in the French capital. More than a relay on August 5. The Games open on programme of investment and, when the international federation. It’s what
inated the three-discipline event that billion euros has been invested in an ef- July 26. Estanguet says scheduling the we talk about legacy, this project is we want to avoid, of course. There’s
comprises a 1,500m open-water swim, a fort to provide safe outdoor swimming events towards the start of the Games fantastic. We are still confident that the always a risk. I was an athlete. I attended
40km bike ride and a 10km run. Alistair in summer for the first time in a century. gives organisers an opportunity to post- triathlon will be based in the Seine World Championships that were post-
Brownlee took individual gold in Estanguet, a three-times Olympic pone if there is heavy rain. That said, because we have contingency plans. poned because of floods. When you are
London and Rio de Janeiro, before Alex canoeing champion whose own events there is less flexibility — and no alter- “We can postpone for rainy condi- in a sport where you rely on natural
Yee and Georgia Taylor-Brown claimed were disrupted during his career, said native venue — for the 10km marathon tions. Because it’s programmed at the conditions, you have to adapt.”
58 S1 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Sport Champions League quarter-final, first leg

Three great goals

and one hell of a
Madrid ding-dong
because they dominated possession the ears of the home side, who wanted
Paul Hirst and were at times wasteful but, make no to make the atmosphere as hostile as
mistake, this is a highly creditable possible.
result, one that makes them slight It took City precisely 108 seconds to
Real Madrid favourites for the second leg. send the Bernabéu into silence.
Camavinga 12, Rodrygo 14, Valverde 79 3 Given that City battered Real 4-0 at
the Etihad Stadium last season, they
Aurélien Tchouaméni’s poorly timed
challenge on Jack Grealish earned him
will be confident of finishing the job a yellow card — plus a suspension for
Manchester City
Silva 2, Foden 66, Gvardiol 71 3 next Wednesday. Until that point Pep
Guardiola will be praying day and night
the second leg — and gave City a
chance to test Real’s aerial defences.
for the return of Kyle Walker. How they That looked to be the plan, anyway.
Six goals — three of them from the top missed the right back’s speed and expe- Five grey shirts descended on the Real
drawer — one cheeky free kick, one rience in the face of the brilliance of penalty area. The hosts expected a
closed roof and one vomiting bug. This Rodrygo and Vinícius. lofted ball into the area but Silva had
Champions League quarter-final first Guardiola will also be minded to keep other ideas. After spotting that Vinícius
leg had it all. Foden on the bench when City play was the only man in Real’s wall — and
Kevin De Bruyne missed last night’s Luton Town on Saturday. The mid- that Lunin was busy organising his
ding-dong at the Bernabéu because of a fielder, now on 22 goals this season, defence — Silva fired a low shot into
sickness bug and the 3,840 Manchester is City’s most dangerous player. the net from 25 yards.
City fans inside this famous, rowdy sta- Not for the first time in his blos- It was embarrassing for Real. They
dium probably felt a little nauseous at soming career the midfielder were shocked and dazed. Real’s
times during this rollercoaster of a tie. came to the fore on the biggest press was non-existent, and
When Bernardo Silva pinged a clever stage, fighting for the ball City walked through the lines
free kick past Andriy Lunin with less and linking play as well as as if they were playing a pre-
than two minutes on the clock, the scoring the pick of the season friendly. Only last-
coast was clear for City to put Real goals before coming off ditch blocks prevented
Madrid to the sword but, aided by two late on with a knock. Grealish and Erling Haa-
deflected goals scored in the space of Until the City squad land from adding to
114 seconds, Real surged into the lead. arrived at the Bernabéu, City’s tally. Then came a
Rodrygo and Vinícius Jr toyed with De Bruyne was in the start- period of craziness, and
City and the latter should have opened ing XI. “He arrived here in the incredibly bad luck, for
up a bigger advantage, but Phil Foden locker room and started to vomit,” City as they conceded two Foden drew his side level with a shot into the top corner, after Rodrygo, top right,
equalised with a peach of a shot and Guardiola said. goals in quick succession.
then Josko Gvardiol found the net for As Guardiola was notifying Mat- Eduardo Camavinga collect- fans, pushed for a second and it came far corner of the net from a tight angle,
the first time for City with an equally eo Kovacic that he would be start- ed the ball from a throw-in on courtesy of their Brazilian attacking but it clipped Akanji and squeezed
fierce strike. ing instead of De Bruyne, the streets the right, cut inside past Grealish duo. through Ortega’s legs before rolling
In keeping with the madcap nature of surrounding the Bernabéu were fill- and let fly with a speculative Vinícius slotted the ball down the over the line.
the game there was one twist left in the ing with white smoke as thousands long-range shot that would not inside-left channel for Rodrygo, who City hogged possession but they
tale. Federico Valverde struck a power- of fans greeted the Real team bus. have troubled Ortega had it sprinted ahead of Manuel Akanji, then were vulnerable on the break. Akanji,
ful volley past Stefan Ortega to leave Earlier in the day Uefa had not taken a deflection off Rúben slammed on the breaks, allowing the playing at right back because of
the tie finely poised. City will be dis- agreed to Real’s request to close the Dias. City were rattled. Real, Switzerland defender to get goalside. Walker’s absence, could not live with
appointed not to have claimed victory retractable roof, which was music to urged on by their now buoyant Rodrygo tried to prod the ball into the Rodrygo’s pace. Rodrygo exchanged

Swansea .............. 41 12 11 18 49 62 -13 47 Port Vale..............41 10 10 21 38 63 -25 40 Accrington.........42 15 9 18 56 60 -4 54 Women’s European Championship Kings 280-6 (20 overs: S Singh 46 not out).
Football QPR.......................42 12 11 19 40 54 -14 47 Burton..................42 10 10 22 33 59 -26 40 Tranmere............43 15 6 22 61 63 -2 51 Qualifying group A3 Sunrisers Hyderabad (2pts) won by two runs.
Millwall................42 12 11 19 39 54 -15 47 Cheltenham........41 10 8 23 34 57 -23 38 Swindon..............42 13 11 18 70 74 -4 50
Champions League
Blackburn............41 12 10 19 56 66 -10 46 Fleetwood..........42 7 13 22 42 68 -26 34 Salford.................43 12 11 20 62 78 -16 47
Ireland (0) 0 England (2) 2 Darts
Quarter-finals, first leg Stoke.....................41 12 10 19 40 56 -16 46 Carlisle (R)..........43 7 9 27 40 75 -35 30 Grimsby .............. 42 9 16 17 52 70 -18 43 James 12
Greenwood 18 (pen) PDC Players Championship 8
Arsenal (1) 2 Bayern Munich (2) 2 Plymouth............42 11 12 19 57 66 -9 45 deducted *8pts/@6pts for breaching league rule Sutton Utd..........43 9 12 22 51 76 -25 39 Mattioli Arena, Leicester (Netherlands
Saka 12 Gnabry 18 Huddersfield.....42 9 16 17 46 69 -23 43 Colchester...........41 9 11 21 52 72 -20 38 Other result Sweden 0 France 1.
League Two P W D L F A GD Pts
unless stated): Quarter-finals (best-of-11
Trossard 76 Kane 32 (pen) Sheffield Wed...42 12 7 23 35 66 -31 43 Forest Green.....43 9 9 25 41 71 -30 36 legs): L Humphries (Eng) bt G Anderson
60,221 Birmingham.......41 11 9 21 45 63 -18 42 Colchester (1) 1 Stockport (1) 2 France ..................2 2 0 0 2 0 2 6
Vanarama National League Barnet 1 England ................2 1 1 0 3 1 2 4 (Scot) 6-4; G van Veen bt S Bellmont (Switz)
Rotherham (R) .. 41 4 11 26 32 82 -50 23 McGeehan 43 Powell 31 Bromley 1; Maidenhead Utd 3 Hartlepool Utd 6-5; R Szaganski (Pol) bt A Gilding (Eng) 6-5; D
Real Madrid (2) 3 Man City (1) 3 4,118 Madden 61 Sweden ................2 0 1 1 1 2 -1 1
Dias 12 (og) Silva 2, Foden 66 League One 1; Solihull Moors 3 Ebbsfleet Utd 0; Ireland ...................2 0 0 2 0 3 -3 0 Noppert bt K Doets 6-3. Semi-finals (best-of-
Rodrygo 14 Gvardiol 71 Blackpool (1) 1 Fleetwood (0) 0 Doncaster (1) 2 Walsall (0) 1 Wealdstone 1 Southend Utd 2. Postponed 13 legs): Humphries bt Van Veen 7-6; Noppert
Ironside 39 Gateshead v Aldershot Town; Rochdale v Group B2 bt Szaganski 7-2. Final (best-of-15 legs):
Valverde 79 76,680 Beesley 22 10,845 Hutchinson 90+3
Adelakun 77 6,487 Boreham Wood. Scotland (0) 1 Slovakia (0) 0 Noppert bt Humphries 8-6.
Sky Bet Championship Bristol Rovers (0) 0 Reading (2) 2 P W D L F A GD Pts Howard 61
Leeds (0) 0 Sunderland (0) 0 7,951 Smith 8
Harrogate (0) 1 Grimsby (0) 0
Chesterfield (C) 43 30 5 8102 60 42 95 Other result Israel 2 Serbia 4.
Wing 45 Thomson 49 3,201 Barnet..................44 24 8 12 85 59 26 80
36,793 P W D L F A GD Pts ATP Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters
Charlton (1) 2 Wigan (0) 2 Mansfield (1) 1 Forest Green (0) 0 Bromley .............. 43 20 15 8 66 46 20 75 Serbia ...................2 1 1 0 4 2 2 4 First round A de Minaur (Aus) bt S Wawrinka
Millwall (0) 1 Leicester (0) 0 Solihull Moors..44 20 13 11 70 59 11 73
Hughes 19 (og) Kelman 62, 66 Nichols 20 7,245 Scotland ...............2 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 (Switz) 6-3, 6-0; S Korda (US) bt A Davidovich
Longman 59 14,889 Altrincham.........44 20 11 13 81 59 22 71 Slovakia ................2 1 0 1 2 1 1 3 Fokina (Sp) 6-1, 6-2; R Bautista Agut (Sp) bt
Aneke 79 11,169 Morecambe (0) 0 Crewe (0) 1
Plymouth (0) 1 QPR (0) 1 Gateshead...........41 20 9 12 83 57 26 69 Israel .....................2 0 0 2 2 6 -4 0 F Diaz Acosta (Arg) 6-2, 6-4; Zhang Zhizhen
Cheltenham (0) 0 Carlisle (1) 1 3,564 Nevitt 70 Halifax.................42 18 12 12 53 46 7 66 (China) bt M Giron (US) 6-4, 3-6, 6-3;
Adomah 85 (og) Field 73 Sent off: L Leigh (Crewe) 89 Group B3
16,928 4,682 Lavelle 42 Aldershot............43 19 8 16 70 77 -7 65 M Kecmanovic (Ser) bt M Berrettini (It) 6-3,
Newport Co (1) 1 Accrington (1) 3 *Southend..........44 20 12 12 67 43 24 62 Bosnia-H (0) 1 N Ireland (0) 3 6-1; H Hurkacz (Pol) bt J Draper (GB) 6-4, 3-6,
Preston (0) 4 Huddersfield (1) 1 Leyton Orient (1) 2 Exeter (0) 2 Oldham ............... 43 15 16 12 59 55 4 61 Milinkovic 56 Wade 54, Bell 60 7-6 (7-2); T Etcheverry (Arg) bt N Jarry (Chile)
O’Neill 36 Alli 88 Morris 13 Henderson 22 Magill 68
Keane 53 (pen) Koroma 42 3,201 Leigh 46 Rochdale.............43 15 12 16 66 62 4 57 6-4, 7-5; G Monfils (Fr) bt A Vukic (Aus) 6-7
Osmajic 84, 87, 90+1 14,698 Moncur 64 Carroll 90+2 Hartlepool..........44 16 8 20 65 78 -13 56 Other result Malta 0 Portugal 2. (7-9), 6-3, 7-5. Second round N Djokovic (Ser)
Pritchard 67
Stevenage (1) 2 Barnsley (1) 1 Maidenhead......44 14 13 17 56 63 -7 55 P W D L F A GD Pts bt R Safiullin (Russ) 6-1, 6-2; A Zverev (Ger) bt
Sheffield Wed (0) 2 Norwich (2) 2 Wrexham (2) 4 Crawley (0) 1 Dagenham & R 44 14 12 18 65 59 6 54
Reid 45+2 Phillips 30 Portugal ..............2 2 0 0 5 0 5 6 S Ofner (Austria) 6-3, 6-4; J Struff (Ger) bt
Ihiekwe 78 Sargent 11 Barnett 21 Lolos 90+4 Eastleigh.............43 14 11 18 71 84 -13 53 N Ireland ..............2 1 1 0 3 1 2 4 B Coric (Cro) 7-6 (7-2), 6-1; L Musetti (It) bt
Smith 85 Sainz 16 Butler 51 4,727
Mullin 23, 82 11,544 AFC Fylde...........43 14 10 19 72 77 -5 52 Malta .................... 2 0 1 1 0 2 -2 1 A Fils (Fr) 6-3, 7-5.
28,516 P W D L F A GD Pts Cannon 76 Woking................44 14 10 20 46 53 -7 52 Bosnia-H ...............2 0 0 2 1 6 -5 0
Southampton (2) 2 Coventry (0) 1 Portsmouth.......42 26 12 4 71 36 35 90 Ebbsfleet.............43 14 10 19 59 72 -13 52
Derby...................42 25 7 10 72 37 35 82 Postponed Barrow v Bradford City. Group B4
Walker-Peters 18
Adams 38
Bidwell 68
28,564 Bolton..................42 24 9 9 78 45 33 81 P W D L F A GD Pts
York......................44 11 17 16 53 68 -15 50
Wealdstone ....... 42 12 11 19 52 67 -15 47 Kosovo (0) 0 Wales (2) 6 Football fixtures
Peterborough .. 40 22 8 10 77 50 27 74 Stockport............42 24 11 7 84 42 42 83 Boreham Wood 43 11 14 18 56 73 -17 47 Rowe 30, 60
P W D L F A GD Pts Barnsley..............42 21 11 10 75 55 20 74 Wrexham............43 23 10 10 78 51 27 79 Kidderminster..44 11 13 20 39 54 -15 46 Barton 44 Kick-off 7.45 unless stated
Leicester..............41 28 4 9 79 37 42 88 Oxford Utd.........42 20 10 12 71 53 18 70 Mansfield............42 21 13 8 81 43 38 76 Dorking...............43 12 8 23 48 76 -28 44 Morgan 62 Champions League: Quarter-finals, first leg
Leeds....................42 26 9 7 76 33 43 87 Lincoln City........42 18 14 10 61 35 26 68 MK Dons.............43 22 8 13 73 57 16 74 Oxford City (R) 43 8 8 27 53 90 -37 32 Hughes 85, 90+3 (8.0): Atletico Madrid v Borussia Dortmund;
Ipswich.................41 26 9 6 84 52 32 87 Blackpool............43 19 10 14 59 43 16 67 Crewe...................43 19 13 11 68 58 10 70 *deducted 10pts for breaching league rules Other result Croatia 1 Ukraine 0. PSG v Barcelona.
Southampton...40 23 9 8 78 52 26 78 Stevenage..........43 18 13 12 53 42 11 67 Barrow ................. 41 18 13 10 57 45 12 67
West Brom..........41 19 12 10 64 41 23 69 Crawley...............42 20 5 17 66 61 5 65 North Alfreton Town 3 Gloucester City 0; P W D L F A GD Pts Sky Bet Championship Birmingham v
Leyton Orient....43 17 11 15 50 50 0 62 Wales .....................2 2 0 0 10 0 10 6 Cardiff; Bristol City v Blackburn; Hull v
Norwich .............. 42 20 8 14 75 60 15 68 Northampton....43 17 8 18 55 61 -6 59 AFC Wimbledon 43 16 14 13 55 44 11 62 Kings Lynn Town 1 Chorley 0; Peterborough
Sports 1 Farsley Celtic 0; Rushall Olympic 4 Croatia .................2 1 0 1 1 4 -3 3 Middlesbrough; Ipswich v Watford; Swansea
Coventry..............41 17 12 12 66 49 17 63 Exeter..................43 15 10 18 39 56 -17 55 Walsall.................42 17 11 14 63 61 2 62 Ukraine ................2 1 0 1 2 1 1 3
Preston.................41 18 9 14 56 56 0 63 Doncaster...........42 18 7 17 59 63 -4 61 Bishop’s Stortford 0. South Braintree Town 0 v Stoke (8.0); West Bromwich v Rotherham
*Wigan.................43 17 10 16 57 54 3 53 Kosovo ................. 2 0 0 2 0 8 -8 0 (8.0). League One Peterborough v Port Vale;
Middlesbrough 41 18 7 16 58 53 5 61 Charlton..............43 11 18 14 62 62 0 51 Harrogate...........43 17 10 16 53 60 -7 61 Taunton Town 0; Dartford 1 Worthing 2;
Hampton & Richmond 0 Bath City 1; Wycombe v Derby.
Cardiff .................. 41
5 61
-11 56
Wycombe .......... 40 13 12 15 51 52 -1 51 Morecambe.......43 17 9 17 63 74
Gillingham..........43 17 9 17 40 53
-11 60
-13 60 Maidstone Utd 2 Weymouth 0; Weston- Cricket Vanarama National League: South Havant &
Bristol Rovers...42 14 9 19 48 63 -15 51
Bristol City..........41 15 9 17 44 45 -1 54 @Reading.............43 15 10 18 61 63 -2 49 Bradford City....42 15 12 15 50 54 -4 57 super-Mare 2 Chippenham Town 1. Indian Premier League Waterlooville v Welling; Truro City v
Sunderland........42 15 8 19 51 50 1 53 Shrewsbury.......42 13 7 22 31 59 -28 46 Notts County.....42 16 7 19 83 79 4 55 Cinch Scottish Championship Ayr 1 Morton 1; Mullanpur Sunrisers Hyderabad 182-9 (20 Eastbourne Borough.
Watford................41 12 15 14 57 55 2 51 Cambridge U......41 12 9 20 37 57 -20 45 Newport County 43 16 7 20 60 69 -9 55 Raith 1 Airdrieonians 3. overs: N K Reddy 64; A Singh 4 for 29); Punjab Cinch Premiership Dundee v Rangers (8.0).
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 S1 59

Pep: In past
we’d have lost
this game 5-1
Paul Hirst
Pep Guardiola said that last night’s re-
sult demonstrates how much maturity
and composure his Manchester City
players have gained over the years.
Despite leading twice, Guardiola was
happy to come away with a draw, de-
scribing Real Madrid as “the kings of
this competition”.
City were knocked out by Real at the
semi-final stage two years ago after a
shocking collapse in which they con-
ceded two goals in stoppage time and
another in extra time at the Bernabeu.
“This is the Bernabeu. It is so difficult
Goals scored from
here and we scored three goals,” Guard-
iola said. “This result or this game, in the
first three seasons together, we’d have
outside the box by Phil lost 4-1 or 5-1. We were not stable emo-
Foden this season; the tionally, but we are now.
most of any player for a “One of the key points in these games
Premier League club in is being stable emotionally. It’s funda-
all competitions mental. Take the good moments and be
stable in the bad moments. How you
are stable and stick with the plan in the
bad moments is the key point.”
Guardiola suffered one of those set-
backs less than two hours before kick-
off when Kevin De Bruyne had to be re-
placed by Mateo Kovacic because of ill-
ness. “He started to vomit when he
arrived and he didn’t feel good enough
to play,” he said.
Foden came off towards the end of
the match with what appeared to be an
injury, but Guardiola said the problem
was not serious. “It’s a knock. He was
grumpy with me about why I made the
substitution, so that means he’s OK.”
The City manager admitted that the
playing surface at the newly renovated
had put Real ahead; Gvardiol, above right, then scored a stunning long-range goal to take the lead — only for Real to equalise, on a relatively night for Bellingham, inset Bernabeu was not the best. “I haven’t
been on the pitch but it is what the
passes with Vinícius before firing a ham had shot wide. Then City went took one touch before bending a superb players told me [it wasn’t good],” Guard-
powerful shot wide. The Swiss was back on the attack. Silva stung Lunin’s goal into the top corner of the net. Real Madrid (4-3-3): A Lunin 5 — D Carvajal 5, A iola, formerly a player and manager of
Tchouaméni 6, A Rüdiger 7, F Mendy 5 — E
booked for a foul on Vinícius. palms after being found by Kovacic. Five minutes later Gvardiol beat Camavinga 6, F Valverde 7, T Kroos 5 (Modric
Real’s rivals Barcelona, said. “But no
City started the second half confi- It was end-to-end stuff, like a basket- Lunin with a thunderous right-footed 72min) — Rodrygo 8 (Díaz 72), J Bellingham 7, hard feelings, please. The stadium is
dently. Grealish curled over from 12 ball match, but neither team had a strike from the edge of the area. Vinícius Jr 8. Booked Tchouaméni, Carvajal. amazing, it’s a great piece of work.
yards. But again Real found space down player with enough composure or skill City needed to maintain their Manchester City (4-2-3-1): S Ortega 6 — M Akanji “What I remember about Real Ma-
6, J Stones 7, R Dias 6, J Gvardiol 7 — Rodri 6, M
the left. Rodrygo ran on to a crossfield to finish off the move. That was until composure, but instead Valverde’s Kovacic 6 — B Silva 8, P Foden 9 (Álvarez 87), J drid is that they always have had very
pass and teed up Vinícius, but he cleared Foden collected the ball off John volley from a Vinícius cross levelled Grealish 8 — E Haaland 5. Booked Akanji. good grass, it was like a carpet, but to-
the bar. Moments earlier Jude Belling- Stones, on the edge of the area, and the scores. Referee F Letexier (Fra). day that was not the case.”

