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Unit Test 5 | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the text with the words and phrases from

the box. There are three extra words.
1 [Track 06] You are going to hear an interview with
a woman called Anna Hope talking about finding career move come up deadline overconfident
work. Decide whether the sentences are true (T) rewarding self-employed salary temporary
or false (F). unemployed

1 Anna uses a recruitment agency to After college I decided to go abroad for a while – I did a bit
employ people for her company. of teaching and some travel writing. Now that I’m back I’m
planning my latest 0 career move and thinking about how
2 According to Anna, work experience is
I’m going to pay off my student loan. What I need is
not the most important thing when
something that will be creative, engaging and provide a high
looking for a job. 1 ___________ to keep me (and my parents) happy. I know
3 Anna says that internships often lead
that whatever I choose to do, I’ll be a really good employee.
to the offer of a permanent position
I work hard, and I’ve got some great ideas. Dad says I need
with the same company.
to be careful in interviews because when you are
4 Anna doesn’t understand why so few 2 ___________, it puts a lot of employers off. But I think it’s
students work during term time.
important to show a business how much they need you,
5 Emma wants to work for the magazine
right? Anyway, I’ve been working on my social media
where she did her internship.
presence too, because I reckon lots of businesses are
___ / 5
interested in that nowadays. I’ve already 3 ___________
with some great ideas for my blog, and I’ll soon be posting
VOCABULARY some articles about my experiences abroad. There’s a job
2 Choose the correct option A–C to complete the at a travel magazine in London that looks pretty good. The
4 ___________ for applications is on Monday, so I need to
get going with my CV and a covering letter. It’s only a
0 I’m not sure that she’s ___ enough to do the job – let’s 5 ___________ job though – hopefully something
wait a few years. permanent will come along soon!
A curious B efficient C mature
1 Mark’s not very happy on his university course. He says ___ / 5
he’s going to drop ___.
A in B off C out GRAMMAR
2 Why don’t you get a ___-time job while you study? You
4 Complete these mini-dialogues with the correct form
could work at the weekends.
of the verbs in brackets. Use will, the Present Simple
A full B part C short
or Present Continuous.
3 People think computers will do all the ___ collar jobs,
with low skills. A: Can you help me with my homework? I 0 ‘ll buy (buy)
A blue B true C white you a coffee!
4 You’re doing a presentation on Monday – you can’t put B: Sorry, I can’t. I 1 __________________ (go) to volleyball
___ preparing for it! practice this afternoon.
A on B off C with
5 There aren’t too many ___ opportunities available at the A: Please hurry up! The bus 2 __________________
moment. (leave) at 7.
A career B admission C working B: 7? I 3 __________________ (meet) Tessa at 7. I thought
___ / 5 you said we were going at 9.

A: We 4 __________________ (have) dinner with Gran and

Grandad tonight, right?
B: I’m sorry, they are really busy. I don’t think they
5 __________________ (come) today.

