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What „superpowers” should sportspeople have and why?

What is „fair play” and why is it so important in sports?

How is "teamwork" good in competitions and why?

Why is warm up important in sports?

What is the importance of talent in sports?

How to prevent injuries in sports?

What is healthy diet and why is it important in sports?

Why is stretching important in sports and how should you do it?

Why is motivation important in sports? How to stay motivated?

What is the role of "hydration" in sports?

Why is "communication" important in a team?

What is "doping" and why is it unfair in sports?

What are some simple exercises that you can do at home to stay fit? Why

How important is it to keep a balanced diet for health and why?

Name a few outdoor activities that can help improve your physical health?

What equipment do you need for them?

Why is staying hydrated important in sports?

Do you think walking regularly is a good way to keep fit? Why or why not?

How can stretching exercises help prevent injuries?

How important is getting enough rest and sleep in staying healthy?

What sports have you tried in your life and why these?

Why is it important to listen to your body while doing sports?

Team or individual sports? Which one works best for you and why?

What should you do if you don’t want to get hurt while doing sports?

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