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Matrix of Communication Theories

By : Ma. Christina Angelica Bureros BAC - Broadcast Journalism 3rd Year

Theory Proponent and Gist Example

Year Propounded

Cognitive Dissonance First presented by States that our minds A smoker who is
Theory Leon Festinger in go through a process aware of the health
1957. of confusion and risks associated with
logical conflict called smoking may
cognitive dissonance experience cognitive
when faced with new dissonance because
information that they are holding two
conflicts with existing contradictory beliefs
information. simultaneously, the
desire to smoke and
the desire to stay

The Spiral of Silence The model was Explains that an Bloc 3A has decided
Theory created by a German individual's to implement a
political scientist willingness to sinking fund of 50
named Elisabeth share/express his/her pesos per week for
Noelle-Neumann in opinions publicly may their summer outing
1974. change in response after midterms.
to the majority or Everyone else
minority viewpoints. agreed except for
Angelica who found
this financially
overbearing. But
since she didn’t want
to ruin her
excitement, she
chose to stay silent
even if she couldn’t
afford it to avoid
being called a killjoy.

Agenda Setting Formally developed Discusses the When you opened

Theory by Maxwell media's influence on Twitter, you were
McCombs and society by controlling bombarded with
Donald Lewis Shaw what to think about topics of the Chiefs
in a study on the and how to think winning the
1968 presidential about it. Superbowl and Taylor
election deemed "the Swift’s attendance,
Chapel Hill study". the repeated
emphasis on these
particular issues by
the media influences
your perception of
their importance and
relevance. This may
lead to certain topics
such as the war in
Gaza and Congo
being ignored or
given less attention in
favor of stories that
are more dramatic or

Modeling Behavior Developed by Albert Describes the Glory has become

Theory Bandura in the process of influenced by some
1960s. learning or acquiring of her peers’
new information, mannerisms and
skills, or behavior slang used as she
through learned and adapted
observation, rather their behaviors
than through direct through observation.
experience or trial
and error efforts.

Communication Developed by Suggests that In a job interview or

Accommodations Howard Giles in the individuals adapt their meeting, you may
Theory 1970s. speech patterns, modify your
gestures, and communication style
language use to to conform to the
either match with or interviewer's or your
divert from the coworkers' formality
communication style and tone, such as
of their using more formal
conversational language,
partners. maintaining proper
posture, and
speaking at a
moderate pace.

Uses and developed by Explores how A lot of mothers use

Gratification Theory researchers Elihu individuals actively YouTube to look for
Katz, Jay Blumler, engage with media to channels like
and Michael fulfill specific needs Cocomelon and Miss
Gurevitch in the or desires. Rachel, to entertain
1970s. their toddlers while
they do chores and
run errands.
Social Learning Developed by A process of learning When parenting,
Theory psychologist Albert through observing, children observe and
Bandura in the imitating and imitate their parents'
1960s. interacting with behaviors, such as
others. how they
communicate, how
they handle conflicts,
and how they interact
with others.

Network Theory A study of how things In a friend group,

are connected or each individual is
organized. connected to one
another through their
friendships. This
demonstrates how
information travels
over networks and
how people act as
information providers.

Media Dependency Introduced by the Explores the My father relies on

Theory American relationship between CNN to stay informed
communication media, society, and about international
researchers Sandra individuals, focusing current events,
Ball-Rokeach and on the dependence of politics, and world
Melvin DeFleur in individuals on media affairs, while I rely on
1976. for information, Twitter for more
entertainment, and updates about pop
other needs. culture.

Limited Effects Proposed by The media has a Johanna, as a gen Z,

Theory Austrian–American limited effect on has liberal views in
sociologist Paul audiences and that politics, so she
Lazarsfeld in the individual scours information in
1940s. characteristics such the internet that have
as personal values, sources with a liberal
beliefs, and attitudes bias. Her parents on
are more important in the other hand are
shaping behavior more conservative,
than exposure to so they prefer to
media content. watch news channels
or read newspapers
that have a
conservative bias.

Framing Theory Published by Erving Suggests how During campaign

Goffman in 1974. something is period, Darios
presented to the emphasized that he
audience influences is to make sure that
the choices people rice prices will lessen,
make about how to appealing to voters
process that that has long awaited
information. for rice prices to
decrease ever since
the inflation.

Standpoint Theory Published by Nancy A framework used to Arthur a white

Hartsock in 1983. analyze the viewpoint American, believes
one holds based on that police brutality is
the social location or nonsense and that
group one belongs to. people are just
finding ways to
complain. Andrei, a
black American,
believes otherwise as
he belongs in a
marginalized group
that has firsthand
experience of racial

Organizational Initially proposed by An approach that There are multiple

Culture Theory American explores how shared practices and rituals
anthropologist values, beliefs, embedded within
Clifford Geertz in the norms, and practices Glaiza’s workplace
1970s. within an organization such as having lunch
shape its members' together every Friday,
behavior, attitudes, mid-year events,
and interactions. partying before peak
season etc.

