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Exercise 1 (VAT)
Enterprise A in the current tax period has the following documents:
1. Opening stock: 50 units of product A, purchased price (VAT-exclusive) of
100,000 VND/unit.
2. Purchases in the tax period
- 5,000 units of product B from a domestic producer with the price (VAT-
exclusive) of 200,000 VND/unit;
- 30 units of product C from a business household; the purchase price writen on
the list of purchased goods at 1,000,000 VND/unit.
3. Products sales in the tax period
- The total 50 units of product A on stock with the selling price (VAT-
exclusive) of 150,000 VND/unit.
- 2,000 units of product B with the selling price (VAT-exclusive) of 220,000
VND/unit. The remaining amount is outwarehoused to an agent (selling goods
and services at set prices) using a VAT invoice. The price written on the
invoice is 220,000 VND/unit. In the tax period, the agent has sold 1,000 units
of product B. The sales commission is 2% of the revenue.
- 25 units of product C with the selling price (VAT-exclusive) of 1,100,000
Calculate the VAT payable of the enterprise in the tax period. Given:
- Input VAT of other input goods and services serving the business activities in
the tax period (with legitimate invoices and documents): 5 mil VND.
- Product B and C purchased with the payment method of bank transfer.
- VAT rate of A, B, C and commission is 10%.
- The enterprise has registered to pay VAT using the credit-invoice method.
Exercise 2 (VAT)
Enterprise B in the current tax period, has the following activities:
- Sold 3,000 units of product X domestically. The selling price (VAT-exclusive)
written on the VAT invoice is 200,000 VND/unit.
- Sold 1,000 units of product X domestically. On the VAT invoice, only the VAT-
inclusive price of 220,000 VND/unit is written.
- Directly exported 2,000 product X with the FOB price of 240,000 VND/unit. The
exported products are qualified for VAT deduction and refund.
- Entrusted exported for Company Y 5,000 product A with the total export value of
1 bil VND. The commission received from this activity is 2% of the export value.
- Used the ex-warehousing-cum-internal transportation bills enclosed with the
internal transfer order, ex-warehoused 500 units of product X to a branch in the
same province; at the end of the tax period, the branch has sold 400 units with the
VAT-exclusive price of 200,000 VND/unit.
1. Calculate the VAT payable in the tax period, given:
- Deductible input VAT gathered on legitimate VAT invoices: 200 mil VND.
- VAT rate of product X, A: 10%
2. Suppose for 2,000 units of exported product X, the enterprise can present the tax
declaration form but without the bank transfer documents. Calculate the VAT payable in
the the tax period.
Exercise 3 (Excise tax)
A cigarette producing company has the following activities:
- Purchased 1000 kg of fibred tobacco from a domestic producer to produce cigarette.
The purchase priced written on the VAT invoice is 33,000 VND/kg (VAT-
- Ex-warehoused 500 kg of fibred tobacco to produce cigarette packs with production
norm of 0.025 kg fibred tobacco/pack. 1 carton of cigarette comprises of 10 packs.
- Sold 1,000 cartons of cigarette with the selling price of 82,500 VND/carton.
- Used VAT invoice to ex-warehouse 500 to the company’s agent. In the tax period,
the agent has sold 300 units with the VAT-exclusive price of 82,500 VND/carton.
Commission received from this activity is 2% of revenue.
- Sold 100 kg of fibred tobacco to another producer with the VAT-exclusive price of
35,000 VND/kg.
- The remaining of fibred tobacco is not yet sold.
Calculate the Excise tax payable and VAT payable in the tax period. Given:
- Excise tax rate of tobacco is 65%.
- Expenses of other inputs is 0.
- The company has no opening stock.
- All of the transactions have legitimate invoices and documents.
Exercise 4 (Excise tax)
Enterprise C in the current tax period has the following activities:
1. Imported fibred tobacco to produce cigarette. The import value is 8,000 mil VND.
The company used 50% of the material to produce 300,000 cartons of cigarette.
2. Sold 150,000 cartons domestically with the VAT-exclusive price of 85,800
3. Sold 50,000 cartons to a import-export company to export according to contracts
signed with foreign companies; the VAT-exclusive price is 80,000 VND/carton.
In the tax period, the import-export company has exported 30,000 cartons.
4. The remaining cigarette cartons are exported to USA. The price sold at warehouse
is 78,000 VND/carton. The delivery expenses from the warehouse to the export
port is 4 mil VND (VAT-exclusive).
Determine the consumption tax payable of the enterprise in the tax period. Given:
- Excise tax rate of tobacco is 65%.
- Import tax rate of imported fibred tobacco is 30%.
- Export tax rate of exported cigarette cartons is 2%.
- VAT rate of tobacco is 10%.
- Input VAT of other expenses is 5 mil VND.
- All transactions of the enterprise are paid via bank transfer.
- The enterprise has no opening stock.
Exercise 5 (Import tax, Export tax)
An import-export company, who registered to pay VAT using the credit-invoice method,
has the following activities in the tax period:
1. Imported textile fibres from a Japanese company to export process for this
company. The import value is 180 mil VND. From this textile fibres, the company
made 8,000 m of fabric. The processing commission is 30,000 VND/m. At the
delivery deadline, the company has exported 6,000 m of fabric back to the
Japanese company. The remaining fabric as not qualified for export, is sold
domestically with the VAT-exclusive price of 100,000 VND/m.
2. Imported winter clothes from Korea. The trade value written in the contract is 200
mil VND. The international freight and insurance from Korea to Vietnam is 1% of
the contract value. In the tax period, the company has sold all of the winter
clothes domestically with the VAT-exclusive price of 350 mil VND.
Calculate the import tax payable and VAT payable in the tax period of the company,
- Import tax rate of textile fibres is 30%; Import tax rate of winter clothes: 40%;
VAT rate of fabric and fibres, clothes: 10%.
- Input VAT of other expenses serving the business activities in the period: 60 mil
- All transactions are paid via bank transfers and provided with legitimate invoices
and documents.
Exercise 6 (Import tax, export tax)
An import-export company in the tax period has the following activities:
1. Imported 100 TVs, the import price at the first import port is 2.5 mil VND/TV. In
the tax period, the company has used VAT invoice to ex-warehouse 50 TVs to an
agent (selling goods and services at set prices), the selling price written on the
VAT invoice is 3.6 mil VND/TV. The agent has sold 30 TVs with the selling
price of 3.6 mil VND/TV. The commission paid to the agent is 2% of the revenue.
2. Imported 12,000 units of product A (product A is subjected to Excise tax) with
the CIF price of 100,000 VND/unit. In the process of delivery from the export
port to the import port, 2,000 units of product were totally damaged; the company
has provided the certificate of damage from the authority.
3. Exported 200 tons of product B, the selling price at the warehouse is 4.5 mil
VND/ton. The delivery expense from the warehouse to the export port is 250.000
Calculate the consumption tax payable of the company in the tax period, given:
- Import tax rate of TVs is 15%; import tax rate of product A is 40%; export tax rate
of product B is 10%.
- Excise tax rate of product A is 10%.
- VAT tax rate of goods and services is 10%.
- Input VAT of other expenses is 10 mil VND.
- All transactions are paid via bank transfers and provided with legitimate invoices
and documents.
- The company’s registered to pay VAT using the credit-invoice method.

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