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Real Estate Royal Brains

Showdown Quiz Bee

DECEMBER 08, 2024

Per sec 39, any violation of RA 9646 including violations of the IRR by
an unlicensed/not accredited person shall be meted the penalty of fine
of not less than P 200,000 and/or ------ years imprisonment.
4 years
4 Years

Refers to the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service.

The Board

The Board shall be assisted by the Commission in carrying out the

provisions of RA 9646 & IRR. The lawyers of the Commission shall act
as ------ against Illegal practitioners and other violators.

----- refers to an official in the local government unit, who performs

appraisal and assessment of real properties, including plants,
equipment, and machineries essentially for taxation purpose
Real Estate Assessor
real estate assessor
Real estate assessor

There shall be at least 1 licensed real estate broker for every ------
accredited salespersons per Sec 32.

House Bill number of RESA law

The Chairman of the Board of Real Estate service is Ofelia C. Binag
while the chairperson of PRC is ------
Hon. Charito A. Zamora
Charito A. Zamora
Charito Zamora


Charito A. Zamora was just appointed last 2022. She succeeded Tiofilo
Pilando Jr. as the Chairperson of PRC.
Attendance in Real Estate Seminar and Review with certification as
provided by an accredited ------ by PRC is prerequisite in taking the
Real Estate Broker's Exam.
service providers
Service Providers
Service providers

Not included in the composition of the official seal of the Professional

Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service ( PRBRES ):
 Land, structures, trees & fruits; green lines, rising sun
 Red, white, blue, yellow, gold
 Blue. green. sun & rays map of the Philippines
 Building, blue, green, violet

No partnership or corporation shall engage in the business of real

estate service unless it is duly registered with the SEC and persons
authorized to act for the partnership or corporation are all ------ real
estate brokers, appraisers or consultants as the case may be.
duly registered and licensed
Duly Registered and Licensed
Duly registered and licensed

Senate Bill number of RESA law


Not true interpretation:

 Land - real estate; structures - improvement on land; trees &
fruits -agriculture produce: green lines - real estate practitioners
 Red. white, blue, yellow. - color of the Philippine flag, blue -
service; green - environment & ecology
 Sun and rays - life & light; rising sun-vital role of resp in
Philippine progress; map of the Philippines - the Philippine
 Land - prime rice land; red - alertness. vigilance

IRR of RA No. 9646 refers to several words except:

 Implementing Requirements & Rules of RA 9646
 Implementing Rules & Regulations of RA 9646
 regulations
 IRR - Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines

Divisions or departments of partnership and corporation engaged in

marketing or selling any real estate development project in the regular
course of business must be headed by ------ registered and licensed
real estate broker in accordance with Sec 32
Full time
full time
Full Time

The ------ of the official seal of the PRBRES signifies ethical

standards and prosperity.

The number of rules of RESA IRR or number of articles of RESA


----- refers to and consist of real estate consultants, real estate

appraiser, real estate assessor real estate broker, real estate
Real estate service practitioners

The house speaker who signed the RESA law was

Prospero C. Nograles
The natural and integrated professional organization of natural
persons duly registered and licensed as real estate service
practitioners. To be recognize by the Board as the only accredited
organization of real estate practitioners. It is mandatory to join for
those registered with the PRB-RES. ------


The duration of the Professional Indemnity Insurance of Real Estate

Broker is ------
3 years
Three Years

A real estate broker shall be guilty of violating RA 9646 or the IRR for
utilizing the services of a real estate salesperson who has not secured
the required ------ from the Board.

Not included in the following instances leading to revocation or

suspension of Certificate of Registration and the Professional
Identification Card:
 Procurement of certificate of registration and/or professional
identification card, or special/temporary permit by fraud or
deceit; unprofessional or unethical conduct
 Allowing an unqualified person to advertise or to practice the
profession by using one's certificate of registration or
professional identification card or special temporary permit.

 Malpractice or violation of any of the provisions of RA 9646, the

IRR; and the Code of Ethics & Responsibilities for real estate
senice practitioners.
 Engaging in the practice of profession during the period of one's


All answers are grounds for suspension or revocation of certificate of

registration; however, in previous Board Exam Questions, this is the
answer given.
RA 9646 or RESA law has sections. ------
45 sections
45 Sections


If the question was the IRR, the answer is 45 RULES!

RESA law became effective on

July 30, 2009
July 30 2009
july 30 2009
july 30, 2009

Real estate salesperson, either directly or indirectly can negotiate,

mediate, or transact any real estate transaction for and in behalf of a
real estate broker without first securing an ------ as real estate
salesperson for the real estate broker as prescribed by the Board
Authorized Accreditation
Authorized accreditation
authorized accreditation

Per Sec 31 of IRR RESA, Board may accredit real estate salesperson
until July 30, 2011 if they are registered with DTI and in the active
practice for at least 3 years as may be certified by a licenses broker or
real estate developer prior to effectivity of RA 9646 and with ------
training hours in real estate brokerage and have submitted NSO
certificate of live birth, NW clearance, certificate of educational
attainment or its equivalent, notarized certificate of training seminar,
and notarized certificate of their supervising licensed broker as may
be required by the board.

