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Part 1
Trả lời 03 câu hỏi sau (30s/mỗi câu hỏi)

1. Tell me about your job?

Now, I'm an auditor. I work at Deloitte. My main responsibility is to
communicate with the customer to obtain the documentation, audit
evidence. Then, I and members of my team discuss together to expose
the conclusion about the financial statement whether it disclose true
and fairly. I love my job very much because it helps me to improve my
value every day.

2. Please tell me about a famous place in your country?

I was born in Vinh Phuc province. There are many beautiful places
such as Tay Thien, Dai Lai... But the best famous place is Tam Dao. It's
about 30 kilometers far away from the center town. The air is really
fresh. There are many delicious foods. At the weekend, you can go to
the Tam Dao with your family or your friends. You can throw a
barbecue party. In conclusion, I think everyone should go to visit Tam
Dao at least one.

3. What sport do you like?

Well, to be honest, I am not a good sports player but I am a big fan of
badminton. I often play badminton with my sister and my father in the
afternoon. After playing badminton, i fell really comfortable and full of
energy since badminton helps me reduce stress and keep myself
healthy. Almost every member in my family is interested in this sport.

Anna Mai
0917.154.428 Group tài liệu free: HỘI ÔN THI APTIS & VSTEP


Part 2
Miêu tả bức ảnh

Anna Mai

The main focus of the picture is an Indian family relaxing on a light

brown sofa. In the middle sits the mother, dressed in a red top, with her
son in an orange shirt to her left, and her husband in a white shirt to her
right, holding their little daughter on his lap.

The mother has a laptop resting on a cushion on her lap, making it easy
for the family to engage with each other. Their expressions show interest
in whatever is on the laptop screen, suggesting they might be browsing
for entertainment or perhaps sharing their children's academic

The overall atmosphere seems warm and joyful, highlighting the bond
within the family and the importance of spending quality time together.
Their smiles reflect the satisfaction and happiness of this meaningful
family moment.

Anna Mai
0917.154.428 Group tài liệu free: HỘI ÔN THI APTIS & VSTEP

Part 3
So sánh 2 bức ảnh, lợi ích của từng môn thể thao trong ảnh

Anna Mai Anna Mai

0917.154.428 0917.154.428

The left-hand image portrays a fervent soccer match where players from the
blue team are seen closely marking an opponent who is deftly maneuvering the
ball. This scene vividly captures the palpable tension and fierce competition
inherent in such sporting events. The players' intense focus on their adversary
signifies the high stakes involved, with each team vying for supremacy on the
field. Moreover, the spectators in the stands, depicted as eagerly anticipating a
potential goal, underscore the emotional investment and collective spirit
surrounding the game. The unity among teammates, as they strategically
position themselves to support one another, further accentuates the
camaraderie and teamwork essential in soccer.

In contrast, the right-hand image presents a starkly different ambiance,

featuring a solitary figure effortlessly hurdling over an obstacle. Here, the
emphasis shifts from team dynamics to individual prowess and agility in
physical performance. The man's poised leap conveys a sense of fluidity and
freedom, highlighting the sheer athleticism and skill required to navigate such
challenges. His unassuming attire and the deliberate use of sunglasses to shield
his eyes from the sun's glare suggest a personal quest for excellence.

Overall, while the soccer match epitomizes collective effort and intense
competition, the hurdler's image symbolizes individual excellence and the
pursuit of personal challenges. Each image captures a distinct facet of
sportsmanship and athleticism, showcasing the diverse experiences and
motivations inherent in sporting endeavors.

Anna Mai
0917.154.428 Group tài liệu free: HỘI ÔN THI APTIS & VSTEP


Part 4
A time when you encountered an impressive work of art. Do you
believe that creativity plays a crucial role in its creation?

In my life, I've had the opportunity to visit several remarkable artworks in

various museums. Each of these artworks holds a special place in my heart.
Today, I'd like to share with you my most unforgettable art museum experience.

If I recall correctly, this memorable event took place about four months ago. I
was accompanied by a group of my close friends, namely Nam, Tuan, and Hung.
We were all in the same college class and had developed a strong bond. During
a holiday break, we decided to explore an art museum in Nam's hometown,
which is located in Bac Giang province. Nam had informed us that this museum
housed many renowned paintings crafted by leading Vietnamese artists.
Fortunately, the museum was conveniently located near Nam's house, so we
decided to pay it a visit after spending time with his parents.

The moment I stepped into the museum, I was immediately captivated by the
largest painting on display, titled "Country." The artwork depicted a tranquil
scene of a Vietnamese village with hardworking farmers at its center. In the
background, there was a portrayal of Vietnam's beloved leader, Uncle Ho,
standing with a warm and welcoming smile. I spent nearly an hour gazing at
this masterpiece, and during that time, I felt a deep sense of love and
admiration for my homeland.

Reflecting upon that day when I encountered this incredible artwork, I can't
help but feel a profound sense of happiness. I am certain that this experience
will remain etched in my memory forever.

Anna Mai
0917.154.428 Group tài liệu free: HỘI ÔN THI APTIS & VSTEP

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