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Task 1.

Patrick’s CV
a) Read his CV and complete it with the following blocks.
Additional Information:
One of my main interests is writing short stories for children. I have two
books published with ‘Angling Publications’.
During my studying at the University I organized courses of creative writing
for High Storrs School, Sheffield

Prof Mary Wheeler - Photography, literature, writing short stories

Dept of Education, University of Sheffield

Work Experience:
1. Product Copywriter
Writing promotional materials for company products (June 2012 – May 2013)
2. Freelance journalist
Interviews, writing articles on social issues (April 2013 – May 2015)

Personal Statement:
A highly motivated, creative graduate of the University of Sheffield with
excellent leadership qualities and able to work in a team. I am looking for
journalist position where I can use my strong written communication and
influencing skills.
1. Languages: French (Fluent), German (Basic)
2. Driving license
3. Computing: MS Office, InDesign
Tapton Secondary School
3 A-levels
Literature (A), French (A), History (B)
University of Sheffield
BA (Hons) Journalism Studies
b) Ask and answer some questions about Patrick with a partner
1. His name is Patrick Spencer.
2. He can use his strong written communication and influencing skills.
3. Photography, literature, writing short stories.
4. He lives on 36 Montgovern Road Carterknowle Sheffield S72EE.
5. One of his main interests is writing short stories for children.
6. I do not know his age.
7. Product Copywriter
Writing promotional materials for company products (June 2012 – May 2013)
Freelance journalist
Interviews, writing articles on social issues (April 2013 – May 2015)
8. Writing short stories for children.
9. Literature (A), French (A), History (B).
Task 2. Read the advertisement and say why Patrick should/shouldn’t apply for
this position.
Patrick should not apply if he does not meet the essential requirements listed,
such as excellent English writing skills and an eye for design. Applying without
these skills would likely result in his application being disregarded. Additionally,
if he does not have valid EU/UK working rights, he would not be eligible for the
Task 3. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Comment on your
1. False: The advertisement does not specify that the candidate must know
two foreign languages.
2. False: The advertisement does not mention that only UK citizens may
apply. It states that candidates must have valid EU/UK working rights,
which means individuals with the legal right to work in the EU or UK can

3. False: The advertisement states that this is a full-time position, not a part-
time job.
4. False: The advertisement mentions one day a week of home working.
5. True: The advertisement provides two options for applying: sending a CV
and cover letter to the specified email address or clicking the 'apply online'
6. False: The application deadline is mentioned as Friday 10th April, not the
end of May.
7. True: The advertisement specifies that candidates need to send a CV and
cover letter to apply for this position.
Task 4. Explain meaning of the above-mentioned abbreviations in your native
1. CV: Curriculum Vitae (Latin for "course of life") - In many English-speaking
countries, CV is used interchangeably with "resume."
2. EU: European Union - A political and economic union of 27 European
countries that are located primarily in Europe.
3. UK: United Kingdom - A country located off the northwestern coast of
mainland Europe.
4. DoE: Depending on Experience - This abbreviation is often used in job
postings to indicate that the salary for the position will be determined
based on the candidate's experience and qualifications.
5. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions - A list of common questions and
answers on a particular topic, designed to provide quick information to
Task 5. Read the following job advertisements. Explain details.
1. Office manager. No experience. Required. I will train. 40 hours a week.
Monday through Friday. From 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. Salary $10 per hour.
Apply As Soon As Possible.
2. Full-Time employment. Experience. Required. High School diploma required.
Health insurance. Included. Salary Depending on Experience. Apply in
person from 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. 32 Rolton Street.

