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Matina, Davao City

Reflection Paper

Name: ARBERT B. LANCHITA Date: APRIL 13, 2024 @9:00PM

Program: Doctor of Education major in Educational Management Code: 9583

Course No.: EDD 605 Course Title: EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP

TOPICS: 2.4 Instructional Leadership (2.4.1 Steps in Instructional Leadership, 2.4.2

Twenty Responsibilities of a School Leader, 2.4.3 Model of Instruction, 2.4.4 Factors to
look for during class observation, 2.4.5 Revised Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive
Domain, 2.4.6 An Effective Teacher, 2.4.7 Instructional Trends and Issues), 2.5
Transformational Leadership (2.5.1 Working Style of Transformational Leader, 2.5.2
Transformational vs. Transactional leader, 2.5.3 Five Transformational Beaviours)

A. The- Three (3) most significant learning that I got from the topic.

The three most significant learnings from the topics are the following:

1. Importance of Instructional Leadership: One significant learning from the topic of

Instructional Leadership is the importance of school leaders in promoting effective
teaching and learning. Instructional leaders play a crucial role in shaping the
instructional practices within the school, supporting teachers' professional growth, and
creating a conducive learning environment. These leaders’ guide and mentor teachers,
establish a clear vision for instruction, and promote instructional strategies aligned with
educational goals.

2. Impact of Transformational Leadership: Another significant learning comes from the

topic of Transformational Leadership. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate
their followers to achieve exceptional levels of performance and personal growth. They
encourage innovation, foster a shared vision, and cultivate a sense of collaboration and
empowerment among their team members. This leadership style has been shown to
have a positive impact on organizational culture, staff satisfaction, and student

3. Observational Skills and Instructional Trends: Additionally, the learning about factors
to look for during class observation and instructional trends highlight the importance of
staying informed about best practices and current trends in instruction. School leaders
need to develop strong observational skills to identify effective teaching strategies,
provide constructive feedback, and support teachers in their professional development
journey. Understanding instructional trends helps leaders to stay ahead of new
methodologies, technologies, and educational approaches that can enhance student
engagement and learning outcomes.

These learnings emphasize the critical role of instructional and transformational

leadership in creating a positive educational environment, supporting teacher growth,
and driving student achievement. Effective instructional leadership, combined with
transformational leadership behaviors, can significantly impact the quality of teaching
and learning within a school community.

B. These learnings are of value to me personally because

These learnings are of value to me personally because they provide insights and
knowledge that can enhance my effectiveness as a leader and contribute to my
personal growth and development. By understanding the importance of instructional
leadership, I can recognize the impact I can have on improving teaching and learning
within my school. This knowledge empowers me to take proactive steps to promote
effective instructional practices and support the professional growth of my teachers.
The learning about transformational leadership is valuable because it highlights the
behaviors and characteristics that can inspire and motivate others. By embracing
transformational leadership approaches, I can create a positive and empowering
environment for my team members, leading to increased job satisfaction, commitment,
and overall productivity. This knowledge can help me build stronger relationships,
enhance my influence, and create a supportive and collaborative work culture.
Additionally, the learnings about observational skills and instructional trends provide
me with the tools to effectively assess and support teaching practices within my school.
By developing strong observational skills, I can provide constructive feedback and
guidance to teachers, helping them improve their instruction and meet the needs of their
students. Staying informed about instructional trends allows me to stay current and
adapt to new methodologies and approaches, fostering a culture of continuous
improvement and innovation.
Ultimately, these learnings empower me to make a positive impact on the
educational experiences of both teachers and students. They provide guidance and
knowledge that can shape my leadership style, enhance my effectiveness, and promote
positive outcomes in my role as a school leader.

C. I would like to react or comment on the following topics:

Instructional Leadership:

- Steps in Instructional Leadership: It is important for school leaders to follow a

systematic approach in instructional leadership. By following specific steps, such as
setting a clear vision, establishing goals, supporting teachers, and monitoring progress,
leaders can effectively guide instructional practices and promote improved student

- Twenty Responsibilities of a School Leader: The list of twenty responsibilities

highlights the diverse and multifaceted nature of a school leader's role. From creating a
positive school culture to promoting professional development and ensuring a safe
learning environment, these responsibilities showcase the broad scope of leadership
required to drive success in a school.

- Model of Instruction: The model of instruction provides a structured framework for

teachers to design and deliver effective lessons. By incorporating elements such as
clear objectives, engaging activities, active learning strategies, and assessments, the
model can enhance student engagement and promote meaningful learning experiences.

- Factors to look for during class observation: Identifying key factors during class
observation is crucial for providing meaningful feedback and support to teachers. These
factors may include instructional strategies, classroom management, student
engagement, differentiation, and assessment practices. Assessing these factors can
help identify areas of strength and areas where additional support may be needed.

- Revised Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain: The revised Bloom's Taxonomy

provides a valuable framework for designing and assessing student learning outcomes.
It emphasizes higher-order thinking skills such as analyzing, evaluating, and creating,
which are vital for developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities among

- An Effective Teacher: Recognizing the qualities and characteristics of an effective

teacher is important for the professional development and success of educators.
Effective teachers exhibit attributes like subject matter expertise, strong communication
skills, adaptability, passion for teaching, and the ability to build positive relationships
with students.