Leicester stumble in fresh title twist Leeds find no way through

A header from Ryan Longman, glan- Dodds’s disciplined defence
Longman 59 1 cing a free kick into the arms of Mads
Hermansen, offered early encourage-
ment to the Millwall faithful. years ago, was not afraid to tinker, mak-
Leeds United
Leicester City
0 Gradually, though, the Leicester
pressing game squeezed play back to-
wards the home goal, establishing a
0 ing two changes and switching to five at
the back. If it was a ploy designed to re-
peat December’s victory over Leeds on
Sky Bet Championship
Ivan Speck
A strike of staggering timing and accu-
pattern that seemed likely to last.
In spite of their territorial dominance
efforts on the Millwall goal were scarce.
0 Wearside, Dodds’s tinkering initially
had the desired effect.
Indeed, for all of Leeds’s probing, the
James Shield
racy from Millwall’s Ryan Longman at It took more than half an hour before first real chance fell to Sunderland’s
once gave his side vital relegation Matija Sarkic had to scramble across Leeds United remain in the hunt for Jack Clarke, who headed over from
breathing room and stalled Leicester his goal as a deflected Kiernan Dews- automatic promotion, but a lethargic close range after meeting Timothee
City’s ambitions of an immediate bury-Hall shot spun inches wide. At the display against Sunderland will do little Pembele’s centre.
return to the Premier League. other end, a tame Jake Cooper header to calm nerves inside Elland Road with As the home crowd raised the decibel
Longman exemplified the tenacity of was easily gathered by Hermansen. their fate no longer in their own hands. levels, so Leeds’s momentum grew. On-
the home side just before the hour Millwall looked anxious to increase Still unbeaten at home since the ly an offside flag against Dan James
when he found the top corner after Longman’s strike moved Millwall four the tempo as they emerged after the in- beginning of the season, the result was prevented Sunderland from conceding
cutting in from the left. points clear of the relegation zone terval, pressing with greater urgency enough to lift Leeds to second in the a penalty soon after the interval when
The result lifted Millwall clear of the and running harder with the ball. table and within a point of the leaders Dan Ballard pushed the Wales inter-
bottom three while denying leaders zone, has stalled in recent weeks. Longman’s laser-like strike, which Leicester City. But the tactical disci- national inside the box. Wilfried Gnon-
Leicester the opportunity to strengthen While taking a single point from fix- gave the home side the lead just before pline demonstrated by the away side to’s introduction gave Leeds even great-
their bid for automatic promotion. tures against Leeds United and West the hour, came after he had cut inside was matched only by the lack of convic- er impetus. However, with Sunderland
Leicester appeared to have recovered Bromwich Albion might have been with pace and purpose. The goal served tion in Leeds’s performance. At this keeping their shape and defending with
their poise with two victories in April, envisaged, successive defeats in York- to raise the atmosphere on and off the stage of the campaign, strong minds as venom when required, clear-cut open-
but The Den is a ground where a lack of shire, to bottom club Rotherham pitch with every Millwall foray into the well as skill are required. ings proved few and far between.
resolve can be quickly exposed. United and fellow strugglers Hudders- Leicester half accompanied by a roar. Daniel Farke, the Leeds head coach, Farke was left to bemoan his side’s
While the atmosphere generated by field Town, most certainly were not. Michael Obafemi almost brought a has a habit of making changes after a lack of cutting edge, but also criticised
those in attendance was febrile as usual, “It’s so Millwall-like to lose at Rother- second explosion of noise in the 67th defeat. But with the finishing line in the officiating. “We were very unfortu-
issues with trains meant there were ham and at Huddersfield and then to minute with a run that ended with the sight, he selected the same 11 players nate not to get some penalties,” he said.
swathes of empty seats. Or maybe it come back and beat the leaders,” Harris striker being denied by Hermansen. beaten by Coventry City three days “We have had six letters this season,
was because Millwall’s revival under said. “I could feel fear coming back into Millwall were indebted to their own before. Mike Dodds, now in interim apologising for non-penalties or non-
Neil Harris, which appeared to have the club, but I told the group that I ha- goalkeeper Sarkic, who saved from charge for the third time since joining red cards. We will probably get two more
hauled them away from the relegation ven’t got time for that.” Ricardo Pereira in the 82nd minute. Sunderland’s backroom staff three [after this match], but it won’t help us.”
60 S1 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Sport Champions League quarter-final, first leg

Arsenal head to the Allianz with slipped the ball back, Havertz touched
Henry Winter it to White and Saka made his dart into
Chief Football the area. He took White’s ball and
cleverly used Dier as a screen to block
Arsenal Neuer’s view.
Saka 12, Trossard 76 2 As Dier stooped in an attempt to
block, hands behind back like a peni-
tent pupil, Saka imparted so much whip
Bayern Munich
Gnabry 18, Kane 32 (pen) 2 with his left foot that the ball curled
round Dier and Neuer for his 18th goal
of the season.
Arsenal fans turned round, beseeching Arsenal were in charge and White
anyone with access to a monitor to really should have doubled their lead,
confirm whether Bukayo Saka had following Havertz’s threaded pass, but
been fouled by Manuel Neuer deep into shot disappointingly straight at Neuer.
injury time. Everyone knew what a key That wasted opportunity looked costly
moment it was, how it could shape this when Bayern equalised within six min-
Champions League quarter-final, and utes. David Raya and Gabriel got in a
how Saka himself would doubtless have mix-up in their attempt to build from
converted, giving Arsenal the advan- the back, Sané and Kane applied the
tage heading to Bavaria next week. press on the right and Leon Goretzka
Arsenal will beware Thomas Müller’s sent Gnabry through. He raced past
traditional away-day, first-leg reminder Declan Rice, who was having one of his
to his Bayern team-mates that the less influential nights, and placed his
opposition “have to come to the Alli- shot between Raya’s legs.
anz”. They have to step into a European Bayern then took the lead on the
fortress where Manchester United, half-hour. Sané turned Jakub Kiwior
Galatasaray and Lazio have succumbed far too easily on the halfway line and
this season. Bayern’s travails in the then cut a 50-yard swathe through the
Bundesliga simply increase their deter- red and white of Arsenal.
mination to deliver in Europe. So the Jorginho slid in but Sané was too
Saka moment was huge. quick. Gabriel stretched out a foot but
The Arsenal winger had broken in Sané was past him in a blur. Sané was
from the right and was aiming to run travelling so fast that any contact was
across Neuer. He knocked the ball past going to send the attacker spinning off-
the Bayern goalkeeper, but then his balance. William Saliba, so assured this
rising right knee went into Neuer, caus- season, tried to intervene but his right
ing the collision. The Swedish referee, leg touched Sané’s left knee and the
Glenn Nyberg, was well placed and former Manchester City winger went
adamant there had been no foul. Given down, clearly fouled. No question.
Uefa’s preference for light-touch use of Arsenal fans hoped for VAR inter-
VAR, there was little chance of this vention but Sané was clearly clipped.
being overturned. Yet it was one of They waved their scarves and jeered,
those touch-and-go incidents where, but nothing was going to put Kane off.
had Nyberg awarded the penalty, VAR There was an inevitability to his 15th
would not have overturned it. goal against Arsenal in 20 games in all
There was no need for Saka to initiate competitions.
the contact. He would have passed Kane assumed his spot-kick stance,
Neuer and been presented with a put the weight on his forward left foot,
straightforward shot on his favoured then powered towards the ball, slowing
left foot, even with Alphonso Davies momentarily. As Raya dived to his
covering across. right, Kane unerringly placed his
Far more contentious from Nyberg penalty low the other way.
was Harry Kane receiving only yellow The half-time scoreline could have Trossard wheels away after equalising in the second half to hand Arsenal a draw; above right, Raya sits despondent after
for an elbow on Gabriel ten minutes been worse for Arsenal had White not
into the second period. Competing for a
dropping aerial ball, Kane glanced over
his left shoulder, checking his marker’s
position and then swung his right elbow
raced back to thwart Sané with a last-
ditch tackle.
Arsenal know the test in store next
week in Bavaria, knew that Müller’s
Kane gets rare stroke of luck as
back, catching him under his chin.
Jorginho, yards away, instantly
appealed, arms flying up. The Emirates
howled in frustration as Nyberg settled
words often carried weight, so they
fought hard to get level. Mikel Arteta
kept making attacking changes. He first
removed Kiwior for Oleksandr
he haunts old rivals once more
for a yellow. But the officiating balance Zinchenko. Arteta then sent on Gabriel And perhaps Gabriel is no innocent in requiring assessment. Arsenal
sheet was probably even overall: Kane Jesus and Leandro Trossard for the Martin Samuel this either. His performance against couldn’t play in their style and shape
could have been awarded a penalty disappointing Gabriel Martinelli and Erling Haaland two Sundays ago is this season with a target man like
when dragged over at a Bayern corner the defensive Jorginho. probably the only time we have seen Haaland up front, it was decided. No
by Martin Odegaard. Bayern began showing their game Manchester City’s striker physically laughing at the back. Next up, Kane.
The focus was inevitably on Kane’s management, slowing the game down, bullied since coming to the Premier Now, there was never any possibility
return to north London. Kane and Eric staying down. Tuchel’s players looked League, and Kane was no doubt of signing Kane, never a hope he
Dier were both roundly booed to be tiring too, and he removed Gnab- having to put up with a lot that went would move to the red zone of north
warming up, let alone when the fray ry and Sané, encouraging Arsenal on unseen. London, not now, not ever.

commenced. For the Arsenal fans even more. Arteta’s substitutions paid ew think of Harry Kane as a Yet no matter. This wasn’t unseen. And just as well, because they didn’t
climbing the steps from Holloway Road off in style with 15 minutes remaining. particularly lucky footballer. This was an elbow to the throat with want him either. Once again he
and chanting abusively about Totten- Jesus took a pass in from Saka on the He was last night. He gets to evidence to suggest that was exactly wouldn’t fit Arsenal’s delicate pattern
ham Hotspur, there was an extra spring right and calmly laid the ball past play in the return leg in as intended. So Kane may have been of play, as if prolific goalscoring was a
in their step, slightly forgetting the Goretzka and into the path of the Munich next Wednesday. unlucky to arrive in Munich just as problem to be overcome, rather than
threat arriving with Kane, Serge Gnab- unmarked Trossard. Given an incident in the second half Germany’s seemingly perpetual a trait that might have Arsenal ten
ry and Leroy Sané. Such a prolific impact sub, Trossard here, that makes him very fortunate champions fell off a cliff, but that he points clear now, given the strength of
For those hurrying past the touts swept the ball past Neuer to give indeed. still has a say in their European their defence.
between the Tube and the stadium, Arsenal belief for when they head to the It wasn’t just that he caught Gabriel campaign is fortune indeed. Then again, as Arsène Wenger said,
there was belief that this would be a Allianz. Judging by Saka’s angry reac- with an elbow, but that he checked on And chances are, he has a say. That everyone thinks they have the
chance to show Europe Arsenal’s tion at the final whistle over Neuer’s the Arsenal man’s movements first. A is Kane’s consistent narrative against prettiest wife at home. Arsenal have
re-emergence as a force. They started challenge, Arsenal will travel fuelled by quick look over the shoulder, then Arsenal. He turns up, he makes his been successful this season without a
well. Kai Havertz harried Dier, much to a sense of grievance. bang. Glenn Nyberg, the referee, did point. He defies, he teases. Journeying recognised striker, so loyalists won’t
the Emirates’ delight. Gabriel got tight not see Kane’s little recce. For if he north two weekends ago there were necessarily know what they are
to Kane, not for the last time. Thomas had, the forward would surely have some Arsenal fans on the train. missing. But maybe they do now.
Tuchel, the recipient of all manner of Arsenal (4-3-3): D Raya 6 — B White 7, gone. Uefa’s guidelines for VAR Heading up for the City game. Very Leaving aside his later misdemeanour,
W Saliba 6, Gabriel 6, J Kiwior 5 (O Zinchenko
hand gestures from Arsenal fans, 46min, 6) — M Odegaard 7, Jorginho 6 (G Jesus
involvement are more testing too. excited, obviously; and as confident as Kane proved a point, again, in this
touched the ball away from the excel- 67), D Rice 6 — B Saka 7, K Havertz 6 (T Partey Had this match been overseen from could be expected, given the inhospitable region of north London.
lent Ben White to slow a home throw. 86), G Martinelli 5 (L Trossard 67, 7). Stockley Park, Nyberg would surely destination. Somewhere near Stafford In the 32nd minute, when Kane
Davies was booked, harshly, for a Booked Partey. have been summoned to a pitchside the conversation turned to stood over his penalty in front of
Bayern (4-2-3-1): M Neuer 6 — J Kimmich 6, M de
challenge on Saka, ruling the left back Ligt 6, E Dier 6, A Davies 6 — L Goretzka 7, K monitor. goalscorers. Did Arsenal need one, what would have been the old North
out of the Allianz return. Saka was even Laimer 6 — L Sané 8 (K Coman 66, 6), J Musiala And that would have been Kane’s would they be better had they signed Bank, an unnerving quiet descended
more emboldened, soon seizing the 6, S Gnabry 7 (R Guerreiro 71) — H Kane 7. lot. Bayern Munich down to ten men, one? on the stadium. There were some
Booked Davies, Kane.
lead by running again at Davies. He Referee G Nyberg (Sweden).
and their talisman out of the return. Haaland was the first name distracting antics immediately behind
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 S1 61


hope and a grudge

James, right, put England on course for victory in the 12th minute at the Aviva

Sané’s brilliant pass sent
give Wiegman
Goretzka (circled) clear to
set up Gnabry’s equaliser

around the Santiago

much to ponder
Terror fear Bernabéu stadium, north
midfield picture after being relegated to

at grounds
of Madrid’s city centre.
Fans passed through four
separate rings of security,
0 the bench, while of the returning quin-
tet Leah Williamson came closest to ce-
menting her spot. The England captain,

David Sharrock Madrid

while snipers were posted
on the roofs of buildings
overlooking the stadium.
James 12, Greenwood 18 (pen) 2 in her first international in 364 days, put
in a collected performance in defence.
Any nerves she did have were settled
Euro 2025 qualifying

he Spanish interior The response came after by England’s fast start in the first game
Kit Shepard
ministry Islamic State released a between these teams since 1987. For
announced an threat over social media England’s win in Dublin will fuel Ireland to hold off their more fancied
“extraordinary” security to attack all stadiums in debates over Sarina Wiegman’s best XI visitors they needed unerring fortune
response to threats made which the first legs of before her squad reconvenes in late and discipline, but got neither.
by the terrorist group the Champions League May. The head coach made five changes Poor marking and misfortune con-
Islamic State relating to the quarter-finals were being from Friday’s draw with Sweden, tributed to James’s goal. Keira Walsh,
Real Madrid v Manchester played. This included including dropping Mary Earps. back to her metronomic ways having
City match last night. Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, “Of course she is disappointed,” played poorly on Friday, picked out
More than 3,500 police where they faced Bayern Wiegman said of Earps, who was not in Lucy Bronze at the back post. Bronze’s
officers were in force Munich last night. England’s goal in a game with genuine header across goal rebounded off Anna
being beaten by Gnabry for Bayern’s first of the night jeopardy for the first time since the 2019 Patten and fell kindly for James. The
World Cup. “She wants to play and has Chelsea forward capitalised on the luck
the goal and plenty of booing, drawn at home. Yet Kane sails on. continued from back been so good for us and very consistent. by smashing past Courtney Brosnan.
obviously, but it was not the cauldron Disappointment after disappointment So yes she is disappointed, we had that And then came the ill-discipline.
of noise that often accompanies such in so many competitions, yet he haven’t seen it. The decision is made. conversation, then she showed up and Ruesha Littlejohn blocked a Jess Park
occasions. This was genuine always plays like a man who believes We cannot change that. We have to moved on.” volley with a charge-down more befit-
trepidation, the fear that follows the his time will come. This was no focus on other aspects that we can Many of those brought in, such as the ting the rugby played at the Aviva, and a
greatest goalscorers from ground to exception. control.” midfielders Jess Park and Ella Toone, penalty for handball was awarded.
ground. Arsenal were about to be Leading the line, ably supported by Arteta was disappointed that Ben justified their inclusion. As for Hannah Greenwood sent Brosnan the wrong
reacquainted with what a team get forwards whose talent makes that 16- White had not taken a chance to double Hampton, she shook off some distribu- way and Ireland needed a miracle.
from having Kane, or Haaland. A point gap at the top of the Bundesliga his side’s lead. Two minutes later tion struggles to keep a clean sheet. Greenwood’s subsequent penalty
certainty, a sense of security. appear unfathomable, Kane was as Gabriel’s poor pass led to Serge Gnabry The team’s performance was good hitting the post after Louise Quinn’s
Not that he’s infallible, because potent here as he always looked for equalising for Bayern, who will be with- enough, as Lauren James’s opener and handball reignited the crowd.
nobody is, but he does what it says on Tottenham Hotspur, a nuisance on out Alphonso Davies after the left back Alex Greenwood’s penalty within 18 Two more characters in the immi-
the tin. David Raya has been good for stilts when Arsenal met their noisy was booked for a foul on Saka. minutes provided control. To their nent selection squabbles, Beth Mead
Arsenal this season, but Kane simply neighbours. He strolled out after the “I have a lot of belief we can go there credit Ireland rallied and, after Green- and Fran Kirby, were introduced short-
let the goalkeeper plough to the left game for his post-match interview, and beat them,” Arteta said. “When wood missed a penalty, stayed right in ly after half-time. They nearly com-
and slipped the ball almost coolness personified as watching fans Ben is in front of Neuer and if [he scores the contest until the climax at a noisy bined for a third when Kirby met Mead’s
contemptuously to the right. He often barracked. He was even wearing and] it was 2-0 it would have been a very Aviva Stadium. cushioned header on the volley, forcing
goes for power on such occasions, white again, this time a quilted jacket. different game. In the Champions Ireland showed in the second half an instinctive save from Brosnan.
power and accuracy. This seemed as if And great strikers make defenders League you give something, they will that they are no pushovers but England Ireland could have set up a nervy
it was one he had been saving for nervous. It is surely no coincidence take it. You get punished.” will have to overcome better teams ending when Quinn fired across goal
Arsenal, especially. Saving it for all that Arsenal’s outstanding centre Thomas Tuchel praised his Bayern (namely France and Sweden) to qualify from a McCabe free kick, but England
those sceptics who wonder what he halves, William Saliba and Gabriel, side’s recovery and claimed they were automatically for Euro 2025, let alone scrambled clear. The home side con-
brings to a team. failed to exude the confidence that denied a penalty when Gabriel received defend their continental crown. tinued to push. Hampton saved from
Not trophies, ha ha ha! Yet anyone has seen them through so many the ball in the area after a pass from Hampton v Earps will headline forth- Caitlin Hayes’s header and then was let
can look at the numbers and conclude recent league matches. Raya too. David Raya, the goalkeeper. coming selection disputes. Her omis- off the hook by McCabe, who chipped
if Bayern’s failure this season is down Nobody thinks Aaron Ramsdale “The referee did not have the sion proved that Wiegman will not tamely into her grasp after blocking her
to anybody, Kane is last on that list. should have been left in goal any courage to give a deserved penalty in a flinch from dropping anyone — even punt. England’s unfamiliar No 1 there-
He has been Haaland-prolific, more. Raya has been excellent. Yet bit of a crazy and awkward situation,” the reigning Fifa “best goalkeeper” and fore preserved her clean sheet. Let the
Ronaldo-prolific, Messi-prolific in his there were uncharacteristic mistakes the Bayern coach said. BBC Sports Personality of the Year. battle with Earps commence.
first season. He has scored, as the last night. Random positioning, rash “What makes us really angry is the Hampton, 23, gave glimpses of both
modern greats do, in torrents. That challenges, poor distribution. explanation on the field. He told our her abilities and frailties. The Chelsea
Bayern live in hope of surrendering Arsenal were most recently this players that it is a ‘kid’s mistake’ and he goalkeeper dealt ably with crosses and Ireland (4-3-2-1): C Brosnan 6 — A Patten 5, C
Hayes 7, Lo Quinn 5, A Mannion 6 — R Littlejohn 5
the German crown but gaining a deep in the Champions League in will not give a penalty like this in a communicated well, yet made only two (M Connolly 46min, 6), D O’Sullivan 5, Lu Quinn 6
European one is down to Kane, more 2010 but those ghosts shouldn’t haunt quarter-final.We feel angry because it is saves and having a kick charged down (M Campbell 61, 6) — H Payne 6 (L Kiernan 61, 6),
than anyone. this team. Past failures against Bayern a huge decision against us.” by Katie McCabe epitomised her tra- K McCabe 7 — K Carusa 6 (E Murphy 67, 6).
This Arsenal team have entered did not happen on their watch. Yet The reigning European champions vails with the ball at her feet. “In the air Booked McCabe.
England (4-1-2-3): H Hampton 6 — L Bronze 6,
virgin territory in the Champions plainly something was wrong. And City thought they had the upper hand she was good. We know she is good with L Williamson 7, A Greenwood 7, J Carter 6 —
League, and it is telling on them. there to witness it was Kane, as he in their tie against Real Madrid after her feet, though in some moments she K Walsh 8 — E Toone 7 (G Stanway 75), J Park 7
They needed a penalty shoot-out to will be in Munich on Wednesday. superb strikes by Phil Foden and Josko could have been better,” Wiegman said. (F Kirby 56, 6) — L James 7 (C Kelly 86), A Russo 6
(R Daly 86), L Hemp 6 (B Mead 56, 6).
get past Porto and have an uphill Whether he deserves to be, however, Gvardiol put them 3-2 ahead, only for Elsewhere, Grace Clinton and Geor- Referee L Lehtovaara (Finland).
struggle visiting Munich, having first is quite another matter. Real to equalise in the 79th minute. gia Stanway are hardly out of the Attendance 32,742.
S1 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Sport Max Whitlock exclusive

Team GB star tells Alyson Rudd why
he’s more driven than ever for Paris

Saka was furious

after being denied
a stoppage-time
penalty for this
collision with
goalkeeper Neuer
Bill puts our
game at risk,
says Masters
Matt Lawton
Chief Sports Correspondent
The head of the Premier League has
warned the government not to
“undermine” English football’s “global
success” with the introduction of what
he considers unnecessary legislation.
Writing exclusively for The Times,
Richard Masters, the Premier League’s
chief executive, has said that he fears
measures introduced as part of a Foot-
ball Governance Bill could be “wound-
ing the goose that provides English
football’s golden egg”.
Masters also argues, at a time when
Arsenal 2 the Premier League has yet to agree a
new deal with the EFL for financial
Bayern Munich 2 support, that the top-flight clubs
already provide £1.6 billion to the
pyramid. “The Football Governance
Real Madrid 3 Bill, published last month, will establish
strict banking-style regulation for more
Manchester City 3 than 100 football clubs,” Masters writes.
“It will give the regulator unprece-
dented power, including the right to
determine how much money is distrib-
uted to lower-league teams by Premier
League clubs. This is an arrangement

Comebacks and controversy

that, under a voluntary system, already
provides the most generous funding in
world football.
“My concern is that the bill will
reduce our competitiveness and weak-
en the incredible appeal of the English
game. There are already suggestions the
Saka denied late penalty, Kane escapes red for elbow as City and Arsenal battle to keep dreams alive bill could be amended by those seeking
a more interventionist approach, with
Gary Jacob thing to play for in the second legs of Harry Kane had put the German side even stronger powers for the regulator.
their quarter-final ties. ahead with a penalty but might have “We are asking MPs and peers to pro-
Hopes of an all-English semi-final Leandro Trossard scored a late been dismissed for an apparent elbow tect the game, including the Premier
survive after an epic night of equaliser to give Arsenal a 2-2 draw at on Gabriel, left. Mikel Arteta claimed League, which not only helps sustain
Champions League football in London home to Bayern Munich. The home he had not seen Kane’s foul or Saka’s the football pyramid but also contrib-
and Madrid that brought ten goals and side were then denied a last-gasp penal- penalty appeal but said that he sympa- utes £4 billion in annual tax revenues
plenty of intrigue. ty when Bukayo Saka was brought thised with his winger’s reaction. and creates 90,000 jobs across the
Both Arsenal and Manchester City down by the Bayern goalkeeper Manu- “Yeah, for sure, if he thought it was a country. The unintended consequences
led and then had to come from behind el Neuer. The angry forward had to be penalty,” the Arsenal manager said. “I of regulation generate significant risks.”
to secure draws that give them every- restrained by Arsenal coaching staff.

