Cocoon Stat Blocks

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Jagged Knife Bandits Description: A cunning criminal in heavy Cloak bearing oneof the Deseription: A nimble scoundrel hearing wicked knife and wtiizing gangs icons knives Shadow maghe ta isolate targets Motives & Tecties: Escape, Profit, Throw Smoke Motives & Tacties: Ambush, Conceal, Divide, Prfit ‘Type: Stenderd Climber - Passive ‘Type: Stalk ackstab - Passive This adversary can climb just as Ona successful Dagyers attack Difficulty 12 easly a they ean run Difflealty 12 that has acwantage. deal 2410 phy ‘Attack Modifier: +1 hey gt to higher ground [Attack Modifier: 1 damage instead Daggers: lee |2d6 phy Dasgers: Melee 266 phy Tey exploit your weakness and ‘Brom above = Aetion hie pte shares Minor 1| Major Severe ia Make an attack from above a Minor 1| Major 4 | Severe s we:5 |Q0009 target Onasuccess,deal 2410 HP:3 [QC Cloaked Action Suess 3]000 physial damage Stress: 3| 0.0 Become Hidden until after this hey drop in from above and take adversurys next attack. ny Experience: nomerey." Experience: attacks made while Hiddea have bandit ~2, Incrusion “3 aanrage "ae ean disappear in plain sight Reeeee ln areaeecg cere burcrand Deseription: A sistf-wielding bneit ina cloak, adorned with magical —_Desoription: A lanky bandit striking from cover with a shortbow. paraphernalia, using curses to vex thei foes. Motives & Tactics ide, Ambush, Profit, Reposition Motives & Tacties: Command, He, Prat, Warp Tier: Features Tier:o Features ‘Type: Support Curse= Action ‘Type: Ranged Unseen Strike - Passive Target a ereature within Far range the Sniper is Hidden when th Diffieulty:13 and make them Cursed. While Difficulty: 12 hit an enemy, the attack deals 120 “Attack Modifier: +2 Cursed on any rollsmade with Attack Modifier: -1 phy instead oftheir normal Staff Far (1d10 mag Hope, this advorcary can mark a Shortbow” Far| 206 phy Samage Strees to make it with Fear From the shades, an arrow with Minor 1| Major’ Severe instead Minor !| Major 4 |Severe7 deal im flies towards you" wea [OO OL ‘Aue of nausea passes ver you HBS [CIE Stress 4]0 90 asyoureaize you've boon cursed” —— Strese:2|OC. Experience: Chaotic Fux Action Experience: Mafical Knowledge 2 attack modifier Stealth Make an attack against upto three argets within Very Close range. Marka Stress to deal 246 magic damage to any you are successful Thay unleash a fury of oithing magi in al divections Deseripton: | moving mound of renalicent gael Desorption: A moving mound of randicen Famingred ain. Motives &Tactce: Creep up. Env, Canosa, Motives Tete lita, Str fires, Conoufags Core Mls Consume aly Type suk Eee mete Bek Segre Difficulty: 8 activate this adversary Difficulty: 10| Close range when it activates. It > Ata Noir + hike nomen tract and tack Meier: lighsry fama cet one Appendage yorcimtel eye net ech Oone Appendage tinches one Mtoe Ba map Jouare ete 2m trees tr ds yom, the gro Minor Major |Serere 10 acti Form = Pssve Mioor 1 Major 6| Sever it urs 00000 Mysccesttmele tadsihs HPS /OD O00 Igvite Action Stres!2| 0.0 {Muremakecakommigan Steas'3/00 0 Tht Melfi nor Sot the tng Tas Maken attach ans tage i fxyerience: dena revice any darage bxperience: Nery cbse ange One succes, Camis 18 “rrersiinecasimmpetyour ——Camege 18 Chey buat int ames arg 208 armor contotng sou Sond dag eat an Ginter moge damage every sine = rele ~Ation tokens pled onthe econ ee ier taker Tis ence when they are Hae atk aginst a tangetin Sptinguned witha ese Pal tnelee Ov asacceasemelp oa them inediey dealne “oujeline ot ourfxt, and Stree vey time an ac token sudan pure taped ispimed onthe ttle deal an Silo tse They wil beak srlit-Rescon fete nxt ime theo tees When his acerairy marks its ed Sorte danage "eons pend Fear to spit t “those onsekes ou draing info wo iy fed Dene (aah no youn is glatnos orm rhea tonto Stes) They say mmeditey state whet Sie Reaction ‘pencingokens ‘hen the drersorymarksits ou watch asthe damage youre Tt Peint spend aFearte spit dene pits inatf becomng neo into tworiny Ceen Doses ith sexe sted fone no marked Tit Points or Stress Tey may immediatey activate ‘without spending tokens You witch as he damage youve done spits it mha...ocomng to ‘oozes instead of one. Deseription: A small moving mound of translucent green slime Motives & Tactics: Creep wp, Enuelop, Camouflage, Consume & Maleply Tier: 0 eatures ‘Type: Sak ‘Acie Form - Passive ‘any successful melee attacks this Ditheuty 1 creature makes also mars an Attack Modifier: -1 ‘Armor Slot on the target. This ove Appendage: Mole | 148 mag Minor | Major 4 wp:2|00 Strese 1] ‘eoest reduce any damzge The residue eats away ct your armor, cording itslouly” Acid Burrower Description: a horse-sized insect with digging claws and acidic blood Motives & Tactics: Burrow, Drag away, Feed, Reposition Tier: 0 Type: Solo Difficulty: 14 Attack Modifier: Claws: Very Close |1di2+8 pay Minor 1 | Major | Severe 15 He? |Q000000 Strese: 3/000) Experience: Tremor Sense +2 Features Relentless (2) This adversary may activate twice inaGM move. “They move with incredible speed. Earth Eruption - Action Mark a Stress to have this adversary burst out of the ground, causing anyone within Very Close to make an Agility (14) reaction roll ore knocked over and Vulnerable unt they next ac. “They burrow themselves deep and explode out from under you.” Spit Acid - Action Make an attack against all targets, in front of the Acid Burrower within Close range. On a success, deal 1€20 phy damage and make their armor score is halved until the nest time they repair it. “The avid starts to eat atooy at your Acid Bath - Reaction ‘When this adversary takes Severe damage, all targets within Close range are bathed in its acidic blood, dealing 2410 phy damage This ground is now covered in acidic blood, and any movement through it by another creature automatically deals 1d6 damage. “Aa you strike them, you're covered in their cold, corrosive blood.” Description: A coruscating mass of uncontrollable magic. Motives & Tactics: Confound, Destabilize, Transmogrify tier. 0 ‘Type: Solo Difficulty: 14 Attack Modifier: ‘Warp Blast: Close | 2410 mag Minor || Major 7 | Severe ld HP:6 |Q00000 Stress:3/00 0 Feawures ‘Arcane Form - Passive ‘This adversary is resistant to magic damage. ‘You watch as seme of your magic is reflected off ofthe chaos” Sickening Flux - Action Mark a Hit Point to cause all PCs, within Close range to mark a Stress and become Vulnerable untd their next short restor they have a Stress cleared, "Your stomaci drops and your head Remake Reality - Action Spend a Fear to transform the area within Very Close range into a different biome. Any other creature within this area takes 28 direct damage. "You feel the world nist around you, your mind reeting,

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