- Instructional Trends and Issues: Keeping abreast of instructional trends and issues is
essential for staying relevant and meeting the evolving needs of students. By staying
informed about emerging methodologies, educational technologies, and pedagogical
approaches, school leaders can foster an innovative and dynamic learning environment.

Transformational Leadership:

- Working Style of Transformational Leader: The working style of a transformational

leader involves inspiring and motivating others, fostering a shared vision, promoting
collaboration, and empowering team members. This approach can lead to enhanced
productivity, increased job satisfaction, and improved organizational outcomes.

- Transformational vs. Transactional Leader: Differentiating between transformational

and transactional leadership styles is important. While transactional leadership focuses
on rewards and punishments to motivate performance, transformational leadership
inspires followership through personal growth, trust-building, and the pursuit of a shared
vision. Both styles have their place, but transformational leadership often leads to more
meaningful and sustainable results.

- Five Transformational Behaviors: The five transformational behaviors – idealized

influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration,
and charisma – provide benchmarks for leaders to cultivate in order to inspire their
teams and foster positive organizational change. These behaviors encourage personal
growth, innovation, and mutual respect among team members.

D. What have you discovered about yourself, about the


By reflecting on these insights and incorporating them into my leadership practices

as school leader can enhance my ability to drive instructional improvement, inspire
positive change, and create a supportive and innovative learning environment for
students, teachers, and the school community.

A. Understanding the steps in Instructional Leadership can help me as school leader

effectively, support and guide teachers in improving instructional practices.

B. Embracing the twenty responsibilities of a school leader can provide a

comprehensive framework for overseeing curriculum development, teacher
development, and student learning outcomes.

C. Familiarity with the model of instruction and factors to look for during class
observation can enhance a my ability to assess teaching effectiveness and provide
targeted support for teachers.

D. Incorporating the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain can assist me in

promoting higher-order thinking skills and designing rigorous instructional activities.

E. Recognizing the characteristics of an effective teacher can guide me in recruiting,

retaining, and developing high-quality educators.

F. Staying informed about instructional trends and issues can help me adapt to
changing educational landscapes and make informed decisions to improve teaching
and learning.

G. Embracing the working style of a transformational leader involves inspiring and

motivating others, fostering a shared vision, and empowering teachers to reach their full

H. Contrasting transformational and transactional leadership styles can help me

understand the importance of building relationships, fostering innovation, and promoting
a culture of continuous improvement.

I. Practicing the five transformational behaviors, such as idealized influence,

inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and
fostering a supportive environment, can empower me to lead positive change and
cultivate a culture of excellence.

E. How has your understanding changed?

After learning about these topics in instructional leadership and transformational

leadership, a school head may experience a deeper understanding of their role and its
impact on the educational environment. I may gain insights into the specific steps
involved in instructional leadership, such as setting a clear vision, monitoring progress,
and supporting teachers. This understanding can help me develop a more systematic
and strategic approach to improving teaching and learning within the school.
Additionally, learning about the responsibilities of a school leader and the factors to
look for during class observation can enhance my ability to provide effective support
and evaluation to my teaching staff. I can develop a keen eye for identifying effective
instructional strategies, classroom management techniques, and levels of student
engagement. Armed with this knowledge, I can better guide the teachers' professional
growth and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

In terms of transformational leadership, understanding different leadership styles

and the behaviors associated with transformational leadership can influence my
approach. I may recognize the importance of empowering and inspiring my team,
fostering a shared vision, and promoting collaboration and innovation. This knowledge
can guide me in building positive relationships, leading by example, and encouraging
personal and professional growth among my staff.

The understanding gained from these topics can enhance my leadership capabilities
and my ability to create an environment that promotes effective instruction and positive
growth for both teachers and students. These learnings provide a broader perspective
on instructional leadership and transformational leadership, impacting decision-making
and the overall success of the school.

F. What have you decided about the issue at this point?

As a school head, after delving into the topics of Instructional Leadership and
Transformational Leadership, I have made several decisions to enhance the
educational environment within my school.
Firstly, in terms of Instructional Leadership, I have decided to prioritize the
implementation of the steps in Instructional Leadership to provide clear guidance and
support to teachers in improving their instructional practices and fostering student
Additionally, I am committed to embracing the twenty responsibilities of a school
leader, ensuring that curriculum development, teacher development, and student
outcomes are effectively overseen and aligned with educational goals.
Moreover, I will focus on understanding the model of instruction and key factors to
observe during class observations to assess teaching effectiveness and provide
targeted professional development opportunities. Embracing the Revised Bloom's
Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain will guide me in promoting critical thinking and higher-
order thinking skills among students, fostering a more engaging and rigorous learning
Furthermore, recognizing the characteristics of an effective teacher will inform my
recruitment and professional development strategies to cultivate a team of dedicated
and skilled educators. In terms of instructional trends and issues, I am committed to
staying informed and adapting to emerging educational practices to ensure the
continuous improvement of teaching and learning within the school.
Regarding Transformational Leadership, I have decided to embody the working style
of a transformational leader by inspiring and motivating my staff, fostering a shared
vision of excellence, and empowering teachers to reach their full potential.
Understanding the differences between transformational and transactional
leadership styles has led me to prioritize building strong relationships, fostering
innovation, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement within the school
I am committed to practicing the five transformational behaviors, including idealized
influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration,
and fostering a supportive environment, to lead positive change and create a
collaborative and supportive school culture. By integrating these principles of
Instructional and Transformational Leadership into my leadership approach, I am
dedicated to driving educational excellence, fostering innovation, and creating a positive
and impactful learning environment for students, teachers, and the school community as
a whole.