Times Crossword 28,887 across down Yesterday’s solution 28,886

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Irish clan established around 1 Sultan’s palace complex is large and S P A SMO D I C S A D DO
Priesthaggard originally (4) old (8) V A UGH A NW I L L I A MS
3 Landlord initially thrown by elusive 2 Joke I’d set up and attempt, E S J K M E U L
girl’s rental arrangement (10) expressing expert opinion (8) D A EMON A P O L OG I A
9 10 11 9 Frenchman introducing canon 4 Old soldier’s high-class article E V E RGR E E N S S T AG
backing restoration (7) about hard left (5) A N G G Z A E H
11 Wood turns tail, having left 5 Body artist first to support military S E T T M A K E A N E X I T
instrument in the kitchen (7) pageant (9) C A ROU S E L E U C L I D
12 Broadcast losing sad musical slide 6 Miners rational about famous H C R A E R U R
12 13 (9) statue, endlessly studying figures A P A S S A GE T O I ND I A
13 Character in Thessaloniki carrying (13) I D U L C S E W
home money (5) 7 Scandinavian chap raised one in
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
14 Enticing berries I still mostly the Washington area (6) 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
14 15 supply (12) 8 Cowardly to react thus to being plus your telephone company’s network
18 Useful publicity label on vehicle hurt? (6) access charge. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.
16 17 taking MDMA round the States 10 Musical politician overwhelmed by
(12) bridge-player’s tragic day (4,4,5) Newspapers
21 Idiot crossing motorway? That’s 15 Most of deprived area in resort, one
out of order (5) serving Italian food (9) support recycling
The recycled paper content of
22Holy Willie, type involved with 16 A lot of skill required to capture UK newspapers in 2020 was 67%
19 20 choir (9) neat craft? (8)
24European in South Africa left 17 A second US statesman perhaps,
21 22 23 Durban for example (7) not a political enabler (8)
25Conspicuous way to accommodate 19 Old woman’s ultimately serious
a legal right (7) condition, a rocky situation (6)
26What’s shown by a couple of 20Asian dish having edge over a
24 25 Liberals briefly sharing equally? French fricassee initially (6)
(5-5) 23Advance after crossing island (5)
27 In Massachusetts, a respected
national leader once (4)
26 27
Have you heard
the good news?
Times Radio is proud to have received eight nominations at this year’s
prestigious ARIAS, The Radio Academy’s annual awards.
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April 10 | 2024

Would you like polyfluoroalkyls

with your strawberries?
The hidden chemicals in your food
2 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Finally, some good news

Are we dating
about booze: your love A man is suing more than 50 women
life will benefit from it for sharing details about his behaviour
online. But there’s a good reason women
Carol Midgley swap notes, says Charlie Gowans-Eglinton

read an article this week that colleague of mine

I then had to put down to rub has been hearing
my spectacles and make sure my My sexting rave reviews of the
rheumy eyes weren’t deceiving wonderful new men
me. But no. It appeared to be a offer — it’s in two of her friends’
good news story about alcohol. lives. Bright,
Aren’t such things illegal now, only £50 charming, funny,
punishable by a spanking from with all their own
the wellness police or that former I’ve been following the teeth. Unfortunately, it turns out these
chief medical officer who told women Tory MP “nude pics” wonderful new men are actually just
to think about breast cancer every blackmail story and the one wonderful, rather busy man.
time they looked at a glass of wine? “A have made a decision. But dating two women is nothing
small glass of cancer please, barman.” I want in. If there’s compared to some. “Are we dating the
“Certainly, madam. Will it be the red money to be made from same guy?” is a women-only Facebook
or white cancer today? Enjoy.” But this sextortion lark, group (male equivalents exist) where
hooray. A huge study over two I’m having some. But women share notes on men they’re
decades has found that “couples who I’m not stupid. Oh no. dating and their bad behaviour, outing
drink together stay together”. And I realise that from cheaters, frauds, misogynists and
they tend to live longer too. Just let people of my age the creeps to other women who might
me finish these Andrews liver salts demand for naked otherwise have dated them. Stewart Lucas Murrey. Right: Olivia
and I’ll raise a glass to that. pictures is probably In Los Angeles, scores of women Burger and Vanessa Valdes (front),
Even more encouragingly, the study not high. Quite the agreed that Stewart Lucas Murrey was two of the women he is suing
is from America, where if you ask for opposite. People are a bad date — and we know this
so much as a second sherry the more likely to pay me because he is suing more than 50 of more people were being catfished
number for the nearest rehab clinic is not to send them them for $2.1 million, over damage to online, and perhaps it was wise to be
shoved into your fanny pack. The each other’s company and are photos of my pinky, his romantic life, working life and wary. But he seemed particularly
University of Michigan study found buckling up to be a bit stupid together. perky and whatnot. reputation. The first suit was dismissed paranoid, she went on. Maybe it was
that drinker couples have “better That it may even do you good in an Which is the nub of by a judge on Monday. because he was an actor, though she
relationship quality”, possibly because era when there seems to be only two my genius idea. I’m Did Murrey deserve to be so publicly didn’t recognise him from anything . . .
drinking together “increases intimacy”. extreme positions on alcohol — flipping sexting on its blacklisted? Many of the comments The penny finally dropped. We were
Of course it does. And not just the teetotaller or dipso pisshead with a head. If you send me, just painted him as rude or arrogant — messaging the same man, at the same
type that finds you both dancing to beetroot for a nose — is especially say, £50 I won’t send not dangerous to date, just unpleasant. time; we had received the same
the Killers with the dog in the kitchen gratifying. We rarely hear from the you a photo of me That this was shared with thousands of unsolicited selfies of him sitting on the
at 1am. You’re obviously going to be middle-grounders, do we? The vast unzipping my second others online, as opposed to with a few top deck of a bus in his sweaty gym
more up for Sunday afternoon “sexy majority for whom alcohol is not a worst fleece to reveal close friends over a glass of wine, does vests. Better than an unsolicited dick
times” with a cheeky Aperol spritz problem but a little life-lifter for £9.99 the greying bra with mean that it has a digital footprint that pic, we agreed, and mostly harmless,
inside you than if you are sitting with from Sainsbury’s and not a guarantee the partly perished might follow him around. But if it’s though he did sort of act as if we were
a cup of PG Tips watching The Chase. of being found 12 hours later sitting in mesh. A bargain, no? true, then — well, tough. crazed superfans stalking him, rather
These are facts. your own urine with a traffic cone on Pay up now and you Online dating has allowed people to than women he’d approached online.
As you will have cunningly detected, your head. won’t get pinged date far outside their social circles, but But definitely odd behaviour.
I am part of a “drinking couple”. A The study found that drinking with a pic of my it also provided an opportunity to Odd enough that I recognised it at
“drouple”. Or, as the disapproving couples fared better than those in baggy gardening behave terribly with little or no once a few years later when a different
might term it, “a pair of soaks”. We which one member likes a drop and slacks being lowered. accountability. Many of the horrors of friend, living on the opposite side of
met, like so many do, in drink, and the other doesn’t. Obviously. Another See? Everyone wins. modern dating are thanks to the extra London, described a handsome app
many years later keep the flag flying bonus for the drouple is that there’s This seems far less degrees of separation, the online match who she thought was behaving
with enthusiasm. no “No sympathy! You brought it on hard work than being shroud of anonymity, and knowing strangely (which, for handsome men
Let’s be clear, no one wants to be yourself” recrimination the next one of those saddos that your friends and peers won’t hear on dating apps, is saying something)
the swaying duo with barnacled faces morning when you have the forever shoving their that you’re behaving like a rotter. and sure enough, in a city of nine
screaming at each other in the bus complexion of a half-putrefied corpse. phone down their pants Yet, as we waive our privacy for million, it was the same guy.
shelter. But in fairness that was only Because you both look as revolting as hoping to snare some digital ease, it’s increasingly possible to I didn’t warn her off him — we’d
the once and we’d had a long day. each other. Result! dim politician with join the digital dots, for which I’m not only been on one date, and it wasn’t
Like most people we have a few Oh. Closer inspection of the report badly lit genitalia. alone in feeling grateful. Modern bad, or in any way sketchy — but it
nights off a week (aka “the most suggests that smug celebration may You’ve heard of milf dating is like a part-time job, so gave her context, and stopped her
boring nights”), as the 0 per cent be premature. The study defines sites (mothers I’d like anything that can streamline the from feeling that maybe she’d done
Peronis in the fridge attest, and we “drinking” as whether a participant to f***)? Well, my new process is appealing. If one woman’s something wrong to make him so
do like to be in bed fogeyishly early. had had a drink within the past three business idea is milfcs wasted evening and half of the bill can suspicious. In the end he asked for her
But there isn’t a single occasion that months. Three. Months. So that — mothers I’d only like help the rest of us to rule out a few Instagram handle — more proof of
can’t, IMHO, be improved by a glass includes nearly everyone then? Boo. to see fully clothed. duds, what’s the harm? who she was — and when she
of cheer. (If you are one of those It also cautioned against using the A few years ago, I was comparing mentioned she’d actually seen him in
people who don’t need it — respect. findings to drink more with your battle stories from life on the dating a show, he ghosted her.
I envy you, but I am not one of you.) partner. Damn. That’s the only reason apps with a friend. She began to tell Over the dinner table last week, I
Drinking together is saying you like I read it in the first place. me about a man she was texting who polled the group about a dishy man
asked her to send photos almost daily, that my Hinge algorithm had been
because she wasn’t sure whether this showing me daily, but who used to
your year. The Dorset could choke. Look, a knob, but you can was a red flag or not. He wasn’t asking date our mutual acquaintance — and
Knob festival is back, don’t blame me for the pin the knob on the for nudes — that wouldn’t have been was glad to hear of his love for cocaine
Let them five years after it was double entendres. It’s Cerne Abbas Giant,” worth mentioning, since its so and threesomes before I wasted any of
scrapped for growing all true. an organiser said. If you commonplace — and he was my time. (Both are no-thank-yous for
eat knobs? too big. The knob- A knob, FYI, is a hard swapped that word for otherwise interesting and funnyish, me, though I’m only judgmental about
throwing game will savoury biscuit, and a “bread roll” you’d and handsome. But he wanted candid the first one.)
No chance return in July, but word that the British barely get any takers. selfies as she bought her coffee or sat An extract from Chimene
health and safety find hilarious. It’s doing Although if they held a at her desk, and he sent her his own, Suleyman’s new book, The Chain: The
Could you guess the has kiboshed the a hell of a lot of heavy “bap-weighing contest” though she never asked for them. Relationships That Break Us, The
weight of a big knob? knob-eating race amid lifting here. “We don’t I dare say they’d raise I told her I’d had the same Women Who Rebuild Us, appeared in
Then 2024 could be fears that someone want people choking on some interest. experience — we agreed that maybe these pages last month. While
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 3


the same guy? Probably The lowdown

JLo’s grubby
Stanford University’s School of jeans
Medicine and podcast host who Can I just check something?
teaches “bro science” to five million
YouTube subscribers. Fire away.
The extent to which his
relationships with five different How often should one wash
women — including his ex-partner one’s jeans?
Sarah, who tested positive for an STI A compelling question. Officially:
for the first time three years into their barely ever. I think every three to ten
relationship, which she says they wears is the general rule, though
agreed was exclusive — overlapped admittedly I can’t remember the last
was something that they investigated time mine were cleaned. In fact, I’ve
together, by comparing screenshots of just noticed an unidentifiable stain
their conversations with Huberman in on each leg. Hmmm. Wonder how
a group chat. long they have been there?
According to the magazine, he had
told Sarah that the women that she I could ask the same question of
was suspicious of were “stalkers, JLo. She was out in New York
alcoholics, and compulsive liars”, over the weekend in a pair of blue
before she caught him in one affair baggy jeans that were covered in
and began to speak directly to the what looked like mud and dust.
“other women”. Surely you’d wash visibly dirty
If data-pooling group chats had jeans, if they were, you know,
existed when I was younger, I might for smart?
have realised that my first great love Well, she’s a very busy gal.
was lots of people’s first great love,
consecutively, and was also lying Too busy to empty her laundry
about his age. basket by the looks of it (or get
I might have realised that a someone else to).
boyfriend’s crazy exes weren’t
Ah. I think I know what is going
actually crazy, just cheated on, before
on here — JLo wants her jeans to
I became one of them. It’s only the
look grubby.
real red flags that would actually
put me off if I liked someone, not
I see. And have we checked on her
reading on a Facebook group that
recently? Is she … OK?
they were boring or ten minutes late
or rubbish at texting (he’d be a Yes. More than that, my friend, she
kindred spirit, actually). is trendy.
Then there are the actually criminal
red flags, true conmen like the You’ve lost me.
“Tinder Swindler” who take thousands It’s a fashion thing. The pair she is
of pounds from their victims, and who wearing are the height of cool. They
deserve more than just outing in a are from Acne Studios and cost
group chat. about $620 if I am not mistaken —
In Keanu Reeves Is Not in Love with and when it comes to these things, I
You: The Murky World of Online rarely am.
Romance Fraud, Becky Holmes shares
her solution. Targeted by romance So, to clarify, people are paying
scammers on Twitter, she began to hundreds for mucky clothes?
mete out vigilante justice. She replied Goodness, no.
to their auto-generated declarations of
love with unintelligible nonsense, not Phew.
that it put them off; she faked travel
plans to meet a “pilot” on his busy Just jeans. It is
flightpath; she sent fake gift card codes very specific.
when they asked for money.
Thankfully, most people are who Ugh. So dirty is the
they say they are, at least when it new distressed?
comes to the vital statistics. Exactly! Instead of
Dating profiles show rose-tinted complaints about
versions of ourselves; so does our buying clothes
behaviour on those first few with holes in
us he was in hospital or a suicide dates. And for anyone who rose- them, now a
clinic, asked us for money to pay for tints a little too aggressively, generation of
her partner texted her — apparently Chimene Suleyman, his meds or the admission fee, or one there’s the risk of the group chat. fashionistas will
from the waiting room outside — as left, and Becky Holmes treatment or another that would save There’s a reason some famous have to listen
she had an abortion, he was actually his life. bachelors ask their romantic to their elders
recorded by security cameras “All these relationships overlapped partners to sign NDAs — so that joking about
removing all traces of himself from her with other women. Most wrote of the heart-throb persona remains putting a
New York apartment. giving him money, of losing items from intact. Suing your detractors is wash on.
Searching for news of him on social their homes, pregnancies, lies and his one option — if only for the very
media, she found a drawing posted by mother who was, as it turns out, fragile and/or angry — but my But still. Wearing
another woman living in another coming back to life again and again, hope is that the possibility of dirty jeans and
country, captioned: “Unfortunately, but unfortunately dying of cancer on being named and shamed might carrying a Chanel
the guy in the picture turned out to be a regular basis.” stop some men from digitally handbag, you
a psychopath.” The money came to at least flashing, or Andrew Tate-esque accept this is
The woman who posted it lived in $100,000, while he pretended to have value appraising, or simply ridiculous, right?
Australia, but connected Chimene to a job. One of his friends, who met so ghosting the women that It’s not a look
another woman who had responded many of these women, told Chimene they meet. I’ll be rocking
to it and also lived in New York. Zoe they “guessed he was probably We’ve all had bad dates, but myself — on
had even been pregnant with the homeless and staying between if a man thinks a few women purpose,
same man’s child at the same time women’s houses”. sharing notes about him is anyway.
as Chimene. Last month New York Magazine something to be afraid of, that’s
The Instagram post gained traction, published an article about Andrew probably because he knows he’s been a Hannah Rogers
until his pattern emerged. “He told Huberman, an associate professor at prick.
4 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Strawberries and
cream season?
You may want to
think again ...
Government analysis has found that 95 per cent of
strawberries carry traces of PFAS — toxic chemicals
that stay in our bodies ‘for ever’. How worried should
we be about the fresh produce we eat, asks Peta Bee
e know cent were found to have at least one

summer is PFAS present. And according to new
on its way analysis of the committee’s report by
the campaign group Pesticide Action
Network (PAN), grapes (61 per cent
of samples), cherries (56 per cent),
spinach (42 per cent), tomatoes
appear in (38 per cent) and peaches (38 per no garden
the supermarkets. Who can resist the cent) contained worrying levels of
cream of the fruit crop adding its the toxins. Could it be that in aiming or patch of
burst of juicy sweetness to smoothies,
desserts and cocktails? But this
for our five a day we are unwittingly
consuming toxins that may harm our land free
week came a warning from scientists
that whichever way you prefer to
PFAS were discovered in 1938 by
from PFAS
eat your strawberries — plain, with a chemist working for DuPont.
cream or otherwise — there is a They are invisible to the naked eye,
strong chance they will come with an virtually indestructible and almost
unwanted trace of PFAS (per- and impossible to avoid. They seep
polyfluoroalkyl substances), those insidiously into our homes, our “PFAS are man-made, non- Sciences Academy. “They are
ominous-sounding “forever chemicals” drinking water, soil and consequently biodegradable chemicals created by persistent because the body cannot
that can remain in our bodies for years the food we eat — and therefore into fusing carbon and fluorine atoms that chemically destroy them or neutralise
and in the environment for centuries. our bodies too. You will find them have been leeched from industrial them.”
In 2022 more than 3,300 food everywhere, from food packaging and production in factories since about In terms of fruit and vegetables, it is
samples were tested for pesticides by shampoo bottles to non-stick cooking the 1970s,” says Alex Ruani, a the juiciest and tastiest varieties that
the government’s expert committee pans and stain-resistant sofas and researcher in nutrition science at are primed to be PFAS carriers.
on pesticide residues in food. Of the rugs, and in clothing, shoes and University College London and “Freshly grown foods that absorb the
120 strawberry samples tested, 95 per accessories. chief science educator at the Health most water, like strawberries and

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the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 5

