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243 Lesson Plan


Put in the Grade Level

instructional ● First grade
level-this can also be Topic Covered
● Language Arts- Writing
the grade level
Topic covered ● 1.w.3 - Produce (when writing or speaking) a
Standards used from topic sentence or main idea, provide some
the department of facts or details about the topic, and provide a
education website or concluding statement.
general education
● Students will be able to write a topic sentence,
main idea, and conclusion sentence in order
Goals you want to to explain why they choose to research a
accomplish in this specific animal.
activity: state “I want ● Students will be able to provide facts in their
the students to…” paragraph in order to show their
understanding of the animal they chose to


What is the purpose of Purpose

this lesson? ● Students are going to become aware of what a
paragraph is when they get a good
What is its importance
understanding of what it is and what it looks
to learning? like, they will be able to point it out in future
How will it be carried papers or readings.
to other ● Students will be using what they learn from
environments, this lesson in different English classes they
settings, subjects, and take in middle school, high school, or even
college classes. They also would use what they
overall lifespan of
learned about writing in a future job like
● The importance of this lesson is to help my
students learn the different parts of a
paragraph as well as the grammar that comes
with writing. Students will also be able to talk
about the animal that they learned about with
their friends, family, etc to show their
Impact of lesson
● Students will understand how to do research
for a specific topic. This can and will be a part
of all of the language arts classes they will be
a part of for their educational and
professional careers in their future.

Behavioral Objectives

State behavior goals Behavioral goals

that are needed for the ● The student will need to be able to have a
student to achieve the longer attention span than what they usually
can do.
goals of this lesson.
○ I will know if the student meets this
Address unique needs goal, by observing him during the
of the learner or lesson and if he is able to keep his
learners in the lesson. attention on the lesson it will be
Identify cultural, checked off on a chart that is used
throughout the day with different
linguistic,and gender
times during the day. This chart is only
used for the parents and teachers to see
State how behavior how the student does during the day. It
objectives reflect high is taken home for the parents to see
expectations and and for the teachers to use as data for
developmentally his IEP.
● The student will need to be able to be aware
that things may get frustrating, but that is
why the student has their AT, ECO Point to
help communicate.
● Students will know that they are going to have
moments of struggles, but also moments of
success because of how often I use
affirmations/I will be able to make statements
that will be read aloud before the lesson
Needs of learners
● All of my learners have different needs, but I
have a student in my classroom that has
ADHD that I need to adapt my lesson plan for.
○ This student has a difficult time giving
his full attention to anything that
revolves around learning.
○ This student also has a difficult time
communicating his emotions when
things are getting frustrated. This is a
time when he would use his AT, ECO
Point to communicate.
● For the same student, they have difficulty
with transitioning. I need to be aware of when
we are getting closer to moving on to the next
part of the lesson so I can give him a
countdown warning since that is what works
best for transitioning to a new thing.
Cultural, linguistic, and gender differences
● The group of students that I am working with
are a very diverse group of students. For
example a student that has a disability, single
family households, different cultures, etc that
I will be aware of while teaching my lesson.
● I will make sure that I include things that
relate to my students interests based on the
books that I bring in and examples that I
○ By doing this, it shows my students
that I am listening to what they tell me
and that I want them to have a sense of
connection to my room and the lesson.
Impact of behavioral objectives
● By setting behavioral goals and objectives for
my students, it will help them gain new skills
on regulating their emotions, find strength
when challenges arise, and to help them reach
their goals that are documented on their IEP.


Identify high quality Materials

scientifically-based ● Wobble Cushion (Lakeshore Learning-
materials and
● Chromebook
resources.-List all
● Crayons
your materials. ● Markers
Assistive Technology- ● Pencils
talk about how to use ● Animal research worksheet- will have space
this lesson and how to draw the specific animal in habitat and
you would use it for section to write the paragraph.
○ This worksheet will be left at school.
specific learning
● Books that have facts about all different types
needs. Our Moodle site of animals
has a place to read ● Affirmation sheet
more about assistive HLP #19- Assistive technology
● Grippers for pencils (Fine Motor skills)
technology and kids ● ECO Point- Assistive tech used for when a
with disabilities to student has trouble communicating emotions.
assist you with this ● Flexible seating- wobble chair, medicine ball
seat, regular swivel chair.
part of the lesson plan