G. How will you changed understanding express itself in your job?

As a school head, my enhanced understanding of instructional and transformational

leadership would significantly impact my approach to leading and managing the school.
In terms of instructional leadership, I would prioritize implementing the steps outlined in

instructional leadership, such as setting clear educational goals, providing support for
teachers, and monitoring student progress. I would also embrace the twenty
responsibilities of a school leader, ensuring that I am actively involved in shaping the
instructional model of the school and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
Additionally, I would pay close attention to factors during class observation, using them
to provide constructive feedback to teachers and identify areas for professional
Regarding the revised Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain, I would
incorporate higher-order thinking skills into the curriculum to promote deeper learning
among students. Recognizing the qualities of an effective teacher, I would strive to
support and empower educators to excel in their roles. Keeping abreast of instructional
trends and issues, I would adapt teaching strategies to meet the evolving needs of
students and stay informed about best practices in education.
In terms of transformational leadership, I would adopt a collaborative and inspiring
working style, fostering a shared vision and empowering staff to contribute to the
school's success. Contrasting transformational and transactional leadership, I would
focus on building relationships, motivating through inspiration, and promoting innovation
rather than relying solely on rewards and punishments. By embodying the five
transformational behaviors of idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual
stimulation, individualized consideration, and fostering a supportive environment, I
would strive to create a culture of excellence, growth, and positive change within the
school community.

H. Additional discoveries, insights, questions

As a school head, delving deeper into topics such as instructional and

transformational leadership can lead to additional discoveries, insights, and questions
that shape my leadership approach. Through ongoing exploration of instructional
leadership, I may discover innovative teaching strategies, assessment methods, and
professional development opportunities that can enhance student learning outcomes.
Insights gained from studying instructional models may prompt me to reevaluate and
refine the school's curriculum to better meet the needs of diverse learners. This process
could raise questions about the effectiveness of current instructional practices, the
alignment of teaching methods with educational goals, and the integration of technology
to support learning.
Exploring transformational leadership may uncover new insights into building strong
relationships, inspiring change, and fostering a collaborative school culture. Discoveries
about the impact of transformational leadership on teacher motivation, student
engagement, and overall school performance can inform my leadership decisions.
Questions may arise about how to effectively communicate a shared vision, empower
teachers to take on leadership roles, and cultivate a culture of innovation and
continuous improvement within the school community. Additionally, reflecting on the
differences between transformational and transactional leadership styles may lead to
insights about the importance of intrinsic motivation, empowerment, and emotional
intelligence in driving positive change within the school environment.
The journey of deepening my understanding of instructional and transformational
leadership as a school head can spark new discoveries, provide valuable insights, and
inspire critical questions that guide my leadership practices and contribute to the
ongoing growth and success of the school community.

How do I intend to apply my learning’s from this session/interaction? What

possible next steps can be initiated by Department of Education?

After engaging in this session and gaining insights into instructional and
transformational leadership, I intend to apply my learnings by implementing
practical strategies and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within
my school. In the realm of instructional leadership, I plan to utilize the steps
outlined in instructional leadership to set clear educational goals, provide
support for teachers, and enhance student learning outcomes.

By embracing the twenty responsibilities of a school leader, I aim to actively

engage in shaping the instructional model of the school, promoting effective
teaching practices, and fostering a positive learning environment. Additionally,
I will pay attention to factors during class observation to provide meaningful
feedback to teachers and identify areas for professional development.
Incorporating the revised Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain into the
curriculum will help promote higher-order thinking skills and deepen student

In terms of transformational leadership, I will adopt a collaborative and

inspiring working style, focusing on building strong relationships, motivating
through inspiration, and fostering a culture of innovation and growth within the
school community. By embodying the five transformational behaviors, such as
idealized influence and individualized consideration, I aim to empower staff,
promote creativity, and drive positive change.

As for possible next steps initiated by the Department of Education, they could
consider developing professional development programs that focus on
instructional and transformational leadership for school leaders. This could
include workshops, seminars, and resources that provide practical guidance
on implementing effective instructional models, fostering a transformational
leadership style, and addressing current instructional trends and issues.

Additionally, the Department of Education could encourage collaboration

among schools to share best practices, conduct research on effective
teaching strategies, and support ongoing professional growth for school
leaders. By investing in the development of instructional and transformational
leadership skills, the Department of Education can help schools cultivate a
culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement in education.

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