Concerns about the toxins centre a hectare of non-organic potatoes in
on research showing a correlation the UK is treated with agricultural
between long-term exposure to pesticides an average of 22 times.
PFAS and an increased risk of health
issues and diseases including cancer,
high cholesterol, kidney and thyroid
Although not sprayed directly,
potatoes can absorb the pesticides and
germs in the soil. “It is advisable to
problems, reduced fertility and
repressed immunity. “These
wash and scrub potatoes
before consuming them,”
else can
potentially carcinogenic
molecules accumulate in
blood, cells and tissue,”
Megson says.
Ruani says. “There’s
evidence that they are
passed on to our children
Although only 2 per cent
of 96 samples tested
during pregnancy and can contained traces of PFAS,
affect learning and behaviour according to PAN, the number
in young people.” of apples containing multiple Drinking
Research published in 2007 in the pesticide residues increased from water
journal Environmental Health 44 per cent in 2018 to 72 per cent in Last year a
Perspectives estimated that 99 per 2022. “Apple skins do contain useful report from the
cent of people have PFOA sources of fibre, but always wash them Royal Society of
(perfluorooctanoic acid) — before eating,” Ruani says. Washing Chemistry
considered one of the most fruit and vegetables will remove revealed that
harmful of the PFAS — some pesticides but has little more than a
in their bodies. “They effect on PFAS levels. third of water
have been traced in supplies tested
glacial water and in England and
rainforests, basically Grapes Wales contained
everywhere in our Research carried PFAS. “I would
environment,” Ruani out by PAN in like to be
says. “And the worrying 2022 showed that confident that
thing is, we don’t yet know grapes from 13 countries, the water I am
the full consequences on our including South Africa, Brazil and drinking poses a low risk and the RSC
health and longevity.” India, had multiple chemical residues have proposed sensible steps to allow
Not that the advice is to avoid on their surface, with 84 per cent of this to happen,” says Megson, who was
fruit and vegetables shown to samples containing at least one of part of the RSC report team. “An
contain PFAS. “These chemicals 47 “active substances”, including interactive map allows consumers to
are certainly not desirable in the 31 fungicides used to prevent rotting see what PFA levels are like near
food system, but we have a during storage. Fungicides can them.” To access the map visit
well-regulated food supply, partially be removed by
and the amounts in food are washing the fruit
considered a safe and not thoroughly. Yet grapes were Food packaging
dangerous level of exposure,” found to have absorbed We are not just talking ready meals
says Dr Duane Mellor, a other systemic pesticides, and ultra-processed foods but
registered dietician and making them more disposable snack and sandwich bags
senior teaching fellow at difficult to remove. and one-use cutlery items. “PFAS
Aston University. “No single European grape growers, were historically used in the coating of
food is likely to expose you including those in Spain, food packaging and wrapping in order
to toxic levels of PFAS, and France and Italy, are to make it resistant to grease or water,”
as far as we know the benefits moving away from Ruani says. “While the more
of consuming more fruit, veg pesticides, PAN says. damaging longer-carbon-chain PFOA
and wholegrains in terms of has been phased out in the UK and
grapes, are the most likely to have the cancer and disease prevention will Europe, it has been replaced with
greatest PFAS content,” Ruani says. offset some of the risks associated
Salad, spinach shorter-chain PFAS products which
According to PAN, there are 25 with consuming them via the and rocket are an improvement but not PFAS-
pesticides containing PFAS, but
washing them off won’t necessarily
There’s food chain.”
Ruani says there are benefits
It’s convenient, but
ready-to-eat bagged
free.” Opt for PFAS-free compostable
greaseproof paper for baking.
help much, partly because our tap
water contains the chemicals. “In the
evidence to eating strawberries and
other summer fruits —
salad may contain more
than a colourful
UK the government advice is always they are and we shouldn’t stop array of leaves. Non-stick pans
to wash or peel fruit and vegetables doing so. “They are In the Throw away any of
to remove pesticide residues,” says passed on packed with precious government’s these that have
Dr David Megson, a reader in
chemistry and environmental to children polyphenols, vitamins
and fibre, so the benefits
tests 7 per cent
of 97 lettuce
been hanging
around in your
forensics at Manchester Metropolitan
University. “But these PFAS
during of eating them far
outweigh any kind of PFAS risks.”
samples contained
traces of PFAS. Spinach
cupboards for
years — they
chemicals make a very good job of
sticking to stuff.”
pregnancy But there are steps we can take to
reduce chemical exposure when
containing multiple pesticide residues
has increased from 57 per cent in
likely contain
higher levels of
Buying organic is one option for eating fruit and veg. 2019 to 73 per cent in 2022, according materials that
reducing exposure to many to PAN. may contain
agricultural chemicals, but this doesn’t With any leaves, health chiefs PFAS. “Teflon and
necessarily reduce the intake of PFAS, Citrus fruit recommend removing any loose soil other non-stick
which are mostly absorbed from land Grapefruits, mandarins and satsumas before storing vegetables, and washing coating used to be made
and water, whether organically were at the top of PAN’s latest all herbs and salads that will be eaten using PFOA,” Ruani says.
farmed or not. A study last year in the “dirty dozen” list of UK produce raw thoroughly unless they have “This use has been phased out
journal Environmental Research that contains the highest levels of been pre-prepared and are labelled and replaced with shorter-
indicated that organic vegetables may pesticide residues. Although most of “ready to eat”. chain PFAS. The best type to
have lower amounts of PFAS, but these are in the peel, PAN says that Even so, ready-washed salads come opt for are stainless steel,
they are not free from the chemicals. some citrus fruit pesticides are with other risks. Researchers at the ceramic and cast-iron pots
Growing your own or sticking to “systemic”, meaning they are University of Leicester found that the and pans.”
seasonal eating doesn’t remove contained within the flesh and pith. moist environment in a bag of washed
the risk. “When a garden or Handling citrus fruit can lead to salad with damp, partially bruised
greenhouse is in or near an dermal absorption, through the skin. leaves, combined with nutrients
Anything described
industrial area PFAS concentration “Avoid using non-organic peel and leeching out, provides the perfect as stain-resistant
in produce is higher,” Ruani says. zest where possible,” Ruani says. breeding ground for bacteria including This includes sofas, rugs, jackets,
“Sad to say there’s probably salmonella — which increased hiking boots and moisture-resistant
no garden or patch of land 2,400-fold in their five-day trial. sports performance fabric, all of which
entirely free from PFAS, Potatoes They have also been linked with usually contain PFAS. You can’t avoid
and seasonal or not these Although they featured relatively low outbreaks of E. coli. “It is always better everything and will want to stay dry
persistent chemicals will down in the government survey, with to prepare and wash your own salad on a long walk or run — but be
make their way into only 2 per cent of 145 potato samples leaves rather than to purchase strategic about buying too many of
our food.” containing PFAS, according to PAN, ready-bagged,” Mellor says. these products.
6 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Left: dress, £85, Left: Paris street style.
Right: Beyoncé Right: shirt,
£105, and
skirt, £150,

Cowgirl chic (just don’t go the full

tailored trews and kitten heels plus I suppose it was only a matter of
Yes, the Wild West is in, says the right denim shirt. Ace high. That time before a sartorial appropriation
same skirt or trousers with a white that started in the Fifties with jeans,
Anna Murphy — but remember, tee and the right suede fringed jacket? Jacket, £35, George at Asda, an item of clothing now so ubiquitous
Ace in the hole. I can’t give you a that many of us have forgotten they
less is more when it comes to fourth example, because that’s as far
as my cowboy colloquialisms go, but
were originally worn by cowboys and
goldminers, spread to other elements
looking at home on the range you catch my drift.
You are hopefully also catching my
from the same uniform.
When Ralph Lauren first put the
drift when it comes to the fact that cowboy aesthetic on the catwalk in

have got so much wrong with rightness is key, by which I mean, 1978 it was seen as an anti-fashion
fashion over the years, a fact freshness. Any item that looks as if it statement. But the designer called it
I choose to believe you might started life in the original Wild West right. “The spirit of western style has
find reassuring (she’s human, is not for you; is a calamity in waiting, a rugged elegance and authenticity
not a fashion bot) rather than in fact. (Sorry, Jane.) that people want to relate to,” he says.
annoying (who does she think Note too that in all of the above “There’s both a sensibility and
she is, presuming to give advice ensembles, I am advocating for only honesty to the clothing that gives it an
about anything?!). one item, and that you keep the rest enduring appeal.” His high-end takes,
For example, there is nothing that of the look polished. OK, I will allow such as a red-on-white embroidered
adds edge to your look better than you cowboy boots with jeans, but western shirt (£355,,
a soupçon of cowboy, to use a turn that’s it. I am even wary of so-called remain some of the best around.
of phrase that I imagine never left double denim. A key factor in the rise of cowboy
Calamity Jane’s lips. And you can Less is more when it comes to boots in particular? That they have
trust me on this, precisely because cowboy fashion. It’s all very well for to be some of the most comfortable
for so long I wasn’t having any of it. Beyoncé to go the full ten gallon heels you can wear. Why? Because
Yes, one of my biggest errors was not with her new album Cowboy Carter, they were conceived of for men, and
getting with the cowboy programme if not 20 gallon, given her new-found though men may have their failings
until a handful of years ago. predilection for chaps worn not they have long known better
A pair of cowboy boots can help us with what Americans call pants but than to impede themselves with
to dream of life on the frontier while what we Brits do. (Accessorised, in challenging footwear. That has
sweating that Thursday morning other words, with a whole lot of inner been our speciality, goddam us.
PowerPoint presentation; help us to thigh.) For those of us who are not Extra centimetres without extra pain.
pretend to ourselves that we are global superstars and/or who are There’s a result right there.
nonconformists even as we go about older than 28, I would urge that the Indeed, I would argue that a pair of
our entirely conformist existence. only variety of chaps you engage with cowboy boots should be your gateway
A trouser suit plus the right cowboy is the Clearing House Automated purchase. And that’s without factoring
boots? Yee-haa. A pencil skirt or Payment System. in that they are one of the most
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 7

Shirt, £319,

My family, the von Trapps

in Lycra, are in it to win it
There’s mileage in a ‘run-cation’, says Clare Conway
t started as a gift idea for my “Every man for himself,” she says.

mum’s 62nd birthday. The two of We filter off into our start pens,
us would run a half-marathon based on our estimated race times.
together. Surprise! She’d always Bryan and Maeve go off at speed.
claimed, wistfully, that she Further back, I resist an adrenaline
wished she had tried long- rush and try to pace myself. Far
distance running. Madrid’s behind me are my mum, dad and Orla.
official half-marathon was We’ve all been so resigned to our
offering race entry for €40 a head. A fate that we haven’t bothered to look
run and a mini-break: what could be at the course. Turns out the first
nicer? The rest of my family caught quarter is one long hill. My mum
wind of it and soon they’d signed up thinks she’s running well until she
too. We had become a demented realises that the signpost marked 8
family of von Trapps in running shoes, means kilometres, not miles. I press on
flying in from our home cities: New in the warmth of the Spanish spring:
York, Stockholm and London. 22C at 10am and rising. Rollerskating
It’s not just us. Sports tourism is a volunteers weave in and out of the
fast-growing industry and now makes runners, offering bottles of water and
up about 10 per cent of all global Vaseline for chafing nipples. A brass
tourism. If people are willing to fly to band plays on a corner, a DJ pumps
another country for a 5km Parkrun — out trance music on the next.
runners from the UK have gone to Firefighters cheer outside their station.
Poland to compete in Zielona Gora’s Spectators wave all kinds of national
Parkrun to complete an A to Z flags and a sign is held aloft by an Irish
challenge — they’ll certainly board a woman: “Hurry up, I want a pint.”
plane for a half-marathon (21km). Bryan starts limping about 16km.
The Madrid race is the biggest half- Well-meaning runners slap him on
marathon in Spain: 23,000 runners the arse. “Let’s go!” He picks up the
have signed up for this year’s edition, pace. My grey-haired mum gets a few
and plenty of them are on my flight cries of “Venga, abuela!” (Come on,
from Heathrow. Dad, 62, is doing
his best Joe Biden impression in
his Hokas, with extra spongy
soles to cushion the joints. He’s
pointing at other passengers
(albeit 30 years younger and
much leaner) in their Hokas and

ten gallon)
nodding at them as if in a club. It
must be the fittest flight to Spain
I’ve been on — no alcohol, just
bottles of water all round.
As for our family’s fitness, we
have half-heartedly followed
training plans, what with work,
youthifying single-item purchases you slouchy tan suede (£109.99, mango. busy lives and babies (my sister
can make. My favourites come from com) and John Lewis’s And/Or Orla, 33, had a daughter four
the British brand Penelope Chilvers. black leather or sand suede (£159, months earlier). My mum,
Indeed, Chilvers was one of the first however, has been unusually
women I saw wearing them in a A couple of standout suede jackets, diligent and stuck her training
non-John Wayne way, with a linen neither of which is cheap, needless to plan on the fridge, ticking off
summer dress, no less. She insists say, are Jigsaw’s fringed style in black each run in disgust. “Christ,” she says The Conway family grandma!) and scowls, resolving to dye
they are not something you age out or brown (£450, and shakes her head, as if seven miles — Mags, Mark, her hair. Even though, as I later point
of either. “They give you attitude. and Mint Velvet’s plain and pocketed is not the logical next step after six Orla, Clare, Bryan out, she is a grandmother.
That feeling of having the freedom to tan (£329, For a miles the week before. As if the and Maeve — after By 11am, it’s seriously warm. There
kick the dust!” Her low-rise style Calie cheaper take try George at Asda’s training plan is out to get her. finishing the Madrid are casualties on the side of the road,
Broderie in sand suede, with its pretty stone faux leather (£35, My brother Bryan, 38, has been half-marathon towards the end of the route. Mostly
All Saints is the high street brand doing runs in Stockholm in minus ten they’re young men, wrapped in foil
that most consistently subscribes to degrees — until, two weeks before the blankets being attended to by medics.
the belief that west is best. Its tassel race, he gets a blood clot in his leg. Possibly they’ve run too fast. I look for
chain blazer — think Wild West meets Just a small one, he assures us, a pair of pasty compression-socked
Add only one Upper East Side — is one of my picks dubiously, when we meet at our rented legs on the pavement and am relieved
item, and keep of the season (£299,
Mango’s cream fringed cardigan is
apartment in Madrid. Bryan will run
in knee-high compression socks. My
when I can’t see my brother.
On the whole, the atmosphere is
the rest of the another statement item (£59,, ditto Monsoon’s
New York-based sister and Orla’s twin,
Maeve, 33, who does a few marathons
Dad, 62, supercharged with endorphins. There
are couples racing together, mothers
look polished embroidered denim dress (£85, Tabitha Webb has a
a year, says her knee hurts. Dad’s
back is at him — the evening before
is doing running with their babies in buggies, a
whole army platoon chanting and in
punched edging, is especially flattering
for summer because it reveals the
wool-cashmere knit with the words
“Cowboy Ride Campfire Stargaze” and
the race, he can’t bend down to
reach the bin.
a Joe step. I am beaten by a man dressed up
as a banana — but what a rush.
narrowest part of your lower leg another that says “This Ain’t My First We’re all up at 8am on Sunday to Biden We cross the finish line as follows:
(£269, Rodeo” (£195, catch the Metro. We follow the surge Maeve, 1hr 40 min; Bryan, 1hr 42min;
A shoutout too for Ivylee I like WNU’s denim shirt precisely of runners to the start line at the in his me, 1hr 52min; Orla, 2hr 9min. Then
Copenhagen for its navy leather
Frances (£347,,
because it is so sleek as to make it
clear that you are not the type to carry
Paseo de la Castellana. Thousands of
people are warming up en masse, Hokas, comes my dad, two minutes behind
Orla, puffing his way across the finish
and for All Saints for its double
metallic silver and gold, also
a lasso (£130, withnothingunderneath.
com), and the same goes for Sézane’s
hopping on the spot, kicking their legs
out and leaning against trees to
with line: 2hr 11min. And finally, the
reluctant grandma crosses the finish
available in black with a gold toe
(£249, At a more
cream flower-embroidered iteration
(£105, And/Or’s is a
stretch. I’m starting to regret the wine
last night. No time to dwell on it: a
extra line at 2hr 22min, indignant that she
hasn’t beaten my dad. Tomorrow there
affordable price point I like M&S
Collection’s black leather (£45,
little more rugged in a good way
voice over a speaker announces that
the race starts in 15 minutes.
spongy will be hell to pay on the muscles
front. For now, it’s time for another
marksand, Mango’s @annagmurphy Mum turns to my beleaguered dad: soles half — I mean beer, obviously.
8 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

n Manchester even the rats are which Lord says has

mad fer it. In the Noughties saved at least one
early days of the Warehouse life. When a
Project, the club night that has woman fell ill after
become perhaps the city’s most taking Ecstasy at
revered nocturnal destination Parklife, they
since the Haçienda, rats were asked her friends
known to lick the dregs of to describe the
discarded cocaine wraps. This meant tablet she had taken
that the unlucky souls clearing up and found something
afterwards were sometimes confronted similar that had been
by very, erm, confident rodents. confiscated from
“These rats were stood on their back someone else. “We tested it,
legs, saying, f***ing come on then!” within seconds told the doctor
says Sacha Lord, who describes this what was in it, and they saved her life.”
and other lurid episodes in his rip- Much of Manchester’s vitality is
roaring new book, Tales from the born of adversity. After the 2017
Dance Floor. As the promoter for the bombing of Ariana Grande’s concert at
Warehouse Project — whose 10,000 Manchester Arena, which killed 22
capacity at Depot Mayfield, its current people, “the UK saw what the city was
venue, puts it among the biggest about”, Lord says. He remembers a
clubs in the world — and Parklife, vigil where somebody started to sing
Manchester’s largest music festival, he Oasis’s Don’t Look Back in Anger. “It
has seen some sights. “Might help fill wasn’t orchestrated but everybody
in a few blanks,” runs a quote from the else joined in, shoulder to shoulder,
Happy Mondays’ Shaun Ryder on the defending the city.”
book’s cover. Lord was appointed Manchester’s
Lord, 52, is rightly smug about the night-time economy adviser, aka
city’s cultural heritage, once telling a nightlife tsar, by the mayor, Andy
journalist that “the south has all the Burnham, in 2018. He has fought his
corner with gusto, taking the
government to court during the
pandemic over its “Scotch egg” ruling
— the one that said pubs could open
Strangeways only if they offered “substantial meals”.
prisoners wrote He argued that this discriminated
against more than 1,800 venues in the
letters saying it Greater Manchester area that didn’t
offer food, many of them in poorer
sounded amazing areas. “People were shutting left, right
and centre, losing their homes and
money, the north has all the fun”. A their marriages,” he says. The
local artist picked up on it, “and now government dropped the rule before
there are people walking around with the case could conclude.
that on their tote bags”. He and Burnham seem to be doing
Even the city’s prisoners know how something right. While the number of
to party. The Warehouse Project used nightclubs in London has fallen by
to be held at the old Boddingtons Johnny Marr joined Chic’s Nile Rodgers at the Warehouse Project in 2011. Top right: the club night more than half over the past ten years,
brewery near HMP Strangeways — so Manchester is “absolutely bouncing”,

Ravers, raids and

near that the inmates could hear the Lord says. There is the Warehouse
music. “The governor went on record Project’s move to Depot Mayfield, part
saying that we were responsible for a of a £1 billion regeneration of a railway
spike in drug taking,” Lord says. “We depot, while the city has a new arts
used to get letters with a Strangeways centre, Aviva Studios (formerly
letterhead from prisoners saying, ‘It Factory International), and a music

rats on cocaine
sounded amazing on Saturday — can arena, Co-op Live, with a 23,500
you send us a tape?’” capacity. Lord’s current priorities
Elsewhere he writes about the are improving safety and accessibility
American rapper Cardi B cancelling a at venues, and reintroducing night
headline show at Parklife because her buses, which are vital for his staff as
breasts hadn’t healed after plastic well as punters.
surgery (“a new one on me”), and Nightlife tastes are changing fast.
about the enterprising barman who Manchester knows how to party, says the veteran club “The stat that knocks me sideways is
brought his own card machine to the that one in five under the age of 25
festival and scammed £11,000 in a
week. Then there are the surprising —
promoter Sacha Lord. Ed Potton hears the inside story now don’t drink any alcohol,” Lord
says. “Ritzy-style nightclubs are very
if logical — mathematics of venue quickly dying away.” He puts it down
capacities. When Lord booked New from Salford,” Lord says. “I look back Snoop Dogg with Grammar, he left with two Us and an to the cost of living crisis and the
Order to play the Warehouse Project now and say, how the hell did I get Sacha Lord at Parklife E at A-level — club promotion was the impact of Covid on socialising habits.
in 2015, it seemed unusually busy, through that?” Charm, probably, festival in 2014 only thing he was good at. People are still going out, just not
despite not being a sellout. He realised although he says it’s simply because he It would be naive to deny that drugs as often: “They’re waiting for those
that the band’s older fans, many with “had to get through it”. Despite going are part of that world, Lord says. “If big moments.”
a case of middle-aged spread, were to a private school, Manchester Strangeways can’t stop drugs getting The biggest moment for him was a
“taking up nearly twice the space of into a category A prison, what are we 2011 show at the Warehouse Project
our usual crowd”. supposed to do with a festival or a by Chic. “I was sat in the pit and it
What separates Lord’s book from nightclub?” Since the Warehouse completely blew my mind,” he says.
the clichés about gurners in bucket Project opened in 2006, “we must “Johnny Marr came on to play on the
hats is its focus on the darker period have had touching three million last track, Le Freak.” Manchester still
after the Madchester era, when gangs people through the doors”, and few has that swagger, Lord says. If he was
held sway. In 1991 the Haçienda shut major incidents. Which is not to doing it all again, though, “I’d start a
temporarily after a bouncer was diminish them when they happen. In Portaloo company. I worked out that
threatened with a machinegun. Lord 2013 Nick Bonnie, 30, died after I’d have made more money doing that
was once bundled into a car and collapsing at a Warehouse Project than putting nights on.” But possibly
ordered to play at a rave by night with cocaine and high levels of less fun.
gangsters who had confused him MDMA in his system. Tales from the Dance Floor by Sacha
with the superstar DJ Sasha. Another Lord describes that experience as Lord is published tomorrow
gang member was caught trying to shattering. “We very nearly pulled the (HarperNorth £22). To order a copy
leave the Warehouse Project with plug on Warehouse Project. Then we go to or call
43 stolen mobile phones down his thought, if we do pull the plug, people 020 3176 2935. Free UK standard
trousers. won’t stop partying. And that’s when P&P on online orders over £25.
“I’m a pretty small guy, standing up we started to educate people.” Now Special discount available for Times+
to these hugely intimidating gangsters the project runs back-of-house testing, members
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 9


Chelsea tractor drivers: get your

big, fat bumpers out of my grille!
average of only 30cm — the
Cars are becoming height of a bog-standard
cereal box — between the side
bigger and more of their car and the edge of a
parking bay. Despite cars,
obstructive than alongside our waistbands,
having become bigger over the
ever. Driving SUVs past few decades, the size of an
average parking space has not
in the city is awful, gone up since the Seventies.
Having a car that is too big
to park may be a first-world
says Hilary Rose problem but it’s not really
something I anticipated when,

hen I was after decades of wanting a Land
little my Rover, ever since I had a model
parents as a child, I finally splashed out
used to on a Discovery last year. Our
ferry me road trip to Ireland with the
around in dog and kids — and the
a Mini the prospect of eight hours of
size and sibling squabbles in the back —
weight of a coffee table book. When I sealed it. We realised that a
sat in a Mini last year it was the size of Discovery was one of the only
the bookshop. The news that cars are compact SUVs with seven seats
getting bigger is therefore not news to that could fit us all in, with the
me, because I have eyes and I drive. youngest at the back. It was
A study has found that the most either that or one of those taxi-
popular family cars have widened by style vans.
an average of 12cm since they were Underground car parks are a
launched. Minis are now more nightmare if you’ve got a car like
accurately maxis, 34cm wider than ours. And supermarket ones.
they were in 1959. Vauxhall Corsas Only the other week, after I had
have expanded by 24cm since 1982, done a quick stock-up of snacks
Ford Fiestas by 19cm since 1989, in preparation for a long journey
and Volkswagen Golfs are now with the kids, I looked up from
officially 179cm wide, compared with Lily Allen and Abbey Clancy in London the steering wheel to see a man
161cm in 1974. in a Nissan Micra shaking his
This is mostly due to side-impact of the narrow roads of southwest head at me. When I looked
protection technology, and while we’d London, when you will pause and around to see what he could
all love to know more about side- wave me forward first. Everyone else: possibly find to be annoyed about,
impact protection technology, alas we why do you never do that? Literally, I saw that I had accidentally
cannot tarry. Because the problem isn’t ever? You just barrel on through in parked across the line of the next
that small cars are getting bigger so your massive Bentley 4x4, driving parking space. I really don’t make
that they’re safer. The problem is big down the middle of the road like you a habit of it but I couldn’t fit the
cars getting bigger so that you feel own it, and man alive is it annoying. car anywhere else. I looked over and
important. Big cars that proclaim you This is ironic, because most are shrugged at him. He wagged his finger
king of the road, master of all you women. Why do they think it’s always at me superciliously and drove off.
survey, someone whose children need
a ladder to climb in but they would be
their right of way, even when it isn’t? I
imagine they drive Porsche Cayennes
I love my SUV (until it He obviously thought I was one of
those privileged, out-of-touch women
safe in nothing less.
The other problem with new cars,
badly round Exeter and Aberdeen and
all points in between as well, but I’m comes to parking) who swan around in their Chelsea
tractors without any regard for our
specifically the electric ones we’re all not there, I’m here, in Chelsea, the fellow motorists, whose cars have also
supposed to be buying, is their weight.
Their batteries weigh a tonne or, more
spawning ground of the wretched
Chelsea tractor. The women in
By Georgina Fuller become bigger. Is it really any wonder,
then, that I have the odd scrape on
accurately, half a tonne. One petrol Aberdeen don’t rile me as much as the mine (much to my husband’s horror),

BMW model weighs 1,695kg, but women who casually swing into elp, I’m stuck!” my nine-
2,125kg if it’s electric. A 1970 Mini parking bays at my gym in Fulham, for year-old daughter yells
weighed 620kg, a Kia Niro EV today example, and straddle two spaces. Are from the back as she tries
weighs 1,739kg and a Mercedes electric they so busy that straightening it out to open the passenger
people carrier is more than two and a would take ten seconds too long? door of our new (or, I looked up to see
half tonnes. That’s about the average
weight of a baby blue whale, so bad
Might the café have sold out of vegan
skinny cappuccinos? “Perhaps they
rather, second-hand) Land Rover
Discovery. I sigh with frustration. Not a man in a Nissan
luck if you’re a pedestrian hit by one.
There have been calls for car park
don’t know how to reverse,” said a
friend, as we watched one woman park
again, I think.
I had been driving round the car
Micra shaking
spaces to be made bigger, for wider
cars, but they might also need to be
halfway across a disabled bay then
jump out with a tennis racket.
park at our local shopping centre for a
good ten minutes looking for a double
his head at me
reinforced to cope with the weight. The roof of my little Polo comes parking space as I knew it would be a after reversing out of a tight spot
The Institution of Structural roughly halfway up the side of a squeeze getting myself and my three next to a wall? Eek. Or that I have
Engineers has called for car parks to Mercedes GLS, which the carmaker children out. It always is. It wasn’t a annoyed the odd pedestrian after
“evolve”, or consider introducing a says is built to carry you “over the problem when I was bombing around parking a few inches onto the
weight limit, with one of the toughest terrain”. And also Fulham. in my nifty little Mazda. We didn’t pavement when it’s either that or
institution’s fellows saying that older Driving a smaller car is not a have to end up contorting ourselves get my wing mirror clipped off by
structures from the Sixties and dereliction of parental duty. You will to climb out of our car each time another passing Land Rover?
Seventies could collapse. not be reported to social services, even then, but the bigger the car, the Despite all that, I still love my car
Now, if you drive an SUV with in Fulham, for transporting little Milo bigger the parking problem, as I have and wouldn’t trade it in for a smaller
consideration and respect, I salute in a Golf, or indeed a Vauxhall Corsa. since discovered. model. Even if it does mean we have
you. I hope one day to have the And who knows, you might even be So I wasn’t remotely surprised to to breathe in a bit when we’re getting
pleasure of encountering you on one able to park it. hear that car owners now have an out. Or annoy Nissan Micra drivers.
10 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times


Your weekday brain boost puzzles

Pages 14-16

Every day, Monday to Thursday, a page of extra Sudoku easy Train Tracks
puzzles to give your brain an extended workout Lay tracks to enable the train to travel
from village A to village B. The numbers
indicate how many sections of track go in
Samurai difficult each row and column. There are only
straight sections and curved sections. The
Fill each grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. track cannot cross itself.
Where the puzzles overlap, the rows and columns do not go beyond their usual length.