Instruction/directions Instruction/Direction/Procedure
are clear and aligned ● Students will be sitting all around the room in
with academic and a spot that is suitable to them. That could be a
wobble cushion on a seat, swivel chair,
behavioral objectives,
medicine ball seat, etc.
sequenced in order, ● This lesson will be taking place during the
step by step. middle of the school day, but to get the
Procedures are listed students ready and interested in what we will
in order. be doing, I will have them fill out a fun
worksheet relating to animals. This will be
Methods used must be
used later on for guidance for picking an
evidence based
animal to research.
practices. ● After students are given time to fill out the
State how you precursor worksheet for the lesson I will pass
Differentiated-“I out an affirmation sheet/can do sheet and
differentiated by students will repeat after me phrases that will
encourage them and have them become aware
product, content,
of what will be expected of them in the lesson.
process (pick one)
○ For my student with ADHD, I will give
according to student him a timely countdown as to when we
interest, readiness, or will be moving on because he has a
Learning profile (pick hard time with transitions.
one). ○ I may also make adaptations to
students worksheet with ADHD to it not
State any cognitive,
being as long so it is something quick,
cultural, linguistic and
but he is able to hold attention and
gender differences. If focus on the worksheet
none noted, state that ● For this lesson, the students will be
so you still get points researching facts on an animal they find
for recognizing the interesting. With the facts that they find in
rubric piece books or on their chromebook, they will write
a paragraph.
State the inclusion
● I will introduce the idea of what a paragraph
within the general is, when it is used, and what makes something
education classroom a paragraph.
of the students getting ○ I will go section by section starting
your lesson. with the topic sentence (main idea),
giving examples of what it is and how
Clearly state to write it.
methods/strategies ○ I will follow with how to incorporate
that were supported the facts (details) they found.
○ I will finally explain and show how to
by existing research.
write a conclusion sentence
(Get this from the (concluding statement).
websites used to show ● After I explain the parts of a paragraph, I will
evidence based have students grab their worksheet they
practices or other completed at the beginning of the lesson that
quality websites. The helped guide them to pick an animal and have
them find a book in the classroom library to
Department of
start reading and pulling facts to include in
Education website
their writing.
might be a good ○ The books provide visuals for the
resource for this as students who have a harder time
well.) reading and can help them understand
to some ability what the book is
○ I will have books included in my
classroom library that are for all levels
of learning for my students.
● Students will have a section on their animal
research worksheet where they are able to use
their imagination and use crayons, colored
pencils, and markers to visualize what their
animal looks like and what kind of habitat
that animal lives in.
○ This allows my students to use their
imagination while still thinking about
what they will write about the animal
they selected.
○ This is something that I added for my
student with ADHD because it changes
it up and gives him options as to what
he wants to work on.
● I will make sure I include moments for
movement breaks because my one student
who has ADHD has a difficult time focusing
and can only work on one thing for a certain
amount of time. He also can get frustrated
very easily with anything that may set his
schedule off, so by offering movement breaks
it can help my student feel regulated to regain
Evidence Based Practices Methods
● Using the visual books to help my students
that have a harder time reading, pictures are a
great help.
● By adding a section on the worksheet to draw,
this can make a part of the assignment feel
like it isn’t a whole lot of academic work,
which could make it more enticing to keep his
○ Having that art/drawing section also
tends to learners that are more visual
learners. It may be easier for them to
express what they have learned
through their drawing.
● HLP #12 Systematically Designed Instruction
○ I used this HLP in this lesson because I
am keeping in mind my student with
ADHD and how he learns the best and
how I need to adapt all lessons and
assignments so that he can reach his
IEP goals by the end of the year.
● HLP #16 Explicit Instruction
○ I used this HLP in this lesson because
right before the lesson started, I made
sure all my students in my class knew
what was expected of them during the
lesson. This is to help my student with
ADHD in my class be aware of what will
be happening during the class time and
maybe make it easier for transitioning.
● I differentiated by content that tended to
students interests - they had the opportunity
to pick their favorite animal.
Cognitive, Cultural, Linguistic, and Gender
● All of my students come from a different
background and it is important for me as an
educator to be aware of how I can adapt my
lessons to make sure everyone feels included.
● I am aware that my class is coed, so it is
important for me to make sure that I am
letting all students answer questions and not
solely pick on one group of students that are
the same gender.
● Linguistically, there might be students that
struggle with writing, so by me including
workshop time to brainstorm and have extra
support with me I am making sure that my
students are getting a better understanding of
how to write a paragraph.
● As the teacher in the room, it is important for
me to make the connections with the students
to help them gain trust in me so we can work
as a team to make tremendous progress.
Inclusion in the general education classroom
● This lesson can be used in any type of
classroom. It can be adapted to accommodate
all learners in a general education classroom.
● You can use this in a general education and
could change up the amount of sentences the
students are required to write, or change the
amount of facts (details) that students are
required to incorporate.
Methods/strategies that support existing research
● This lesson aligns with the work we have done
with HLPS. More specifically, HLP #12,
Systematically Designed Instruction. By
understanding what the goal is that I have for
the lesson, I will be able to provide an
in-depth explanation to my students so they
will be able to know why we are doing this and
how it will benefit them as learners.
● HLP #12 also helps me with my student that
has Autism and Down Syndrome because I am
able to keep in mind his IEP and the goals that
the team has for him to reach by the end of
the school year.
● By keeping in mind the goals that are being
created and are in place for the student, it can
help promote student engagement,
motivation, and help build confidence. This
also aligns with HLP #12.

