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Idioms Meaning Sentence

To pretend to be Imran Khan himself

happier, less poor, knows that his
etc. than you really government is not
Keep up appearances are. You don’t want performing well. But
people to know about he keeps up
your bad situation. appearances to avoid
public criticism.
If two people see eye Government and
See eye to eye to eye, they agree Opposition cannot
with each other see eye to eye with
each other.
To stop something Coivd-19 should have
Nip something in the before it has an been nipped in the
bud opportunity to bud when it
become established appeared.
Winning again in
Be no mean feat To be a great elections will be no
achievement mean feat for Imran
In a jiffy In a very short time Light is going to shut
down in a jiffy.
Hyderabad sat on the
Sit on the fence To delay making a fence and thus was
decision forcibly annexed to
Many students are ill
Be ill at ease To be worried and not at ease due to
relaxed dramatic Exams’
A search that is
Wild goose chase completely I knew he was on a
unsuccessful and a wild goose chase.
waste of time
An expression used to What he replied to
Stuff and nonsense show that you think my question was
Idioms Meaning Sentence
sth is not true nothing but stuff and
By stepping into
To take someone’s Nawaz Shareef’s
Step into someone’s place, often by doing shoes, Imran Khan
shoes the job he has just left has taken a huge
burden of
Imran Khan is casting
Cast pearls before To offer sth valuable pearls before swine.
swine to someone who does As we all know
not know its value opposition will always
be at odds.
There is always a
Punch-up A fight verbal punch-up in
parliament on the day
of budget.
What Imran Khan told
in his speech was
Whole ball of wax Everything whole ball of wax
regarding economic
Students are het up
over the current
Het up Worried or angry and decision of reopening
not calm schools amid hot
weather and deadly
Nowadays, people are
Attack imaginary made fool easily by
Tilt at windmills enemies or evils. so-called saints who
pretend to tilt at
Bolt from the blue A complete surprise; The current rise in
unexpected inflation is a bold
Idioms Meaning Sentence
from the blue.

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