Media Richness Developed by Suggests that Glory, the executive

Theory organizational different manager of Issy and
theorists Richard L. communication Co. has decided to
Daft and Robert H. methods vary in their fire an employee.
Lengel in the 1980s. ability to convey She has decided to
information tell this employee
effectively. face-to-face, instead
of a mere email, to
allow a more
empathetic exchange
for better

Uncertainty Developed by Dale Focuses on how Jake, on his first date

Management Theory E. Brashers and his individuals and with Erick, has a lot
colleagues in the late groups cope with of uncertainties as to
1990s. uncertainty in various how the affair will go.
contexts and that To diminish these, he
people use decided to fully
techniques to communicate with his
manage and lessen date about their
uncertainty. intentions to build
further trust and
foundation in their

Selective Exposure Developed by a Describes people's Ariane is a vegan

Theory psychologist, Leon tendency to favor through and through,
Festinger in 1957. information that and it irritates her to
confirms their existing still see people on
beliefs while avoiding her timeline that still
contradicting choose to consume
information. animal production. So
she decided to block
out these type of
posts and made sure
her timeline is
curated to only show
posts that relate to
her being vegan.

Social Judgement Developed by The process or Janua was raised in a

Theory Muzafer Sherif and perception and conservative and
Carl Hovland in the judgement based on religious family, so
1960s. one’s attitude when when she met people
an individual faces from university that
specific messages or dress in what she
issues. thinks are
provocative clothes,
she judges them
based on her

Social Identity Theory Formulated by two Explores how Being female means
social psychologists, individuals' that I conform to
Henri Tajfel and self-concept and gender norms and
John Turner in the identity are shaped expectations
1970s on to the by their membership associated with being
1980s. in social groups. female. So I dress
more feminine, i’m
interested in pop
culture, I have more
emotional intellect

Persuasion Theory Theorized by Deals with messages As Jasmine was

Muzafer Sherif and aimed at subtly scrolling through
Carl Hovland during changing the Tiktok, she saw her
the 1940s. attitudes of receivers. favorite influencer
vouch for a product
and it’s effectivity.
Seeing that this
influencer is known
for honest reviews,
she was persuaded
into buying the said
product endorsed.

Hyperpersonal Model Comes from the work Focuses on As Jasmine was

of Joseph Walther in understanding the receiving messages
1996. dynamics of from Glaiza and
interpersonal Johanna, she
communication in somehow felt that
computer-mediated Johanna’s long
environments, such written message was
as email, instant what she found more
messaging, social sincere than Glaiza’s
media, and online voicemail. Only
forums. because she thought
Johanna really took
her time to write that
message in detail for
her to read.

The Theory of Developed by Icek Refers to an Drew has gained

Planned Behavior Ajzen, a individual's positive more weight since
psychologist, in the or negative her 1st year in
late 1980s. evaluation of college, this resulted
performing a from her developing
particular behavior. an unhealthy habit of
eating lots of fast
food. Since then she
has planned her
meals to be healthier
so she maintains a
healthy well-being.

Health Belief Theory Developed by social States that a person’s Your neighbor
psychologists willingness to change believes that when
Hochbaum, their health behaviors they get vaccinated
Rosenstock and primarily comes from for COVID-19, it will
others in the 1950s. their health cause death. So they
perceptions. refuse to get
vaccinated which
may lead to their
vulnerability against
the disease.
Adaptive Developed by Studies how group In Group 5’s study
Structuration Theory Marshall Scott structures form and session, a leader is
Poole in 2008. how they impact assigned, the one
communication and with notes from past
decision-making. lectures is tasked to
provide material, the
one who has data on
their phone can look
for more information
regarding the
material in Google, all
these people together
provide a structure in
the group that allows
them to work even

Face Negotiation Conceived by Stella Understands how Farrah is shy while

Theory Ting-Toomey in people from different Kyla is
1985. cultures manage confrontational, they
rapport and were grouped
disagreements, and together to make an
that regardless of activity. As Farrah
their culture, people submitted her part of
are all concerned the activity, Kyla
with saving face. critiqued her work. To
Kyla, this is only for
the betterment of the
result of their activity.
But to Farrah, this
was insulting her
work. Since they’re
still far from
concluding their
activity, Farrah chose
to save face and
avoid conflict in order
to keep the harmony.

Speech Act Theory Pioneered by Focuses on the ways Jungwon expressed

philosopher John in which language is his need for Jay to
Langshaw Austin in used to perform get him a glass of
1962 and later actions and achieve water because he is
developed by John social goals beyond thirsty. He expressed
Searle in 1979. simply conveying his need to Jay by
information. telling him, and Jay
responded by taking
action and giving him
a glass of water.
Social Presence Proposed by social The way individuals During the pandemic,
Theory psychologists John represent themselves Sol was forced to
Short, Ederyn in their online have his classes
Williams, and Bruce environment online. Normally,
Christie in 1976. demonstrated by the classes go by with
way messages are students interacting
posted and how with each other
those messages are where the social
interpreted by others. presence can be high
due to the exchange
of ideas, emotions,
and feedback. But
online, where there's
minimal interaction,
social presence may
be low.

Muted Group Theory developed by the Explains the cause of Krizha has noticed
anthropologist Edwin muteness by a that during their
Ardener in the certain group of family gatherings, the
1970s, and Cheris population especially teens and the kids
Kramarae. of women in the tend to feel like their
society, where it thoughts are not
upholds a gender acknowledged by the
perspective with the older adults when
males as the talking.
dominant class.

Theory of Individual Historical records Focuses on In your circle of

Differences show that it was understanding and friends, eating out
Charles Darwin explaining the ways with them may have
(1859) who first in which individuals you realize that all of
spurred the scientific vary from one your tastes vary. One
interest in the study another in terms of friend hates spice
of individual their cognitive while the other
differences. abilities, personality prefers them. Another
traits, behavioral friend has allergies
tendencies, and other so they avoid to eat
psychological seafood, while you
characteristics. freely can. Another
likes to pair their
meal with soda as a
refresher, while the
others juice and

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