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Before starting the Spider-Man 2099 Workout Program, it is crucial to understand that this program is
designed for individuals with intermediate or advanced fitness levels. If you are a beginner, it is advisable to
begin with a more suitable workout program tailored to your current fitness level.
Intermediate and advanced fitness levels typically imply a solid foundation of strength, endurance, and
familiarity with various exercise techniques. Undertaking this program without the necessary fitness
background may lead to injuries or excessive strain on your body.
Genetics play a significant role in how our bodies respond to exercise and nutrition. Some individuals
may experience rapid muscle growth and strength gains, while others may progress at a more gradual pace.
It's essential to remain patient, stay committed, and avoid making direct comparisons to others' progress.
If you are new to exercise or have any concerns about your physical readiness for this program, I
strongly recommend seeking guidance from a qualified fitness professional or watch videos from a qualified
fitness influencer. They can assess your fitness level, help you establish a foundation, and guide you through
appropriate workouts to prepare you for more advanced training.

Welcome to the Spider-Man 2099

Workout Program, where you'll embark
on an exhilarating fitness journey
inspired by the legendary superhero,
Miguel O'Hara, a.k.a. Spider-Man 2099, as
portrayed in the "Spider-Man: Across the
Spider-Verse" movie. This specialized
and challenging fitness routine is
designed to help you develop a physique
akin to the futuristic version of this iconic character.

In the "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse"

movie, Spider-Man 2099 possesses a well-defined
and muscular physique, reflecting his athletic and
superheroic nature. His broad shoulders and wide
back contribute to his strong and powerful
appearance. Despite his significant muscle mass,
he maintains a lean and ripped physique,
emphasizing his agility and flexibility, which are
essential for his acrobatic and web-swinging

The Spider-Man 2099 Workout

Program is split into five (5) days per
week, each devoted to specific focus
areas to optimize muscle development
and overall strength. Throughout the
week, you'll target different muscle
groups with a well-rounded mix of
compound and isolation exercises,
ensuring a balanced and powerful physique.

Monday = Push Day

Tuesday = Pull Day
Wednesday = Leg Day
Thursday = Rest Day
Friday = Upper Body
Saturday = Lower Body
Sunday = Rest Day

This structured split allows

your muscles to recover while
providing the necessary intensity to push your limits and unleash your inner
Exercises Sets Reps Rest Time
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 6 to 10 2 to 3 mins
Shoulder Press 2 6 to 10 2 to 3 mins
Later Raises (Drop set) 2 To Failure 4 to 5 mins
Chest Fly (Cable/Machine) 2 8 to 12 2 to 3 mins
Tricep Extensions 3 8 to 12 3 to 4 mins

Push the Limits, lift challenging weights in the 6 to 10 rep range for Incline
Dumbbell Press and Shoulder Press. Lateral Raises, use drop sets to take
your shoulder workout to the next level. Form and Focus, concentrate on
proper form, and visualize your targeted muscles during Chest Fly and Tricep
Extensions. You should focus in concentric and eccentric contraction for
optimal results.
Exercises Sets Reps Rest Time
Wide Pull Ups 2 To Failure 4 to 5 mins
Barbell Rows (Bent over rows) 2 8 to 12 2 to 3 mins
Lat Pullovers 2 To Failure 3 to 4 mins
Wide Shrugs 2 To Failure 4 to 5 mins
Bicep Curls (DropSet) 2 To Failure 4 to 5 mins

Challenge yourself with Wide Pull Ups to failure, targeting your upper back and
boosting pulling strength. For Barbell Rows, use a weight allowing 8 to 12 reps
with proper form, focusing on back muscle squeeze. Engage your lats with Lat
Pull Overs, aiming for 12-15 reps to failure and creating a powerful V-taper.
Enhance your traps with heavy Wide Shrugs, pushing sets to failure. Finish
strong with Bicep Curls, performing 12-15 reps per arm to failure, emphasizing
controlled movements. Stay focused on concentric and eccentric contractions
Exercises Sets Reps Rest Time
Romanian Deadlift 2 8 to 12 2 to 3 mins
Squat (Barbell/Smith Machine) 2 6 to 8 3 to 4 mins
Lunges (Walking or Stationary 2 8 to 12 (Each Leg) 3 to 4 mins
Leg Extensions 2 8 to 12 2 to 3 mins
Calf Raises (Dumbbells/Machine) 2 To Failure 3 to 4 mins

Focus on form and mind-muscle connection during Romanian Deadlifts.
Aim for 8-12 reps, emphasizing hamstring stretch and contraction. Squats,
the leg exercise king, challenge with 6-8 reps maintaining proper form.
Engage legs and glutes with Lunges, 8-12 reps per leg. Strengthen quads
with Leg Extensions, 8-12 reps per set, squeezing at the top. Finish with
Calf Raises, going to failure for powerful calves. MY MAN IS CAKED
Exercises Sets Reps Rest Time
Incline Dumbbell Press 2 6 to 10 2 to 3 mins
Chest Fly (Cable or Machine) 2 8 to 12 2 to 3 mins
Lateral Raises (Drop set) 2 To Failure 4 to 5 mins
Barbell Rows (Bent over rows) 2 To Failure 3 to 4 mins
Lat Pullovers 2 To Failure 3 to 4 mins
Triceps Extension (Drop set) 1 To Failure 3 to 4 mins
Hammer Curls (Drop set) 1 To failure 3 to 4 mins
Challenge yourself with 6-10 reps per set, focusing on proper form for
effective chest engagement. Keep intensity high at 8-12 reps per set for
Chest Fly using cables or a machine. Feel the burn with drop sets on Lateral
Raises, pushing to failure for targeted shoulder work. Build a strong back
with Barbell Rows and Pullovers to failure, emphasizing back muscle
squeeze. Finish triceps with a drop set, going to failure for maximum impact.
Sculpt biceps with Hammer Curls' drop set, pushing to failure and
controlling each movement. BRO’S MASSIVE!