Killer gentle
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and
every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set of
cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target
number in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells
Fill the blank squares so that every row and
joined by dotted lines, a digit cannot be repeated. column contains each of the numbers 1 to 5
once only. The symbols between the squares
indicate whether a number is larger (>) or
smaller (<) than the number next to it.

Solve Times puzzles interactively with

Suko same-day solutions at

Codeword Yesterday’s solutions SUKO MINI


Every letter in the
crossword-style grid,
right, is represented by
a number from 1 to 26. TRAIN TRACKS
Each letter of the
alphabet appears in
the grid at least once.
Use the letters already
provided to work out
the identity of further
letters. Enter letters in
the main grid and the
Place the numbers 1 to 9 in smaller reference grid
the spaces so that the until all 26 letters of
number in each circle is the alphabet have been
equal to the sum of the four accounted for. Proper
surrounding spaces, and nouns are excluded.
each colour total is correct

Fill in the grid so that
every column, every
row and every 3x2
box contains the
digits 1 to 6

Solutions in
tomorrow’s Times2
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 11

television & radio

The Alamos’ cult of fire, brimstone and abuse

not the biscuit, then certainly the Soon he was being publicly beaten
Ben communion wafer.
The Alamos were two decidedly
with mighty thwacks from a paddle
by grown men working on Tony’s
Dowell unsavoury individuals who preyed on
young people and their parents for
orders who had to work in relay
because they were so exhausted by
decades. At first they lured Sixties their labours.
TV review hippies and dropouts, persuading them
to follow their fire-and-brimstone
Archive footage showed that the
journalist Alan Whicker came calling
ministry while administering beatings and beneath his debonair Man from
and other depravities. And somehow, Del Monte delivery seemed to have an
for years, they escaped detection. inkling that something was amiss. Bill
Television loves stories of cults for Clinton (one of many famous people
their shock value and the availability who visited the Alamo’s Arkansas
of wounded survivors to give honest restaurant) compared Tony to “Roy
testimonies, and in many ways the Orbison on speed” in his memoir,
pattern here was familiar. We had the which doesn’t exactly capture the
Ministry of Evil: The slightly hammy reconstructions and man’s true hideousness. The reason
Twisted Cult of Tony Alamo the intrusive incidental music in a that Tony came to the attention of law
BBC4 story that didn’t need embellishing. It enforcement wasn’t because of the sex
{{{{( worked best with the raw accounts of or violence but for not paying his
those who were sucked in, isolated taxes. He died in jail in 2017 having
f you want evidence that Susan from their families and made to spent eight years behind bars.

I Alamo might not have been a

prophet of God and a conduit to
divine wisdom, the fact that her
husband, Tony, kept her body on
display in his church for a year after
she died from cancer in 1982 may
suffice. He ordered his brainwashed
believe that this ghastly pair possessed
supernatural insight. If you say a
beating is God’s will and preferable to
an eternity of hellfire it’s astonishing
what you can get away with.
When Susan, with her bottle-blonde
hairdo and long, sharp red fingernails,
Still, there were flickers of hope.
After so many did their best to relay
their hellish experiences in halting,
broken testimony, Christhiaon Coie,
Susan’s daughter and Tony’s
stepdaughter, was a clear-eyed voice of
reason who swiftly cottoned on to the
followers to pray over her night and met her maker, Tony became even wickedness of her parents and fled.
day to bring her back to life. Instead of more disgusting and violent, his greed She was smart enough to reflect with
resurrecting she rotted. more insatiable. But just when you terrifying plausibility on what many
And if you think you have heard thought you had heard the worst, people damaged by these monsters
everything about hypocritical other shocks piled in, including the will be feeling. “No matter how they
Christian fundamentalism, the cruelty, story of a sweet man called Justin sound like they are just fine, don’t kid
venality and greed that burst from this Miller, who as a boy thought he was yourself. They go home at night and
unsparing four-part series will take, if being rescued from a deprived home. Tony Alamo set up the Alamo Christian Foundation in 1969 they beg God to forgive them.”

3.00 Choral Evensong 9.30 Inside Health

Radio choice Tim e s R a dio From All Saints, Kingston, London, with the Radio 4 Demystifying health issues (2/6) (r) Radio 5 Live
Ben Dowell Digital, web, smart speaker, app choir of Tiffin School and music by Howells, FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz LW: 198kHz MW: 720 kHz 10.00 The World Tonight MW: 693, 909
5.00am James Hanson with Early Breakfast Stanford and Joanna Forbes L’Estrange. 5.30am News Briefing News round-up 5.00am Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live
6.00 Rosie Wright and Adam Boulton with Introit: Now the Green Blade (Simon 5.43 Prayer for the Day 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Prophet Song Breakfast 9.00 Nicky Campbell 11.00 Naga
Times Radio Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley Lindley). Responses: Joanna Forbes 5.45 Farming Today By Paul Lynch (3/10) Munchetty 1.00pm Nihal Arthanayake 4.00
1.00pm Ed Vaizey 3.00 Jane Garvey and Fi L’Estrange. Office hymn: Love’s Redeeming 6.00 Today 11.00 Aurie Styla: Tech Talk 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport. Coverage of
Glover 5.00 John Pienaar with Times Radio Work Is Done (Wesely). Psalms 53, 54 9.00 Life Changing Aurie takes a look back to the beginning tonight’s Champions League quarter-finals
Drive 7.00 Pienaar and Friends 8.00 The (Goss). First Lesson: Hosea 5:15-6:6. The recollections of retired nurse and of mobile phones (2/4) 10.30 Nick Bright 1.00am Dotun Adebayo
Evening Edition with Kait Borsay. Engaging Canticles: Stanford in B flat. Second Lesson: midwife Agnes Nisbett (2/7) 11.15 Jessica Fostekew:
evening conversation 10.00 Rick Kelsey.
Politics in-depth and consumer features
1 Corinthians 15:1-11. Anthem: Te Deum
(Howells). Blessing: May the Grace of Christ
9.30 Helen Lewis Has Left the Chat
Helen finds out how one messaging app
Sturdy Girl Club
Jessica Fostekew explores women’s
1.00am The Story 1.30 Highlights from brought down three prime ministers (2/6) MW: 1053, 1089 kHz
Our Saviour (David Nield). Voluntary: weightlifting (1/4) (r)
Matt Chorley 2.00 The Best of Times Radio 5.00am Early Breakfast 6.00 talkSPORT
Fantasia in D minor (Stanford). James Day 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.30 Between Ourselves
Emma Barnett presents the magazine show Breakfast with Alan Brazil 10.00 Jim White
(director of music), Richard Gowers with Marian Keyes and Simon Jordan 1.00pm Hawksbee and
R a dio 2 (organist). Recorded March 7
4.00 Composer of the Week:
offering a female perspective on the world
11.00 File on 4
The author reads selections from her writing
on the subject of health (3/4)
Jacobs 4.00 talkSPORT Drive with Andy
FM: 88-90.2 MHz Goldstein and Darren Bent 7.00 Kick Off
Brahms (1833-1897) Issues of major concern (r) 12.00 News and Weather
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show. Ben 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00am Extra Time
Elton pops by with details of his latest tour Kate Molleson follows Brahms as he puts 11.45 Book of the Week: The Life and 12.30am Book of the Week: The Life
9.30 Gary Davies. Joe Wicks chooses the down roots in Vienna, and begins making Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah (r)
The Folk Show a name for himself in the musical soirees Benjamin Zephaniah reads his autobiography. 12.48 Shipping Forecast TalkRadio
Radio 2, 9pm soundtrack to his life on Tracks of My Years
of Viennese culture vultures. Brahms A passion for religion begins to take on a 1.00 As BBC World Service Digital only
12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00pm Scott Mills 4.00
(Waltz in A flat; Six Quartets, Op 112, great role in the poet’s life as he finds 5.00am James Max 6.00 Talk Today with
Radio 6 Music listeners who Sara Cox 6.30 Sara Cox’s Half Wower 7.00
1. Sehnsucht; Piano Quartet No 2 in A, Rastafari (3/5) (r) Jeremy Kyle and Nicola Thorp 9.30 Kev and
have missed the warm,
Best of Radio 2’s Piano Room. Featuring
Texas, Jalen Ngonda, Crowded House, Lisa 3rd movement — Scherzo; Ein Deutsches 12.04pm You and Yours Radio 4 Extra Alex 10.00 Julia Hartley Brewer 1.00pm
Requiem: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen; 1.00 The World at One Digital only Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips 3.00 JJ
authentic broadcaster Stansfield, Jess Glynne and Paloma Faith 8.00am Dot 8.30 Small Pleasures 8.45
9.00 The Folk Show with Shaun Keaveny. Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit; Geistliches 1.45 The Everest Obsession Anisiobi 4.00 Vanessa Feltz 6.00 The Talk
Shaun Keaveny, above, since Wiegenlied; and Piano Concerto A helicopter rescue begins (3/5) Halfway Here 9.00 Room 101 with Paul
Shaun Keaveny sits in for Mark Radcliffe. 7.00 Prime Time with James Max 8.00
he stepped away from the No 2, 3rd movement. Andante) 2.00 The Archers (r) Merton 9.30 A Piece of Cake 9.45 Daily
The Independent Republic of Mike Graham
The guitarist and singer Martin Simpson Service 10.00 Short Cuts 10.30 Joan Turner:
station in 2021 after a is this week’s guest. See Radio Choice 5.00 In Tune 2.15 Drama: The Performer 10.00 Petrie Hosken 1.00am Paul Ross
John Wilson talks about his new recording By William Humble (1/2) (r) The Highs and Lows of the Wacky Warbler
14-year run, first on 10.00 Trevor Nelson’s Magnificent 7. Seven 11.00 The Rivals 11.30 A Charles Paris
of music by Bacewicz, Enescu and Ysaye 3.00 Money Box Live
breakfast and then of Rhythm Nation’s biggest hits 10.30
Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation 12.00 OJ 7.00 Classical Mixtape Financial questions (2/7) Mystery: Murder in the Title 12.00 6 Music
afternoons, have largely A selection of classical favourites mixed with 3.30 Why Do You Hate Me? Ballylenon 12.30pm Hancock’s Half Hour Digital only
Borg 3.00am Sounds of the 90s with Fearne 1.00 Dot 1.30 Small Pleasures 1.45 Halfway 5.00am Emily Pilbeam 7.30 Deb Grant
had to make do with his jazz, folk and music from around the world Marianna Spring speaks to a survivor of the
Cotton (r) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans Here 2.00 Say the Word 2.30 Elephants to 10.30 Mary Anne Hobbs 1.00pm Craig
occasional stints filling in 7.30 Radio 3 in Concert 2017 shooting in Las Vegas about how social
Recorded live in concert at Wigmore Hall, the media posts made him question an event he Catch Eels 3.00 The Ragged Trousered Charles 4.00 Huw Stephens 7.00 New Music
for Radio 2 presenters. He
now takes over The Folk
Radio 3 Elias Quartet play Felix Mendelssohn’s Four had witnessed with his own eyes (2/5) (r) Philanthropists 4.00 Short Cuts 4.30 Joan Fix Daily 9.00 Riley & Coe. Music, chat and
FM: 90.2-92.4 MHz Pieces, Op 81 and his final Quartet, No 6 in 4.00 The Media Show Turner: The Highs and Lows of the Wacky features 11.00 Courtney Love’s Women
Show for the next two 6.30am Breakfast F minor, and Fanny’s Quartet in E flat. Ros Atkins presents the latest news from Warbler 5.00 The Rivals 5.30 A Charles 12.00 Freak Zone Playlist 1.00am The Story
months while the regular Petroc Trelawny presents Radio 3’s classical Presented by Ian Skelly. Felix Mendelssohn the fast-changing media world Paris Mystery: Murder in the Title 6.00 of Pop 2.00 The Story of Pop (r) 3.00 6
breakfast show. Including 7.00, 8.00 News. (Andante sostenuto and Variations Op 81 5.00 PM Ballylenon 6.30 Hancock’s Half Hour 7.00 Music Live Hour (r) 4.00 6 Music’s Jukebox
host Mark Radcliffe enjoys 7.30, 8.30 News headlines Dot. Last in the series 7.30 Small Pleasures.
No 1; Scherzo Op 81 No 2; Capriccio Op 81 6.00 Six O’Clock News
a brief sabbatical. The 9.30 Essential Classics No 3; Fugue Op 81 No 4; and String Quartet 6.30 Room 101 with Paul Merton By Clare Chambers 7.45 Halfway Here. By Virgin Radio
acclaimed guitarist and Ian Skelly plays the best in classical music No 6 in F minor Op 80); and Fanny Hannah Fry puts exams and complicated Lucy Catherine 8.00 Say the Word. Panel
Digital only
singer Martin Simpson is 1.00pm News Mendelssohn (String Quartet in E flat) toilet flushes in Room 101 (2/6) game 8.30 Elephants to Catch Eels. Comedy
6.30am The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
1.02 Classical Live 9.45 The Essay: 7.00 The Archers with Lucy Speed and John Bowe 9.00 The
the main guest this evening, with webuyanycar 10.00 Steve Denyer
Tom McKinney presents the Ebene Quartet Watching from the Wings There is an awkward encounter for Hannah, Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. Frank
discussing his 50-year 1.00pm Olivia Jones 4.00 Ricky Wilson
playing Ravel from Paris, and Ailish Tynan Michael Goldfarb talks about performing and George makes his presence felt tries to educate his fellow workers 10.00
7.00 Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00am
career and performing singing Strauss in Belfast. Plus, music by The Count of Monte Cristo with the Jean 7.15 Front Row Comedy Club: Room 101 with Paul Merton.
Sean Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Jordan
songs from his new Tchaikovsky, Butterworth, Borodin and Cocteau Repertory in New York City Arts programme Paul talks to famous faces about their pet
Mozart. Tchaikovsky (Waltz — Swan Lake, 10.00 Night Tracks 8.00 AntiSocial hates and worst nightmares 10.30 The
album, Skydancers.
Act I); Butterworth (The Banks of green Sara Mohr-Pietsch presents The issues of the day presented Museum of Everything. Comedy with Marcus Classic FM
willow); Strauss (5 songs: Zueignung — 11.30 ’Round Midnight by Adam Fleming (1/9) (r) Brigstocke 11.00 Alex Horne Presents the FM: 100-102 MHz
Dedication; Cäcilie — Cecily; Heimliche The saxophonist Soweto Kinch presents the 8.45 Uncharted with Hannah Fry Horne Section. With guest Tom Basden 6.30am Classic FM Breakfast with Dan
our tv newsletter Aufforderung — Secret Invitation; Befreit best in jazz with a particular focus on the A climate scientist who shocked the world 11.30 The Skewer. Jon Holmes twists Walker 9.00 The Classic FM Hall of Fame
— Released; Morgen — Morning); Borodin British scene. Fergus McCreadie will be and provoked a scandal (2/10) (r) current affairs clips into a surreal, satirical Hour 10.00 Stephen Mangan 1.00pm
(Polovtsian dances — Prince Igor); Soweto’s guest, selecting a piece of 9.00 The Life Scientific soundscape. Last in the series 11.45 Creme Anne-Marie Minhall 4.00 Margherita Taylor
Ravel (String Quartet in F); and Mozart music that has shaped his journey Jim Al-Khalili talks to fellow scientists de la Crime. Michael Feydeau and David 7.00 Relaxing Evenings 10.00 Calm Classics
(Symphony No 35 in D, K385, Haffner) 12.30am Through the Night about their life and work (2/4) (r) Pershore probe death by cutlery back in 1824 1.00am Bill Overton 4.00 Early Breakfast
12 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

television & radio

Viewing Guide journey of 15,000km and eight borders Betty, 25, and her teams through some of Solomon helping a
by land and sea on a before they reach party-loving brother, the world’s most
Stacey Solomon’s couple in Enfield who
Joe Clay budget of £1,390 per the finishing line in James, 21; the cleaner populous regions as Renovation lost tens of thousands
Race Across person — the cost of Lombok, an island Sharon, 52, and her well as some of the Rescue of pounds after building
flying the distance. As paradise in Indonesia. daughter Brydie, 25, a most unexplored. Channel 4, 9pm work on an extension
the World before, mobile phones, The couples are the dyslexic snowboarding The first checkpoint is After helping families had to be redone. She
BBC1, 9pm
credit cards and the usual varied bunch — instructor; and the Japanese city of to clear their clutter in gives advice on how to
The addictive internet are banned. the competitive Stephen, 61, and Viv, Nara, 1,600km by the BBC2 series Sort tackle jobs — including
TopBafta award- This time the location 20-year-old best mates 65, a recently retired road from Sapporo, Your Life Out, Stacey plumbing and flooring
winning show
pick is eastern Asia, and a Alfie and Owen; the married couple who and the teams must Solomon is rescuing — themselves to save
returns for journey that will take teacher Eugenie, 61, feel they have another navigate the language homeowners who have money. We see our host
a fourth series, with them from Sapporo, and her daughter big adventure in them. and etiquette barrier been left high and dry working on her home,
five more teams of the stunning capital of Isabel, 25, a trainee This is a huge as well as deciding by their builders. The Pickle Cottage, starting
intrepid Brits racing to Hokkaido in northern clinical scientist; the undertaking, the how they will travel six-part series begins with building a wall in
complete a demanding Japan, across six seas seasoned traveller journey taking the there. with knowledgeable her garage.

BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 Channel 4 Channel 5

6.00am Breakfast 9.30 Morning Live 10.45 Big Little 6.30am Money for Nothing (r) 7.15 Bridge of Lies (r) 6.00am Good Morning Britain. A lively mix of news and 6.10am Countdown. Dr Nighat Arif is in Dictionary Corner 6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine. The broadcaster

Crimes. A rookie officer finds himself on the front line of 8.00 Sign Zone: MasterChef (r) (AD, SL) 8.30 Robson current affairs, plus health, entertainment and lifestyle (r) 6.50 3rd Rock from the Sun (r) (AD) 8.05 Everybody and Storm Huntley discuss the latest news and get your
a murder investigation 11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. Green’s Weekend Escapes (r) (AD, SL) 9.00 BBC News features 9.00 Lorraine. Entertainment, current affairs Loves Raymond (r) (AD) 9.30 Frasier (r) (AD) 11.00 views and opinions of the day 11.15 Storm Huntley. The
Properties in Beeston, Welwyn Garden City and Brighton 1.00pm Impossible. Rick Edwards hosts the quiz (r) 1.45 and fashion news, as well as showbiz stories and gossip. Work on the Wild Side (r) (AD) 12.00 Channel 4 News presenter carries on the discussion and takes your calls to
(r) 12.15pm Bargain Hunt. From the Royal Welsh The Edge. Game show hosted by Gabby Logan (r) 2.30 Presented by Lorraine Kelly 10.00 This Morning. A mix of Summary 12.05pm Sun, Sea and Selling Houses. A look discuss the biggest stories of the day 12.45pm Friends.
Showground in Builth Wells (r) (AD) 1.00 BBC News at Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge. Tom offers chat, lifestyle features, advice and competitions. Including at how some property purchases have worked out (r) Double bill of the comedy (r) (AD) 1.40 5 News at
One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 solutions to keep the volunteers on track (r) (AD) 3.00 Local Weather 12.30pm Loose Women. Another helping 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. Traffic lights and roof tiles Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away. Mackenzie and Levi
Clive Myrie’s Italian Road Trip. Clive goes fishing on Jay Blades’ Home Fix. Jay demonstrates an effective of topical studio discussion from a female perspective get upcycled in Glastonbury (r) (AD) 2.10 Countdown. rendezvous in private after convincing Mali and Tane to
Europe’s biggest volcanic lake (r) 2.15 Money for window-cleaning hack using a few everyday items, while 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 Regional News; Weather Dr Nighat Arif is in Dictionary Corner 3.00 A Place in the give them space, and Mali cannot be honest with Rose
Nothing. Sarah Moore visits Witley recycling centre in Sarah offers advice on building a garden wall out of stone 2.00 Riddiculous. Contestants take on Riddlemaster Sun. A woman searches for a holiday home in Malaga about his housemate’s affair (r) 2.15 FILM: Living Next
Surrey (r) 3.00 Escape to the Country. Sonali Shah helps (r) 3.45 Best Home Cook. The three finalists face the Henry Lewis as they try to answer general knowledge with help from her friend and guidance from Scarlette To Danger (PG, TVM, 2023) A woman’s daughter goes
a couple from London with a budget of £325,000 to find a challenges that could win them the title — and to keep questions and confusing conundrums (r) 3.00 Winning Douglas, who lines up five properties within her budget of missing and suspicion falls on her new neighbours.
new home in the Monmouthshire countryside (r) (AD) them on their toes, the judges present their tasks in a Combination. Contestants battle one another in the £250,000 (r) 4.00 A New Life in the Sun. The owners of a Thriller starring Kristi Murdock, Noemi Alexis, James
3.45 The Bidding Room. Nigel Havers presents the different order. Last in the series (r) 4.45 The Hairy hope of taking their number to the final. Omid Djalili farm in France try alpaca yoga, a Sussex couple renovate Hyde and Alisha Ricardi 4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in
programme in which five dealers bid for a golfing statue Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain. Si King and Dave Myers hosts (r) 4.00 Tipping Point. Ben Shephard hosts the their gîtes, and in Spain, storms wreck a padel tennis the Sun. Holiday makers and engaged couple research
called Bob, some designer glassware, a chopping block, visit Carlisle. Last in the series (r) (AD) 5.15 Flog It! arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens tournament (r) 5.00 Château DIY. Owners create a new their retirement dream in Benidorm. Meanwhile, a busy
some glass vases and a sideboard 4.30 Bridge of Lies. David Harper and Christina Trevanion value items brought down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a terrace for their hot tub, but taking on all the work mother begins training for the London Marathon 5.00
Contestants compete for cash by crossing a bridge of into Aberystwyth University’s Old College (r) 6.00 £10,000 jackpot (r) 5.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh themselves is no simple task, especially when it comes to 5 News at 5 6.00 The Cotswolds with Pam Ayres. The
stepping stones across the studio floor. Quiz show Richard Osman’s House of Games. With Toby Anstis, presents as four contestants answer general knowledge moving the bath into position (r) (AD) 6.00 A Place in the poet heads to Stow-on-the Wold to meet antiques expert
hosted by Ross Kemp 5.15 Pointless. Quiz hosted by Kerry Howard, Evelyn Mok and Joe Sugg (r) 6.30 questions and work as a team to take on one of the Sun. A Solihull woman seeks a holiday home in La Mata Paul Martin, and also explores one of Britain’s
Alexander Armstrong and Hugh Dennis 6.00 BBC News Great Coastal Railway Journeys. Michael Portillo ruthless Chasers and secure a cash prize (r) 6.00 on Spain’s Costa Blanca (r) 6.30 The Simpsons. The best-known Arts and Crafts gardens in the Cotswolds —
at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather explores the southwestern shores of Britain (AD) Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather first-ever episode of the animated comedy (r) (AD) Hidcote Manor Garden (r) 6.55 5 News Update

China’s tech battle to control

President Xi Jinping’s new slogan, “develop new productive forces,” ims
a to bolster the expansion of high-tech sectors.
China already dominates the world of electric cars and controls more than 08 percent of the global solar panel
manufacturing market. So, what could China’s technological domina nce mean for the West?

7.00 The One Show Presented by 7.00 Britain’s Biggest Dig Yasmin Khan 7.00 Channel 4 News The day’s news and 7.00 Shop Smart, Save Money Gaby

Lauren Laverne and Jermaine Jenas and professor Alice Roberts go in analysis. With sport and weather Roslin and Ortis Deley look at ways to
search of the lost remains of an keep a home ship shape — from tips
explorer who expanded the British on finding the right tradesperson, to
7.30 EastEnders Cindy and Elaine join empire and a champion boxer who 7.30 Emmerdale Marlon struggles to money-saving shortcuts for decorating
forces as George testifies against was born in slavery (2/3) (r) (AD) comfort Rhona, Charles proposes,
Eddie, while Denzel faces off while Caleb pleads for help (AD)
with Pastor Clayton (AD) 7.55 5 News Update

8.00 The Repair Shop New series. 8.00 Andi Oliver’s Fabulous Feasts Andi 8.00 Coronation Street Stu puts himself 8.00 George Clarke’s Remarkable 8.00 The Great British Train Scandal

Jay Blades and his team of experts Oliver travels to the East Yorkshire at risk to help Roy, Toyah identifies Renovations A project manager and a An investigation into British railways,
breathe new life into a pair of cowboy seaside and harbour town of Rowan as a fraud, and Rita gets tough plasterer have sold both their houses which can be slower and more
boots, a traditional Turkish saz, Bridlington, where she plans to throw with Jenny. Dylan begs Violet to let and poured their life savings into the expensive than flying, have had
some scales and a glass lamp (AD) a party to secure the future of its him stay in Weatherfield to make renovation of a Victorian pie factory harmful pathogens detected on them
historic fishing industry (3/8) (AD) amends, and Lauren’s mum, Kerry, they bought for £160,000 (AD) and are not immune to accidents
introduces herself (AD)

9.00 Race Across the World New series. 9.00 Surgeons: At the Edge of Life 9.00 Professor T As he takes the stand in 9.00 Stacey Solomon’s Renovation 9.00 The Cuckoo Sian lies to Alice about

Five teams race from Hokkaido, the A consultant and a surgeon operate court, the professor must decide Rescue New series. Stacey shares her her parents not caring for her, and Fay
most northerly island of Japan, to the on a 55-year-old who has a tumour in whether to save himself or his former infectious enthusiasm for DIY and her is left reeling at the news that Sian
Indonesian island of Lombok, crossing her pancreas that has spread, causing lover. A prison officer is found dead clever money-saving design tips as wants to bring Alice to her house,
six seas and skirting the path of the multiple tumours in her liver. The pair and there is no shortage of suspects. she helps families who have been leading them to argue about family
volcanic ring of fire without being must remove the tumours while Drama starring Ben Miller (3/6) (AD) left high and dry by their builders. history. After police arrive at the house
able to use phones or credit cards. mitigating the risk of bleeding by See Viewing Guide (1/6) (AD) due to calls of a disturbance, Sian
See Viewing Guide (1/9) (AD) keeping her hydration low (3/6) (AD) falsely claims Nick hit her (3/4)

10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.00 MandyThe jobless woman confesses 10.00 ITV News at Ten 10.00 Defiance: Fighting the Far Right 10.00 Inheritance Wars: Who Gets the

a secret. See Viewing Guide (5/6) (AD) Twelve young people in Bradford are Money? The shocking story of
10.15 MandyExamining the shadowy global arrested for stockpiling petrol bombs, Tory politician and model Diana Coad
elite. See Viewing Guide (6/6) (AD) leaving them to convince a court they who after losing her husband and
10.30 BBC Regional News and Weather 10.30 NewsnightAnalysis of the day’s 10.30 Regional News are for self defence (3/3) (AD) love of her life Peter, enters a vicious
10.40 The Bradford Aunties Documentary events with Victoria Derbyshire 10.45 Ramadan: A Journey Across legal battle with his children (r)
following three women from Bradford Britain Shehab Khan delves into
as they organise an intergenerational Islam’s holy month of Ramadan
coach trip to Blackpool in a bid
to keep their Asian culture and 11.05 India 1947: Partition in Colour 11.05 Lost Boy: The Killing of James

traditions alive. See Viewing Guide 11.15 Meet the Roman Emperor In the wake of Mountbatten’s Bulger Documentary telling the
with Mary Beard The classicist 11.25 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest announcement of the division of India, definitive background to the abduction
11.30 Pointless Celebrities Quiz with explores what it was like to be Airport Border officers help a uncertainty over the new borders leads and murder of James Bulger, which
Kate Holderness, Adele Roberts, Dave an emperor of Rome, travelling student from India (8/12) (r) (AD) to tensions between different shocked the nation in 1993, and
Gorman, Jarred Christmas, Cat behind palace walls to reveal the 11.50 Sorry, I Didn’t Know With Desiree communities (2/2) (r) (AD) continues to resonate to this day (r)
Sandion, Martin Dougan, Matt hidden world of the Roman imperial Burch, Nick Helm, Tez Ilyas and Sikisa.
Dawson and Martin Bayfield (r) court and lifestyle (r) (AD) Jimmy Akingbola hosts (3/5) (r)

12.20am Celebrity Bridge of Lies Ross Kemp presents 12.15am Pilgrimage: The Road Through North 12.15am English Football League Highlights Action 12.10am Random Acts (AD) 12.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen 1.00am PlayOJO Live Casino Show 3.00 VE Day: The

the high stakes quiz, with Sam Quek, Dion Dublin, Joanna Wales The travellers head into Eryri National Park (r) from the latest fixtures 1.25 Shop on TV 3.00 Priced Nightmares USA (r) (SL) 1.05 24 Hours in A&E (r) (AD) Lost Films. Celebrations marking the end of the Second
Page and Melvin Odoom playing to win money for their (AD) 1.15 Sign Zone: Make It at Market. A contemporary Out? The Rising Costs of Your Car — Tonight. A look at 2.00 FILM: Hit the Road (12, 2021) Persian comedy World War in Europe (r) 3.50 Lighthouses: Building the
chosen charities. They must cross the Bridge by stepping furniture-maker and a wearable cake shoe designer the unprecedented price hikes in the cost of driving (r) drama 3.35 Grand Designs New Zealand (r) (AD) Impossible (r) 4.40 Great Artists (r) (SL) 5.05 House
on the truths and avoiding the lies, earning money receive advice (r) (AD, SL) 2.00-3.00 Bring the Drama. (SL) 3.25 Fishing Allstars (r) (SL) 3.50 Unwind with ITV 4.30 Renovation Nation (r) (AD) 5.25 The Perfect Doctor (r) (SL) 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 (r) 5.40
for each correct answer (r) 1.10-6.00 BBC News The actors perform on the set of Casualty (r) (AD, SL) 5.05-6.00 Alan Titchmarsh’s Gardening Club (r) (AD, SL) Pitch (r) 5.50-6.10 Sunday Brunch Best Bits (r) Fireman Sam (r) (SL) 5.50-6.00 Pip and Posy (r) (SL)
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 13

television & radio

colleagues including next day. But when the from Bradford who
The Warhol Effect the Blondie singer
Mandy delivery turns up it’s
Bradford Aunties are on a mission to
Film Fight Club
Sky Arts/Now, 9pm BBC2, 10pm/10.15pm BBC1, 10.40pm Film4, 10.50pm
Debbie Harry and not quite what they ensure that their
“The idea is not to live the art dealer Larry In the final double bill are expecting, and the Unlike western aunts, language, food, music Brad Pitt and Edward
for ever, it is to create Gagosian. His work in of the inspired third episode turns into a Asian “aunties” need and values are handed Norton star in a movie
something that will.” the 1970s and 1980s is run of the silly-com, B-movie horror. The not be related to the on to the next that refutes the idea
So said Andy Warhol, discussed much less Diane Morgan has a series finale follows person in question. The generation. Their of films and escapism.
and it’s safe to say he than the more famous blast playing Mandy’s Mandy’s woes in the term loosely refers to master plan is to run The story climaxes in a
achieved his goal. This pop-art offerings are, 110-year-old nan. job market, ending women who use their a series of workshops skyscraper demolition
documentary focuses but could they be the Mandy is shocked to with her throwing a “lifetimes of experience — on music, poetry, that foreshadowed the
on his late work and works that resonate hear that her nan had party for local celebs to impart wisdom, cooking and the end of all 20th-century
legacy, interviewing long after everyone has one of her frozen eggs including Linda Lusardi pass judgment and glue importance of family ideas two years later
contemporary artists forgotten Marilyn fertilised through the and, yes, Alan Yentob. their communities — to connect the with 9/11. This is
such as Jeff Koons Monroe, Elvis Presley dark web and the baby But will Shirley Bassey together”. This film youth with the old ways significant film-making.
along with friends and and Campbell’s Soup? is due to arrive the turn up? meets three aunties and ideals. (18, 1999)

Sky Max Sky Atlantic Sky Documentaries Sky Arts Sky Main Event Vari ati ons
6.00am NCIS: New Orleans (r) 7.00 DC’s 6.00am Fish Town (r) 7.55 My Brilliant 6.00am The 2010s (r) 8.00 The Directors (r) 6.00am Cirque du Soleil: Volta 8.00 The Joy of 6.00am Sky Sports News 7.00 Good Morning BBC1 Scotland
Legends of Tomorrow (r) (AD) 8.00 Supergirl (r) Friend (r) 10.05 Boardwalk Empire (r) (AD) 9.00 Lockerbie (r) (AD) 9.55 The Vietnam War Painting (AD) 9.00 Tales of the Unexpected Sports Fans 8.00 Good Morning Sports Fans As BBC1 except: 11.30pm Sportscene:
9.00 Stargate Atlantis (r) 11.00 NCIS: New 12.15pm Game of Thrones (r) (AD) 1.20 Ray (r) 11.00 Veleno: The Town of Lost Children (r) (AD) 10.00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 11.00 9.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 10.00 Live Premiership Highlights. Extended highlights
Orleans (r) 12.00 Supergirl (r) 1.00pm Donovan (r) (AD) 3.30 My Brilliant Friend (r) 12.00 FILM: Who Killed the KLF? (15, Discovering: Anthony Hopkins 12.00 The Joy of Tennis: The Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters. of Dundee v Rangers at Scot Foam Stadium
MacGyver (r) 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 5.45 Boardwalk Empire (r) (AD) 2021) The rise and fall of the KLF (AD) 1.50pm Painting (AD) 1.00pm Tales of the Unexpected Coverage of day three of the ATP Masters 1000 12.00 Pointless Celebrities. Contestants
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 DC’s Legends of 7.55 Game of Thrones. Tyrion defends King’s My Icon: Leon Pryce (r) (AD) 2.00 FILM: A (AD) 2.00 The Art of Architecture 3.00 event, a clay-court tournament at the Monte include Kate Holderness, Adele Roberts, Jarred
Tomorrow. Rory gets unexpected news (r) (AD) Landing against Stannis Baratheon’s naval Choice of Weapons — Inspired By Gordon Wonderland: From JM Barrie to JRR Tolkien 4.00 Carlo Country Club in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Christmas and Dave Gorman (r) 12.50am The
6.00 Stargate Atlantis. Sci-fi drama (r) assault in a battle that will determine the Parks (15, 2021) Profile of the photographer, Discovering: Faye Dunaway. The life of the France 2.00pm The Masters. Build-up Edit. Entertainment news and chat with Amy
7.00 Stargate Atlantis. Rodney McKay fate of the seven kingdoms. Starring Peter film-maker and novelist (AD) 3.50 My Icon: actress 5.00 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) ahead of the tournament in Georgia Irons and David Farrell (r) 1.05 Celebrity Bridge
gains superhuman abilities (r) Dinklage and Stephen Dillane (r) (AD) Linford Christie (r) (AD) 4.00 The Directors (r) 6.00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 7.00 Live SPFL: Dundee v Rangers (Kick-off of Lies. With Sam Quek, Dion Dublin, Joanna
8.00 There’s Something About Movies. 9.00 The Regime. As Chancellor Elena Vernham 5.00 Discovering: Jack Nicholson (r) 7.00 The Joy of Painting (AD) 8.00). Coverage of the Scottish Premiership Page and Melvin Odoom (r) 1.50 Weather
With guests including Sean Bean (r) (AD) prepares for Victory Day, her new adviser 6.00 Lockerbie (r) (AD) 7.30 The Joy of Painting (AD) match from The Scot Foam Stadium at Dens for the Week Ahead. A look ahead to the
9.00 S.W.A.T. Yakuza assassins descend on LA, Herbert Zubak arrives at the palace. Political 7.00 The Vietnam War (r) 8.00 Painting Birds with Jim and Nancy Moir. Park. The Gers have won both the previous latest forecast 1.55-6.00 BBC News
and Nichelle is accused of taking bribes (r) (AD) satire starring Kate Winslet (1/6) (r) 8.05 David Fuller: Monster in the Morgue. With the broadcaster Chris Packham (AD) meetings between the teams this season,
10.00 Banshee. Pilot episode (1/10) (r) (AD) 10.05 Mary & George. George tries to persuade The murderer and necrophile (r) (AD) 9.00 The Warhol Effect. The last decade prevailing 5-0 here in November and 3-1 at Ibrox STV
11.15 Brassic. Vinnie’s friend Gideon calls the king to open parliament to request funds (r) 9.00 The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of of Andy Warhol’s life. See Viewing Guide a month later, and they will expect nothing less As ITV1 except: 10.30pm STV News 10.40
to say his mother has passed away (r) (AD) 11.10 The Gilded Age. The opera war escalates, Robert Durst. Double bill (3 & 4/6) (r) 11.00 Klimt and The Kiss. Experts than another three points to aid them in their Scotland Tonight. Current affairs show 11.05
12.15am The Force: North East (r) 2.00 Rob and there is a surprise guest at Bertha’s 11.00 Ghislaine Maxwell: Epstein’s Shadow. examine Gustav Klimt’s painting (AD) closely fought race to the title with rivals Celtic Ramadan: A Journey Across Britain. Shehab
Beckett’s Smart TV. With Joel Dommett, Jason fundraiser. Starring Carrie Coon (3/8) (r) (AD) A chance to see the docuseries (1-3/3) (r) (AD) 12.15am The Seventies (AD) 1.15 Mae West: 10.30 Back Pages Tonight Khan delves into Islam’s holy month of
Fox, Nathaniel Curtis and Hermione Norris (AD) 12.15am Euphoria (r) (AD) 1.25 The White 2.00am Villeneuve Pironi: Racing’s Untold Dirty Blonde (AD) 2.35 Death of England: Face 11.00 Sky Sports News Ramadan 11.40-12.15am Heathrow: Britain’s
2.45 Road Wars (r) 3.10 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.05 Lotus (r) (AD) 2.35 Game of Thrones (r) (AD) Tragedy (r) 4.00 The Directors (r) 5.00 to Face 4.00 Marina Abramovic Takes Over TV 12.00 Sky Sports News 1.00am Busiest Airport. Border officers help a student
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 Highway Patrol (r) (AD) 3.35 In Treatment (r) 4.05 Fish Town (r) Discovering: Jack Nicholson (r) 5.00 The South Bank Show Originals Sky Sports News 2.00 Sky Sports News from India (r) (AD) 1.25-3.00 Shop on TV
3.50-5.05 Night Vision. News, sport
and weather from across Scotland
BBC Scotland
7.00pm This Farming Life. The Frasers

the future
experience teething problems with their farm
shop. Last in the series (r) 8.00 Scotland’s
LISTEN Greatest Escape. The judges check out bespoke
cabins, a modern bothy and a boutique hotel
8.30 Accidental Renovators. Cal and Claire
NOW reach 100,000 followers on their Instagram
account (r) 9.00 The Nine 10.00 River City.
Listen for free via the QR code, on the Times Radio app Amber’s driving lessons fail to go to plan (AD)
or wherever you find your podcasts 10.30 Disclosure: Dead Man Running. The story
of the Inverness street trader who became an
international fugitive (r) 11.30-12.00 Anton
Danyluk on Body Shame. The reality TV star
explores the male body-image crisis (r) (AD)

