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started sailing on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 with a route from Pier 88 in the northern Cebu town of
Liloan, to Mactan Wharf in Lapu-Lapu City and vice versa.

ROUTES TRAVELLED BY THE SEABUSS: The Cebu Seabus navigates between Pier 88 in the northern Cebu
town of Liloan and Mactan Wharf in Lapu-Lapu City, establishing a round-trip route between these two

DESIGN OF CEBU SEABUS: passenger seabus designs typically prioritize comfort, safety, and efficiency.
Seabuses often feature a streamlined hull for water travel, spacious interiors to accommodate
passengers, and safety measures such as life-saving equipment. The design may also incorporate
aesthetics to enhance the overall passenger experience.


 Efficient Transportation: Seabuses are designed for water travel, providing an efficient
means of transportation between locations, especially in coastal areas.

 Reduced Traffic Congestion: By utilizing water routes, the Seabus helps alleviate road
congestion, offering an alternative mode of transportation and reducing the overall
traffic load.

 Connectivity: The Seabus connects Pier 88 in Liloan and Mactan Wharf in Lapu-Lapu
City, enhancing connectivity between these locations and providing a convenient mode
of travel for commuters.

 Scenic Views: Passengers on the Seabus can enjoy scenic views of the coastline and
surrounding areas during their journey, adding a pleasant aspect to their travel

 Environmentally Friendly: Water transportation is often considered more

environmentally friendly than certain land-based alternatives, contributing to
sustainability efforts by reducing carbon emissions.

 Accessibility: Seabuses can reach areas that might be challenging to access by road,
providing a valuable transportation option for regions with waterways.

 Tourism: The Seabus can potentially boost local tourism by offering visitors a unique
and enjoyable way to explore the coastal areas of Cebu.


 Weather Dependency: Seabuses may be affected by adverse weather conditions such as

storms or rough seas, leading to disruptions or cancellations for passenger safety.

 Limited Capacity: Watercraft, including seabuses, often have limited passenger and
cargo capacity compared to larger vessels or land-based transportation options.
 Infrastructure Challenges: The availability and condition of docking facilities and
infrastructure at both Pier 88 in Liloan and Mactan Wharf in Lapu-Lapu City can impact
the efficiency and reliability of the Seabus service.

 Initial Setup Costs: Establishing and maintaining a seabus service requires significant
initial investment in vessels, infrastructure, and ongoing operational expenses.

 Competition with Land Transport: Seabuses may face competition with established
land-based transportation options, and convincing commuters to switch modes of
transport can be a challenge.

 Safety Concerns: While safety measures are implemented, water travel inherently
carries certain risks. Safety protocols and emergency response systems must be robust
to address potential accidents or emergencies.

 Scheduling Challenges: Maintaining a reliable and consistent schedule for seabus

operations can be challenging, especially if there are factors like mechanical issues,
weather delays, or unexpected events.

 Limited Routes: Seabuses operate on water routes, limiting their accessibility to specific
coastal areas. Inland locations may not benefit from this mode of transportation.

HOW MUSCH IS THE FARE: As of August 15,2023 the fare of TOPLINE seabus fare is 50 pesos for regular
fare price.

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