3. Part-Time employment Driver. Minimum 3 years of experience. Must work
afternoon and evening. Insurance and other benefits. Provided. Salary £800
per month. Call Mr. Mervin 555-1294.
Task 6. Make up your own job advertisements using abbreviations.
Graphic Designer Position at Creative Studios Creative Studios is looking for a
skilled Graphic Designer with expertise in Adobe Creative Suite. Create visually
appealing designs for print and digital media. Part-time role, 20 hours/week.
Competitive hourly rate. Portfolio required. Email your resume and portfolio link
to Closing date: 25th Nov.
Task 7. Patrick has decided to apply for the position of assistant editor in
‘LifeStyle’ and prepared a covering letter. Read the letter and fill it with the
missing phrases.
a) am applying for the post of
b) obtained a BA degree
c) considerable experience
d) were satisfied with my results
e) I took part in several literary contests
f) Besides journalistics
g) find my CV attached
h) look forward
i) sincerely
Task 8. Read the text below and choose the best option from: A, B, C, or D.
1. A) gained
2. B) important
3. A) researched
4. B) imagine
5. A) show
6. D) predict
7. C) interests
8. C) great
9. B) interviewer
10. D) only
b) Make a list of useful tips for a successful job interview.
1. Research the Company: Learn about the company's values, culture,
products/services, and recent news. This knowledge will demonstrate your
genuine interest during the interview.
2. Understand the Job Description: Familiarize yourself with the job
requirements and expectations. Be prepared to explain how your skills and
experiences align with the position.
3. Practice Common Interview Questions: Prepare answers for common
questions such as "Tell me about yourself," "What are your strengths and
weaknesses?" and "Why should we hire you?" Practice with a friend or in
front of a mirror to gain confidence.
4. Prepare Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer.
This demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and company.
Questions could be about the team, company culture, or future projects.
5. Dress Appropriately: Choose professional attire that suits the company's
dress code. When in doubt, it's better to be slightly overdressed than
6. Arrive on Time: Punctuality is crucial. Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early.
This shows respect for the interviewer's time.
7. Body Language: Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and offer a firm
handshake. Positive body language can convey confidence and
8. Be Positive: Stay positive and enthusiastic throughout the interview. Avoid
negative comments about previous employers or experiences.
9. Highlight Achievements: Discuss specific achievements and experiences
that demonstrate your skills and qualifications for the job. Use the STAR
method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers.
10. Follow Up: Send a thank-you email or note within 24 hours
expressing gratitude for the opportunity. Restate your interest in the
position and briefly mention a point from the interview to reinforce your
suitability for the role.
11. Stay Calm: Interview nerves are natural, but try to stay calm and
composed. Take a moment to collect your thoughts before answering
challenging questions.
12. Adaptability: Be ready to adapt your responses based on the
interviewer's style and the questions asked. Tailor your answers to
highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the position.
Task 9. During the job interview Patrick was asked some questions. Translate
the questions into English and find suitable response for every question.
Translated Questions and Responses:
1. Question: Why did you choose our company? Response: D. Because I think
I will find the work environment both challenging and rewarding.
2. Question: What are your strengths and weaknesses? Response: C. I have
excellent time management, but I can be impatient for results.
3. Question: How would your friends describe you? Response: A. People say
I’m sociable, organized, and decisive.
4. Question: What is your most significant achievement? Response: F. First of
all, I used to be the editor of our school newspaper. Also, I won the
Literary competition twice.
5. Question: How well do you work in a team? Response: E. I always support
my colleagues and believe we should work towards a common goal.
6. Question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Response: B. My aim is to
have a position in the Management Team.
7. Question: Have you ever been to France? Response: H. Yes, I have. I
studied there for six months. I lived in Marcel.
8. Question: Do you speak foreign languages? Response: G. Yes. I speak
French fluently, and I know a bit of German.
Task 10. Talking about the workplace. Steven Jones explains Patrick the working
conditions at ‘LifeStyle’.
Fill in the missing vowels. "Our working hours are 38 hours per week. We offer
flexitime, with our core time between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. After a six-month trial
period, your wage increases by 1.5 per cent a year. Up to ten hours of overtime
are compensated with time off in lieu (TOIL). Our benefits include a private
medical insurance scheme. Employees receive low-cost warm and cold meals in
our company canteen. The company car park is available free of charge. If you
use public transport, the firm pays half of your monthly pass."
Task 11. Sending a follow-up. Patrick writes a follow-up email to ‘LifeStyle’.
Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs from the box.
Thank you for talking with me about the position of assistant editor. I would like
to a) confirm my strong interest in joining the team at ‘LifeStyle’ magazine. I b)
impressed the friendly welcome and was c) impressed with your plans for
opening a new office in France. As I d) mentioned yesterday, with my
experience and relevant skills, I am sure I can e) contribute towards managing
your office efficiently. I feel that my foreign-language skills can help you to f)
implement your European strategy. I g) look forward to hearing from you.
Please h) contact me if you would like any further information.
Task 12. Read the text about modern trends in applying for a job. Choose from
(A–H) the one which best fits each space (1–6). There are two choices you do
not need to use.
1. G. are advertising for positions online.
2. H. are often asked to do some work-related tasks.
3. D. to get an impression of their personality and professionalism.
4. E. people should put their achievements on their CVs.
5. C. a very specific type of person.
6. B. online in blogs, social networks or personal web-pages.
Task 14. Try to answer any of the weird questions from the text.
1. Room, desk, or car – which do you clean first?
Response: I would clean the room first because it is usually the space where
guests are welcomed and it creates a more positive impression.
2. Name five uses of a stapler without staples.
Response: A stapler without staples can be used as a makeshift paperweight, a
tool to create indentations on paper, a bookmark, a holder for small items like
paperclips, and a decorative desk accessory.
3. How would you get an elephant into a refrigerator?
Response: I would get the elephant into the refrigerator by breaking down the
task into smaller steps. First, I would open the refrigerator door, then entice the
elephant with food, and gently guide it inside using positive reinforcement
4. How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30 pm on a
Response: It is impossible to provide an accurate number without access to real-
time data and specific analytics tools. However, I could estimate the number
based on San Francisco's population, internet usage statistics, and Facebook's
overall user base.
5. How would you cure world hunger?
Response: To address world hunger, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. This
includes investing in sustainable agriculture, providing education and resources
to farmers, promoting food distribution efficiency, reducing food waste, and
supporting global initiatives for hunger relief. Collaboration between
governments, organizations, and communities is essential.
6. If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be? Why?
Response: I would be Microsoft Excel. Like Excel, I am organized, detail-oriented,
and adept at managing complex tasks. I believe in efficiently structuring
information and solving problems, just as Excel does with data.
7. Pepsi or Coke?
Response: Personally, I don't have a preference for Pepsi or Coke. However, I
understand the significance of branding and market competition. Both
companies have unique marketing strategies and target different consumer
8. Describe the color yellow to somebody who’s blind.
Response: Yellow is often associated with warmth and brightness. It is the color
of sunshine and happiness. Imagine the feeling of warmth on your skin on a
sunny day; that's similar to the sensation of yellow. It's a color that radiates
positivity and energy.
9. Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and Batman?