Exercises Sets Reps Rest Time

Romanian Deadlift 2 8 to 12 2 to 3 mins
Bulgarian Squats 2 6 to 10 (Each Leg) 3 to 4 mins
Leg Curls 2 To Failure 3 to 4 mins
Leg Externsions 2 To Failure 3 to 4 mins
Calf Raises 2 To Failure 4 to 5 mins
In this lower body workout, aim for 8-12 reps in Romanian Deadlifts,
emphasizing controlled movements to effectively engage your hamstrings.
Challenge yourself with 6-10 reps per leg in Bulgarian Squats, feeling the
intensity in your glutes and quads. Push your limits on Leg Curls, going to
failure, and target your quadriceps with Leg Extensions taken to failure. Finish
strong with Calf Raises, going to failure in each set. DON’T SKIP LEG
To fuel your superhuman aspirations and support your intensive workouts, follow these nutrition
1. Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, tofu, tempeh, and
legumes. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, helping you recover from your challenging
2. Complex Carbohydrates: Option for complex carbohydrates like whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, sweet
potatoes, and oats. These provide a steady source of energy to power through your workouts and keep you
energized throughout the day.
3. Healthy Fats: Include healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish (e.g.,
salmon, mackerel). Healthy fats support hormone production and aid in nutrient absorption.
4. Essential Nutrients: Ensure you get a variety of essential nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and leafy
greens. These provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants crucial for overall health and performance.
5. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration supports
optimal bodily functions and helps prevent fatigue during workouts.
6. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to maintain a balanced diet. Fuel your body with the right
amount of nutrients without overeating or under-eating.
7. Pre-Workout Nutrition: Consume a balanced meal or snack with a mix of protein and complex
carbohydrates about 1-2 hours before your workout. This provides the energy you need for an intense
8. Post-Workout Nutrition: After your workouts, have a post-workout meal or shake that includes protein
and carbohydrates to aid in muscle recovery and replenish glycogen stores.
9. Snack Smart: Option for healthy snacks like Greek yogurt, fruits, nuts, or whole-grain crackers to keep
your energy levels stable between meals.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how different foods make you feel and adjust your diet accordingly.
Everyone's nutritional needs are unique, so find what works best for you.
Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiasts! Today, let's talk about how to approach
different rep ranges in your workouts. When you're given a rep range, like 6
to 10 reps, it's essential to train close to failure or even to failure, depending
on your performance. Aim to make those last 2 to 3 reps challenging to
really push your limits.

Now, if you see "to failure" in your program, don't fret! You can even add
partial reps if you're up for it, but always prioritize proper form. Speaking of
which, while I can't provide direct advice on form, I highly recommend
checking out videos from awesome fitness influencers like Jeff Nippard,
Sean Nalewanyj, and JPGCoaching. They've got some fantastic content that
can help you nail down those exercise techniques.

And hey, if your gym doesn't have specific machines or equipment, no worries! You can always adapt the
exercises, sets, and reps to fit your situation. The key is to stay committed, work hard, and make those gains!
1. Consistency is Key: Stay consistent with your workouts and follow the program as scheduled. Regular
training is essential for progress and achieving your fitness goals.
2. Progressive Overload: Continuously challenge yourself by gradually increasing the weight, reps, or
intensity as you progress. This progressive approach will stimulate muscle growth and strength gains.
3. Focus on Form: Prioritize proper form and technique in every exercise to maximize effectiveness and
reduce the risk of injury. If you're unsure about any exercise, seek guidance from qualified fitness experts.
4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust your workouts accordingly. Rest when
needed, and don't push yourself too hard if you're feeling fatigued or experiencing discomfort.
5. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is crucial for optimal performance and recovery. Drink enough water
before, during, and after your workouts.
6. Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles to recover and repair by getting enough rest between workouts.
Adequate sleep and rest days are vital for muscle growth and overall well-being.
7. Nutrition is Key: Fuel your body with balanced nutrition, including a mix of lean proteins, complex
carbohydrates, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. Proper nutrition supports your workouts and aids in
muscle recovery.
8. Track Your Progress: Keep a workout journal or use fitness apps to track your exercises, sets, reps, and
weights. Monitoring your progress will help you stay motivated and see your improvement over time.
9. Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate your milestones and achievements, no matter how small they may
seem. Recognizing your progress will boost your confidence and keep you motivated.
10. Be Patient: Fitness progress takes time and dedication. Stay patient and committed to your workout
program, and remember that results will come with consistent effort.
11. Enjoy the Journey: Embrace the process and enjoy the journey of becoming stronger and healthier. Find
joy in your workouts, and stay positive throughout the fitness adventure.

With these tips for success, you'll be well-equipped to make the most of your workout program and unleash
your inner superhero strength! Stay focused, stay determined, and let's achieve those goals together!




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