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;Assignment no.

: 2

;Rollno. : B-79

;Name : Vaishnavi Goraksh Kaware

;Write an ALP to accept a string and to display it's length.

section .data

msg db 'Enter String:',10

msgLen:equ $-msg

msg2 db 'You entered:'

msg2len:equ $-msg2

msg3 db 'Your string size:'

msg3len:equ $-msg3

section .bss

buffer resb 50

buffer_size:equ $-buffer

count resd 1

dcnt resb 1

buffer_num resd 1

dispnum resb 8

section .text

global _start

_start: ;'Enter String' msg display

mov eax,4

mov ebx,1
mov ecx, msg

mov edx, msgLen

int 80h


mov eax, 3 ;system call for reading input

mov ebx, 0 ;system call for store string in to varible

mov ecx, buffer ;store the string into buffer variable

mov edx, buffer_size ;store the string size into

;buffer_size variable

int 80h

mov [count], eax ;store the string into count variable

;in array format

;'You Entered' msg display

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, msg2

mov edx, msg2len

int 80h

mov eax, 4 ;system call for write input

mov ebx, 1 ;system call for file descriptor

mov ecx, buffer ;locate string into ecx

mov edx, [count] ;locate size of string into edx

int 80h

;'Your string size:' msg display

mov eax, 4

mov ebx, 1

mov ecx, msg3

mov edx, msg3len

int 80h

mov esi,dispnum+7 ;load last byte address of dispnum buffer in esi

mov eax,[count] ;load value at count in eax

mov ecx,8 ;number of digits

dec eax

cnt: mov edx,0 ;make edx=0 (as in div instruction edx:eax/ebx)

mov ebx,10 ;divisor=10

div ebx

add dl,30h ;calculate ASCII code

mov [esi],dl ;store it in buffer

dec esi ;point to one byte back

loop cnt

dec ecx ;decrement count

jnz cnt ;if not zero repeat

up1: mov eax,4 ;system call for write input

mov ebx,1 ;system call for file descriptor

mov ecx,dispnum ;locate string into ecx

mov edx,8 ;locate size of string into edx

int 80h

exit: mov eax,1

mov ebx,0

int 80h


[student@localhost vaishnavi]$ nasm -f elf64 MPL2.asm

[student@localhost vaishnavi]$ ld -o MPL2 MPL2.o

[student@localhost vaishnavi]$ ./MPL2

Enter String: vaishnavi

You entered: vaishnavi

Your string size:9

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