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Q.1 The frequency of vibration (𝜈) of a string may depend upon length (l) of a
string , tension(T)& mass per unit length (m). using dimensions derive the formula .
(𝜈= √ )
𝑙 𝑚

Q.2 The centripetal force (F) acting on a body may depend upon mass of the body
(m),radius of the circle (r)& frequency of revolution (𝜈). Derive the formula

Q.3 The wavelength (ℷ) of wave may depend upon plank,s constant (h) ,mass (m)
𝑘 ℎ
, and velocity (v) of the particle. Using dimensions derive the formula. (ℷ= )

Q.4 The frequency (𝜈) of an oscillating drop may depend upon the radius (r) ,
density(𝜌) &surface tension(s) of the liquid. Derive the formula dimensionally.
(𝜈 = 𝑘 √ )
𝜌𝑟 3
Q.5 Assuming that the mass (m) of largest stone that can be moved by a flowing
river depend only upon the velocity (v) ,density (𝜌),acc due to gravity(g). show that
m varies with the sixth power of the velocity of the flow.(m=kv6g-3𝜌)

Q.6 The centripetal force F acting on a particle moving uniformly in a circle may
𝑚𝑣 2
depend mass m, velocity v, and radius r. Derive the formula dimensionally. (F=K )

Q.7 By dimensions derive the formula for energy of a body depends upon the mass m
, the frequency 𝜈 and the amplitude of vibration r . (E =k m 𝜈2r2)

Q.8 Show dimensionally that the frequency 𝜈 𝑜𝑓 waves in a string of length l and
𝑘 𝑇
mass per unit length m under a tension T is given by 𝜈= √ .
𝑙 𝑚

Q.9 The time period T of oscillation depends upon pressure P , density d and energy E
solve the formula dimensionally. (T= k P—5/6d1/2E1/3)

Q.10The velocity of sound waves v through a medium may depend on density of the
medium d and the modulus of elasticity E . Deduce the formula by the method of
dimensions. Take K=1. (v =√ )
Q11.Reynoald number NR (a dimensionless quantity) determines the condition of
the laminar flow of a viscous liquid through a pipe. NR is a function of the density of
the liquid ‘ρ’, its average speed ‘v’ and coefficient of viscosity ‘η’. Given that NR is also
directly proportional to ‘D’ (the diameter of the pipe), show from dimensional
considerations that
NR ∝ .The unit of η in S I system is Kg m-1 s-1 .


Q.1 The escape velocity v = √ where M = mass , R = radius .

Q.2 The energy E = m c2 where m=mass, c=velocity of light.

𝜋𝑃𝑟 4
Q.3 The rate of flow V= where r = radius , P/l =pressure gradient ,𝜂= coefficient
of viscosity.

Q.4 The wavelength 𝜆= where h = plank’s constant , m=mass, v=velocity.

Q.5 Check all three equations of motion : v=u + a t , s=u t + ½ a t2, v2—u2=2a s .

𝑚𝑔𝑙 3
Q.6 By the method of dimension test the accuracy of the equation: δ= 3 Where
4𝑏𝑑 𝑌
δ=depression, l= length ,b = breath d= depth , m= mass Y = young modulus (Y = M L -
1 -2
T )


Q.1 Convert an energy of 1 joule into ergs. (1 j= 107ergs)

Q.2 Find the value of a force of 100 N on a system based upon the metre , the kg ,
the minute as the fundamental units . (36 x 104 new unit)

Q.3 Convert force of one N into dynes. (1 N =105dyne)

Q.4 Given G in c.g.s system as 6.67x 10--8 dyne cm2/g2. Find the value in m.k.s
system .
(6.67x10-11N m2/kg2)
Q.5When 1 mtr. , 1 kg and 1 minute are taken as fundamental units , the magnitude
of a force is 36 units . What is the value of this force on c.g.s system? (10 3dyne)

Q. 6 A calorie is a unit of heat energy and it about 4.2 J Where 1J =1 Kg m2/s2.

Suppose we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass =α Kg, the unit of
length =β m, the unit of time is γ sec. Show that a calorie has a magnitude 4.2 α-1β-
2 2
γ in terms of the new units.

Q.7 Find the value of 60 J per min on a system that has 100 g, 100 cm and 1 min as
the base units. (2.16x 106 new unit)

Q.1 In Vander wall’s equation ( P + 2 ) (V –b )= R T .What are the dimensions of a and
b ? Where P is pressure , V is volume , T is temperature. (a=ML5T-2, b = L3)

𝑏−𝑥 2
Q.2 Find the dimension of a and b in P = , where P is power , x is distance and t
is time. (a= M-1T2, b= L2)

𝑏−𝑥 2
Q.3 Write the dimension of ax b in the relation E= , where E is energy , x is
distance and t is time. (M-1L2T)

Q.4 If the units of force , energy and velocity are 10 N , 100 J and 5 m s-1. Find the
units of length , mass and time. ( 10m,4 kg, and 2 s )

Q.5 If the unit of force were k N that of time millisecond and that of power Kw. What
is the unit of mass and length? (1 kg , 10-3m).

Q.6 Find the dimensions of a/b in the equation F= a√x + b𝑡 2 where F is force, x is
distance and t is time. (L-1/2 T2)

Q.7 Calculate x in the equation (velocity)x = (pressure diff)3/2 x (density)-3/2.

Q.8 The displacement of a progressive wave is represented by y = A sin (ωt – kx)

where x is distance and t is time. Write the dimensional formula of ω and k.

Q.9 In the expression P = El2 m-5 G-2 ; E, m, l and G denote energy, mass, angular
momentum and gravitational constant resp. Show that P is dimensionless quantity.

Q.10 A famous relation in Physics relates ‘moving mass’ m to the ‘rest mass’ m0 of a
particle in the terms of its speed v and the speed of light c. A boy recalls the relation
almost correctly but forgets where to put the constant c. He writes m = √1−𝑣 2
, Guess
where to put the missing c.

Q.11 The velocity of the body which has fallen freely under gravity varies as gphq
where g is acc. due to gravity and h is the height trough which body is fallen .
Determine the value of p and q. ( p=1/2 , q=1/2 )
Q.12 If ‘slap’ times speed equals power, what will be the dimensional equation for
‘slap’? (MLT-2)

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