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“Para Phrasing and Summarization”

Academic Thesis Writing


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Waqas Talib
Analysing National Innovation System of Pakistan
Muhammad Anwar ul Haq (Corresponding Author)*, Yan Jingdong Nazar Hussain Phulpoto, Muhammad
Usman School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China
ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) Vol.4, No.4, 2014

The innovation system of Pakistan has evolved over time. In the efforts to make the system of innovation
more effective there is a need to diversify the policy formulation process. Unless until all the stakeholder
are taken onboard while formulating policy the development of an effective and interactive system will
remain a dream. There is also need to diversify the existing research efforts as they are mostly
concentrated in the agriculture sector. One practical step may be to start industrial PhD programs with
the collaboration and universities and private sector entities. In order to enhance the collaborative
arrangements among institutions the development of technological parks of universities may be a very
practical step wherein the researcher, the entrepreneurs and the funding agencies meet each other. Such
collaborations will be fruitful in making research efforts more applied in nature. Moreover, this will give a
boost to meagre technology diffusion in innovation system of Pakistan.

Para Phrasing
Pakistan's innovation system has evolved throughout time. Diversifying the policy formation
process is necessary in efforts to improve the effectiveness of the innovation system. Unless
and until all stakeholders are involved in policy formulation, the establishment of an effective
and participatory system will remain a pipe dream. There is also a need to diversify existing
research activities, which are primarily focused on agriculture. One practical approach could be
the establishment of industrial PhD programs in conjunction with universities and private sector
firms. To improve collaboration arrangements among institutions, the construction of university
technological parks may be a highly practical step in which researchers, entrepreneurs, and
funding organizations interact. Such collaborations will be beneficial in increasing the application
of scientific efforts in nature. Furthermore, this will help to accelerate the diffusion of limited
technology in Pakistan's innovation system.

Pakistan's innovation system needs diversification to improve effectiveness. Stakeholder
involvement is crucial for a participatory system. Existing research activities should focus on
agriculture, and collaborations between universities, private sector firms, and researchers can
be improved through industrial PhD programs and university technological parks. This will
increase scientific application and accelerate technology diffusion.

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Waqas Talib
Digitalization and Green Economy – changes of business perspectives
Narcisa Roxana Moşteanu, Alessio Faccia, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere

Digitalization and green economy principles bring together many benefits for all stakeholder. Starting
from: cutting costs with consumables (paper, pens, ink…), utilities (electricity, water, cleaning
materials…) and increase profit by default; taking the business to the upper stage, facing the competition
by using new technologies which make possible the offer of new services; simplifying the flow of
operations inside the organization; give space for innovation and creativity for new services and
products; increasing the organizational performance, by releasing employees from routine tasks – which
are taken by API or robots – case of financial institutions, or encouraging R&D in new domains which
imply digitalization, FinTech or cybersecurity, disseminating to all interested people; shifting from old
business approach to digital one; develop and create new skills (special, academia equip students with
new skills and competences, which make them employable on 21st century labor market); and,
indirectly, maintaining the labor market and economic-financial competition in equilibrium;

Para Phrasing
Digitalization and green economy concepts combine to provide numerous benefits to all
stakeholders. Starting with: cutting costs with consumables (paper, pens, ink...), utilities
(electricity, water, cleaning materials...), and increasing profit by default; taking the business to
the next level, competing by using new technologies that enable the offering of new services;
simplifying the flow of operations within the organization; allowing space for innovation and
creativity for new services and products; increasing organizational performance by freeing
employees from routine tasks - which are now performed by APIs or robots in the case of
financial institutions - or encouraging R&D in new domains implying digitalization, FinTech, or
cybersecurity, and disseminating to all interested parties; shifting from an old business approach
to a digital one, acquire and generate new skills (in particular, academia equips students with
new skills and competencies that make them marketable in the twenty-first century labor
market); and, indirectly, keeping the labor market and economic-financial competitiveness in

Digitalization and green economy concepts offer numerous benefits to stakeholders, including
cost reduction, increased profit, competitiveness, simplified operations, innovation, increased
performance, and the ability to shift from traditional business approaches to digital ones. They
also encourage R&D in new domains, equip students with marketable skills, and maintain
balance between the labor market and economic-financial competitiveness.

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Waqas Talib
Why Traditional Technology Acceptance Models Won't Work for Future
Information Technologies?
Carsten Röcker
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Information and
Communication Engineering Vol:4, No:5, 2010

This paper illustrates why existing technology acceptance models are only of limited use for predicting
and explaining the adoption of future information and communication technologies. It starts with a
general overview over technology adoption processes, and presents several theories for the acceptance
as well as adoption of traditional information technologies. This is followed by an overview over the
recent developments in the area of information and communication technologies. Based on the
arguments elaborated in these sections, it is shown why the factors used to predict adoption in existing
systems, will not be sufficient for explaining the adoption of future information and communication

Para Phrasing
This study explains why present technology acceptance models are only limited in their ability to
forecast and explain the adoption of future information and communication technologies. It
begins with a broad overview of technology adoption procedures before presenting numerous
hypotheses for the acceptance and implementation of traditional information technologies. This
is followed by a summary of current developments in information and communication
technologies. It is demonstrated in these sections why the parameters used to forecast adoption
in existing systems will not suffice to explain the adoption of future information and
communication technologies.

This study explains that current technology acceptance models are insufficient in predicting and
explaining the adoption of future information and communication technologies. It provides an
overview of technology adoption procedures, hypotheses, and current developments,
highlighting the limitations of existing models.

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Waqas Talib

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