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Here we can see a receptionist who deals with customer complaints wisely. The first complaint

was regarding the facilities at the hotel. The customer couldn't connect to WiFi, then couldn't turn on

the TV and the water heater in the bathroom didn't work. Then the customer contacted the receptionist

to ask all about it. The response from the receptionist was correct, namely by apologizing first and then

providing a solution by sending staff who were responsible for fixing everything. However, the

customer wanted to ask to be moved to another room and the receptionist agreed by providing a room

with the same facilities on the same floor.

The second complaint was regarding the restaurant at the hotel where the food ordered by the

customer was not suitable. Cold pizza, salty pasta, and raw grilled meat. The receptionist's response

was correct by apologizing for the inconvenience, but the customer was still angry and cursed that the

hotel was not worthy of being called a five star hotel and that he no longer wanted to stay there.

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