Strategies for Active Student Engagement

State how you will Engagement of students during lesson

keep kids engaged ● I will have a smaller group of students in my
during your lesson. class, so I will know their interests and the
best ways to keep them attentive.
○ I will have sensory items (fidgets) that
How will you model students can use if that is what best
the new skill you want helps them stay focused and engaged
the students to do? during the lesson.
● I will be able to give them one on one time
(state what you will
with me to workshop their writing.
do) ○ One on one time is something that my
student with ADHD loves, so this could
be used as a break if he is able to stay
focused on the lesson for a longer
period of time.
Modeling new skills for students to gain
● I will model the strategy of wokshop time for
many different language arts lessons that are
focused on writing because if there are
students that can learn better by working one
on one with me about the parts of a
paragraph, I want them to learn that working
with others is beneficial and can help them
produce their best work.
○ With my student with ADHD, he needs
to work with a classmate that he trusts
fully that won’t judge him or make him
feel bad about what he is coming up
with. That is something for me as the
educator to keep in mind when they are
going to be working with peers in the
● They also will learn that this strategy allows
them time to think out loud. It also allows me,
the educator, to be there to help provide any
assistance if the student needs it.
○ I want my students to be independent
learners, but for them to know that I
am here to help if they need assistance.
○ My student with ADHD is a dependent
learner. If I can provide scaffolding
support with his writing skills, reading
skills, attention span, etc I can
eventually see his growth and lesson
the support making him an
independent learner.

Guided and Independent Practice

List/show how you did Explain how you used guided practice
a lot of (ample) guided ● I will first show the students what a topic
practice in your lesson sentence (main idea) looks like and give
(students do and
○ I will give two examples.
teacher guides) ○ The first one I will do by myself, the
Show the second one, I will have them create it
individualized with me.
feedback you will give ● I will then show the students how to include
to your student evidence/facts (details) in a paragraph by
providing examples.
Show multiple
○ I will give them two examples.
activities that you ○ I will do the same thing as I did for the
used to guide the topic sentence section.
student to do the work ● I will show students examples of a conclusion
on their own sentence and write one with them.
○ I will give them two examples.
Show multiple
○ I will do what I have done, write one by
activities that show
myself and then have them brainstorm
you planned for the and create a conclusion sentence as a
students to generalize whole group
this into their lives ● I will have the examples that I do by myself
Show already created, so when the students
brainstorm with me on the second example,
we have some guidance as to what the topic is.
that facilitate
*This represents the idea of, “I do, we do, you do.” I
integration into other am introducing it to them, providing them with an
settings of life and example that I created, they will do an example with
school me, and finally they are doing it on their own about
Share/list how other the animal they researched.
stakeholders in
Providing feedback to students
students’ lives will
● I will provide feedback on a daily basis so they
monitor progress of can give their full focus to what they should
students work on or fix. I will also have workshop time
where I can also provide feedback to the
students right on the spot.
○ If I can provide my student with ADHD
feedback right away, this will keep him
engaged because at the end of every
lesson, if he meets his goals that we set
together before instruction starts for
the day, he gets to pick a prize or earn
time to do what he enjoys.
Activities used
● Students will have writing time where they
will have time to brainstorm ideas or an
outline as to what they are going to include.
● Students will have reading time to find the
facts, brainstorm time to work individually or
with a friend, and finally worksop time will be
beneficial and impacting.
Strategies/activities that facilitate integration into
other aspects of life
● By having workshop time with me, this can
help students build the confidence to gain
communication skills with me and as they
work and collaborate with other groups of
people in their future.
Share/list how other people in students lives will
help facilitate progress
● Families will be able to get updates as to what
is going on in class.
○ I will highlight that we are doing a
research assignment and that it could
be a good idea to help students
brainstorm ideas of what a good topic
sentence and conclusion could be as
well as helping them find the facts to
○ Students will have the opportunity to
share what they have learned and can
have families help them create a draft
of the assignment.
● For my student with ADHD, the other special
education resource teachers that the student
sees on a day to day basis can help facilitate
the progress because if he doesn’t want to
work on it in my class or is just having a rough
day, I will maybe send him with the
assignment if it is okay with the other
*Students will be leaving the animal research
worksheet at school so it doesn’t get lost since it is
used for data.

