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Fire and Ice

Part II - The Watcher of Carn

NPC Descriptions

Copyright ©2001 Craig Pay

Edited for The Guild Companion by Joe Mandala, February 2001

In addition to descriptions in the Locations sections, here are some

additional descriptions of the more important NPCs. Stats are listed

The new Mor-sereg

Three Masters of the Art (Magic-users), three Masters of the Dark Paths
(Black Rangers) and three Masters at Arms (Warriors, including Dâgûlrog
the Troll).


29th Level Avari Elf Evil Cleric

Stats: See Angmar sourcebook, description on p. 49 and stats on p. 146.
Note that this NPC uses Rolemaster spell lists.
Description: The Watcher of Carn Dûm, immortal Avari, Dark Cleric and
former member of the original Mor-sereg.
Favoured attack: Camthalion has a vast and lethal array of spells to 29th
Level that he can use to easily kill any one target of his choice per round.
His favourites include:

 Absolution Pure (20th Level RM Evil Cleric spell that removes soul
from target, range as usual, i.e. 300'+, rather expensive to cast
requiring 20 of his 87 PPs).
 Black Channels I - Tauric Finger (10th Level RM Evil Cleric spell
which blinds target for 1-10 days, range 50', this cheaper spells
costing only 10 PPs).
 Black Channel II - Finger of Sart (15th Level Evil Cleric spell which
permanently paralyses foe and would require the attention of a high
level Animist for a cure, range 75', still fairly expensive at 15 PPs a
 Black Channel III - Desert Curse (25th Level Evil Cleric spell which
boils the target's blood, range 50', extremely expensive at 25 PPs a
shot, so kept for special occasions!).
 His Jo is also a Daily II Sleep X item, which he tends to keep for an
emergency once his PPs have run out, casting at his pursuers as he
makes an escape.

Camthalion also has some much cheaper options for when he's running out
of PPs:

 Dark Stunning (2nd Level Evil Cleric - Dark Channels, equivalent of

MERP Open Channelling - Calm Spirits - Stunning, 1 round of stun
per 10% of resistance roll failure).
 Shock Bolt (7th Level Open Channelling - Sound/Light Ways, rather
expensive on PPs considering the limitations).
 Earthwall (7th Level Animist - Creations, good for blocking an

Camthalion's chance of success against anyone of Level 19 or less, even with

0 rounds preparation and allowing for some resistance to Channelling is
still 100% unless he fumbles (on an UM 01-02). His main vulnerability is
his lack of PPs. Though more than capable of taking down a number of
individual foes over subsequent rounds, if rushed he could be pinned down
by sheer weight of numbers of eventually forced to expend his PPs then
becoming much less powerful.
If ever forced into melee he favours his 100 OB Jo, parrying and calling for
assistance. He is, however, rather proud and could easily be tempted to a


18th Level Olog (Black Troll) Warrior

Stats: As per Hoerk Tereg p. 150 Angmar sourcebook, but with Black Plate
armour and a Black 2H sword. MM stays at +5 MM. Dâgûlrog's combat
tactic is to use half his OB to protect Camthalion from either Eloeklo or the
Description: Camthalion's bodyguard.
Favoured attack: He always uses half of his 175 OB with his 2-H Sword to
parry any blow against Camthalion.


8th Level Black Númenórean Evil Cleric

Stats: As per p. 150 Angmar sourcebook but has 24 PP and +16 Base Spells
OB. Use Rolemaster spell lists for this NPC.
Favoured attack: At range Eberverht prefers to emulate his Master, the
Watcher, as much as possible using:
 Black Channels I - Tauric Finger (10th Level RM Evil Cleric spell
which blinds target for 1-10 days, range 50', to Eberverht this spell is
actually very expensive and he can only cast it twice before resorting
to a cheaper alternative).
 Dark Stunning (2nd Level Evil Cleric - Dark Channels, equivalent of
MERP Open Channelling - Calm Spirits - Stunning, 1 round of stun
per 10% of resistance roll failure).

