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Maths Interview Questions

1. Slope of y = 𝑥3 + 5
Answer - 3x^2 is the slope of y=x^3+5.
2. 𝑎⃗ × 𝑏⃗ = ab Sin $, where $ is the angle between a and b.
3. 𝑎⃗ ∙ 𝑏⃗ = ab Cos $, where $ is the angle between a and b.
4. Basic Integration
5. Basic Questions related to Trigonometry, mensuration, Pythagoras THM
6. Rolls Theorem
7. Matrices
8. Vector
9. Probability
10. Logical reasoning, Rotational Number
11. What is meaning of radians
12. Value of sin 90 , cos 360
13. Trigonometric values
14. Statistics
15. 13, 57, 1090, 166, 1494, 1623______ find the mean of the data given.
16. Mean of first n natural number is 5n/9 then, what is the value of n?
17. A bag contains 5 red balls, some blue balls if the probability of withdrawing the blue ball is
double than that of red balls. Then what is the number of blue ball.
18. What is symmetric matrix.
19. Equation of line
20. Intercept of line
21. Trigonometry identities
22. Equilateral triangle
23. What is incenter
24. What is circumcentre
25. What is the formula to find roots of quadratic equation?
26. Standard equation of ellipse.
27. Doppler effect
28. Invertible matrix
29. Some questions from probability and one questions from relation and function
30. Name any two theorems in maths
31. What is exterior angles and what are corresponding angles
32. Formula of tan3 x
33. Bernoulli theorem and its application.
34. Differentiation of tan3 x they asked me to answer this without using pen.
35. Difference between square and rhombus?
36. What is ellipse?
37. What is meaning of radians?

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