___ / 5

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5 Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. 7 Complete the second sentence using the word in
bold so that it means the same as the first one. Do
0 Sorry, I can’t meet you tomorrow morning, I’ll
not change the word in bold. Use no more than five
have played / be playing in a football match.
words including the word in bold.
1 For the next couple of weeks, you’ll be working /
have worked for me. 0 We didn’t work as hard as the other students.
2 There’s not enough time to get to the station, we BEHIND
are going to / will be late. We fell behind everyone else in the class.
3 I’ll be waiting / have waited for you outside the exam hall 1 I’m not sure I’m going to pass this exam.
– good luck! THINK
4 Will you be finishing / have finished reading that book by I ________________________ pass this exam.
Monday? 2 It’s not easy speaking to large groups for me.
5 They’ll have had / be having enough of studying FIND
astrophysics by the end of term. I ________________________ to large groups.
___ / 5 3 The exam ends quite soon.
The exam ________________________ end.
4 She is a good worker when there’s a bit of pressure.
6 Complete the text with the correct form of the words WELL
in the box. There is one extra word. She ________________________ pressure.
careful determine patient make employ repeat 5 He needs to work a lot harder if you ask me.
sense PULL
He needs ________________________ if you ask me.
___ / 5
It’s not easy finding the right kind of job these days. You
have to think really 0 carefully about what you want to do,
where you want to do it, and whether people will be doing READING
the job in a few years’ time. There are more and more jobs 8 Read the article. For questions 1–5, choose from
that computers are going to do. I think youth paragraphs A–D. You may choose the paragraphs
1 ____________ might rise because of that. To be honest,
more than once.
I think that the most 2 ____________ option is to try and get
a creative job that a computer can’t possibly do. Actually, Artificial Intelligence and the future of
I’m really 3 ____________ to go to art college. As well as education
being artistic, I’m quite inventive too. I’m thinking about A
setting up my own design studio in the future. In a few Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more common in
years’ time, I hope I 4 ____________ my own jewellery and every area of our lives. But what is the likely effect in the
things like that. I want a job that changes all the time, I don’t classroom? Are we going to see the end of teaching as we
want to do something that’s just dull and 5 ____________. know it? Anyone who’s been in a classroom recently knows
___ / 5 that technology already plays a big role in education. A
range of systems have allowed students to access online
learning platforms. These platforms deliver teaching
material outside the traditional classroom. This means that
greater numbers of students can share a learning space
even when they are in very different locations. The
technological revolution seems to be here!
Most school students are very familiar with operating
technology and working with AI systems in their leisure time.
The majority of us would agree that children and teenagers
know more about technology than most adults. We also
know that understanding how to interact with AI systems is
going to be important for future employment. According to
recent reports, by 2055 around 50% of our jobs will have
been taken over by AI systems and robots. In many ways,
this seems to be a key skill in the 21st century. On top of
this, because AI systems can easily access large amounts
of information quickly, you might think that they offer the
perfect solution for education. But the fact is students don’t
always respond to AI teaching resources.

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So, why is that? Well, one answer to this puzzle is what
computers can’t do. An important aspect of learning is
observing and imitating – human beings learn best with
other human beings. When we perform an action and when
we see someone else perform the same action, mirror
neurons in our brain respond equally. Mirror neurons are
a type of brain cells that play an important role in
human learning. If students are asked to learn from
teachers, the mirroring takes place. If students are asked to
learn from an AI system, this mirroring doesn’t happen.
Besides, teachers have skills and values that are uniquely
human. Computers are capable of levels of calculations we
could only dream of achieving with our minds alone. But
when a human teacher is able to show the benefits of
learning something, learners are more likely to be inspired
to work harder and make progress.
Another key feature of learning is empathy – understanding
how someone feels in a particular situation. When a student
loses focus, and doesn’t seem interested in what’s
happening in class, a teacher can read body language,
appearance and attitude to work out their emotional state.
Some AI systems that are being used with classroom robots
can do this too, but they find it difficult to understand the
needs or emotions communicated by a full classroom. Any
human teacher uses emotional information every day to
decide whether there is a reason to be worried, or not. They
look at how students usually respond; what is happening at
home, how students are relating to each other in the
classroom. For most AI systems, this level of understanding
is difficult. And despite progress, developers can’t imagine it
happening soon.

In which paragraph does the writer mention

1 a way that AI fails to match a human teacher’s caring
role? ___
2 the fact that students can be taught, but can’t truly learn
from AI? ___
3 a common belief about young people and technology?
4 ways of using technology to reach more people? ___
5 the influence of new technologies on working life? ___
___ / 5

9 Do the exam task.

W czasie kolejnych wakacji chcesz zdobyć pierwsze

doświadczenie zawodowe. Napisz list do organizacji, która
oferuje letnie praktyki dla nastolatków. W liście przedstaw
się, opisując swoje umiejętności, oraz wyjaśnij i uzasadnij,
jaki rodzaj pracy cię interesuje.

Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać

wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.

___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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