The Real Estate Practitioner who fail to comply with the necessary
CPE requirements within ------ years after effectivity of RA 9646 on
or before July 30, 2011 shall be required to take the Board Exam
2 years

Under Sec 32 on corporate practice of the real estate service,

developer shall regularly submit to the commission and to SEC a list
of ------
Licensed Real Estate Service Practitioners

In order that a candidate may be deemed to have passed the

examination, he/ she must have obtained 75% in all subjects with no
rating below ------ in any subject.

The ------ of the official seal of the PRBRES signifies the vital role of
the real estate service practitioners in the social, political, economical
development and progress of the Philippines

Rising Sun
Rising sun
rising sun

Under sec 32, the partnership or corporation shall regularly submit a

list of its real estate service practitioners to the Commission and SEC
as part of its ------ reportorial requirements.

Per Sec 31 of 1RR RESA, for real estate salesperson shall be

accredited by the Board with at least 2 years of college , with at least
------ units in real estate brokerage/ CEP, no examination shall be
12 credit units
12 Credit Units
12 credit
12 Credit

In case termination or resignation from office of a real estate

practitioner, the same shall be reported by employer to the Board
within a period not to exceed ------ days from date of effectivity
PRBRES through Resolution Number ___ series of 2010 adopts the

An act regulating the practice of Real Estate Service in the Philippines

or within the Philippine jurisdiction. -----
RA 9646
Republic Act 9646
republic act 9646

Cash surety bond of real estate broker is renewable every ------ .

3 years
three years
Three Years

Per sec 39. any violation of RA 9646 including violations of the IRR by
a licensed/ accredited person shall be meted the penalty of fine of not
less than ------ and/or 2 years imprisonment.
P 100,000.00
Php 100,000.00
One Hundred Thousand Pesos
100 thousand

The Board shall create a ------ composed of a chairperson coming

from the Board a member from AIPO and a member from the academe.
CPE Council
cpe council
Cpe Council

------ refers to a person who conducts valuation and possesses the

necessary qualifications. license. ability, and experience.
Real Estate Appraiser
real estate appraiser
Real estate appraiser

The president who signed the RESA law

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

----- refers to a duly registered and licensed natural person who for
a professional fee act as an agent for real estate transaction.
Real Estate Broker

Under corporate practice of the real estate service, developer's

marketing group must be headed by a ------

Full time registered & licensed Real Estate Broker/Appraiser

Full Time Registered & Licensed Real Estate Broker/Appraiser

The Chairman of Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service

is ------
Ofelia Binag

Real Estate Service Practitioners shall refer to ------ .

Real Estate Consultants, Real Estate Appraisers, Real Estate
Assessors, Real Estate Brokers & Real Estate Salesperson

Real Estate salesperson is a duly accredited natural person by PRC

who performs Real Estate service in behalf of a ------
Real estate broker

The professional identification card from PRC shall be renewed every


3 years
three years
Three years

The board shall adopt and promulgate the Code of Ethics &
Responsibilities for real estate practitioners which shall be prescribed
by the ------
Accredited and Integrated Professional Organization

No foreigner may be admitted to take the board exam nor be given

certificate to operate in the Philippines unless there is ------
Foreign Reciprocity
foreign reciprocity
Foreign reciprocity

Branch office shall be manned by ------ real estate brokers,

appraisers, consultants as the case may be.
duly licensed
Duly licensed
Duly Licensed

Per sec 30 of IRR RESA, all positions in government requiring the

services of registered and license real estate service practitioners
within ------ years from effectivity shall be filled only by registered
and licensed real estate service practitioners
3 years
three years
Three years

------ is the only accredited and integrated professional organization

by PRC.

------ and ------ – life and light

Sun and Rays

Cash surety bond of real estate broker is ------

not less than Php 20,000.00

RESA law was approved on

June 29, 2009
June 29 2009
june 29 2009
june 29, 2009

No violation of this provision per sec 31 shall be caused for revocation

of broker's license unless there was ------ of such violation or the
broker retains the benefits, profits or proceeds of a transaction
wrongfully negotiated by the salesperson.
actual knowledge
Actual Knowledge
Actual knowledge

Number of sections of the RESA IRR or the RESA law


------ refers to a duly accredited natural person who performs

service for and in behalf of a real estate broker registered and licensed
by PRC
Real Estate Salesperson
Real estate salesperson
Real estate Salesperson

Subject to the provisions of the Labor Code, a corporation or

partnership may hire the services of registered and licensed real
estate brokers, appraisers, consultants on commission basis to
perform real estate services and the latter shall be deemed ------
contractor and not employees of such corporation.

Coverage of those who shall be registered by the Board without

examination except:
 Active practitioners with 15 CEP units during the effectivity of
the of RA 9646 as of July 30, 2009; failed to renew license prior
to July 30, 2009 with 24 CEP units earned from 2007 to July 30,
 Passed 2006 DTI exam and prior years but failed to secure
license upon effectivity of RA 9646 with earnings of 120 CEP
credit units;

 Passed 2007 DTI exam but failed to secure license on July 30,
2009 and with 18 CEP units. Passed 2008 & 2009 DTI exam but
failed to secure license upon effectivity of RA 9646 and with 15
CEP units.
 Passed the 2011 exam but failed to secure license prior to June
I, 2011
The senate president who signed the RESA law was
Juan Ponce Enrile

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