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Eidan Anthony Santillan TISSUE PROCESSING


A small portion of the heart tissue was

FIXATION PROCESS sliced and separated, placed it in the
tissue cassette, and finished the fixing
process by submerging it in formalin
for 20 minutes in a container.
We shall dispose of the formalin under
running water after 20 minutes and go
on to the next tissue operation.
Formalin's accessibility, cost, and
simplicity of preparation make it a
great option for fixative application.
allergic dermatitis. Furthermore, it
maintains antigenicity and stops
enzymatic activity, making staining
and analysis easier later on. For
reliable histopathological research
and diagnosis, proper fixation is
essential since it enables the tissue
architecture and pathological
alterations viewed under a

The tissue is submerged in 70% alcohol

ALCOHOL PROCESS for ten minutes during this phase of the
tissue processing procedure.
After 10 minutes of discarding, 90%
alcohol was consumed, and then 100%
alcohol for ten minutes. By progressively
by immersing the tissue in ever greater
alcohol concentrations, this process
removes water derived from the tissue.
Dehydration causes a substance that is
easily absorbed to replace the water in
the tissue and absorbed by the
embedding media, preparing it for the
subsequent embedding in a supporting
medium such as paraffin wax. tissue
structural preservation and future tissue
processing simplicity sections and
embedding for microscopic examination,
for example, are ensured by appropriate
loss of moisture.
Eidan Anthony B. Santillan TISSUE PROCESSING

We immersed the tissue specimen in

CLEARING PROCESS Xylene for 10 minutes to facilitate the
cleaning procedure, disposed of the
Xylene using running water, and
thereafter applied the wax. Clearing
entails getting rid of alcohol and other
tissue dehydration agents, swapping
them out with a material that is miscible
with both alcohol and the embedding
media, like various cleansing agents,
such as xylene. Through this procedure,
the tissue becomes translucent,
facilitating greater embedding media
uptake and ideal maintaining the
morphology of the tissue. Additionally,
clearing helps to eliminate any remaining
water and makes it easier to separate the
tissue later on. microscopic analysis.
Making ensuring the tissue is sufficiently
cleared before undergoing the
embedding, sectioning, and staining
processes in histopathological

IMPREGNATION During the impregnation procedure, a

support medium—usually wax or resin—
is infused into the tissue to provide it
structural stability and allow thin
sectioning for analysis under a
microscope. This procedure comes
after the cleaning and tissue
dehydration phases. When the tissue is
impregnated, it is submerged in melted
resin or wax, enabling the medium to
take the role of the cleaning agent by
penetrating the interstitial spaces in
the tissue. Pregnancy guarantees that
the During sectioning, tissue keeps its
integrity and form. For the purpose of
creating high-quality thin sections that
properly depict under a microscope the
appearance and pathophysiology of the

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