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Task 3 - Database You are now going to prepare some reports. 18 Using a suitable database package, import the file N220SCORE.csv 19 Use these field names and data types: Last_Name Text First_Name Text Club_Code Text Age Number Integer ‘KM_Hour Number 2 decimal places Position Number Integer Score Number Integer Race_No Number Integer Cat_Code Text Distance_KM Number Integer Set Race_No as a primary key. Save the data Import the file N220CLUB.csv as a new table in your database with all fields set with appropriate data types. Set the Club_Code field as a primary key. Import the file N220GROUPcsv as a new table in your database with all fields set with appropriate data types. Set the Group_Code field as a primary key. 2 22 Create one-to-many relationships as links between the: + Club_Code field in the club table and the Ciub_Code field in the score table + Group_Code field in the group table and the Cat_Code field in the score table. EVIDENCE 6 Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) showing the type of relationships: between the three tables. Enter the following details as a new record in the score table: Last_Name Flater First_Name Susan ‘Club_Code EPE12 Age 24 KM_Hour 4.05 Position 2 ‘Score 125 Race_No 1476 Cat_Code FE Distance_KM 50 Check your data entry for errors. Save the data. sing fields from all tables, produce a tabular report that: contains a new field called Total_Time which is calculated at run-time. This field will multiply the KM_Hour by Distance_KM and divide this by 1440. Format this field to display time as hh:mm:ss selects the records where: — Club_Name includes the text MTB — Age is 20 or more — Distance_KM is 50 or 75 shows only the following fields: Last_Name, First_Name, Gender, Age, Race_No, KM_Hour, Distance_KM, Club_Name, Position and Total_Time in this order with data and labels displayed in full. Do not group the data sorts the data into ascending order of Club_Name and ascending order of Position has a page orientation of landscape fits on a single page wide includes only the text MTB Marathon Results as a title at the top of the page, formatted so that it displays: — ina black, 30 point, serif font style — with all letters fully visible calculates the average distance and positions this under the Distance_KM column, formatted as an integer has a label Average race distance to the left of this value has only your name, centre number and candidate number in the footer of the report so it appears on every page. Task 2 - Spreadsheet You are going to prepare a spreadsheet for Special-Disk-Sales. This company makes and sells storage devices. The company has 49 employees and the company uses a spreadsheet to record the hours worked each week and calculate the pay of the employees. All employees are paid in euros which must be displayed as two decimal places. te ‘Open and examine the file }1931emp.csv in a spreadsheet package. Replace the text in cell A1 with: ‘SDS Weekly Pay Delete rows 3 to 7 inclusive. Format the top of the spreadsheet to look like this: lg Sie Fe st Isa Ise ho D la he isu Format the merged cell At to have white text on a dark green background. ‘Save this spreadsheet with the file name SDS_ followed by your centre number and candidate number, for example, SDS_ZZ999_9999 [1] Place your name, centre number and candidate number, right aligned in the header. Place the text: Last revised on: followed by an automated date, then a space and then the automated time, left aligned in the header. (2) + Create a named range called offices using only cells A5 to B13 inclusive. 2 EVIDENCE 1 Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot showing how you created this named range. In cell F17 use a function to look up the office name. Use the Office code column for the lookup value and the range offices for the array. (4) + In cell G17 use a function to look up the job description. Use the Job code column for the lookup. Do not use a named range. 15] + Incell J17 use a function to look up the rate of pay. Do not use a named range. [3] + In cell K17 use a formula to calculate the pay based on the hours worked by this employee. (2) + Replicate the functions used in steps 4 to 7 for each employee. 1) + Incell 167 use a function to count the number of employees who worked some hours during this week. fo} + Incell K67 use a function to calculate the total pay for all employees. 1) + The Hours worked by all employees were the same as their Contract hours except for the following: Name Hours worked Alfonso trizarry 16 Sergie Anaya 24 Heine Weissmuller 0 Tracy Royle 32 Sandra Cooper 0 Amy Nichols 34 Pablo Bravo 22 Peggy Hedges 25 Tracy Cushing 16 Otmar Weber 12 Adelina Sanger 42 Karl Seiler 40 + Place the number of hours worked for each employee in the Hours worked column. (1 15 16 7 18 Create a spreadsheet extract showing only the employees who work in London or Zagreb and have the word Sales in their job description. 1) Sort the extract into ascending order of Last name. t) Hide rows 3 to 15 inclusive. Hide row 67. (1) Hide columns D, €, H, land J. ty

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