Response: The outcome of this fictional battle would depend on various factors
such as the context of the fight, their environment, and the creative direction of
the writers. Both Spiderman and Batman have unique strengths and abilities,
making it an interesting and unpredictable matchup.
Task 15. Do your own research.
1. "If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be and why?"
2. "If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how
would you use it in this job?"
3. "If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be and how would you
contribute to the office environment?"
4. "If you were to write a book about your life, what would the title be, and
what genre would it belong to?"
5. "If you could time travel, which era would you visit, and what skills or
knowledge from that time period would you bring back to the present?"
6. "If you were organizing a dinner party and could invite any three people,
dead or alive, who would you invite and why?"
Task 16. Complete the text with the words from the box.
A few weeks ago, I saw an advert in a newspaper for a job that I really
wanted. I filled out the application form, wrote my CV, and sent everything off
in the post. A few days later, I received an email to invite me for an interview. I
was so excited, but very nervous. I wanted to look really smart for the interview.
I wore a smart suit with a white shirt and my black shiny shoes. I wanted to
make a good impression. At the interview, they asked me lots of questions. They
asked me about my previous work experience and skills that I’ve got for the job.
I also had to fill out some paperwork. I was well prepared, so I think it went well.
Afterwards, the interviewers shook my hand and said, “We’ll be in touch.” I
have sent them a follow-up letter and now I am looking forward to hearing from
Task 17. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions
someone could ask you in a job interview.
1. Good afternoon, nice to meet you.
2. Thank you for coming today. We'll be in touch.
3. Have you got any questions?
4. Can you please tell us about your previous work experience?

5. Do you work well in a team?
6. When could you start?
7. Why do you want this job?
8. We would like to ask you a few questions.
9. What skills have you got that would help you in this job?
10. You'll get 10.50 per hour and work Wednesdays to Sundays.
11. What are your strengths and weaknesses?


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