Question Bank Unit 3 & 4

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Priyadarshini college of Engineering, Nagpur

First Year-2nd SEM

Question Bank Unit 3,4
Subject ECMP

1. Explain Logical Instruction set in 8085 with any three examples.

2. Explain the following Instructions of 8085 with example-
MOV B ,M b) LXI B,100 H , c)STA 9100 H
3. Explain the data transfer instruction using an example
4. Develop an ALP to add two 8 bit data stored in memory at location 6000 and
6001, Store the result in 6002 and 6003.
5. Sketch neat diagram to Interface 2kx8 ROM IC with 8085 with an starting
address of AB00H.
6. Explain the basic concepts in the memory interfacing and What is interfacing?
7. Interface 7-Segment LED Display with 8085
8. Differentiate between memory-mapped I/O and I/O-mapped I/O schemes.

9. Explain the different Data Transfer Instructions in 8085 with one Example of

10.Differentiate between the following:

a) Hardware & software Interrupts
b) Maskable & Non-Maskable Interrupts.

11. Differentiate between Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.
12. Explain the Concept of Address decoding.

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