Knowledge Assessment Test For Administrative Roles - 01.24

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Knowledge Assessment Test for Administrative Roles – Legal Phoenix Tower International

Welcome to the evaluation process for the administrative position in our Global Legal department.
Below, you'll find a series of questions and scenarios based on situations you might encounter in this
role. Remember to respond in English in a clear, succinct manner. Please send this document
including your responses within the indicated deadline.

1. Organization:
a. Handling Concurrent Tasks:

 Scenario 1: Implementation of legal tools and software. Imagine you are tasked with
simultaneously gathering documents and samples for a contract management tool and also
providing documentation for a legal billing digital platform. Both provision tasks for
implementation are critical and carry equal weight in terms of urgency, with the same and
non-negotiable deadline. Additionally, you're responsible for processing the forms to gather
authorizations of purchase orders for critical and essential legal services during this period.
Describe your strategy on how you would prioritize and manage these concurrent tasks
within the given timeframe for the successful implementation of these vital legal tools and

 Scenario 2: Legal billing and processing of approvals You are responsible for processing
purchase orders for the Legal department in LATAM to the Finance department, using a
specific billing software, while also updating the corresponding legal billing tool specific to
legal service providers. At the moment, you have a backlog of twelve approved purchase
orders to request to Finance via the billing software due today, and six invoices from legals
service providers to upload to the legal billing tool for review and further payment
processing. However, you face an additional challenge: your supervisor sends an email
informing you that there is a Master Lease Agreement that requires urgent approval, and you
are tasked with preparing the corresponding approval form and obtaining the necessary
approvals of department heads via DocuSign. How would you handle these concurrent tasks,
given both their importance and urgency? Provide insights into your prioritization strategy,
resource allocation, and methods for ensuring the timely and accurate completion of these
essential and time-sensitive tasks.

 Scenario 3: Tracking and Document Organization You must track compliance with, and
audit, various trackers across the Legal department operation. Each tracker contains
information per jurisdiction, and different heads of the legal team oversee that their teams
timely update the accurate information accordingly, as it is their responsibility. After
reviewing the information, you identify some gaps in information, errors, and missing data.
Describe your approach to efficiently reporting back to your supervisor the findings and
results of your audit and analysis. Highlight any recommendations you might propose to
rectify the discrepancies and streamline the ongoing tracking and document organization
processes within the Legal department.

b. Organization of Documents and Files:

Indicate, in a general and hypothetical manner, where you would organize each of these documents
in the virtual data room of Europe. Provide a logical and coherent outline, using categories and
subcategories you find would be relevant. Briefly explain your choice for each document, considering
ease of access and organizational logic.
1. Contract with a client in Italy.

2. Invoice from Cyprus.

3. Global power of representation.

4. Copy of a defense writ for an ongoing lawsuit in France.

2. Communication:
a. Professional Response to an Email Scenario:

Imagine that you receive the following email:

“Dear Candidate,

I hope this email finds you well. We need you to quickly audit pending
invoices from legal service providers in Europe for March, ensure Finance
processes them, and upload new invoices for the current month to the
designated processing platform. Please submit a concise report
summarizing the audit outcomes to the European General Counsel by the
end of the day.

Thank you for your prompt attention.



Draft a professional response demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively and handle the

3. Audit Skills:
a. Identification and Correction of Errors:

Identify and correct any errors or points of improvement in the table. This includes spelling and
grammatical mistakes, as well as incomplete or inconsistent information. Highlight any findings and
include comments below with your reasoning and recommendations for improvement.

Hypothetical Legal Cases Report - LATAM

Entity PTI Opposing Site Name Litigation Brief Description Status Next Hearing Win Lead Attorney
Party & ID Type Date Probabilit Name
y (%)

PTI Brasil Operator X Site ID: BR- Contract Contrat terminatd by In Progress 2023-05-15 65% John Doe
1234 Dispute opposig pary, claimg brech
of agreemnt.
PTI Mexico Municipality Site ID: Regulatory Failur to obtain requird On Hold N/A 40% Maria González
of Tijuana MX-5678 Compliance permits for expansion
PTI Former Site ID: BR- Employment Wrongful termination Closed 12-01-2022 80% Eduardo Silva
Jamaica Employee 9012 Dispute allegd; Unfair dismissl
claim. Pending next
hearing and conclusions.
PTI Energy Site ID: AR- Commercial Allegations of brech of Scheduled 2023-04-10 55%
Argentina Supplier 3456 Dispute contract regardng product
delivery. Case dismissed
by the Court because not
PTI Chile Environmental Site ID: CL- Environmental Accusations of pollutn and Awaiting 2023-06-20 30% Carlos Hernandez
Authority of 6789 Lawsuit failure to adhere to enviro Response
Chile regulations. Hearing
scheduled for January 20.

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