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;Assignment no.

: 5
;Rollno. : B-79
;Name : Vaishnavi Goraksh Kaware

; uP- Assigment no-1 Write a Program to calculate number of -ve and +ve elements from
the array.

section .data
array dd 12345678h,87654321h,90ABCDEFh,3A4B5C6Dh,0ABCDEF10h

msg1 db 10,'Total -ve numbers are:'

msg1len equ $-msg1

msg2 db 10,'Total +ve numbers are:'

msg2len equ $-msg2

section .bss
poscnt resb 1 ; resb is pseudo instruction for reserve the a
byte for buffer
negcnt resb 1

dispbuff resb 2 ;unintialized space

%macro disp 2 ; macro to display msg, 2 is parameter

mov eax,4 ; system call to write
mov ebx,1 ; system call to display
mov ecx,%1 ; system call to pass the ist parameter msg
mov edx,%2 ; system call to pass the 2nd parameter msg
int 80h ; interrupt call to terminate the program
%endmacro ; end of macro

section .text

global _start
mov esi,array ;move content of array into stack index
mov ecx,5 ;total no.of numbers
next: mov eax,dword[esi] ;move first element of stack index into eax
bt eax,31 ;to check whether given msb is 0 or 1 ( bit Test)
jc neg_num ;if carry generated -ve number otherwise it is

mov al,[poscnt] ;start given no. is positive count

inc al ;for inrementation
mov [poscnt],al ;for storage

jmp down

neg_num:mov al,[negcnt] ;start given no. is negative count

inc al ;incrementation
mov [negcnt],al ;for storage

down: add esi,4 ;add remaining numbers into stack index

loop next

disp msg1,msg1len ;display negative number and length of

negative number
mov bl,[negcnt] ;move value of negative number into bl register

call hextoascii ;ASCII Convert

disp msg2,msg2len ;display positive number and length of positive

mov bl,[poscnt] ; move value of positive number into bl register

call hextoascii ;ASCII Convert

mov eax,1
mov ebx,0 ;Exit from program
int 80h ;Interrupt call FOR EXIT

hextoascii: ; procedure name to convert Hex to ASCII

mov edi,dispbuff ;move content of Disp Buffer into destination
index register
mov ecx,2 ; for +ve number and negative number

again: rol bl,4;rotate left 4 numbers

mov dl,bl ;move content of bl register into al register
and dl,0Fh ;for Anding(Multiplication purpose)
add dl,30h ; use for showing given number is Hex number
cmp dl,39h ;for compare whether given given number gre
than or equal to 9
jle dont_add ;if less than or equal to 9 dont add
add dl,7 ;if sum is greter than equal to 9 add
dont_add: mov [edi],dl ;move content of dl into value of edi
loop again
disp dispbuff,2

[Admin@localhost ~]$ nasm -f elf64 MPL5.asm

[Admin@localhost ~]$ ld -o MPL5 MPL5.o
[Admin@localhost ~]$ ./MPL5

Total -ve numbers are:3

Total +ve numbers are:2[Admin@localhost ~]$

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