Lesson 12 Unit 2

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Daily Lesson Plan

Lesson: 12 ( Listening 4) Week: 4 Day : Tuesday Date: 2 April, 2024

Time : 9.30 am – 11.00am Class : 4 MALLIGAI Subject : English language
Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends Topic : MODULE 2 : MY WEEK
Expressing likes and skills(Present tense) eg: I like / love……I m good at
Language Focus :
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content Standard: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target
familiar contexts language sounds
Learning standard: 1.2.2 Understand with support specific 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with
information and details of longer simple support a wide range of target language
texts phonemes
3.6 Pupils will be able to interpret data using visual methods such as models,
stimulations and flow chart.
1) By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to listen to a song
2) By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to talk about school subject
Teaching aids Textbook, flashcards, worksheets
CCE : Language HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Task 21 CL : Round Table
1.Teacher sticks the flashcards of Art,Music,PE,Maths on the whiteboard.
2.Pupils read the phrases aloud.
Pre Lesson
3.Pupils talk about their favourite subject and give their reasons.
1.Introduce the subjects vocabulary using the flashcards and ask pupils to raise their
hands to say if they like or good at a subject.
2.Teacher plays an audio,pupils listen and point to the words
Lesson 3.Teacher calls the pupils randomly,and ask them to point and repeat the words.
Development 4.Direct pupils attention to the pictures page 15.
5.Teacher asks some pupils what subjects that they are good and not depicted.
6.Pupils are divided into groups,pupils listen to a song and matches the verses to the
corresponding pictures.
1.In pairs,pupils talk about their favourite subjects
Post Lesson 2.Pupils complete the table given in page 15.
3.Pupils discuss the answers in round table.( Round Table)
Assessment Task

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