Close in he resorts to using his 70 OB Mace, typically keeping back 50 OB to

parry and protect himself.


7th Level Dúnadan Astrologer

Stats: As per p. 150 Angmar sourcebook with the additional information
that he has 7 PPs and 29 Directed Spells OB. Use Rolemaster spell lists for
this NPC.
Favoured attack: At range he uses his only attack spell, a Shock Bolt (5th
Level Astrologer - Starlights list). When confronted in melee he drops to his
knees and begs for mercy, he is the least combat experienced of the Mor-
sereg. With his 7 PPs and his +4 spell adder he can cast this 5 times.


15th Level Rural Man Black Ranger

Stats: As per p. 147 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range he favours his 85 OB composite bow firing
every round, close in he drops this in favour of his 90 OB short sword
keeping back 30 OB for parrying.


8th Level Northman Black Ranger

Stats: As per p. 147 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range he favours his 70 OB composite bow firing
every round, close in he drops this in favour of his 70 OB short sword
keeping back 25 OB for parrying.

Farrenar, the vengeful cult member

6th Level Rural Man Black Ranger

Stats: As per p. 147 Angmar sourcebook.
Description: His face is covered in bruises and his arm is in a sling from
his beating by Dâgûlrog. Won't willingly talk, unless plied with drink.
However, he won't ever say anything about Camthalion and if pressed, will
Favoured attack: At range he likes using his 45 OB spear and closer in his
60 OB hand axe. Possible encounter locations: Carn Dûm town, most
probably on the way to the Inn to drink his sorrows. Quotes: "Bastards!
Who? Err, I really can't say" And a few drinks later: "Anywaysh... the boss
'as got this lil' cult and they're gonna be raisin' this spirit or summat' in a
couple of evenings." "The Boss, they all call 'im the Watcher... uh, no I said
too much... bye."


6th Level Dunlending Warrior

Stats: As per p. 147 Angmar Sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range he throws a 90 OB spear every round (taking
the -30 OB penalty per round for shifting equipment) of which he usually
carries 3. Once he's run out he charges in screaming a blood curdling curse
with his 95 OB hand axe keeping back just 25 OB for parrying.


5th Level Easterling Rogue

Stats: As per p. 148 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range he uses his 95 OB composite bow firing every
round, while close in he spins his 90 OB Usriev (acts as either a spear or 2-
H sword) around his head grinning madly and hissing while keeping back
just 20 OB for parrying.

Fortress bad guys


2nd Level Warriors

Stats: As per 'Footmen' p. 150 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range they use their 50 OB short bows, but they are
seldom organised enough to get to use this weapon. Instead they tend to
rush in brandishing their 50 OB broadswords, not bothering to parry and
relying entirely on their shields and armour for protection. Once half their
number is down they will turn and run. If they're backed into a corner they
use their entire OB to parry while screaming for help.

Inner gate trolls

18th Level Sharkai Hill Trolls

Stats: As per p. 151 Angmar sourcebook but replace 175 OB Flail attack
with 175 OB club attack, and add 50 Stalk/Hide and 45 Perception skills.
Favoured attack: 175 OB Club attack. Ouch! Describe just how big and
lethal looking these guys are to the players. If the PCs still decide to go for a
straight fight, it's their own undoing.


Stats: For any of the undead either from the Haunted Middle Ruins or
within the Fortress itself, refer to stats on p. 152 Angmar sourcebook.

