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For centuries, the circulation of information worldwide has been in its infancy. However, with
the advent of scientific and technological advancements, we have seen devices and machines
such as radios, telephones, computers, and others facilitating the easy flow of information.
Thus, the internet, which is the subject of our study, emerged in the 1960s in America. It
follows specific principles such as being faster, reaching farther, and being reliable. Despite
its numerous advantages, it also presents disadvantages.


The Internet is a telecommunication network, a super-fast network of networks connecting
computers worldwide, allowing the exchange of data and information.
The Internet is the creation of the US military in 1969, with the aim of ensuring the exchange
of information between distant sites that could operate without interruption. Thus, the
ARPANET network was born. During the 1970s, the number of users from government and
academic backgrounds on this network increased. In 1980, various American research
networks were connected to form the NSF NET network. Similar structures developed in
other countries, and the aggregation of all these networks formed the internet.


It can be said that the Internet has provided the media with a set of new services that have
revolutionized the field of media work on multiple levels, including:
The first level: Internet as a source of information, used for news coverage or as a primary
source for urgent news events through various news sites, whether international or non-Arab
newspapers and magazines, as well as Arab and non-Arab news agencies, information banks,
and television channels. It provides information services in addition to institutional, service,
and company websites. - It serves as a source to supplement information, details, and
backgrounds on important events, and provides static and animated photos. It also facilitates
access to books and new publications through libraries, electronic and printed bookstores, and
their sales locations.
The second level: Internet as a means of communication, used for external communication
with delegates and correspondents via email. It facilitates written meetings with journalists
and delegates. Editors can also benefit from conducting remote interviews with various
personalities worldwide and contacting sources.
The third level: Internet as an interactive communication tool, broadening the possibilities of
public participation through email on the media's website.
Fourth level: Internet as an advertising medium by publishing advertisements on the
institution's website, adding new revenue to the media organization.
Online learning is a teaching method that utilizes modern communication mechanisms from a
computer, its networks, and its various supports, including sound and image, graphics, search
mechanisms, electronic libraries, as well as internet portals, using various technologies to

Individuals must strive to use this form of technology in a way that brings benefits and
development to themselves and their society, while distancing themselves from things
promoted through it that aim to destroy human principles and good morals, lead us away from
positive legacies, and incite communication. It facilitates sharing thoughts
on various topics in real-time.

1. Distraction: The vast amount of content available on the Internet can lead to distractions,
reducing productivity and focus on important tasks.
2. Privacy concerns: Internet usage often involves sharing personal information, which can
lead to privacy breaches and identity theft if not managed carefully.
3. Spread of misinformation: The ease of publishing content on the Internet allows for the
rapid spread of misinformation and fake news, leading to confusion and distrust among users.
4. Dependency: Excessive reliance on the Internet for communication, entertainment, and
information can lead to dependency issues, affecting interpersonal relationships and mental

Global issues and Internet have provided a platform to explore other ideologies and cultures.
Achieving a high level of control and surveillance: Alarm systems used to protect homes or
institutions offer a high level of security, especially if owners can manage and control these
devices remotely via the Internet. Additionally, Internet offers individuals the ability to control
lighting systems and various electrical appliances such as TVs, air conditioners, etc., in their
homes or establishments remotely, where they can be turned on, off, or adjusted for humidity,
etc., via specific applications easily downloadable on mobile phones or other control tools.
Mapping and location services: Internet-based applications assist people in drawing necessary
maps to reach planned locations, notably using GPS technology, and provide information
about the locations of needed businesses, hospitals, clinics, and other facilities by listing and
locating them for use. Banking services and bill payments in addition to online shopping:
Individuals now have the ability to access their bank accounts without needing to visit banks,
as well as the ability to pay utility bills such as electricity or water bills, and perform other
government transactions through it. Working from home enabled by the Internet allows for
fast and immediate connectivity, enabling individuals to work from home easily and
conveniently. Some companies allow this option to help employees save expenses related to
commuting to and from work and childcare costs while their loved ones are absent from
nurseries, among other reasons. It also allows companies to include a group of talented
employees from outside the country. Marketing and earning money: The Internet is the ideal
place to sell most products, as it allows reaching a larger audience compared to retail stores.
Additionally, the Internet enables 24/7 product display and provides companies with the
opportunity to advertise their services or products worldwide or assign them to a specific
category they want to access.

1. Dependency and time loss: Internet games and other entertainments are a source of
addiction, as one can easily spend a lot of time on the Internet without doing anything useful.
Even while engaging in useful activities, one can easily get distracted, leading to the
consumption of all available time in the end.
2. Provision of inappropriate content: The percentage of individuals, especially young people,
accessing inappropriate content such as violent images and videos or unethical content
increases as the vast amount of information on this network grows, posing a danger to its
3. Health problems: The repetitive movement pattern individuals adopt when sitting in front
of a computer, moving their hand from the keyboard to the mouse and vice versa repeatedly,
can lead to numerous health issues, including carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as obesity from
sitting for long hours in front of a screen, which poses excessive health risks.
4. Inability to disconnect from the work environment: Despite the benefits of the Internet,
individuals often struggle to dissociate from the work environment. Notifications arriving at
one's email via phone, for example, prompt interaction even when at home or out with friends,
blurring the lines between work and personal life.
5. Feeling lonely: Studies have shown a strong correlation between internet usage frequency
and loneliness, suggesting that individuals who use the internet more often may develop
6. Hacking: The internet is an easy means for hackers and computers to steal personal
information. Moreover, as the internet connects all computers, it makes it easier for hackers to
scan for vulnerabilities and launch cyberattacks.

Individuals must strive to use this form of technology in a way that brings benefits and
development to themselves and their society, while distancing themselves from things
promoted through it that aim to destroy human principles and good morals, lead us away from
positive legacies, and incite corruption.

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