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CS5376: Communication Networks

Fall 2022

Takehome Quiz #4 Solution

• Name only: ____________________________________

• Release date: Nov 18th, 2022 (Friday)
• Due date: Nov 28th, 2022 (Monday) at the beginning of class
o For distance learning students, please send your homework to TA by email, Mahfuzur Rahman
• Type (1) your FULL name only and (2) STAPLE if you turn in multiple papers.
• It should be done INDIVIDUALLY; Show ALL your work; Refer reference books (i.e., Computer
Networking – A Top-Down Approach)
• Total 5 points

1. Suppose that there is a measured SampleRTT value, 106 ms. Compute the EstimatedRTT after
this SampleRTT value is obtained, using a value of alpha = 0.125 and assuming that the value of
EstimatedRTT was 100 ms just before this sample was obtained. Compute also the DevRTT after this
sample is obtained, assuming a value of beta = 0.25 and assuming the value of DevRTT was 5 ms just
before this sample was obtained. Last, compute the TCP TimeoutInterval after this sample is
obtained. Refer to followings. Show all your work.

EstimatedRTT = (1-alpha) * EstimatedRTT + alpha * SampleRTT

DevRTT = (1- beta) * DevRTT + beta * | SampleRTT - EstimatedRTT |
TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT + 4 * DevRTT
[1 pt]

• After obtaining first SampleRTT 106ms:

• EstimatedRTT = 0.875 * 100 + 0.125 * 106 = 100.75 ms
• DevRTT = 0.75*5 + 0.25 * | 106 - 100 | = 5.25ms
• TimeoutInterval = 100.75 + 4*5.25 = 121.75 ms

2. Consider an audio conference call in Skype with N > 2 participants. Suppose each participant generates
a constant stream of rate r bps. (i) How many bits per second will the call initiator need to send? (ii) How
many bits per second will each of the other N – 1 participants need to send? (iii) What is the total send
rate, aggregated over all participants? Show all your work.
[2 pts]

• Each of the other N - 1 participants sends a single audio stream of rate r bps to the initiator. The
initiator combines this stream with its own outgoing stream to create a stream of rate r. It then
sends a copy of the combined stream to each of the N -1 other participants. The call initiator
therefore sends at a total rate of (N-1)r bps, and the total rate aggregated over all participants is
2(N-1)r bps.

3. Suppose you purchase a wireless router and connect it to your cable modem. Also suppose that your
ISP dynamically assigns your connected device (that is, your wireless router) one IP address. Also suppose
that you have five PCs at home that use 802.11 to wirelessly connect to y our wireless router. How are
IP addresses assigned to the five PCs? Does the wireless router use NAT? Why or why not?
[2 pts]

• Typically the wireless router includes a DHCP server. DHCP is used to assign IP addresses to
the 5 PCs and to the router interface. Yes, the wireless router also uses NAT as it obtains only
one IP address from the ISP.

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