Eloeklo, demon of the north wind

Stats: See Northern Wastes sourcebook, p. 170 for stats and p. 62 for
Description: Eloeklo Demon of the North Wind, Master of the Wind-
horde and immortal tyrant of the Northern Waste! Infuriated at being
forcibly summoned, it seeks any opportunity to break free of the ritual that
binds it and attack it's summoner.
Favoured attack: In cloud form he can batter his opponents with a 180
HBa attack. However, he usually prefers to appear in demon form, 'a semi-
transparent horned and fanged demon some three times larger than a Man'
then he can use his 175 OB whip attack which does an 'E' Cold critical with
every successful strike instead of any normal criticals. Eloeklo is blind and
uses senses similar to smell and hearing to find his prey. Each round
Eloeklo must make a Perception roll to be able to see an opponent, his skill
being +30 while in demon form and +10 while in cloud form.
PCs from 'up North' or those who make an appropriate History skill roll
may be aware of this limitation and can effectively hide from Eleoklo with a
successful Stalk/Hide roll. The GM may even wish to demonstrate this to
the players. For example, in the round following an unsuccessful Perception
roll by Eleoklo, have an unlucky NPC (or PC if the GM is feeling cruel) make
a noise, Eleoklo turns and with a crack of It's whip the unfortunate drops to
the floor.
Eleoklo must also make another Perception roll if anything breaks his
concentration such as the utterance of the name 'Elbereth' or contact with a
lit torch.
Finally, all who see Eleoklo in demonic form must resist a 10th Level Fear
spell or run, a fumble could indicate paralysis or even death from a heart
Quotes: [roar, howl... swwwwwish crack] usually followed by a scream and
a thud as a disembowelled body hits the floor.
Boss orc

6th Level Uruk Warriors

Stats: As per 'Trûpalog' p. 151 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range 80 OB thrown spear every round of which he
carries 5, close up 100 OB hand axe keeping back 25 OB for parrying.


4th Level Orc Warriors

Stats: As per 'Sulmog-vrás' p. 151 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range 55 OB thrown spear every round of which they
carry 3, close up 85 OB scimitar keeping back 25 OB for parrying.

Orc slaves

2nd Level Orc Warriors

Stats: As per 'Thopur-dorashk' p. 151 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: At range 20 OB thrown spear every round of which they
carry 2, close up 50 OB scimitar keeping back nothing for parrying.

Orc miners

4th Level Orc Warriors

Stats: As per 'Larag-môsh' p. 150 Angmar sourcebook.
Favoured attack: 75 OB bash keeping back nothing for parrying.

Miscellaneous NPCs
Dumfa the innkeeper

2ndLevel Dunlending Warrior

Stats: As per p. 147 Angmar sourcebook.
Description: A friendly soul though aware of the stark reality of working
in such a challenging environment.
Only encounter location: Temple Inn.
Quotes: "Tis a hard life now, but things can only get easier." "A top up sir?"
"Alf a silver per night includin' brekkie and insurance." "Insurance? Well,
'gainst bein' burgled. Everyone pays it, best to really."

Konihrabn the 'fur trapper'

9th Level Angmarean Scout
Stats: See Northern Wastes sourcebook, description on p. 68 and stats on
p. 170, except for the following corrections and changes.
Description: Konihrabn is a very loyal servant of Mûrazôr, Witch King
and Leader of the Nazgûl. He has come to Carn Dûm disguised as a fur
trapper to look into rumours that a powerful magical artefact has come into
the Watcher's possession. He suspects that the Watcher might be thinking
about hanging on to the item rather than informing the Dark Lord.
He has a +25 Black Mithril Short sword, which gives him a total 117 OB (92
natural, +25 magical). He also carries a small +20 target shield to give a
total 55/45 melee/missile DB (15 natural, +20/10 shield, +20 magical).
Favoured attack: 117 OB short sword keeping back 80 OB for parrying until
he's sure he can make a killing strike. Possible encounter locations:
Anywhere in Carn Dûm town.
Quotes: "Shhh... sleep long and silent my friend [removes blade from
victim's ribcage]" Doesn't talk much. "Don't trust them Rangers, nothing
but horse thieves and bandits."