BBC Alba
TalkTV BBC4 Talking Pictures Film4 More4 6.00am Alba Today 5.00pm Nannag a’
Noo/Huggleboo (r) 5.10 Bing (r) 5.15 Na
6.00am Talk Today with Jeremy Kyle and Nicola 7.00pm India’s Frontier Railways. Documentary 6.00am Burke’s Law 7.00 FILM: The Black 11.00am Mysterious Island (PG, 1961) 8.55am The Hotel Fixers 9.30 A Place in the Clangairean (r) 5.30 Peicein/Petit (r) 5.35
Thorp. Big stories from the world of politics, charting a train journey from the town of Abbot (PG, 1934) Crime comedy (b/w) 8.10 Sci-fi adventure starring Michael Craig (AD) Sun 10.25 A New Life in the Sun 11.25 Find It, Gasta a’ Ghraineag (Happy the Hoglet) 5.45 Su
current affairs and showbiz 9.30 Kevin & Alex. Janakpur in Nepal to Jaynagar in India (AD) FILM: You Will Remember (U, 1941) Biopic 1.05pm Johnny English Strikes Again (12, Fix It, Flog It (AD) 12.30pm Come Dine with Me Pic (Peek Zoo) (r) 5.50 Stòiridh (r) 6.00
Hosts Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips give 8.00 Himalaya with Michael Palin. The of the composer Leslie Stuart (b/w) 10.00 2018) Spy comedy starring Rowan Atkinson 3.10 Four in a Bed 5.50 The Secret Life of the Donnie Murdo (Danger Mouse) (r) 6.25 Stri (r)
their unique take on the front pages and the adventurer travels along the Yangtze river into Together 10.30 The Buccaneers (b/w) 11.00 (AD) 2.50 Sister Act (PG, 1992) Comedy Zoo. Memorable stories 2015 to 2020 (AD) 6.30 Gaemannan Gaidhealach (r) 6.35 Na
latest news 10.00 Julia Hartley-Brewer China, where he meets Mosuo singer Namu, FILM: Your Witness (PG, 1950) Courtroom starring Whoopi Goldberg (AD) 4.55 We 6.55 Car SOS. Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw Dana-thursan aig Tintin (The Adventures of
1.00pm CrossTalk with Kevin O’Sullivan and before travelling to India to marvel at drama with Robert Montgomery (b/w) 1.00pm Bought a Zoo (PG, 2011) A widowed father enlist the help of the actor Roger Moore (AD) Tintin) (r) 7.00 Fuine (Home Baking) (r) 7.30
Alex Phillips. Analysis, debate and humour 3.00 one of Assam’s great tea estates (AD) Look at Life 1.15 FILM: Landfall (U, 1949) takes over ownership of a dilapidated zoo. Fact- 7.55 The Dog House. Staff at Woodgreen animal SpeakGaelic (r) 8.00 An Là (News) 8.30
Ian Collins. Monologues and debates 4.00 9.00 Henry VIII’s Enforcer: The Rise and Fall of Second World War drama starring Michael based comedy drama starring Matt Damon (AD) charity set out to match their homeless dogs Dealbhan Fraoich (Heather’s Portraits) (r)
Vanessa Feltz. Viewers’ calls and guest analysis Thomas Cromwell. Diarmaid MacCulloch argues Denison (b/w) 3.00 Saddle Up 3.05 FILM: The 7.20 Table 19 (12, 2017) Dumped by the best with prospective owners. A family of four meets 9.00 All That Lies Behind Me (Sgeulachd
6.00 The Talk. A panel of well-known faces that the 16th-century lawyer and statesman Outlaw’s Daughter (U, 1954) Western man via text, a former maid of honour decides to a cheeky cockapoo puppy (1/8) (AD) Donald Merrett) (r) 10.00 Mach à Seo! (r)
debate the topics everybody is talking about was not corrupt and manipulative, but starring Sheila Connolly and Bill Williams (b/w) pitch up at her friend’s wedding anyway. Comedy 9.00 24 Hours in Police Custody: The Home 10.30 Bannan (The Ties That Bind) (r)
7.00 Prime Time with James Max. The an idealist whose radicalism laid the 4.40 Saddle Up 4.45 Johnny Ringo 5.15 starring Anna Kendrick and Craig Robinson County Cartel. The covert team tries to find the 11.00 Na Gleidheadairean (The Animal
charismatic host brings a wealth of journalistic foundations for the modern British state Glimpses: Wide Open Town 5.30 Bonanza 9.00 Nobody (15, 2021) A quiet and true identity of Jaguar Palace, as well as the Keepers) (r) 12.00-6.00am Alba Today
experience to get inside the stories of the day 10.00 Clocking Off. Steve takes the law into his 6.30 Dick Powell’s Zane Grey Theatre (b/w) unassuming family man slowly reveals his true evidence to link the suspect directly to the
with expert analysis and lively debate own hands when his wedding anniversary 7.00 Dixon of Dock Green (b/w) character after his house is burgled by two petty drug-importing conspiracy (2/2) (AD) S4C
8.00 The Independent Republic of Mike Graham. is disturbed by an armed burglar (4/6) 8.00 Public Eye. Guest starring Alun Armstrong thieves. Crime drama starring Bob Odenkirk, 10.30 999: On the Front Line. Following the 6.00am Cyw: Blociau Lliw (r) 6.05 Fferm Fach
A run through the day’s breaking news 10.55 Clocking Off. Trudy is shocked by the 9.05 Gideon’s Way. Geoffrey Palmer guest stars Connie Nielsen and Aleksey Serebryakov (AD) paramedics of West Midlands Ambulance (r) 6.20 Sion y Chef (r) 6.35 Ein Byd Bach Ni
10.00 The Talk. A panel of well-known faces sudden death of her father, and makes a 10.05 FILM: Full Moon in Blue Water (15, 10.50 Fight Club (18, 1999) An office worker Service, as police flag them down to help deal (r) 6.45 Octonots (r) 7.00 Caru Canu (r) 7.10
debate the topics everybody is talking about mistake which leads to Katherine’s infidelity 1988) Comedy drama starring Gene Hackman and his mysterious friend start a club where with a man who has overdosed on drugs Olobobs (r) 7.15 Byd Tad-Cu 7.30 Blero yn
11.00 Prime Time with James Max becoming public knowledge (5/6) 12.00 FILM: Nightbeat (PG, 1947) Crime men vent their anger in bare-knuckle fighting. 11.35 24 Hours in A&E. A 40-year-old man is Mynd i Ocido 7.45 Dal Dy Ddannedd 8.00
12.00 Petrie Hosken 1.00am CrossTalk with 11.45 Clocking Off. Last in the series drama (b/w) 1.55am FILM: Games That Drama starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and rushed in after losing control of his car (AD) Timpo (r) 8.10 Halibalw (r) 8.20 Abadas (r)
Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips 3.00 Prime 12.40am Peter Sellers: A State of Comic Lovers Play (18, 1970) 3.35 FILM: The Helena Bonham Carter. See Viewing Guide 12.35am 24 Hours in Police Custody: The 8.30 Guto Gwningen (r) 8.45 Ysbyty Cyw Bach
Time with James Max 4.00 The Talk 5.00 James Ecstasy (r) 1.55 India’s Frontier Railways (AD) Gorbals Story (PG, 1950) (b/w) 5.05 1.40am-4.00 Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Home County Cartel (AD) 2.05 999: On (r) 9.00 Cymylaubychain (r) 9.10 Twt (r) 9.25
Max. An initial insight into the day’s top stories 2.55-3.55 Himalaya with Michael Palin (AD, SL) FILM: Desert Mesa (U, 1935) (b/w) Walk (15, 2016) War drama with Joe Alwyn the Front Line 3.10-3.40 The Hotel Fixers Sblij a Sbloj (r) 9.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r)
9.45 Asra (r) 10.00 Caru Canu (r) 10.05
Olobobs (r) 10.10 Byd Tad-Cu (r) 10.25 Blero
yn Mynd i Ocido (r) 10.40 Dal Dy Ddannedd (r)
ITV2 ITV3 ITV4 Drama Yesterday 11.00 Dysgu Gyda Cyw: Shwshaswyn (r) 11.10
Anifeiliaid Bach y Byd (r) 11.20 Jen a Jim a’r
6.00am CITV 9.00 World’s Funniest Videos 6.00am Classic Emmerdale 7.00 Classic 6.00am The Best of the 70s 6.15 Minder (AD, 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 All Creatures Great 6.10am Guitar Heroes at the BBC 8.00 Cywiadur (r) 11.35 Teulu Ni (r) 11.45 Amser
9.30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Coronation Street (AD) 8.05 Wild at Heart SL) 7.20 The Professionals (AD, SL) 8.20 and Small 8.00 Doctors 9.15 Classic Holby City Abandoned Engineering (AD) 10.00 World War Maith Maith yn Ôl (r) 12.00 News; Weather
10.00 Veronica Mars 11.00 Dawson’s Creek 10.15 The Royal (AD) 11.20 Heartbeat (AD) Dempsey and Makepeace (AD) 9.20 Magnum, PI 10.35 Classic Casualty 11.40 The Bill 12.40pm Two from Above 11.00 Secret Nazi Bases 12.00 12.05pm Colleen Ramsey: Bywyd a Bwyd (r)
12.00 Secret Crush 1.00pm Dress to Impress 1.30pm Classic Emmerdale 2.35 Classic 10.25 Kojak 11.30 Monster Carp 12.30pm Classic EastEnders 2.00 Pie in the Sky 3.00 Great American Railroad Journeys 1.00pm 12.30 Heno (r) 1.00 Byd o Liw: Arlunwyr (r)
2.00 Supermarket Sweep 3.00 Veronica Mars Coronation Street (AD) 3.45 Agatha Christie’s Dempsey and Makepeace (AD) 1.40 Magnum, PI Lovejoy 4.10 All Creatures Great and Small Antiques Roadshow 2.00 Bangers & Cash (AD) 1.30 Garddio a Mwy (r) 2.00 News; Weather
4.00 Dawson’s Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress Poirot (AD) 5.55 Heartbeat (AD) 2.40 Kojak 3.45 Minder (AD) 4.55 The 5.20 Terry and June. Blueprints go missing 4.00 World War Two from Above 5.00 Secret 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 News; Weather 3.05
6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase (AD) 8.00 Midsomer Murders. When a farmer is Professionals (AD) 5.55 Monster Carp 6.00 Keeping Up Appearances Nazi Bases. One of the largest Nazi bunkers Arctig Gwyllt Iolo Williams (r) 4.00 Awr Fawr:
7.00 Family Fortunes. A clan from London discovered bound to a tree, doused in truffle oil 7.00 Monster Carp. Ali Hamidi travels to 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. Dover Castle Caru Canu (r) 4.05 Timpo (r) 4.15 Byd Tad-Cu
goes up against family from Bristol and mauled to death by a wild boar, the South Africa where he, Tom Dove and Neil 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine. Compo has an stages an edition aired to mark 80 years (r) 4.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 4.40 Dal Dy
8.00 Superstore. Amy joins Jonah for lunch investigation leads Barnaby to a tyrannical Spooner experience the big five Safari interesting experience when he loses his ferret since the start of the Second World War Ddannedd (r) 5.00 Stwnsh: Dewi a’r Ditectifs
with his parents and brother (AD) celebrity chef. With Neil Dudgeon (AD) 8.00 FILM: Hulk (12, 2003) Exposure to 8.00 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. A horse 7.00 Great British Railway Journeys. Michael Gwyllt (r) 5.10 Ar Goll yn Oz (r) 5.30 Cic (r)
8.30 Superstore. Cheyenne enlists Bo’s help to 10.00 Blue Murder. The discovery of a child’s radiation transforms a scientist into a trainer with money worries is found hanged, and Portillo completes his journey to Chichester 5.50 News Ni 6.00 Caeau Cymru (r) 6.30
make her birthday memorable (AD) body presents Janine with a particularly tough formidable green monster. Comic-book suicide is assumed until tests reveal he was 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys. Michael Sgorio (r) 6.57 News 7.00 Heno 7.30 News;
9.00 Hell’s Kitchen. The contestants must case, especially when her ex-husband, Pete, adventure starring Eric Bana (AD) drugged shortly before his death (2/4) Portillo travels through southern Scotland Weather 8.00 Pobol y Cwm. Diane finds out
deliberate on which chef makes the best scallops delivers shattering news. Crime drama 10.50 River Monsters. Part one of two. 10.00 New Tricks. The detectives investigate 8.00 Great Canal Journeys. Timothy West and Jason plans to sell Bryntirion, and Griffiths
10.00 Family Guy. Peter befriends an actor and starring Caroline Quentin (2/4) (AD) Jeremy Wade investigates deaths in the the case of two boys kidnapped in 1979, Prunella Scales explore Argentina’s waterways struggles to keep the truth from Anita (AD)
Stewie loses sleep over The Da Vinci Code (AD) 11.30 Wild at Heart. When a plane crash-lands, waters of America’s tourist hotspots and believe it may be linked to more 9.00 Bangers & Cash. Derek casts his eye over a 8.25 Y Sîn. A look at the creative arts scene
10.30 Family Guy (AD) Caroline finds the pilot and his pet chimp are a 11.20 The Best of the 80s. A selection of recent disappearances (7/8) (AD) Citroën 2CV, before admiring motorbikes (AD) for youngsters in Wales 8.55 News; Weather
11.00 Family Guy (AD) welcome distraction from life at Leopard’s Den. sports covered by ITV during the 1980s 11.00 Spooks. Beth Bailey is tasked with 10.00 Bangers & Cash. Tucked away in the 9.00 Y Lein — Streic Friction Dynamics.
11.30 American Dad! (AD) Meanwhile, a mystery virus puts the farm in 11.30 English Football League Highlights. protecting an oil baron, but Harry and Lucas’s showroom is a WW2-era Willys Jeep (AD) Delving into the history of one of Britain’s
12.00 American Dad! (AD) 12.30am Superstore jeopardy. Starring Stephen Tompkinson (8/10) Action from the latest fixtures suspicions are raised and they soon 11.00 Abandoned Engineering. An eerie country longest-running industrial disputes 10.00
(AD) 1.30 Shopping with Keith Lemon. In 12.20am Wild at Heart 1.10 Upstairs, 1.00am All Elite Wrestling: Collision 3.00 The discover he is planning an attack (2/8) village that hides a sad secret (8/8) (AD) Jess Davies. Jess investigates what is being
Blackpool 2.25 Celebrity Karaoke Club 3.10 Downstairs 2.00 Heartbeat (AD) 4.00 The Royal Professionals (AD, SL) 3.50 Kojak (SL) 4.40 12.20am Lovejoy 1.35 Hustle 2.50 12.00 Great British Railway Journeys 1.00am done to keep women safe and end public sexual
Unwind with ITV 5.30 Teleshopping (AD) 5.00 Unwind with ITV 5.30 Teleshopping Unwind with ITV 5.30 Teleshopping Classic Holby City 4.00 Teleshopping Guitar Heroes at the BBC 3.00 Teleshopping harassment (r) 10.30-11.35 Teulu’r Castell (r)
14 Wednesday April 10 2024 | the times

Poker Byron Jacobs Codeword No 5185 Train Tracks No 2216

Beat the station you have K-J. That’ll do. Raise

them. What about A-9? Yep. Defi-
The most common player type nitely good enough – raise. And
you will meet at the poker table is 7 -5 ? No – fold. This hand is
the “station”, an abbreviation for speculative and would be margi-
“calling station”. This is someone nal at the best of times. Against a
who has come in order to play. station you want raw card strength.
The station hates to be a bystan- 2) When betting for value, bet
der (“I didn’t travel over to the big. You have K-Q and the flop is
casino so I could sit here and fold K-9-7. You are strong and nor-
all night. I want some action!”) so mally may bet 30-50 per cent pot.
they get involved in a lot of pots. Facing a station? Go bigger, 80-
Once they are in a pot they rarely 100 per cent pot. If they will call
take the initiative but don’t like to the small bet they will call the
give up. So their main action is to bigger one. They want to play?
call and they call a lot. This is Good. Make them pay.
clearly not a good style but the 3) Stations can be bluffed but
fact that the station rarely folds only creatively. You have J-10 and
creates difficulties as they cannot open. The station calls. The flop is
easily be barged out of the pot. You 9-8-4 so you have a straight draw.
will meet a great many stations You bet about 60-70 per cent pot
during your poker career so you and (of course) the station calls.
need to know how to get the better The turn is 9-8-4-K. The station
of them. Here are some tips. probably has a mediocre hand
1) Many players get frustrated that is nevertheless ahead of you,
facing stations for the following such as 8-6, 5-4, 3-3 etc. Do not
Lay tracks to enable the train to travel from village A to village
reason. Stations stay in pots so make the mistake of making an
B. The numbers indicate how many sections of track go in
much they inevitably get lucky and “normal-sized” bet, eg 80-100 per each row and column. There are only straight sections and
outdraw better hands on a fairly cent pot. The station will simply curved sections. The track cannot cross itself.
regular basis. This is annoying and call. Instead bet 2x the pot – a huge
tempts a victim to think, “Right, I’ll overbet. The station will never
teach them to play with garbage. I have seen a bet this big in their
won’t play moderate hands any life. They will mumble and splutter Quintagram® Challenge
more – I’ll wait for a really good and stare at you, wondering what your mind
hand they will never outdraw.” the hell you are up to. But sud- Solve all five cryptic clues using each
However, “a really good hand” at denly their hand will not look so letter underneath once only with puzzle
the table is very rare and you enticing and they will usually fold. books from
could sit around all night hoping Finally, remember you cannot 1 Mother, ultimately subservient, The Times
for such an opportunity. win every hand. That is impossible Every letter in this crossword-style grid is represented by a number from 1 to 26. one walks all over? (3)
You don’t need to wait for the and creates an unhelpful mindset. Each letter of the alphabet appears in the grid at least once. Use the letters already
crown jewels. All you need is a
hand likely to be ahead of the
Keep it realistic. You are aiming to
exploit your stronger range and
provided to work out the identity of further letters. Enter letters in the main grid
and the smaller reference grid until all 26 letters of the alphabet have been
-2 Vital
- time
- to organise clubs in
station’s range. The station opens, win about 60 per cent of the pots. accounted for. Proper nouns are excluded. Yesterday’s solution, right church (6)

For more puzzles, including Cluelines Stuck on Codeword? To receive 4 random clues call 0901 293 6262 or -3 Axe-for-cutting
- -frozen
- surface —
text TIMECODE to 64343. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge. For the full solution or pick (6)
Mini Sudoku, extra Codeword, call 0905 757 0142. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm). -4 Fifties
- -naval
- officer
- - getting in
Train Tracks and Futoshiki bother? One should be calm! (8)
go to page 10 Lexica No 7345 No 7346
-5 UK-combat
- -unit
- initially
- - trained
- to
Winning Move do nothing useful? (4,5)
U S ---------
White to play. A A B C C C C C
This position is from I N R I
Korchynskyi-Burmakin, Titled D E H H I I K L
Tuesday, 2024. T Q A O L M M M N N O O
In this position the kings find H U R S O P R T T U U U bookshop
themselves on opposite wings
and both sides are attacking O D C D
furiously. White is a piece ahead
but, considering the violence
being witnessed, this is almost an
Z Y H What are your favourite
irrelevance. In such positions the
initiative is everything. It is
White to play. How did he make
puzzles in MindGames?
the most of this small initiative?
Slide the letters either horizontally or vertically back into the grid to produce a
completed crossword. Letters are allowed to slide over other letters Email:
KenKen Medium No 6177 Futoshiki No 4725 Kakuro No 3684

Fill the grid

using the
numbers 1 to 9
only. The
numbers in each
horizontal or
vertical run of
white squares
add up to the
total in the
triangle to its left
or above it. The
same number
may occur more
than once in a
row or column,
but not within
the same run of
white squares.

All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row and column. In Fill the blank squares so that every row and column contains
each thick-line “block”, the target number in the top left-hand each of the numbers 1 to 5 once only. The symbols between
corner is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block, the squares indicate whether a number is larger (>) or smaller
using the operation indicated by the symbol. (<) than the number next to it.
the times | Wednesday April 10 2024 15

times2 Crossword No 9501 Brain Trainer Cell Blocks No 5068
Just follow the instructions from left to right, starting with the number given to reach an answer at the end.


1 2 3 4 5 6 Divide the grid
into square or
EASY 12 ÷ 6 x 14 +OF1/4IT TREBLE
+ 105 +OF3/5IT DOUBLE
IT rectangular
7 blocks, each
containing one
8 9 digit only. Every
block must
10 86 x 2 + 1/4 + 30 DOUBLE + 7/10 – 25 – 3/4 DOUBLE ÷4 contain the
OF IT OF IT number of cells
indicated by the
digit inside it.

12 13 – 1/5
+ 124 – 3/8 ÷ 20 – 3/4 x 22 – 366 HALVE

15 16 17 18
Polygon Set Square No 3687
From these letters, make words of Enter each of
20 21 four or more letters, always including the numbers
the central letter. Answers must be in from 1 to 9 in
22 the Concise Oxford Dictionary, excluding the grid, so that
capitalised words, plurals, conjugated the six sums
23 verbs (past tense etc), adverbs ending work. We’ve
in LY, comparatives and superlatives. placed two
How you rate 11 words, average; numbers to get
15, good; 21, very good; 28, excellent you started.
Each sum
Yesterday’s answers should be
Across 19 Grid-like framework (7) calculated left
air, airer, are, ear, era, err, hair, hare,
1 Potential source of injury (6) 20 Gin and vermouth to right or top
harrier, hear, heir, her, hire, hirer, ire, rah,
7 Highly conductive metal (6) cocktail (7) to bottom.
rai, rare, rear, rhea, ria
8 Condemnation, censure (8) 22 Escorting or guiding (in) (8)
10 Great bravery (7) 23 Soothe, make tranquil (6)
Please note, BODMAS does not apply
11 Old-fashioned ship (7) 24 Point of view, attitude (6)
12 Look fixedly (5)
14 Penchant, predilection (5) Down Killer Tricky No 9408 Solutions
15 Spectrum, gamut (5) 1 Forbidden belief (6)
Quick Cryptic 2645 Codeword 5184 Kakuro 3683
2 Airship (8)
Solution to Crossword 9500
3 One sharing living or
A ESOP HE L P FU L sleeping space (4-4)
4 Darts throwing line (4)
Z R Y S D T E 5 Displace unceremoniously (6)
O VERG R OW L I A R 6 Detecting device (6)
N P O N F O 9 Pupa (9)
S I T T E R COGN AC 12 Motorist’s safety strap (8)
I R A R O 13 Screen test (8)
C A T S I NSEASON 16 Old sayings (6)
A I S I N C C 17 Rich creamy cake (6) Train Tracks 2215
P ROB L EM SNAKE 18 Insubstantial, paltry (6) Sudoku 14,820 Tetonor 455
E U A U I R D 21 Unfeeling, deadened (4)
R I SKY SOCKEYE 29 156 35 400
13 + 16 2 x 78 16 + 19 20 x 20
Need help with today’s puzzle? Call 0905 757 0143 to check the
answers. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s 196 40 208 46
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). 2 x 98 20 + 20 13 x 16 2 x 23

27 304 34 264
Bridge Andrew Robson 17 + 10 16 x 19 12 + 22 12 x 22

100 80 170 25
Sudoku 14,821 98 + 2 78 + 2 10 x 17 23 + 2
Top Tens Dealer: West, Vulnerability: Neither
C. Defence ♠ KQ2 2 2 Cell
2 10Blocks
12 13 5067 Set20Square
16 16 17 19 20 3686
22 23 78 98 Lexica 7343
5. Third hand plays high ... usually ♥ 754 S T E P
(i) Why third hand plays high ♦KQ103
♣853 Killer Deadly No 9409 C T O

Third hand plays high is perhaps ♠ A73 N ♠ 85 E C U P

the most core motto for the ♥ J1062 W E ♥ K83
defence. Partner has already played ♦A84 S ♦962
a card (the first card). If you don’t
♣A107 ♠ J10964 ♣J9642 E U

play high, declarer will win a cheap ♥ AQ9 P A L M

trick. This applies even if partner ♦J75

has led a high-ish card. ♣KQ Sudoku 14,822 Futoshiki 4724 KenKen 6176 Lexica 7344
In these three scenarios, the S W N E
contract is, say, 4♠ . 1NT Pass Pass
2♠ (1) Pass 3♠ Pass D I M O
(a) Dummy 4♠ (2) End Q W U
West ♦7532 East (you)
(1) Would pass in second seat but worth a
♦Q led — ♦A94 2♠ bid in the protective (a k a “cheat”) seat.

