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&rflfl]tElE$jffifi&6€EAE xaryztpu Bbtest Blouar co., td. Ifff,€ Doormrntl{o.s MsDs.

MSt SforFOg (Hunran Ocanlt Blood) n pU Test ErE*3n Pasclof3

MSDS for FOB ( Human Occult Blood ) Rapid Test

I .l.lndentification of the product

Product Nane: FOB (Human Occult Blood) Rapid Test
Brand: RightSigno

L2.U* of the prcparation

The FOB (Human Occult Blood) Rapid Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for
the qualitative detection of Human Occult Blood in feces.

l .3.Company lndentifiation
Company: Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co., Ltd.
Address: #17 FutaiRoad, ZhongftaiStreet, Yuhang District, Hangzhou. P.R.China.
Tel: 0086-571€9058016
E-mail :
I .4.Emergency telephone No.
Ernergency telephone: 0086-571 -8905801 6

ll lnformation df lngredients
Sodium Azide Concentration: = <0.O2olo (7.5n9/test)
CAS#: 2ffi28-22-8

Hazards lndentification
Not dangerous preparation (Directive 1 999/45/EC)

lV First aid rT?easures

First-aid personnel: N/A
After inhalation: N/A
After skin contact N/A
After eye contracf N/A
After swallorving: N/A

V. F i rc-fighting n?easures
lnflammable in contact with flames, not explosive.
Extinguishing media: water or foam

Vl Accidental rclease ff easure

&r{flfi4E&*trE 0€EAE xaryto Blotcst sloedt co- Ld- IfFF? oocument I{o.: MSDS{I117
MSDSforFOB (Hurmn Ocult Blood) R.pad Tc.t JFzEltsE Pael2oft

Good Laboratory Practices(disposal gloves)

Vll.2. Storage
Store in a dry place at+zC to +30C
Avoid storage near to heat sour@s
Accessible only for authorized persons

V I I l. Exposu re
@ntrol{personal protection
Specimen collection and preparation : allthe specimens should be considered potentially
hazardous and handled in the same manner as an infectious agent.
Use disposalgloves.

Physical and chemical propefties
Form: Solid reaction strip that could be placed into a plastic cassette depending on the
format used.
Colour: White solid with red lines.
Odour: N/A
pH value: NIA
Melting point: N/A
lgnition temperature: N/A
Flash point N/A
Explosion limits: N/A
Density: N/A

X. Stability and reactivity

1. Stable
2. Conditions to be avoided: Strong heating, direct contact with flames.
3. Substances to be avoided: only use provided diluent for sample dilution

Xl. Toxicological information


X I l. Ecological information
The FOB (Human Occult Blood) Rapid Test should be discarded in a proper biohazard
container afrer testing.

Xl I l. Disposal oonsideratians
Aftertesting, the FOB (Human Occult Blood) Rapid Test must be disposed of compliance
with the respective national regulations.

XlV. Transport information

Not dangerous preparations, not required transport regulation.

I M*ffi #v'R's't'tY
&rlll${b$fi&i}eEAEl xarytou Biotcst Eitt ch co., td. IfFfi€ Oocument ftlo.: MSD${trl7
MSDSfoTFOB (Hurnan Occult Elood) R.pH TGrt ![3E (3E' Pe$3of3

This product does not require specia! labeling, in accordance with the appropriate EC

This product is for in vitro diagnostic use therefore must complie with the European
Directive 98t79lEC bearing the CE labelpriorto the placing on the market.

XVl. Other information

For professional in vitro Diagnostic use only. Consult instructions for use.

1. REGULATION (EC) No 190712006
2. REGi]LATTON (EC) No 1272t2008
3. IVDD 98r9/EC
4. Simon JB. Occult Blood Screening for Colorectal Carcinoma: A Critical
ReviewGastroenterology, 1 985; 88: 820
5. Blebea J, Mcpherson RA. False-Positive Guaiac Testing lA/ith lodine, Arch Pathollab
Med, 1985;109:43740

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