The dwarvish masons

Their leader Jari is a 4th Level Dwarven Warrior. The other three Mim,
Nothri and Farin are 3rd Level Dwarven Warriors.
Possible encounter locations: Sitting in a corner of the Temple Inn, in
Carn Dûm town or wandering around town heads down under their hoods.
Quotes: If you're not a dwarf: "[silence]" If you are a dwarf: "Cousin, it's
been a long while. Sit down and tell us your story."

5th Level Northman Rangers

Description: They could possibly come to rescue the PCs if they were
losing a fight in the Warrens with the Orcs. Or D3+1 Rangers could be
persuaded to accompany the PCs into the Warrens to recover the palantír, if
they were persuaded that it really exists.
Possible encounter locations: D6 + 3 in the Ranger Ruins, or D3 + 1
either outside Carn Dûm or in town.
Quotes: "These ruins are our home. I can see you are good people, so you
would do well to leave now and tell no-one of what you have seen." "You
want to get in where? Why?" "A palantír, mmm, highly unlikely."

Dûmra the cruel easterling

7th Level Easterling Warrior

Stats: See Angmar sourcebook, description on p. 82 and stats on p. 148.
Description: He rides a stout Easterling pony and carries an Usriev.
Behind him he pulls Pug the Orcish slave on an iron chain.
Possible encounter locations: In town, most likely in or around the
Inn. Quotes: To Pug, his Orc slave (see below): "Stupid cave pig! [thwack]
You bring me back bad luck again! [thwack]" "Mmm, you wanna wager on
that?" "[drunken hic] What you [hic] starin' at... huh?"

Pug the pitiful orcish slave

4th Level Orc Warrior

Stats: As per 'Larag-môsh' p. 151 Angmar sourcebook, but without any
armour or weapons.
Description: Pug originally comes from Carn Dûm where he used to work
as a miner in the caves and secretly yearns to go back there, willing to
bargain with PCs to lead them into the tunnels in exchange for it's freedom
but once in the tunnels will escape at the first opportunity. Possible
encounter locations: See the 'Pug the Pitiful' Encounter.
Quotes: "It is sorry for me..." "1-2-3 counts me fingers an' toes 'as been
broken." "Naughty Master, beats me 'e does. Done nuffin' wrong. Shows 'im
'is way, watches 'im at night we' me' good eyes, still 'e beats me." "[whimper]
Sore head now, can't be sleepin' tonight now. Says I bring bad luck on 'im
last night: but 'e is gamblin' 'is own luck away." "Vury close to home now,
can smells it, wishes could be going back there."

Melee Missile
Name Level Hits AT DB Sh Gr MovM
Average 1 34 No 0 N N 43ha 28sb +10
Mixed Blood Each has between +50 and +80 in a skill associated
with their trade.
Dumfa see Angmar sourcebook p.147
Gundric 3 60 No +15 N N 69bs 49sb +15
Northman Warrior Eldest son of the seamstress Rosamunda, 17 years
old and eager to avenge the death of his father and uncles. Owns a
rusty old broadsword, a battered short bow and 10 arrows.
Surprisingly skilled for someone so young. Spends most of his spare
time practising his sword skills.
Bouncers as per 'Footmen' p. 150 Angmar sourcebook
Dwarvish masons
Jari 4 70 Ch 45 Y10 A/L 80wh 59xb 5
Dwarven Warrior
Mim, Nothri 3 60 Ch 30 Y -/L 60wh 50xb 0
and Farin
Dwarven Warrior
Each has skills associated with trade varying between +50 and +80
in Disarm Traps, Pick Lock and Stone Masonry.
The watchful rangers
Flamgar the 8 95 RL 60 Y5 N 105bs 95cp 20
Dúnedain Ranger Flamgar is a full blood Dúnedain and loyal Ranger
allied with the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. He knows many
languages, including Westron, Sindarin, Labba and Dunael. He
knows 4 Ranger spell lists and wears an eresselen hidden beneath the
fold of his cloak.
Rangers 5 85 RL 40 Y5 N 80bs 85cp 10
Northman Ranger
Each Ranger knows 2 Ranger lists to 5th level.

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