After ♦Q, ♦2, you as East (2) Could have a lot less.

should normally play ♦A. Partner’s P A M P A S

lead has told you declarer has ♦K; At the table, West led ♥ J and
it may be singleton. East made the knee-jerk third-
hand-high play of ♥ K — fatally. Today’s solutions
(b) Dummy Declarer won ♥ A and led ♠ 4 to
West ♣ 754 East (you) ♠ K, West ducking. Declarer now Killer 9406 Concise Cryptic Suko 4086 Brain
♣ J led — ♣ A93 Quintagram Quintagram Trainer
led dummy’s♦K, East signalling the
After ♣ J, ♣ 4, you should nor- count with ♦2 (low = odd). West 1 Goons 1 Mat Easy 1,340
mally play ♣ A. Partner’s lead has 2 Sting 2 Crunch Medium 101
ducked, and ducked♦3 to ♦J. West 3 Conic 3 Choice Harder 26
told you declarer has ♣ Q; fail to won ♦7 with ♦A and, unable to 4 Undress 4 Millpond
play ♣ A and declarer will win that continue hearts or she’d promote 5 Los Angeles 5 Muck about
♣ Q, disastrous if the layout is: declarer’s ♥ 9, tried ♣A and ♣10.
Dummy Declarer won♣K and led ♠ 6. West Word watch Quiz
West ♣ 754 East (you) won ♠ A and led ♣7 but declarer 1 Television 2 The Knave of
Nivellisation (a) Levelling,
♣ KJ108 — ♣ A93 ruffed, crossed to ♠ Q and cashed removal of distinctions Hearts 3 Hannibal 4 Limerick
♦Q, shedding ♥ 9. Game made, (OED)
Declarer Eventrate (c) To open the 5 Rasputin 6 William Blake
♣ Q62 despite West’s best ducking efforts. Killer 9407
7 Puffin Books 8 Birmingham
As with standard Sudoku, fill the grid so that every column, belly of (Collins)
East should not have wasted♥ K Humbucker (b) A device in 9 Bride of Frankenstein 10 Tracey
But (c) Dummy at trick one, knowing declarer has every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set
an electric guitar (Collins)
Thorn 11 Drayton House
West ♥ 754 East (you) ♥ AQ. Instead, she encourages with of cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target number
♥ J led — ♥ K83 in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells joined by dotted Chess — Winning Move 12 Andrew Huberman, it is called
♥ 8. Declarer wins ♥ Q and leads the Huberman Lab podcast
If this is trick one, partner won’t ♠ 4. West hops up with ♠ A (or lines, a digit cannot be repeated. 1 Rg6+! Kh8 (1 ... hxg6
have ♥ A (no ace-underlead at trick ducks). She now leads ♥ 2 to ♥ K. 2 Qh8 mate) and White 13 Giuseppe Cesari or Cavaliere
has various wins including d’Arpino 14 Wrestling, his only
one to a suit contract). Partner’s suit Declarer wins ♥ A and will soon Cluelines Stuck on Sudoku, Killer or KenKen? Call 0901 293 the pretty 2 Qxh7+! Rxh7
is headed by♥ J10. There is no point lead ♦J. West wins ♦A, cashes 6263 before midnight to receive four clues for any of today’s 3 Bf6 mate
known defeat came against Hank
in playing ♥ K — indeed it could be ♥ 10, and comes to ♣A. One down. puzzles. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network Thompson during the Black
damaging for the defence ... access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). Hawk War of 1832 15 The Smiths

For extra
See page 10

Word watch Sudoku Difficult No 14,823 Fiendish No 14,824 Super fiendish No 14,825
David Parfitt

a Levelling, removal of
b The formation of
c The creation of new
a A late supper in a
b To make airtight
c To open the belly of
a An intensely pungent
b A device in an electric
c The cockchafer beetle

Answers on page 15

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

The Times Daily Quiz Olav Bjortomt Suko No 4086 D I G I TA L S U B S C R I P T I O N

1 “Idiot box” is slang for 11 The 2023 movie

which electronic device?
2 In the nursery rhyme
Saltburn was filmed at
which 700-year-old
stately home in Lowick,
Enjoy a puzzling
The Queen of Hearts, who
stole the queen’s tarts?
12 Which Stanford
weekend with
3 The subtitle of JMW
Turner’s 1812 painting
Snow Storm refers to
neuroscientist started his
popular wellness podcast
in January 2021?
our newsletter
which Carthaginian
general crossing the 13 Caravaggio was a pupil Sign up to the Times Puzzles newsletter,
Alps? of which Rome-born delivered straight to your inbox
15 Mannerist painter, also
4 What is the only known as Il Giuseppino every Saturday. Subscribers can sign up
place in Ireland to character in Tracy Austin, British Leyland (1568-1640)? by going to ‘My Newsletters’.
give its name to a form Chevalier’s 2007 novel and MG Rover?
of poetry? Burning Bright? 14 A young Abraham To try a digital subscription,
9 Dr Pretorius says: “To Lincoln reportedly
5 Plácido Domingo 7 Which children’s a new world of gods and amassed 300 victories visit
played which Russian imprint of Penguin monsters!” in which over 12 years in which or scan the QR code
mystic in a 2003 Books is named after 1935 horror film? sport? Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
production of Deborah the seabird in the genus that the number in each circle is equal to
Drattell’s opera Nicholas Fratercula? 10 Which Everything 15 Breaking up in 1987, the sum of the four surrounding spaces,
and Alexandra? But the Girl which Manchester band and each colour total is correct
8 Which Midlands frontwoman wrote the is this?
6 Which visionary city’s Longbridge car 2013 memoir Bedsit For interactive puzzles visit SUBSCRIBE
poet and painter is a factory was home to Disco Queen? Answers on page 15 TODAY

The Times Quick Cryptic No 2646 by Teazel

1 2 3 4 5 6 Across 3 Bird of prey child has on a

1 Sailor, stabbed, doubled over string (4)
7 (10) 4 By the sound of it, swallowed a
8 Shortly put down one chapter delicious drink (6)
8 9 in colloquial speech (7) 5 Briefly run up to a series of
9 Basket maker more comfy out boats (8)
of cold (5) 6 Bore strict training (5)
10 Prepare to swallow a red wine 7 Best seats here, but a thousand
at the start (4) can’t sit down? (10)
10 11 11 Set of bells in collar, moving 8 Remove restrictions from disc,
(8) safely reformatted (10)
12 13 Get thanks when opening a 12 Steal identity, an informal one
can (6) (8)
13 14 15 14 Son makes big strides skiing 15 In large level area place a meal
here (6) for all to see (7)
16 17 Regular staff, one looking after 16 Specimen, small, more than
cattle (8) adequate (6)
17 18 19 19 A convict returning for festival 18 Toxic gas over region (5)
(4) 20 Secretly look up to find castle
21 Female at Hebridean isle? (5) tower (4)
22 Simulated pressure on nurse
21 22
23 Part of simple sum in school
exam (6-4)

23 2 Support for limb motionless
initially in seizure (7) Yesterday’s solution on page 15
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every moment of this tour promises to be an into Turkey’s ancient past at the Museum of
Discover the myths and legends of Troy and
unforgettable experience. Anatolian Civilizations and Mausoleum of Atatürk. 11 nights in four-star hotels
the ruins of Pergamon before visiting the well-
Your holiday ends back in Istanbul where there is
Begin your adventure with a sightseeing tour of preserved ancient city of Ephesus. Marvel at
time to explore at your own pace before a farewell 11 breakfasts, two lunches, ten dinners
Istanbul where you’ll visit iconic historical sites Pamukkale’s natural wonders, explore Hierapolis
dinner with the rest of the group. and welcome drink
such as the Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace and and journey to Konya, once the capital of the
wander through the mesmerizing maze of stalls of Seljuk Empire, home to the Mausoleum of
the sprawling Grand Bazaar – why not have a go at Mevlana. Tour of Istanbul including The Blue
Mosque, Hagia Sofia, Topkapi Palace
and Grand Bazaar

Visit the Temple of Artemis, in Ephesus

Cappadocia and the Goreme Valley

with a glass of wine at sunset

Visit Konya, Ankara, Troy and the

ancient city of Pergamon

Visit the Gallipoli War Memorial

What we love
Sip a glass of wine and take in the view as you watch the sunset
Scan the QR code with
your camera app to 0808 189 8738
over Cappadocia’s extraordinary rock formations. view more details.
Our *Discount on selected departures only. Prices correct at time of print. Prices shown are based on twin occupancy of a double or twin bedded
Trusted room with private facilities and economy flights. Single occupancy supplements will apply. All holidays are subject to availability. Images
used in conjunction with Travelsphere. Operated by and subject to the booking conditions of Travelsphere, ABTA Y6412, ATOL 11266 a
Partner company wholly independent of News UK. New bookings only. Visit website for full terms & conditions.
£2,549 per person
Save up
to £125pp
for the solo
on selected


Unforgettable Norway
Departures | June to September 2025

lready sold out for 2024 dates, get ready and watch the enchanting landscapes transform fruit orchard to sample the fruits of the farmers’

A for what is truly an unforgettable journey

across Norway. You’ll start by diving into
Oslo’s finest cultural treasures in the company of
into a stunning tapestry of lush greenery,
meandering rivers and cascading waterfalls. A
fjord cruise is a delightful change of pace from
labour. With a refreshing cider in hand, you may
decide you don’t want to go home after all your
idyllic encounters! And the exploring doesn’t stop
Price Includes

Return flights from London

an expert local guide, including iconic buildings your thrilling journey on the rails. Take in the fresh there, the last chapter to your trip awaits with a
and pretty neighbourhoods. You’ll leave the city air and calm waters, while soaking up the dramatic tour of Bergen – a Unesco World Heritage City that Overseas transfers, other
behind for two of the world’s most scenic train scenery that surrounds you. Back on land, you’ll captivates the heart and soul with its old world transportation & porterage
journeys: the Bergen and Flåm railways. Sit back spend time in cosy villages including a visit to a charm.
Six nights in three- and four-star hotels.
A guaranteed twin or double room
of your own

Six breakfasts, three dinners and a

welcome drink

Just You Holiday Director and

specialist local guides

Tours of Oslo and Bergen, sailing on

the Naeroyfjord, orchard visit with cider
tasting, and scenic drive through the
Hardanger Valley

Train journeys on the scenic Bergen

and Flåm Railways

What we love
This bestselling tour transports you to the heart of some of
Norway’s most stunning locations. There can be no better feeling
Scan the QR code with
your camera app to 0808 189 8746
than sailing through the serene and gentle fjords, surrounded by view more details.
steep mountains, and Mother Nature for company.
Our Prices correct at time of print. Prices shown are based on single occupancy of a double or twin bedded room with private facilities and
economy flights. All holidays are subject to availability. Images used in conjunction with Just You. Operated by and subject to the booking
Trusted conditions of Just You, ABTA Y6412, ATOL 11266 a company wholly independent of News UK. Discount applies to selected holidays. New
Partner bookings only. Visit website for full terms & conditions.
£3,049 per person
readers save
£150 pp with the
code TIMES150
on any Exodus


Rome, Assisi & Magical Umbria

Departures | April 2024 to October 2025

Discover world-renowned classical ruins and a rural idyll yet to be discovered by mass tourism Price Includes
hether it’s your first time in Italy or in the hills of Umbria. From here, we explore gentle walks through unspoiled countryside and

W your 100th, this guided walking trip

will live long in your heart. It begins
in Rome, visiting world landmarks and classical
the green heart of Italy, an area surprisingly
undiscovered by the tourist masses. Don’t expect
it to stay that way: Lonely Planet named it one of
medieval villages, we visit Assisi and Perugia,
sample fine wines and craft beers, enjoy a hands-
on Italian cooking class and relax with a blissed-
Flights from the UK included in
the price

All daily transport and listed activities

ruins, before we head to a four-star country resort their top destinations to visit in 2023. In between out moment in the resort spa.

All accommodation. One night in a

four-star hotel in Rome city centre. Six
nights in a four-star country resort and
spa in Umbria

All breakfasts, three lunches

and six dinners

Expert tour leader, chosen for

great customer feedback

Wine, beer and olive oil tastings

with nibbles

Welcome aperitivo and complimentary

spa access

Chocolate tasting

What we love
Taking in historic architecture, stunning rolling countryside,
and experiencing the very best in Italian food and wine, as
Scan the QR code with
your camera app to 0808 304 2756
well as spa access - what more could you want on this fantastic view more details.
immersive Italian experience.
Our *Prices correct at time of going to press. ^Quote TIMES150 to be eligible for a £150pp saving, included in the cost above. Prices listed are
Trusted based on two sharing a twin/double room. Prices are correct at time of publication, and subject to confirmation at time of booking. Offer
subject to availability and prices may fluctuate. This offer is not combinable with any other offers, including Loyalty Discounts Operated by
Partner and subject to the booking conditions of Exodus Travels, ABTA Y0751, ATOL 25825, a company wholly independent of News UK.
Warner Hotels

O ur collection of 16 country houses and coastal villages can be found in

some of the UK’s most stunning locations. Each property boasts its own
unique style, combined with our consistent passionate attention to detail. Our
hotels have elegantly designed rooms surrounded by breathtaking British
landscapes. Every Warner Hotels break includes delicious breakfasts, three-
course dinners, access to the wellness facilities, a variety of exciting activities
and industry famous nightly entertainment.

£100 £699

Experience something new


T reat yourself to a totally immersive Strictly Come Dancing weekend experience

where you’ll get to meet and mingle with the professional dancers, learn the steps
to your favourite dances, watch showstopping dance extravaganzas, and go behind the
scenes on a sequin-packed costume tour. It’s strictly the most spectacular weekend
ever and an unmissable experience for fans.
Heythrop Park, Oxfordshire, June 7, 2024




BBC (word mark and logo) is a trade mark of the British Broadcasting Corporation and is used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996.

BBC Gardeners World Weekends Discover the stars at Warner

E njoy appearances from presenters Adam Frost, Joe Swift, Nick Bailey and
Frances Tophill, as well as garden expert David Hurrion**. Plus, you can also
expect dedicated sessions, talks and garden tours on every break. E njoy private appearances for a live performance like no other. Experience our
Star Breaks at Warner Hotels for your opportunity to join a small audience to get
up close and personal with one of our headline stars, perhaps even meeting a few in
Ask Me Anything – your chance to ask the presenters about their gardening life
person too. See full list of featured Star Breaks on the Warner Hotels website.
and times.
My Specialist Subject – the presenters share their passion and expertise from Gareth Malone OBE
a lifetime of gardening. Gareth Malone OBE is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Music and was awarded an
honorary doctorate from the University of East Anglia and Freedom of the City of
Your Questions Answered – bring your gardening conundrums for the
London in 2010. He first appeared on TV in the three-part BAFTA award-winning
experts to try and solve.
series, The Choir, for the BBC, along with three further series; The Choir: Boys Don’t
Exclusive Garden Tour – led by your Warner Hotels Head Gardener, plus Sing, The Choir: Unsung Town, and The Choir: Military Wives in 2011.
a gardening expert.
August 30, 2024 Thoresby Hall, Nottinghamshire
May 10, 2024 Bodelwyddan Castle, North Wales September 27, 2024 Studley Castle, Warwickshire
May 31, 2024 Cricket St Thomas, Somerset December 6, 2024 Heythrop Park, Oxfordshire
June 28, 2024 Nidd Hall, North Yorkshire December 13, 2024 The Runnymede on Thames, Surrey

Use code TheTimes to save £100 on featured breaks and £40 on all April -December breaks.
* Full list of available dates can be found online.

Book online now at

Call 0808 304 6887, quoting THETIMES
( lines open Monday- Friday 9am to 7pm and Saturdays 9am to 4pm)

*Savings of up to £50 per person on selected 3+ night breaks throughout 2024. The code TheTimes must be applied at the start of your break search, and the discounts are not valid on Christmas or New Year breaks. Prices are ‘from’ per person, per break, based on two people sharing Standard accommodation.
Supplements apply for room occupancy, upgrades, views, balconies, patios, ferries, spa treatments and other activities not included in the price of your break. Prices shown on advert included £50pp saving. Discount applies to new bookings only, cannot be combined with any other offer or discount, and are only
applicable on bookings of up to 19 people. Discount is not applicable on bookings with group benefi ts or bookings made through Coach Operators. When paying a deposit, balance is due 12 weeks before arrival date. All guests must be aged 18 or over. Warner Hotels reserves the right to change or withdraw
any offers without prior notice. Calls to 03 numbers from any line type cost no more than calls to geographic (01 or 02) numbers. Bourne Holidays Limited (trading as Warner Leisure Hotels) is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 01854900 whose registered address is 1 Park Lane,
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 4YL. Full terms and conditions apply. ** Presenters will appear on specific weekends – check dates and details before booking.
Highlights & Inclusions

per person
Seven nights’ bed and breakfast
accommodation in Lisbon (two
nights), Vila Real de Santo António
UP TO (two nights), Arcos de la Frontera
£400 (two nights) and Malaga (one
Tour of Lisbon with a coffee break
in Belém
MAY 31, 2024
Excursion to Estoril and Sintra
Scenic drive from Lisbon to the
Algarve with visits to Alcácer do
Sal and a wine tasting in Alentejo
Excursion to Olhão, Tavira, and
Cacela Velha

Paradores & Pousadas of Spain & Portugal Excursion to Seville and a sherry
tasting in Jerez de la Frontera
Excursion to the white villages of
Departures | June to October 2024 Cadiz and a goat’s cheese tasting
Excursion to Ronda, Marbella and
Seville, Spain Mijas
Return flights to Lisbon and from Malaga
Comfortable, air-conditioned,
coach travel and transfers
n Iberian heritage escapade from Lisbon to Malaga with stays at a collection throughout

A of historic, luxury and culturally significant boutique hotels.

Stays at unique accommodation promises complete immersion into the rich

Scan the QR code with
your camera app to
view more details.
Fully escorted by friendly,
experienced tour managers

heritage of two countries, from dining on regional cuisine to admiring historic

architecture. A guided tour of hilly Lisbon’s cobbled streets lined with colourful tiled
buildings will be followed by visits to the coastal town and royal haven haunt, Estoril
and UNESCO-listed Sintra, renowned for its 19th-century Romanticist architecture.


Highlights & Inclusions
£400 £1,237 Seven nights’ carefully
chosen bed and breakfast
per person accommodation
Visit the Corinth Canal and
MAY 31, 2024 Epidaurus, a small city famed for
its temple and theatre
Discover historic Delphi, the
home of the Temple of Apollo

Wander around the site of

Olympia, the home of the Olympic
Games movement
Return Flights to Athens
Comfortable, air-conditioned
Ancient Greece Uncovered coach travel and transfers
Fully escorted by a friendly,
experienced tour manager

Departures | May to October 2024

Athens, Greece

fascinating journey that brings to life the wonders of the Classical Greek CALL TODAY ON
A civilisation and the histories of the Byzantine and Roman periods.

This wonderful week-long odyssey features stays in the fascinating city of

Scan the QR code with
your camera app to
view more details.
0808 239 8305
Thessaloniki and the bustling metropolis of Athens. Enjoy escorted tours of some nh-newmarket
of the most fascinating and absorbing sites of Classical Greece, including the
staggering Temple of Apollo at Delphi, the 5th-century Acropolis of Athens and
the monasteries at Meteora.

*Discount applies to specific holidays and tours only. Customers can save up to £600pp (which equates to £1200 per couple on a two person booking) on Long Haul tours, up to £200pp
(which equates to £400 per couple on a two person booking) on European tours and up to £100pp (which equates to £200 per couple on a two person booking) on UK & Ireland tours.
Offer applies to bookings made by May 31, 2024. Offer does not apply to child prices/child pricing. Prices shown have discount applied. Offer is subject to availability and may be
withdrawn at any time. These holidays are organised and operated by Newmarket Holidays Ltd, a company wholly independent of News UK. ABTOT 5509. ATOL protected 2325. ABTA
V7812. Standard phone charges apply. Prices correct at time of going to press. Single supplements apply. Excellent Based on more than 7,500 reviews
£3,999 per person

Magical Northern Lights


Departures | January to March 2025

Immerse yourself in the magic of the Arctic wilderness on this unique seven-night winter holiday high above Price Includes
the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland, crafted by Northern Lights holiday experts The Aurora Zone.
Return flights from London to Ivalo
arvel at the magic of the Northern Your stay at Lake Inari will include a stay in an for the duration of your stay. and airport transfers (via Helsinki)

M Lights on an aurora camp, be whisked

away on a thrilling husky safari, attend a
photography workshop, learn about local culture
Arctic Chalet equipped with its own private
sauna, fireplace, and panorama windows hosting
spectacular views.
With a blanket of crisp, white snow stretching
far beyond the horizon and the mystical
Northern Lights dancing above, seeing this
Four nights’ full-board upgraded Arctic
Chalet accommodation at Wilderness
Hotel Inari
at the Sami Siida Museum and try your hand at
A laser-heated, glass-roofed Aurora Cabin awaits winter wonderland first-hand really does feel
everything from snowshoeing to snowmobiling. Three nights’ full-board accommodation
you in Saariselka; a magical way to experience the like you have been granted exclusive access to
Combining two of the most popular destinations wintry star-filled sky and the Northern Lights. a well-guarded secret. The Aurora Borealis is a in an Aurora Cabin at the Northern
Lights Village
in Finnish Lapland, is the perfect way to remarkable natural phenomenon which should
Expect delicious Lappish cuisine, a great service
experience the best of what the region has be seen at least once in a lifetime. Guided activities including snowmobile
from your local guides, and cold weather clothing
to offer. safari, Aurora camp, visit to Sámi Siida
Museum, Aurora snowshoeing, Aurora
photography workshop, husky sledding,
Aurora Hunt by heated sleigh and short
reindeer sleigh ride

Cold weather clothing for the duration

of your stay

24/7 assistance from the UK based

operations team and in destination
support from local partners

What we love
Finland offers everything we love about the Aurora and
Lapland in general! Awesome bucket list activities, glass-
Scan the QR code with
your camera app to 0808 239 8052
roofed accommodations all set in the most picturesque winter view more details.
wonderland imaginable.
*From price based on January 11, 2025 departure. Based on two sharing an Aurora cabin at Saariselka and an Arctic Chalet room at
Our Inari. Single supplement applies at £851pp. Subject to availability. Itinerary details are subject to change. Operated by and subject to the
booking conditions of The Aurora Zone, a company independent of News UK. The Aurora Zone, 168 Brinkburn Street, The Old Public Library,
Trusted Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2AR; ATOL 6865, ABTA Y6261. Photography credits: Robert Corkill., Markku Inkila, Northern Lights Village,
Partner Wilderness Hotel Inari.

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