How will you assess How I will assess the learning goals.
the learning goals? ● I will assess the learning goals by having
List them check in points (one on one meetings) with all
students to see how they are doing and if all is
Are they assessing the going well and following the learning
objectives you set in objectives. (AKA workshop time.)
your lesson plan? Assessing the objectives
State that… ● I will make sure that the objectives are clearly
Share how your relating to the students IEP and that the
student is making the right progress to meet
assessment fits the
the goals at the end of the year.
How does the assessment fit the students’ strengths,
characteristics-streng characteristics, challenges for learners?
ths of the learner, ● Students will be writing a paragraph that is
weaknesses of learner. just the right amount of challenging for the
Discuss how you students. It will push them and their thinking
with language arts.
accommodated the
● The lesson helps the students show their
students with your
interest in the animal they pick, what facts
assessment. they want to include, and their art aspect as
Discuss how well which tends to the visual learners in the
evaluation results will class.
be monitored. ● This lesson is truly based on what the
students need support in and me providing it
Discuss how the
for them.
assessment could or is ● For my student with ADHD, I will be giving
differentiated. (by him extra time since it is said on his IEP that
student interest, he is able to get extra time to work on
readiness for learning projects, tests, and quizzes and this is/might
profile.) be apart of a project at the end of the school
year, so he is given extra time to work on it
since he struggles with attention.
Accommodations for students on the assessment.
● I have given class time and break in the lesson
in order to accommodate the needs of my
● They have class time to complete the
assignment and they have time to have a
break to do what they want for a specific
amount of time before transitioning back to
How will the evaluation results be monitored?
● The evaluation will be monitored by the
worksheet and what response the student
provides, but also the one on one check in
(AKA workshop time) that I will be having
with each student.
How is the assessment being differentiated?
● This lesson could be differentiated in a way
that maybe has a student who is at a different
level than other students, they could include
more facts or another paragraph for them to
keep expanding their understanding of
writing and the animal.


Self reflect on lesson Reflect on lesson planning, instruction, etc.

planning, instruction ● The lesson will be able to be adapted to
after teaching lesson, accommodate all learners and their IEP so I
can be aware as the teacher to help them gain
changes made, how
new progress and confidence with their
lesson modified, learning.
teacher attitude and ● I feel that with the lesson, it will challenge all
behaviors influenced students, but not over push them to where it
your lesson. could cause moments of outbursts that would
The above ideas need take their attention away for the rest of the
day because getting off track can be a
to be documented.
challenging thing for students.
How will you do the ● Being aware is the biggest thing that takes
reflection pieces you priority with this lesson because I need to be
said above? alert to see where things are going right, and
Self reflects how where things could be improved with my
students’ progress is teaching, planning, etc and how that affects
my students.
monitored and how
● I think that when coming up with how to
they conduct it. adapt this lesson for my student with ADHD,
it really got me thinking about how and when
I would implement break times, get him
regulated to put his full effort and attention
into the lesson and work. This did really show
me about how much thought and patience it
takes to make sure that my students with my
disabilities that are present in my class, are
getting all of their needs met.
Reflect on how I will document the ideas above?
● I will document the ideas above by keeping all
worksheets that students complete because
that can go towards data for students and
their IEPs.
Reflection on students’ progress is being monitored.
● Progress will be kept on a different worksheet
that will have check boxes for me to check off
when I feel a student understands each part of
a paragraph.
● I will be able to check that box off by having
that one on one meeting check in (AKA
workshop time) where they can provide me
with an example during that time.
● For my student with ADHD, I will be
monitoring their behavior with a chart that is
only used for the parents and educators the
student sees. I think that this is a good way to
track weekly behavior in the classroom.
○ To me, at the end of the day what
matters most is the growth that I am
able to see in my student as a learner,
but also as an individual. For me to be
their teacher and to see firsthand how
they learn best and how they function
as an individual is great guidance as to
how I can help them in my classroom
for the entire year.

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